Can These Chefs Create This Kid's Crazy Dish?

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hi my name is aiden reese i'm eight years old today i'm adding two chefs to make my extreme dish wish hey aiden hi everybody i'm alexis hello i'm claudette hello claudette zepeda wilkins here from san diego california executive chef partner at el jardin restaurant i've always been in restaurants but i didn't know i wanted to be a chef until my son was born and i thought you know how could i tell him to chase his dreams if i don't pursue mine so here we are so aiden if you were a pirate out at sea what would you eat i'd eat dead men's fish stew dead man's fish stew so what's in the stew good question some dead fish dead food anything dead from the sea guts and bones and stuff yeah do you like seafood well not really i like salmon he doesn't like seafood which i find problematic i don't eat meat rice i like healthy food it's good for your brain you know use a little squid or maybe it could be a jellyfish i'll put it dead and he started mentioning squid i know he's not gonna like it i've never had squid before but it's worth a try i mean right there'd be dead bones from like actual humans sure yeah so like i'd say the school that's the important part it's got the most flavor i get it i'm just gonna choose to omit that entirely it's a little narcos it went a little dark on us any vegetables that you can find in the ocean well there's one vegetable which they call seaweed i've never really tried it but it's worth a try so what normally would a pirate drink when he's having this dead man stew they would normally drink beer coca-cola mixed together and maybe some root beer like a root beer coke beer float yeah i usually save the cherries for my mom's that's mostly it okay do you think we can make this dish come alive it's worth a try the one thing i have going for me is that i've done this twice i feel like i now know that if a kid says they want something it doesn't necessarily mean they want something i am not going to make a stew i am going to make pizza top it with bechamel cheese salmon salmon roe shrimp i'm going to fry some squid add some dill and basil and then some real seaweed so it's kind of a mix for him so hopefully it'll be like a seafood medley pizza so for my dish i'm going to make a tomato bisque soup i'm going to carve the skull the ribs the toes i think there's a pelvis in there too somewhere out of potatoes i am going to make seaweed jungle out of fried basil for the drink it's easy i'm going to make a fanta float with orange sherbet and two cherries on top for his moms claudette i'm so excited to cook with you or against you you're a chef and a mom you have so much going for you you're making pizza so you win but like i literally don't know what kids like so let's see i'm gonna saute the onions real quick get them sweated down this will be the base of the blood and plasma soup i'm just trying to get really caramelized develop the sugars in the onions last i'll do the raw tomatoes since they're going to leak out a lot of water so i'm making a bechamel which is one of the mother sauces and you can make so many other sauces based off professional i feel like maybe it'll be a catalyst for him to like us yes you know this could be deaf boys that's the easy part you say something really gross and you're like yeah this little burner is a little funky so might be doing this again i can see alexis is struggling with her burner so i just give her mine and she needs a constant heat and induction gives you that have the reputation for being the worst competitor claudette is not only so talented but so nice this is like not really a competition it's just like getting to hang out with a friend it's getting this kind of nice nutty brown and then i'm gonna add the milk nice fish thank you if i had a pirate ship it would be named the brown carrot it would have like machine guns and stuff like that which pirates do not have now i'm going to make brains made out of tomatoes i scored the tomato in hopes that when it starts to break down it'll look like decomposing brain let's see how this cooks i'm just gonna do a super super simple salmon which i'm gonna bake and then plate i feel like i've learned my lesson about being too heavy-handed spices so i'm gonna try to tone it down okay let's start making bones right now i am working on the poor dead guy's femur bone out of this potato it looks really convincing so far leg bone or thigh bone oh i got to make toes toenail huh huh okay i'm actually feeling pretty excited about something i just ground up chips and i'm gonna dip the squid in them and deep fry it so it becomes kind of like a like a chicken nugget so i think it might help hide the squid it feels a little moist are you going to bind it with it something egg is going to slip right off of it all right i'm sure i should not be talking to her about that again this is why i never win i think a lot of the times because i am a chef of a restaurant and i am a mentor to my cooks when i see someone struggle my instinct is like that like protector mom with the claw that's really great suggestion i'm gonna dip the squid into the egg and then into the ground chips before frying it yeah he's totally good no that's not chicken nuggets i mean you can tell that it's not chicken but it looks pretty cool and he might actually like it don't mean to toot your own horn but toot toot but it's pretty good now i'm just going to blend it up to get the consistency of a tomato piss her brain is still intact well not mine but that one mine's been shot for years because we're on a bit of a time constraint i'm using a pre-made pizza dough just rotating the dough like this is a really easy way to stretch it you spin it in the air do it challenge politely declined i am going to put the bechamel on the pizza cheese lots of cheese god i'm really cheating this one come on every other bone off all right i'm only doing one fishbone i feel like he should be honored to get one that's incredible i'm gonna add my puss heavy cream i feel like yours is gonna be something we actually want to eat i'm just going to brush that just with a little oil just let me get a little glossier i'm going to bake this and then put the seafood toppings on after after you smart just babysitting you look pretty proud of yourself i mean i mean you are doing what you asked for and i'm not so that's usually what happens though again that's parenting i'm looking over at claudette station and she's carving a skull out of a potato and i have pizza i've seen more healthy looking skulls but i think it'll do that's as good as you're gonna get good night did you say good night let's go to sleep with the fishes do you know what a rock fish is a rock fish a rock fish is like um a fish with a stinger that when it gets scared or mad it stings you i just got an idea to fry the basil seaweed and see if i can get almost like a anemone she's got pizza so i gotta pull out all the stops oh what is my vision some shrimp just gonna flake some with santa he's gonna hate this aiden doesn't like seafood but i think it could be fun to add some salmon definitely an acquired taste but i just want to add like a few and they pop in his mouth he's like freak out i think it's kind of genius that alexis wants to make a pizza because even if you get it wrong on the drawing you're going to give the kid what he wants glaudet has made a masterpiece she's done exactly what aiden wanted and i haven't i just i'm not i'm not feeling great got my teeth i got my rotten toe joints skull i mean it's amazing that's crazy i was so focused on the pizza that i completely forgot about the drink i'm just gonna wing it though i couldn't think of what else could be purple and orange yeah she's like okay purple orange soda called today huh well let the best moment win yeah yeah let's go see what aiden thinks so my pizza's done and you know i feel pretty fine about it but he asked for stew so i really just hope he actually wants pizza i am happy with the way the dish turned out visually and i think i think it tastes delicious i'm extra and so is my plating so i know he's gonna like it bring on the dead man's stew it looks like sushi with chicken tenders with seaweed i got everything i wanted okay looks like a pizza oh it is a pizza [Music] that's pretty good tastes like something slimy kind of like edible slime it's pretty good on to this part oh okay that is weird i do not like that part so go ahead and try the milkshake ah finally it tastes like all the kind of like sodas combined and it's good all right let's do it here we go now that's what i call a stew this is all the stuff i needed i like how it looks like my drawing oh wow that is weird wanna try that first what does that taste like root beer and fanta mixed together and it also has the cherries on top they're for my mom's here all right go ahead grab a spoon dig in did not like it onto the seaweed [Music] mmm the seaweed's good not like normal seaweed and now for the rotten fish it tastes like mango probably want to keep that on the side looks like a brain had to give me a brain that tastes like tomato and i don't like tomato you know anything else yeah go ahead have some more of the shake okay aidan you just had two very different dishes which one do you like better the stew or the pizza hmm that's a hard decision but that's like the pizza [Music] i told you it was a cheese it was a cheese right alexis because you won you get to keep the drawing thank you so much i mean what a drawing this is really exciting this was such a fun competition claudette was amazing and honestly really helped me out so couldn't have had this without her cuisine is not like a failure to me i think failing is not trying pizza cheese carbs always wins no matter how slimy the stuff on top is chefs thank you for my dead man stew yarn [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 10,856,469
Rating: 4.8650727 out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, Aedan, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, I Draw You Cook, PL-IDYC, Tasty, alexis debos, alexis deboschnek, buzzfeed alexis, buzzfeed tasty, can this chef, chef, chefs, child, children, compete, competition, cooking, cooking competition, dessert, drawing, fish, food, food challenge, homemade, idyc, illustration, kid, kids, pirate, pirates, pizza, recipe, seafood, show, skeleton, soup, squid, taste test, tasty
Id: EPcKSkX--Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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