DELTARUNE (Chapter 2) but stupidly summarized

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No no no, I am the chad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Berdly_the_Smart 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
spoiler warning 30 years ago toby fox graced us with a definitive sequel to nut dealer and then ascended into the heavens until the second coming of chris chan just a few months ago this is part two to the stupid summarization of deltaru and before we dive into the quirky and unique world that's delta i uh behold this video is sponsored by manscape as the pinnacle of manliness and masculinity i have brought before you the greatest collection of men's tools this is the performance package 4.0 package a grooming and hygiene kit to keep your inner gamer at bay and this is the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer which is especially great at trimming your beard it's super safe on your skin to reduce nicks and cuts and since it's waterproof you can even use it in the shower like watch this see it works fine and this is the crop preserver ball deodorant ball and the crop reviver ball to help keep your midsection smelling less gamer and more masculine gamer but enough talk time for the test run hey future sofas here i've just been informed that i can't use that footage because uh youtube will get mad at me if i do sorry about that for a limited time when you buy the performance 4.0 kit you'll receive two free gifts the shed travel bag and the manscaped antique chafing briefs if you order from manscape today using my link below you'll get 20 off as well as free international shipping as well as the two free gifts when you use promo code sofas at checkout manscape the perfect tools for your family jewels it means your p upon starting chapter 2 for the nintendo 2ds chris chan is rudely awakened by his mother who reminds him of the fact that during the previous night he ate her no we're not doing this again chris chan devoured the pie that toriel made the night before i can see why he must have been looking for a snickers to revert back to normal and successfully found it within that snack it's a good thing too because chris chan would have caused some serious harm to furry town if he didn't turn back to normal asap well anyway toriel says that she may need to lock the oven again again what happened before and then leaves so that chris chan may once again prepare for school and in order to prepare for another day of staring at a clock for 8 hours he performs his daily routine of flushing the toilet over and over for the fun noise that makes once he's assimilated with the rest of public school society the teacher scolds sussie for kicking her desk maybe she wouldn't do that the students were allowed to sit down rather than stand in place for eight hours it's like they're learning to be cashiers or something oh damn school's over chris chan must have passed out from staring at the clock wondering if it was actually broken or if time was actually moving that slowly anyways chris chan finds his new friend sussy outside the classroom and the two prepared to jump back into the closet which would certainly have no weird implications for any outsider observing the two sneaking in there together oh hey speaking of outside observers this random deer just spotted us yeah we're just two friends chilling in the closet just like any ordinary person would do rudolph tells us to have fun and leaves them be honestly really lucky for us because if she had a little more common sense she would have been able to figure out that we were superheroes but enough talk epic anime transformation also superhero landing oh wait we can't start the cool stuff yet because no one in portsmouth is here actually wait that's not true this dummy here lets us give it a big hug as if it can say no alright chris chan has to go back to the real world to collect all this junk which i can only assume would be the dark world residence then he neatly puts them together to create a fancy hat team fortress 2 better take notes then that's a that's a reference and then i remember that a good deal if you kindly requested that referred to chris chan as they them and since i want all of you to continue buying my company's products here's an apology letter from brand incorporated that we wrote on pad anyways they returned to the dark world to breathe life into castle town lancer is back and so is rules car alright now that everyone in portsmouth is here wait what do we do now oh cool weenie hut made us all bedrooms custom made for each person's taste that's awesome you can be on the list of important people now at least that is until he learns that we have homework to do and banishes us from the kingdom until we get it done not cool man like come on i always make sure to set aside the class period or two to get my homework finished lancer however is a bros and rapidly rotates until he becomes a key item in my inventory that means he's gonna be useful during this chapter right but more importantly rules card also enters my inventory as well and while the narrator makes it seem like noah wanted him to join i did and that's all that matters transition clip back when dancer was watching us chill in the closet together she asked chris chan if they could bring sussy to the library to work on their school project together and the way she asked well i'll just say that we're not the only ones spending time in the closet today but regardless chris chan passes by the ridiculous traffic in town the police seem to be helping as per usual and before they enter the library i hear one of the funny songs from the previous game nut dealer a good nostalgia they then go into the library and after a whole five minutes of not being sure where the other partners are or what they're supposed to do susie decides to say screw it and play video games well that's just my average study session in a nutshell but when she opens up the door to get to the library's computer lab the door leads to a dark abyss probably an allegory for the rabbit hole of gaming when you're supposed to be working but hey it's not like we're gonna do work anyways may as well jump in wow techy stuff high stakes gameplay oppressed minorities we're practically in gamer wonderland wait is that prancer oh well she just got taken away whoever did this will pay dearly speaking of which it seems that the antagonist has derived i know this is the antagonist because she's on the thumbnail for every let's player under the sun she introduces herself as queen a computer robot thing and lets us know that she could have easily captured us if she had simply brought more cages but there's only one cage that can defeat chris chan that's prison now you won't believe this but queen has this shtick where she's trying to achieve world domination but she's very quirky and unique in the sense that her only motivation is that it just seems cool somehow her plan of turning well into a robot is supposed to help her achieve this anyway she leaves the scene by turning the oppressed citizens of the land into monsters sussie an expert at dealing with wires throws chris chan to cut them free from their enslavement chris sussy and no one else then make their way through the cyber city a paradise for gamers like myself who love tech stuff because liking tech stuff makes you very smart like me oh wow these are tasks like you know programs on your computer i know this because i'm a gamer and this basic puzzle i know how to solve this because i'm a gamer and oh we found queen trying to force dasher to signing a release form to be turned into a robot it's okay though because dasher can do the unthinkable reading the terms and conditions before signing the form chris and sussy both reassure vixen that she won't be turned into a robot oh wait she didn't actually read the terms and conditions yeah i knew that was an impossible task i wouldn't be able to do that either and in order to stop us in our tracks queen invites us to face during the athletic sport of gaming but a voice rings inside chris chan's mind reminding them of the obvious that they're an incredibly talented gamer god they're so relatable there's just one problem chris chan is too short and weak to use the controls never mind they're not relatable anymore however as queen is relishing her victory a stool magically appears before chris chan and sussy uses her strength to assist chris chan in using the game's controls and well i don't need to show you this part because you already know that i kick her ass easily did i mention that i'm a gamer in fact my gaming skill is so powerful that the arcade machine explodes but queen is unfazed and offers us a choice perish or embrace her bosom and while that ladder option is really enticing sassy knocks our dialogue options out the window forcing queen to leave without allowing us to embrace her bosom actually i do get another chance for you see typing in the words agreed to all should allow me to do just that at least that's what i'm assuming i don't know because i didn't read the terms and conditions but through the gamer world we go and we end up running into the rebels a resistance squad in order to prove that we're not helping queen we beat them in the dance battle a spectacular performance by christian no doubt which obviously means we're friends now we probably get to join the resistance now because no dystopian universe is complete without generic resistance force plotline oh cool fireworks and look there's chris there's sussie but then there's this strange pattern that appears to be a face i've never seen before alright now we continue through discount cyber chase until we get on the tram that definitely has nothing to do with queen here oh wait these are all go cars that's cool i'm really good at gocarly because i'm a gay oh queen i didn't expect to see you here she's finally brought capturing capsules wait how'd you miss i mean i guess the plot doesn't demand would be captured yet and you brought comet why'd you bring comet feeling extra quirky and random today are we after attempting to flirt with sussy queen realizes that whatever plan she had wasn't working so she brought in the next person behold birdly the valiant warrior of brave intelligence this has entered the fray lord burnley or soon to be super lord birdly is teaming up with queen against her will to turn this land of fools into a smart topia where wait is he planning to commit genocide on those with no smarts that's a bit harsh well at least i'd be safe from it because i am very intelligent wait burnley's offering to let me scrub the royal toilet if i join their side sweet i love the fun noise that the toilet makes when you flush it all right you've convinced me oh well then again these are persona dialogue options so i do have to fight him regardless birdly and queen well not qui because queen calls in sick fight us using the power of burly smart however we notice that we are riding bumper cars and continuously bump into his car until the coaster suddenly blows up and burnley falls to his death probably not because he seems like an important character queen seems to care a lot but she lets us know that no one finished the tracks i mean queen does work in government it makes sense that she can't finish anything so we also fall to her deaths but not really because we're important characters well most of us here the two find the fork in the road and they also find a branching pathway so chris chan and sussy split up to complete their tasks chris chan makes his way through the cyber city and after failing to commit insurance fraud they find cupid who probably escaped after queen knocked her off the coaster earlier and before even the second passes queen comes calling so she hides in the alley as queen arrives on scene and since both her and chris chan's teammates are missing she proposes a truce but then birdly comes calling and in order to escape from his presence she hides in the alley as well to create your classic scooby-doo-esque type scene after making a bunch of references to gaming which i understand because i'm a gamer burnley makes a truce with chris chan double true sees that's pretty low but then bernie heads out honestly i don't see what queen has against him i kind of like him he is a gamer after all and i guess i can kind of see part of myself in him but anyway she heads out as well so i guess now we're trucing with cupid wrong we don't do triple true seas but of course because we are playing persona i mean we're playing fire emblem our choices don't matter and she follows us around anyway they solve puzzles together chris chan and the other enemies teach donner how battles work they both fail to commit insurance fraud they solve more puzzles blitzen gets a revenge on chris chan and now that i'm out of reindeer names i'll just refer to her as noel from now on la mao i may or may not have laughed at that for a solid minute honestly i kind of like queen she's super random but also smarter than she looks just like me xt this line here totally isn't relevant to myself for that matter la mao oh nice she wants to play video games with me my queen how could i refuse i am a gamer after all but then birdly had to drop a statue that he made down destroying the arcade machine and also destroying that great moment we were sharing i honestly don't blame her for practically ditching birdly right after that was the pretty low blow of him alright noelle it feels weird calling you that it's time to keep the plot moving through capitalism the city we go should i tell you that i know what that is because i'm a gamer whoa look it's burglary again he recognized that we performed double true sees with noel and initiates battle with us and while i'd like to kick his in for ruining the arcade machine we are pacifists after all so we defeat him by having noel act smart and having chris chan play dumb and thus birdly takes his leave god i just can't believe how cool he is sometimes but it wasn't long before we run into queen again who is still trying her best to get away from burnley and she coerces chris chan and noel to get into the car in order to find noel whose disguise is incredibly convincing and for some reason she's making chris chan drive big mistake christian wishes to destroy this capitalist society we live in starting with this stupid concept known as traffic luckily for them running into the cars is encouraged and the party makes their way down the street until stop everything chris get the banana and now that we've acquired the all-important potassium chris chan is forced to stop because there are far too many cars to push their own car through which means chris chan has to get out of the car to hit the traffic button just imagine society if we have one of those but as they make their way to the button it feels like someone wants to sell them something there he is the funny meme salesman spammer thing that everybody likes so much big shot that's the funny banger song that toby fox made for this episode which also means we won't hear the actual version because i didn't do the optional spanton fight and on the topic of optional stuff i won't cover snow grave in this vid because i didn't do that either maybe i'll do those later maybe we'll see but chris chan defeats phantom presses the button to remove all traffic for all you politicians out there promise you'll make one of these and everyone will vote for you i promise it's a free dub and then the unlikely truces discuss the importance of finding noel and how queen simply wants to take care of her and prevent her from running out of potassium when suddenly the car explodes that was pretty random and quirky and the true seas split up wow these cars also make a pretty funny noise allowing us to find sussie who learned how to use a basic healing spell not sure who from and now that all these friends are reunited oh i guess birdly's here too oh never mind he's gone again the party of three makes their way through the cyber city doing the usual solving puzzles finding items utilizing sussie's powerful new healing spell bullet helling in the overworld solving more basic puzzles working as a team to solve these basic puzzles and running into queen to get oh wait we ran to queen again and it seems true sees are over and all it took was for queen to say that she captured birdly not proving that she did or anything to convince noel to be captured again with absolutely no assurance that queen has them or if she did that she would spare him in any way yeah there's burnley makes sense as the ruler of the land queen invoked her inner politician and lied probably also lied about wanting to keep noel safe and hey look at that she uses her traps correctly now that the plot demands it that's not very quirky and random of her poor birdly he believed that queen was trustworthy because she told him that she was a gamer and while that may be true she only plays mobile games queen has to die well the prison life's never been for me especially since there's no video games to play so it's time for lancer to become relevant to the plot since he's still in my pocket and by requesting metric assault of shovels get it since he's a spade the trap breaks apart releasing chris chan from prison on second thought maybe keeping chris tran in prison is better for society but anyways lancer and sexy are reunited once again oh wait never mind lancer's use in the plot has ended as you'll see momentarily and oh no a puzzle no way we can solve this alone which is why it's a good thing that birdly is here to use his massive iq2o he's not useful i mean helping anyways i solve each puzzle on my own proving that birdly actually does not have the basic puzzle solving skills needed to solve puzzles what else would you need puzzle solving skills for but apparently i'm cheating just like when you wave dash and i know what that is because i'm the intended audience for this game but then burnley does the unthinkable he admits that he was never smart and was only pretending to be smart and because of his hubris noel is about to be hurt a lesson to all those watching don't pretend to be smart if you're not but like i said earlier lancers plot relevance in this episode was short-lived and he becomes a statue for reasons and now that birdly has joined the stupid squadron i'm the leader because i'm the smartest of the stupid sassy and chris chan push lancer around for a bit because it's fun then we progress through queen's castle avoiding traps disrespecting pottery disrespecting more pottery fighting the task manager i understand that reference because i'm a failure in society avoiding castle traffic letting sussy disrespect pottery no i want to disrespect the pottery i haven't mentioned these teapot rides yet but they're fun oh we're back here now more computer puns a little where the hell's the key thank you random doge for helping us find it now we can get through the door okay we're splitting up i'll head out on my own and sassy and birdly will go together time to take a relaxing trip to the battery acid atop the goose ride i find it funny because it's random pp poopoo xd oh speaking of random queen orders chris chan to acquire another banana and even though the voice is in their head tell them not to chris chin will definitely blindly follow the orders of this politician in exchange for some sweet healthy potassium sorry rossi i'm straight but then they run into the great the magnificent bro oh i'm just kidding it's rules card but he allows us the opportunity to behold the destroyer of worlds the death machine that we designed in the previous episode and using this monstrous creation that i so painstakingly created he challenges us to a puzzle duel so intense that i i actually i barely understand how this mini game worked i just pressed buttons and eventually i won but apparently not yet for we have only seen just one percent of the duck tank's true capabilities behold it's ultimate power oh wait that's right rules cards plot relevance is the same as lancers god damn it and before the ride is finally over chris chan makes sure to flip off the camera at least that's what i think the rude gesture is and then the camera pants to noelle who gets saved by sussie to escape using the nearby ferris wheel haha random pp poopoo xc and the two basically go on a date oh lesbian romance is honestly pretty cute i said offer i'll say i'm straight anyways birdly who has changed his ways and becomes stupid like the rest of the squadron joins up and as sussy leaves birdly mentions to noel that he may be in love with sussy now that was a mistake in the half because i think burley's gonna die now sussy joins back up with christian and the two finally find queen at the top of the castle but somehow she captured birdly and probably noelle too so we have to fight the two now because queen's controlling birdly but once again sassy is an expert at handling wires and we dismantle birdley's control wire with ease forcing queen to juke us to make a hasty retreat christian and sussy find queen and she spouts some lore stuff that's probably important but for the sake of this video it's not but she gets booped by sundy and we free noel but little did we know that the real final boss fight was among us her battery acid is now four times as powerful which means that chris chan and cessy need to combine their strength once again that is until queen knocks him off the platform but it's a good thing that birdly and all the other important friends made along the way catch them and combine all their strongest abilities but most importantly my ultimate world-ending machine to create a guarant lagon powerful enough to take on the queen of this world herself behold and now it is time for a battle that will cross space and time that can only be witnessed on the big screen or the small screen if that's how you choose to watch this using the five ds dodge duck dip dive and dodge i use the full extent of my creative machine to knock the ever living daylights out of queen but her onslaught of missiles is extremely overwhelming and i'm quickly knocked to one hp lucky me so i'm forced to heal but i'm just too unfamiliar with her moveset and somehow the fight ends up starting at the beginning again i don't know how but i start the fight again taking everything i learned from the last fight but i'm a bit impatient this time it shows as i lose a bunch of hp and enforce the heal right off the bat during round two i try to reserve myself by focusing a bit harder and the voices in my head try to tell me to just dodge but i ignore those immediately it's like twitch chat man always backseat gaming you can't avoid it eventually i managed to get to round three but i get hit by more moves i'm unfamiliar with until queen procedurally loops her dialogue until the fight starts beginning again not sure how this keeps happening must be a bug or something but anyways attempt number three using everything i have learned about the fight i managed to get to round two almost instantly as sussy is mashing your controls to help me play better and before i know it round two is over as well and now that i'm better prepared for this move i have the dodging capacity of goddamn neo well almost but at this point i'm far enough ahead that i can afford to spend my tp on stuff like this i don't know what it does but it makes me happy to look at it and then she sends her final attack my way and using the power of friendship god anime and corporate advertising i take the final punch to pierce the heavens and knock queen into the sky that is until she unleashes her ultimate weapon something chris chang never could have predicted detachable hands and with us defeated queen threatens to crush us but then she runs a battery huh well what whatever oh well the the rest of what they talk about is unimportant but know that queen doesn't actually want to destroy the world so she lets us go and chris chan finally seals the fountain to end the second chapter once and for all and since this chapter is already really freaking long i'm just going to talk about how birdley and noel think they had the same dream and sussie has a sleepover at christian's house my mom would have never let me have a sleepover on a school night by the way oh well this is happening again chris chan's become edgy once again and they're doing something that probably won't be explained in chapter 3 either well alright then see you in 2030 everyone dude
Channel: Sophist
Views: 814,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophist, sophisticated eevee, deltarune ost, deltarune chapter 2, deltarune memes, deltarune kris, deltarune susie, deltarune lancer, deltarune ralsei, deltarune alpharad, deltarune jacksepticeye, deltarune story summary, deltarune undertale, deltarune toby fox, undertale ost, deltarune genocide, deltarune pacifist, deltarune spamton, deltarune story explained, deltarune story theme, deltarune bosses, deltarune boss themes, deltarune queen, deltarune spamton fight
Id: UTfHcI3242E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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