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at last the final shape is here this video will transform you from a filthy peasant into a god slaying King yes this is the ultimate guide for new players returning players and hardcore vets the final shape is massive and bursting with new abilities new loot and quite simply the best campaign Bungie has ever made I'm going to show you how to get exotic engrams easy and how these engrams now allow you to unlock any exotic armor piece you want and of course how to hit max power there are now so many new ways to earn Loot and power up in the final shape and I'm going to show you them all and so much more thanks to Bungie for sponsoring this guide let's do [Music] this okay so if you're starting a brand new character or playing Destiny for the very first time you now have the option to skip the tutorial Mission and jump straight into the final shapes campaign and it's a campaign with two difficulty settings normal which is recommended for any player and legendary a harder challenge with bigger rewards upon completion you get a gear bundle that gives you a considerable power boost and a final shape exotic now I ran the legendary campaign of my Hunter and chose the Exotic chest piece gifted conviction this exotic adds bouncing explosives anytime you activate Ascension it's one of my favorite things to do in the game and helps to wipe out large groups of enemies I recommend this exotic for pretty much any activity it's a beast so what about the new Power levels in the final shape well the power floor is, 1900 this is simply the level everyone starts at the soft cap is 1940 you reach this level just by playing the game and picking up the loot that drops from enemies and pretty much any activity the powerful cap is 1990 to hit this number you need to complete activities that reward you with either powerful or Pinnacle engrams and now for the first time ever every reward Source in the game has a chance to drop a powerful item so yeah just play however you like and you'll gradually increase in power but the most reliable source for powerful engrams a tower vendors simply rank up your vendor and every time you unlock a reward you'll also get a powerful engram it's one of the easiest ways to level up your power now maxing out a tower vendor rewards you with six powerful engrams and a whole heap of useful upgrade materials now the reason I focused on maxing out this particular vendor Master R is because doing so also unlocks a brand new way to get Exotics you'll have the power to unlock any exotic armor piece in the game yes it's that good we'll talk about this in more detail a little later and finally the hard cap which is 2,000 only Pinnacle engrams will help you reach this harder activities like Dungeons and Nightfall strikes drop Pinnacle engrams but what about exotic engrams well the final shape has new ways to earn them and new ways to use them okay so let's start by talking about how you earn exotic engrams as you can see I'm fully decked out now you have a chance to earn an exotic engram by soloing an expert loss sector some exotic en crams will just randomly drop from killing enemies although this is a pretty rare occurrence your season pass will also reward you with exotic engrams and you can earn up to three exotic engrams a week by simply completing nine ritual activities that's either Vanguard Ops Crucible or Gambit now I'd suggest running a mixture of all of them as this way you will also rank up your Tower vendors for those powerful engrams that we talked about earlier now ritual activities also drop strange coins which brings me nicely on to my next Point say hello to Zur this dude has had a massive update for the final shape and you can use your strange coins to purchase items from him doing so will unlock rewards including two exotic engrams at Rank 10 now you can also purchase an exotic engr from his strange gear collection it cost 23 strange coins but you can only buy one of these per week now Zur also sells something called a strange gift in his more strange offers collection they cost one strange coin per gift and I purchased 37 of them just cuz I was curious and to be honest it's just not worth it you get mostly blue gear which drops at 19900 some legendary gear that also drops at 1900 and sometimes raid banners enhancement CES and upgrade modules will also drop but yeah like I said it's just not worth it right then you now have all these exotic engrams so what do you do with them well you take them to master where you can use them in one of four ways one you can simply decrypt them for a random exotic armor piece two you can use R's Advanced decryption this method makes things a little less random by allowing you to choose Exotics from specific expansions three Rs Precision decryption this method allows you to choose exactly which exotic you want to purchase however you can only choose Exotics you've already unlocked in game four now the fourth option novel decryption only becomes available after you've reached rank 16 for this vendor and you rank up by decrypting engrams let me break this down so then decrypting a prime engr gives you 100 rep an exotic engram gives you 150 rep using the advanced decryption method gives you 250 rep and the Precision decryption bags you a whopping 500 rep after you've decrypted enough engrams and hit rank 16 rul offers you the new novel decryption the fourth way to decrypt your engrams now this method allows you to unlock any exotic armor piece even ones you haven't yet acquired in game it costs one exotic engram and one exotic Cipher but you finally get to complete your exotic armor collection and seeing as Ral is now the only source for any new exotic armor yet it's totally worth unlocking this decryption method okay so now you know how to level up and get exotic engrams it's now time to take on the legendary campaign to Wi the new Prismatic subass the new supers and to finally confront the witness and conclude this decade long story like I said before this is quite simply the best campaign Bungie has ever made so let's talk about it first off I just need to mention the scale of this campaign Bungie's packing in more enemies on screen than ever before in the vast beautiful and strange landscape of the pale heart epic is an overused word but this campaign is the definition of epic Grand in skain and scope and focusing on a long and arduous Adventure it's good my boys it's a very good now as you'd expect the campaign has numerous puzzles and set pieces and I want to focus on two of my favorite moments during the campaign you'll need to complete the liminality strike which is heavily inspired by Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom once you grab a ball of Taken energy you need this to take down the boss's Shields lava starts to rapidly fill the room and unless you're quick enough you get melted so yeah the first time this happens it's a little Panic inducing as it's not entirely clear where you need to jump to escape this death trap although it is fun watching it teammates get burnt to a crisp but yeah if you're quick enough you'll make it out alive now I also love this moment instead of burning up in lava you now have to avoid freezing to death this whole encounter is a precarious juggling act scattered around this huge snowy Arena of fiery pits if you want to stay alive and avoid becoming an ice cube you'll need to stand next to them doing so resets your 45C timer if the timer hits zero before you War up you'll succumb to the cold and die but your main objective here is to take out the shadow Legions generator shields in order to do so you need to locate and kill the floating bubble scons doing so disables the generator's shields allowing you to destroy them now you need to get up close and personal to take out the Scions and as you can see this generator is now exposed and ready to be obliterated but we ain't done yet because you now need to find and kill an honored Centurion as these specific enemies drop the bombs needed to take out the generator and once you have the bomb lob it at the generator and enjoy the fireworks I just really enjoyed whizzing around this Arena causing Carnage with my supers topping up the timer to avoid freezing and blowing up generators you can tell Bungie has built this campaign with the new OP Prismatic subass in mind and that brings me nicely onto my next Point okay it's now time to talk about the new Prismatic subclass becoming Transcendent the new Final shaped supers and how all these combine to break the game now like I said at the start of the video the new Prismatic subass changes everything you now have the power to combine light and darkness abilities if it's sounds op that's because it is it's like a compilation of all the best bits from every subass plus some new ones rolled into one Godly build and you can mix and match these abilities now Prismatic also allows you to achieve Transcendence this is basically a second mini super now you fill your Prismatic meter that's the pink meter below your regular yellow super meter by dealing light and dark damage and here's a tip kinetic damage generates both light and dark energy so it's an effective way of quickly filling your Prismatic meter and once full you can activate Transcendence it's the only way you can destroy enemies with Transcendent Shields but it also turns you into a killing machine now while Transcendent you gain a powerful Prismatic grenade your abilities generate faster and defeating targets increases its duration and you can even pop your regular super while Transcendent that's two simultaneous supers a mix of light and darkness abilities and a new exotic class item with two exotic perks that further enhance your powers this is why Prismatic is broken and this is why you're going to love it okay it's now time to take on the campaign's final boss the witness here's a quick guide I like to start off by going in with everything the silence and S stasis super deals good damage to the mini boss and takes out his surrounding minions I then fire off gahol Rockets until the mini boss becomes immune then it's a quick Dash to the left side of the Arena to pick up the Relic Now The Relic has multiple functions and you'll need to use this thing throughout this entire encounter when fully charged The Relic takes down the mini boss's Shield it also protects you from the deadly darkness that fills the arena now after the darkness subsides you'll need to finish off the mini boss doing so spawns this rather cool sword a sword that has the power to destroy these statues and activate phase two of this encounter now phase two is pretty much the same as phase one only now you need to constantly activate these Buffs otherwise you'll succumb to the toxic air now once you've destroyed the third statue you'll well I don't want to spoil the surprise let's just say defeating the witness is far from the end of this journey in fact we've Only Just Begun so yeah I didn't think it could be done I didn't think the final chapter in this decade long Saga could possibly live up to my expectations but it did and it exceeded them and as if the final shape wasn't enough to be getting on with Bungie just revealed their plans for the future that's right in year 10 of Destiny we're getting three new episodes Echo Revenant and heresy and in year 11 that's 2025 Bungie revealed the code name for their next project Frontiers it's safe to say Destiny is here to stay now if you're new to D dis and fancy getting stuck in it's available on Playstation Xbox Steam and the epic game store and comes with crossplay and cross progression if you want to learn more click the link in the description box below
Channel: MoreConsole
Views: 120,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, Destiny, News, Update, moreconsole, Bungie, Xbox, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, PC, Playstation, PS, PS4, PS5, Sony
Id: qbuW5vVtRGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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