Destiny Conference 2021: Pastor Duane Sheriff - Day 2, Session 8

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good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the destiny conference for those of you guys who are joining us online welcome thank you for joining us have you guys been blessed so far by this conference it has been good it's been really good can i just see a few hands of people that have come up for prayer and actually got healing or have been delivered from something then i see hands going up come on man god is busy doing something like that or busy doing something so guys i just want to remind you guys please come after the sessions and everything like that please come up and use our prayer ministers and for prayer and that i know that i spoke to a few of you people out there and i just spoke to that you guys don't um haven't received your healing that you're looking for so please as like we'll pray with you guys as long as we have to in order to see the manifestation of that healing so please take advantage of that um with that being said guys um keras man um thank you for those guys who haven't signed up today it's like we had 82 people at the discover carers this afternoon so that is awesome so we just saw that video uh as a karen um and carmen carmen sorry um carmen so for those guys who haven't made up their decision or their minds of going forward and signing up or anything like that guys all you need to do is just take that step like andrew was talking today take that step god god can't do anything with indecision you have to take that step so just do it okay um so guys i wanna i'm not taking up a lot of time um this is a dvd some of the songs this is the worship dvd from last year the the some of the songs like the stand up and everything was singing tonight this is anya so who would like a worship dvd oh siri my bad the power of imagination who knows there's power in your imagination you have to see yourself yield prospered before it's going to take manifestation in your life and this is a book that andrew has written to help you with that and to see how to use your imagination god's way and how god intended it to be here we go thank you guys so guys i just want you to help me stand up give a warm welcome to our founder and president of andrew womack ministries and caters bible college andrew womack so do i have to help you stand up praise the lord amen [Applause] well it's been a great great conference i wasn't able to see everybody how many of you have received prayer and not only for healing but if something else you know we've had words come out about finances and about marriage about different things if you've received something if god has already manifested the thing that you've been praying for let me see your hand i wasn't able to see everybody man that's awesome praise god amen and the rest of you it's like jesus speaking to that fig tree you may not have seen the full results but at the root that thing is dead and your miracle is on the way amen it's been awesome all right i'd like you to turn over to exodus chapter 25 we're going to give you another opportunity to give and i've got something very special tonight that we're doing the ushers can go ahead and pass out the envelopes if you'd like to but in exodus chapter 25 this is right after moses had been up on the mountain and it received the 10 commandments in the 20th chapter and all of these instructions about the tabernacle how to build the tabernacle and everything and here in exodus chapter 25 verse 1 it says and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering and this is the offering that she shall take of them gold and silver and brass and blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goat's hairs and ram skins dyed red and badger skins and em wood oil for the light spices for anointing oil and for sweet incense and then he goes on talks about onyx and all of this we don't really want you to bring uh badger skins and things like that but here's what i'm gonna do tonight i believe the lord really spoke to me about let's just receive the offering tonight for brother dwayne and sue and they're building a brand new facility in durant oklahoma and i was just with them in august and i think that the total price is going to be around 7 21 million they have it between 7 and 8 million that they've raised raised towards it and for those of you who have a willing heart tonight i just want you to give towards them we're going to take up this offering and sow it into their building just to help them you know praise god this will increase their reach in the number of people that are involved in this project and we're building the kingdom of god it's not an individual ministry so i just i think this is what the lord led me to do so tonight i want to encourage you to give generously but with a willing heart towards this project i was just with them in august and man they're bursting at the seams they need a new auditorium they need new school facilities they've got a great vision dwayne could you come up here just real quickly and share just a little bit about what you're doing there so that people will know what they're sowing into and let them know well first of all i'm a little blindsided thank you for even thinking about it praying about it don't ask prepare to share your vision dude no no no all right what's your vision there what's happening well the ministry is just literally exploding andrew actually prophesied that over me and we have just outgrown everything and our small town is literally reaching around the world and we're building a 2500 seat auditorium and we believe people are going to come from all over the world to worship god to be taught the things of god we're building a brand new facility for our our school you know people lament all the time about the school system and the things that are going on but then they don't give in a positive response to see children's lives touched and changed and so our school is just vital not only to our community but i believe that god is going to be raising up schools around this country that are going to preach and teach the truth to our children protect their moral innocence it's just huge you know i have seen a number of churches that had church schools and by i don't mean this wrong but they're a headache you get parents and if anything goes wrong with their kid they want to blame the school and so it's something that most churches abandon and don't stick with it and and um it hadn't been easy matter of fact it suffered tonight you were telling the story just a few years back about how your administrator shared that and just show them how that god is in this thing well we when we came to durant um we started the school in 1987 with nine children in a shed and it's grown in again again in a small town to over 200 students that attend our school and a few years ago i was called literally at the colorado airport and i had been teaching here i went to the airport and i got a call that our administrator a week before school administrator principal had just quit and and that's that's a long story and it just blindsided us totally we had no we had no backup we had no help people began to pull their children because we didn't have anybody and i'm at the colorado airport and i'm just heartbroke over it because i don't think people understand how valuable it is to protect the moral innocence of your children and to their brains don't even develop till they're 25 anybody that has kids knows this but literally the world is shaping their minds in a way that's going to destroy their lives and so that school just meant everything to me and it was literally breaking my heart and even when i'm ministering to you now about an appointment with destiny how god has a way how god foreknows and plans good for you no matter what bad thing comes god didn't predestinate the bad he predestinated an answer and victory over the bad for your life and yet i'm just devastated i call my lead elder my heart's broke he he pulls me off the ledge i've only had a few times in 40 years of ministry that i'm right at the ledge and uh just tore up over it what are we going to do and he said dwayne god is with you god has blessed you i've watched the hand of the lord i've watched his faithfulness and loyalty to you god has an answer just stand i'm at the airport i'm heartbroken i'm overcoming it now i'm beginning to to trust god and mary shane she's probably here tonight but she was at that airport and she's the wife of an elder from our hugo location and anyway she could tell something was wrong with me and uh me being her pastor and she said what's wrong and i i didn't want to tell her at first then i thought well she's an elder's wife i told her and she says you know my husband was a principal and i said well no not really uh because i know he owns a bunch of funeral homes i know that he's a businessman he those are the previous students [Applause] we had to bury the bodies i knew he would be the last one to let me down in life but the bottom line people are dying to get into that place she called him she called him right there at the airport and he committed to be the principal of the school did it for free for two years raised up a principal and i mean god saved our school he met that need ahead of time i just didn't know it it was an appointment with destiny and god has all kinds of things like that for everybody it makes you think god is behind that school it just makes you believe god has a plan and you've got an athletic feel there i mean they've got a great facility and how many acres do you have there i i don't know just my son says i don't want all the land just the land that borders me uh but anyway they've got a great facility and it's really wonderful what they've done i helped you on a building program a few years back but again they've just grown so much that they really need to improve the thing and also one of the main things you're doing is just the areas where people can get together and fellowship and be a body and i really believe again it's amazing the criticism that comes toward churches but when are we going to quit interceding against god's church and believe god to raise up churches that are going to be prepared for this great awakening and the things that are on the horizon saints we are not prepared for the fear that is going to come you think people are fearful now the things that are on the horizon we need churches to rise up in this hour and i really thank andrew and again i'm just overwhelmingly blessed right now that you would consider even sowing into this we need to give a really generous offer and i and for just like i read there in exodus 25 for those of you who have a willing heart i just encourage you to get behind this i tell you i've been a part of dwayne's ministry it's a great ministry and we can help that local body uh to accomplish this and they're gonna do it debt-free which is i believe the way to do it so we're gonna receive the offering tonight if you would would you pray over the offering and bless them back for sowing into this ministry ask you to please let me pray um i've just received over the past couple of years just a tremendous revelation on seeds and seed time and harvest and on ground and good ground and and how that we have to get to another level in our sowing in our giving and in our releasing the seed and that mystery of a seed and it falling in the ground and dying and the harvest that god has on the seeds that that we're sowing and so i i want to pray for your seed i believe you're sowing into good ground and i know that it will yield fruit in its season and one of the revelations that god is exploding in me is how we sow a seed in one form but we reap it in another form while you may be sowing into a building you're sowing into the kingdom of god and the lord of the harvest is jesus matthew 9 38 and that seed is going to come back to you in a different form you have to be trained and taught how to recognize your harvest but i promise you there's a harvest on this seed and i'm going to agree with you for your harvest father i just thank you for andrew even considering and listening and and for you jesus for you putting it on his heart i believe that this vision is of you i believe that it's big it's it's swallowing up our little town uh overwhelming them but we serve a big god a god of the impossible and i believe this is going to come to pass and that multitudes of souls will be saved that we will be a refuge father we will be a place for people to come from all over the world to receive the things of god to receive fresh manna from heaven and that as the people sow father this seed i bless this seed back unto them good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will men give into their bosom and while they sow it in one form father i thank you that they're going to reap it in another form and that it will be a blessing to them and to your vision for them when we sow into other people's vision our visions explode so i pray that every businessman or woman that sows that their vision for their business would explode in jesus name and that they would have a return on this seed on and on we could go with churches that would sow into this father and their church is growing i have sown into multiple building funds father and i just thank you for our harvest coming in in jesus name amen and amen amen praise god and i want to say to those of you who are partners with us sow your biggest gift tonight from this conference because whatever you give here we're going to give 100 to them and it'll come back to me good measure press down shake it together so this is a way for you to increase what god is doing here make sure you give a great offer and how do if they want to go to uh your ministry and so directly and you've got a video there that i watched it's on your website how did they where is that and it's called project big and because it's god is what big stands for and uh so anyway go check it out and become a part of that and it'll be a real real blessing to you tonight we're going to have another uh presentation and this is which one is it from david oh the heart of christmas and i think they're going to show a little video about the heart of christmas we've got a number of people here that are from local areas and even if you aren't local i'd encourage you to come back at christmas we we set up a lot of christmas lights and this year we're increasing and then this heart of christmas performance will go on for what is it two or three days that you have the heart of christmas they're talking so they aren't listening to me but uh we'll have multiple performances over a number of days and if you're anywhere close or wherever you are come back it's awesome it is powerful and you would be blessed i've seen it so many times and i get blessed every time i look forward to it matter of fact i was out walking just yesterday or the day before and thinking about me and it's neat christmas is coming up i was thinking about that it's awesome so it'd be special so anyway watch this little video and then they're going to do a presentation here on the servant king i think it is [Music] i found my kids [Music] he was like remove yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's not like any other man i've ever seen his humble rose could not disguise his royalty [Music] with just one look into his eyes i knew that he had to be your king not far from here we were outside the city gates crying for help we saw a multitude that followed this one man we tried to get to him but those who were with him threw stones at us calling us unclear but then a woman came to us full of compassion full of hope there was no fear when she approached her words reached deep within my [Applause] [Music] my soul was gone his words restored my soul i am forever love reached out to me he spoke and now i'm free i am forever here go find your king [Music] i found your care in just one moment all my doubts were swept away we knew he was the one we've waited for so long he is the son of david [Music] [Applause] yeshua master please have mercy upon me you son of david do not turn away from me you are our only hope please master set me free set me free [Music] i found your king when all my hope was gone his words restored my soul i am forever i found your king his love reached out to me he spoke and now i'm free i am forever here i found my king when all my hope was gone words restored my soul i am forever hope i found my king his love reached out to me he's spoken now i'm freeze i am forever here i found my king when all my hope was gone his words restored my soul i am forever home i found my king [Music] i am forever here [Music] his words restored my soul i am forever hope i found my king his love reached out to me spoke and now i'm free i am forever healed go find your keys amen well let's welcome pastor dwayne's sheriff as he comes to minister to us let's praise god for this gift love you brother i love you too praise the lord and you have you have got to come to to these music musicals or some of them one of them any of them they're just over the top i i just tear up every time i'm i'm around one of them they're just overwhelming we're looking at maybe this christmas bringing a few grandchildren and blessing them in the presence of the lord because it's powerful it is literally powerful i want to encourage you concerning our new book our union with christ a deeper relationship with jesus and this teaches on how that we're married to jesus i wanted to entitle it married to jesus but the publisher just felt like that wouldn't work and people would think that we're all nuns or something so i called it our union with jesus and there's some things in here that our young people need desperately i mentioned marriage in my last message in this book i talk about how we have to honor marriage and teach people to honor marriage i teach who created marriage can you imagine that an entire generation has been raised up and they don't know they really don't know that god created the institution we call marriage and how how precious it is to god many people haven't thought on how that it was not only created by god it was created before sin entered the world that's pretty powerful an institution before sin ever entered the world that's how near and dear this is to god i've got in here a chapter on the purpose of marriage i mentioned that in the last last message uh young people today have no idea what is the purpose of marriage and if you don't know the purpose of the thing you misuse it abuse it and then frustrate the original purpose and that's why you see homes and marriages just collapsing like you're seeing and then i i parallel our marriage to jesus how that we're married to the lord how that we've become one spirit with the lord flesh of his flesh bone of his bone and that he is our hero husband and that he is a provider and he is awesome and we need to be the wife that god preordained us to be in loving jesus and being loyal to jesus in these last days so that's what this book is about i'd like to sew this one uh matt are you still here i don't want to tell who to give it to just i don't envy that position let's go back to where we where we left off uh romans chapter romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8. father i just thank you so much for these precious people thank you father for this hour that we live in and how that we are not here by accident that we have an appointment with destiny you have a purpose and a plan for us corporately and individually to make a difference in this world i truly believe we were born for such a time as this and that your will is being unveiled in jesus name and for his glory amen and amen romans chapter 8 is where i left off in my last session and we're talking about destiny and i don't know what andrew's going through we haven't had a chance to talk about it but when you're in a meeting and you kind of have a theme you're trying to stick with that theme but when you start talking about destiny and i started off at least with a purpose it is a predetermined appointment with god and the purposes of god and yet that can that can take it to being led by the spirit it can it can take you to so many different places that are important for everyone and i want to encourage you that karis bible school is something you really need to think about because setting under the word we we we did a a five seven minute presentation for karis today and just as i was doing it i'm thinking if people only knew truly the value of setting under the word of god hearing god's will god's word is his will people again all the time what's god's will for my life well have you read the bible what's a bible you're not going to discover and you're not going to understand the will of god if you don't know the word of god god's word is his will and if you're pursuing god's will god's purpose god's plan for your life he's written you a love letter hallelujah and you need to read it and you need to be taught it and you need to set under it it just supernaturally changes you and prepares you for this appointment with destiny and so in the definition and me trying to keep on track without getting into divine guidance because he triggered some things in me i don't know how other people are when they're in a meeting but when i'm in a meeting i'm listening and i mean the holy spirit's always speaking to me so i'm thinking man divine god it's he talked about desires how that if you will delight yourself psalms 37 verse 4 if you'll delight yourself in the lord he'll give you the desires of your heart then he says commit your ways unto the lord commit your ways now commit your life be a living sacrifice unto the lord and he will bring it to pass bring what to pass the desires he puts in your heart that's not a con scripture where you can go to god and delight in him to get your cadillac cadillac come cadillac come god said he'd give me the desires of my heart so i'm going to delight in him so i can get the desires of my heart and those desires not being of the heart that's a heart for god but of the flesh and of the flesh what he's saying is when we delight in god when we become that living sacrifice when we understand our primary purpose in knowing god in relationship with god he literally puts those desires in our heart and that's his will for your life remember i talked about the pastor that said how do you know god's will or i ask how do you know god's will he said if you don't want to do it that's probably god's will in a way he was telling the truth if you're carnal if you're not seeking god if you're caught up into this world and into all the white noise of this world and the chaos of this world and the the pride of life and the lust of all these other things yeah you're not gonna want to do the will of god after your flesh but when you sell out to god when you commit totally to god it is amazing how he supernaturally changes your heart and i want to encourage you in those things in romans chapter 8 one of the definitions of destiny was predestination a pretty haitian predestination he says in romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose all things work together for good it didn't say all things were god and it didn't say all things were good that happened to us in this life it says all things are work together for good if you love god and you're called according to his purpose he has a purpose for us and if we're called according to it if we understand it all things are going to work together for our good for whom he did for no he also predestinated to be conformed into the image of his dear son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he predestinated these he also called whom he called these he also justified and whom he justified these also he glorified in jeremiah chapter one we talked about how god foreknew us before he formed us even in our mother's womb i do not believe i'm not contentious about it i i don't i don't the fellowship or have no fellowship with people who believe in predestination in a way and say things like god has predestinated some people for hell other people for heaven and they've taken god's predestination and in my estimation have just slandered the character of god the nature of god i cannot and if i'm wrong god's going to help me he's going to he's going to reach me i'm i'm i'm sincere but i cannot wrap my mind around god creating you in your mother's womb and his predestination and will is for you to live in what jesus called a devil's hell jesus called hell a place for the devil hell was not created for people hell was created for the devil and his angels and god has sent jesus and he died for the sins of the world and whosoever would believe in him should be saved jesus didn't die for a select elect god didn't send jesus to die for a chosen few jesus came to die for the sins of the whole world and again whosoever would believe on him would have eternal life he that believeth shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned god wills for everybody to be saved well i if i can't get an amen here now i'm getting nervous god's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth if you go to hell you chose to go to hell you worked hard to go to hell i believe you have to crawl over glass to get to hell god loves you so much and god is speaking to everyone's heart and god is drawing every man unto him and you have to choose to reject god's love in order to spend eternity in a devil's hell again a lot of people are teaching predestination is that god has predestined everything that happens to you in this life even good and bad i heard a story of a man that fell down a flight of stairs nearly killed him he he couldn't hardly get up at the end of the stairs and finally he works himself up and he looks back up the stairs and he said thank god that's over okay that didn't hit you praise the lord it was as if he thought god before the foundations of the world pre-ordained predestined for him to fall down those stairs and he was just glad he overcame the predestination of god god has not predestinated any harm for you any bad for you any bad or evil thing for you all he has predestinated for you is victory is his love being experienced and known his blessings being enjoyed his presence being celebrated god absolutely has predestinated us we have a destiny what is our predestination to be conformed into the image of his dear son god's plan for you is to look like jesus god's plan for you is to sound like jesus if you sound like a six o'clock anchor you're missing your destiny amen sorry i have nightmares being interviewed on cnn it's just terrible [Laughter] god has predestinated us to celebrate the new life of of christ and be the light of the world in the midst of the darkness in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation in john 17 3 this is eternal life jesus said this is what eternal life is all about this is eternal life that they may know the one and true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent god saved me for relationship with him he saved me to enjoy my new union with christ now and his kingdom that's in my heart and the joy of his heart in walking with us now and fellowshipping with us now and being a part of every part of our lives god cares about every single detail of your life every single decision of your life he wants you to invite him and his perfect will for your life in every situation every area of your life and yet so many of god's people live so far beyond their destiny because they're not they're not pursuing god's will for their life they're not interested many of them in the will of god now i know that's not the crowd that's here now hopefully even those that are watching on on our video stream but i'm telling you the majority of people have no idea how much god loves them how much good he has for you how much he doesn't intend any harm whatsoever and yet in this life we experience harm we experience darkness we experience and while god has delivered me from the powers of darkness colossians chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 he hasn't delivered me from the presence of darkness we are in a fallen world our bodies are not redeemed that gets me in trouble i don't understand what we are missing there but your bodies have been purchased but they're not redeemed this is not your redeemed body you have the promise of a redeemed body your bodies are decaying and if you don't believe it look at your high school pictures you're dying man some of you're fading fast right in front of me it's terrible and yeah it's your inward man second corinthians chapter four it's your inward man that's being renewed listen day by day what's it being renewed in the primary purpose of god for my life that i be conformed into the image of his dear son romans chapter 12 beautiful beautiful message on living sacrifice and mind renewal and going through this transformation paul says do not be conformed into the image of this world but be ye transformed go through a metamorpha go through a metamorphosis go through and a change outwardly that comes from within in your knowing of god in your relationship with god and then you'll prove you'll demonstrate you'll experience the good acceptable and perfect and perfect will of god so we have to commit to these things that we're hearing in loyalty to jesus and again knowing that i have a predestination and that appointment is with being conformed into the image of god's dear son that's for every one of us that's god's primary purpose but what about now my second purpose why did god make me the way i am if i am his workmanship and he doesn't as we've heard in the past make junk why am i the way i am why do i have this bent why did god not make me like somebody else i can't be the only one for a season that wished i was elvis sorry the young people aren't going to get that it's like elvis who's elvis uh i think i made my point how many people lived their life wishing they were somebody else or wishing they were like somebody else not understanding there's a reason you're not them and there's a reason you're not like them god has a specific will for you that is awesome that only you and you only can fulfill and when you're covetous of other people's gifts or favor [Music] or whatever you want to fill the blanket you're canceling out god's purpose for your life that is that secondary purpose that i keep talking about that is your doing and you're going and you're having while i'm saying that secondary i don't mean it's not important it is important that you know what did god make you for how did he create you and what is that purpose and listen how do i find it how do i discover it i wasn't taught these things i i had to to dig these things primarily out on my own and and through my relationship with the lord i just thank him so much that part of what my divine design is that matches my purpose is everything that that i receive from the lord it's like i have this natural bent that i know god showed me that for me yes but to help the body of christ to help the body of christ i live to receive what god has for me and understand it and then communicate it to his body his bride so that we can be all god's called us to be so how do i discover again my secondary purpose and again when i say secondary i don't mean lesser than you'll recall jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment he says the greatest commandment is the love the lord your god with all your heart all your or all your all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength and then he said and the second is like unto it your neighbor is yourself see you'll never love your neighbor as yourself till you love god first and until you receive god's love for you first so that's primary the first commandment meant its primary but it doesn't stop there it leads to loving now your neighbor as yourself your primary purpose of knowing god relationship with god and now being conformed into the image of his dear son affects profoundly your secondary your secondary purpose so number one i've said it but i want to give it to you for your notes in this way number one in discovering my my purpose all creation discovers its purpose in creation or excuse me the creator all creation anything created discovers its purpose in its creator think about that for a minute any creation and can i get a witness at least we are part of god's creation all right so keep that on the burner over here but anything created listen in and of itself doesn't know its purpose the creator of a thing the creator of creation knows the purpose of the creation a car doesn't know what its purpose is the manufacturer knows the purpose a a ford mustang the mustang doesn't know its purpose ford knows its purpose the creator knows the purpose of a creation a painting doesn't know its purpose the artist knows its purpose and one of the biggest mistakes i made and i see people making constantly is they keep trying to go horizontal to discover their purpose when you can't discover your purpose horizontal your parents don't know why you're here raise teenagers besides me who am i why am i here where am i going and can i get there from here and after about 16 years of that you're thinking yeah why are you here all of us going horizontal tell me i'm okay tell me who i am tell me why i'm here tell me what my purpose is your parents can't answer those questions god didn't call them to answer those questions professors on these college campuses cannot and will not answer that question preachers can't tell you what your purpose is your purpose is discovered in relationship with your creator and many of you are even confused and think your parents created you your parents did not create you they participated with god in procreation and had a part to play but you didn't come from your parents you came from god through your parents so god and only god can tell you who you are you can trace your family tree thinking if i just discover my roots i'll i'll feel complete i'll be whole i'll i'll be fulfilled i can't tell many people i've had to warn them that are trying to find out who their dad was and they think if they ever find out who their daddy is they'll discover who they are and they'll be fulfilled and they'll they'll they'll be complete and they'll know their purpose in life and then they find their father in prison killing 16 people i won't continue with that illustration you have a sense of the right direction but it ain't your daddy in the natural that's going to be able to tell you who you are why you're here what your purpose is it's your heavenly father abba father is the one that knows where you came from he knows why you're here he knows who you are and he knows where you're going and he knows how to get you there so you have to know him you have to experience eternal life and this is eternal life knowing god relationship with god and fellowship with god is where i discover who i am relationship and fellowship with father god is where i discover my gifts i discover my bit i discover my little book i talked about my purpose where my passions are my energy for life all of these things come from a simple relationship with god and yet people are looking to everyone else and everywhere else to discover their purpose it's found in the heartbeat of your father in the heartbeat of your father and so you've got to go to your creator to understand who you are as a part of creation of creation am i the only one that's had a teenager when you're dealing with them say things like i didn't ask to be born that's a dumb question all my teenagers asked me that one time i didn't ask to be born or made that statement and i said good thing or you wouldn't have been the answer would have been no our kids need god we can only do so much for them even as their parents amen number two your purpose is locked your purpose is locked up in your book andrew taught it i've referred to it could they put up psalms 139 verse 16 on the screen thine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in thy book all my members my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them see god put a little book literally on the inside of us that is his book that is his will for our lives in that little book there's a genetic code in that little book is your bent in life in that little book is written in there you'll be a singer that i'll give you gifts and in that little book we'll get into that in a minute there will be gifts that god gives you in your mother's womb that like when he sanctified jeremiah he sanctified him and ordained him a prophet to the nations listen he was called and sanctified by god to be a prophet and god built him and made him and put in his little book prophet and he hadn't done anything right or wrong a lot of you think you've been disqualified from whatever god even put in your book because you've been such a mess up and you've done so many things bad or wrong this was a problem i had i i tell you satan deceived me it was real this is why i have such a respect for deception i had a hunger for god as a kid that was incredible alter experiences with god went through a traumatic thing at at 17 with the death of my brother and just confusion and really walked away from god and i never gave up on god but i gave up on me and it's too long to explain that i just felt like i was flawed i just felt like i i'm damaged goods that if if i'm even saved again i'll say things like i really believed i was at the end of the shallow end of the gene pool that if i'm going to heaven even i will be the last one that sweeps through i'm just messed up i had bad thoughts i didn't know everybody had bad thoughts i didn't even know preachers had bad thoughts till i became one i thought i was just flawed and i had backslid in a way that i thought i had just squandered whatever god's plan was for my life there's no way he can fix this mess i've created because i was so intimate with him as a kid and somehow another i had it in my mind i've gone too far i've done too much and so and i's path crossed and god spoke to her that she would witness to me and that i would come back to the lord and i was teaching tennis on a court right below her apartment and this is amazing to me i had such a gift to teach tennis that some of the some of the clubs that i was working for tennis clubs they would have classes and anybody that failed their class they'd put them in my class and they would succeed in my class i just had a gift of teaching and i didn't know i was gifted i didn't know that gift was in my little book i didn't know i had perverted it i didn't know the gifts and calling singular of god or without repentance and because i wasn't seeking god i wasn't serving god there was still an anointing to teach all my life and it drew sue to the window to listen to me teach tennis how odd is that but that's pretty powerful and sure enough she witnessed to me and i just refused to hear her out and i just made up my mind i'm sorry i'm going to be your first person that you're not going to convince because i'm telling you i'm damaged good i'm telling you god has changed his mind in regards to his purpose for my life and she just kept hammering me with the love of god this unconditional love and and the oddest thing i've never heard this she she i'd say well god just can't forgive me there's no way he can forgive me for all of this stuff and she said well uh actually he doesn't have to forgive you he's already forgiven you i've never heard anybody say he's already forgiven me and so i thought well you don't know what you're talking about and so she began to explain to me the cross and how that jesus died on the cross for all of my sins and has already forgiven me of past present and future tense sins yeah somebody's getting this it's it's overwhelming the love of god it just was overwhelming and here after what eight hours eight hours of witness to me and me just hammering her back and she just kept telling me how much god loved me and he's already forgiven you you don't understand and i mean at midnight we started early like in the evening and and i had enough and said i'm out of here and i i walked out the door and i covered this in my book on identity theft how did i walk out the door and there's a streaker that runs right in front of her door now i know young people don't know what that is and that's okay just let it go and i had enough chivalry in me i had enough just kindness in me i can't leave this poor girl alone with a naked man running up and down the stairs and screaming at the top of his lungs so i went back ill advised by the devil into sue's apartment and she started on me again and by five o'clock that morning the minute i said i'm sorry god i could cry right now i could feel it i it it it just it was amazing the minute i turned my heart i didn't have to convince god or beg god or plead with god or or do pentax i don't have time to explain that one i guess but the minute i truly sincerely turned my heart to god i mean i just melted into the floor and had an open vision of the cross and my identification with christ how that i died in him i literally saw me in jesus on the cross i saw it was my sins he bore and i saw the wrath of god come on him not because of him but because of me it broke my heart it just devastated me when he died i saw that i die i was inside of him and when he died on the cross it's like i died inside of him what i was in adam was crucified that old man born into sin with a sin nature died and when he was buried i was buried with him and it was so miraculous i i can't explain it i try to share some of it in the book but it's like when he died and i died with him it's like a big hand went over my eyes when he descended into the bottom of the earth to pay the ultimate price for my sins it was like god wouldn't let me see i wouldn't have been able to take if i saw what he really did for me what he really did for you then it's like the hand removes and i see jesus walking out of the tomb but i now see me in him but it's a different me than the me that was on the cross i was crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me i saw i was a new man i saw him ascend into the heavens and i was with him when he ascended i saw him seated on the throne and i was seated on the throne in him and that's when he spoke to me and said you and i in partnership will rule and reign together forever i saw man it's done it's over it's finished all that's left now is the shouting it's all over but the shouting in the sense of what's been done for us and somehow another we don't understand that before the foundations of the world not only was christ crucified for us we were crucified with him so that god's little book that he's put on the inside of you can come to pass how do i do it relationship with him communion with him fellowshipping with him walking with him so that's number one number two was the book it's locked up in the book and god is releasing it as you walk with him by faith number three your purpose is nestled in your nature your purpose is nestled in your nature what do i mean by that i mean it comes natural for you i'm not saying we don't have to be developed in our gifts and in our calling i'm not saying if you're called to be a doctor you don't have to get educated you're not operating on my brain if you haven't gone to school i'm not saying we don't have to to develop or be trained in what's written in our little book i'm saying when you find your purpose you'll find it natural it comes easy for you when you get out of your purpose when you get out of the center of god's will everything becomes mega difficult when you're in the will of god i'm not saying they're hitting hardship i'm not saying again you don't have to be developed or trained or that you progress even into to the fullness of god god's will for you and all he has for you i'm saying it comes it comes natural in the sense of come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and i'll give you rest take my yoke upon you learn of me for i am meek and lowly of heart and jesus went on to say that his yoke was easy and his burden was light there's a place in my relationship with god in my primary purpose that i am just celebrating life and the goodness of god in me christ in me the hope of glory and now in my secondary purpose and call what god wrote in my book comes easy for me it comes natural for me now i know some of you younger people think lebron james hung the moon but lebron james is nothing compared to michael jordan you just didn't see michael jordan you don't know what a basketball player is michael jordan made it look so easy i can't tell how many times i got hurt playing basketball with my kids trying to be air jordan the guy literally would fly through the air just fly like a bird just fly through the air [Applause] that guy was in his little book it was written air jordan tiger woods when he swings a club i mean it's so natural it's so beautiful you get out there and never mind it's just terrible andrew womack [Music] it's so natural he's just walking along with the bible nobody but he can read so i'm not sure he's reading it i think he's memorized the whole thing i don't think he's reading it and he's just talking amnesius [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] oh man i'm sorry but i i could see any meeting if i ever am uh invited back uh i will be toast after that crazy one of my lead elders that have been with me for 38 years went home to be with the lord last year and that's a long story it was the it was the i mean it was like my dad dying it was just it was terrible and all i was going through at the time and one of my fondest memories of this elder we called him chief he was a full-blown full-blown he was full-blooded indian anyway we called him chief and i'd visit his house quite a bit and we hunted a little bit together fished a little bit together that kind of thing but anyway he had these hound dogs and he always tried to get me to go hunting with him and i just couldn't see the fun in running through the woods in the dark on a donkey following a dog i mean the dog is this high so any limb he goes under doesn't work out well for me and so i just i just couldn't see it i never did that with him but you could look at those hound dogs and i mean out of their element in a cage they were the laziest flea scratching losers you've ever seen in your life i mean you couldn't even tell if they were alive it's like chief you need to check on your dogs where are we going to bury them amazing when they were out of their element but when they were in their element there was none of this fido come on fido come on wake up fido come on you can do this come on fido no the minute they hit those woods i'm telling you it was natural for them it was just awesome to watch them and hear them though whoa [Applause] that brings new perspective to that's one sick puppy right there in their element it was natural for them i have learned in my own life when i'm in my element i i i celebrate the life of christ easily when i get out of my element or if i get out of my element it it's totally different see god has a specific purpose he called you to be a teacher he calls some of you to be a lawyer i get in i get it's not in my book to be a lawyer so any kind of debating i'm very uncomfortable i it's almost like strife to me it's contention to me and i i mean i'll i'll get involved but i'm uncomfortable but a lawyer when the debate starts it's oh because it's in their book am i making sense y'all are laughing at me this time how do i know god's will for my life you'll get it it'll be natural to you number four number four your design matches your purpose your design matches your purpose god designed this on purpose for a specific purpose in our mother's womb whatever i'm going to use something for i design it and that design matches the purpose of whatever's created airplanes have a design that matches their purpose you have a specific design that you'll discover in your relationship with god that perfectly matches your purpose a 747 has a purpose and it's designed for that purpose carry passengers a b-52 is a plane but it has a different design why does it have a different design it's designed because its purpose is to carry bombs a stealth jet fighter has a totally different design it's an airplane but it has a totally different design because it is to carry out missions undetected it's to get in somewhere and to get out and so its design matches its purpose man when i begin to discover this i quit i quit wrestling with my design i quit wrestling with my personality i quit wrestling with my bent and being uncomfortable about certain things about me and settling in into this place of rest where i've heard people talk about it and call it being comfortable in your skin you've heard that term that i just found this place of total rest with the design the way i am my bent my likes my dislikes that's a part of my book and a part of my design that god purposely designed me because he had a specific purpose for me that my design would match so i could fulfill now all his will for my life how maybe know like i talked about michael jordan some people were designed by god and are just athletic i loved football but i loved life a little more i'm not designed for it now don't misunderstand me i could play for dallas [Music] i was going to say denver but i love life [Applause] hockey i'm not i love my teeth tennis it's like i found something that god used that i don't believe for a minute was his best for my life but god used that to train me in so many things he used it to get me an education to at least get me broke out of the poverty i was born into there is nobody in my family now there may be now i don't know i haven't kept up with it in that light but until i went to college there was nobody in my family anyway you go on my family tree that had gone to college and i got a free scholarship i didn't even pick up a tennis racket until the summer going from my junior year to my senior year i pick up a racket in the summer between those two years i make the team i'm number one by the end of the year on the team and get a two-year scholarship to a junior college started in last place there by the end of that of that two years i'm number one on that team i get a scholarship to a four-year college the university of central florida and it was in my junior year that i have this encounter with god and i see my connection to christ my union with christ my primary purpose and my primary purpose so overwhelm me of my union with christ that i quit in my senior year of college because god supernaturally took the desire to play tennis away and to pursue him i went to bible school when i was supposed to be in my senior year of college and by the time i graduated my first year of bible school i was already pastoring a church i mean it's like i just went on a fast track of his secondary will for my life because i was sold out to his primary will just loving god with all my heart all my might all my strength and now my neighbor as myself knowing god just relationship with god i have a supernatural design to do what i'm doing right now that is as powerful as my design was in my flesh and natural for tennis and you do too quit fighting your design quit fighting your likes and dislikes your personality and who god's made you and yield to god and watch him bring beauty out of your life amen man somebody needs to give god praise for that that's just so good number five number five the gifts and calling of god romans 11 29 are without repentance why is that listen this is how this is powerful why are the gifts plural and calling of god without repentance because he wrote it in your little book in your mother's womb and he declared your end at your beginning you may give up on god but i'm here to tell you god will never give up on you you may turn on god you may forsake god but he will never turn on you he will never forsake you and your gifts your gifts match your calling his gifts plural and calling is without repentance when did he call you in your mother's womb when did he sanctify you to be a a preacher a teacher a lawyer a carpenter a mother that would raise world-changing children when did he call you in your mother's womb well when did he give you your gifts in your mother's womb i really there's there's a couple of things andrew said that were really good now all of it was good that didn't come out right i caught myself fast but there were a couple of things that were just really good that i can't i can't get off my mind and i'm asking god to help me help me process this but when you think about people living their lives and they through life experience discover that they have a gift to make money a gift to administrate a gift of mercy you remember all that when he was teaching a gift of prophecy is one he didn't mention a gift of ruling when they discover these gifts through life's experience and then they hear a message similar to this they think it's theirs and they're going to give it to god to see what he can do with it now what they fail to realize is god is the one that gave you those gifts you're not giving your gifts to god you're being finally a steward of the gifts god's given you and you're honoring god for the gifts in your life and calling and that's when it explodes connected to your primary purpose and you just become such a blessing everywhere you go see it's one thing to find your secondary gift as a a lawyer it's another thing to abide in your primary gift and be a godly lawyer be a lawyer with with character and and truly caring for the injustices that happen to people and defending people that need defended etc cetera it's one thing to discover you're a teacher and even operate in that gift and operate in that gift under your primary gift of celebrating your union with christ how many of you know we could use in this country some teachers that know their gift came from god and they need to give god glory in teaching our children the things they need to succeed in life this is what god's doing this is what's happening people are being awakening part of the great awakening i'm getting off here but this is important i think part of the great awakening i believe is people waking up to their purpose and all these things i'm teaching now exploding in their lives and truly making a difference in our world so god has given you gifts you have gifts quick coveting other people's gifts quit lusting after other people's gifts quit judging other people for their gifts get in the presence of god enjoy eternal life and discover your gifts because whatever gifts you have watch this when you begin to discover your gifts that's when you begin to discover your calling because your gifts will match your calling god gave fish the gift of gills why it matches their purpose and if they're going to succeed as an aquatic aquatic aquatic aquatic creature they better have a set of gills they better have the gifts for that owls can see at night they're nocturnal hunters and god gave them a gift to match their purpose and god has given you and i if he gives the animals these gifts that match their purpose why would we think he's not given us gifts to match our purpose as you discover your gifts they'll match your purpose abiding in your purpose releases your potential when you begin to see your potential coming forth it's because you're getting closer and closer again to your purpose because as you connect purpose to potential that's when potential becomes effective we heard it came from somebody it was zig ziglar i don't know or whoever it was that we've never figured it out but i really believe it i believe even as a pastor i've watched more potential go to the graveyard than you can imagine and people make a big deal out of potential in our culture boy they got great potential and you've you've got this much potential potential is worthless till you connect it to purpose a battery has all the potential in the world but till you hook a battery up to a purpose that potential remains dormant and worthless the church is full of all this potential it's almost frustrating for me as a pastor as i'm seeing things unveil and and god's redemptive plan for man working out and the enemy fighting god's redemptive plan for man i see all this potential that is lying there worthless because people aren't hooking up to their purpose once you hook up to your purpose you'll see potential that you've only dreamed of the potential in my life is mind-boggling now and it's just because i'm hooked up now to my purpose and the last one number seven living in our purpose brings god pleasure let's close with psalms 37 psalms 37 our potential or purpose excuse me brings pleasure to god psalms 35. 27. if you're taking notes we need to close so write down isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10 god speaks of fulfilling all and doing all of his pleasure in this earth philippians 2 12 and 13 we looked at that god is at work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure what's a what's a sign what's a key how do i discover my purpose i sense the good pleasure of god and again i feel like that's unfortunately a little deeper for a lot of of god's people but if you truly walk with god you'll begin to discover you can sense the good pleasure of the lord you can just sense it i don't know how to explain it totally but i just know god's pleased with me and it's amazing and then i know when i'm when i'm heading or or turning or getting off degree and even by 10 degrees as we heard in a message earlier you you can just sense the grieving of the holy spirit that wait a minute something's wrong here that losing of your peace this is such a witness in my divine guidance teaching i really lean in heavy on what andrew was teaching on this umpire man some of you are stressed out look if you're experiencing a spiritual hernia you've picked up something god didn't call you to pick up that'll hit the rest of you later i'm in a hurry people are all stressed out we we have to understand there's this good pleasure of the lord that's so fulfilling in our hearts as we walk with him and you you'll sense it as you as you pursue his will as you get up every day i'm telling you the messages have just been good i really believe lives are being changed i just sense it really strong that people are connecting people are saying wait a second man this is this is good and god wills nothing but good for me i want god's will for my life i don't sense a resisting of what's being said at all but a yielding and this is part of the good pleasure of the lord that you'll just begin to sense as you as you realize man i'm not perfect at this i'm failing at times but as i continually repent change direction as i feel the good pleasure of the lord diminishing i just simply repent again if a if a woman on a gps map can boss me around like she does it's irritating i i don't like it she's bossy and i put in a destination a predestination and if i get off she'll tell me to do a u-turn at the next intersection at the next light do a u-turn you know what a u-turn is it's repent and if that woman is smart enough to still get me to my destination how much more if we get off will we not sense on the inside like a gps guidance system the holy spirit saying at the next intersection turn around repent and god can get me to my destination god's plan and will is for a straight line from a to b but anybody that's honest and i appreciate the honesty of of of our our dear brother we zigzag i said we zigzag now look at me like you never zigzag [Music] like you're pure as a wind-driven snow and we're going to turn out the lights in a minute and you glow we all stumble we all fall we all fail a just man falls down seven times but he gets back up again and i'll deal with that tomorrow in our failing and in our falling let me close with psalms 35 verse 27 27 let them shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause can i get a witness in simplicity that the righteous cause of god is his will for your life amen the righteous cause of god is his predestination for your life his purpose let us shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause let him say continually let the lord be magnified look at this who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant train your brain when you hear prosperity to not think of money only i'm going to say it again train your brain to not limit god's prosperity to money only there is nothing more prosperous than being in the center of god's will there's nothing more peaceful more prosperous than knowing the good pleasure of god and god wants us shouting for joy because we believe we're in the center of his will and that he finds pleasure in you fulfilling all his will for your life amen man did somebody get something they did hallelujah hallelujah man i want to pray for you before i pray for you we will have altar workers down here and and they will be here to pray for you i sense in my heart of hearts that there's a supernatural stirring in your heart many of you there's just stirring and no one does an altar call better than andrew and it's been wonderful and his altar calls operating in the gifts for your healing do you know how many people i love you i need to be careful here because i mean this so well but you don't even understand the purpose of healing i'm not saying god doesn't want to heal you in any way form or fashion and i'm not saying he doesn't care about alleviating pain in your life but how many people have stopped long enough to even process what is the purpose of me being healed why does god want you healed so bad why why is he giving us these gifts and people flowing in the gifts even to get you healed and and teaching us in his word how to stand and receive our healing saints we have to be healed we have to be whole we have to have these bodies in order to fulfill all the will of god for your life the devil's trying to kill you to short-circuit god's divine purpose for your life and god wants to extend our lives because he needs and we need our bodies to have authority in this earth when i checked out of my body my first message i gave to you when i came out of my body i didn't have any authority in heaven on this earth i don't know how i knew that i know it biblically i know it from again the word of god but why didn't i ask jesus hey can i rebuke the devil from up here hey can i believe god for my kids up here hey can i once you come out of your body you have no more authority in this earth it's your body that gives you authority in this planet and god wants your body healed so he can flow his healing power through your body to heal other people so they can discover their divine purpose there's a purpose in being healed and it's beyond just me feeling good even though don't misunderstand me god wants you to be alleviated from pain or or any sickness or any disease and on and on we could go but i just sense there's a stirring something supernatural in many of you and that you're seeing things in a different a different way and you feel that drawing you feel that supernatural i'm i'm fixing to go to a whole new level and you're going to go fast you feel that god wants to seal that in your heart now see we tend to get in a meeting and something starts happening and god's moving and working and then we walk out and we don't follow through god wants you to follow through with this i need to pray for you father i just thank you for the holy spirit i just thank you from the bottom of my heart for that jeep that that guidance system that you put inside of us and that the holy spirit is drawing us the holy spirit is bringing us he's bringing me to a new place [Music] another level of purpose and with that is going to be a releasing of a greater potential and passion and energy all the things i've taught i'm experiencing and i just believe this is going to go past just us mentally ascending to it but this is going to sink into the heart of your people into some good ground and it is going to take root and there will be much fruit that comes out of this and i praise you and i thank you for it and i'm going to ask that the altar workers do we have altar workers prepared to come down and one of the things that i've learned and that again i believe andrew is a master at there's appointments with destiny that you need to act on you need to take a step of faith you need to you need to just seal the deal and i remember being in services and being touched by the lord and and that was it i even thought that's what church was all about for a while as you get this touch from the lord and you enjoyed it and that's it you lose it by a day or two god doesn't want this to escape he doesn't want the birds of the air to take this from you he's softening many of your hearts where this seed can get in there and i believe these altar workers understand what i'm talking about and i believe they've been trained and that they're here to help seal the deal there's some of you we're going to stand in just a few moments and just worship the lord for a moment moment while others of you you need to act on i will not leave this place without being in a different place in my relationship with god i'm not going to let this go and i'm not letting the devil steal it and you need to get up and you need to come down here and come to some of these altar workers and these ultra workers need to agree with you they need to hold your hand and they need to agree in the name of jesus that what god has begun in your heart he will perform and he will perfect unto that perfect day and so i want everybody to stand and if that's you you feel the drawing of the lord you feel that man this is truly not just another meeting for me and i want to seal the deal i want you to get down here quickly because if you got to think about it it's not god you'll know it's god you know god is drawing you you know god is you just need to act on it and we've prayed for you we've released our faith but faith without works is dead get these altar workers to agree with you for god's will to be done in your life and seal that deal in your heart so you come and can we just minister to the lord jamie is there something you can minister to the lord thank you jesus let's all pray if you don't feel that need to come down here pray for those that are down here agree with them that their lives will not be the same when they leave this place there's a [Music] i don't believe that was just my memory i believe the lord just spoke to me caught me a little off guard but i that's the voice of the lord there's somebody here you may be already down at the altar you feel like you've gone too far you feel like it's too late you feel like man you've crossed some line if you're here you've not crossed any line god is drawing you you've not gone too far you've not done too much you need to step out in faith and receive your forgiveness like i did over 40 years ago and you need to have someone pray for you and agree with you that your past is in your past and that you are not going to let your past define your present or sabotage your future that's the word of the lord for somebody here tonight and you need to come on down you need to act on your faith i had to take a step of faith and say i'm sorry and just receive the forgiveness of god he flooded my heart and has been flooding it ever since so come on down if that's you thank you god for for helping us praise the lord father we just thank you for these people that are here we thank you for what you've done in our lives and where you're bringing us and taking us to as they're prayed for in the name of jesus we agree for every prayer we agree in prayer for your will to be done not there will but yours be done we agree that heaven is coming to earth and your will is being done on the earth as it is in heaven as we pray together as we stand together [Music] hallelujah usually in a audience like this this i just believe there's some people here that you've not made a commitment to christ you're a good person you're seeking but you've not given your heart to the lord and you need to do that if you've not given your heart to jesus you're not going to be able to fulfill any of god's will it all starts with knowing god it starts with eternal life and if you're here and you've not made a commitment to jesus i want to pray for you if you're here and you believe that god raised jesus from the dead and you're willing to confess him as lord you will be saved for with our heart we believe unto righteousness and with our mouth confession is made unto salvation if you've not made a profession of faith in jesus i want to pray for you i'm just going to ask for a show of hands if there's anybody here to be bold i want to make jesus lord of my life this night i know there's people watching that have it and i just pray you reach out and ask jesus to come into your heart anybody raise your hand high and and somebody might have to help me because of the lights nobody everybody in here has made a commitment to jesus everybody in here saved [Music] i don't want to miss you well praise the lord man that that's the first time i've missed god on that i'm excited that i miss the lord everybody's saved how about filled with the holy spirit it could be what it could be the live stream maybe that's what i was just sensing do we have a way for them to respond call the phone number on the screen is it on the screen there's a phone number on the screen and i felt like i heard god that even though i didn't expect that wasn't where my mind was going and i believe many of you are watching and jesus loves you and you've not accepted your salvation god wills to save you you are listening to me right now by divine appointment and you need to call that number on that screen and i assure you there'll be somebody there that'll not only know how to lead you into this experience of salvation and union with christ they'll be able to help you from this point on so make that call let me pray for you let's all pray for them together if everybody in here saved we need to believe god for a harvest and to see people say father in the name of the holy child jesus i thank you for stretching forth your hand and great signs and wonders being done one of the greatest signs and wonders is the recreation of the human spirit and those that are watching that as they believe in their heart right now that you raise jesus from the dead and as they confess with their mouth jesus is lord if you're watching right now i'm asking you do you believe jesus is the son of god do you believe god raised him from the dead on the third day and will you confess him as lord pray this prayer with me heavenly father let's all pray with those that are going to pray this prayer together heavenly father i come to you tonight i confess that i'm not right but i want to be right i want to make things right i can't do enough to save myself i can't quit enough to save myself i need help i believe jesus christ is that help he is the son of god he came to this earth lived a perfect life went to the cross bore my sins and the penalty for all my sins he died was buried on the third day he rose again and i confess him as lord my lord my god my king that is soon coming thank you for forgiving me cleansing me and changing me amen and amen praise god i believe that i believed that and that lives were touched and changed if you're not filled with the holy spirit you need to be filled with the holy spirit and everyone down here can pray for you and believe for you to receive the holy spirit don't leave here without being filled with the holy spirit if it's the holy spirit that's leading and guiding us you need to be filled with the holy spirit it's amazing what a difference being filled with the holy spirit makes in making your appointment with destiny amen so you come down if you need that brother is there anything [Music] praise the else i just want to say man that's powerful i know that a lot of people are receiving revelation and i really felt like those of you watching by live stream that number if they don't have it on the screen is 719 635 1111 and we've got dozens of people right upstairs back here a little answer your call they'll be there until midnight tonight and then on the weekend they're open from 7 30 in the morning i think till 6 30 at night on saturday and sunday and i really encourage you to take advantage of it you know that verse that you were using psalms 35 27 it's engraven on the wall as you walk out the door let everybody that favors my righteous cause say continually let god be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of a servant and on the other wall is without faith it's impossible to please him amen so you have to put those two things together you're living in something that pleases god amen it's awesome you're a blessing brother thank you that's a powerful powerful word you know uh dwayne and i are going to be out here signing books tonight so anyway i guess mark do you have information about that and uh so we'll be out there signing books and and visiting with you but all of these prayer ministers these are awesome people all of our prayer ministers has been through a great training and we see a lot of miracles happen and so please take advantage of them it's the prayer of faith that saves the sick that does whatever it's not an individual we've had this way too long that people think it's only certain people that have an anointing on them it's god that's doing the healing and so if you'll come looking for god god will set you free amen so mark i'm going to turn it back over to you i'm going to sneak out there and walk around so that you can't find me because everybody will stop me i'm going to go out there so you take care of it brother thank you andrew man i'm blessed by tonight's message aren't you that was really good so guys as you heard andrew and dwayne are going to be signing books outside um the next thing is please don't leave anything in the auditorium because they're going to take it and they're going to put it to or at the uh lost and found or it will be sold back to you but just to let you know guys please use both lanes as you go out it just makes the traffic flow better so please take advantage of that and we will be back tomorrow morning at nine o'clock so be there we'll see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] for we trust in our god and through his unfailing love we will not be shaken we will not be shaken we will not be shaken [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 996
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0x3cjQ7q3oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 33sec (6033 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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