Kid decorates a tiny studio apartment | No Whining | HiHo Kids

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can you please explain this hairball you decided you decided however the cleaners were very faulty and they vacuumed it for first you're not getting your deposit back what no wait wait they said no deposits [Music] what's up guys i'm timothy delegato rapper actor comedian today's episode is about housing so we're gonna write down if you guys have any ideas for like your dream house let's do this i want a little brick house that looks little from the outside but when you go in it's two floors i'm gonna have servants and i want to be rich it's this incredibly nice apartment you look south on central park empire state building probably the best view in all of new york city i want a golden toilet golden toilet made out of gold yeah it's made out of gold so do you know what it means to pay rent my parents rented a house but i don't think i know so renting is when like you don't own the house but you're paying every month to stay there i brought in a homegirl who's an expert on landlords and renting and make some noise from my friend ashley here you go they're all yours so i'm a seattle resident and i happen to work in the housing industry do you see people in seattle that are not living in houses they're called bums yeah so bums is kind of a mean term for a person that is unhoused awkward houseless houseless or unhoused do you know what a landlord is it's the person that if you had bought a house and you decided to rent it out to somebody then you would become the landlord how often do you have to pay rent i think every year you actually have to pay rent every month and if you don't pay rent you're going to get a notice tacked on your door and it's called an eviction notice do you know what a security deposit is is it a down payment it's sort of like a down payment when you move you basically have to make sure that you leave the place the same way that when you came in is it easy to get your security deposit back sort of there's some nice landlords there's some okay landlords there's some mean landlords so now we're gonna do an activity that you're gonna try to get your security deposit back for me the landlord mackenzie what is this juice doing on this white rug uh maybe someone spilled it on there an accident even if it was an accident it's still on the rug all right listen here that carpet i brought in and it's mine oh you know what i forgot yeah this is actually not my carpet okay okay yeah michaela can you tell me why this doorknob is out of the door and disconnected so the doorknob came off we couldn't get it back on because we didn't have the right equipment i need to look at all the doorknobs we're going to have to hold your security deposit that's fine i have nothing to hide oh let's do it disgusting oh god big hair um so you signed the lease and on the lease it says absolutely no pets allowed can someone explain this to me so i'm a scientist and in the lab we were working with owl pellets and there was a giant isis owl that ate some furry things and i was bringing it home to study it well you knew the move out inspection was today it left no stains on the carpet as you can see well i do really appreciate that you're a scientist sander michaela can you please explain this hairball you decided you decided to have clean yes it's an open house right you need it to be spicy however the cleaners were very faulty and they vacuumed this is getting really cool no no okay so basically you're not gonna hear a deposit back in the um what they said no deposit okay you all are so good at leasing out of your security deposit obligations i think you're all going to be excellent renters always remember read your contracts and you have rights [Music] so since rent's so expensive we're going to show you one solution which is just to live in a really really small apartment so mckenzie do you know what we're here to do today a little right here we have a micro studio you know what that is nope don't have a clip that's basically a really tiny space that people live in and out here in seattle they're paying like twelve hundred dollars a month to live in there all right so mckenzie now you gotta pick the stuff that you wanna put in your micro studio apartment because you don't have room for all of it it's the bed the bed okay so this is like right next to the front door watch out because like what if someone opens the door and knocks the books down normal bear entering i barely know anyone you know sometimes these little micro studio apartments don't even have a bathroom in them i could go to the woods okay so now you probably want to make it a little uh homey you know have a little uh something nice you want to hang up how do you like your new apartment perfect see coming from the door yeah yeah you go to sleep you can cook some food and you can sit down as my books i think you did a good job so what did you learn from this experience making your own house i learned if you don't have enough money you have to do what you have to do facts so i love what you did with the place are you ever gonna have me over to hang out sure and bring some more of your pictures okay i will do that thanks for inviting me over kenzie what happened to my house i'm timothy daylight ghetto you guys know me right you've seen all my videos right now of course you have i have a blue house it's a blue house and it's really cool that's really cool yeah so there are bodies in that refrigerator is someone in there right now so who pays for the dentist when you guys go insurance how do you like your new apartment good nice we found candy [Music]
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 1,954,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, nowhining, microstudio, rent, hihokids
Id: oY321NVSr-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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