Sort And Count COINS like a PRO || How To Make DIY Cardboard Coin Counter And Sorting Machine💰

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[Music] what a me it was me Sammy I broke my piggy banks it's time to buy a new smartphone mine isn't functioning anymore she managed to take so much money I was saving change from shopping but now I need to count all this can you help me oh it's a very pleasant path [Music] rémi chatters it's not possible to count it if only we had a special counting machine like they have in the banks Sam where are you going let's yeah yeah Sam you're a genius hi guys all the greatest human inventions began from a simple wheel and our machine is not an exception and he'll invented a Yasu oh well it was invented thousands of years ago write in the comments what you think about it Sam can you help me make two more wheels like this sure better say a cardboard gluing master her next we'll need pedals like this they're made of two layers of regular cardboard and one layer of cover cardboard Sam how's it going with the wheels these are future digital screens for units tens and hundreds and these are gears I bet there are some plant hoppers that half years on their legs Tracy yes see me it is with such luck mechanisms the nips of these plant hoppers can jump very fast and that long distances Thank You bud oh you glued it so nicely hole to hole you forgot to cut the gear for the third wheel duty here we will need these small wooden pieces Sammy the parts should be placed strictly between the numbers we have ears and I should be a switch Sam you're thinking like in the engineer mechanic these are some great parts from cover cardboard no no no we won't make any smart phones from cardboard I'll just buy a new one a high-resolution camera and tons of gigabytes of memory technology about things so fast true Sammy and what are you worried about machines take over I don't think that'll happen at least not in the nearest future look Sammy do you really think that such a cute mechanism can do any harm I'm not sure Susy watch it cos preparing the other parts for our craft and I will make a surprise for her I'll glue the future body for our machine I'm pretty sure that this is a best industrial design well when did you manage to make such an awesome body new parts of course but there is one special feature these wooden sticks they will become the axes for our small wheels here's more cover cardboard and just a tiny little bit of a regular one cover cardboard is very durable so our parts will serve longer same disappeared again [Music] by the way first MDF material similar to the one we use in our craft was invented because of lunch until the inventor left for lunch and turned off the wood shavings steam press but it was broken so the steam continued to flow that's how a very solid material was created now you see right Sammy check out the result it would've done so great nice what do you like to eat for lunch tell us in the comment and don't forget to subscribe to the news of our channel we'll assemble it all together it's important to go nice and slow here I'm totally puzzled are you actually doing this doesn't look very friendly then this is a very useful part with its help we can reset the numbers on the coin counter I don't get it Sammy don't rush you'll see in a moment this looks like this pilots tentacles our machine will have makings of artificial intelligence it will count coins on its own and show the numbers on the display tell me you're an alarmist better pass me that hook if I were you I'd be careful with any declarations we get though see me don't run away I also need rubber bands as always I needed just one you secure it like this and the last part is this one it consists of cover cardboard and one hair clip that I don't need we'll glue it here to our super machine needs a test drive hmm okay let's try one two three okay and now it's reset and now we will assemble the heart of our coin counter I need a battery battery somewhere I'll go look for it in the meantime we'll connect the wires like this terminals and the switch to the motor and the battery the circuit is complete I believe in you look in the closet guys be very careful with the soldiering tool or ask an adult to help you Oh what's all this - this is all I found yeah me you know that's not what I need please search some more guys let's support Sam give him a thumbs up just a little bit left this motor will bring the coin counting mechanism to life policy I'm super timing look what I've got let's test our mechanism Oh magic my friend just science and technology we have the two best parts of the craft ahead assembling and generation so how is that creating something no Sam it's too early I hope that you'd help me cut out several parts from cardboard you can't do without me sure thing Sammy and meanwhile I'll attach the motor to its designated place a couple more parts and look the coin will drop here the motor rotates this wooden part one side of it turns the counter and the other pushes the coin out hello perfect timing Oh your intelligence is creating artificial intelligence isn't that ironic - can't argue there Sammy check out what we have here I'm decorating this is my shining moment [Music] [Music] so Sammy shall we count how much money I saved now we definitely won't lose the count [Music] hi guys today we're going to make a coin sorting machine from metal no plastic no Sammy from cardboard what everyoe vending machine isn't made of cardboard yes sure but it's not that important to understand how it works I can agree with that are you gonna help me on that oh [Music] well all right think what are you making now I'm making a pass system for the coins so that each coin will fall into a certain compartment look this will be the first phase to make sure the coins pass one by one I need to measure here [Music] see two coins won't pass I can see that continue sim at least select three coins from 25:5 and one cent I'm going to need them now and I'll set this piece aside hey Sammy where are the coins here they are now I understand why they need to be sorted it's hard to find the one you need hmm that's right now can you imagine how many coins a vending machine in a crowded place processes in a day for example in a library or in the subway you can't do it without automation so it's better to do some work once and then it goes smoothly afterwards look each coin will have its own little window and they will fall into their own little compartments perfect like your signature well alright and voila now let's glue the side walls to make sure the coins don't roll away I still don't get it how will it work here look see only the coins up a suitable size can fall into the opening all right understand how the coins will be stored a better how will they get into that coin tunnel we won't push them with our hands right oh no no Sammy the motor will help us with that we're going to connect it to the battery with the help of wires guys be very careful with the wires you'd better ask an adult to help you at this stage and to make sure we can turn the motor on and off we'll connect this switch to it right wire goes here not one there done now we only need to glue a small screw to the motor to create the effect of need a vibration effect that's right let's hide our mechanism into a cardboard case to keep it safe from damage glue the motor here carefully watch out for the wires and the battery goes here yes Sammy thanks you've been saying that I'm not helping you you had a piece with a hole in it I didn't get as a faulty run oh no so you need it should have a hole it's for the switch so please don't throw that piece away here look it fits perfectly Mike this and we'll cover it carefully okay done few pieces leftovers are there at camp team wait no these are very important we need to set our case with the motor on these legs to allow the coins to fall down cheer up Sammy and bring the rest of the pieces alright but don't throw anything away well do and we have made this structure we only need to add the walls a wonderful Sam now we're going to make the finishing piece which please now the containers where the coins will fall in vending machines store all the coins separately to give out the change very quickly by size well that's the basic principle but modern machines can distinguish coins according to the metals in them and even the images on them to exclude any errors but our sorting machine is a very basic one so it'll sort coins only according to its size Oh Sammy could you bring me two stickers for our containers yeah come on and I'll connect our sorting mechanism I'll be quick Sammy maybe I should do it you know me already all right fifty cents twenty-five ten and one cent and on off for the switch is it tada no let's play several handfuls of coins in here perfect and [Music] now all the coins in the house will be sorted out purposely will you keep it under control guys was it interesting for you to learn how coin sorting happens give us thumbs up if it was [Music]
Views: 41,583,822
Rating: 4.2191725 out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: mA21nvolB3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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