Delivery Man CAUGHT EATING Customer Food PART 2 | Dhar Mann

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i'm sorry but no no no [Music] fine but without a driver they'll just increase my chance of getting caught and if i get caught you know what i'm gonna say what what are you gonna say you are my co-conspirator my getaway driver and then you won't just have to worry about getting deported you'll also be going to jail would you like that one more hit and i'm done stealing [Music] so what's it gonna be [Music] i want to god oh my packages are here you're here i wasn't expecting anyone to be home in the mail today retirement will do that for you is it just these two uh no uh there's a third one for you back in the van is it from chanel i've been waiting for that one all week really i'd have to go check what were you expecting ma'am a bag i imagine i'll have to sign for it since it's so expensive hmm would you be a dear and go check for me of course just wait here oh [Music] looks like i mixed up your address with one of the neighbors there's nothing else for you really the tracking says it's on the truck for today oh um yeah sometimes there's a glitch in the system uh but i'm sure he'll get here soon i'll keep an eye out for you okay hopefully it will be here tomorrow otherwise i'm going to go down and have a talk with the manager oh no no no no no need to do all that i'm sure it'll be here uh have a good day man good day you're not gonna believe this what i just scored a chanel bag from some old lady no yeah aren't those like really expensive exactly they go for like 10k oh emma's gonna flip when i give it to her for her birthday no that's way too expensive oh come on danny this is getting way out of hand you gotta let this one go i just scored my biggest prize and you want me to hi hi can i help you i'm so sorry to bother you i was just passing these flyers around the neighborhood and well i was wondering if maybe you could post them when you drop off packages there is a thief and the police think he's following your route they've pieced together that it's probably two people one person steals the packages and the other drives the getaway vehicle wow um yeah i've heard of them mm-hmm man they're nervous in people i know so that's the thief there and uh well hopefully with your help we can find these bad guys and put them behind bars yeah oh hi hi i didn't realize you guys worked in pairs oh yeah him that's uh that's just my trainee gotta take the new guys around and show them outstanding of course and uh trainees don't wear uniforms uh um see they usually do what happened was that um it was supposed to be mailed to him but he never got it who knows maybe the package thief took it ugh you know i wouldn't be surprised anyway good luck on the new job bye bye thank you this has gone way too far man relax i got nothing on us you got me linked to all of this and she even saw my face stop worrying besides now that i have emerald's birthday present i'm done stealing what no you can't take that package you have to give it to that lady if you want to give something to him which is give her a fake chanel bag didn't you say that place those counterfeits that look like the real thing yes that's it that's it what [Music] what [Music] what are you doing no don't open that you have to give it to the lady oh no no i have to give her a bag but not this bag catch my drift are you insane don't you think she's gonna know it's a fake if emma thought i was wearing an armani suit this old lady definitely won't know the difference it's genius it's fraud man stop trying to ruin everything not only is there no way to trace it back to us but i'll get brownie points for being the best boyfriend ever no come on man i'm begging you please don't do this you don't really have a choice they already know i have a getaway driver so start driving [Music] yes [Applause] so [Applause] thank you of course [Music] have a good day ma'am okay thank you you too happy birthday to you [Applause] thank you while we're waiting for them to cut the cake should we go ahead and start opening gifts yeah oh can we do mine first please of course and it's pink oh my you didn't a chanel do you like it like it i love it i've been wanting this exact color and shell forever how did you know this is the one i wanted i just saw it and thought of you beautiful and classic oh that was sweet babe you're supposed to be saving and reinvesting your capital oh that's right emma told me you have your own startup yeah and things are really beginning to take off you see the best part about it is that we donate 10 of our profits to helping hungry people feeding them is what really motivates me do you have a brother that's single seriously i wish my boyfriend would get me a chanel he's a keeper m i know i'm so lucky he's always spoiling me thanks babe of course um doesn't it usually come in a box oh uh yes it does um i just completely forgot about it at home i was just so caught up in the excitement you know well that's fine i really appreciate it thank you so much next it's my turn to be spoiling you well i'm not gonna stop you all right time for another one this one's from grandma she always wraps it so perfectly no another chanel oh my god okay i got a scarf and a 15 gift card for my last birthday can we switch lives oh no it looks like she got you the exact same one uh your grandma got you there well she's always getting me nice gifts alice said to tell you she's really sorry she couldn't be here oh and she's also really looking forward to meeting you oh i can't wait well i was planning on going to the store tomorrow anyway so i'll just return it maybe i can get you that new suit for that big investor meeting you have coming up he's too humble to say anything but he's already getting acquisition interest i hate to ask but do you think you can get my boyfriend a job he's a coder oh uh uh my cfo just instituted a temporary freeze just until our serious be around is finished fancy what can i say my man's a go-getter you better lock him down before anyone else does yeah that's the plan i love you babe i love you too oh look grandma's face timing let's all say hi uh i've i've really got to use the restroom i'll be right back though okay okay hi grandma hi mom hi sweetie happy birthday oh thank you thank you for the bag too i love it so much oh of course [Music] oh there's no parking babe would you mind waiting in the car will i go return my bag real quick uh yeah sure uh but see i feel bad you were turning the bag your grandma got you she seems like such a nice lady she just returned mine instead oh that's nice okay thanks [Applause] hey babe you didn't happen to bring the box it came in did you oh no shoot i forgot uh but i can go grab it right now if you want it's okay i'll just take my grandma's in since they might need the box oh no no don't don't do that stop worrying so much it's the thought that counts i love you okay listen i i got a better idea look uh i can go grab it right now really quickly i'll up there welcome in how can i help you hi i have a return to make oh was there a problem with it no uh my grandma got me this bag but my boyfriend already got me the exact same one well that's very nice of them i'm sorry do you have the original receipt with this no uh it was a gift there wasn't a gift receipt no uh i'm really sorry but my grandma has shopped here before so if you could just look up the transaction yeah that won't be necessary is something wrong okay unfortunately we can't accept this it's a counterfeit what the stitching the stamp there's no cereal this is fake no my grandma would never give me a fake bag i'm sorry miss i'm gonna have to call this in wait what are you talking about it's illegal to purchase counterfeit goods and especially to try to return them as if they're real i'm gonna need you to wait here until the police arrive the police no this was just a gift i've heard it all we have a zero tolerance policy on counterfeit items and fraud fraud no i was just i'm gonna need you to come with me i haven't done anything wrong you tell this to the police they're gonna be bringing you downtown but i'm innocent yeah that's what they all say appreciate it [Music] she's right over here emma sweetheart we're gonna get you out i'm so sorry about all this i tried to tell them grandma you would never give me a fake bag no i wouldn't don't worry we're gonna straighten all this out in no time i bought that bag directly from the website and had it shipped straight to my home here's the receipt that's odd the sales clerk said it was counterfeit can you check the serial number on the bag and see if it matches the receipt we've already looked the purse didn't have a serial number you said you had this shipped to you yes take a look at the address ma'am are you aware of the number of package steps that have been happening in your area recently of course these flyers are all over the neighborhood but my package wasn't stolen i know this isn't making sense all i know is i ordered the bag from the store i received the package and now i'm trying to get my granddaughter out of jail because someone says it was fake did anyone have access to the package or know that it was going to be delivered just a delivery man i told him to keep an eye out for the package because it was delayed and i didn't want to miss emma's birthday do you recall what the delivery man looked like just an ordinary delivery man nothing special supposedly this is a suspect's boyfriend that's him uh excuse me you're the one who delivered the package to me he must be mistaken that she must be really confused grandma this is my boyfriend he's not a delivery man he owns his own tech company thanks honey see i'm telling you that's the red x delivery man he's the one who handed me my package no i'm not i think i don't think she's there if you know what i mean excuse me my mom may be elderly but she's sharper than a knife wait a minute you're wearing the same shoes as the package thief where did you get those shoes uh i don't know at the store those are limited edition right no no no not that limit at all in fact there's thousands of them all around uh i just saw a guy in the parking lot we're in the same ones did you see that um you told me there were only 10 sold in the u.s oh yeah i was just kidding come on honey you know this it is all making sense to me now you switched the bag i ordered with a counterfeit and then you gave the real one to emma for her birthday you did no no no i would never do that i mean i don't even work hey aren't you the guy whose house we went to god yeah yeah officer i thought i recognized you you uh still working at red x huh what no i never worked at red eggs i don't know why everyone keeps saying well that's what you told us you had a hat on and everything donnie what's happening emma honey clearly he's been lying to us [Music] yeah let's start from the top and let's hear the real story this time uh uh okay look i i admit it i i lied i uh i do deliver packages sometimes you know just to make extra cash to reinvest my startup capital remember and then i uh i was just too embarrassed to admit it earlier because i didn't want to let you down emma i'm so sorry i love you so much but that still doesn't explain the shoes and the missing package look i may be a delivery driver and i may have on the same shoes as a suspect but that does not make me the package thief not one you guys can prove at least where is the bag donnie gave you in my car donnie was driving it so it's probably still outside why i bet that one has a serial number on it and if that matches the receipt oh sorry i really gotta go nice try you're not going anywhere you're coming with me emma you can go i'm a really long drive it's an appointment it's a very important one you know it's a big meeting i i really have to have this this is not what it looks like honey boyfriend is going to be staying here for a while please you have to understand this i didn't do this the keys what the car keys [Music] why do you need my car would you mind going to the car to get the purse so we can check out the serial number please not at all officer this is a huge misunderstanding you see i didn't i didn't do any of this excuse me officer may i just have a moment emma honey thank you if you have to help me out this is a huge misunderstanding i mean why would i take it i can't believe you lied to me we're over come on ground please i may have swapped that purse but that's it i swear emma please you have to understand i can't wait to see what else we're gonna find at your apartment what no there's nothing there's nothing else in the apartment i promise there's nothing else guys guys you you have someone else guys this is a huge misunderstanding oh my roommate has a visa it's expired you should get him he he's the real culprit am i honey please come back come on emma yeah so these are all the packages that i know of wow despicable thank you for your help your testimony will help us put donnie away for a long time no problem i i tried to tell him that your actions always have a way of coming back to you but you're right about that um excuse me officers excuse me are you alfonso guzman yeah that's me okay this is for you thank you have a nice day you too [Music] wow i'm gonna take out the trash take this with you what if we gave these to some homeless people is this your hot dog stan no it's mine and i don't need homeless people lined up begging for free my goodness sammy what are you doing i told you to throw those things away i'm sorry you are fired no please
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,943,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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