Okay We Found The Overpowered Weapon This Season... 💀

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[Music] all right today we're going to be taking a look at the Axel Lacuna I think that's how I pronounce it it's the seasonal Fusion rifle the shotgun was s tier can the fusion rifle also be S tier from what I've heard it is very good but also nothing super crazy on it like it's going to be a basic Fusion rifle that one shots from very far away but it doesn't have any insane new perks on it either way though I don't really care too much about insane perks all I care about is if this thing is consistent and since it's a 780 RPM I think it's going to be really good now the question is what specific role am I going to go for on this thing I haven't used Fusion rifles in quite some time but from what I remember I think we just want a bunch of range as for the barrel I'm going to be going for Hammer forged rifling I could switch it to Arrowhead break if we need the extra recoil Direction but from the looks of it I don't think we need to you could go with fullbore as well but for five range I'm not going to sacrifice all the stability and handling so hammer forg will do as for the barrel I think going to go with small boore I was going to go with hammer forged rifling but I feel like an extra seven stability for only three range sounds like a good deal to me it could be a waste though maybe I don't even need the seven stability I guess we'll see as for the battery I'm going to be going for projection fuse here for some extra range and then I think we're going to go for the typical firmly planted roll here because firmly planted from what I remember is really good on Fusion rifles they did Nerf it a long time ago but it's still should be very strong and then after that we're going to go with kickart because kickart is a very good Fusion rifle perk I don't like using it because it forces me to run around and slide when I don't want to it just messes with my brain but I know it is a very strong Fusion rifle perk so we're going to go with this and I think this should be our God roll if I have to change a barrel or anything I could do it in the middle of a game it shouldn't cost me too much or anything but I think these are the two perks I'm going to be going with for today if I messed up or there's a better perk combination let me know in the comments down below but I think this is good I hope you guys enjoy the game play and let's see if this thing is actually overpowered it probably is all right I haven't actually seen how this yo this thing looks like an auto rifle is it not oh my f okay if you're ever using invis put on radar booster on any of your guns it doesn't matter which one that is just on one of them and you will immediately be able to see from far away again uh with your oh [ __ ] with your special weapon or your primary weapon depending on what you're using it's really really strong specifically for invis since they nerfed radar look at my mini map it shows where uh Special ammo spawning on the mini map now oh it disappeared wait is my radar bugged I didn't see that guy is oh wait what the hell I only see him far away on my on my Fusion rifle like it's it's bugged out if if I don't have my look look look you see how this guy's not on my radar and then I bust out my Fusion he he like disappears look he's not even that far away he just disappears cuz it's still the game still thinks I'm invis that is terrible this bugged this is maybe I don't use radar booster then that's terrible look he just appeared on my radar all right I'm going to take this off that's bad guys I lied don't use radar booster I don't know what that was that was a weird glitch I never had that happen before all right thank you for the free kill I didn't expect heavy ammo Point Blank in my ass but I guess that's fine I don't know if Rumble was the move for this video I forgot that Rumble doesn't have a special transmat anymore it just has crates so I'm not going to have a crazy amount of ammo unless I get some primary kills go right there I'm going to see if I can grab this and then uh hopefully not get a shot on my back okay I think we we should be okay we should be okay question is what does this guy want to do I'm going to just run away towards the heavy I think I'm going to Pro kickart I haven't been using Kickstart at all cuz I kind of forgot about it all right he blew up to heavy H him free kill I don't know if I noticed Kickstart working in terms of the charge rate I mean in terms of damage obviously it's it's working pretty good I hit like 56 per bolt right there which is broken but I'm going to smoke here he runs into it free kill thank you I'll take that Special ammo as well heavy ammo spawning do I want to play for it I mean I guess I could I kind of want to kill that guy for special but he made sure I wouldn't get him that's annoying I'm going to Fusion this guy with Kickstart or not ran right into a smoke bomb that's perfect I'm going to play the heavy ammo here cuz why not uh one Fusion shot I go invis and see if I can go play for it we're okay for now nice anyone anyone come on I got kickart please this is really awkward I'm still waiting there we go I didn't even use uh firmly planted right there I don't even think I crouched maybe you don't need firmly planted bro I could be wrong but I don't know if you really need it the fusion is not very hard to control at all and the damage from Kickstart is so so good that it makes it to where you don't even really need to hit all your bolts regardless get those free kills I'm going to grab some more ammo off of these guys thank you someone spawned back here I'm also one shot I'm just going to crouch invis maybe this will work out probably not [ __ ] all right I got my heavy ammo back at least I'm going to slide this I don't know what the hell he's doing I have kickart ready for the guy with heavy no [ __ ] what the is he doing there's like maybe one two good players in here and then I don't know what the hell everyone else is doing run into my tether buddy run into my tether thank you very much okay one more kill let's see if we can get it with the fusion rifle yes we will right here three 2 1 and easy kill there we go there we go I mean dude it's a fusion rifle it's a fusion rifle that does a lot of damage I don't know uh what I was really I mean this is basically what I was expecting just a very consistent experience not not mad with it at all all right so we did something a little bit different this game okay we went with radar booster on two guns because if you are only using radar booster on one one and you're going invis the game bugs out I don't know what it is I don't know why they haven't fixed it but that's basically how it works so if you want to use radar booster while going invis and have your radar uh for far distances you have to swap your weapons while you're invis and then uh just use two of them that's all you got to do and then you're good to go so that's why I'm using the rose right now instead of the thorn honestly we're not going to use the primary all that much anyways so I'm not worried about it it's not a very good roll either it has slid shot opening shot but it's like like 43 range it's really bad I'm going to go invis and then get ready with my Fusion this guy's going to probably just run to Middle let's see if I can snipe him okay I went in the air right there that was my fault I I was kind of in the air some guy went invis up top or bottom I don't know exactly where yet I guess we'll see I don't see him I'm just going to go for the ammo actually let's grab the heavy ammo too why not I don't have invis just yet some gu bowing me from the back he's missing everything thank God we should be safe now though with invis and let's see if we can catch him off guard he is somewhere on the right side somewh is here on the someone is here on the right side I'm just going to double melee this save my ammo and uh some guys mid let's sword this guy free kill I'm trying to get some fusion kills if I can some guys down that lane I don't want to just run straight at it let's go to the back here instead and get a couple kills my guy was one not a very satisfying kill but a fusion kill nonetheless that's okay I'm going to kill this guy in the back with a fusion here as well we're going to sword him we're not going to sword [ __ ] A okay more Fusion ammo hopefully we can redeem ourselves here hopefully we can redeem ourselves this guy's just going to be waiting crouched I'm guessing or not you might just go for the ammo what's the play here why are you not going for the ammo dude holy negative range doing little range like what did I hit right there like 75 76 from that that close that's embarrassing all right I'm going to sword this guy he's just running away from me dude hold non Fusion rifle kills this is kind of pissing me off can we get a fusion rifle kill please I'm in such bad situations for Fusion kills thank you greenade that in case he comes back he did not I'm going to go invis and just Crouch and wait I don't have any ammo so we're going to have to sord again there is ammo mid though right yeah there is there is we'll grab this we'll grab this I'm going to get Kickstart ready this guy might just come down the lane uh-oh yo just bot walking in is crazy I go inis this guy might just push me I'm going to get kick start ready again a okay it's okay we got ammo at least from that since I got a primary kill kickart ready this guy's in front of me there we go I did get Kickstart right there I'm pretty sure so it was worth it this guy challenge far double tap I'm going a sword in m o I probably should have just killed him with a hand Cannon now that I think about it for some ammo that's okay this guy thought he was going to grab heavy ammo not today I'm going to keep baiting heavy ammo get some free kills that was a good one dude and that was without kick start either man it is very consistent this guy spawn on my right side with a bow let's get out of danger while we can a lot of bows this game which is kind of annoying or maybe it's just the same dude that I'm running into I want to I want a hand Cannon kill so I can get ammo thank you and these guys might fight in the back here so this is good I can just push up and get a free kill wait it's just one dude okay head shot him or body shot him come on [ __ ] okay what is the game plan here we just going to it crouched what the f goodbye to you let me grab some more ammo I only need one more kill but two bullets is okay I'm going to tether through the window and then uh what do we do to this guy dance on him before we Fusion him or what hey buddy hey buddy hey man all right gg gg not bad not bad not bad that was way better dude double radar booster actually is the move 100% if you're going invis this is broken all right I have a very good feeling this game is going to be extremely easy because I don't know I guess we'll see I saw a lot of noobs loading up into this game and as a YouTuber that's my favorite thing maybe I could be wrong though this guy doesn't look too newbie actually oh never mind I spoke too soon okay this guy's going to run down the lane I'm just going to Fusion him free kill yeah yeah this will be uh this will be one of those games for sure I think and hey we take these we take these I'm not mad about it I will take this I have a good feeling we're going to get a bunch of fusion kills too so I guess we'll see I've been trying to show it off a little bit more it's harder to only use the fusion rifle now uh with Special ammo CH yo damn nice shots holy [ __ ] I have no HP good thing I went the right way it's hard to only use fusion with the Special ammo changes I feel like with ammo transmat yo what the is that aim say Wala bro I don't know if with ammo transmit it would have been easier thank you there's a guy with an SMG kind of going crazy I just killed him his name is Doug so I got to keep keep an eye out for him this guy's AFK do I really want to use a fusion rifle bullet on a guy that's AFK hello where's my bullet did I lag out but this guy's gone thank you I want to get my Fusion rifle ready these guys might have just traded outside here I'm going to go towards the right is he still AFK no he's here thank you thank you and then I don't see anyone else on my radar we should be okay someone spawned outside behind me we're going to get kickart ready he must see me on the radar right never mind dude kickart works sometimes when I don't expect it to like I feel like I stopped sprinting right there but it just still gave me the perk which is nice this thing just keeps getting better I don't know if you're a fusion rifle lever I feel like you'll definitely like this Fusion because of the sheer consistency I haven't used a 7 uh 780 charge time Fusion in quite a while I'm more of a uh heavy hitting Fusion rifle like I like the super super slow charge time ones because they're in my opinion from my experience they're definitely the most consistent but if you're using kickstart in this thing I mean it's probably better it's probably way better it shoots faster and does the same amount of damage like 50 50 damage per bolt so it's up there thank you I don't see the next guy oh is he under me what the [ __ ] where did you come from this guy will push me thank you and then I'm going to grab orb for health and challenge I'm going to smoke this actually he smoked free kill and I'm going to grab more ammo this has been going very good for me man we're just chaining bunch of ammo from these primary kills he spawned there somewhere but I don't see him uh-oh I'm going to M oh [ __ ] I'm not going to melee [ __ ] I'm D I'm not dead oh [ __ ] how am I not dead smoke behind me how do I not have a smoke bomb I just dodged right next to this dude all right gg gg I'm going to Fusion you give me a sec give me a sec buddy give me a sec okay yo that was the most newbie game ever bro holy [ __ ] no no no why this map out of any map happen the entire game you give me this one what did I do what did I do to deserve this what have I done smoke this run into it yo smoke bombs are the [ __ ] man oh my God I just tried bro bro why do I suck what is going on all right let me reust my uh gaming position what the [ __ ] was that I thought I killed him like 20 times you just finished a gunfight I will take that thank you I can't use this hand Cannon far Away by the way the 43 handling has really been hitting me the past couple of games no Kickstart on that one that's okay oh here we go 69 damage here we oh I still three topped him with 69 on the first one that's not that bad I guess I kind of want to play for the for the ammo here cuz this is a fusion rifle video see the problem when I'm making videos bro and I play against people is I I do some stupid ass [ __ ] man in order to what the [ __ ] I do some very questionable stuff in order to secure a fusion rifle kill because I want to get as many Fusion rifle kills as possible for the video I don't want to title this video hey look at this Fusion rifle that I'm using and then get seven seven hand Cannon kills every 3 seconds like that'd be pretty dumb that's basically it so I'm using Fusion rifles when people are head glitching which is a terrible move dude how are you not dead have I I keep getting hit markers now all of a sudden this guy's holding me hostage with a bow I'm so dead no what is going on [ __ ] oh my god dude I keep getting hit markers cuz people are like I don't know if it's the map or whatever but I swear people are doing the weirdest [ __ ] this game top bottom two Taps can I get the kill I don't want to kill him with a sword I just want to use it for movement so I can generate ammo this guy just kept on full challenging he's underneath and there's a guy behind me again as well dude what is happening this game this guy's full challenging I will sword you because I have no choice this guy's challenging me right side I'm going to smoke this go invis this guy will push into the smoke bomb maybe or nuts okay I'm going to grab the orb for some health bro okay as soon as I say I want to get a bunch of fusion rifle kills I'm getting a bunch of hand Cannon kills what's going on maybe a grenade kill or not oh interesting inter good Rift good Rift there's another guy that might be able to help me with this gunfight though there's one on my left side let me this guy first so I don't get sandwiched by 20 of them and I can probably pop my tether come here paland Drome I just need some ammo thank you very much thank you uhoh okay I have to sword you too all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: SayWallahBruh
Views: 122,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, salvations edge raid, destiny 2 the final shape, salvations edge, destiny 2 salvations edge, destiny, salvation's edge, destiny 2 news, destiny 2 new raid, destiny 2 salvations edge raid, salvations edge raid exotic, destiny 2 final shape, salvations edge livestream, salvations edge final boss, salvations edge raid guide, destiny 2 gameplay, salvations edge worlds first, salvations edge raid armor, salvations edge raid weapons
Id: Ze9Il_Rhwfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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