Deltarune Chapter 2 GASTER [Pipis] EGGS (Easter Eggs, Secrets, and References) PART 8

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How's it going everyone? My name is Graeme and  welcome to 2 Left Thumbs. This is More Gaster   Eggs. Without plugging anything too specifically,  I would ask that you guys go and check out   2 Left Thumbs over on Steam. We released the  Rogue-like Shooter Dead Estate two months ago and   coming up in 2022, I'm publishing a compilation  of the old Fancy Pants Adventures Flash Games,   some of the best online platformers ever  made and I'm now working with the original   creators of Alice is Dead, one of the best  point and click Flash game adventures ever   made but that one isn't just a compilation.  It is being completely remade from scratch.   I'll have a link to that. Give it a look and wish  list any of the games that would appeal to you. Wishlists are the number one way you can support  unreleased games and maybe give that space a   follow because I definitely plan to announce  more things in 2022. With a game this large,   it's only natural that there would be  plenty of instances of unused Sprites,   dialogue, and counters and  all sorts of different things. There are dedicated channels that have showed a  lot of that off. I'm not going to tie it in here   except for instances where Toby is obviously  laying a trail of breadcrumbs for us. In   chapter one, we had these strings of text  that were simply titled "unused". These are   intentionally left buried in the code. It's a  sort of thing he did all the time in Undertale. In chapter one, we had - And this  has been continued on in chapter two. We don't know who's lost or where but expect  this to be built upon in future chapters   slowly building up the mystery. Man, it actually  kind of makes me wish these chapters were dropping   just one at a time. I've loved slowly watching  all of this unfold. At the end of the previous   episode I missed a bit of dialogue with Sean  where he describe the missing Shadow Mantle.   If you talk to him again - There are many  unused items, equipments, armors, weapons, all sorts of things in the game files. Seemingly, the most important is the unused Sky Mantle. A cape that shimmers fluorescently. Protects against electric and Holy attacks. There are currently no attacks in the game that have the Holy element set. Considering the significance of the angel to the Deltarune  Prophecy and the fact that one of the chapters of this game is definitely going to take  place in or around the church. We've received a few hints for that. We can expect this holy  element to become important around that time. The background of Seam's shop was drawn by Timmy  Chang. It changed very slightly for chapter two made to much more closely resemble Tenny's  original character who starred in her own   original game Dweller's Empty Path. At the very  beginning of chapter one, Ralsei's kindness is set   to one hundred. Similar to the way that Susie  starts off with 100 rudeness and crudeness. Throughout the first chapter, we start to chip  away at Susie's rudeness down now to ninety-nine   and by the time we've reached chapter two,  we've seen further changes. Susie's rudeness   has wound down to about 89 and for some reason  Ralsei now has sweetness instead of kindness   and it has been knocked off of that 100 mark. I recorded some of the next bits of footage like a  month ago. I really thought they had made it into   a video and kind of just got lost in the shuffle.  That's what happens when you make this many videos   on the subject. When heading down through this  traffic towards the area where we have the dog   surprise, there is one lone door in all of  the cyber world that can be interacted with. And there's no further interactions with it.  That is the one and only payoff of that joke.   While I'm back down here, I wanted to share  that Toby messed with us two years before   this chapter dropped. Sharing a picture of  this annoying white dog in a little toy car.   "This is the last thing you see before  you die". And somehow he wasn't kidding. You can collect flavored teas of each individual  character. The gag surrounding that is quite funny   but then we can start feeding everyone teas  flavored like each other and there's a few   funny interactions that spawn from that. If we  first take the Kris Tea, Susie has no reaction,   giving it to Susie, "hell yeah,  apple juice. Don't drink so fast". Giving it to Ralsei, "taste like blueberries.  Huh? Really?" Giving the Suzy tea   to Kris, "stop looking at me". They seem into it.  Susie tea to Susie, "this is tea?" And to Ralsei,   "it's grape juice. Huh? Really?" And the  Ralsei say tea to Kris no reaction. I'm happy.   To Susie, "hey, it's like marshmallows.  D-don't drink so fast." And to Ralsei,   "isn't this water?" We can also get the Noelle tea  to hand out, "Do they like it? They're drinking   it." To Susie, "hell yeah, eggnog. D-don't drink  so fast." And to Ralsei, "it's soft and sweet."   And giving everything to Noelle, "Um, do  they like it or not?" Noelle tea to herself,   "This is just water. You're pranking me, right?"  Kris tea "tastes like cinnamon. What is this after   taste?" Because of when Noelle leaves the  party, you actually have to hack the game   to able to give her the Ralsei or Susie teas but  there is still dialogue programmed in the game   for it. Ralsay tea, "there's nothing in here". And  Susie tea, "wonder if they sell this in gallons?"   and you'll notice that the Susie tea heals 400  far more than any other specific interaction. So, nothing is really consistent between  the characters. I know there's a video   that exists that is the Deltarune tea  theory. I haven't watched it myself.   After I finish making my own videos here, I  should really go give that a watch because   there is seemingly a lot to be  read into these interactions. The way Lancer specifically dances  and spins around through our inventory   appears to be a reference to  the secret of mana shopkeeper.   The dance moves are just very specific  and seem to be pulling directly from that.   That's so specific and I absolutely love it  and I'm fairly confident this is intended. Now, obviously trapping mice is  a thing. But very specifically,   having this little red cage makes me think  that it's all intended to be a reference to   the board game Mouse Trap. This third annoying  mouse room puzzle really seems to indicate that   time is of the essence encouraging  you to move things as quickly as   possible. Your lucky desk isn't here,  otherwise you'd be face down in a mousepile. And if you literally just never do the puzzle  every time the mice pop up and save you and   progress things without any input from you.  So, you can actually complete the entire   puzzle without doing a single thing and with  Berdly's line - She has the joke wrong. If a   12-hour clock were frozen on a certain time  of day, it would be right twice a day. So,   the gag there that he's just wrong about that.  There are two different versions of the teacup   ride. One where Noelle gets left behind and one  where she joins. First, where she gets to join. Up top, Noelle volunteers to stay standing on the  switch. We have the clue up top - After you drop Noelle off to volunteer, we can flip a switch  up in the top right and as we come back down -   She joins back up to the party and with  all four of us at the teacups - Instead,   if after dropping Noelle off, you climb back  down the stairs skipping the switch at the top. And up top we can open the  chest for some balloons. Yay.   And as we return ... Susie warns - This is  a bit of a callback to chapter one when Lancer threatens to put all of our blood  in a big pale which itself was a homestuck   reference which then potentially ties back  together specifically with this room of the   light or rather shadow puzzle. The pink house  itself is somewhat like the homestuck logo. While it's certainly not a one to one, people have  suggested that maybe these different symbols are   meant to represent some of the different aspects  from the homestuck series. This wave could either   be breath or life. The radiating sun could be  the aspect of light. And then I don't know,   this big blob of a cloud or something could be  hope? Definitely the least identifiable. It's   all pretty loose. I'm not overly confident  in any of it but it's kind of interesting   with the connection to pales and we know that  Toby's simply even involved in that series. After Ralsei rejoins the team, these  swatchlings have something to say about it. Once you push Lancer all the way to the table for  his little spaghetti dinner and if you leave and   come back, the spaghetti is missing. He seems to  be well taken care of. Somehow still managing to   eat his dinner. Checking this horn by yourself, it  tells a about Susie fitting her head in the tube   coming back with her - Checking the computer it  says that it can't play the skateboarding game. Even though there's seemingly two copies of it -  totally bogus. There is a item you can buy that is   the ButJuice, short for Butler Juice it  changes color with temperature same as the   swatchlings do and if you try to give it to Susie  specifically, "how'd you call this?" reacting   to the ButJuice and we also have SpaghettiCode,  woven by master coders the spaghetti code item is   a reference to a running joke that Team Fortress  2 has "SpaghettiCode." Basically building a game   over that many years makes the code increasingly  complex and unwieldy. It's been documented that   the developers started leaving notes to themselves  in the code over how poorly some of it was strung   together, leading to jokes about spaghetti code.  This concept and joke has now been applied to all   sorts of games and really when it comes down to  it, all games kind of have spaghetti code because   making games is hard and it rarely comes out as  you intended when first writing things out and   then from there, it's just a matter of trying  to adapt, change and fix things as you go. So, while there's an origin for spaghetti  code, basically every game is spaghetti code. Which gives us a little bit of context  as to why there was an way that was   filled with cheese. I thought about including  everyone of Susie and Ralsei's S and R actions   but most of them just aren't that interesting but  I really like the one when used against the mouse. The mouse wheel line "Rolling around at the  speed of mouse" is a reference to Rolling   around at the speed of sound. The first line  of the Cityscape theme from Sonic Adventure 2. ♪♪ Towards the top of the mansion  - With the shelf specifically   blocking a pathway that would  allow us to easily backtrack. This is a reference to an old film,  Birth of a Nation. One of the most   controversial films ever made as it is  considered a fantastically well film   but it is one that argues in favor of racism  with the KKK being seen as the story's heroes.   It's actually pretty dark to think  the queen is brainwashing and   indoctrinating her subjects like this if the  actual subject matter shares anything in common. Considering how careful this series is, how it  uses and presents character pronouns, I find it   very interesting that the knight is specifically  refer to as It, creating a fountain by its hand.   Not he, she or there. That could just be  to keep a little bit of the mystery going   or it could actually be a little piece of  evidence. And again towards the end when the Queen   is describing the knight - Potentially this is  just used because these characters appear to know   nothing about the Knight. Queen threatens Noelle  to listen, stop hesitating. "If you don't come,   a certain bird might take a ride in the acid  river." Sounding as though she's directly   threatening Berdly but as we eventually see,  this is something quite literal, not even a lie. It's no secret that Toby is a big fan of the  French RPG maker game Off. It's a well-known   cult classic. Both games were obviously inspired  by earth bound and this section ties in a few   references. There are also sections of Off  that need to be navigated with a swan boat.   In that game crossing a river of meat. And as a  funny visual reference, it kind of works as an   inverse where the land is neon green and in  Deltarune, it's the acid river that's neon green. And the melody of this track Acid  Tunnel of Love has some similarities   to the song featured in Off, A Stab of Happiness. ♪♪   If you insist on fighting Rouxls rather  than taking part in the little mini game, And after just a few short attacks, "you won!"  Except then Rouxls immediately claims that he won.   When you had the duck thrash machine and Rouxls  six it upon you - This is potentially a reference   to the infamously misquoted line from the  Wizard of Oz. Everyone always quotes it as "Fly,   my pretties! Fly". I haven't had that in my own  head. Apparently, it's actually just "Now fly.   Fly." "Now, fly! Fly!" While later calling Dorothy  my pretty. Over the years we've just kind of   mashed the two of those together. When we pose for  our photo crossing the river, choosing to do the   peace sign is a reference to earth bound. When  the photo guy randomly shows up and Ness gives   them the peace sign. Even the way Ralsei and Kris  turn towards the screen rather than the camera   could be mimicking the way Ness would similarly  face the screen rather than the photo guy. When on the Ferris wheel  discussing looking out the window,   Susie says seeing everything small makes  her feel like Susiezilla or something. This is paid off at the end of  the game if somewhat indirectly.   When Kris and Susie are watching  TV together on the couch,   they're watching a purple dinosaur on the TV who's  wrecking the city. A giant monster movie special. Seemingly watching some version of a  Susiezilla-like program. Susie telling Berdly,   "May the smarts be with you" is meant to be a riff  on "May the force be with you." "May the force be   with you. Goodbye, old friend. May the force be  with you." And Birdley follows that up later with   "May the smarts not be with you". The queen  mentions our screens of funny animals and candied   games. Which funny animals could just be any sort  of meme or silly cat video, anything like that.   But Candy Games is potentially a reference  to popular mobile games like Candy Crush. The Queen herself even admits that  she's primarily a mobile gamer. This is likely a nod to a track  from the undertale soundtrack.   "Can you really call this a hotel? I  didn't receive a mint on my pillow or   anything." When we bring Susie back to Berdly -  This is a reference to the common anime archetype   tsundere. I can't quite hit my Rs the way  you're supposed to in Japanese. The terms   tsun tsun means to turn away in disgust or  anger, while dere is to become affectionate.   I've tried my best at the pronunciation.  It's my first stab I've ever taken at it. So turning away in disgust and to become  affectionate Berdly is implying that   Susie is a tsundere character arc where  she is rude to him to hide her feelings   and will eventually become affectionate. Now, that is a common thing and has been  around for centuries, a kiss for luck   but the way it's presented here  is seemingly directly a reference   to everybody's favorite Zelda  game, Link the Faces of Evil. "How about a kiss? Lock. You've got  to be kidding." It's somewhat generic   but knowing the way Toby likes to reference  this game and series, it's much more likely   to be an actual reference. When we assemble our  own mega mega fighter to fight the Giga Queen,   all the different characters are assembled in a  way that feels very reminiscent to constructing   a megazord in Power Rangers. This reference is  further reinforced by the music Powers Combined. This song is specifically made   to match the main theme of the old  Super Nintendo Power Rangers game. ♪♪   Going even further with  that, the battle theme here,   Knock You Down, shares a sound font with the  end boss theme of that same Power Rangers game. ♪♪   And the way the characters start  announcing my Jpeg and now their skills  that they're contributing feels a lot like  the assembling of the fellowship of the ring. "You have my sword" "And you have my bow" "And  my axe." All of the different trash machine heads   result in different special attacks. The  laser head has laser mode which has fast   attacks. Increasing damage somewhat and allows  for faster punches for a turn afterwards.   Sword head has sword mode. Power up each hit.  Increases damage moderately and makes each   successive hit stronger until the next miss.  Flame head has fire mode with power attacks,   increases damage from attacks afterwards  with about 420 initial damage on phase one. And of course we have the duck mode  with sucky attacks. With the duck head,   using the duck mode attack which are listed  as being sucky, "A totally sucking aura fired   up". It's not that these attacks are bad, it's  that they actually suck up life to heal you. I don't know the exact conditions but after making  it through the first two rounds without getting   hit by specific attacks, the Queen will power up  with this glowing blue aura. I believe it makes   her faster and stronger but it also results in her  taking more damage. If no buttons are pressed when   first trying to attack the Queen - Press the  buttons to dodge and to punch and if you whiff   one more attack, one more time, press to dodge and  to punch which will then repeat on any subsequent   failures. If you do not react to the Queen's big  final baseball attack - If you lose against the   Giga Queen, she repeatedly ducks down, referencing  the action of teabagging in multiplayer games.   I've seen it pointed out that this middle titan  seen when Ralsei describes the roaring is quite   possibly the statue that we give the umbrella  to in Undertale. In the library at the end of   the game, one of the books is on souls. In  Undertale, it's established that monster   souls are composed of love, hope, and compassion  while human souls do not need any of these traits. This appears to be further reinforced with  this text although it never specifies if we're   talking about monster or human souls.  The soul is considered to be the font   of compassion. The source of our  will. The container of our life force.   But even now the true function of it is unknown. People have theorized that this character will  slide one position back per chapter allowing   us to access one more bookshelf at a time to  obtain additional lore. I considered this next   little cut scene somewhat unmissable but several  people have told me it might be worth including. At the end of chapter two, far off to the south  by this door, there is a little cut scene. If you try to head home before revisiting  that original dark world - Up by the lake,   Onion mentions a song that they can hear by  the sea. This could potentially connect to   the character Shiron who we see sick in the  hospital. Looks like she's resting her voice.   Onion even mentioned that the song was cut  short. In my pieces of Gaster volume two video,   I outlined ways in which Shiron has been given  additional significance outside of these games.   So, it would come as no surprise for  them to be tied in in a deeper way here. After the cut scene, Toriel and Asgore comes into  Sans' shop, we can again talk to this weird cat. Just a bit of commentary on the way Sans  normally comments on things. Especially   when seen in the casino of Undertale where  his entire purpose was to comment on things.   There's actually one more layer to  this magazine dialogue in Sans' shop. In Mega Man Legends - If we went knocking on this  door back in chapter one - Now knocking in chapter  two - We've moved up from beginner to amateur. The origins of Sans and papyrus in both this  game and undertail are already so mysterious.   I made an entire video about Sans that circles  that idea quite heavily. I'm telling you,   there's something to this. In chapter one,   Onion and Sans both told us to come back tomorrow.  We've now seen the payoffs of those setups. We have new one in chapter two when visiting  Hapstablook. When you indicate that you're   there to see someone else - When inspecting the  graves at the end of the game, "these three right   most graves" represent the different monsters  that were turned into amalgamates in Undertale.   Susie will chime in when inspecting the  one shaped like a moon with a microphone. With this one specifically that we're  blocked from being that for lemon bread,   an amalgamate that was made out of Shiron's  sister. Again, tying in this character. This is   absurd. I'm a crazy person but I'm pretty sure  there's one more of these videos coming. It's   already like 60% done and I debated making one  extra long video here but I've fallen behind on   your guys' comments. So, I need to comb through  the comments of the last few videos to make   absolutely sure I've gathered as much information  as I possibly can to remain fully comprehensive. And hey, while you're waiting, I have  a huge video premiering on Wednesday,   sharing my thoughts on how I think the Star  Wars franchise could be improved. If that's   something you think will remotely interest  you, then yeah, set yourself a notification.   Come tune in. We're going to watch it  together live. It's going to be good fun. If you don't care about that, maybe go wishlist  a couple of those games on Steam. It's all kinds   of things you could be doing. What are you -  what are you doing listening to this this end   ramble. It's not going anywhere important.  But you, you got important places to go. Alright, thank you guys so much for watching. I'm  losing it. I've been working on videos too long.   Thank you to patrons of the channel  and I hope to see you all again soon.
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 205,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, deltarune chapter 2, gaster eggs, gaster eggs deltarune, deltarune gaster eggs, deltarune secrets, deltarune all secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune chapter 2 easter eggs, deltarune chapter 2 gaster eggs, deltarune nubert
Id: zGe1MERbic4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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