Healing School with Duane Sheriff

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone why don't you stand up here in the auditorium those of you who have come on our colorado campus we want to say just welcome welcome welcome i tell you what i tell people all the time i'd rather be here in the healing school than the best hospital anywhere how about you amen because we know god has a good report for us and his report says back from the ancient prophecy of isaiah chapter 53 that by his stripes we were healed and first peter confirms it and we are healed and guess what none of the gifts none of the power of god is passed away in fact healing is here because jesus is here amen so greet somebody that you didn't come with today and tell somebody god is for you and if god's for you who could be against you and those of you joining us on the internet we wanted to say thank you for being a part of our healing school again today we are so grateful to have pastor dwayne sheriff with us the sheriff is in the house and i'm telling you he's going to be loaded with a great word for us i know that to be true and we are going to be blessed blessed blessed because we already are amen so go get some friends have them join you today today is going to be a great day and god's got good news so let's jump into some worship here today everybody jump into some worship yeah come on let's do it as we celebrate god's goodness in this place hallelujah thank you lord god come on let's celebrate [Music] how many of you know there's no other name but the name of jesus come on let me know do you know do you know there's no other name but the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] there's an answer to every question [Music] [Music] ready for that [Music] whoa oh [Music] jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh is jesus [Music] it's already done [Music] we will face our eyes [Music] oh jesus [Music] you're the author you're the creative you've already written a story [Music] your name's great [Music] on the way [Music] who breaks the chains [Music] hmm there's someone in here maybe multiple people where your your eyes really need to focus on the finished promise he's wanting you so much to open what he's already given you so take it [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] and all there's nobody like you god there will never be [Music] would be [Music] in a chain forever [Music] god oh is [Music] is there's nobody there's nobody anywhere [Music] is anyone like they'll never be anyone like [Music] you'll never be anyone like you you'll never be anyone nobody is oh your name is greater than any name i know your throne is so much higher than any other throne you you stand alone there will never be there's nobody like you god there's nobody like you god there your name is high we worship you we magnify you god [Music] we fix our eyes our attention it's all on you we look straight ahead no more distractions [Music] [Music] that's why we talked to this place today and in our hearts every day there's never going to be anybody like you you're the exalted one you're the name above every name you're the faithful one god you are awesome lord there'll never be anyone like you jesus [Music] lord we worship you today we submit our hearts our lives our thoughts our motivations our imaginations as a living sacrifice god we submit who we are and all that we are to you because lord we know that you're the exalted one [Music] we bow our life we bow our heart we bow our agendas to you [Music] never [Music] [Music] ever [Music] amazing grace [Music] is [Music] his praise [Music] my fears [Music] my chains are gone i've been set free my god my savior has mercy reigns on ending love amazing grace [Music] oh we thank you lord [Music] i love this verse [Music] come on he knows your future [Music] is [Applause] me is [Music] [Music] as [Applause] is [Music] [Music] the earth shall soon dissolve [Music] to shine but god who will be is set free is [Laughter] [Music] amazing grace [Music] listen can we take a minute just all over this place would you lay your hands on someone next to you and just begin to release the life of christ that is so alive and you right now into them there's no room for sickness or disease there's no room for depression or for fear just let that perfect love and that perfect life that lives in your spirit man flow out out of you into someone else the bible says that we'll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover jesus jesus how i love you thank you lord god you set us free it was for freedom god that you set us free and whom the sun sets free is free indeed we're so grateful lord hallelujah [Music] well before your season today give somebody a hug we're gonna go to a video so good to worship with you today praise the lord [Music] by his stripes we were healed and first first peter 2 24 we were healed we are healed do you believe it or not i'm preaching to me while i'm preaching to you be it unto me according to your word well how do i make that happen you get your spirit stirred up to choose i will believe isaiah 53 4. i don't care what my flesh says my emotions say my even my mind may be in conflict with this but my spirit is really fine-tuned to this i will believe that by his stripes i was healed and i am healed i will believe that i choose to believe that i will proclaim that i will sing his praise i will talk of his power i will i will i will i will amen do you really believe his word be it unto me according to your word it says in acts 10 38 that jesus went about healing all who were oppressed of the devil healing all well if you had been there would you have been healed all right well he's still here in fact he lives inside of you so choose to believe that that jesus is the same yesterday today and forever choose to agree with his word choose to be a person of faith don't wait for faith to just sort of kind of it might just pass by and you just kind of get into a faith for a second and oh that felt good no become aggressive become aggressive if you're dealing with something in your body choose to believe god's word choose to get your spirit stirred up choose to talk about it sing about it praise about it pray in the spirit about it become aggressive don't become a victim don't become someone who chooses to adjust [Music] good afternoon everybody welcome this is karis bible college healing school and we are part of andrew womack ministries and so we meet here most of some thursday afternoons from 1 p.m to 3 p.m mountain time so it's lovely to see you all here and thank you to those who are watching online thank you for tuning in today i know you're going to be blessed by the word that's going to come forth and i was like you watching online from across the pond and for me healing school was a lifeline and so i really heard the true word of god on healing and so i know that you are going to be blessed please please do keep watching because it's by faith when we hear the word of god it comes alive on the inside of us amen so if we can just give that online family a wave at the flying camera please welcome and also we want to welcome our extension schools ann harbour michigan baltimore maryland and greensboro north carolina so welcome so we have got some awesome events coming up for you yes gentlemen we have got men's advance and that is going to be march the 8th to the 10th we've got portland gospel truth seminar so andrew will be in portland on the 15th to the 17th of march and then here in woodland park in our campus here on march the 23rd to 25th we've got our production called god with us yes now this is such an awesome awesome performance please bring anybody your family your friends and also those that don't know jesus because it's a wonderful opportunity for them to receive salvation and to receive healing we've had so many healing testimonies from when the show has run before so please do come along now can i get a drum roll please this is our giveaway part and yes we love to give away because we are blessed five days a week here at carris we're sitting under the word and so this is our opportunity to give some of that back to you so my first book is a book by andrew and it's called every day with jesus who likes to have every day with jesus yes me i love to have jesus every day this is a devotional book it's by andrew and it gives you little bite sizes of scripture and his commentary on it so it's an awesome way to start your day so who would like this if you can raise your hand and we'll get that to you and we've also today got pastor dwayne in the house amen and he has got a new book out called identity theft and as children of god we know that our identity is in divine healing we should be walking in the provision that god has has provided for us he wants us well and that is our true identity as children of god so i know this book is going to bless bless you so again raise your hand we'll get that to you we've also got a product table at the back of the hall so please do have a look at what we have there our resources and if you're watching online andrew has an online shop addy's website at awmi.net so please do check that out so if any of you went shopping this week you will have noticed that many of the shops were full of red roses and pink confectionery yes yes well this week we've been celebrating valentine's day and this is a day that where the world expresses love through flowers little roses some lovely chocolates i have some hot chocolates here and some valentine cookies and these are all very nice but we shouldn't look to these things to define what love is or to determine whether we are loved or whether we are lovable why well these things are perishable human love can sometimes disappoint us it can wilt whoops or even die and this form of love can be here one day like this lovely cookie and i can't eat it all it can be gone the next but there is a love that never perishes and never dies and as we've been singing today this love has a name and it's jesus his love is unconditional and it is without limit he is the same today yesterday and tomorrow he will never leave us or forsake us and in john 3 16 it says for god so loved the world that's you and i that he gave us his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved and that word saved at the end there is such an awesome wonderful word it says to keep safe to rescue from danger destruction save a suffering one from disease to make well heal and restore now some of you may be saying well julia how can this god love me when i've done so many bad things i've done this and i've done that well the bible is often referred to as the good news and so it's good news for you that god says come to me just as you are you are my child you are forgiven i remember your sins no more and he wants to rescue us doesn't he from perhaps the destructive lives that we have or from sickness and illness and so if you're watching today or if you're here in the auditorium and you don't know jesus and you haven't made him your savior then please come forward at the end or please call us on our phone number which is and 719-635-1111 will be glad to walk you through that because we want you to know him amen i'm just going to read a testimony now and this is of um somebody who's experienced god's love and it's been a transformation in his life and this is the testimony of wayne jensen i'm just going to read it to you so it was actually through wayne's daughter who introduced wayne to andrew's teaching after she herself was healed from multiple sclerosis but when wayne himself was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer he knew he had to get into this word for himself properly and in his words turn it up a notch he had lost 60 pounds in a month and everything he ate made him sick he asked god for a word and he was led to read psalm 107 things started to improve then the symptoms began to return and he decided to come to healing school so he flew to colorado and was blessed by the teaching of mike hesh mike himself had a tumor on his chest for eight years and he confirmed to wayne that the word was alive inside him in his heart and that he was to trust god wayne's tumor began to shrink and at the beginning of this year he came to andrew's gts in phoenix and which again wayne heard the word that it was inside him and that it was at work the teaching had been exactly what wayne had been meditating on so it was a confirmation that things had already been done jesus had won this fight against cancer and he was to rest wayne said that when he next visited the bathroom there he saw evidence of the tumor in the basin of the toilet he saw pieces of it in there and he was healed amen we thank you god we thank you we praise your name for the goodness of this testimony amen amen and god wants this for you too it's for everybody it's a promise for every child everybody that lives on this planet it's a promise for you so i'm now going to welcome my colleague tracy asia and she is going to give you an opportunity to be a blessing today [Applause] amen did that not bless you i had the opportunity to meet wayne so i met him when he came here for healing school he came back that next friday and i met him and his wife in phoenix so he was very excited about the healing that had taken place in his body i am here to give you the opportunity and the privilege to continue in worship in your giving so if i could have the ushers to please come forward right now and if you could bring the offering envelopes if you are giving by check please make the checks out to cbc or carris bible college if you are giving by credit card there is a place on the envelope for you to give as well please put in your information clearly as possible and seal all of your information for us online family online guests we have not forgotten about you if you go to charisbiblecollege.org scroll down to the bottom there's a blue donate button click there it takes you to another giving page there you click on carris bible college and then right to the left clearly visible for you to see it says give to the student mission fund now what i want you to do at this moment i want you to pause and i want you to really think deeply because you have a decision to make should i decide to just give this one time or should i prayerfully consider about partnering with healing school you are being blessed here and we need to give where we're fed amen the scripture tells us in proverbs 3 verses um verses 5 through 12 in the passion translation it says trust in the lord completely and do not rely on your own opinions with all your heart rely on him to guide you and he will lead you in every decision you make so that means also in the decision to give today become intimate with him in whatever you do and he will lead you wherever you go don't think for a moment that you can do this all on your own for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that's wrong then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for glorify god with all your worth with all your wealth honoring him with your very best in every increase that comes to you then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an unattainable source of inner joy we just sent out our sri lanka team they just left today next week we will be sending out our belize team last week i said to you what do you have in your hand don't devalue what you have in your hand thinking it's not enough to do what god wants to do in his kingdom if he has given you a seed in your hand prayerfully consider think about it check your heart and give to good ground this is good ground the amount is not the important thing but how you purpose in your heart to give if you love this ministry you love healing school you come and you watch every week bless this ministry in your giving today there are so many students that go out to all these countries like i said we have one out that left today and one leaving next week you perhaps you can't go there but you are going when you sow a seed amen deuteronomy 16 17 says all must give as they are able according to the blessings giving to them of the lord god so god has given you something in your hand do not devalue it give today it is our honor and our blessing for us to bless others in our giving so let us receive our offering now father god we thank you we thank you lord god that you have given us seed to sow we thank you lord god that we are planting it in good ground but god to send out your word to let it go forth to all those that may not know your love that love that julia was talking about today that we may be the vessels that you use to speak into their life and share that unconditional love with them i thank you lord god as a as everyone gives today that they will be blessed a hundred fold for the seed that they have planted in jesus name amen at this time we will have daniel ems well so good to be here again today and we want to just again welcome you to the healing school thank you for being a part of our healing school we're here almost every week out of the year at one o'clock colorado time and as you know we are live streaming all around the world and what a blessing it is to be able to do so and every week we have someone teaching different i teach a lot in the healing school but i as i established the healing school back in 2011 it was very important for me to bring in other voices who would be speaking along the same lines but from different perspectives and what a blessing it was how many you heard pastor rick mcfarlane last week well wasn't that awesome amen and so if you ever miss a teaching the good news is you can go up on our website because every healing school is archived and so you can go up on our website and there's i think now we have six over six years worth of healing schools that are archived on our website so i tell people all the time you know what i dare you to go back and listen to six years of healing school and stay sick amen it'll be really hard for you to remain sick when you have marinated in the word of god like that and you find out what god's plan is so let me just tell you real quickly one of the other conferences we have coming up in august is of course our annual healing is here event we're very excited this year august the 14th through the 18th is going to be our conference we're going to be hearing of course in the evening sessions from teachers like andrew womack barry bennett we're going to also be hearing this year first for us here on our campus from randy clark randy clark will be with us and then we are also going to hear from audrey mack from france and some of you have heard audrey and know her incredible healing testimony that she has and a powerful word so mark your calendars hotels are already filling up here in our woodland park area and we would love to have you but also have someone that you know who might be in a healing journey come and join us for that event we'll have instruction during the morning sessions and this year each of our evening speakers are also going to be teaching in the morning sessions and then in the afternoon sessions we're going to be having classes of activation so activating and how to apply healing in spirit soul and body how to operate in the gifts how worship and and healing work together and many really hands-on kind of workshops throughout the week so it's a it's a power packed week and then we also of course always have a panel of each of our guest speakers who come in and answer the really really tough questions so you all know if you've been around here at any length at all that pastor duane sheriff has been our guest for several years in our healing is here event and also what a blessing to have him here he's a regular teacher on our campus he's one of andrew's board members he is my pastor and i am so grateful for this man and his wife and their ministry if you are not familiar with duanesheriffministries.org go to their website they've got tons of great information on their website as well victory life church and you will be able to find and don't forget to get that book on identity at the back today those of you here in the auditorium would you join me in giving a great big karus welcome to pastor dwayne sheriff today the sheriff is in the house love you thank you praise the lord thank you thank you well if you have your bibles or your electronic devices go ahead and turn to hebrews chapter 11. before i i start or or even pray it's always such a blessing to be here and the ability to reach out to so many different people is such a such an honor so i know we did it but can we go ahead and welcome all of our extended campuses again and all of our friends from literally all over the world can you act like you really mean it that you're glad they're here [Music] amen glad very glad you guys are are here and uh man there's so many people i'd like to honor every time i get up i want to honor someone and you leave people out but man julia i just wish i could be that sweet and that nice and when she just speaks her you just saw that's not going to happen with me today okay but you just need to know my heart that i really wish i could come across like that it's just so beautiful but i believe that uh i have something for you that will help you personally but will also help equip you to help others because healing and and sickness and the mysteries associated with with working these things out it's a lifetime journey that we're all on and there's always someone else that has a need in your sphere of influence so we call it healing school because we're not only believing for you to be healed and receive a healing if you need it and we're going to to believe with you we're equipping you to be a blessing to other people amen so let's pray father thank you for your goodness in our lives we are blessed and i just thank you for this opportunity and this format and literally the thousands of people even through being here at healing school you've used some of the things i'm sharing to touch so many lives it's such a blessing and so i just thank you for helping me to connect today in jesus name amen well i want to share some things in regards to receiving our healing and also in encouraging others that god brings into our lives that are in need of healing there are many ways to be healed and i believe there are different ways to receive a healing because of god's great love for us and a point of contact all of us are at different places stages and ages in our life our journey and our walk with god and so when i read the scriptures on healing it just encourages me on the many different ways god desires to get healing to people and i believe again it's because he loves people so much and he wants us to prosper and be in health even as our soul now is prospering third john two and so your healing and my healing is connected to my mind renewal and me learning to yield mean learning to receive because even as we saw in a video clip of a a good man a great a great speaker that we are already healed healing is the children's bread healing is our inheritance healing is a promise given to each and every one of us unconditionally but man there's things we face that we don't understand that can confuse us that god wants to get us through those things not only personally to grow in our relationship with him but then to help others i know i believe in healing i've walked in divine health for quite a few years and i was in a meeting one time years ago and man i was praying for sick people and i mean the lines were were huge every night and i had been praying for months about some warts on my hand now i know that's no big deal and maybe some of you are facing something that just well warts that is nothing well for me i don't want no warts on my hand and that ain't god's will for me to have warts on my hands so i'm not just waiting for some big problem and learn how to fight i want these warts off my hand god didn't create my hand to have warts hallelujah and so i'm praying i'm believing i'm doing everything i know to do and these warts are not leaving and so i'm in this prayer line and and i'm laying my hands on people and they're getting healed and it was like three nights in a row and so by the uh going into the third night i'm thinking now wait a minute help me with this jesus i love you we're we're friends but i don't get this i am praying and laying hands on sick people and not all but many of them are getting healed instantly and what about these warts i didn't get an answer i don't i don't like that i don't know how your relationship with the lord is but sometimes he talks to me when i don't want to hear him some of you haven't been walking with the lord very long and then other times i mean you got to fast i got to pray i got to separate i got to meditate to get a word from from the lord and so i don't get that so help me with this the next night i'm praying for people by faith because i'm going to get this worked out and he told me to lay hands on the sick i'm just going to do what i know to do when i don't know what to do because what i do know does work and so i'm praying for people and a guy in the healing line that came up to be healed saw my warts and he looked at that and he said you want to be healed of that oh no brother i'm the man of faith and power of the hour that's not what happened i'm joking no my attitude was of course i want to be prayed for that and that guy prayed for me from a healing line and by that night when i went to bed i didn't look on purpose but when you go to bed at night you wind up looking at your hands and sure enough those warts were completely gone now i don't know why all i know is i started seeking god and i did ask him and his answer wasn't audible in a voice to me but his answer was dwayne we received from each other many times we always have need of the body of christ we have need for jesus and i'm telling you that man i needed him in my life i'm not saying i couldn't have pressed through by faith on my own and got my healing i've done that many times and that's i believe well i won't say it that way i believe personally that's the best way to receive anything from god is on your own because you're not dependent like looking to people then but god has placed gifts in the body of christ and god has has mandated that we need each other and that we love each other and that we humble ourselves to each other and i learned something very valuable that night about receiving from god that we need to walk humbly before the lord and we don't care how god gets it to us or who god goes through we're going to receive everything god has for us in this life by faith in jesus amen so that was a big deal in my life at that time seeing god do something for me and that i was in need of from a member of the body of christ well every way god heals and even in that situation i had to have faith i still had to walk in faith i still had to trust god not the man but god did flow through the man just like everybody in the healing line couldn't trust me but they had to trust god working through me and so i learned a lot about faith in that setting let me encourage you in your walk of faith there are a lot of things about faith that we're continuing to learn and we are to grow in and how faith works and how faith for instance speaks many people have still not got it straight yet that you need to start speaking to your mountains by faith instead of letting your mountains speak to you in doubt and unbelief and when people have to fight sickness many times they hear the sickness and the devil behind that sickness talking to them and and if you keep listening to your problem or your challenge or what you're believing for talk to you in time it'll wear you down in unbelief but you have to learn to live by faith and not let your mountain speak to you your problems speak to you you've got to speak to it so see we have to learn to speak to sickness in jesus name instead of letting any sickness speak to us and create doubt in our lives does that make sense well there's other things about faith you have to learn and that we're growing in i want to share some things about faith because without faith it is impossible to please god for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him i want to be a god pleaser anybody want to be a god pleaser all right that was a no-brainer there i can't see you guys but you need to be a god a god pleaser i want to be a god pleaser how do i do that walk by faith live by faith understand the just shall live by faith faith isn't something we just every now and then choose to exercise ourself in we live by it we walk by it we receive every promise of god by faith so understanding faith learning about faith never thinking you know everything about faith is a good position to stay in so that you keep growing in your knowing concerning how faith works in my life because that's what pleases god it's how we live and it's how we walk well jesus said one time that those of us who believe nothing would be impossible on us those aren't just dead words to me man i live my life thinking the impossible because of faith in my heart makes everything possible for me today there is nothing impossible in your life if you have faith in god so i want to know about faith i want to hear about faith i want to think about faith so what i want to do is i want to take some things that god's taught me about faith that is something that is near and dear to my heart and i i don't know of a day that goes by i don't operate in the three things i'm going to say to you that i don't either think about them that i'm not focused on them praying about them and so i pray that you see the value of this and maybe you won't when i first say it but i'm just believing that you're going to see some things and and this is very very important in our life of faith and so when i'm believing god to receive what jesus by grace has already paid for i've discovered that there are three cooperative powers that work with faith and that faith and any time i've been in faith and i'm receiving by god's amazing grace now demonstrated in jesus a promise these three things are involved every time and so a lot of times when you're struggling in your faith or you're struggling in standing the devil will work on these three if you will legs to the stool of faith there's three legs that is the stool of faith let me give them to you quickly then we're going to unpackage them and then we're going to believe that god's going to speak to you personally privately directly on maybe something you could adjust to strengthen your faith because i guarantee you you have faith or you wouldn't be here okay that didn't work let's try let's try you guys you got you guys have faith or you wouldn't be watching me right now you responded better for them than you that's awesome let me give you all three quickly because they're powers that they work together with faith and the devil will attack these legs and unsuspectingly you won't even know what's happening to you and it can tend to weaken your faith in your fight of faith especially when you're believing for a healing or prosperity or or we could go on for your relationships your marriage your children all these things it takes faith in god to see things change and so let me give you all three of them number one is hope is hope faith doesn't work independent of hope and what will happen in a battle what'll happen when you're really fighting a sickness or you're you're fighting a financial issue or a relational issue he attacks your hope to weaken your faith number two is love love god's love and how that faith works and how love is a part of of of god's kind of faith and activating that faith in your everyday life and then the third one and the third one's hard this everybody likes to hope we'll have fun there and then everybody kind of likes the love we'll we'll let julia get up and talk about love because everybody likes the love thing but i've got some things i think will help you in that but when i talk about patience that's when you lose the crowd you know i get that and so i kind of pray i run out of time before we get to patients okay and so we'll see see how it goes so we've got we've got hope we've got love and we've got patience and you need to see this now as the three legs to the stool the chair of faith and i think if you'll open your heart if you're not experiencing an attack on those three you can sure them up and i promise you after doing all to stand if you'll keep standing you're going to receive your healing and your friends are going to receive their healing and your family members that you're praying for you can help them with this so that they can receive their healing so let's look at the first one hebrews 11 hebrews 11 verse 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen i apologize to the media department my bad i've been really good about getting you a general outline and and this week they're just working me like a mule i forgot about getting you any notes so good job on getting that up notice notice it says now faith is now if it's not now it's not faith it didn't say yesterday faith was and it didn't say tomorrow faith will be it says now faith is when you're in faith there is a now factor that you are engaging in not not anybody responding but but daniel but that's okay he's in charge if he doesn't get it we're toast so i'll make sure you get this now faith is not yesterday faith was not tomorrow faith will be many christians live in the god of yesterday and that ditch and then they jump into the god of of tomorrow boy when we get on the other side we're going to be blessed when we get on the other side oh that god moses and the miracles of moses the great eye was and they live there in the miracles of even of the old testament and then they'll jump into the to the to the ditch of the god uh uh that that's to come when we get to heaven when we get to heaven we're going to be healed when we get to heaven we're going to be blessed living in mansions walking on the streets of gold et cetera et cetera et cetera the great i'm going to be we serve the great i am god enters our present world by his amazing grace and he simply called us with childlike faith to yield to respond to receive putting no trust in anyone or yourself but the true and the living god and and we can experience all these wonderful things now because we serve the great i am again i was taught even when we get on the other side i remember one time preacher got all excited i'm not being mean i get excited and say dumb things amen but i mean he got all excited and saying you know we're going to be healed on the other side we're going to be blessed on the other side and we're just going to whip up on the devil on the other side the devil ain't on the other side if you're going to whip up on the devil we've got to do it today [Music] so hope though now hear my heart on this hope is a major leg to faith because faith works in hope hope is your vision hope is your goal hope is your dream listen hope is your desire and if you lose hope in a battle you're crippling faith and so if you're struggling to believe you receive for anything and we'll we'll tie it into healing what the devil can do and has done to many people and as a pastor i deal with this all the time so i just learn it from loving people and helping people what happens is they lose their hope to be healed maybe maybe your faith isn't right now today bringing in that manifestation of what has already been given by grace but don't give up hope and the friends and family that you're praying for that are in need of healing you you'll have to find yourself helping them not give up hope because if the devil can steal hope faith doesn't have anything to bring substance to and so you have to hope hope is desire and many times especially in sickness when the battle is prolonged that the desire begins to wane and it's like well maybe i just need to live with this maybe i don't have enough faith maybe and then that's when all the doubt starts and the mountain starts talking to you and the devil starts whispering then all your old false doctrines get resurrected that well maybe god doesn't heal everybody and maybe he's stealing your hope and so you have to understand that in in romans chapter 4 verse 18 the bible says about our father the father of our faith abraham it says who against hope believed in hope when it looks like it's hopeless you still have to believe in hope man i thought i'd get a better amen on that one that it looked hopeless i mean god has said you're going to have a boy and it's the promised seed nations will come out of this boy and it's going to be sarah amen i don't i don't want to get bogged down here so please nod your head you know what i'm talking about and you're nearly 100 years old sarah is 90. she can hardly wash dishes much less make love [Applause] am i okay i'm not is that okay i mean he's looking over her and i ain't got no hope she's looking over at him and said i really ain't got no hope and amen i've been in this a long time and i have hit i have hit walls where it absolutely looked impossible and hopeless and i've had to act on what i'm telling you that you know what right now it feels hopeless it looks hopeless but i'm going to believe in hope i'm not going to lose my vision i'm not going to lose my dream when a doctor looks at you and says you've got six months to live you better you better you better go to the archives and you better hear the what god's word says and and and what the final word is because by his stripes you are healed and with long life the lord my god will satisfy you and the number of your days he shall [Music] fulfill you better be thinking about that and having hope get a picture of seeing your grandkids of seeing your dreams fulfilled because what the devil does is hope works in here faith is down in here it's in your spirit it's a spiritual force but it has to work in hope that's why you have to renew your mind for what's in here to get through your mind out here how many of you know that the power of the christian life doesn't come from the mind but it does come through the mind you've got to agree with god that's your will your mind your soul you got to believe god up here as well as down here for it to flow out of you now i love you everybody say i love brother dwayne but you do have faith in the word of god you do believe god wills to heal but listen to me and i'm saying this in love your picture up here is still that you're sick you see yourself sick where this works best for me i i gotta hold healing quicker than i did prosperity and a picture of me healed see if sickness tempts me if if a symptom tempts me i never have seen up here hope hope is hope is of of my mind i've never seen me sick trying to get healed my picture my hope my vision the mind and the renewal of my mind my picture is i'm healed that the devil's trying to make sick he comes to steal kill and destroy well he can't steal something that ain't there so my position in a temptation of sickness isn't i'm sick how can i get healed i'm sick god would you heal me my position of the battleground and the fight is no i am healed and i resist sickness let me help you let me help you with a sin illustration this will help you because everybody knows sin y'all never sin okay let me help you guys again when i'm tempted to sin and even if i enter the temptation of sin i'm not unrighteous now trying to do something to become righteous i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus that's somehow another satan tempted me there was something in me i didn't know about and i entered into some kind of sin but now i'm not unholy unwriter and a sinner that has to become righteous no because i'm still righteous and holy in jesus i resist this sin now i repent of this sin now and i stand spirit soul and body back in that position of totally right before god when you sin you're still the righteousness of god in christ jesus and you need to repent not to get righteous again but you're repenting because you are righteous i thought this would really work here at charis i'm not sick and now i'm sick and got to go get healed by his stripes i am healed i am the healed and it is the children's bread and i am going to resist sickness now submit unto god resist the devil and the devil will flee and these symptoms will go away i will overcome them by faith that's why a lot of people will say you know if you're sick and then i say well no i'm healed well they say well no you're not look they're symptoms you're sick no i'm the healed that the devil is trying to make sick i still have to fight but it's called a good fight because i'm fighting not to obtain healing i'm fighting to maintain the healing i have by the stripes of jesus and because i am healed i am not going to yield to sickness and because i am righteous in jesus i'm not going to live in sin either i might have a weak moment in sin i might have a weak moment in sin but that's not my home i may i don't know how come i had symptoms come into my body i don't care i'm the healed and so there's a fight but it's a good fight why is it a good fight because you win because you've already been declared you're already healed how many of you have heard my good fight story nobody one two three four all right i guess i gotta tell it i only had one good fight coming up in school i used to be thin it usually takes a minute for that to sink in and no i'm telling the truth i used to be thin and and i just couldn't win a fight and i mean i i had some pretty bad fights but listen every fight the guy who beat me to him it was a good fight he'd go around bragging it was a good fight i'd be going is a bad fight it is terrible fact and so i only had one fight in junior high school that i won and i'm telling you that was a good fight it was a good fight and the reason i won that fight is because in my mind i saw me the winner before i entered the fight and i i made up in my mind i i will die before i lose this fight i'd rather die than lose this fight and she nearly beat me [Applause] [Music] but i whipped that girl i bit her i pulled her hair i kicked her see i won that fight because i felt like a girl there's a right way to fight do you know if you could if you could show christians the gospel of grace if you could show them the cross if god if they would just yield and let god just pull the veil back and show you that he's already preordained before the foundations of the world for you to win every fight he's already declared you the winner before you go into the fight god says you're you're more than a conqueror through me that loved you and gave myself for you before you go in into any fight in this world whether it be sickness poverty disease lack relational dysfunctionality on and on i can go god has already said in first john chapter five you're a world overcomer he's already and he says well who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth jesus is the christ how many of you believe jesus is the christ you're a world overcomer he's already declared you the winner before you go in and if you believed you were the winner before you went into the fight of sickness or the fight with some sin you'd win you would win it's like the wwf it's fake oh my gosh some of you men are just we've got counseling after this service to help you i mean some of you looking at me like please pastor please tell me tell me it's real i ain't gonna lie to you i know for a fact i mean a fact i know personally firsthand and i don't have time to tell all that it's fake before the match happens there is a a a boss that looks at this guy and says you will lose and he looks at this guy and says you will win well why even have the fight but they still fight the fight and even the ref is in on it the ref knows who wins and who loses and you'll notice in a w match and i can start naming dusty rhodes and and all those names all those people i don't i don't let me let me help you some of you are tuning out i do not watch wrestling sue will not let me that's my wife if you if you was to have a weak moment and watch it the guy that was told you're to lose starts pinning he just beats the snot out of the guy that's supposed to win and the guy that's supposed to win just looks like he's on his last breath and he puts him on the mat he pins him and the ref goes you watch it next time the ref goes one one two two two and just before he throws the hand down three the holy ghost comes on the guy that's supposed to win he breaks out and he's anointed like samson and he just beats the snot out of that other guy and when he pins him you watch the ref one two three oh come on that's good you know it amen jesus is the ref it's a fixed fight god has already told the devil you're the loser and he's told you you are the winner and sometimes it looks like the devil's going to win and we still have to fight the fight but it's called a good fight of faith because you've already been preordained to win any battle in this life so what am i trying to say never lose your hope even if it feels bad even if it looks bad even if you feel weak in your faith don't lose hope and renew your mind and see yourself healed if the doctor says you've got six months to live and you've got two babies fear is going to try to grip your heart you better see yourself raising those babies you better see yourself and see them graduating from high school and see them producing one of the best things on this planet grandkids man i love grandkids i wish we could have skipped the kid phase and went straight to grandkids it's like what's up with this seems like god's got this all wrong or something but i'll talk to him about that later let me give let me give a problem i had i believed the bible on god's will to prosper me for years i knew scripture i wasn't just playing i sowed that word in my heart and i could quote scripture and i knew that i knew that it was god's will to prosper me but i came out of such deep poverty and i don't want to elaborate on it which we if we had a few hours together i could really expound on things to really help connect but i mean i know what it's like to be hungry really be hungry i know what it's like to live under not live but sleep under a bridge i mean i know poverty i know poverty so here here god's god's using me my my church is growing the ministry is exploding and i'm believing all the scriptures on prosperity but listen deep in my heart not my spirit the part of my heart that has to be renewed the soul part not my spirit part but in my soul part listen i still saw myself poor the image was poverty i couldn't see myself in a nice house i couldn't see myself with nice clothes i couldn't see myself driving a four-wheel drive toyota pickup truck with a gun rack in the back some of the some of the extended schools are way up north yes i have a gun i love guns i'm just trying to get over the shell shock [Applause] so you don't just have to believe god wills to heal you that's a start that's good if i looked you right in the eye and you were pure honest do you see yourself sick still trying to get healed or do you have your mind renewed where you see yourself healed and this is an attack of the devil he came to steal mahilan that takes time that takes time proverbs 13 proverbs 12 13 proverbs 12 somewhere in the bible 13 12. i got it right proverbs 13 12 listen to this now hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire comes it's a tree of life so see how he used hope look at it upon the screen hope deferred makes your heart sick but when the desire comes see how he exchanged hope and desire when the desire the hope comes is a tree of life so you have to keep your hope up when you're fighting the good fight of faith because sometimes we're thrown into battles that it looks like we're gonna lose it's like we think we should have already won this by now it's like people asking me well how long do i have to fight to believe to receive my healing till you get it there is no answer other than the one i have and i'm not saying i have the only answer but this is the only answer how long do i have to fight to receive my healing my friend prayed in three days was healed of stage four cancer i'm dealing with warts so how long do i have to fight how long do i have to stand well after doing all to stand stand therefore and make sure you gird your loins with truth don't believe any lies make sure you know and put on the breastplate of righteousness that man i know i'm right with god so god ain't my problem i'm telling you how to fight and the helmet of salvation i'm already saved nothing to fear here and all the battle's happening right up here the sword of the spirit take up the sword of the spirit the word of god keep keep speaking the word keep keep hearing the word keep keep praying the word the shield of faith shield of faith that'll quench all the fiery darts of the wicked notice you can have faith but it ain't a clean shield he's like man i have held my shield up before and i can feel it getting heavy with darts and that usually takes me to right about here and then i can hear my spirit a continental nuclear ballistic missile just got launched from hell and it's heading my way and my shield's full of darts y'all never had a real attack a continental nuclear ballistic missile it's like i got people in my church they're whining about darts i'm thinking darts i got out of the dart zone a long time ago man i'm hearing continental ballistic nuclear missiles fired heat seeking sensors on them that i can't run far enough except i better run into him and he become my shield and my high tower because there's a point where your personal shield may get filled up but when god is your shield and your rear guard any heat-seeking missile that finds you still got to go through god so what am i trying to say it may take time for you to renew your mind on god's will to heal you you may be sitting there right now or you may be watching and you will have friends that they'll say to you well i believe god wills to heal me but hope is usually where the enemy's attacking them jesus said whatsoever things mark 11 24 whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them notice you don't even need to pray till you have strong desire i literally had friends years ago hope was a bad word if i was to say to some of my friends they would say you know where you at in your and you're believing for so and so and i say well now i'm struggling a little bit but i sure got hope oh don't say that like hope is a bad word no faith works in hope hope is the thermostat on the wall it's desire it's a goal it's a it's a dream it's a vision and we we have a desire a dream a vision for it to be 72 degrees in here that's your hope and you've got to set it and you've got to hold it but how many of you know without the units outside you'll never see those dreams come to pass but if you've got units outside all this power to change the temperature to 72 degrees in here but you don't have a thermostat you see how they work together you set your hope as your thermostat by his stripes i am healed i see myself healed that's my vision my imagined nation with god breathed word in my heart not just i'm not talking about mind over matter stuff i'm talking about your mind matters and i i see it up here and boy it was it wasn't the day i believed god willed to prosper prosper me that i saw prosperity it was the day i saw the picture right amen all right number two that was that was a little longer than i wanted to number two is love galatians 5 6. can you put that up there guys galatians 5 6 says circumcision neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth anything but faith which worketh by what love so see faith works in hope faith works by love and i hope this isn't hard for you i really do but if i was to ask everybody in here do you believe god loves you i believe everybody raised their hand and you could have asked me 37 years ago do i believe god loves me and i would have said yeah but i've been growing in my knowing of how much he loves me now if i can grow and be growing in my knowing of god's love for me and if faith works by love then if i'm growing in my knowing of love my faith is going to become more effective why do so many people believe god wills to heal them but when they get sick or a disease or something attacks them the first thing that comes into their head is does god really love me the first thing the devil will tell you when a when a tribulation hits you listen to me carefully i'm going to help you if you want help i'm going to help you this is real this is awesome the first thing you'll hear in your head if your baby died if your wife left if if your business collapsed if a disease and a diagnosis of a disease was spoken over you the first thing you'll hear in your head from the devil is if god loved you why did you get sick if god loves you why'd your spouse leave if god loves you why did why did your dad abandon you when you were a baby or a child if if god loves you why'd your spouse leave you if god loves you is what you'll hear in a trial let me give you a heads up when you're in a trial god's love is not being tested for you your love for god is being tested well i did a pitiful job there that's huge i lived for years thinking god's love was on trial when i was in a test and that had to be reversed that in a test a trial a tribulation an affliction god's love for me is not being tested but my love for him will be how many people do you know aren't serving god today because of a trial in their life they failed the test faith works by love when you see god's love for you it's easy to believe him go to go to first john 4. and i'm going to try to hurry through this because i know brother andrews talks about this all the time and so i don't want to spend a lot of time here so i can get to some other things in first john 4 look at verse 15. first john 4 15 whosoever shall confess that jesus is the son of god god dwells in him and he and god and we have known and believed remember that we have known and believed the love that god has to us god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and god in him herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world look at this verse 18 there is no fear in love but perfect love will cast out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love now i want to help you if you'll let me if you have any fear of anything you're lacking in your knowing and believing of god's love for you so some of you are just paralyzed so let me help you get healed how have i had to deal with over the years fear a fear of man a fear of death a fear of rejection a fear do you know preachers have to deal none of them probably will tell you i have a habit of telling things other preachers won't tell but many preachers won't tell you their fear of standing here and speaking and not being accepted or being received or being liked they struggle with that fear of rejection the fear of man the bible says is a snare but it's real fear of a storm just any fear if you have any fear the love of god's not perfected any so how did i have to get over then oh man i'm just pathetic because of fear in my life no i learned wait a minute oh my gosh god loves me so much he loves you so much he's given us a thermostat on being able to know how much you know and believe he loves you because because every time i have feared anything i stopped for a minute and humbled myself and said you know lord i know you love me but maybe i don't know it and believe it like i need to because if i really knew it like you want me to know it that would cast that fear out so so the fear is just showing me i have a weakness here and so i'm just going to keep growing in my knowing of how much you love me because love will cast that fear out and it has i mean there's only two things that even i'm having to deal with in the whole life and i don't have a fear i do not fear man nor beast but i have awesome respect for for women and snakes [Music] both about you but i'm not afraid see if i was afraid of snakes i wouldn't go in the woods like i go into the woods i have a healthy fear of snakes i'm not talking about a tormenting fear talk about respect they can hurt you have a healthy respect for women i'm just going to let it go wisdom says let it go [Music] now think about this he said god is love he didn't say god has love for me he'll say god has love for you he said god is love earlier earlier he talked about how no one can love unless they're born of god and know god he that loveth is born of god and knows god now watch this two things he that is he that loves and can love has to be have two things you can't love unless you're born of god and you know god then he says he that loveth not no it's not god amen to love you've got to be born of god and no god he that doesn't love doesn't know god that's why you see churches filled and and and our communities with so-called christians in them filled with people who don't love with god's kind of love you can be born of god but you can't love people with god's love till you come to know god relationship knowing god and that's why so many of our churches are filled with people born of god but they're not loving each other see we can't love with god's love till we receive god's love because love is of god love is not of my emotions it's not of my mind it's not of this world love is of god and he that loveth is born of god and knows god and let me go a little further here again he said god is love see i thought remember faith works by what love faith works by what so as i'm growing in my knowing of god's love i'm now loving other people with that love because now i'm receiving god's love for me now i have it to give you can't give what you don't have and there is no love in your flesh there's no love in you the only love in you is god and the only way it's going to come out of you is you knowing him relationship with him now i thought for years he had love for me and he had love for you and that's where my faith was being crippled because my unrenewed mind was telling me that if god has love for daniel and he has love for me then he's going to love daniel more than me okay you didn't like that if god had love for daniel and had love for me we all know god would love me more than daniel now be honest be honest with yourself be honest with your walk with god in your own heart i grew up my whole life in church thinking god loved everybody more than me that i was dysfunctional i there's some i really believed i was flawed and it took years for me to discover wait a minute we're all flawed in adam amen and no one's more flawed than anyone else and so the bottom line was god showed me and it's a scripture let me let's go to it i'm hurrying john 17. this is when it when it changed i saw it by revelation if god is love and doesn't just have love let's be honest i have well this is not going to help me i love everybody in my church and i know some of you are watching i love everybody in my church but i like some of the people that come to my church you're never gonna hear another preacher say that so savor the moment i mean there was there was a couple that left our church one time and my leaders were praying for him to come back what is wrong with y'all i prayed for him to go [Applause] don't be praying them people back that sounds mean i know but they were just mean and and there's other churches they'd fit perfect with people are lying to you if they say they like like on a personal level everybody two great revelations john 17. i'm gonna show you this here in a minute i'm i'm going to too slow here but these are experiences that help people with the word of god this is going to sound so silly i'm embarrassed to say it just like i was embarrassed to be that honest in a way but i know that just helps some people my first son when i had my first son well i didn't have him sue had him but i don't want to upset any women um when sue had our first child i can't tell you the revelation of love unconditional love i mean i i knew god had it for me as a son but when you have a son it's like some you you know it theologically but all of a sudden there's this love that he's not meriting he doesn't deserve it he's actually trying to mess my head up with pooping in his diaper and crying in the middle of the night it's like what's wrong with you i thought we birthed the human i haven't got to the embarrassing part yet i don't know that i've ever told this publicly i'm not sure i not me sue was pregnant with our second child and i actually went to an older person in the church i was pastoring in the methodist church and i went to them and said i gotta talk to somebody i'm really concerned about this how am i going to love a second child with the same love i have for this child will there really be a different kind of love for this child and a different kind of love and it was so neat they were so sweet to me back then when i pastored in the methodist church i wish i could go back those people loved me so much that i i promise i could fall off the stage and and that church would have went that is the most precious powerful fall i've ever seen in my life i could do no wrong this person grinned real big and said now watch this they said this is a great day in your life and god will teach you something about his love that you know here but you're going to know it all through your being when your second child is born i dedicated all my children fresh i mean i delivered all my children and and dedicated them i mean right there to the lord and i had a doctor helping me i didn't do it by myself sue helped out a little but matter of fact the the the last child i had the doctor had such a warp sense of humor i cut the umbilical cord and and and and he told me where to cut it and i cut it and he went no not there [Applause] and i don't hide things very well i'm very i'm very transparent man i went what what did i do shoes looking at me with those eyes that look like what did i just cut i wanted to slap him it's true i when jacob was born jacob was second born when jacob was born it was like this this understanding that i can't articulate that i just began to weep wow there is a kind of love that just is see if you have something you can have a little of it or a lot of it if you have water you can have a quart of water you can have a gallon of water and if you have water and i'm going to give water i could give her a quart of water and i could give him a gallon of water but listen if you're h2o you just are and whatever you are you are to her and whatever you are you are to him so whatever god is to jesus he is to you he is to you man i'm excited i'm preaching myself happy what if you really believe the joy the father had for the firstborn of many brethren what if you believe the father has the same feelings for you the same emotions for you the same commitment to you the same love for you that he had for the firstborn why do we think god loves jesus more than us because he was perfect he didn't sin in word thought or deed and here's me over here can't hide nothing and that day god showed me that he doesn't see me any different in his love than he sees jesus he doesn't have love for jesus and he doesn't have love for you he is love do you realize how much your faith just was united do you realize right now in this moment you can feel the holy spirit you can feel the weight of this goodness of god and faith is just working it's like why would he not will to heal you why would he not will to bless you if he loves you as much as jesus and here's the word on it jesus is praying in john 17 he's saying i'm not praying for these alone but for them that believe on him through their word every one of us within the sound of my voice you believe in jesus because of the word of the apostles you believe what john said god's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to re god you believe what did i say what scripture did i say a scripture or am i just talking i'm just so excited you believe what john said three what john the man in john that's what threw me 3 16 says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever would believe would not perish but have everlasting life you believe that you believe the word of paul that if you believe in your heart that god raised jesus from the dead and you go ahead and confess him with your mouth as lord you will be saved so every one of you and me jesus was praying for because we believe on him through their word so what's he praying for us verse 21 that we may all be one as thou father art in me and i in them that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me one of the greatest evangelistic tools we have is our unity verse 22 says in the glory which you gave me i've given them that they may be one even as we are one i in them and thou and me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and has loved them as thou hast loved me it's in red is it red i'd raise pentecostal believe the red and believe for the power it's in rent jesus was praying and said that the world one day is gonna see and know that god loves us with the same love he loves jesus that'll make your faith work so faith works in hope but it works by love and so maybe you're struggling just meditate on the love of god for you take i challenge anyone within the sound of my voice quit worrying about your faith and focused on your faith and just take a day and do nothing but but celebrate and thank god for his love some of you can't go five or ten minutes and i'm not being mean there i'm saying we should be able to go a whole day thinking about nothing but god's great love for us and faith is a byproduct faith is like a fruit it just happens and when i got this i looked back every time i've struggled in believing i doubted god's love for me there was a fear there that maybe it won't work this time maybe i'm going to be an exception to the rule and so i just want to encourage you in that all right number three number one faith works in what hope faith works by what all right and now faith works with patience have i already taught this here y'all are doing good i'm impressed hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 guys put that up says do not be slothful or sluggish one translation says don't be lazy lots of lazy christians do not be slothful or lazy but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises faith works in hope faith works by love and faith works with patience patience there in the original language greek language is endurance and saints we've just got to grow up a little bit and and come to the place of understanding that all of us are going through something that it we have to be patient we have to endure it but we have the hope the endurance is just for a season and we know god loves us so we're going to make it you see how those work together we have that hope we're going to make it we know because of love we're going to make it and now we just have to endure and it's not that god's making you sick to teach you anything like some of you've been taught it's not that god wills sickness so i'm going to bring it back down to healing because i think i'm at healing school we have to endure i had to endure a season for my inheritance of prosperity to become practical in my life where i started seeing i can afford better clothes now and i sewed all my clothes and started reaping clothes i i reaped my pickup truck i gave away a few it was mean to give those cars away should have called somebody to come tow them off but i saw the seed i had and so when you mix faith with your things you can make them and cause them to become seeds and so i kept sewing and i kept sewing i gave away all my messages because what did i want i wanted to position myself in my latter years god woke me up in the middle of the night and asked me what i wanted one time and i simply told him how i want to be a blessing to your people i want to be a a good leader i want to i want to have a word from god i want a rhema from god i don't want to just be a parrot of another ministry and i'm not saying we don't preach other people's stuff listen to me hear my heart i'm saying i just want to be a voice i want to have i want to know you in the power of your resurrection and the fellowship of your sufferings where i can change our world and i'm not talking about save the planet young people i'm not changing people in our world and so god led me to sow my messages to give away for free and that's when i didn't know anybody else even doing it this was this was years ago this was back in um not eight tracks i had some eight tracks but what they called eight tracks the big thing you plugged in it was like and the albums the 33s the big you know if you show a young person an album i love to do this i'll i'll find some young people and say hey look at this their eyes get real big and they say my god that's the biggest cd i ever saw [Applause] they want to get in my car and see my cd player [Music] what was my point i'm talking about enduring where am i at where am i going and can i get there from here what was i talking about well why was i oh sowing faith healing school watch this this is good maybe you ought to be praying for somebody else to be healed remember my introduction i was praying for other people when i had need and i received my healing by praying for somebody else i had to endure and it wasn't god it takes too long to really explain that's why we have a school it just takes hours and hours to explain everything because of where people are coming from i'm just telling you it's through faith and patience that we endure real quick how am i doing on my time guys i got a little bit go to james 1 james 1. you're familiar with it but in the heat of the battle it's as if we forget james 1 verse 2 my brethren counted all joy when you fall into divers temptations other translations talk about trials tribulations hardships count it all joy why do you have to count it all joy how many of you know when you're sick you don't feel joy you didn't know that okay when you help other people you have to help them count it all joy because when you're sick i promise you you don't feel joy remember even for us that aren't sick it's the joy of the lord that is our strength so you count it all joy now look at this verse knowing this knowing this you got to know this he didn't say feeling this knowing this what do i got to know that the trying of your faith worketh what patience this bothers me about us me victory life at times there'll be people that if somebody got sick literally so-called word and faith people or or charismatic people will come up to somebody sick and say something like well brother if you just had more faith you wouldn't be sick that is so sad knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience most people haven't even been taught enough to know that in a trial and having a trial or a testing that you have to endure it's not because you don't have faith it's the faith you have being tested that's how come when you when you get in a trial a tribulation the first thing outside of words coming to you if god loved you the first thing you're going to think outside of that is you're going to doubt why are you doubting because your faith is being tested you've never doubted what you doubt you don't doubt what you doubt you only doubt what you believe and the fact that you doubt says you must have believed i mean the devil never told me when i was lost i was lost it wasn't till i got saved had a vision of the cross filled with the holy ghost talking in tongues then the devil says well maybe you're not saved i didn't doubt my salvation until i got it i never doubted it when i didn't have it i wish i had more time i'm sorry but how many people when when when a trial hits your emotions get all out of whack your thoughts start getting scrambled and and you think it's because you don't have faith and then you go for prayer and job's three friends show up they're still here you must ascend i don't want to go there that takes another hour you better know this that your faith is being tested and what's it going to do it's going to work your patience now look at what happens when you work your patients verse 4 says but let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect entire wanting or lacking nothing you know i love the whole bible but there's certain parts of it i love a little more than others how can you not love that and it's said right in the middle of testings and trials and afflictions and just your world getting rocked i want to honor timelines i wish i could talk more on patience and how it works with your faith let me just end with i don't care what you're going through i don't care what has happened or or or what's crashing in on you greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world that god is on your side and if god be for you and i'm here to tell you he is for you don't doubt that if god be for you who can be against you i'm convinced that nothing will separate me from the love of god whether it's angels or demons or or church members that i'm going to keep loving and i'm going to keep receiving god's love for me and loving people and my faith is going to work in my hope don't lose your hope i'm not losing mine my faith will work by my and god's love i am never gonna doubt god loves me from this day forth no matter what i feel or what it looks like and no matter what i'm going through i'm going through it did you get that well brother what are you going through because i'm going through something with you and i just believe that faith is going to spring forth in our hearts and we're going to see signs and miracles and wonders in these last days like former generations have only dreamed of because of our faith in god father i love these people i thank you for every one of them and i pray your best be manifest in their lives thank you that it's a done deal jesus grace has provided everything we need and i thank you that faith is going to lay hold of it in jesus name amen and amen if you got blessed give the lord praise praise the lord thank you so much pastor dwayne what a blessing prayer ministers if you would come and get ready to minister to those who are ready to receive hallelujah healing is here because jesus is here it was accomplished 2 000 years ago and the good news is today is our day amen would you stand to your feet all over the auditorium those of you on the internet who've been joining us today listen you need to know that god sent his word and healed them god has sent his word today to wherever you are in whatever situation you are in there is no distance with the word of god the word of god is alive and powerful and it has been sewn into your heart today so whatever it is that you're going through receive your healing receive your manifestation even today in jesus name and write us and let us know we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony and you know what we want to rejoice with you praise god we want to know how this has been effective in your heart and in your life today because we know the power of the word of god so let us know will you all right now those of you here in the auditorium why on earth would we want to stay sick another day listen we see ourselves well resisting sickness would you say that with me today i see myself well resisting sickness sickness is not my identity amen jesus is my identity it's in him that i live and move and have my being listen why don't you come right now and receive what was already provided over 2 000 years ago anybody ready in this place amen if you're ready to receive your healing come on down right now i love to say this the price is right hallelujah come on down you know why because jesus already paid it in fact he paid the price that nobody else could pay he's the only one who could pay that price and it is by his stripes that we've been healed hallelujah look at these good-looking prayer ministers up here hallelujah they are so excited to be able to lay hands on you and release the power of god into your life into your into your situation and we know that your impossible is about to become possible all because of jesus lord thank you that we have faith in your name thank you lord god we have faith in your word your words alive and powerful and we believe it we receive it we thank you for it hallelujah in jesus name there is no name higher than the name of jesus every medical prognosis every medical diagnosis is a name you're given a name no matter what the sickness what the illness is but you know what here's the deal the father has given us a name that's above every name and he said in my name you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover this is our time this is your day and the lord says why wait another day receive what's already been provided in grace right now in jesus name father we thank you for the healing of eyes the healing of ears the healing of internal issues the healing of limbs the healing of all kinds of areas what we would consider big things little things in between things god you just want us well you want us well you want us prospering and in health even as our soul prospers lord we bless you and we thank you for this wonderful message of the good news the gospel of jesus christ thank you jesus you came to give us life and give it to us more abundantly not less abundantly but more abundantly and whom the sun sets free is really really free thank you lord it was for freedom that you set us free you don't want us living in bondage you don't want us living stressed out you don't want us living with sickness and disease you didn't come to help us manage our sickness lord you carried it away you carried it away by your stripes we were healed you carried away that pain and that sickness that disease that dysfunction that depression all that the enemy would try to throw against us as a weapon we declare no weapon formed against us will prosper in jesus name and we condemn every word that's been spoken in judgment and we say no lord we are agreeing with your word that is alive and powerful thank you father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus healing is here healing is here all because of jesus healing is here in jesus name now lord we just rejoice we thank you for miracles we thank you for signs and wonders
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 3,123
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: Azlvc5G6qK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 4sec (7324 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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