Destiny 2: ULTIMATE Xur Guide! - Get Strange Coins FAST! - Huge Tips!

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what is up guys it's your boy Rick kakis and today we are going to be going over everything you need to know about the new and improved Zur So within the final shape expansion for Destiny 2 Zur received a massive overhaul he now sells completely different things such as exotic catalysts random engrams resources and more and very importantly instead of legendary shards you now require strange coins to make purchases from him and on top of all of that Zur now has rank rewards so the more you're able to spend at Zur the more you're going to rank him up and earn pretty good rewards such as rare resources like ascendant shards so the first thing we need to talk about is getting the resource to buy stuff from Zur and that is strange coins what is the most efficient way to get strange coins within Destiny 2 so of course the first question is well where do strange coins drop well they almost always drop from ritual activities so that's Vanguard Crucible and Gambit now in terms of how much you're getting for these different activities well in Gambit and in Crucible you're going to get three for a win but only two for a loss and this is really going to determine whether or not you should Farm these activities now keep in mind that when we say you know Crucible and this applies to Vanguard as well we mean everything within this node so it doesn't matter what Crucible playlist you're playing except for private match you're still going to earn uh those strange coins upon completion and so if you have like a full fire team and you are farming dubs in either Crucible or a Gambit it can be a little efficient but if you're going in Solo and you're going to lose half the time getting only two for that L is not great and actually it's GNA get even worse as we talk further about how Zur works now in terms of Vanguard this is where things get quite interesting again everything in this node applies for strange coins so that means Onslaught is going to drop strange coins around two for every 10 waves and so that means if you do all 50 waves of onsa you're going to get a pretty decent chunk of strange coins but it's a big time commitment going all 50 waves can often take over an hour now in terms of the normal Vanguard strike you're going to get four strange coins upon completion and then in my opinion here is the secret sauce for the lowest difficulty Nightfall you actually get five strange coins upon completion and honestly the lowest difficulty Nightfall is not that much harder than a normal Vanguard strike especially if you just have some anti- Champion stuff on your build you can run through in approximately the same speed you would run through again a normal Vanguard strike especially because the Nightfall strike doesn't change so on weeks where the Nightfall featured strike is something a little bit easier something you're used to something you can Farm that's actually a great way to go in and in about the same time it takes to do a Vanguard strike just get one more strange coin that is a very efficient farming method and that's what I did at least initially because there's actually one more way to get strange coins that is outside of the normal ritual playlists and that way is Ghost quests so as you can see right here if I go to Micah's conduit which you're going to unlock after beating the final shaped campaign I can pick up a bunch of different quests here and they're going to ask me to go find a certain ghost and they're going to give me a random reward sometimes it's an ascended Shard or an armor piece or whatever ever but there's a chance that the reward is as you can see right here 10 strange coins this is amazing this Quest is really not that difficult and you're going to get the equivalent of two nightfalls worth of strange coins and actually more than that so this Quest specifically the Oracle says to search the ghost Telemetry in the strike Insight Terminus on nessus so I can just select Insight Terminus directly on the nessus directory and do it now these quests always work out so that you're doing a certain activity and you're looking to find the ghost Telemetry well that ghost Telemetry is almost always at the very end of that activity so you can see right here you know I get to the very end boss room and boom here's the thing I need to scan now a lot of people make a huge mistake at this point I have seen so many people they scan this and then they leave like technically you are done with the quest you could leave the strike but you don't want to do that because we're already at the boss fight and guys as you can see right here I actually get four strange coins the same amount as if I would have done a Vanguard strike playlist strike from beating inside Terminus so now for doing this Quest I'm actually going to get 14 total strange coins so do not dip immediately if you're on a strike searching for the ghost Telemetry finish the strike for those strange coins regardless then you're going to uh go somewhere else in the world scan the last thing go back to uh where Micah's terminal is and you're going to interact with the light coming out of the ground and complete this Quest and get your 10 strange coins so if you can do a few of these oh my goodness that's going to be a huge bump in your strange coins now unfortunately uh when you complete this like you have to complete all of these different quests to get more of them like you can only have three at a time and then it'll reset to a different three so it might not be the most efficient doing like the two other quests here just to complete them to hopefully get another 10 strange coin Quest so just if you do see one if you do have one 100% do it and then go back to farming nightfalls that's certainly what I did now importantly there is a magic number in terms of strange coins that you need to reach and that number is 47 once you have 47 strange coins you want to go to Zur and you want to spend all of them now here's why when you're at Zur as you can see right here if you interact with the bottom left corner of his inventory called more strange offers a bunch of interesting options pop up we have strange gifts which we'll talk about in a second resources you can exchange but importantly we have the Loyalty program of the nine this is the buff you're going for and this again requires you to spend 47 strange coins now importantly I'm actually looking at this for the first time this week and it already says 24 out of 47 so it does count what you spent the previous weekend so that should make it easier uh for how much strange coins you need to acquire to get this buff but once you spend all 47 strange coins as you can see right here you can buy this buff and if you open up your character inventory screen uh you can see it's actually present here strange favor and this is going to make an extra strange coin drop when doing an activity and it's going to last for 11 total days and most importantly guys it can stack so that means when Zur comes again next weekend I want to spend another 47 strange coins this is going to let me buy another one of these loyalty program Buffs so then for a few days I'm going to have two loyalty program Buffs active at the same time I'm going to have strange favor times two which means I get two more strange coins for doing uh those activities right and then potentially Ben Bungie even said it can stack up to three times so I'd be getting three extra strange coins so instead of beating a Nightfall and getting five I'm now going to get what eight and that is just going to make farming significantly more efficient and you can actually see here with my strange favor buff I'm able to complete another Nightfall and you can see instead of five I now get six so again that is going to just snowball into so much more things you can purchase from Zur now with all that being said a couple of things you want to know about first of all and I guarantee a ton of people are going to make a mistake involving this if you read the the strange favor buff closely it actually says you only get extra strange coins from Crucible and Gambit on wins I have no idea why Bungie did it like this and I actually tested it for myself cuz it was like almost unbelievable but it's true with strange favor I lost a Gambit match and still only got two strange coins and so that means once you have strange favor like Gambit and Crucible are right out in terms of consideration for farming unless you can guarantee wins like it's just so much more inefficient to start getting two for a loss when you can get a guaranteed 6 seven or eight for doing nightfalls or strikes like it's just a crazy way that they did things but you absolutely need to know about that now additionally uh importantly once I actually bought this buff you can see right here I actually go and I spend a few more strange coins on strange gifts and it still says 47 out 47 so I would absolutely caution you guys once you get the buff start saving your strange coins cuz it might not count towards the next strange favor buff you're trying to buy in the upcoming weekend right now on top of that guys if you're spending your strange coins often you know Zur only has so many good items available for sale every weekend you're probably going to be buying these random engrams so what kind of engrams are best to buy well the first thing I did want to test out is for the random armor engram would those actually give high stat armor and yes it appears to be so you can see I buy one right here I get a 60 stat leg armor now it's not that good but again it's good that we're not seeing like 54 stat right now on top of that when you're ranking Zur up these engrams as rewards are going to award one of like anything like you can see here I actually get a chest piece of the midnight extens set that that's actually a really really rare chest piece I think only what 28% or less than 28% of people have this chest piece so that's kind of a cool thing and that is another indication of why you should rank up Zur you can potentially get some really rare stuff even when he's not like featured to be selling that stuff now let's then talk about the number one sync of your strange coins which is strange gifts right they only cost one strange coin are they worth it well for for the most part no you can see I'm spending a bunch of strange coins on these strange gifts and overall it's just blue items so blue armor blue weapons and then random resources I actually get a lot of raid banners you get random enhancement cores really nothing good for me drop now maybe there's a chance to get something that's super rare from these that's actually good but again I really didn't get anything good for what I spent and so guys that's going to be it for for the video I hope you enjoyed and found this informative if you did please remember to help me out by simply rating and especially sharing this video if you guys want to see more Destiny 2 content similar to this don't be afraid to slap that subscribe button if you want to get in touch with me and keep up to date with the latest Channel activity the best way is to follow me on Twitter at Rick cacus that is linked in the description down below again I hope you enjoyed the video and as always have a good day
Channel: KackisHD
Views: 106,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny 2 update, destiny 2 gameplay, destiny 2 xur, where is xur, xur location, xur destiny 2, destiny 2 xur inventory, destiny 2 exotic, trials of osiris, final shape, destiny 2 best weapons, destiny 2 fashion, xur in one minute, destiny 2 xur this week, destiny 2 xur today, xur today, exotic catalyst, destiny 2 echoes, destiny 2 final shape, strange favor, favor of the nine, destiny 2 strange coins, destiny 2 strange coin farm, strange coins destiny 2
Id: F92QuTrUOmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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