HOW to beat DEMONS SOULS without taking DAMAGE - Full Walkthrough

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uh yeah this is the guide for zero damage demon souls okay so when we're starting off i prefer to pick the male character i like the animation for the rolling a little bit better so instead of picking the female character i pick the male for you it doesn't matter too much if you find that the female character is fine go with it um there is an item you can pick up which i'll point out later in the run and it will get you more souls so you will probably benefit from that if you pick the female character you cannot wear it if you have the male character so we're gonna go with male character we're gonna pick the firebomb as the starting gift and then we also have temple knight as you see as the class uh so you're gonna want the firebomb and the temple knight and we'll get started and then so what i do for the zero damage run because it would technically invalidate the run if you were to do the tutorial and die i skip it so we can avoid the death and then right when you get in here uh we're just going to the first archstone know i want to take off the armor right when we get in there too all right so all the gear comes off i keep the halberd still we go two-hand with it so in this first part you're basically just running up the middle of the staircase you're watching out for any of the draglings or the hollows whatever you want to call them they might do jump attacks at you if they start to jump at you and you think that they can connect start to strafe across their attack you'll see me like make some turns sometimes if they do that in this run particularly i got pretty lucky in the beginning so you're going to want to kind of make a a quick turn across the attack if they jump and you know it's going to connect but you can't bail out of it uh distance wise and that'll strafe the attack so for these these first two dudes right here you're gonna want to here let me actually rewind that so the situation we kill this guy up here we wait for a shot we stop right here at this uh structure we walk into it and then we attack and aim the attack right at his feet it kills him through here this guy sometimes will fall on this pit right as you strafe across him as he's coming around the structure on the side and then the other one will follow through as well if they don't follow through you only really need to focus on killing this guy and then you got to be very quick with killing the next two and you'll be fine you can always turn around later and kill the other dude that's chasing you if you need to this is the way i prefer to do it you can do it very very slow and you could kill both of them but then you're at risk of being chased by the other guys that you pulled earlier running into here so if you want to be quick um you just want to run along this left side to get them to fall in the hole if they don't kill the one dude or whoever you have to and then continue it takes two hits to kill them and you want to get them before they start spamming doing crazy attacks um this guy so we turn the corner and we hit immediately and then we follow up with another attack and then this one as soon as we get to this uh little bench right here he'll be actually coming through the doorway sometimes he doesn't jump right away sometimes he does if he doesn't you have to hit him twice if he does you get a counter hit so you're gonna see right here i'll get him in one hit because he's already jumping boom counter hit that's a little bit of a sketchy situation if you don't have the timing down so just get used to playing that aggressively and you'll get pretty good at trying to interrupt it uh just basically be ready to attack immediately same thing with this guy he sometimes will jump at this point where right when we're in the middle of the room uh on this particular iteration he didn't he just decided to walk normally so we're gonna actually approach him and then attack twice on this uh we pick up some items right here some firebombs and then for this part i like to just kind of strafe right out to this rope right here and do like a little bit of like a tip toe to get one of these uh soldiers by themselves it makes it a lot easier to kill both of them if one's isolated so there's the first one there's the second one pretty simple for this uh the fog eight as soon as you go through it you wanna do a running attack on this guy so you're gonna turn up the stairs running attack immediately follow up cancel the firebomb you don't wanna wait there uh this part it's a little bit weird hit the barrel clear it out this guy jumped for me early sometimes he'll just kind of tiptoe up and then he'll actually hit the other barrel instead and stay still on that occasion just wait for him to come a little bit closer to you because when you're in this upper area right here where he was standing this area where the cursor is uh you can get a fire bomb at the back of your head so you want to actually be underneath where the overhang is um for the guy to stand and throw the fire bombs from above right so you don't want to be um exposed to that so here he's just doing like the spammy combo they do a jump and they do a spammy combo most often and then some two-hand single swings like you'll see when he's trying to break the barrels on certain runs um you want to wait till he's done doing the spam attack and if he doesn't do it right after a jump he can still do it about two or three seconds later so you're going to want to wait and then prove that he's going to do that and if he doesn't he might just start walking towards you again if he's standing still just wait after a jump don't go for the punish right away because you'll probably get hit at the same time he's got him and then you can see the firebomb hits the floor instead of my head and then i run up around here and i kill this guy right here two hits we wait for full stamina on this part if we run right away because the uh where we were before there's another enemy above this area that can throw a perfect fireball at us with the tracking that he has because he can see us so if we wait um it'll kind of reset that whole situation and then we'll have a full uh clear run right up the stairs he'll miss us every single time so we want that you can see it misses by a good five feet and then we just stop before these barrels right here we're running into the wall we're getting ready to uh counter-attack the jump attack like we did in the first two doorways in that other area coming into this building and sometimes it doesn't happen sometimes they just walk up slowly and they stop right here i got the counter hit so i was ready i'm staying a decent distance i'm right parallel with the barrels because if i go too far past the barrels on the left the guy that's above this area right here will throw a fire bomb at me so i don't want to get too close to him and then create a situation where there's pressure from both him and this guy so we're going to pull back a little bit we just want to go far enough to get him to um you know have his attention on us and then he'll make his way over here slowly he also went for a jump attack so it's a counter hit usually you'll have to do two attacks but just be ready to identify what situation it is same here he can also jump but sometimes he doesn't so we have to attack twice i bailed out of that uh this situation sometimes the guy will walk out the doorway that is uh closest to you um sometimes he doesn't so i hit through the wall while keeping my body behind the wall just in case so i don't get firebomb through the doorway and you'll see i test to see if he's gonna walk but then i immediately bail out just so i don't get that firebomb to the side kill him again from the wall protected then i go in and i get this guy when he's uh have his guard down get the ball to roll down uh here you're just getting this guy to come towards you um you don't need to bait a swing out you can just attack him immediately there is a situation here though where this guy that's shooting the bow can hit you in the back of the head if your head is too high with the line of this staircase here so you want to be like kind of concealed in here before you start running up and as soon as you do you expect an arrow to come through here because he will hit you half the time if you're not ready so just make sure you know that that can clear this distance right here and hit you in the back of the head before you can see it and then we just check for that uh we beat out one more arrow all the time just to be safe because these guys can fire on a moment's notice and they can trade with you where you attack at the same time as they do the arrow and that's not good so we don't want that uh this knight right here is probably the first more serious enemy that we're gonna deal with he does a variety of different three-piece combos where he'll do two swings and a stab he will do some bigger swings with less follow-ups and then he'll do a running attack as well we're trying to see if he's gonna do the running attack or he's gonna do the three-piece combo and then we're gonna run around him and do a back step so he does the the lunge and then we just run around backstab if he does swings just keep running in circles in front of him at about a foot of distance just to bait out the extra attacks and once he does the third attack with the thrusts then you do the same thing i just did right there and you're fine alternatively if you feel more comfortable just attacking him directly it'll probably take about four or five attacks to kill him so you'll probably have to bail out uh we grab some more fire bombs in that room on that tower right there we go through this fog gate and then here is where we're trying to get uh no fall damage this is the first part where you can take fall damage uh you want to vault over where this moss is right here and if you land on this uh structure below uh you will not be able to take any kind of fall damage whatsoever just wanna make sure you have a clean fall on there grab the thief ring the thief ring is going to keep us from having any footstep sounds in the run it's going to be super helpful for a particularly old hero flame lurker and uh a little bit for other bosses like fools idle stuff like that so we get that then we do some head butts or the guard breaks push ostrava off the ledge as bait for these guys and then we wait to see a clear path at the bottom switch the halberd back out have the ring on and then we move through this area right here really quickly and because we have the ring the two enemies on the left side won't follow us and then once we get to the staircase i screwed this up on the run i was still sprinting and i shouldn't have been so before you even get to the staircase start tiptoeing and go on the left side of the doorway uh this guy's more biased where he looks more to the right so if you actually go straight it looks like you can get a backstab but he'll turn around every time so just go a little bit more to the left and then sneak the backstab in on the left side and you'll be fine uh if that doesn't work just do what i did right here one two three and then see i get a bit greedy here i think i can't remember for sure but i'm pretty sure i got greedy back away at this point and then reset for another attack where he's open again oh no i backed away i did it the right way so this is smart i waited out all three attacks and then i went for another one he shouldn't do more than three attacks rule of thumb so we're gonna grab this uh soul right here this guy doesn't matter if we backstab him or not you can just attack him he's pretty easy uh this part can be complicated i just break these right away and then i run um back to get my stamina and then i strafe right across these guys so if they start jumping they're gonna miss me because they're trying to like kind of intercept me but they're behind because i'm too fast so you're safe to run through here as long as they they didn't already start doing the jump attack if they're just running up to you still you want to make your way through here immediately um and with that timing this guy should be on his way back or turning the other way and you can just uh do a couple attacks on him kill him sometimes this dude on the stairs right here he'll jump sometimes he doesn't if you don't see him starting to sprint right away um prepare to attack him twice if he does sprint right away don't even kill him just let him do kind of like a circle make an arc out to the left and then go back around to the right and he'll jump right in the middle somewhere and you can just kind of strafe around them um i can't get him to do that on this so i'm going to get a two-piece attack right here they're gonna keep running uh you never can get hit by this knight if you're just perfect with this fog gate and you get in there really quickly um not even on the recovery of the fog gate you're pretty safe uh so you just be quick through here make sure you're decently far away from these balls if you're really close when you hit the the little uh cube thing here the little stall and break the door on it uh you're gonna actually get hit by the the balls that are rolling out at the same time as you free them so just be careful with the distance on that that's why you see me miss it on the first one a bit careful then we wait for those to roll down we chase them uh this part is also similar to the intro where there was the two uh swordsmen right after that room with the jumpy guys and the tables where i want to bait one of them by themselves and get the other one isolated after that so we don't want both of them to see us so tiptoes as soon as we get up that staircase through this grass on the right side here and then you should be able to just stop and that guy will see you but you can get it where the other one doesn't it's a little tricky sometimes so just be very careful be very slow and then these guys you can just run up to them do a running attack and you want to do a follow-up attack really quickly if you have no stamina left and you're on your second attack they can block your attacks sometimes that point you need to bail um so you shouldn't be staying in front of them so you don't expect that you can kill them in two hits every time sometimes they'll block so be ready for the block this guy we stay far away because there's a dude with the crossbow on the bridge we don't want to get hit by an arrow so we kill him a little bit further back then we chill on the left side here waiting for the hell kite drake or whatever the the dragon thing is to to come through the bridge um and the reason we're doing this is we're trying to pull him from the area where we need to get items from uh but we want him to repeat this segment with the bridge twice so we need him to actually start doing the fire and then we need to leave and what's going to happen with that timing is we're going to get over to where he normally would be but he won't go back there yet he'll actually make a second trip and do that again and that that'll give us just the perfect amount of time to get these items get the uh i believe it's an archstone shard on the lower part of the cliff here and then we go back and as soon as we're going back he comes back and it works perfectly so we're gonna grab both of these soles right here and try to not fall too far off the cliff don't take any fall damage and then uh there's some grass here and there's an arch stone chart i believe yeah so we just want the archstone shard that's it i believe there's two of them and now when you return to the bridge you'll notice there's no enemies on it except for two crossbow wielding guys they're pretty easy to get by you don't have to be in a rush for them you have a lot of time to try to get them to attack you and then you know run around them so i kind of chill right around where this um this thing is right here just before where this thing is on fire and i try to get them to start attacking so i can strafe their arrows run between them and then they shouldn't be able to get a clear shot on you again once you go to the lever you're fine so just pull the lever immediately and then we're moving we're moving on so we got a kill on that guy we turn the corner immediately we start rolling through these barrels and there's another dude that's chasing us at this point you'll see sometimes he actually pops around the corner i'm not sure if you'll see it on this one you actually can see him yeah so i'm gonna go back on that really quickly we're gonna do watch this again because this is important so before you even get out of this doorway so you have to be quick here there's two things you can do you could kill both these guys in this hallway but because this other dude on the right side that you didn't see until the end can jump through this doorway and hit you through the wall you just want to be fast so boom turn the corner attack twice don't even lock on roll through these and then he still might chase you but by the time you get to this item it's unlikely he's gonna keep running at you if he does make him attack bait it out and then just kill him if you need to but way easier doing it that way in my opinion also someone was saying the timer is black i think it's because of something that to do with uh like a the capture i have like a filter or something i don't know yeah i don't mind the counter i don't know why it's black something's going on so we grabbed that uh item right there we homework bone back to the nexus with the arch stone shard and then we go back to one of one and we run up here again same thing as the beginning we're trying to keep center but if we see anything where an enemy can do a jump attack at the last second and get us we kind of want to strafe across it um you'll see an example right here see how i kind of swivel a little bit so if i go straight there i'm still fine because they're kind of coming from the side but let's say like i was further away you want to have the ability to kind of just strafe really nicely across and under the attack like this that's the key right there so now we have about 16 fire bombs we're going to use all of them on phalanx um the way to set up for this is i stand behind the pillar about five feet away or more i let them do their thing with all the spears tossing you know the spears and moving closer and once they're roughly around this second pillar and i can see them touching it i start throwing the firebombs i go out just enough to be able to get the connection with it and then we're gonna throw all 16 at them but we're going to be watching on the left side here at the same time because this is kind of like a quicker kill method so it's not necessarily always going to be guaranteed you may have to do this twice where you run to the other side of the room and then you go to the other pillar that's diagonal from this one and you do the exact same thing again so worst comes to worst these guys pull out the spear and they're trying to throw them at you or stab you you bail on that last fire bomb right before you're about to get hit you just watch to see if they're gonna pull anything out and then you run all the way around so when i'm when i'm throwing these i'm not spamming the button really fast i'm throwing them one at a time and i'm pressing it once so i can bail out of it if i need to really quickly this is no buffered inputs or anything it's very important so uh just throwing one two and again it doesn't take too many but this guy on this left side we're paying attention to see how his buddy just pulled out the spear but then he didn't sometimes they turn around and they're also getting partially staggered by me throwing these things so it's kind of hindering their movement but you just want to make sure this dude doesn't try to attack you from the side as soon as you see a weapon appear beside him you stop throwing the firebombs you move to the other side you repeat um now let's say you don't have enough firebombs left the situation where you it happens sometimes you can buff your weapon with the the pine resin that we found and um you can use that instead or you could just go unbuffed and wait until there's an opening where it's right about touching the pillar and you can see like the main body of the boss you can just do a running attack really quickly and run around the corner get one pull back run to the other side of the arena and repeat that very slowly if you need to but the idea is you don't want to be exposed for too long on this uh because there's a lot of projectiles so you're not gonna be able to see them through the body they're gonna go through many enemies and go right to you so be careful oh yeah someone was just saying it chat so the the buff is called turpentine or turpentine different time probably all right so now we're just going to the monumental to unlock the rest of the art stones so pretty standard stuff you would do in the regular playthrough nothing crazy here if anybody has any questions right now about the run too i can answer them okay so there's the monument they're monumental so we have unlocked and everything someone was saying the the stamina bar is black everything's black the colors are because the way i'm capturing this this window there's a filter that's actually changing the green to transparent i guess but it's actually correcting it to black for some reason it's some sort of chroma key issue or whatever so don't worry about the stamina bar being black you can still see the white line on it pay no attention to that if anything it makes it look cooler it should be green on my screen it is green but there's something going on with the capture of the window so don't worry about us we got the uh the monumentals uh blessing and then we go to stonefang tunnel two of one the reason we go here is to get upgrade materials for the halberd so this is um random sometimes you get hearthstone sometimes you get sharp stone sometimes you get um some of both large and regular um or just one kind large and normal so we really want hearthstone for this weapon it's okay if we get sharp stone um but we want hearthstone so you can see we got eight heartstone on this if you do get sharp stone because you need to buy 13 of the hearthstone to get this weapon to plus three you're gonna have to pop the soles we already have in the inventory which you may or may not see me do i think i do it right here anyways yeah so that's an example of just what you do if you need to buy more i just do it ahead of time and i only need to buy five because i already have eight so for you if you only if you have zero you're gonna have to buy 13. just buy all 13 and if you can't get to plus three then try to do it right after the next area we're going to run through it shouldn't be impossible to do with a plus two weapon it should be pretty similar or you can farm some more enemies if you want to you could restart the run to get hearthstone if you want but it's a lot of the drops in the beginning are going to be a combination of what you get from phalanx and what you get from that lizard right so you can get plus three easily right here do that right away then we run to uh shrine of storms four of one i believe now this area is really tricky um these skeletons they have this uh way of trying to basically destroy your entire life and everything you aspire to accomplish so be careful basically you see when we arrive here um i waste no time running up beside this rock to get this enemy to chase me but i still have the thief ring on so you need that on this entire time you want to keep it on there will be a time we're going to take it off and i'll show you when but for now we're going to keep it on you want to be right in the middle of this rock as he rolls up you're basically trying to keep yourself kind of centered with him you don't want him slipping around the side so keep moving as he moves um he's going to miss his attacks sometimes he might keep rolling he might stop um he might turn around a million times now on this because he's rotating back around this side of the rock um sometimes he gets stuck on the pole and doesn't want to do that i got him to pivot this way and then once you see him going this way be very far away from him so if you can go right back to the wall where the big rocks are um you know right behind this this medium-sized one with the pole go right along that wall if you need to anything you can to get far enough away where he'll keep walking back to his default spot it's a little bit tricky it's going to take some practice this will be harder to do than i can explain it but yeah just trying to make sure that you get far enough away where he won't turn back around and try to kill you because it's not as simple as the enemy seeing you in this game they can still technically sense you somehow even if you're silent and they don't see you just being in a certain range um so that's why i'm waiting here i'm just standing still taking a couple steps and then i'm gonna wait again and i'm gonna go really wide here so we're far enough away where now he's not going to turn around i'm going to tiptoe the whole time and we're just going to get a backstab and after that we're going to follow it up with an attack and kill him and that is that so that might be the hardest part of this entire section after that we have this guy he'll uh try to chase us immediately if we just run into his little crevice here take off the thief ring to get his attention and then immediately go back into this little cubby where this wall is and we're going to hide and uh put the thief ring back on what that's going to do is he's going to lose uh the aggro on you or he's going to lose interest and basically turn around and try to walk back and when he does that you want to let him get a little bit far away from that rock that he's on right now and then you're gonna kind of peel around the rock and try to tiptoe and backstab him as well and i wait a little bit you see like there's a hesitation because if i was too quick there he still would have turned around even though that doesn't make a lot of sense even though it's not a thing in a lot of the other souls games this one for whatever reason the enemies don't act normal so better safe than sorry just wait longer if you need to as long as you're not waiting so long that he's already back in his spot right you want to make it to him but you're going to get a good time or a good sense of the timing and the feel of it once you do more of it so i take off the thief ring again i try to get this guy to chase me uh because i actually do that it's going to aggro both him and the guy that's shooting the arrow so we're gonna have to watch out for arrows on this at the same time as um the other guy rolling if you're pretty quick you can get behind this wall and then you repeat the same thing you did before again just while watching the arrows um now i think if you were to try to bail out of that spot with the rock a little bit later you would have him rolling towards the rock for longer and then this guy with the bow would uh stop shooting you sooner which would make it easier to walk up to him and kill him after i'm doing this for time's sake where i'm trying to get these skeletons to stop rolling as soon as possible so i can be quicker for the run overall so my method is to bail out immediately as he gets to the rock so he kind of just doesn't know where i am right and you'll see the same thing for this like i'm trying to get the bail out really quick so frank goes back on i touch the rock he's just getting there and i'm already behind this thing and what that does sometimes is uh it'll just make them lose interest quicker right this one i don't believe he does i think he just keeps rolling but then you can kind of see what i was saying before with the dude shooting the arrows he'll stop shooting arrows because he just doesn't see you for so long so um you can kind of make this situation happen if you just hang around the rock longer and then leave and then we do the same thing again so again this is just like pretty basic stuff just repeat that you've already seen it and then we do this again for the last one and same thing so don't need to get too extensive into this one just [Music] wait for him to stop rolling and then go back and get the backstab every time they drop a weapon i or sorry not a weapon an item i would pick up the item most of the time it can be soul remains those are really useful we're going to be buying them in the run so having them for free saves us about 500 soles per uh per use so it's pretty good this pressure plate right here you want to stay on the left side it's a little bit easier plus we're already heading that direction too and then you want to roll right at the last second as the first bolt fires from the trap and then we're going to try to tiptoe right around here we're going to hug this tree as we're tiptoeing because the enemy we're trying to evade is right beside us so you're almost kind of rubbing against the tree as you're going towards it and then from this spot i just rotate the camera i put on the sole remains and i just pivot i don't even like move forward i just pivot on the spot throw it right beside me we grab the crescent velcro which is going to be the main weapon for the entire run right after this segment we're going to stop using the halberd so we run back in here hold that guy's distracted we go back to the top and then we're going to be throwing a soul remains for the skeleton that's on this bridge here we're going to throw it right in the corner and then we're gonna try to dip into this corner right here so he's got a wall between us and by the time he loses interest and doesn't want to uh keep swinging he'll walk back and we can get the sneaky backstab again but again this part is pretty important if you start walking towards him too soon he will stop walking so i wait a while now if he stops walking he turns around again you just have to get even further away and then wait again and you might have to repeat this a couple times with more soul remains if you can't get it right away in the beginning that's fine but you'll get to a point where you're so good at kind of understanding how far away you need to be how long you need to wait in all these things um but just leave that as a an example right there with how how long i waited the only issue with waiting too long is this exposes you for a situation with the guys that have arrows so they can shoot openly now you see that i i framed it because i'm in a critical animation so that's fine but right out of recovering from that i got to be very careful so you see i try to get away from them but that was a good example of how you don't want to be in the open there so you can actually get the backstab sooner than i did i just waited extra long to be safe because i didn't want to keep wasting more time with him turning around so [Music] just be mindful of if you're in the open there the arrows will be safe as long as you're in the backstab animation but as soon as you get out of that you don't want them to be in the air coming towards you and then we're just going to bail right out of here again back through the same hallway with the trap and here we're we're gonna run up to the vanguard demon that's guarding the underground path passage um you have a decent amount of time to kind of screw around with him before you get hit by a stingray that's firing the projectiles in the sky he does um a couple different things so basically he can swing like he just did there and then he can follow up the swing with another one um he can do a butt slam which is pretty rare you're not going to have him do that when you're approaching him from the front as much and then he can do this really unique overhead attack where his weapon gets stuck in the ground that's probably the best one but it doesn't happen too much so if you get him to do a swing and he doesn't follow it up try to get him to do a second one right here i kind of just go ballsy and i just go underneath his swing you can also do that too and he'll have a harder time trying to follow up and hit you again so just get used to like the the attacks that he does pay attention to them use it as a practice opportunity and then figure out where you can escape because there's many different ways you can do that this part we we hit the illusory wall with just a guard break we get this guy to start chasing us without the thief ring so we take it off right before and the one that's standing facing away from us doesn't see us or hear us because we still stay far enough away where we're not right beside him and then we just wait here i think i had to put the thief ring back once i didn't have it on so i realized after a while yeah i put it back on and then basically what happens is we're so far away that he can't see us anymore so he stops doing that obviously the thief ring helps with the visibility so i kind of do a little bit of a jog until i get right up to the point where i'm in this archway the one right before the uh the skeleton that hasn't moved yet and what we're trying to do here is we're trying to get the backstab and we're trying to get the next one as well pretty close together uh reason being he doesn't have a long time to go back to his default spot so he's going to turn around and kill you immediately if you don't do this quick enough so if you want this to be super fluid best way to do it if you want to do it a little bit of a safer way it takes longer you can basically wait for the other one to go uh all the way back to his default spot or you could just kill the first one and then wait and then pull the other one to like the corner and go back outside the area in the hallway and then let him walk back and do that too i think this way is better so we're gonna open the uh the cage for grave robert bellage which we had found in that other tower that we ran across from so we're going to talk to him and then we're going to get out of there we're going back out of where we came now instead of going the same way back we're going to go forward through this fog gate now this part the stingrays can still shoot projectiles at you uh through the the kind of breaks in the roof here or the open area so i kind of check the sky first to see is there any around me i could hear that there is one that fired right behind the wall so i know that it's not going to do it right away again so i start running and then i just toss this skull into this building over here and what this does it pulls the black skeleton that's in here it pulls the one that's about to roll up to you right here and it takes attention away from the guy with the bow sometimes if you have a bad toss you only pull this one and the black skeleton that's completely fine the bow one is is not an issue they will they'll never pull out a weapon and try to roll after you and kill you they're very safe so just make sure your toss is pretty good and it's in the middle of this building if you can always watch the sky for the uh the stingrays it's very very important so you're gonna hit the pressure plate there you're gonna roll go around the corner and then again here i'm checking the sky before i'm grabbing my item i'm actually kind of just blindly grabbing the item as i'm looking away from it to see what's happening outside of there because you can easily pick this up and then your runs over if there is an enemy right there shooting at you right so be very careful of that this part the way i manage my stamina because again you can get shot by projectiles i only let go of the button for like a fraction of a second you're basically trying to get uh what i call a mini sprint so there's a difference between if you did the input where you tap the button it'll be a roll but if you hold it for just like a fraction or frames longer than a roll it'll turn into the beginning of a sprint and you only want to do that you only want to let go for like a fraction of a second and then start running again because what that's going to do is like the tracking of the enemies attack won't be good enough to actually land right on the spot that it needs to get to hit you because by the time it gets there you're gonna be like just inches away from it so it'll look close but if you wait like over a full second in between stamina management here you're just gonna get hit um it's happened to me many times you see right there so that was an example where um it would have hit me if i was too slow there now if you have full stamina and you for whatever reason want to just go through the whole thing uh altogether without stopping you can but i think it would be easier to break it up just so you always have stamina we throw a soul remains right there for this guy and then this is adjudicator so for adjudicator we're gonna stay in this corner with this pillar here let him attack the wall we're gonna drop down after he does and then we're gonna strafe around him basically uh he's like one of the easiest bosses you just rotate around them and um if for whatever reason there's a wall and you can't just uh go the other way so like i did right there you know or vice versa so either left side under the arm or away from the machete where it ends up on the right side and i find with the halberd it's easier to actually get the uh the attacks to stagger him by looking up with the camera you'll notice like some of them don't even count if you look down or look straight so so even though it might seem like it's connecting it's not uh and there you go it should take like around six of them i think and you don't even need a buff to kill them you can just uh do this without a buffed weapon just with the plus three that we already have on and you can get one extra attack as he's going up on the bird there i'm just repeating that it's pretty simple so all right so he's staggered again and then we just give him the final blow and that is that so i think like so far this area will probably harder than the first one for you um just because there's more factors in how the enemies behave and stuff and you have to be very sneaky too um but with enough practice i think you'll you'll be less frustrated it can be frustrating at first so just take breaks and break it up if you need to just be very very gradual with it i'm gonna grab the soul remains there's three of them right there then we're gonna talk to grave robert oblige we're gonna grab some more soul remains so i usually check to see how many i have i think you can press square i'm just looking through other items at the moment here because we're gonna come back to them but i think i was just checking other stuff just to be sure so i have six of the soul remains we're gonna get another six that makes twelve and uh that's gonna give us enough to get through the next area and do everything um properly now if you're newer to this run i would get more than six i would get around eight of them just to have extra because this next part might be a little bit difficult i actually do this earlier in the run to save time but it's actually a little bit easier to do it later in the run and you'll see what i mean once we get there it's the whole situation where patches kicks you into the hole and we're going to do it almost in one circuit so we don't have to keep coming back here as often i'm going to throw a soul remains right at the wall here and you're just trying to cut the corners of the staircases so you're not falling too deep into them to take fall damage then you're throwing another solar main on the corner here and you're going to try to hit the grim reaper off the side of the stairs away from where the spectral guys are because what they do is they'll they'll have like these attacks that are really slow but the backswing of their hands and all these other things can get kind of confusing and you might just walk into an attack that's not even in front of you or you know maybe they're not even facing you or whatever so i just like to kind of isolate them and knock them off immediately you can throw more of the soul remains to reset the whole situation again and again if you feel like it's dangerous or it's getting to the point where they don't care about the solar main anymore and you're not fast enough now we're going to drop into here with patches i'm gonna throw some remains at the roof over on the right side we're just gonna fish backstabs on this guy i miss one right there but no big deal and then what i like to do is i like to give him a second to get back up but i run immediately to my next location and then i wait and then i throw another one and what this does is it gives him time to uh actually see the soul remains if you do it too quickly sometimes he won't and he'll swing on the way over to it at you so again fishing another backstabber is going to repeat this until he only has a little bit of health left then in the middle of the final backstab you'll see me switch to the falchion and then just finish him off with uh some other attacks so right here i switched to the falchion right here's three backstabs and two hand and then we just spam in his face because that uses less stamina and he can't interrupt those attacks safest way to finish it off let me pick up the items he drops and then we're gonna get this other moonshade over here as well and that just makes it a lot more streamlined for the run and efficient because you'd have to make a second trip back to this area again and clear all the enemies that we just killed a second time in total just to be able to do that um later so much more worthwhile earlier in my opinion especially if you can save the soul remains and then we're just activating the door here [Music] now on this part similar to when you enter the area right before adjudicator there can be flying stingrays that will shoot at you but if you don't see any right beside the thing go right away take off the thief ring at this pole right here stand on the side of the cliff wait a second these guys will fall off do like a little bit of a circle if you need to for the arrows coming at you put the thief ring back on and then switch to the halberd or just have it already out if you need to because it's much more effective for killing these guys and again if you need to slow any of the stuff down definitely like do pause it or you know put it in like half speed or quarter speed just to get the details of this down really nicely because some of it's kind of fast it's hard for me to uh to break it up in a way that's uh you know super digestible in some cases so if you need to slow it down we're gonna get right to this uh little cutout uh right beside this item you can see i'm trying to throw downwards but also like towards that wall that's right in front of where the albert's pointing and what this is going to do if you get it low enough uh the grim reaper below here he'll just swipe and try to fall off the ledge and everybody in the entire area will die um so this is where it's a decision of do you want to get really good at making that throw one time and be able to do it or within a few tries or are you gonna like you know waste the opportunity and throw all the things and then not be able to do it so if you're gonna practice that i would make a save file or just like if you have a lot of faith in your ability to do it really pay attention to the camera setup with how i'm looking and i know there's a bias when you throw things in this game it goes a little bit more to the side than completely straight so you always are going to have to angle things offset to throw it to the direction that you actually want it to go it's not going to be exactly where you're aiming it so keep that in mind we're going to be just going around here there's no danger of getting hit in that part and then once we go through this doorway we're gonna throw another soul remains the spectral dude's gonna turn around and we're gonna kill him and then right after that um we're gonna quickly throw another soul remains after just maybe like about five to ten steps around the corner it gives us a little bit more time to get the stamina back and get a head start so we don't get blocked on the corner there because if you throw it too early that guy will walk to a spot where he blocks you and then he can just escape [Music] and then at this point i grabbed this uh sticky white stuff right here it's gonna be good for the fight [Music] [Music] you know what actually give me one second guys i'm gonna pause this i'm gonna see if i can fix the green thing [Music] i bet i can i can there we go all right green green is back guys we fixed the green now you can see the stamina bar properly so we're gonna put the sticky white stuff in the in the uh turpentine or pine resin sorry that they changed it to now in the new one we're gonna stack those beside each other in the uh the item slot i don't know why that thing's popping up in the corner i gotta move that that should not be turned on there we go that's off the screen okay and uh for old hero it's pretty simple you just basically walk up to him when he's uh not facing you you attack him i believe a maximum of three times is safe you can do a fourth if you have a really early entry on it or if he does this weird kind of counter animation where he just flails so i try to get roughly 282 to 300 and i think it's like 60 damage maybe maybe 340. and once this buff runs out you just repeat the same process with the pine resin and again you're just staying behind him you're really trying to aim the attacks so we got 376 on that one right there because he's doing like that little freak out which lasts a little bit longer and upon escaping here the only thing you're really looking for is if he turns around and he does like a backhand attack that is the thing that can reach you the easiest there's an uppercut one that's a little bit harder to uh get hit by that one that you just saw him do though right there that backslash is the hardest attack to avoid in my opinion and it rarely happens you just don't want to be hanging around him too long so you could play this super super safe like way safer than i am you could be slower hit him twice and then get away hit him twice get away uh it's kind of boring for me so i don't do that but you can do it any way you prefer it's super easy um this should not really be a problem at all i'm actually even going to fast forward this a bit because it's not really something that is that complicated and you just want to wanting to keep your thief ring on the whole time for this one too because the boss is already blind so if he can't hear you and he can't see you makes everything super nice and you're just gonna see a series of me repeating the same kind of setup here and then trying to escape and then after old hero is dead i'm gonna go and grab this item right here behind this pillar because um sometimes that that uh grim reaper that fell from that ledge that we threw this skull to to bait he actually falls down here and then that's the item he drops you always want the item that he drops because it could help you upgrade the falchion so grab that grab the holy arrows and the stairs at the left side of the fog gate just to storm king and then just go in the storm king fly gate um here on the way to the storm ruler it's less of a issue with the projectiles but you still get some of them so try to again follow the rule i said before where when you manage your stamina you don't actually stop sprinting for more than just a full second or even a full second you just do it for like a half second um you really want to get like that that fine line of like just you know stopping for like a just a brief moment and then getting right back to the sprint again because what that's going to do is in in the mid-air as the projectile is going towards you it's not going to be able to hit the position that you were in whereas you'll give it just enough time to get you if you if you wait too long so because you can't see these and you can only hear them uh it makes it a lot harder and a lot more confusing to know what's going on so this part coming back up the hill right here to the house super important to make sure you're managing the stamina really well as you can see there's other these are all just missing me by a little bit right and then we're getting into the safe spot which is uh in the corner here between this large um piece of wood and the small one and we're just gonna switch the storm roller keep an eye on this right hand area here uh that's open because usually what happens is these stingrays can fly up into this area where the cursor is and if you're not looking or you have no stamina because you've just tried to kill another one they'll try to shoot a projectile right in the open at you and you may not be able to get out of the way so you're always prioritizing in the back of the mind that you are going to be hit from the side right here the entire time this fight's going on it just becomes easier once you clear the first wave of them because then when storm king is there there's way less than obviously and you're you're perfectly fine for interrupting them if they are attacking you you don't need to dodge the attack first you can just uh try to get them before the projectile comes out if you start seeing like a green kind of animation and they make a sound and they do like a little bit of a wiggle that's your cue for that and um yeah we're just kind of farming these guys until the actual boss comes out and i think that sometimes you you'll be waiting for a while when storm king comes in he'll he'll send out a lot of projectiles as well i like to just tuck myself in between these two pieces of wood i don't walk anywhere out of the corner at all until i know he's right in front of me and then i just go for some attacks on the corner right here like that um some of them don't connect as easily as others i'm not amazing at like knowing where the collision will stop you from attacking where it won't there's some really weird ways it works but for the most part you can just be patient you can get him one time every single lap he makes around and you're still good but at the most that i've ever been able to do i can get him three times in one lap and that's a huge advantage just for like you know the time's sake so as you get better at the the whole run you'll get faster at this part too and then as he's going away if there's no other stingrays in that area that was talking about before you can just run up here try to get a couple other attacks on them and that's where i got the the most damage there and yeah we're just doing the same stuff um a lot of the mini stingrays are not even bothering me at this point because there's just not enough of them left right so you really don't have to worry too much you can just kind of go uh yolo at the end here i think this is where i get them nice and so immediately we take off the storm ruler we go back to the halberd uh we're gonna need it to flip these lizards over over here i usually only go for one if you're good enough for whatever reason you can try to get two of them but running back and forth to stagger them is kind of annoying and in this one i already scared away the second one on the way to the storm rulers so i'm just gonna get this one right here and uh this may be like the beefiest reptile i've ever seen in my life and from there we get some more moon shade and the moon chain stone is going to help us upgrade the falchion which we're going to be exclusively using after this point of the game for the whole entirety of it so halberd will be literally just out of the inventory after this part um from this arch stone here smartest thing you can do is go back to the second part of the shrine of storms so the ritual path and reason being you need more items for stone fang tunnel you need a little bit more of the soul remains we need the bow um and we need some arrows as well and then there's still a few more upgrade materials we need for the falchion the moonshade stone we have probably about six or seven shards right now we need about 17 so you're gonna get ten or eleven of those um if you got all the ones you could have picked up without getting lucky you should have about six or seven i think seven is normal so i'm gonna get 11 so i can get 17 that's how many you need and then i have three of the soul remains i'm gonna get how many do i get of these let's see i think i go for 20 because i like to prepare ahead of time so i have enough for the not only just the next area but the one after that too so i'm kind of prepping for fool's idol as well and man-eaters so i do that now you don't have to do this you can level more on the character and then get less soul remains if you just want to get them every time you do an area and then replenish and replenish i just don't like replenishing as much so you can screw around with it with the uh denominations of how many items you have at what time the non-negotiable part of this is the bow you need the bow and you do need a decent amount of arrows for this uh this run so we're gonna try to roughly get close to 200 on hand i think i already had quite a bit so i have 238 on this you don't need that many you can get less i kind of overshot it on this and then because of that i think i'm gonna have two less levels on my magic for this uh this next section but it doesn't make a huge difference uh magic is the stat we're leveling next in this run because magic upgrades the falchion because it's a crescent feltchan and it also scales the bow because the arrows we're using are holy which are magic arrows so the only stat you're actually putting in the character the entire time is magic and then at the end i like to put in a little bit of endurance so before we do that we're gonna pop all these souls right here and you don't need a single sole on this run there's none you need to keep all the boss holes are poppable it doesn't matter what it is even flamework or soul you can pop we're not making any boss weapons we don't need it for anything [Music] so seek sole power we're going to get magic to roughly i believe it's going to be around 42 on this first part yeah so 44 is what you want to be at you can be 42 if you uh don't have enough souls anything in that range is fine but try to aim for 44 if you can um and that would be better achieved by having less items from the part that i just did so just buy a little bit less arrows and then get less soul remains if you just want to restock them twice in the next 20 30 minutes we're gonna go back to stone fang tunnel uh we're going to the first uh part of the art stone again and we're gonna get that bow equipped with the arrows on this bridge because we're gonna be needing to use it in a second it's right here i'm contemplating the meaning of life and wasting time while not putting the bow on then i finally do and then as soon as this uh dude on the left is done throwing his uh little boulder there you just gotta get him in the shoulder and what he'll do is he'll actually not die but he'll walk away and he'll stop attacking him and as soon as the the other one has thrown his rock and it's exploded just go right through here you don't even have to go up the lift to go kill them you can just leave them and we're gonna kill all these guys right here be very careful if they stand up because they can throw a quick jab or maybe even like an overhead attack with the uh the pickaxe like that guy did i like to interrupt those attacks because it just feels better for me but if you need to wait them out wait them out i get the boat right here we break these uh these pots there's a dog in the middle of them that's visible and then there's two that are invisible slightly behind that that have to be rendered um by stepping forward and there you go now they're there and you can just take them out don't step forward more than that you don't want them to chase you and then we're just going to take out all these guys right here i'm picking up all the items just in case they drop hearthstone because we still can upgrade the regular bow with hearthstone and that's super valuable so we need that you usually get enough so it's not a huge deal i mean i probably could skip some of these and still be fine because there's a part where you get quite a bit of hearthstone and it's a high chance of it so we'll probably be using that anyways but just in case um doesn't hurt for the souls either and for the safety so we're gonna throw this soul remains for this fat official and then over his head another one he's gonna turn around we're gonna get a backstab and there's a unique thing in this where some enemies can be hit on the way back up so we're just gonna start spamming him immediately as he's getting up and then he can't attack again uh from this point there's gonna be a guy in the corner right here you see another dude's gonna come from the stairs because we threw the soul remains sometimes he doesn't though so if you don't see him pop up within five seconds here it's fine um you can choose to throw another soul remains to get him to pop up or you can just wait and do what i'm about to do right here so he does pop up for me but i'm gonna backstab this guy through the wall here just because it's really cool and it's easy so we're gonna do that and then this guy's already gonna chase me anyway so i'm just gonna let him do his attack he's doing like a some crazy swing there i just want the three-piece attack right here or the single attack so when he does the three swings that's safe to go in and um yeah i would recommend using the bow to take him out while he's in the hallway because a lot of the time when he walks in that doorway you can just snipe him it's about two arrows i think uh this guy he's gonna ambush you back away don't turn the corner there ever and get two attacks continue on this part before we even get into the line of sight of this enemy here i'm in it you're going to see me like from behind this post i'm going to chuck a really really far soul remains on the far wall just to get this guy facing away from us as we run up on this bridge because we don't want to get sniped off of it so be very careful here you don't really have a really good footing so i mean don't even sprint if you don't need to just jog i like to sprint because i'm just crazy so just uh be really careful because you can fall off this super easy it's only like one little beam that supports you here on the left side and then just straight into the backstab pretty easily and then just uh spam on the wake up here or go for another one i guess i kind of just waited if you have the stamina i just hit him as soon as he gets up or you can even throw another soul remains any of these things can be modified to make it safer for you if you feel like it's not uh you know a good pace for how you like to kill enemies and then we're gonna pick up that soul that's on the plank and then try to just roll off into the corner here that's gonna break our fall and we're not we're not going to take any fall damage there and now we can open the gate and after this part i'm just running back [Music] uh none of these enemies are really that important i do kill the one with the pickaxe on this far side here because he can turn around and get us so anybody with a weapon i just try to be a little bit safe here and then we leave the rest of them let me go through here this item i'm not really sure if you need to pick this up oh yeah it's an unknown warrior soul so you want to get this item it's a good one and we're just doing the same thing to get back to where the uh the gate is [Music] [Music] so this part you're gonna use the bow um on these three guys on the stairs here so we're gonna get it ready and it should be two shots per enemy um you can kill them with their weapon but it's just really not worth it if you already have the bow at this point it's pretty much the same speed too so we're gonna get um all these guys at the arrows sometimes when you walk up to this barricade here there's an enemy that's already reached it from the other side and he'll swing through the barricade at you and hit you as you're going through it so just watch to see it you see i stop right here and i look to see where the the miners are and uh if they're still working on the the wall there then we're gonna go up to them and they're just gonna kill them but if there's the guy that's uh by the debris then just be very careful with how you approach it again you see i'm very careful just to see if they're going to try to approach me or not both of them try to start attacking so boom same thing for the hammer guy just interrupt his attack interrupt the attack and then get that last guy and then this is where we're going to get a lot of the hearthstone for the bow and make a left right here we're going to get this item on the cliff and then this is where we can start getting upgrades for the foul tree and once we activate this lift system to the blacksmith um so with all the shade stone we've gotten and the chunks we should be able to get plus four on the falchion no problem um my soul counts around nine thousand almost at this point and then we're going to pick up another soul outside the blacksmith so if your soul counts lower because you've gotten different items or whatever you can always pop more souls to try to make up for it and if you don't have as many uh again there's the one outside this this area that you're gonna see me grab so i'm gonna upgrade to plus four plus five's not important on this we don't need to reach it and then plus three on the longbow if there's enough let's see yep so we got plus three and then we're gonna dip out here we're gonna get this other soul and that's your backup if you don't have enough and now we're just going to armor spider so i'll speed this part up still on the lift get off and then we're running back into this cave that we just came out of and uh going into this fog gate right here so there's gonna be an ambush right on this corner here too so don't turn the corner at all just dip to the where the wall ends and then just turn around let him attack get the kill and then these guys in here just try to take him out before they get you because um eventually they'll they'll try to turn around and start chasing you this guy especially here with the pickaxe he'll sneak up and the one wandering will try to throw some jabs so just be aware of what they're doing i'm not sure what i think i was like maybe talking to chat or just doing something else here usually i'm pretty quick on this part but then we want to get this large hearthstone here um i don't even think we use it to be honest so maybe the large hearthstone doesn't matter but i just grab it there might be some things that are not perfect i didn't practice this run insanely before we actually got it so there could be some some scuffed moves on this so bear with me so we're gonna fall off this ledge here i'm gonna pick up the uh the soul that's on that one and then get the ball ready again this part's a little bit interesting because uh you're really far away from the enemies so it's hard to see them just know there's three dogs here and you're gonna have to get all them so the first one might not actually be even visible you're gonna have to shoot a wall or shoot the ground to get it to run to the up the location you need it uh and you see like just a shadow appeared right there that's the dog they should only take one arrow each some of them take two sometimes but if we have uh the 42 magic with the bow plus three it should be an easy one shot kill or 44 magic with the the bow plus three should be good too so we got all those we're going to keep the bow out we're going to get the salamanders off the wall and uh locking on is pretty smart on this one because there's no reason not to uh there's a second part where i don't lock on as much because they're going to sneak around the corner and i just don't really trust them so they're already kind of scheming here you can see so we're just gonna like do the bow aim and just try to stagger them behind the wall to manage them and then the follow-ups to kill them and then we're safe here that's pretty simple as well so now we're going to the next part where the dogs were previously but now we've killed them so it's safe and all there should be in that area is just uh some of the dudes with the the pickaxes um there's one in particular i actually had a problem on on one run right before i got this run so i'm gonna point it out these two are pretty open the sky that's at the crank thing right here for the armor spider lift he's actually going to sometimes like run up and try to like kind of get you between these pillars or whatever just be very careful if you're swinging to not actually hit a pillar just just bail out of it if it's like too close to one and try to hit him in the open because you can rebound and then you don't even get the attack so be very careful there that one in the corner especially uh there's one more dude that's just doing his own thing right there it's pretty safe grab the soul see what he dropped and then we're activating our spider right here [Music] and uh now we're just trying to go get the poison ring and uh good armor spider so what that crank did is it drained the lava in this area and uh there's an item in this little box that i'm walking towards right here so we're gonna go down the staircase go into that little cell and there's the poison ring we're gonna use that for the um the swamp and then everything else is pretty good here we don't need any more items should be good uh this room can be a little tricky sometimes but what i like to do is i like the fat official to just blow up majority of the barrels close to them first so i wait clear out these little ones so they don't blow up beside me in case he just sneaks and attack around and then i throw a a soul remains to the left just to get him distracted as a setup and then i throw one behind him to get the backstab if you can't get the backstab just be very careful of him swinging his uh little weapon because the back swing of it can still hit you even if you're not in front of them so just be very very careful the rule of thumb for any enemy in this game is if they're attracted to a skull or the soul remains or whatever you want to call it um they can attack directions that have nothing to do with where you are and they you can still get hits you have to be very very careful even when approaching something that's not facing you all right so that guy's pretty easy to kill he drops the boulder we wait um boulders also have lingering frames on this so even if they're not still in effect like you can still get hit so be careful on the boulders wait an extra second if you can [Music] i'm going to pull the lever going down and then on armor spider you're not you're going to notice i'm basically just rushing to the back of the room immediately we're not really playing around with the projectiles reason being if you get really close to armor spider immediately it can't keep doing projectiles it has to do with melee attacks and it just cuts down a lot of the risk of the fight for me personally with the way i'm doing it so we're gonna go in here we expect the webs usually the webs are the worst because of delay so if you roll as if you're going to get the missiles you'll probably always get hit by the web so that's my uh my achilles heel on this one so i try to just strafe to the side to get even more clearance on it and um they just miss me by a bit and then we get in here no more webs are gonna happen just some more projectiles and then right after that you can see the arm attack starts and we just want these arm attacks eventually after enough of them there's gonna be a slam and you just stand right in the middle aligned with this thing i'm hitting here and you'll notice it'll just miss you because it only slams on the outside and then you just try to finish off the fight here if you can usually there's still one more round of attacks and then you can just get two more and there you go that's 42 magic so if you have 44 you'll probably do even more damage and that's armor spider it's very quick um i don't really see a point of fighting it for longer than that in general so no other method to me makes any sense like using the bow or anything because you're just increasing the amount of risk on it so i just like to be fast on it but if you have other ways you want to do it you could hold back there is some safe spots where you can kind of be cheesy but i would prefer just getting getting in there and doing it and also builds a lot of confidence for the other stuff that's very hard to do in this so it's good um just gonna go back to our favorite place again the ritual path to visit our buddy that's gonna give us more items because basically he's just our supplier for this run he gives us all the good stuff let's just see me go back there again i think or am i debating let's see uh what am i doing here so i think i'm just debating on leveling so i'm trying to get my my magic back up to that 44 that it could have been at um and then let's see where are we okay so we didn't go back to uh ritual path we just went to fools idol right away because i still have soul remains here you can see i have 18 because i bought uh well over 20 and i only use so many in stone fang and i still have 211 arrows if your arrows are much lower and your solar mains are much lower and you feel like you can't do this next stretch i would just go and make that trip before you come to here and just buy more if you need to just making sure that you have that 44 for the magic and then we're running through here this is pretty simple these guys die in two hits you just don't want them to see you for too long before you attack them that's the only risk they have an attack that basically um if they did it from far away and you ran up to them um it still can kind of get you and it's just a big area of effect that just knocks you over so just be very careful with that here i kind of just rush this hallway immediately we wait for the mind flare to approach and then i just spam them on the corner uh like that it's pretty easy try to get this guy's popping out of the corner here too and we keep moving you see this other one it's just right at this corner get that one just be very quick that's the the idea here is just moving very fast um there's a reason for it like the speed outside of just you know how you kill them because they're on different pathing in different routes and you can kind of take advantage of the most convenient spots to kill them if you actually can time this area pretty well so it's not just about like trying to be um you know efficient or whatever but also you can get easier kills on the enemies if you move at a certain speed for certain things so it's just uh really nice to take advantage of that so we're gonna just go back to the very beginning of where we started we're gonna go to the right of the cell and just open this gate to continue if you've already played the game before obviously you know like how to navigate this area you probably should have a good grasp on how this area is laid out because um you don't want to get lost on this it's probably one of the the harder things to bounce back from on this run if you get lost in this place see how we're going around here [Music] and you'll notice i'm picking i'm picking up keys as i'm doing this for certain doors and stuff we're gonna go get another one right now on this far wall through uh this this middle series of cells i pick up the thief armor here that's for late game we're gonna use that to um stack with the poison ring to take less poison damage and again i'm just camping this mind flare right here to wait for him to be in the open and then gonna get a quick kill on him and grab the key and go back to that gate that was locked so there's that there's the key we're just going back through where we came from and we're going straight and there's the gate there um so when you open the gate it's going to be a variety of situations either the mind flare is going to be right in front of you it's going to be attacking already it's going to be approaching without attacking or it's going to be far away i decided to just rush it because i noticed it i noticed it wasn't facing me and that just made it easier for me to you know take the opportunity while it was there so i just went for it um you can just always be patient and wait and like let it approach like i'm doing with this one but just standing on the other side of that door i opened right so we get this guy too i'm gonna be grabbing uh two of the souls from this series of iron maidens here so there we go we don't want to open the next one because the one on the back is just a ring that we don't need and we're going forward there's gonna be a key on the right side of the wall right here that you gotta grab that's that one i always forget or at least i used to always forget i don't forget anymore but i used to so um i think someone's gonna have their own version of that i don't know if anyone can relate to me but i think that's an easy one to forget sometimes because you're so excited you're caught up in just like getting to the end of the area and then it's it's just like in a weird spot so just make sure you get that because it'd be a pain in the ass to run back there and now this is the item i was talking about at the beginning of the video when i was saying which gender you pick if you pick the female gender you're going to get an advantage of absorbing more souls from everything you kill if you have this bracelet on so that's the one thing you got to consider at the beginning do you want the more preferable roll animation or do you want this item right here and the item is right beside the fluted set i'm not sure which one is which but one of these two items is the fluid fluted set and the other one is the bracelet that will get you more souls so something to consider i don't use it i don't think it's necessary i think that um it would be really helpful if you want to like just stack more levels quickly but i don't feel like i need them at this point so this guy right here i had some problems with him um just running in the open trying to anticipate when he's gonna do a projectile because he shoots beams so we actually wait on the corner now to see if he's gonna do it and we got him to stop so trying to get him to go again and there we go there it is so we're going to bait out one boom hits the thing and then we start moving immediately it's very important you do that and then again same here wait boom hits the thing move again immediately because we don't want an attack that's uh to the back as we're moving through this gate here or on the way to the gate now we're gonna go for this uh item here as these arrows are just grazing our eyebrows and um so the way i set up for this the way i visualize it is basically you grab the item you wait for the next round of arrows two go by and then as soon as the two go by you start running from this corner and you go kind of diagonally to this next line that line by the time you reach it if you're sprinting will be when you have to roll so no matter if you actually know like what's going on or not you all you have to do is pay attention this line on the ground that's it so boom as soon as i get to that line boom i'm rolling it doesn't matter what you do it's always going to work you don't have to think it's it's like stupid easy so one two and you just want to do one after the other and the other ones to the rhythm of how it's shooting and then uh similar to the last case when you get to the item here right before it just right right here you're gonna roll again twice now after this point it's going to keep shooting but i don't think the arrows actually always get you because they're kind of beside you at this point there's more space for whatever reason so you'll notice like i just like kind of run around at this point you can still roll if you want to it doesn't matter and then a really weird thing but i noticed if you actually graze this right here this actually does damage the point on the end of this spear so don't touch it and then we're just going straight to fool's idol there's a lot of things you can pick up on the bridge there i don't actually even pick them up on this one as far as i can remember i kind of just leave them uh the most important thing would probably be clever rats ring but we're not doing a hit let's run this damage list so you don't actually have the ability to lower your health to get more damage so if you're doing a hit list version of this you can pick up the items on the bridge and get the clever rats ring maybe it'll help you out a little bit and uh here we're just doing this infinitely long stretch to get this stupid necromancer guy that is required to actually kill the boss permanently otherwise if you don't kill him she'll come back forever so make sure you kill him every time grab the key there if you need to i don't think it's super important but again i just do random things on this sometimes so that's just like you can question me on that if you want grabbing the keys we don't use and then we run all the way back through here again back down the tower to the outside and then we're going straight now at this point there's a there's a red invader that's not visible until you get close enough by the time you get close enough it's too late so throw a soul remains really really far ahead of you kind of diagonally forward so that it doesn't just like hit the wall beside you but it goes so far that like the enemy will have to see it and you can kind of verify by listening for the arrow shot so i'll throw it right here we're gonna actually pause this music we're gonna listen here this is important see how you could hear the arrow shot right there he definitely had a lot of fun there we go and you can even see it too don't go any further until you know that that happened otherwise the enemy probably didn't see it very important and from there you can actually run a little bit closer then throw another one continue and that's that's that and now you can see the enemy so you're safe you just really want to make sure that you can verify you hear that sound and you see it otherwise there's no reason to believe the enemy actually is distracted so um very important thing in this game all the time now we're going back to fools idol so on the first round when we just chip the health down with the weapon we don't want to waste any time we kind of just run in there so you'll notice uh i just kind of take this path down the right side it's probably the safest that's going to be like the area we majorly stay in for all of this fight but to start it off again just kind of run across here and then i just go for as many attacks i can land before she's gone i do save a little bit of stamina so you see me start running a little bit earlier because there's a point where if you keep swinging nothing happens and she's still there but you're wasting excuse me you're wasting time to escape so make sure you take advantage of that i only use the bow from this point of the fight because i don't want to risk anything so we're looking for the real one and it's fine if we hit the real one by accident like i did right here it's perfectly fine because we actually are trying to get the damage with the bow so there's no reason to worry about um doing it that way um so the quicker i can find the real one the better but we do want to take out the ones beside us because if we start moving up with the pillars down that carpet and we're trying to find you know the real one at the back of the room these ones are going to cut us off and snipe us so we do need to make sure they're gone and the way you do that you hit them with an arrow and then you need them to see you briefly after you do that sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it does the only guaranteed way that i know of to make them disappear is they need to actually see you because thief ring makes it harder for them to detect you and you see this little shrug thing lady this little stagger thing that's the indication they're gonna disappear so you're looking for that and you can even get it to happen from fairly far away but just make sure you're like out in the open and never ever ever cross into the middle of the room ever or even past where the chair is because you will be paralyzed so that's not good um okay so again we're just doing this for a while now um it's pretty simple you just target the one you want um if it's not the real one try to keep shooting it every time you can and then just popping out in between the projectile so soon as she hits it see how i kind of go out and then you got that little shrug thing i'm going to point it out really quickly um let me see it's right here again this is a this is where i shoot wait a second so i get one in there and then i pop back again and as soon as that hits the thing i pop out and you can see she'll do this like a little like weird thing this shimmy you can see her like move that's how you know it's safe to keep moving up and then she's gonna disappear um and you're really just doing this looking for the real one and repeating it running back to the beginning as soon as you've made them respawn again you always want to go to the back pillar again and repeat the same thing you can see i'm super super careful with this part just because there's no time to to waste getting hit and then having to go back so being slow is actually a little bit easier um you can see i got the real one there you can zoom in with the bow a little bit to make it easier um again there's gonna be a final shot you try to do that won't do anything even if she's still visible so keep in mind not every shot's gonna do damage at certain points just get back to your safe spot immediately prioritize that over everything and again we're just going through the motions of clearing them out from back to front and just getting the real one as soon as she disappears going back repeating again and that is the fool's idol it's pretty simple um i don't recommend using your actual weapon to kill her on this it just doesn't make any sense to me because there's so many situations where you run to her and you get paralyzed or hit by a projectile so it just makes it simple uh so we go here we're on our way to man-eaters we still have 16 soul remains so pretty good you need roughly about 10 or more for this area i would say even 15 would be nice just to have extra in case you are going to be using quite a lot more which we didn't really use many of it all on the last area or even any so there's that and uh this area is pretty quick like it's big but you can run through it pretty fast so um you're kind of just moving through and then killing enemies as you go through it you're not really stopping or backtracking too much until the point where you kind of do the full loop around to the boss so this guy should take two hits to kill if you have 44 on your magic i don't think i have that yet i think i have 43 so literally that difference of a level is enough to not let you kill him get the 44 or higher at this point even get 50 if you can and you'll be able to two shot them i just have to do three so um keep in mind that's not the normal case [Music] and uh yeah again on this part you're gonna have a guy with a crossbow that's going to be shooting at you i like to throw a um a soul remains to get his projectiles focused on this tower over here and then we can kind of intercept and kill him or we can just run away if we need to and he usually will never catch up but like if he does it's probably not going to be from uh you know him being too quick probably from you just like taking too long on the next part but pretty easy to kill him there it's very safe and then we're watching for this guy that falls down and we're killing him as he lands [Music] so this part we're waiting for the lift come down we get it and then i throw a soul remains at the wall here to get this guy to fall down a level because then he's not right where we are and he's distracted [Music] we're gonna try to just kill all these dudes worshiping this statue here this this this thing uh grab the item and then we're continuing down the staircase the cutscene is going to play it's going to break the chain [Music] and um instead of going to where you normally would get take the cages where all the sparkly prism stones are over to the right hand side or the npc uh yurt is we're gonna actually go here instead because you have to take full damage to get to that part so this is the way we go i'm just going to speed this up for a second because it takes a while [Music] and then we get out we kill this small dude they die in one hit the big ones die in two sometimes your follow-up attack will miss them because you're going to knock them back by doing the first one and you'll see an example of that i'll point it out so try to delay your second attack by just a little bit where you still get the follow-up but you don't get another single attack and you can you can get them pretty easily so i missed right there i go for a third one just in case just being very quick to be receptive of if things are working or not and then compensating for it immediately super important on these guys because they will screw you up if you take too long so try to be quick here i throw the uh soul remains on the far hill distracts both of these guys and then we just sneak up and we watch out for the jumps so if they're jumping i don't want to be beside them while hitting them because it could cause damage again i missed the second attack on that guy because i'm too quick with it i didn't wait a second and delay it and therefore he hadn't bounced back to his original spot i missed so i went for a third attack we grabbed the soul over there we go through this doorway and now um this is going to be uh one of the black phantom line flares that are a little bit more dangerous than the basic ones that we saw in uh tower of lottery like the first part so for this guy um best thing that you can do run up the stairs throw the soul remains at this pillar behind the one night has passed before he can target you and then just get ready to get out of the way if he if he does for whatever reason he usually won't get the backstab and then you can just follow it up with some attacks and kill him pretty simple you can throw more of the solar mains if you need more you should only need one [Music] this part right here you're basically just sneaking up you're getting two attacks on this dude killing them these other ones i do throw a soul brains for these guys [Music] small one try to get that there's gonna be two more over here sometimes the other one can be in the the first area like that we just went through so just be on the lookout for reflector in different positions or whatever um sometimes there's only one on that part and then the other one is moved forward for whatever reason so be on the lookout for that throw some soul remains on this post right here it's gonna distract one of the gargoyles and then we're gonna get the other one that's falling down so same thing as that earlier area just wait till he drops usually you'll only need two attacks i need three because i'm short on levels i'm gonna wait for the lift again on this one it's a lot longer so you're gonna see me throw solar mains that are kind of just not accurate because i keep forgetting uh where i throw them i think it happens on this run yeah see so i throw one pretty early there that's not really good enough so i need to correct it and throw a second one and the second one i throw is not a good one because it's at the same level as when we get off the lift so we always want it to be below the lift so he has to duck out of where we were we were going to recover out of the lift right so it's a little bit safer then just make sure you throw your second or the first skull you throw in general is much later than my first one but not as late as the the second one i threw in between that timing and you should be fine and then we're gonna go slightly to the left of this platform here um if you go to the right to the edge and then you roll you won't take fall damage if you fall straight down you will take fall damage you just wanna do a little bit of a roll to mitigate the uh the distance you're gonna be being chased by a gargoyle um with a spear now and he might fly up on you as you're actually running here it's very common to do that so just try to take him out should be pretty easy um if he's giving you issues and he's like starting starting to do attacks when you get to the thing you can kind of just run away from him he will probably not be able to catch you [Music] and then we're gonna just go up the staircase to man-eaters i'm just going to skip to the part where we're almost there so this is where the first enemy and the only enemy on the staircase is going to be it's another black phantom mineflare uh this one's a little bit easier because you can just wait for them to turn around and backstab him it's not too big of a deal so that's what we do we just wait then we're running up here uh sometimes you can actually back some off of the staircase but because we couldn't get that we follow up with two attacks and that's perfect to kill him uh get to the flag gate with man eaters and this fight is just straight up like i would say the best thing you can do to do this well is just literally learn every attack they do learn how to deal with all the situations and you're fine it's not a lot of information but right off this bat right off the bat here he can do a multitude of attacks he could do a projectile he could do a dash he could do a punch um so just be ready for the dashes because the dashes are the hardest thing to avoid on this and you're gonna see what i mean by that and i'm gonna be punishing them by basically kind of catching up to them after they recover from the dash and doing a minimum of one attack maximum of two attacks those are light attacks as well um we're also gonna try to go for a side goal of trying to stagger him by cutting his tail to get a little bit more of a toxin in a shorter period of time as well so right away he does a projectile it's pretty pretty rare not as common uh now he's going into like some weird thing for his uh buff that he did with the snake he did he dashed out of that instead i tried to get the uh cut on it i couldn't i got the cut right here i get four attacks get out of the way of the dash and um always leave enough stamina and time to get away from the dash that's the rule of thumb for this nothing else will get you quite as bad as that uh when they're flying pretty low to the ground try to get away from them because they can do more projectiles and other things where you can't reach them so punch you can just strafe if you get good enough at reading it get the two attacks right here on the recovery for the dash again you can roll through uh beside away or you know along the magic attacks like any direction works as long as your timing is good i go through them because it's just easier less risk in my opinion so we get that and then the second meteor comes in if the second man-eater has spawned but you still have the first one i'm gonna show you another thing we can do here the staircase that you're looking at that i'm on there's a side platform on each side on the left side run to the very end of that and wait if you wait long enough they'll de-aggro and then you can pick off the one that still had some health left just make sure you know which one is which obviously if you've cut the tail on it you can identify the one without a tail is the one that you were trying to kill before sometimes you can get stuck at the fog gate on the far side where the cursor is here sometimes he'll just be like in the middle somewhere but just make sure you know the one that had the tail cut or which one you were focusing on and uh you can de-aggro them by just being on that left side of the stairs if they're still both active at the same time and that could be done at any point in the fight so i didn't need that this guy spawns in we go for the tail cut immediately we get four hits nice damage go for one because the recovery was a little bit iffy there i didn't catch up to him i go for two here because i'm super quick on that one so again assessing how quick you can actually arrive at the enemy out of the dash is huge so i kind of follow with where he's going i try to get like a little bit of like a wider space away from him on the side but then go kind of forward still ideally and then you can kind of catch up to him and that's going to be one extra hit per engagement which is just a little bit better so there's that and again two should be your maximum on that there's no point to go beyond that it's a little bit greedy just be aware of the projectiles and everything and the punches he does a slam from the air as well and then also while flying he can shoot three beams from his tail if the tail hasn't been cut off yet that's why we want to cut the tail just to just like you know make that attack non-existent just to eliminate it and again this is just going to take some practice but once you get dialed in on just like feeling comfortable surviving in the fight i thought you could take it right after i went so mad at myself for missing it and then that's man eaters so we're going right for the archstone i'm gonna grab this sole right here two of them one for each of them and then uh at this point if you have enough of the solar mains left continue if you don't go back and grab some more from grave robert blige in the second part of the fourth arch stone and um it's the ritual path i believe the reason being you need at least two per black phantom mineflare or the squidwards that you see in here if you want to be a memer i have five so that's one more than i need if you if you're really accurate two is fine i would get more than two i get three per enemy and have six if you're newer to this just so you can have an extra one in case you screw up it's a little bit specific on this part if you want to be effective and not get caught up in just some crazy [ __ ] so um cutscene cues we're gonna kill these guys they approach you and they're safe to kill as long as you're very fast as soon as they reach you sometimes you'll rebound so you have to just do another initial initial attack and then if you have the right angle on the first swing you can actually go through the wall partially but still get a follow-up so you'll notice like sometimes i rebound sometimes i don't doesn't really matter and then now once you've gotten through the the couple waves of those guys you'll see the first mind flayer here don't even let him like fully be visible just like let him peek out of the corner a little bit when you walk up to the spot and then throw from here and try to aim it closer to like over his head right that was a perfect throw that i did you might not get throws that well as long as you can kind of get used to the trajectory of the of the soul remains you can kind of throw them exactly where you need them and this is why you need two because two back stabs and uh about four single attacks is what's required um and some people might want a third backstab some people might want more time so it's like you gotta factor in how dangerous is that for you and the same thing just want him peeking out of the corner here is where he can't fully see us throw it over his head go for the back stab and then repeat that and now we are on old monk old monk is basically just attack run away attack run away always keep a little bit of stamina and watch out for those soul darts that he throws at you the or the soul spears whatever they are big magic attacks um you get more damage if he's running at you because it's gonna be a counter hit and then you just always have to watch out for when he spawns the soul mass the the little magic pew pews strafe across them if you can like kind of run diagonally so they just miss you a little bit but still keep a good like speed so you can get distance because if you start rolling and you're not moving fast enough you're using more stamina you're not gonna be able to sprint when he's close to you and he might just backstab you or catch up right so you can also use the chairs to your advantage if the stamina is super low and you've got yourself in a situation you can pivot on them and then make them get stuck because he has to stop and break them like you just saw right there or he'll get stuck and just not know what to do so back up plan for the chairs if your stamina is bad otherwise just again manage it one hit run away one hit run away strafe the magic pretty simple not too much else to say there other than just practice um and that is uh old monk then we're going to flame lurker this is normally the hardest boss in the game uh on this run you're probably still gonna get your ass kicked by it even if you do it this way just because like you still have to play pretty carefully but it's going to be easier than doing it just straight up so i'm going to point out some details we're going to probably have to pause a little bit to go over them but you want to get the cat ring though it's the most important part for this part of the run go to patches and get the cat ring it's 40 000 so make sure you have enough for that and then pop all your souls after you've got the cat ring then level just so you don't have to accidentally level first and not have enough for the you know the mitigation of the fall damage because that's gonna ruin the run right it's really hard to farm 40 000 in this for me so i get the the levels after the ring just to be safe and then we put the rest just in the pocket we keep the the whatever it is the remaining 14 000 just for other items we're gonna need after this part since on this section we don't use any soul remains at all and we don't use any arrows at all actually you can you can use arrows very little though so uh first rule here is basically just be careful running through this uh this initial area that guy on the right hand side can actually hit you without even touching the character so i've learned recently uh this dude's gonna attack through this statue i'm gonna bait it out and then i'm gonna attack him then we're running straight and keep in mind both the thief ring and the cat ring are on at this point make sure you have it before you even leave this area just so you don't have to forget they're gonna miss you with all those attacks if you just run completely straight after that first enemy and then we're making it to these planks here and we're just tumbling down very carefully in this direction that i'm showing you uh so this part's a little bit weird um the part right where you're having the item above you so you're gonna get pushed a bit even if you're not expecting it like see how there's a little bit of a push there's an invisible boundary on that uh plank that you leave that's why you gotta tiptoe if you walk normal speed and then it also pushes you the momentum might push you over the edge and i've had that happen many times so just be very careful there go to the right of this ladder and then this last platform here is the only one you need to go to to finish it off there you go fall in there and then you're good all right now flameworker right away some people i know they like to um use the bow to bait him so he runs to you doesn't attack and then you can kind of go around him and get set up for this uh this cheese we're gonna do on him he just runs at me normally anyway so i just kind of like run around this outside pillar it's always my go-to and then i just watch to see if he's actually catching up to the character to the point where like i'm not gonna be able to escape because sometimes he'll run infinitely and just not attack and that's bad so you want to watch out for that um you're going to notice right away he's going to basically just be running towards me even though i'm trying to hide and then sometimes he's going to back off because he can't see me and it's going to be a mixture of just being chased and also you know not being seen and then kind of sneaking up on him and all of our damage comes from sneak attacks so the area that we're trying to go to here that's important is this rib cage right behind the uh post that's on the left side of the arena if you're facing the fog gate going in it's on the left side so peel over here and then immediately just stop moving and try to line up the pillar if you can with him as he's coming over because the the rule is always that if he can't see you if he has no line of sight and you're already behind this he'll probably just de-aggro and go back so get used to if he's chasing you from this far area where the cursor is to just stop for a second and have it lined up with the pillar um with the way he's approaching so there's nothing that he can do to see you other than go around it right and then be ready for him to go around it because he will um not all the time but he will and then your go-to out of escaping him behind the rib cage is always this pillar right here this is your best friend you're going to want to tiptoe as soon as you get to it he's going to lose interest for a second sometimes he'll attack through it so if he does i bail out of it if i get one attack in general if he doesn't attack then there's no reason to do anything or panic so we just stay where the pillar is and you'll see me do that after but because right here he got himself far enough away now he's back to his default position and then we just sneak up still having the thief ring on we do an r2 and an r1 i for whatever reason couldn't get the follow-up attack my button wasn't working for every reason so i didn't do that right away you'll see it on the next one so i hide behind this pillar again that is like the key part of this um if he gets stuck get the bow out try to shoot him there's a huge invisible barrier around this ribcage to make sure that he's like getting hit like on the farthest part of his body out from where the structure is so they don't just float in the air and not you know actually make contact and again you can see right here he's trying to chase me he's not attacking yet i'm just trying to tiptoe around the pillar as my go-to so that there's hopes that he de-aggros and you'll see him do that right here he's super aggressive so i played that super safe i actually went behind him and then he went for another attack i still chilled and now we're just tiptoeing and you can see how it works where he just loses interest he's gonna try to get me again as i poke out here but sometimes he might not so always be ready for things to go exactly the opposite of what you think and your goal is mainly just getting him to default back to this position every time over and over and you're just getting the r2 and the r1 the final attack can be uh two hour ones never do three though never do three attacks outside of that because he will backstep into your head and then you'll get hit i think this this whole series of events is more self-explanatory from watching it than me explaining because um you can kind of see what i'm doing here but really this takes experience like you're not gonna be able to like if i tell you how to do this you're not gonna just pick up the game and be able to do this uh you need to understand how the boss works like from its move set on a regular basis as well as also be really good at evading so like it's going to take some practice to even cheese him but i feel like this is much more consistent and there's no way to fail it if you're really good i haven't had many troubles on it at all actually and i haven't even done it that many times so it's that's the good news the bad news is it might take a little bit of work to get it to this level of detail uh where you're really like just in every single scenario confident that you're going to be able to make him diego [Music] again so you just get him to back off again r2 r1 and then i did like a weird roll there you don't really want to roll away you want to sprint because if you roll you could roll forward by accident since this game has a weird thing with um changing the direction of where you're rolling sometimes so just in case just sprint it's much easier we got a diego again right here you're gonna have situations sometimes where he's not even in his default spot so you have to shoot him with the bow to make him correct himself and chase you again and then just go through the whole motion of or the series of motions and then you will get him back to his default but just be really careful with uh attacking him if he's in a spot that just looks really far away from where he's supposed to be standing in majority of these clips that you're seeing or this this fight right here so you see i already got ready to get the bow up but then he uh he saw me because he wasn't in his default spot and again diagram and again if you have perfect timing on pivoting that corner as he's rotating in midair to get back to his spot i don't think he actually can chase you because that animation doesn't let him look for you so if he's still moving back to his spot he can look for you but if he already is pivoting on the spot back to his primary stance i don't believe he can actually do anything so that's like the timing you want when you're escaping on this left side here and i think this let's see if this is a different example no same one so yeah pretty good timing and then we just finish them off i do the third attack just in case and that's flameworker uh now for dragon god um pretty simple as well um definitely easier than flameworker right away right off the bat you're gonna want to run up and then back pedal a little bit don't be in this um open space be behind the walls outside that circle he's going to punch right there and it's going to do some damage you're going to want to run up to this first pillar wait for the guy's eyes to go yellow all while keeping the thief ring on still you don't want to remove that you're going to want to run up to these posts right here and do one single hit and then dip out and repeat that again but you want to make sure you're verifying every time you do that single hit and go back that his eyes are yellow and be very quick with it too also the head position is pretty important i don't care about it as much on this first part because it's super quick anyways you shouldn't be able to get screwed if you're only doing one single hit but you see how his head's on the right side now when it's on the left side i try to make my break for this next one kind of just waiting here he's gonna move it again and then we just we go over here get to the safe spot to the left side right side [Music] as soon as he starts moving it again i go go for one get out of there just as i'm getting back he should be uh roaring and then he's gonna recover sometimes it doesn't even switch to red if you're quick enough that's how you know you're you're doing it with really really good uh amount of clearance with the timing so um if he's like freaking out before you even hit the thing or before you get back that's it's fine you just got to be very fast and if he freaks out as you hit the thing you have to bail out of the situation so if you know the timing has been shitty and you didn't really you know factor in all these things run all the way back out of the arena to the beginning again even behind that circle where we started for the first position and then go all the way back to here again if you need to um that is the only backup plan you can really go with um and it's got to be realized right away you can't uh waste time with it and then for this we've cleared out both the things we've waited and then on the third encounter um we've just ran right through for that second barrier so we're gonna prime the first arrow um you can just run right off the stairs because you have cat ring now so it doesn't matter go to the second pillar here take out these uh these barricades and then same thing we're doing for the first part for the second part it's just uh being patient waiting for the head position to be good yellow eyes obviously and then she looks over here then i go for the next one i go for two and then i stay right beside the pillar and then again two right beside the pillar this part gives you a lot more cover very close together then again his head's moving to that direction so i start i think i'm waiting here for a second might have been reading chat or something like that waiting for the second iteration of okay there we go now i'm making my move to the next one cancels his attack uh here you should be able to get both hits in on the barricade then dip back to the pillar again that's what i do just to be safe and then you have your final stretch where there's a barricade on the stairs which you should be able to do two hits on and run through at the same time without backing up once his head is to the right there like i was uh doing on the run and there you go you're safe fire happens there um you're never gonna get hit by it it's perfectly fine second arrow and uh on this next part just because the way that his breath animates and the hip box of how it calculates the damage uh interacts with the character i don't really like to hit with the weapon that i have in my hand i like to use the bow uh so we use the bow on this to keep a distance so we don't have to worry about the confusion of if it's animating the breath properly uh seeing as there's been many times where before it even comes out of his mouth i've gotten hit um so i just play it safe here and try to i shoot a few of them it staggers and then i get the next one ready to hit as it comes back down and then we repeat that so we're gonna grab the soul right here legendary warrior soul um and now it's time for tower night segment which means uh we are actually gonna be making a visit back to um the ritual path to get more soul remains because this is going to be where we use most of them in the entire game this tower knight segment penetrator and false king is where most of the solar mains are used so now we want enough for the rest of the game basically you can make multiple trips again in between each boss to try to min max your stats in between but i think that i go for roughly 60 something at this point 60 on the dot yep and then i already have a few so or maybe i don't i'm not sure uh we get quite a lot of arrows we have uh 279 pretty good i'm gonna have to get more later again so we will come back for arrows one more time but that's pretty good for this next part and then we're going to voluntarily palace second uh part of the archstone oh but first but first before that the nexus i believe i'm going to try to level again and again like don't don't panic about like how you level when you level all these things there are points where i've been making it pretty apparent where you need the levels and then there's some where it's kind of optional at a certain point because you already have over 44 magic so that's pretty damn good right i like to go for 60 magic and 19 to 18 endurance by the end of the run just because the endurance helps with dirty colossus particularly which i'll point out later so we're going to build a little bit more magic levels into that 60 range and uh yeah that's pretty much the leveling here and i think that i'm trying to do this because it makes false king much easier since he's already pretty tanky like you don't really like do that fight quickly in this run it's pretty long so anything you can get for damage towards that boss because it's the hardest thing in the game in my opinion uh it's it's good so now we're gonna be going to tower night this first area right here there's gonna be a lot of like the phalanx enemies they're gonna be shooting projectiles at you just run straight through a little bit to the left side and there's a horse that's actually dead you're gonna run over the horse's body you're gonna keep a little bit of like a left bias and then just kind of just go into that doorway there and you're pretty much fine on that now if you slow down too much or you don't go in that direction you will be hit by the projectile so just make sure you're careful this dragon here for whatever reason on this first segment of the bridge his foot can hit you like really early into the bridge so make sure you dip back a bit there's kind of a reference where i use this second block right here so there's like a wall and then there's like this first little you can see this first block the second block that's rounded right here i stand right beside that that's safe and then you can just kind of make your way through here next part you don't have to worry about being peeled back as far i go for the third block on this one roughly even the fourth where the item is as long as you're right by there it's fine uh we're trying to actually get this thing to aggro so i wait a second finally comes by as i'm beside the item and yeah you're safe you could even be further up if you want on that but item is probably the safest spot uh we get our soul remains ready as we're moving past this carriage here so have them on the item slot you got to be quick and you wanna basically post up right behind this barrel i panicked a little bit because i saw that enemy that was still alive from the dragon no big deal he's not gonna try to get you throw one um a little bit to the right corner of this uh carriage here it's gonna kind of peel through where the barrel is and just go right over it and then all these guys are going to turn around and then you can safely take them out that's the best way to do that because otherwise any other place you throw from you're exposed either to the dragon or you're exposed to them so that's my favorite place to throw that skull i throw another one right here and then i roll on these stairs just in case these guys are shooting um at me still instead of the the soul remains and then we just double check when we get up there and take them out sometimes there's a guy that actually kills you through the flaw gate here you can see him right now on this one i take him out immediately if he's doing something that looks like he's about to attack or he's running don't attack yet just wait and wait wait till he's completely still then take him out even use arrows if you need to but there will be occasions where he's actually not there at all so just be aware that he'll actually try to attack you as you emerge through the fog gate then in that case on this thing same thing as the other parts of the bridge we're just waiting for the dragon again as soon as it starts going it's going to basically start blowing fire right around where the horse is where the crows are standing and that's the point where you can start running uh you're going to want to have your soul remains ready again we're peeling around this uh this bigger carriage here we're hugging it and then we're going kind of like right in front of it and we're hugging the wall up to where these two uh little goblet things are these sconces are and we're gonna be trying to aim our toss kind of right beside where this knight is on this left side and on the far wall what that's gonna do it's gonna take all the attention off the not only just the archers down here but also the knight and then because we were hidden for long enough as we're leaving here the arrows that would have hit us uh from above are delayed and you can just see that they can see both of them come down later so that's a super super important part if you're having trouble on this part it's all to do with how you kind of hide yourself behind that carriage and then the wall um just before you peel out and it's going to delay the arrows by like two seconds and that's gonna be enough to do everything so i had a little bit of trouble with that originally but we fixed it um and then this guy again same thing as that that first night you encounter in the entire run you literally just bait out the three-piece combo or you bait out the uh the lunge and then you go forward the backstab but if you don't feel comfortable doing that you can throw a scalp or you can throw a slow remains uh tower night when you enter the fight he'll do usually one of a couple things most often with his lance he will poke or he will do a backhand slash backhand slash can actually reach you the poke doesn't reach you that well you'll notice even like when i'm starting to roll here like it's already hit but it's like way far away so you don't have to worry about the poke too much it's it's more of a stationary attack the backhand slash actually has range so try to be careful with that always look out for it bait this guy first to attack make sure you use as much time as you need to to get him to attack do a little bit of circle get him pick up this sole right here and then on this part i switched to the bow i don't want to be too exposed in this doorway i want to only be able to see the enemy just slightly so line them up with the wall that means you're protected from this other enemy that's going to be right beside here which i have gotten hit from before you're going to one shot him and then again just make sure that this guy's not facing you when you're attacking and then go for him as well and carry on with your uh your falchion um now this is gonna be like a management of like trying to not have tower nights projectiles go through a clearance and hit you while you're also trying to manage the projectiles from the other guys and find timing to kill them uh while also escaping so it gets pretty difficult on this next part to actually do all that because they're shooting pretty frequently but he's also like gapping over the stairs and getting magic to hit into like where you're standing so the way you you move through will actually kind of bait him to attack areas that can't clear the staircase depending on when he's actually cueing it and where you are at the time so you got to be paying attention to both tower knight and this guy as well as the other ones you're going to see in the next few seconds so again he shoots i kind of bait tower knight to hit the wall instead i get him then we're just going through this whole area keep moving keep moving um again no time for the bow on this part we just want to be fast so it's going to be even harder because we have to take out all three of these guys now so this guy's gonna be shooting right away he does i already see that i see that the hit confirms on the wall so there's no way he can actually clear this little gap right here tower knight and get me with the blue magic so i'm safe go for that guaranteed and then here because i don't know if he's going to be cueing another one but i do see this arrow starting right here from this guy i know i need another shot from him again to be safe but i also know if i go for him immediately on another shot tower knight might clear this and then get me so we're trying to again just be very careful i'm quick so i'm so quick that tower knight can attack again you either have to be extremely fast or slow you can't be in between um same thing for this this guy goes he's reloading so i go for the shot i'm kind of just like using the most that i can out of like the uh range that i'm standing away from them so i'm kind of tapping the top step from the middle step as you can see i'm like actually even using the the movement of the attack to move into range i'm not actually even in range when i start it so um that just guarantees that i have like the best chance of not having um the character high up enough to get targeted by the the magic so that even if it was coming in i could still roll away from it so we try to factor in like all these little things and then again you see the explosion there so he does the magic it's fine we're gonna wait for this guy to attack should be safe to just punish him as soon as he goes for it but i wait just to make sure that i have a good chance of timing it and then because i saw the magic again go for it he does another magic attack we're rushing tower knight at this point right away so yo you almost want to bait him on these stairs for the other one you want to wait until he does another one and use this stretch right here this opportunity to go between his legs and it's going to make it so much easier because then you don't have to deal with any of the melee attacks from his javelin and you can kind of just get in the back step or do shield slams and then you're just getting the ankles right he might rotate like that don't panic don't get in front of him just try to be behind and uh get enough attacks on each ankle to get him to collapse when he starts falling over get the hell out of the way like just move so you're gonna notice right here i'm gonna attack and then uh you you see him get that stagger i get really far away because you can get uh damage from just touching any part of his body when he falls head does the most damage so do an r2 on the head should be a one shot sometimes you need to and that is that it's pretty easy um the hard part is mostly managing the time uh sensitivity of the projectiles and the setups with the tracking and all that but um only because you can't see everything at once so here we have the uh the dogs so what i've actually decided to do here is not even throw skills for them anymore i just hit them with an arrow i mean the first one i can actually see so i go for him directly i actually go to this point where he basically kind of like times out for his like aggro range and then he goes back to his default so the game doesn't let him pass a barrier right there and then i utilize that to kill him right here uh but he runs away so he's being kind of stupid and i get him right there nice second one i can't see him so i throw a skull for him just to bring him out because i'm not really sure where he's actually loading in from now so he pops out from some other area over here might have not even been visible originally get the first attack same thing as the first dog we just let him time out on his uh distance that he can travel by going back to the other area and then boom dead super safe no way to fail that um let these things roll down uh and then here you're gonna have three enemies come out of this door at the same time uh i like to throw multiple sword remains just to make sure they're actually focused on it um one should initially get them uh interested but then the second one's gonna confirm that you're safe so i do i do some attacks sometimes in between them but here i was being super safe i threw two i can see all them they're walking none of them are swinging if they are swinging do not attack uh you will get hit by the back of their attacks so be very careful with how you're dealing with that it's easier to just get them all bundled up and not do back stabs because they take too long so you're going to be wasting your time or for the sore main so just go for regular swings there they're going to go down this pathway through the here i'm gonna repeat that throw the skull for these two guys right here or the solar mains and then uh we're just keeping the cat ring on again thief ring on falling off these ledges here and continuing [Music] i find sometimes this crossbow guy right here is a little bit weird so sometimes i wait a little bit of extra time to make sure he'll shoot first before i attack i wouldn't rush him too much there's no point at this point of the game if you're aiming at this far to take those kinds of risks so play it safe get him run to this oh sorry apparently it was muted one second i'm gonna rewind that okay so i was saying for the the part with um the scout the crossbow be very careful i'm not sure if you guys heard that it's at the stairs okay so yeah where the stairs are uh this thief both of them are gonna be trying to aggro you you only need to go to this little tiny part where there's these steps right here no further than that is good enough pivot and then both of them will die get out the bow uh we're gonna kill this guy right here nice okay and then um this next part we're gonna be sniping a lot of the uh archers from across this uh stretch here you wanna be far enough back where you don't have all them seeing you so to kind of just stay in the spot that i'm in um should only take two hits for the basic archers and then once all three of them are dead i like to go up to this next area and take out the one at the top that's sticking out of the the the hand rail here just or hanging over it so you get him that makes life a lot easier and then we uh go through this next corridor it's going to be a claymore night now the claymore knight is going to be walking towards us now with the timing we had on that other section if you do it roughly in the same amount of minutes um we're gonna wait for him to actually get further down the hall reason being if we throw uh soul remains on that side of the the hallway there's gonna be another enemy that we can't see yet that just pops in and it's they're very dangerous and you don't wanna get their attention so make sure he's all the way over here when you throw the soul remains and then he's just going to do his thing where he walks into the wall or he might do an attack um many attacks so if he starts attacking the only time you want to punish him is if he does a two-handed overhead attack to finish a combo that's it you're not looking for anything else you're literally only looking for one specific attack if he doesn't do it you keep throwing them and you keep waiting it's not worth it otherwise so um overhead attack with two hands at the at the end of a three or four swing combo i believe i think it's a four swing combo it's the fourth attack so fat official throw the soul remains on this little area over here to keep safe from the other enemies up at the top and then just get him to turn the corner take him out with in with whatever way you can stabs and regular swings these guys are going to be approaching the sword remains i just threw up the the handrail we already had one of the crossbow guys dead so just pick off the other one get both the dudes with the swords these guys are a little bit more dangerous so we're going to go um throw a solar mains in the open closer to the corner over here and then just try to get back stabs if this guy starts blocking again and turning around just spam them to death at this point your weapon is so strong that you can just cut through them pretty easily but don't attack if they're already ready to attack and they're facing you only if they're turning 11 how exciting um so i throw another couple soul remains to the wall right here that's for a thief that is on the top of this platform and then this guy watch out for his firebombs we take him out and then the thief i don't actually like to approach him while he's doing his thing over here i throw another thing on the far wall and then i wait for him to walk over if he's attacking as he's going over there just don't do it only attack him if he's not attacking that's it because you will be hit uh from behind right so we want still remains right here on the corner of the stairs uh we're waiting out three attacks from this guy overhead attack perfect one to punish that's safe um there's gonna be another claymore night over here same thing as the first one we're just throwing um a solar main it's kind of high up on the wall here outside this archway we're getting to just walk into the wall or do his combo he's just walking so unfortunately i don't have a good example of how you punish it when he does the attacks but again you're just looking for that two-hand overhead attack um here it's a little bit tricky to actually get the throw you need to to actually um attract the enemies i got a first try on this i think i don't even know how that that has taken me like five tries before so i guess uh for reference i'm about a foot away from the actual wall maybe a foot and a half the head my head is lined up with uh this little fire thing like right beside and then i'm just throwing right beside that camera is a little bit higher than baseline uh problem is if you throw it too far it just goes like out of bounds for these guys so they don't really see it so it's kind of important take them all out once you've got their attention and then this part i don't throw anything i just uh kill these guys with the crossbow and then now this is where we gotta start spamming the skulls so we're gonna throw some for the uh dudes with spears so they don't get us from behind get them far away then we're gonna be chucking a lot of them in the open here where all the enemies are that are blocking the penetrator staircase and we're going to clear them out and get them kind of closer into the corner here by throwing these so you're always trying to throw them really far you'll notice these knights that have the spears won't actually chase the soul remains until after the cut scene so your goal before the cutscene is to get so many of them bundled up other than those nights that when you're actually emerging from the cutscene no one's looking at you no one's shooting at you no one's attacking you they're all there and then you can throw one final one as the cherry on top to get all the knights to go and then you have a clear path and you're fine so again you're just using this as a way to kind of just move them all over in mass amounts and then finally just clear out those nights at the very end right there and you'll see them all charge that guy is still shooting the crossbow he might turn around and shoot you as you're going by him you know after you've gone up the first staircase so again that's why i always look behind me just in case but that is one of the best ways to do that i don't really know any other way penetrator is super easy um he can't hit you with any attacks at all really uh if you're just playing like this so you'll you'll notice on this run i did something a bit different i was testing doing heavy attacks on him for a while i'm only doing light attacks here and this demonstrates that like there's really nothing he can do to hit you other than just maybe that attack i'm dodging if i don't dodge it right so it's a very easy attack to dodge if you only try to punish that that's all you have to practice um i would learn the other attacks just in case but i mean there's no point of killing him any quicker because it's already pretty fast so we just take it like that and roll with it because they're kind of giving us a freebie here and again if you want to be ballsier if you if you don't have the patience to wait this long you can do a heavy attack every single time you uh recover from that roll just know that if you do uh there's gonna be certain setups where he can get you with another attack and you're going to have to know the rest of the moveset for that case sometimes it won't happen but there will be an occasion that's guaranteed and you'll need to know how to get away from it [Music] so all right so same thing just repeated you guys get the idea i don't really punish any of your attacks on this at all it's just really not worth it and for whatever reason this one actually did take a while i think he started giving me bad rng um perfectly safe at the end if you have two attacks left to just land two on him but you got to be a hundred percent sure you have enough damage for it because if there's a third left then uh then you're really in trouble unless you don't unless you know the move set so you can finish them with two attacks if you want just make sure you're careful and that's that now this is probably the hardest boss in the run coming up next and the area before it's a little tricky but the way we did it here is actually nice so i throw a solar remains at this first post we take out all these guys with the crossbows with just arrows so same thing for this guy right over here one two three pretty simple and then i'm just gonna kind of creep up here i'm gonna throw an initial skull over this big mound and then i'm gonna go behind this pillar and then throw another one again now you can just go to the pillar and skip the whole mountain thing and just throw them from the pillar it's probably a little bit better i haven't noticed that this guy with the uh the sword here saw me still for whatever reason but he loses interest after the next few seconds you're always wanting to double check to make sure they're not chasing you if they do and you need to bail uh use a archstone charter at this point you can even use the next seal binding if you need to so we got another soul remains in the corner there we're using this to see we're using this is a test so we're testing to see if the enemy that's around the corner inside this building will actually go for it uh sometimes it takes longer than others so you just gotta wait and then he'll try to thrust through the hallway sometimes you get stuck throw it in the really far corner to the right if you want to avoid that and then just attack him on the wake up there after the backstab throw two more of these inside the room it's not super important where they hit but i try to aim for the pillar i missed all three times so i just go for it and you can see how it doesn't make a big difference i throw another skull at the wall here or another soul remains i go for the crossbow guy thief is being kind of weird here i bail um we're not really sure exactly what the thief's gonna do at this point so i kind of just get out of there i wait a second um i throw a skull at the corner again like the idea for the first enemy and then all all of a sudden this dude comes out of there who is the last enemy in this tower here so he i wasn't expecting that but that still works and then i can take him out at least and then the thief is still in there normally when you kill the guy that um has the second crossbow that's looking at the wall beside the thief you can kill the thief right there and then but if you don't have a good opening like i said he's spamming just bail and just do it this way um and you can find other methods of your own that might be better i recommend looking at other people's runs to see how they did it but this part is a little bit more freestyle so i'm throwing a lot more in the corner right there just hoping that he doesn't see me and he's actually on the bottom floor right around the corner from where i was standing so he's way down there now and there's no way for him to catch up now we're actually going to basically wait out the dragon here um so the way that you run through this you actually don't want to be going when it logically would make sense to go because you'd think that if you had timing that just peeled behind where the fire was then you would be like the quickest but you actually want to wait for the fire to end or like be at the very end first before you go because the dragon will do something really stupid and he'll actually cut you off because the game just knows if you actually are trying to be optimal on this for whatever reason so the non-logical way works better where you just wait a little longer and then what that does is it makes him go for a second round on that first part then he goes for the second part then he goes to the third but you're already gone that fat official right there we threw the skull while we were waiting after the first one was dead just to move him out of the way a little bit you might have noticed so you kind of offset it to the here i'll go back to that part we offset it to the left oh let's see see i throw a little bit where the dragon's face is just like kind of where his wings are sitting and that's after the first fat official is dead because if he's not he'll get moved too and then he'll get moved out of the fire and he won't be attacked just look out for any attacks on the way here in case he doesn't see the the soul remains and then you're moving through this next part so on here it's pretty simple you just wait for the fire to come from the right side to the left and then you run straight so that's left to right and then right to left comes right after that just alternates between those two perpetually so you don't have to worry um if you miss it four or five times you can just keep waiting right to left as soon as it's gone from the right and it's still on the left side go straight and go right pick up the the soul right there you don't really need to i mean like at this point we're like late game so leveling is uh negligible but just in case you want to uh get the soul remains on this post right here and then ostrava will walk off that's a nice 12 000 right there just from him is the biggest lift of all time so we're gonna have to wait a while so i'm gonna skip ahead even fast forward can't defeat it and then we're gonna do false king so false king can glitch out a lot um the most popular thing that the guy does he'll he'll do a stay like a dash attack but then he'll stop doing the dash mid dash then do a projectile at in a different direction or he'll cancel the dash multiple times in different directions and then just end up doing something completely different he also has an attack of it looks like a regular attack that's sped up that happens uh just in like the most random situations and you'll see i think one of them in this fight maybe two and you're kind of just always anticipating that he's gonna do that in case so you can get out of the way because the reaction time for it's very very fast so uh i kind of have an idea of what is possible and what is not in every scenario and i'm always ready to kind of just address it just in case but you also see i'm kind of fighting him alongside this wall here and what we're doing is repeating a series of punishing these charge up attacks with an r2 and then we're kind of rolling away back from him see that's like one of the instant attacks right there so it's not quite glitchy but it's so fast that you really have to just be ready for it every time you recover from attacking him that's why i wait a little bit um again punishing this back attack with an r2 when he does the charges you're gonna see one coming up pretty soon we're gonna roll into him right here nice and then on that combo that he just did right before with that projectile if he's just spamming his sword around uh the third attack is the one that has the projectile if he just does the jump like this the first attack's the projectile and then there's another sweeping motion he'll do from standing still that is also an instant projectile so um it should be pretty easy to avoid if you can just see it from a distance but the one that you really gotta be careful of is on the recovery where he just that does that one hand overhead um and then the glitch from the dash show we're just keeping him along the wall what that does is it minimizes the amount of axises or the axes that he can move on so he can't actually change the direction of an attack uh like after he's already decided to do it as often so it's just really simple in terms of like where he's gonna end up and uh usually where he ends up is the problem with the attack glitching is he doesn't really know where he's going so that is a little bit helpful um again just trying to make sure he's going right towards me pivot around r2 repeat um if he does the jump one thing i've noticed is um the jump into the projectile usually comes with the instant overhead again right after so always get ready to roll for the instant overhead if he does that jump projectile and you can even use as an opportunity to reverse him if you don't like the direction you're going in you can actually go underneath him and around and then just like turn him around but still be ready for that instant overhead attack with the projectile um and again this is going to take practice um doing exactly what i'm doing right here with keeping them along the wall is the best possible thing you can do that i know and that's pretty much false king just rinse and repeat um be very careful for uh the glitches see right there there's the um sweeping projectile he also backsteps when he does it too and then there's the stationary one so you did two of them you can see right there i'm talking about this should this this fight should show pretty much every attack he does other than the grab maybe grab you shouldn't really worry about too much it's pretty easy to avoid just if you stay at the distance i'm at you won't be able to get hit by [Music] you'll notice i like to try to clear on the side with the sword when he does the dash just because i feel more comfortable with um you know kind of just like scurrying around him and getting the attack that way if i go around the other side it's not as cool again you see that there's that instant one hand attack you really just always gotta be strafing out of any recovery in case just so even if your reaction's slower your direction is already set up to space it you just have that much more of a chance of getting away from it rather than just going straight because then you're gonna have to turn and also do something else and it's gonna be less time so it's no good i always see these like little semi like semi-pivot semi like arcs every time i run away from him out of an attack just for that reason or just even diagonal movements pretty good um on the final attack for him i always do two r2 so right here you're gonna see this right here boom i do a follow-up one he was about to do an attack right there but i don't think there's anything he can do that can interrupt it because he can't start a dash and glitch out from that distance and even his quickest attack which he just was trying to do i interrupted so two r2s to finish should be fine and now we're basically on the easy mode for the rest of it for bosses at least it's not too hard compared to some of the other ones we did so at this point you probably want to get more arrows in the run i made a mistake where i actually went through one of the areas twice because i fell off of the plank that i was on into a spot where i couldn't really recover from it i could still safely stand there without fall damage but i couldn't continue through the area so you're gonna have to actually see um when i go to dirty colossus specifically it's gonna be twice and i'm gonna fast forward through that for you know the reason that it's basically just doing the same thing twice but just to explain that ahead of time um so here we only have 14 solar mains left that's pretty good so we're mostly focusing on arrows but i think i might get some more of these let's see how many so i get another 20 just in case and then our arrow counts at 246 actually wait we're trying to get closer to 300 so i'm gonna actually get rid of a lot of the materials i have in my uh my bag uh you're going to want to get used to sending things to storage i'm not sure if i mentioned earlier when you're buying all the items initially for the moonshade stone and the sole remains like the first time you get here after the patches segment you definitely want to put everything in storage the storm ruler um i guess you'd have that after but you know everything that you have put it in storage so you can hold this stuff after the storm ruler especially send that away so the halberd backs and the shield back the talisman you start with everything all the armor put it all in storage because you're going to need a lot of equip load to handle how many consumables we have on this [Music] and then right before we go to leachmonger we're going to pop a bunch of these soles we're gonna actually have to get a crystal this little uh item to basically stop them from healing we need two of them so here's where i get that 60 magic and then i get as much endurance as possible 19 as possible i screwed myself here so i don't have enough to buy the item for leech monger i realized this after that the 2800 each and i have to farm to get enough so we're going to skip through what that looks like so i'm just basically like killing this guy with arrows you don't you don't have to do this but it's a good example if you really want to farm because you screwed up anything on the run always come back here with the bow and just shoot this guy use the solar mains if you need to for the ones that are on the top level um like when i first get in here i'm looking out for uh you know see the ones that are right in front of me here i throw a solar main so you can do that and then you can just snipe this guy and that'll get you a nice five to seven thousand um now that makes up for the mistake we made and i can get these crystals for you you should be able to just get them right away just make sure you have enough for them and don't be me and you're fine then we're gonna go put the full thief's on that we picked up in latria so we can actually use in the swamp we're gonna go through the depraved chasm now i remember when i was doing this before i just shot this guy with arrows i didn't even throw soul remains i think on the actual run right here i throw us all remains to the wall just to be careful because we don't want to screw around so i use the bow right here too then i use the bow for this guy [Music] all right so the rocks fall down there we kind of just bait that out get the weapon out and then we try to kill this guy as he's waking up we do the series of platforming required to get to the lower level here and then once we're at this part we throw some soul remains so we can get these two guys that are below here um in the corner and what that does it just makes a little bit safer to do this next part i wait for them to not attack and then i kill them with my weapon honestly if you wanted to be like extremely fast you could you could just like throw the skull leave go to the lower level throw another one into the hole that you're about to see me throw more into uh after this next part and you could leave all these guys and just speed run it kind of but i would say killing them with the bow at least at this point is smart um you can even kill them with the bow um on the part that i use my weapon too but i prefer to do that just because it's quicker so you can mix and match any kind of combination of the bow or the weapon if you feel comfortable just remember again you can get killed from behind them if they're attacking the other direction and also those guys do like an attack where they push you and it hits like four times so just make sure uh you know the the moveset and what they're doing [Music] right here we're gonna throw sore mains into this hole here and that's what i was saying if you just had thrown uh the couple that you needed to for the first two guys then you dropped down and immediately threw more into here you basically wouldn't need to do anything with killing them so i think if i'm doing this run in the future i'll be just doing it that way then you're going through here and again just the soul remains at this wooden wall right here when the slope goes down right in the corner in the left and then this guy's going to attack you get them these two guys are sleeping you get them and then you go to this bridge [Music] still remains at the wall in between the two openings here make sure that guy on the right gets out he's the most important focus on just to make sure he's out of the way immediately escape go down to where the plague rats are and you're gonna get the bow out and you're gonna get all the plague rats sometimes if you walk too far into the room they'll start moving so just like try to make sure that none of them get close to you just get the ones that are closest to you first before the other ones that are stationary still and there's one under the stairs too so it can sometimes move around into different spots um you can see right here it's already moved a bit so i'm just careful of that double check triple check make sure there's none of them they're the worst and then uh you're just going back out of the doorway under here you're baiting a trap to fall there's a bunch of rocks that are gonna fall right here as well getting the bow back out pulling over this big guy uh he doesn't actually come over here right away as far as i can remember oh no maybe he does on this run okay he does is the run before that i think see i switch back to this and then we're gonna go for a few attacks he doesn't attack the wall if you throw the things high enough usually that's the one downside of that enemy they can't really like see the thing properly but they still go for it and you're 100 safe to spam them then so i throw another one into this room i kill the guy on the floor on the right and then i throw some more and at this point again if you want to use the bow you can i try to right here i feel miserably sometimes but the arrows are pretty specific in this so i keep throwing some more soul remains in between to make up for that and then uh that's all you need to clear out for the bottom part there's one more spear guy up here that's actually not blocked by the parasite things and i try to just get the thing on the wall here for him kill him with the weapon again the bow is fine get the bow back out for this guy snipe him between the parasite thing and then i move that out of the way continue through the bridge and uh i also set up the cracked stone right there for the leech monger so i didn't have to forget about it so we throw another soul remains up into this corner here and what that does these enemies don't typically attack it as often right now it's a rare situation where they want to but they're going to stop though and they're just going to start walking and you can see right here i take out i take my time not on purpose but i did some random attack there and i took my time perfectly safe for like a good five to ten seconds easily uh and then okay here's where you actually want to make sure you're not sprinting before you go in the fog gate stop sprinting stop holding the circle button and then press x and just take your hands off the controller because if you keep doing the running animation before you go through here sometimes it actually cues a roll without you even doing it and then you roll right off the edge and then die so just make sure on this part you do not hold the running button before you go in the fog game or even tap roll or anything just make a immediate left don't even move forward and you're good cause that's a death trap so here free aim is better because every so often you actually miss like the arrow won't do any damage because the way that his hitbox is moving so you want to just do the free aim to get every single hit to land throw the uh the crystals uh in between him healing so basically you only need one at the very beginning right there i do a few shots i throw one i wait and as the sparkles are still appearing there it's still effective so you don't have to worry about throwing them back to back you're going to want to get more than half of his health gone and you're going to throw another one just before he can heal again before it wears off and to get the throw i like to lock on it lands in front of him it looks like it doesn't actually hit him but it still works so just make sure you're paying attention to that probably don't free aim it unless you're just feeling fancy and you can see his health is coming back now so i'm just like okay i'm gonna switch back to the crystal throw it i was a little bit lazy on this one but it still works [Music] cool okay and then we're done that cat ring on thief ring on um very important i want that cat ring for this part right here but we're actually going to be switching back and forth between the cat ring and the poison ring so i'm going to be pointing out when that's important um and then also this is where i also fall and accidentally kind of get myself stuck so i have to redo this part a second time so i'm going to fast forward through all of that um and then we'll just skip back to the part where i fell and we'll continue from there because there's nothing that's different i do everything the same on that part uh so here this first section just be very careful of the footing you're gonna have to walk up to this enemy that's kind of just poking his head out of the corner of his elbow or whatever you're gonna want to get on the far left side of the platform here not too far just enough to get the shot on his arm or his head [Music] then as he's coming around the corner just get the rest of the shots [Music] nice and then that's done so you're gonna keep going down this path turn left right here just be very careful with the footing and then switch the poison ring at this point so you when you get into the water you're fine i think i'll wait a second just to kind of throw some skulls for these guys over here um usually i try to kill them with the bow but i think on this part i'm literally just gonna go for it and then i switch the poison ring a little bit late so you can have it before that if you want it's probably smarter these guys in the water that are moving are hostile the ones that are still or not you can break them uh so just watch out for any of them that are moving you want to take them out with the bow before you proceed if there's some moving but they're not in front of you or they're not going to block your path at all like they're very far away you're safe just make sure you're also aware of like if they're approaching you from island to island because you're gonna have to be going through different little segmented areas of islands so just be watching behind you two and then if your path is clear ahead and you've waited long enough to uh kind of wait out the poison because again keep in mind if you're moving from poison to poison the poison with breaks in between if the breaks are only like two seconds you're still going to get poisoned really quickly so you just got to wait you can't actually see the warning in this game so just kind of like feel it out with um maybe making a rule that you wait 10 seconds every time you get to an island after doing about 10 seconds of walking through the poison or you know maybe less than that but if you move through the way i am right here you should be safe uh there's only one part where you're actually close to getting poisoned uh that you have to kind of play that way and i'll point it out right here after this next segment so again we're just trying to get these guys out of the way cool all right and then um we've waited there long enough poison's not an issue so we can just go right through and there's still one more stretch after this and this is where um it's a little bit trickier so i think i go to the left here to make it to this like mini spot and then there's the final stretch and this is where i said they can sneak up on you from behind so i just take these guys out ahead of time so they don't even do that um and then i notice that there's only one of these guys that's actually posing a problem here blocking my path so now that that dude's out of the way we're fine and i can make a break for it here is where you can get poisoned if you don't do this pretty accurately so what you're going to want to sprint um and then basically once you're in range where you you can't pull the enemy but you're right about to you just want to throw a solar mains just one single one a little bit to the left on the ground level not up on the hill but just closer to where you are um right near the where the water is and it should get all of them if it doesn't um don't panic just try to like do your best to kind of like get to the island so you can roll normally and then just try to dodge the enemies throw another one to get them to not you know pay attention but the only thing you can do in that situation is just to be calm and try to get onto that island anyways and just deal with the enemies that weren't uh focusing on it and focusing on you instead here we're gonna take out the mosquitoes with the bow and then take out this guy um it's a little bit dark so i mean there's some mosquitoes that you can't see that easily so i just try to like pick them off ahead of time because i know where they are but if you don't um that one just popped into existence that was pretty crazy and there's like a weird one floating over here way in the back you can't lock onto it for whatever reason same thing with the first uh series of dudes that have the spears you're just taking them out with arrows uh they do take quite a few hits so it's kind of annoying but like if you're really patient on this part like you just can't lose by doing it this way it's it's very safe um i fall after this part so i'm gonna show you how you take out the rest of them quickly and then um there's one bonus thing to mention here that actually threw me off quite a bit there's an enemy that's hiding that's super hard to see that looks like part of the environment once these guys are dead and because they are illuminating the corridor with the fire you can't actually see him so he looks literally like you can actually see him right there you can see his butt sticking out and like so his arms like where the opening is with the um i guess the bridge or the the the guard the guard ropes but literally he looks like part of the map so um gotta be very careful there i think i point this out so you can see you can barely see him it's it's it's kind of funny but just make sure you get that guy because he will push you off of the the walkway or just again end the run regardless so get him first and i think i fall right here by accident so we're just going to skip through everything else get back to where we were again i kind of debate if i could still do it or not then i have to go get more uh arrows and soul remains so pay no attention to this if you do it the right way first you'll be fine and i just do everything again just got kind of unlucky and then [Music] we get back to this part again where we still have to kill the guts and you're invisible but again just always watch out for him having a hard time actually like seeing where the enemy is here this time and i don't throw soul remains on this part because there is a there's a hole beside you on the left side where there's gonna be a bunch of enemies that are pouring out of it right where the cursor is here so do not throw soul remains on that part unless you want to kill a lot more enemies for no reason and then cat ring back on here um i just do it for safety i mean it doesn't really matter and then i switch poison back i don't think you need to but again i haven't played this game extensively so we're gonna go with uh right the they say bright bugs we're gonna go with mesquite we're gonna kill the mosquitoes i can't speak i'm gonna kill the mosquitoes continue through here again making sure that poison rings on i don't think you could get poisoned from this exact section that easily but just in case and there's like these really weird special enemies that actually do poison clouds on you so if that were to even happen i'm not sure if that could mitigate it but just in case it doesn't really matter i'm gonna throw two of these soul remains out there really far so it gets not only just the two giants but also the guy that's has the poison aura on him the green dude and then here there's a little bit of like a trick so this is actually pretty uh like technical without even really looking like it so you actually have to um get a full sprint into here when you're in the water you want to stop you want to get full stamina and then you actually want to pause for a second because what that does is there's a guy moving already ahead of you and it'll actually just make him in a better position so it kind of reconfigures the area a bit so that pause is super important it's going to give you a free pass on this enemy that's on the right side here and then as soon as you make it to the next one you want to go around on the left side like that here um when you get to this corner make sure you turn super sharp and super fast because you're just going to get missed by the enemies right there as well and then as soon as you make it to this post throw a soul remains on it immediately go up this little walkway throw another soul remains on the wall here and then keep moving and that is basically every running section the entire game done so at this point you basically got the run as long as you kill this boss the other two are guaranteed i will show you what i mean so he does a series of cannon attacks with his arm the really fast burst of them is the one you want you can punish his hand three times if you rush up to him really quickly as long as you're attacking right around the time he's ending the last shot three is fine two is fine if you miss that kind of you know proximity you're a little bit further away and then for the single shots what happens is they rebound off the wall and then come back to you so if your setup isn't far enough away from where they're rebounding you're gonna have to run in a straight line or like a far distance for a while i got super lucky on this fight this is a terrible example of what it's actually like because he just kept de-aggroing and then also doing like the attack i wanted but when he does those single shots don't punish his uh his arm three times only run up and do it once if you're already sprinting as you've strafed those single shots and then run behind him as far as you can and look to see if they're chasing you they're gonna disappear about a foot to two feet away from behind you um and that's just the best way you're almost you're also gonna wanna be doing a circle as you're trying to avoid those those projectiles it's honestly just not a great example with this fight because it got i got really lucky on it um but you'll know what i mean when you practice it so single shots again just strafe them one attack on the way um past him on his arm that we were hitting and then you just keep sprinting and they'll just barely miss you and that's how you can still get damage but not just stall the fight right and then from this point cat ring on [Music] we're just kind of like reminiscing because he got the run we kind of knew we got the run at this point since it's like pretty much literally child's play at this point uh there's not even much to say about this next fight you literally just drop in uh you're gonna want to kill these enemies that are on the outside i was told that i'm not exactly sure how valid that is in terms of safety you might not have to so don't quote me on it if it's like essential or not i really don't know but i just kill them go for backstabs to be safer because the second swing that you uh do sometimes can swing you off the side so don't want to do two swings that are regular on some of these guys right by the cliff side you just want to go for the back steps and again we do that for everybody and then we get the bow out and we're just going to town so we have about 200 arrows here you only need a hundred and probably 50-ish 160-ish or so but yeah we're just firing arrows at australia uh she's gonna heal two times i believe maybe even three and uh we're just gonna basically out dps the heels with the amount of arrows we have because she can't really heal as quickly as we can do the damage right so um gonna fast forward through this and again you're just you're literally just sitting here shooting for like minutes and she's dead now to actually complete the game you don't need to go down to the arch stone to get her soul you just need to have her killed which i believe was a change in the newer version correct me if i'm wrong in the comments um but from this point all you need to do is use the next scale binding you can sacrifice all your souls if you still have an artstone shirt and you want to spend them on something you could but this is just like the end of the game so it's pretty easy everything you have on you right now should be enough as long as you have some arrows um and you don't need any souls so i would use the nexial binding on that part [Music] just talk to the maiden get into the uh under the nexus and then we're going into the old one at this point if you've done this i give you a congratulations because you are a scary a scary person because this runs pretty scary sometimes so um not this part particularly though which you'll see in a second so we're basically getting the bow out we're gonna just line up a bunch of shots with while locked on uh once he approaches and he's about like two feet away that's when i kind of rotate the uh the situation and get to the other side of the room now there's a part where like you can kind of dip into the fog gate a bit which you'll see me do at the very end don't go into the fog gate too deep just kind of like stay around the perimeter of where you like can enter it uh so you can still easily just not be trapped in a cubby right you want to have open space so leave space on your right and left don't go too far into this other room and you'll notice again he's just approaching he's approaching he's approaching you're shooting see how i get stuck here i kind of just realized okay like if i wait another second i'm in danger so i just dip out you still have enough time but that was kind of dangerous so i shouldn't have done that good example of what not to do there and then again just shooting and it's pretty much over at that point and that's the run guys so hopefully you enjoyed that doesn't matter what ending you choose i'm not going to judge you if you kill the maiden even though she's my favorite character it doesn't matter kill her if you want and if you do this run fairly accurately with what i just showed you and you also don't have to do two run backs on leechmonger or sorry dirty colossus on that running area you should be able to do the run in about two hours 15 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes i've gotten a 205 on this before so the completed run actually isn't even the best example um the 205 had mistakes on it i think i had two but um you can do this run really really fast so um this is also like a better example in terms of how efficient the time can be but if for whatever reason you find that it's hard for you to do it aggressively or quickly always just use the bow more often and use more items if you need to whatever makes you more comfortable and look at other people's runs too don't just use this guide if you want to have the best resources for everything and thank you for watching this as well if you are watching this when it's on youtube uh definitely like comment subscribe on it um hit the notification bell uh for more videos in the future that are coming up and uh thank you for watching it as well
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 19,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lets Play Demons Souls, Demons Souls 0 Damage, Demons Souls World Record, Demons Souls Speedrun, Dark Souls Speedrun, Dark Souls world Record, Dark Souls vs Demons Souls, Demons Souls vs Elden Ring, Elden Ring News, Reacting to Demons Souls, Demons Souls First Play, PS5 Demons Souls vs Ps3, How to Demons Souls, SL1 Demons Souls, Demons Souls No Hit Run, Demons Souls 0 Hit Run, Demons Souls Guide, Bluepoint Demons Souls, PS5 Speedrunning
Id: nIWUrRO7pEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 4sec (9604 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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