Destiny Conference 2021: Worship & Creative Presentation - Day 1, Session 1

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the destiny conference 2021. we are so grateful that you are joining us for all around the world those of you here in the auditorium why don't you greet someone that you didn't come with tonight and we are going to jump into some worship and magnify the name that's above every name tonight come on join us [Music] and don't be afraid [Music] run into wide open spaces his grace is waiting for you and dance like the weight has been lifted grace is waiting where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom there is freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom there is freedom come out of the dark just as you are here [Music] the spirit is here [Music] bring all of your birds [Music] [Music] [Applause] open spaces his grace is waiting for him and dance like the weight has been lifted his grace is [Music] where the spirit of the of the lord just as we are here [Music] [Music] there's freedom in jesus [Music] hearts awake at the sound of jesus [Music] in jesus [Music] [Music] here we [Music] is go where the spirit of the lord is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] there's [Music] calling [Music] [Music] grace is [Applause] [Music] where the spirit of the lord [Music] spirit is freedom yes there is [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Music] come on can we just give god a shout offering of our praise tonight when the sun sets free is free indeed lord thank you that it was for freedom that you set us free we're so grateful god for your grace that lives within our hearts [Music] for your beauty that's been shown for your mystery's [Music] we praise you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] praising [Music] [Music] praising you oh yes i'll be [Music] [Music] what are we gonna do we praise you [Music] how it makes [Music] now i'm the righteousness of god in christ when the last day comes and goes and time will be no longer again [Music] praising you [Music] i'll be praising you [Music] the rest on every side trouble and fear so near me and should the whole wide world deny you i'll just make lifting up my hands to you lifting up my heart when the last day comes and goes and time will be no more [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll be praising you yes i will be praising you all right now listen i'll be praising i'll be praising you i'll be praising i'll be [Music] tonight i'll be praising you i'll be praising i'll be praising you oh yeah shouts of faithfulness and love we praise you lord god hallelujah oh god we're so grateful to be called out of darkness into your marvelous light we're so thankful lord god that we become brand new creations no longer having to be conformed to culture into the ways of the world but god we can be transformed we can celebrate your grace come on let's just lift up our hands tonight and thank the one who paid the price nobody else could afford he saw you so valuable to him that he gave everything he gave it all and lord tonight we want to respond back to your love and just say thank you one more time we bless you with hearts of thanksgiving tonight in jesus name thank you lord god oh thank you lord god man we're not going back listen we've already been there done that we're not going back to where we were we're following what god is doing we're following what god is saying and we want to celebrate this tonight his life in us makes all the difference god we're so grateful we're so thankful yes [Music] i'm not going back [Music] i'm here to declare my past is over in you all things surrendering my life to christ i'm moving moving forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a moment you have brought me to such a freedom i have found in you you're the healer who makes all things new yeah [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have given me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm moving moving forward [Music] [Music] you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] you make all things [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on and say i'm not going [Music] i'm not going back [Music] christ [Music] so many times the enemy tries to remind us of our past to hinder us from moving forward amen so you put the past where it belongs behind you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you my past is over in you all things surrendered my life to christ i'm moving moving forward come on and praise him because we can move forward with him right now come on and thank you jesus that we can take a step with him and we are victorious hallelujah hallelujah how many of you that because you are now in christ you are not who you were anymore amen [Music] and i know that's worth celebrating hallelujah all right so i want to see your move in your freedom right now as we celebrate our new identity in jesus hallelujah hey [Music] here we go [Music] god has given me and i know [Music] all i require [Music] [Music] i [Music] cause i know who i am [Music] [Music] [Music] excellence [Music] god has given me and i know who i am [Music] god has given me [Music] i know who god says i am [Music] i know who i am [Music] i know who i am [Music] oh [Music] [Music] who i am [Music] [Music] i [Music] holy [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] it doesn't matter what you see now it doesn't matter what you see now can you see this i know who i am i know who i [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know who i am [Music] [Music] [Music] we're singing i know who i am [Music] i know who i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you know who you are [Music] do you know whose you are lord we're so grateful again tonight just to be living life in christ it's in you that we live and move and have our being we're so thankful god that we can celebrate as the body of christ in the midst of the battle lord i'm just reminded how david came back from so many battles but there was that one day when everyone was dancing in the streets and declaring that david has slain his ten thousands lord we're so grateful that we can take time to celebrate your grace in our day today that we can dance as praise to you we can lift up our hands we can lift up our voices we can lift up our hearts and our lives and god what we're hearing in the quiet place [Music] you said we can get out on the rooftops and shout it out and god you are worthy of our praise you are worthy of our dance you are worthy of our shout you are worthy lord god of our lives and everything that we have god we are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ it is the power for salvation and we're so grateful for the word of god and the spirit of god that lives in us and that has priority in this place father thank you for this time to gather this week and this weekend we're so grateful god that you've got a destiny for every one of us but we need to know who we are in you thank you for your will be done in us and through us to the glory of god and all of god's people said [Music] amen and amen listen i don't know how many of you know who's around you but would you take a couple minutes just to introduce yourself to somebody that you don't know and welcome them to the destiny conference and as they're doing that here in the auditorium i want to take just a moment to address our online family and just say wherever you are joining us from we are so glad that you are joining us welcome welcome welcome to the destiny conference it's going to be incredible and i know your life is not just going to be blessed but it's going to be transformed thank you for joining us we love you we're going to break away with a video and then we'll be right back welcome to keras bible college we're glad you're here in order to offer you the best possible experience during this conference we have a few things for you to keep in mind first and foremost there's no smoking allowed anywhere on campus if you're new to woodland park colorado remember that in order to prevent altitude sickness you must stay hydrated water is available at our cafe or the fountains throughout the building and finally please only use closed spill proof containers in the auditorium we hope you enjoy your time here and again welcome to keras bible college hey everybody just a quick message from karis bible college about traffic flow this video is intended to break down how you can exit the campus or get onto the highway safely to ensure you don't find yourself in the wrong lanes congesting traffic or worse leaving the campus as you exit past the gatehouse you will notice a stop sign on the left and a yield sign on the right if you intend to turn left stay in the left lane obviously when you pull up to the stop sign you are expected to stop completely please note that you can turn left or right at this stop sign and be aware that cross traffic does not have a stop sign and that you must wait for an opportunity to safely turn in either direction the yield sign is for right turns only if you intend to turn right please yield to cross traffic although this right turn does have its own designated lane cross traffic may try to merge so please be aware of this possibility and yield to cross traffic highway 24 as you approach the traffic light there are two lanes the left lane will only allow you to turn left the right lane will allow you to turn left go straight or turn right please be aware of this so that you do not unnecessarily try to change lanes and congest traffic sometimes during large events local law enforcement keras employees or traffic cones and signage will be present to help regulate the flow of traffic when this is the case we ask that you respectfully follow these instructions thank you for your time and drive safely [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 2021 destiny conference for those of you guys who are joining us online welcome thank you for joining us we're glad you are here this is the time where you actually put your kids away lock them away get your coffee ready get your tea ready because we're about to start the evening so guys are you guys excited to be here come on man you know i was a romans 12 12 uh 12th says there it says talks about being cheerfully expecting are you cheerfully expecting god is going to do something really good tonight and i'm expecting for god to show up and just wreck my world so guys come on so just so guys my name is mark baitner i am the dean of students here at keras bible college but thank you come on where's all our students come on we know i'm their favorite dean but guys just to let you guys know um after the ministry and uh after the conference the evening session and everything like that there will be prayer ministers out here for you guys so please take advantage of the prayer ministers whether it be something that you need financially health wise or for family or anything like that guys please come up and get some pray and i just want to give you guys a little bit of a highlight about prayer ministers i used to be on the prayer minister team and you know what and i was always when i started this and i was like lord what if i get the wrong person or i don't know what to say for the person or anything like that but you know what god sent me everybody that i could relate to or somebody that i can minister to so when you come to the front there that person is there for you i promise you that so take advantage of that for those guys that are online please we haven't forgotten about you guys uh please give us a call at call for prayer 719-635-1111 please take advantage of that with that being said this conference has actually been recorded okay so guys please the i said the conference not the evening okay so at the end of the conference you will have the dvds ready for you guys and you can actually watch this over and over and over i know sometimes we get so excited that we go before the conference is over then we're like hey can i have the dvds the conference is not over wait a bit okay so please take advantage of that for you guys um restrooms now i know in previous facilities there was always restroom issues there's restrooms all over this place there's one there there there there and please don't use the trees i know there's a lot of trees it's the woods i know it's hunting season but please use the wood not the woods please use the woods no don't use the woods um use the bathrooms please or bathrooms i keep doing the same thing claire does because you guys say restrooms i'm not going to rest it's like i need to go do something there you guys call it it's a bathroom and then some people's like i ain't gonna go take a bath so go just go to the toilet okay so um anyways now guys i am really excited to introduce this romans is one of my favorite books romans is like i can just read over to in romans i remember being in keras bible college and i said let me go through romans and highlight what i like and what i understand well i was so disappointed after that because my whole book was on my whole bible through romans was highlighted and i was like this is wrong now i have to go find a new bible because everything is just highlighted while in july andrew released the new book on romans this is his bible commentary his life for today comments and the living comment uh living commentary notes is all put together in this book about romans i know sometimes you know when i started with keras and that it's like i didn't always understand or no new way to start reading the bible or what to do or how to study or anything like that and these books are the books that actually help you it's like you take this book as like hey let me start with romans and let me go through that if you guys pay attention over the next few days this might be a gift that's not a gift tonight if you want one of these resources i went in this this morning and i was like you guys have you got stuck and they've got loads of stuff so go grab one please do okay i was like actually looking at these uh books that matt brought up this morning and i was like man oh this morning this evening and i was like man you need both of these these two books go hand in hand for me andrew you please correct me if i'm wrong but it's like you've already got it and living in god's best when you know you've already got it you're not going to beg god for things that you already have and then you're going to live in the best sometimes what we do is we get him we ask god for something and then we get impatient and we just settle for whatever comes our way and god's like that wasn't what i had for you that wasn't my best i have something better for you so you've already got it stop begging you're not a beggar you're a child of the most high mad we'll i'll swing this in a minute okay so guys the next couple of days you're going to find out who you are that you're not a mistake you're going to find that that you have purpose there is a will for your life one of the ways this is just for the next three days but another way that you can go about finding out more of who you are and what god has called you to as in keras bible college i started my kiddos bible college journey in 2011 graduated in 2013 and all i can say about carers is it's life-changing guys where's our students if if caris if charis has has changed your life please put up your hand guys look around look around at all the hands keras is not just something we promote it's something that we love and we love and if god willing i'd like to be part of keras till the day i die you know so um please if you guys are interested in carers please go visit our website it's called keras or you can call the number it is go check it out 844-360-9577 going to have actually more events over the weekend or over these next couple of days that will just help you and give you more information about keras so please take advantage of that now i have the honor and the privilege of introducing the news speaker or the next speaker not the new speaker and i was praying this morning and i was like lord how do i introduce the speaker it's there's no words that can express the next speaker because to me it is his revelation his faithfulness his obedience that has actually helped me to be where i am with my walk with god today and i know many of us can say that i have known many people that have said that just like listen to this person's message has changed their lives they've been in churches for like 35 years and just listening to him for five years has changed their whole their whole outlook and their whole lives and to me that is that i spoke to a student early on and it's like how can you sum up this person in in a sentence and he said to me he says i can do it in one word and i was like what he says authentic authentic and i had a vision god gave me a vision of holding god's heart up and showing that to his people and his students showing his heart up holding his heart up and i believe for this is for careless staff i feel like our job here is to hold his hands up and hold him up because he's representing god's heart for us and for the world around us guys please stand up and help me welcome our founder and president of andrew womack ministries and careers bible college thank you mark your blessings praise the lord amen well we are glad that you are here you can be seated man i'm excited about this i believe that this is going to change your life i believe if the lord tarries you know 20 30 years from now you'll look back and see that this is like one of the pivotal points and i was praying about this today and i know that you know finding out god's will or destiny for your life is a process and so not everybody will leave here just you know having a total clear direction from god but i believe you'll have keys that will open the door and enable you to learn that and i'm really excited about it dwayne would you mind coming up here for a second and this is dwayne sheriff we're going to be ministering together on the same thing i won't give you as fancy an introduction as i got and i'm glad he's glad i'm sure but anyway we ministered we did uh our identity conference last year and it was just awesome and uh what we're doing is we're both ministering on the same thing and dwayne and i he's he's the only person i've ever known that we are so much alike sometimes it's scary i mean the revelation terrifying and so we're going to be ministering i'm sure many of the same things even though we haven't talked about this but i think that that's good because we'll both share it from our own perspective and i think that between the two of us you're going to have a really hard time leaving here without having the keys to understanding how to find god's destiny for your life so amen this is dwayne you what are you going to be sharing with them i'm going to be sharing on destiny are you well so was that's awesome yep i am could you elaborate on that a little bit yeah uh i'm gonna be sharing my destiny he doesn't want to give anything away no i don't i uh i i really believe that i'm experiencing destiny right now that this is a part of god's predestination for my life this is god predetermined i would be standing right here with one of the greatest ministry gifts on the entire planet and that would be such an honor such a privilege and yet there was a process to get here there was a destiny for this moment but there were multiple if you will predestined appointments that i had to mix faith with the word of god and faith obedience and because i made that appointment that set me up for the next appointment and the next appointment while i believe i am here on purpose for a purpose i don't believe you're here by accident either and i don't believe those of you that are watching are watching by accident this is a divine appointment in which god will tarry with us god will commune with us the bread of life will be broken away that literally something on the inside of you is going to be transformed supernaturally that is going to set you up for great and mighty things to come in the name of jesus amen amen thank you brother appreciate it so anyway i'm really excited jamie's the one that suggested that we start doing these conferences where we get multiple speakers but speak on the same thing and you know it would thrill me if dwayne used the exact same scriptures as i use and stuff because again just coming from our heart it'll be a little bit different and it'll help you to understand so anyway i'm really excited about this this is what transformed my life was finding out god's will for me let me just real quickly uh use the passage of scripture over here in deuteronomy chapter 8 we're going to give you an opportunity to give if our ushers want to pass out the offering envelopes um you can make your checks out to awm and uh you spell million m-i-l-l-i-o-n but here in deuteronomy chapter eight i'm not going to take time to read the whole chapter but the whole book of deuteronomy is moses just about ready to go be with the lord and he's summarizing everything that's happened for the last 40 years in the wilderness and he's reminding them of things and in the eighth chapter he's saying now when you enter into these houses that are giants houses and you have these huge mansions to live in and when you enter into the fields that have already had all of the rocks removed and they've already planted crops and the the beasts the animals have already been uh driven out and when you get all of these things that are given unto you and you enter into this prosperity don't forget where it came from don't forget that it was god that gave it to you so that's the context in here in deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18 well let me back up to verse 17 it says and thou shalt say in thine heart my power and the might of my hand hath given me this wealth that's what you are not supposed to say and let me just point out i know that all of us work hard and we work 40 50 60 hours a week and you feel like you deserve all of that and it is true that we work but did you know god is actually the source of everything you've had generations of people that have laid their life down have fought and have done things to produce the opportunities that we have today and so don't ever think that it's you that really is the source of your blessing it's god that has blessed us god is the source of everything and then in verse 18 he says but thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swear unto thy fathers as it is this day and so this admonition to them holds true to us too that you know we need to remember that it's god who's blessed us i remember when i went to india i think it was in 1980 for the very first time and it was a shock to my system this is one of the reasons that we make our students go on a foreign mission strip now last year and this year we've had to change that somewhat because of all the restrictions on travel and we've done things within the united states but typically we make all of our graduates go on a mission strip because when i went on went to india for the first time it was a culture shock and india back in 1980 it was a lot different than it is now i had monkeys coming in and out of my room i lived in a i stayed in a hotel that they padlocked me in from the outside for my own safety because people were dying all around me and and for three days i couldn't leave there was martial law in effect and i mean it was severe my hotel cost three dollars a day and it was four stories tall had a square and there was a courtyard in the middle and the first two floors were full of rubbish that had been piled there for 20 years and uh it was a shock to my system and anyway my point is when i got there i actually went to a millionaire's home and i ate in his home and he was just so proud of everything he had and did you know most of us in here live in a nicer house than that guy who was considered super wealthy we ate off of plates that honestly looked so dirty that i had to use my faith to believe and sanctify the food my point is that we have a level of prosperity here and if you aren't careful you'll get to thinking i did this no god is the one who's blessed this nation and despite all of the woke culture and all the things that are being said it was god that established this nation it's god that established the principles and the foundations that are being attacked today i even read a thing today that there was a group of students that raised the petition and signed it to do away with the us constitution well that is ignorance god the seed and so there's people today that don't appreciate it but i'm telling you it's god that did all of this and you need to remember that it's god and and therefore give and just thank him it says over in second corinthians chapter 9 thanks be unto god for his unspeakable gift that's the last verse after talking about giving for two chapters we need to just bless the lord and thank him and and tonight we're going to give you an opportunity to give you know we are trying to get this garage paid off and billy was telling me i think we're at 5.6 million dollars today and it's we started at 28 million dollars what 25 months ago 25 months ago we owed 28 million dollars on it now we own 5.6 after the next payment will be below 4 million and anyway i'm getting that garage paid off this year so we've got four more months three and a half months uh to get that paid off and then we begin the construction on our student housing next spring and it's going to be awesome so anyway we're getting close but we need your help and i just encourage you tonight to give and remember that god is the one that blessed us and the reason he blessed us is so that we could be a blessing so i want to encourage you to be generous and praise god we're going to just see the lord continue to expand this and many more people's lives be blessed so father we love you and thank you for blessing us thank you for all of our forefathers and the wars that have been fought the people that have laid down their life all of the effort that's been put into it so that we can be prosperous today so that father we can have our needs supplied and we remember you as the source we remember father that it's you that did all of this so that you could establish your covenant here on the earth and so i'm asking you that as people give that father you bless them back abundantly that father they have a quick return on this and that we continue to prosper and just keep the kingdom of god expanding and so we thank you for that we agree and receive it in the name of jesus amen praise god you can receive the offering you know tonight we're going to have a little presentation and this is from our uh musical or it's actually elizabeth muran's musical but i claim it and it's on esther this is elizabeth right down here stand up elizabeth and let everybody see you this is elizabeth murray stand up you weren't listening and her and her husband they're from norway and uh we have them and some swedish people and uh that have come and we just have some of the greatest musicals matter of fact we just had one last week at our truth and liberty conference were there any of you that saw the truth in liberty conference performance last saturday man it was wonderful and we're going to be doing that again at our ministers conference but anyway they've performed a number of musicals this is just one selection from the musical esther that we performed i think about 18 months ago or something like that so watch this and then i'll come back to share the word [Music] [Music] you were first conceived deep in the heart of god he made you as you are to be just who you are [Music] he surely put within you all you need to succeed seek him behold his love surrounds you then let go of all your fears [Music] [Music] just dare to trust him there's no need to be afraid [Music] he'll be when the darkness set goes all your doubts and fears he makes the star shine bright to guide you through the night and when he paints the colors of the morning sky he's shouting out his love for you to see seek him behold his love surround you then let go of all your fear for his name [Music] to trust him there's no need to be afraid for he will make away and lead you through the turkish tonight he'll be [Music] to trust him there's no need to be afraid for he will make her way and lead you through the darkest [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 1,907
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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