Kids Give Their Teachers Wild Hair Makeovers! | Kids Style | HiHo Kids

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(hysterical laughing) - Cavalli, that's a lot of hair. - I know. - Oh my gosh. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hi! - Hello. - I'm Phoebe. - And I'm Nate. - He is my piano teacher. - I've known Cavalli since he was like 16 to 18 months old. - And I still have pictures in my room. - Do you really? - Yeah! - Oh, Cavalli that's so sweet, baby love. - [Producer] So, Nicolas tell me, why did you pick Miss Sarah to come do this video with you today? - Well, it's just because none of my other teachers were available. (laughing) Are we just doing the hair? - [Producer] What else do you wanted to do? - Yeah what else are you thinking about? - Something like the eyebrows or something. - [Sarah] Red eyebrows? (laughing) - I think I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna, like, cut your hair like a beetle, not the band, The Beatles. (laughs) And I'm gonna put your hair that I cut off in the bald spot. - How's it gonna stay there? - I'm gonna use super glue. - Okay, cool. (producer laughs) - Ooh, do you use a lot of highlighters? - I do, but-- - I like all of these colors together, it's beautiful. - So, are you gonna trim some of the beard or it's just gonna be... - What the beard is, we're gonna have two, like, trees on the side. - [Nate] Oh I see. - And then we're gonna have, like, a river right here. - So, I want it to be, like, cut to your chin now. Just like this, so kind of look like the rainbow. - Highlighter. (laughs) - [Producer] Oh okay. - [Sarah] Oh my goodness, what am I getting myself into Nicolas? - It's gonna be like a berry tie-dye thing. - I do like the tie-dyes - I'm just gonna put, like, little things that's going down, like, right here. - [Nate] Whoa. - And then yellow, perfect! P.S. I know how to write and draw and read from her. - I love you, dude. (producer laughs) - What's your honest opinion? - Honestly, I think I thought of a number of possibilities, but this was not one of them. - I feel like it clashes with your skin tone kinda. - Okay. - But I feel like it's still gonna look good. - So should I tan or something or what do you think I should do? - No! - I am ready! Let's do it! - All the kids will be like, "I wanna be with this teacher." (laughs) - We're going to the salon. - Here we go. - Okay. (upbeat music) - Hi. - Hi! So tell me your inspiration. - A beetle. - A beetle? - It's called Neon Highlight, so it's like a long bob. - This is consensual? - Yes. - Okay. - I'm gonna cut a lot of his hair off. Do you think we can just like glue it on? - To the bald spot. What do you think? - I'm going to say that we'll see. - Okay. - All right. - Do you feel like you're qualified to do this? - I feel like I'll be able to do it. - Is this gonna be your biggest regret? - I don't think it will be my biggest regret 'cause-- - Then what is it? - I'm not confessing everything right now. - No, cut it a little, like, this much more. Can I do it? - I... say yes. - Ooh gosh. (laughs hysterically) - Cavalli, that's a lot of hair. I am sweating. Cavalli, we could make a wig out of that. Oh my gosh. - Are you allowed to have wild colored hair at your job? - I hope so. (laughing) - I'll ask my mom. - Yeah ask your mom. Her mom is my boss. - Oh. Phoebe do you know what peer pressure is? That's what this is. (laughs) (upbeat music) - I've never wanted blue hair. - Well you're getting it. - I sure am. - You look like Cardi B. - Looking like Cardi B? - Yeah Cardi B. - Wow that's a compliment. - That one works too. - [Producer] And what is that Phoebe? - This is my pet. His name is Neat. - Neat? Okay. (upbeat electronic music) - It's shampoo time! (upbeat electronic music) - Ooh! - [Hairstylist] Do you wanna do some blow drying? (blow dryer blowing) - [Producer] Phoebe how's it going? - Good! - Good! (upbeat electronic music) - Here I'm gonna put this over your face so can get a little look in. - Oh my gosh! - We're on to the last step! (fast-paced electronic music) - What do you guys think? Does it look like her? - For real? - [Producer] Yeah. - Oh wow. - You're a beetle! - Transformation complete. (fast-paced electronic music) - Okay, I'm ready. - Okay, drum roll please. - I'm ready. - For the reveal? - Yes. - [Hairstylist] Go ahead. (laughter) - Oh my God. Wow! - Oh, God! (laughter) - O M... Oh that... (gasps) - Oh my gosh. Oh man, those trees. They're so tree-like. - Do you like it? - Uh yeah. (excitable screaming) - Miss Casey, we forgot the eyebrows. (laughs) - I kind of love it. - Do you love it? - It looks better. - I love it. - You think this is better than this? - Oh, yes. - Oh, for sure. - Thank you. - You're welcome! You were a great helper. - Is that a new thing? - Wooh, good job! - Good job! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 18,126,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, Kids Style, Hair Makeovers, Teachers, Kids with teachers, Kids design
Id: c3teBfkedDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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