Desmond's Life | Draw My Story | HiHo Kids

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- [Desmond] Hi, everyone. It's me, Desmond, from HiHo Kids. Actually, my full name is Desmond Simon Arthur Vieg. Bet you didn't know that. Today, I'm going to be telling my life story with the help of my friend, Koji, the amazing artist. Seriously, his art is amazing. (upbeat pop music) What up, Koji? Once upon a time in Seattle, Washington, in a chilly winter February day, a very, very cute baby boy was born. I was also born that day. Get it? I'm the cute baby. I was born on February 17th, 2010, which is exactly two years and one day after my big sister, Georgia Bean. - I don't know. Because she looked like a bean. (woman laughs) Her birthday is February 16th, and we celebrate our birthdays together. It's pretty cool. Georgia is in a lot of HiHo videos with me, too, playing Japanese toys, we make cotton candy, did yoga. We feel so lucky to get to do fun videos together. I also have one more big sister named Isabella, but we call her Bella. She's 13, she's a teenager now. Bella was one of the first people to hold me the day I was born, and she even helped pick out my name. My mom let her pick my middle name. And she didn't just give me one middle name, she gave me two. That's right, two middle names. She chose Simon after my dad, and Arthur after my grandpa. That's why I have two middle names. Are you jealous? Sometimes Bella looks after me and Georgia. She helps us put Legos together, and play video games with us. But mostly, she just looks at her phone all day, 'cause I guess that's what teenagers do. Bella and Georgia are good big sisters. I have awesome parents that take care of me and my sisters. They love us more than anyone else on the whole planet. The whole planet. I have two different homes. I have my dad's house, and I have my mom's house. At my dad's house, I live with my sister, my dad, my cat, Ewok, my dog, Cupid Dog, and that's pretty much it. And at my mom's house, I live with my Poppy, my aunt, Leslie, her cat named Skittles, my mouse, Tiny Tim, and my sister's pets, Jumbo and Fluffy Butt. I wanted to call it Fluffy, but she call it Fluffy Butt. But it does have a huge, fluffy butt. It's like super fluffy. It's like silk. When I'm with my dad, we like to go on bike rides in the summer. Wahoo. And go hiking in the mountains on the winter. We even cut down our Christmas tree every year with my dad. I love Christmas. My dad makes the best pizza in the entire world. Entire world. Best pizza, whole world, made by my own dad. When I'm with my mom, I love going on family adventures like ocean shores, whoosh, is in the great world flood, woo-hoo, cowabunga. (woman laughs) In the summer, we like to go to the beach every single day. Every night before I go to sleep, my mom lets me pick out a bedtime song and it helps me fall asleep. I usually pick the Beastie Boys. ♪ You gotta fight ♪ ♪ For your right ♪ ♪ To party ♪ I love my mom and dad so much. This month I'm turning eight, and I'm in second grade. I love school, except for the whole getting up in the morning thing. You do not wanna see me first thing in the morning. Like seriously, I'm super, super sweaty for some reason, 'cause I got a super big blanket. And it's silk, but even silkier, the real silk. My favorite class is gym. I love moving around. But the best thing about school is all my friends. We like playing kickball, soccer, and trading Pokemon cards, and we love telling jokes. You wanna hear a joke? What did the paper say to the pencil? The paper replied, are my jokes terrible? The pencil replied... - [Woman] Oh. - [Desmond] No, that's not how it goes. (woman laughs) There was a pencil and a paper. The paper said, are my jokes bad? The pencil replied, no, they're just tear-able. Ba-dum-tshh. I'm also really good at drawing. I'm so good at drawing, my mom got a tattoo of my drawing, Mr. Hot Dog. It's pretty sweet. It's on my mom's ankle forever, and ever, and ever. Oh, my gosh. I get a lot of questions about my ethnicity. I'm a quarter Japanese from my mom, and I'm very proud about being Japanese and American. (speaks foreign language) to all my Japanese friends. On my dad's side, I'm mostly Irish. I think that's why my eyes are hazel. Most people think I have blue eyes just 'cause I have blonde hair, but my eyes are actually a mix of brown and green. They're beautiful. I feel really special to get to do HiHo videos. I met lots of other kids doing these videos. And I've gotten to try lots of yummy, yummy food. And I met so many unique people. And drawing with Koji is the best. I love my HiHo family. When I think about growing up, I'm not really sure what I wanna be. I'm just too busy enjoying what's happening right now. I'm constantly changing my mind and finding new things. I love animals, but sometimes I like to learn about aliens in outer space. Sometimes I like acting. Sometimes I wanna kick a soccer ball around. Sometimes I like to research conspiracy theories like the Illuminati. Other times I like to sit down and draw funny pictures. So it's hard for me to choose what I wanna be when I grow up. I'm only eight. Gimme a break. But I do hope I keep doing videos for HiHo, and keep all our amazing HiHo fans all over the world. I love you guys. You guys rock. Thank you so much for watching my videos and sending so many good gifts. And thank you for letting me share my life story with you. If you liked this video, don't forget to subscribe, and check out some more draw my story videos. That's a wrap. Woo-hoo.
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 2,849,397
Rating: 4.9438734 out of 5
Keywords: Draw My Story, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven and Carolina
Id: 31VmOpt697k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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