Deltarune Chapter 2 GASTER [Pipis] EGGS (Easter Eggs, Secrets, and References) PART 7

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How's it going everyone? My name is Graeme and welcome to 2 Left Thumbs. This is Even more gas drag. They just keep on coming and they don't stop coming. I really want to finish these before the end of the year, so I'm really trying to push forward here quite aggressively. This video is I guess brought to you by my own content. A lot of people think this is a Deltarune only channel and some just think maybe it's gaming in general. I try to cover a lot of topics. I view it as a variety channel. Maybe check out one of my game reviews. A video essay on a movie or review of a TV show. I have a big video cooking that's going to come out in a couple days or check out Graeme Games. I upload Let's Plays over there. If you like this content, there's probably something else for you either on this channel or that one. You probably have some time to kill over the holidays, go take a look around. I promise you'll find something else you like. Now, on to some of them savory yolky gigs. Apparently, the whole idea of having moss in your cell is a reference to the 1993 Super Nintendo game Illusion of Gaia in which you get thrown into a very similar looking cell although most cells kind of look the same and you have to interact with the moss specifically before your friend Lily breaks you out. This moss has seen thousands of prisoners come and go. Those prisoners must have been encouraged by any sign of life. When visiting Rudy in chapter one after the cut scene with Noelle, we can first interact with the sink. Now in chapter two if you interact with the sync before Rudy - And instead if you had interacted with the sync before Rudy in chapter one and again in chapter two - If you had interacted with the sink without these other interactions, Rudy asks if we're practicing for tonight's hand washing marathon. Showing that maybe this is some behavior that Kris has been exhibiting for a while. Maybe Rudy would come over to see Toriel and Asgore and Kris would disappear for long stretches of time running the sink just like we had seen at the end of chapter two. There are few other small actions that seem to feed into this. If you try to use the sink before school - And then in the final scene of the game getting ready to bake a pie with Toriel and Susie, were being steered away from the kitchen sink towards this privacy. Toriel asks Susie to wash your hands whereas Kris insists on it. But Kris also will not use the kitchen sink. If you interact with anything in the bathroom other than the sink - And if you say no, then the tap will be waiting until you choose to run it. Some external force seems to be guiding our actions towards the bathroom so we can run the tap as loud as possible, subtle influences rather than specifically demanding what happens. We have some very revealing interactions with the hospital piano starting back in chapter one. And when playing the piano - If at the end of chapter two with Susie with us - - Indicating that Kris is trying that they know they normally can play the piano. The implication between the VHS resulting from the video game piano tutorial as well as the two pixelated tutorials from also searching video game piano tutorial, some have interpreted this as being reference to the piano puzzle in Undertale suggesting that maybe Kris was playing this game within a game and that Undertale is a game within this world and they're looking up how to solve it but I think more what's happening here is that since Kris is not in control of their own body, they've seemingly forgotten how to play the piano and maybe as the controller of this character trying to blend in, we're attempting to relearn the tutorial ourselves through this video game we're playing. We or whoever is in charge of Kris's body. When back tracking our way through the game, if we go and hit up the hacker in his original location. Demo scenes aren't really a thing anymore. There used to be these demo parties or competitions where groups would throw together intros or demo scenes. As it was described to me in the comments, they used to be a kind of show off to other crack groups when starting up a cracked game. They were ways of showing off programming, visual art, and musical skills. They first emerged around the 1980s when we first started having home computers and the subsequent advent of software cracking. They would then remove the first party introductions to the game showing off who made it and instead putting in their own crack trose, which is a name that just does not roll off the tongue and they would compete amongst each other for the best visual presentation of these editions, often only being a few megabytes at the absolute most. It's crazy what they were capable of doing because these intros would only be about four megabytes to side of things I never really knew about. It's a topic I kind of want to look into further. So, thank you LightSpark. When the Queen captures everyone and is uncertain what to do with Ralsei we get this sort of cartoony beat of the screen zooming in on the Queen's face before all fading to black. It's a pretty common trope but it seems like the specific way this one was done including the sound effects was meant to be taken straight from Super Mario World. ♪♪ When we have the Queen's face on screen, the background is a green hill and fluffy cloudy sky. This is likely a reference to Bliss, the default computer wallpaper for computers running Microsoft's Windows XP operating system. I find that all the more believable considering all the tech in this world is being pulled from the library that has outdated computers. Bliss is a funny one because considering the number of people who had Microsoft computers at the time, it's been suggest that Bliss is the most seen image of all time. The Queen informs us that everything we see in our rooms are catered to us, gleaned from our internet search histories which would explain why everyone has a room in the cyber world including characters like Jockington and Caddy despite them never seemingly been brought here themselves. The Queen's mansion is more like this data warehouse. We all know that companies like Facebook and Google data mine as much from us as possible. Building up these personality profiles based on our search histories and interests. And so seemingly, the queen is putting together these profiles in the form of rooms to house people in the eventuality that they arrive in this cyber world. Interestingly, when inspecting these different rooms, we have things like Berdly and Jockington but we specifically have Caddy with a Y not Caddy with an I. Most of the other ones we see are Kris's classmates or othe similar age. Now alongside our literal brother Asriel, we have Caddy with a Y, someone who would instead have been Asriel 's age. So either their information has been cataloged the same as everyone else. Or there's a theory out there that at some point, Asriel and Caddy went on their own dark world adventure. And considering the much large theories that I'm not going to get into right now where I have previously thought that Noelle's sister is unfortunately dead, many have suggested maybe she's simply missing and that could be a story beat of a future chapter that death has been lost in a dark world all this time. Now, normally you check your inventory and allow Lancer to help you out of this cage if we attempt to use our phone. ♪♪ We have the usual garbage noise but Susie chimes in - If you do it again - And with the delay - We start hearing little noises, supposedly from Lancer trying to get our attention? It was relatively recently confirmed by Toby that the handsome Lancer face is a reference to the web comic Paranatural written by Zach Morrison. Apparently Toby's a big fan of it. This face from chapter five, page 22, seems to maybe be the best candidate for this reference especially considering the mention of hopes and dreams. With one of these songs in chapter one of Deltarune being Field of Hopes and Dreams. When Lancers bailing us out of the cell, he specifically overloads the computer with shovel requests. This is known as a dozens and dozens of shovels attack which is meant to be a play on a DDos attack. D-D-O-S dozens and dozens of shovels. This is a form of spam attack on someone's internal provider that overloads the server shutting down your connection to the internet. There is an added layer to this joke that you are particularly likely to get exposed to this sort of virus or attack through Shovel Ware. After the Queen wins this little carnival game and Noelle hands over a gift, Queen just hands this over to Kris and it's up to us to decide who receives the gift. I can't believe I haven't actually covered this branching option yet. When the full game's available, I'm going to need a better system. It's so easy to overlook little moments like this. Taking everyone to the boxes with amazing craftsmanship. And went asking Noelle about her cool cardboard box face. If after the whole team is back together, we go and interact with the stall that Noelle was hiding behind. Now considering that we know Susie doesn't have a great home life. The fact that Susie specifically admires these boxes, I don't want to go so far as to say that Susie lives in a box but maybe it's just that she's never really had toys growing up and instead has always had to make do with her imagination playing around in cardboard boxes, building up her own specific appreciation for them. And again, you can become lost in the craftsmanship. Obviously these pictures of Queen are modeled after Mona Lisa, you know, with the addition of fire breathing capabilities. But my favourite detail with these is that there's a little laughing segment of the song at which point all of the pictures stop spouting fire and actually laugh along with it for a moment. They're also seemingly playing that game where they make you look at a circle below your waist. The Queen's trolling us pretty hard there. You can talk to the different swatchlings while balancing this pottery through this room. They'll all say the same thing, "Please do not race the pottery", except for the very last swatchling although they only seem to have an alternate bit of dialogue if you talk to other swatchlings in the room first. Looking specifically at the task manager's design, color scheme, outfit, and even the width they use, it's all very similar to the ace attorney character, Franziska Von Karma. There's a lot going on with this character. I'll start with a quick gag when using Susie and Ralsei's R and S actions on the tasque manager. Alongside the barking, Susie has this little "beware of Susie" sign. You know, she's acting like a dog to try and scare the cats and if you have the Jevil's tail equipped, Tasque manager will specifically comment on it. And there's very similar dialogue for equipping the devil's knife simply ending with "now get rid of that devil's knife." Tasque manager, obsessed with order and a boar's chaos. Whip it good which itself is a referenced to an old Devo song simply titled "Whip It" with Whip It Good being one of the lyrics, but the game specifically capitalizes chaos and not order. This is some potentially elemental primordial force in this world and tasque manager seems to specifically be aware of Jevil and stands in opposition to them. Shouting things like order, order is kind of a common maybe trophy phrase for a character that seemingly also has these connections to a courtroom with the whole ace attorney reference going on and the tasque manager is obviously a play on a task manager, a computer function used for organizing and ordering the tasks you have open. The way it all ties into Jevil is very interesting. If we attempt to order the tasque manager, you ask task manager to show you order. She obliges. And once things are sufficiently organized, they can be spared. I've just found it so interesting that while the character of Jevil is entirely separate from everything else we see in chapter one with a few comments from Seam seemingly being the only thing we really have to go off of, We now suddenly have characters like Spamton and Tasque Manager that are specifically aware of them. They weren't always the hidden away reckless that we see now. ChainMail is just a brilliant gag, you know, like the medieval armor of having a male of chain but it's obviously also meant to reference the old spammy messages that were sent around back in the day. "Send it to 10 others or it'll lose its defensive rating." The Queen statues all around this room are all meant to look like the famous marble statue, The Thinker. An extra little gag, once you found the secret in this room and speak to the hacker - Just once again tying in the recurring idea of Super Smashing Fighters, our parody game of Super Smash Bros. Something Toby's obviously a big fan of, as well as connecting to fan mods of platform fighters like Project M designed to add additional characters to those games. Looking at the egg in Susie's room - After her conversation with Tim, Susie went and specifically looked up can they hatch? Back in chapter one when you have to pick a partner for your project,m when you talk to Tem - At which point they pull out this egg. It's a black and white hard boiled egg. Sadly, seems like it already has a partner. I was wondering if she looked up this information and then brought it to Tem but I think Susie would have went and looked this up specifically after talking to Tem - Imitating the way Tem would say it harboil eggs rather than hard boiled. Temi was seemingly so insisted that Susie started to doubt how eggs work and went looking it up. Bear with me, this is going to take a minute to get where I want to go but I'm about to go deep on something highly specific in these two chapters. It hasn't really mattered yet but it's going to be huge when the full game releases. Seemingly light works as an inverse in the dark world. We instead have Darkbulbs instead of Lightbulb that cast bright shadows on the ground and then we fill up the space with the dark. It's just kind of fun conceptually to have things work as an inverse that way but it also adds a lot more significance to the Shadow Crystal. We're seeing that here in the dark world, a shadow is something of significance, potentially a positive thing the way we would think of a bright light. Symbolically, we think of darkness and shadows as be bad things. These are good to the darkness. So, while we can assume this cryptic shadow crystal will play an important role in future chapters, it may actually lead to something good. I mean, that's one interpretation. The two shadow crystals we get come from defeating Jevil and Spamton, two characters who have seemingly gone completely mad. Seen how maybe they're not the best thing. There are different interactions with the Shadow Crystal using them in the dark or light world whether you have one of them or two with just the one from the devil. A sharp shadow moves like water in the hand. So maybe Jevil either realized he was in a game or just that he's some darkness fueled inanimate object. We can then inspect it again in the Overworld. When inspecting the ShadowCrystal, there is a small shard of something in your pocket. And if you attempt to drop it, - When you have that first chapter ShadowCrystal and use it in the castle town - And when you have a second one to you in chapter two - And if used again it doesn't seem very useful and using that one in the Over World - And again for some reason you're unable to drop this item. Interacting with Seam on a fresh save or simply one where you had never fought and defeated Jevil, he'll simply talk about moving to a new world and hints that maybe you should come see him if you ever encounter a super special old secret treasure instead visiting him on a save file where you had previously defeated Jevil. Anyone who seen my Gaster videos will know the significance of highlighting "Him". If you have only the first Shadow Crystal and complete the second chapter - He seemingly wants you to abandon it all together if you weren't able to obtain this second one. When we try to use this thing on our own, we're told it's not very useful, yet we have Seam over here implying that Shadow Crystals are something we're only going to encounter with incredibly powerful beings. If you did not obtain the Jevil Shadow Crystal but you do have the Spamton Neo one - Seam and this Darkworld as a whole seemingly have an awareness of these alternate and universes which spawn from our different save files. If you ever defeated Jevil even if it wasn't through this specific save, you can go to this cliff side and retrieve the missing Shadow Crystal and any of the Jevil items you would have earned, and finally, talking to Seam with both Shadow Crystals. Giving us a tease of something we'll have to keep an eye out in a future chapter. There are different points in the game where you can do some major backtracking. I pitched in an earlier video maybe showing the dialogue that changes when doing so and people encouraged me to include that in a future video. So, I'll show some of that here now and save the rest of it for the inevitable eighth video. Yes, there is going be a number eight. That should be the last one. And I mean, really it's the ninth if you include the Spamton Eggs video. That one seemed to go kind of unnoticed. Maybe I shouldn't have titled it differently but I was - I was kind of doing a thing with that. So yeah, if you missed that video check that one out too. Doing a quick backtrack first after facing off with the three musical robots - I don't know if that's supposed to be like a gangster's paradise thing. Probably not. And just a few short screens later, we actually have a WearWire wearing that very same hat and he does appear to be gone. It seems like he was actually captured in the end. There's not a lot to see backtracking there. It's pretty early in the game but if you do so again after first reaching the Queen's mansion and breaking free, I'll work my way forward and show off dialogue that's changed in this time. There is now a lone pot from inside the Queen's mansion and when you trigger it we get chased down by a pop up. Previously you were filled with the power of this cat sign in front of the save point. Here you're mostly filled with the power of fluffy boys and mean girls. The cat sign still comprises about one of it. The first time around, we are filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is and when coming back, Noelle is no longer in your party. All of you are filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is. Inspecting the pylon - Speaking specifically with the Addison who would normally offer to give us the marriage shoes with Noelle. It's not very often a games, we see someone assuming a set of three characters or a thrupple. I'm sure that's some fans ultimate fantasy. Someone in the comments said they suspect that this existential dread character icon man is a visual and personality reference to a snake-like character seen in Princess Remedy in a heap of trouble. That's a game and series that I'm not really familiar with and I couldn't really find information on. I don't want to rule out that it may not be a reference but I'm definitely going to need help with that one. In the area that once had the golden Berdly statue - So I'm guessing he's talking about trashy who was just always dancing around. He's a better role big garbage. And as we know, it's just kind of shoved down into a toilet. Our musical friends are gone. We no longer even have music in this area of the game. It's totally silent. And the tea guy actually will still sell you tea. This is how you're able to get flavours of Susie and Ralsei as well - If you took the shortcut back to an earlier part of the game and walked your way all the way through these traffic sections, we then have this enormous toilet blocking our path. Back when Toby was giving early teases of this chapter, he actually included this image I think tried to throw people off, sharing something from the game but not anything significant and something kind of utterly disconnected from the rest of what's going on. You actually can't pass it whatsoever. I think it's just meant to generally make fun of the idea of having arbitrary obstacles in the way of your characters so they can't progress to areas when the developer doesn't want them to rather than putting up a simple barricade. Toby chooses to mess around with this trope by having Undying doing bench presses with a car or just throwing a toilet in front of us. And that's everything I've got for now. We're in that home stretch. Take a look around the channel. Keep an eye out. I have a few more major videos coming before the end of the year and I'm pretty proud of them. Especially the one I have coming midweek. Totally different for me but I'm really excited for it. Thank you all so much for watching. Thank you to patrons of the channel for their additional support and I hope to see you all again soon.
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 160,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, deltarune chapter 2, gaster eggs, gaster eggs deltarune, deltarune gaster eggs, deltarune secrets, deltarune all secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune chapter 2 easter eggs, deltarune chapter 2 gaster eggs, deltarune nubert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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