The new Jordan Peterson just dropped.

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The funniest thing is that satanism is an invention of christians to begin with. Nobody actually worships satan, it's just a smear akin to accusing women of witchcraft and so on.

And now that their invention is used to make a mockery of christianity they get predictably mad.

(Inb4 someone finds a 50 year old article of somebody actually praticing satanism with human sacrifice and what not: There were also teenage girls sacrificing someone to Slenderman. There will always be crazy people who act on the media they consume, be it a video game or religious propaganda).

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SlaugtherSam 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

My favorite thing about the backlash against Lil Nas X's Montero video will always be the way they were all completely oblivious to the subtext despite it being about as subtle as a punch in the dick.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Fistocracy 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody the new jordan peterson just dropped friends come listen to me listen today i'm gonna discuss some weirdo on the internet but do not go bother this man this is just an old prank you're not doing any good in the world by going to pick on him he's not gonna recognize your dunks he's just some weird boomer in a weird ecosystem we can peep at peep only do not touch do not touch this man also come down warning he gets weirdly transphobic at one point so get ready for that people wonder why frauds like jordan peterson ben shapiro or even like dr oz are able to command such respect from an audience and i believe this is why they have cultivated the skill of seeming to know what they're talking about and being able to seem like they can back up that knowledge with relevant citations and examples also each of them does know what they're talking about in at least one subject so that gives further credence to their ideas the slightest inspection will reveal their positions to either be made up whole cloth or complete whack-a-doo nonsense more often than not both but that's not the point see there's a there's a sort of expert on subjects that you can find who is specifically an expert on arguing for the wrong positions they'll know a lot about something so they know all the ways that people have argued for their bad wrong positions in the past and also they know all the counter-arguments that people who know more than them are likely to make they also know how to appeal to people who don't know much about the subject because they've willfully created blind spots for themselves full of stuff they don't know whatever convince them will likely convince others for examples you can look at every creationist ever or like candace owens and it's important to note that while some people use this for grifting some others just believe their own bullshit when you know enough about a subject to argue for it effectively effectively not correctly there's there's a difference and few people can challenge your knowledge of it it becomes pretty easy to just assume you're some sort of superhero that can see the secrets hidden in plain sight that most people miss meet jonathan paju nothing none of it is arbitrary but like any system of meaning it rather has a strange coherence and this coherence can give us a few clues as to why this imagery would be used to attract the type of attention someone like little nazex desperately needs in order to stay relevant in a post-christian blase porn-infused hungover culture and i guess i should tip my fedora to little nazex as he does a bang-up job at weaving all this imagery succinctly together oh yes little nos x who desperately needs to shock people because he's verging on irrelevance you know the biggest new musical artist of the fucking decade so far that guy he's desperate because of course his career is failing according to jono's about me page jonathan paju is a french canadian icon carver public speaker and youtuber exploring the symbolic patterns that underlie our very experience of the world how these patterns emerge and come together manifesting in religion art and even in popular culture he's also the editor of the orthodox arts journal and host of the symbolic world blog and podcast i've never heard of someone referring to themselves as an icon carver i don't know how that's different from a sculptor or wood carver like i can guess what it is from context like you probably carve icons but let's just google it real quick and yup first two results are by jonathan pedro offering to teach you this art that he seems to be the only person talking about paju very much wants to be the next jordan peterson his about me video conspicuously shows off a conference where he spoke with peterson and also another video where he discusses peterson and also he's done multiple interviews with peterson look what happens when you search for jordan peterson on his channel page jordan peterson and jonathan paju q at seattle conference october 2017. jordan peterson and the stories we live in jordan b peterson at resurrection of logos in toronto march 2017. thoughts on the sam harrison jordan peterson debates kabbalah occultism freemasonry and jordan peterson stop being so silly jordan peterson in contemporary christianity discussion with paul vander clay supplement to the metaphysics of pepe interview with jordan peterson you couldn't get all the metaphysics of pepe the frog in one video you had to supplement it q a with brett weinstein jordan peterson and jonathan padgeou sfl regional conference vancouver milo jordan peterson and the symbolic world view discussing with rachel fulton brown rise of jordan peterson live q a with jonathan paju the question of truth answer to brett weinstein from the joe rogan podcast with jordan peterson with paul vander clay what to do after the first jordan peterson wave symbolism and shrek when the marginal wins but one need not look to his catalogue of peterson content to see the influence of peterson's webbed fingers dipping into paju's work his videos are like watching a version of jordan peterson who's been sedated [Music] the content is pretty much the same nonsense peppered with the occasional bit of bigotry subtle endorsement of christian conservatism disguised as scholarship incoherent ravings about the hidden meaning in children's media and the occasional genuine insight that tricks suckers into thinking he's worth listening to paju lacks peterson's flair for the dramatic instead of getting worked up and talking in the most dramatic terms imaginable and really impressing upon his audience the cataclysmic stakes of whatever problem he's completely imagining at the moment he just stands completely still with his hands at his sides speaking into his webcam [Music] peterson can convince people that chaos is winning the cosmic battle with order because like the snowman in frozen didn't have genitals or whatever paju seems to think satanists control the media can't really work up the energy and make that sound scary now suddenly this could be the format of his channel he's a little bit better when he's public speaking he at least moves one arm but stands completely hunched over the lectern and constantly checks his notes like he's nervous and unprepared and i swear to god i just looked for a random video of him public speaking and clicked randomly in it just to get footage and this is what he said and all of these logies are brought together they're woven together we could say to sustain the existence of the world it's really a map of meaning to use jordan's words i hope he sees this king today i'd like to subject you my beloved audience to paju's video montero in one division and now get ready because there's a second half to the title of the video that i'm going to say now but just prepare yourself for the second half of the title that's going to come out of my mouth right now how satanism functions here on paju's examination of the symbolic world he makes both of these properties entirely literal all of his analysis takes for granted that a hidden satanic message is being displayed using some sort of deliberate code meant to invert and thereby destroy christianity in speaking to his self-named lover montero tells us that i'm not phased only here to sin if eve ain't in your garden you know that you can and so pride as self-love appears ultimately as a sterile revolution against the natural patterns of the world all he talks about is just what the literal objects on screen represent in his demented cosmology rather than what both of these works have to say like he analyzes montero call me by her name by little moss x making a big stink about all the devils and snakes and shit but does not at any point mention little nos x's sexuality now if you're not familiar with this particular work it's a song about little not sex letting go of his feelings of internalized shame about his sexuality the video is full of religious imagery where little my sex is seduced by the snake from the garden of eden stone to death with butt plugs and descends on a stripper pulled to hell where he seduces and kills the devil to become the new devil he also made some devil shoes to go along with it some evil shoes for walking easily this was a minor controversy because he did it at easter and some people use that as a convenient reason to be homophobic at him so like a lot of people don't like poor people because of bigotry that they blame on their religion a lot of them say that queerness is from the devil in order to shame and literally demonize queer people so little lost sex here is dissolving that he's saying fine okay we're the devil you keep saying that so fuck it i'm gonna keep being myself and if that means i gotta be the devil then i will pretty obvious to me he's just saying that he's not taking anybody's shit anymore you cannot disentangle this video from little nos x's struggle with and triumph over his internalized homophobia pejo either misses this or doesn't think that element is worth discussing instead choosing to focus on the story is about the cycle of pride and revolution the video ultimately is about one thing it's about pride this self-love is represented as an exploration of the strangeness and idiosyncrasies of one's self self seduction self victimizing self abasement self gratification and ultimately self crowning he seems to go out of his way to ignore and when he can't ignore to minimize the queerness of the story like there's a line in the song where little lost x says i want that jet lagged from fucking and flying shoot a child in your mouth while i'm riding and paju read it like this he tells his self-named lover that he wants to let's say i won't quote it exactly but let's say to put a child in his mouth and this is of course the ultimate image of sterility of solipsistic dreaming of this imagination which is taken up in fantastical places but does not produce body community or cohesion but only causes revolution fragmentation and ultimately loneliness um yeah okay that is that what that means i i read it a little differently i i didn't think of it as the solipsistic daydream that produces fragmentation and revolution instead of cohesion and community what what i read instead was that he wanted to not in a guy's mouth on account of he was horny and there was he wanted the guy to blow him that's what i got out of that and it's actually a pretty brave thing to do just out now talk about gay sex in your pop song despite the normalization and acceptance of homosexuality in recent decades that still isn't really done like tons of songs talk about heterosex but i really can't even think of another song this popular that talks about having gay sex and liking it i do not think that paju likes that the song does this there are little hints towards faji's feelings towards queerness in this video but he doesn't have the grapes to come out and express them out loud i think his intent here was to suggest that gay blowjobs themselves are solipsistic and create fragmentation instead of cohesion but he he knew he had to be kind of cagey about it because if he were just an out and out homophobe and he said like oh if you let p if you if dudes blow you then it's a force of entropy people wouldn't listen to him because that's buck wild so he's just vague and weird about it and that provides plausible deniability for himself and whatever dipshits are watching who want to pretend like they have a better reason for disliking little nossacks getting blown than their own discomfort with gay sexuality at one point he talks about how a direct line can be drawn from napoleon crowding himself to little nos x crowding himself so the reason why the satanic temple wanted to put up this stupid image of baphomet in the united states is believe it or not the culmination of the same process which made napoleon bonaparte fill his ash de triomph with roman gods and i wonder if napoleon could perceive that this gesture of declaring himself emperor while putting a crown on his own head would culminate in the solipsistic video by a pole dancing rapper who seduces the devil to then only kill him and put the crown on himself well take that napoleon take that he puts a little clown nose and wig on napoleon to emphasize what a fucking clown napoleon is napoleon wouldn't like seeing a gay rapper he played himself because he did something kind of similar hundreds of years prior starting the chain of dominoes that eventually led to little moss x doing that in a music video you fucking dummy napoleon you fucked up so bad hoisted on your own pitard how ironic you tried to make yourself emperor of france and now a guy is getting a blowjob in a music video side note uh i don't i i'm starting to question whether or not i've been pronouncing napoleon's name correctly my whole life because paige you keep saying bonaparte and he has a very french name that's very difficult to spell so i i i feel like he would know better than i would but i've always called him the napoleon bonaparte and i googled it and it said it was napoleon bonaparte am i wrong now this is all a trick i assume he learned from dr peterson who likewise couches his bigoted views in the language of academic curiosity or i'm not saying that women shouldn't have birth control i'm merely observing that we don't yet know the potential ramifications of giving it to them for society it's only been what 40 years 50 years who knows the long-term effects of this take when pashu examined little nos x riding the pole into hell this pole slash lance shoots up from below and as montero grabs it he begins to slide down in the guise of a pole dancer into the belly of hell and let's be honest if there was ever was a perfect representation of the let's call it ontological reality of pole dancing i'm pretty sure this is it you see the thing the thing is nothing represents the ontological reality of pole dancing quite like someone sliding into hell because pole dancing is done by and enjoyed by sinners you see now he can't just come out and say hey probably all strippers and people that enjoy stripping are going to hell because people might be like uh dad seems a little harsh actually but if he dresses it up in some vaguer language implying there's some high-minded philosophical reasoning under girding it he can kind of say that without having to say it say it and he always talks like this he always talks like a complete asshole much like jordan peterson he uses obscuritiness rhetoric that bedazzles people that don't want to spend precious brain calories decoding it hmm i don't know what you're talking about and i don't know what most of the words you're using mean but i'm going to agree with you because i don't want to look stupid unlike peterson who often speaks borderline complete gibberish that people can interpret however they like like a vorshak test paju prefers to speak in a way that's needlessly complicated but ultimately coherent and this is his fatal flaw and while he'll never live up to his daddy jordan's legacy in my opinion because he's making an actual argument with actual beliefs that can be refuted and argued with he's just hiding them behind enough pompous bullshit that most people wouldn't bother because why would you take for example this sentence the poll coming up from below is of course an inversion of the sphere of saint michael which is portrayed in medieval imagery as pinning down the great serpent so even though it's coming from below it's nonetheless the this axis mundy the axis of the world now it's not a hierarchy scene from the side of the traditional let's say ladder that you see in icons of the ladder of divine ascent which is and this type of coming up from behind doesn't end up being going up in the end it just actually ends up being down it's not chased from heaven from the point of view of the latter but it's something like the this hierarchy from the point of view of the shoot or of the serpent sliding down just like in a a shoots and ladders game uh i think that that all works that all makes sense to me but the one question i do have is what the fuck are you talking about like listen to yourself how do revolutions come from behind from below like in the actual thing you're describing sure but from behind if they don't actually go up they go down then how does this image of something coming up represent them but also more importantly what the fuck are you talking about and help me out here is there anything else that a long pole-like object coming up from behind might represent in this video about queer sexuality i don't know because of course i'm not an expert on symbolism or how about this one from much later in the video you see stories have patterns story stories play themselves out naturally and once the narrative elements have been cast there will always be people events and organizations to embody them in a very factual and incarnate way but the material causes by which this will happen are actually quite secondary to their the more spiritual reasons so he's now arguing that he isn't trying to bend the evidence to suit his narrative but rather once the narrative is established reality itself bends to accommodate it i don't think that's what he meant i don't think that's what he wanted to argue but that's kind of what he just said so like the material factors of the universe are subject to a greater spiritual force or forces they want to tell a story so they assign roles and archetypes to people and groups and events to become in a very factual and incarnate way seems like maybe you're suggesting god created a clockwork deterministic universe for a goof you see when christ said judge not let you be judged this was not just this finger-wagging moralizing he was telling people how reality works how the projection of our sins unto our enemies this focused attention on the sin of others opens up the space of our own end it gives us a glimpse of what is possible in the story it gives us a riddle of our own sphinx and it is by this very sphinx that we run the danger of being devoured i think this sentence might have gotten away from you jono but oh you fell for it jono you fell for little nos x's mischief because all of this was designed to stir up controversy hee-hee-ha-ha it's ironic oh contraire mom freyr paju argues that ironic satanism is actual satanism and his logic is ironclad listen to this you see christians seek truth so to devote oneself to something that is not true is therefore the inverse of christianity that satanists worship satan precisely because they don't believe he exists which is naturally the opposite of christians who worship a god they do believe exists you see satanism is irony itself you could say and the theatrics the joke of satanism is one of the most important considerations of its meaning and its purpose and ultimately of its satanic qualities so if you ask a le vey style satanist about their religion they'll tell you that they actually don't believe in satan this is of course difficult for christians who order their lives on truth and faith to understand people ask themselves why would they go to such efforts for something they don't even believe in there's nothing more satanic than believing both god and satan actually don't exist though all the while acting in this self-righteous pride and resentment in order to offend christians and destroy their hierarchy of meanings by ritually and mythologically embodying everything that christians oppose and any and he's he's half right satanists don't believe that satan exists but what he also seems to miss is that they also do not worship satan they don't devote themselves to him rendering his whole point moot this is of course difficult for christians who order their lives on truth and faith to understand pachu hedges his bets by saying a lava style satanist referring to the church of satan the opponents of the satanic temple who i just quoted the church of satan sucks ass but they also don't worship or devote themselves to satan as he well knows they devote themselves to themselves who they definitely believe exist but there's a problem by even acknowledging the concept of worshiping satan you're creating space for people to do it even by attempting to fight satanism you were doing the bidding of the dark one because you established the precedent for people to genuinely adopt it that's why it's irrelevant if for example the knights templar were practicing satanists or if medieval witch trials were all trying real wedges one of the historical moments where we can trace the origin of modern occultism and satanism is when the knights templar were disbanded in the 14th century the legitimacy of the accusations made against them is still being discussed intermittently by historians it doesn't matter so much if you believe the accusations against the templars or not it is quite possible that they did not practice sodomy they didn't blaspheme against the cross or worship a strange god named baphomet in the same vein in terms of what we're seeing today it doesn't matter if you believe the accusations against witches in the early modern period either what matters most is how these new possibilities which appeared at the end of the middle ages became something like a narrative space where the opposite of christianity which was more implicit before began to explicitly take form you know that they weren't that those women weren't witches right you know that right it's it's important that you know that but since he goes on to praise the malius predictions and treats it as an important primary source we can infer that he thinks at least some of these allegations are true a good example to help people understand what i'm trying to describe and what is happening is that according to the malleus malaficarum this book about witchcraft that i mentioned earlier and that was published in the late the early modern period according to this book the the purpose of witches was to prevent normal reproductive relationships between men and women and doing this out of resentment for those of you that didn't waste thousands of dollars studying european history and university the mallius mulificorum or the hammer of witches was a book that professional woman killers would use to justify killing random women and occasionally a man for flavor what they would do is they would accuse them of some random bullshit they thought of and then torture a confession out of them the malleus milificorum argued that pretty much any woman is a witch in waiting because of how sinful and dumb women are you see so the only way to protect yourself is to find and kill all the witches which you can recognize by them not wanting to fuck them not wanting to fuck you specifically them disobeying their husband having an annoying voice beating you in a video game whatever it also claimed that witches would steal a man's penis animate it to keep it as a bat and sometimes dozens of alive penises would just hang out in trees i would love to analyze where they get their ideas like that but unfortunately i am not an expert in symbolism but his video isn't just about montero it's also about wanda vision or rather the end of one division i'm going to spoil one division now so if you don't want to get spoiled you skip the time wanda uses the infinity gauntlet to meet her biological father magneto nah just kidding the real spoilers start in three two one paju's views on wanda vision pejo's views see there is a channel name center around how he feels that the show sympathizes too much with wanda and treats what she's doing is relatable and understandable so for some context wanda is a superhero with magic powers who creates a fake world based on sitcoms she liked so she can live in peace with her husband who died in the infinite war all of the other people in wanda's fake town are real people whose will is taken over and they're forced to play act according to her whims the torturer the controller the dictator is the main character and although what wanda's doing is presented to us as being immoral we're nonetheless called to have far more compassion for her and her suffering for having lost this artificial husband more compassion for her imaginary children than we are supposed to feel for the children and townspeople she's torturing this is this is a really weak take for a couple of reasons for one the show definitely sympathizes with wanda but also definitely strongly condemns what she is doing they treat wanda like a villain in a horror movie for half of the show you can sympathize with a character who does bad things and the show doesn't even slightly equivocate on this what she is doing is presented as entirely completely wrong but but but much more importantly none of that matters these events are not meant to be taken so literally it is a metaphor for grief it is very transparently a metaphor for grief it is it is made so that 13 year olds will understand it is a metaphor for grief like how strong feelings make you do awful things and cut you off from people you care about how you can lash out and be aggressive from feelings of hurt or loss how it's better to react to traumatized people who are lashing out with compassion than aggression it is it's what it's not is a story about literally using magic powers to create an alternate reality where you can live with your robot husband nobody would care about a show like that people can't relate to that because most people almost all people can't use magic powers to bring back their dead robot husbands and and again this man claims to be an authority specifically on symbolism also he suggests that he's anti-mask which is fun there's an insane moment where a mother pleads with wanda to at least let her child come out of her room so that she can take it in her arms really anything if you could just let her out of her room if i could just hold her please i mean i swear i could almost see the mother in a medical mask when i heard this yup having to wear a mask to prevent an airborne virus from being transmitted to vulnerable populations is just like if a witch overrode your entire will and personality making you and your children into her slaves what a fitting analogy and not fuck you at all so about now is when his argument goes off the deep end that's right we've been in the shallow end this whole time and we're about to get into the wild parts of his beliefs he speculates jokingly at first that one division was designed specifically to justify witch burnings that the show confirms the claims made in the malleus milificorum and come to think of it all of the claims in the malleus maleficorum are kinda true when i was watching this at some point i started to ask myself if this strange premise was not secretly some very strange and ingenious argument for witch burning i'm sure the malleus maleficorum there is definitely a section about which is forcing all reality to follow their whim in order to avoid real masculine feminine union real relationships and ultimately to preserve artificial men and solipsistic fantasy children i'm sure it's there somewhere i i need to go back there and check so 200 years ago i might have been mocked maybe not even that long ago by the will to do for suggesting that a group of people would want such a thing for the world whether it is pornography artificial insemination whether it's the proliferation and acceptance of abortion or even young boys that have been put on hormone blockers i can find prominent contemporary examples of all the ancient witchcraft i just mentioned there you have it everybody abortion pornography trans healthcare they're all witchcraft nobody could just want an abortion or to jerk off or to change their gender presentation they must be doing it to sterilize people in defiance of god's law well i'm convinced let's round up evil women and burn them alive and this leads him into this bizarre tirade about how caring for the exceptional or the marginal inevitably leads societies to ruin because it leads us to treat the deviant as normal so if in traditional societies we see this scapegoat mechanism of sacrificing the exception in order to preserve coherence here it is the opposite of that it is a desire to sacrifice the entire world for the exception on a social level this is what appears as upside down hierarchies where the strange the impure the exceptional the fluid the rejected the sick and the unknown become not those we need to help but they become a new measure by which all of society is evaluated some weird wild fashion stuff that caring about the marginalized itself represents an inversion of christianity many of our contemporary social manifestations can do christians into thinking that what is happening is aligned with their values but stories like juan division can help us realize how the very opposite is the case whether it be the willingness to destroy our social fabric for the sick whether it be the advent of woke victimhood culture and its desire to make inclusion the purpose for any group any sports team any church or corporation what we're witnessing is the reverse of christianity this clinical language hides an ugly worldview where anyone who defies what jonathan views as the established order is to be brought to heal society cannot accommodate the unusual the unusual must adapt to accommodate society that inclusion can never be a goal worthy of anyone's time in and of itself it must be the influence of the dark lord trying to something something cut your dick off if you ask me the only person here inverting christianity is paju to quote the gospel that is my namesake matthew 25 verses 35 to 40 and the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these of my brethren ye have done it unto me now i don't believe in the big man upstairs but this passage seems to me to make it pretty clear that however you treat the most marginalized the weakest the most in need people that is how you treat god to not do what you can to accommodate them to show them kindness to do unto them as you would have them do unto you is to spit in god's face if you'd like to see someone inverting christianity if you'd like to see the handiwork of evil you need look no further than paju's attempts to imagine some secret message hiding in plain sight and works of pop culture designed not to degrade or harm but rather to encourage empathy his willful dismissal of the message of hope and understanding they try to provide to instead give ideological cover for people who seek to tear others down or if i wanted to put this in a way that i think paju and his milieu would understand better mediating the seeming contradiction between the semiotics of demonology and little nasa's depiction of unmediated self-acceptance seems to have created a paradox for those who accept paju's dogma but it is in this very dogma that we can see a pattern of meaning cohere one which claims to venerate truth all the while surreptitiously celebrating willful ignorance or likewise hello and welcome to the eyeballs zone here in the eyeball zone we wanted that bit to stop that bit was annoying also we put eyeballs on small leftist projects in need of views in what is black anarchism saint andrew the youtuber not the actual saint i probably didn't need to clarify that outlines the history of several threads of black anarchist resistance theory and repression somehow anarchism has gotten a reputation for being a philosophy exclusively for western white owes and while i think it's definitely fair to critique white anarchists focusing exclusively on white shit i think this attitude gives a pretty short shrift to all the anarchists of color who have fought and struggled for their beliefs black anarchism in particular is a rich and varied collection of traditions and movements which i think makes sense because let's be real here who stands to benefit more from the dissolution of unjust authority than black people and other colonized peoples saint andrews video does a fantastic overview of various trains of black anarchist thought and central figures thereof and if you come away with nothing else from it it's a wellspring of inspirational quotes from black anarchist writers and thinkers and several times in this video how all the hairs in my back of my neck stood on end i came away from this video with a rare feeling of hope and that is in very short supply these days what the fuck the eyeball zone own later egg look at that oh oh oh no it's hatching it's hatching [Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to the sun of the eyeball zone here in the sun of the eyeball zone we highlight not necessarily small leftist projects just some larger medium-sized content creators because i just like them and sometimes just because they're my my my pals you know i'm just it's just nepotism i'm just gonna be doing this from time to time and i will not be taking requests it's it's just the thing i'm doing hey do you want to watch american johnson and ludo from non-compete do 90's math teacher style rap about class consciousness shut up yes you do check out their new series class time which is a general introduction to marxian economics presented in the style of a cheesy 90s educational kids show their first video features a cameo from the real karl marx himself captured on video for the first time do you have a small leftist project you'd like to see in the eyeball zone senior send me no more than one email to thoughtslime editor with pertinent details like your pronouns and also for the love of god a url where i can look at the fucking thing that's becoming a problem please include a link to your project i'm not gonna go googling and maybe you will find yourself trapped here in the eyeball zone right see all of these i'll allow me to go over the symbolism in these drawings they represent liking and subscribing oh yeah see that one there that represents scaredy cats which is where i upload uh videos about horror movies every tuesday at 12 pm eastern standard time now this one here it to your left that one's about uh streams and how i stream every apm eastern standard time on youtube and twitch uh oh yeah now if you look closely this one's about thoughtslime where if you're so inclined and are in a position to do so you can uh toss me money if you want but also no presh because like shit's tough out there i get it this that one i don't know what it means i don't know why i put that one in there you
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 304,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lil Nas X, Montero, Call me by your name, Wandavision, Jordan peterson, Thought Slime
Id: hy6SUUgmnrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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