DELIVERING A BABY! - Outlast 2 - Part 6 - ENDING

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yo I'll [ __ ] it's echoing [ __ ] we're alive no we're not yeah we are [ __ ] okay yes um hello hopefully you can hear me um [ __ ] hell let me just double it it's echoing [ __ ] is it it's a delayed at all how's my lips how's my lips moving it's a good [ __ ] out all right so uh we're gonna play some games go play some games if you're watching this offline for some reason check out the link in description it will take you to when we actually start playing meanwhile we're gonna that's not I just get excited and get some people in here people are still saying they can't hear me a bit of delay it shouldn't be you offer for sake god damnit I quit I quit it's such delay on the stream so like it's really hard to get direct input you should hear me now stop talking we can't hear you hey ghost dogs what up I yield night gaming year preciate you you calling me stupid I got a lot of questions of people asking how you become a sponsor well let me tell you you go to gaming dot slash PewDiePie there you can become a sponsor if you want to have like their looks captain logo or whatever and so that you can chat I'm noticing how I am wearing green as well don't worry about it this is my real background everyone um next next super chat that's red decides what the background will be Julian Ambe can you shout out to my channel a URI ai-ai-ai-aight you re what a great channel you have IRA I really just appreciate the name in general it's a very good name and I'm I wish you all the best ok crazy for love you so much Pierce Thank You Adam Skinner hey they're from Australia I swear everyone that uses a super chat is from Australia am I like always streaming on else tray Lea High Times or some [ __ ] love me the out last season definitely best so far that's cool I'm glad you enjoying it I figured everyone this moved on from the game so far Robyn Courtney heya they're loud and clear hello from the Philippines PHP meme Batista what's going on with all your demonetized Asian Chelsea apes uh it seems to a gun from zero to like 10 percent pretty much hey I see you're budgeting sponsor showing up I guess I worked and thank you guys appreciate all of you and so yeah it's it it's slowly improving from from from nothing so I'll take it but right now I'm making fuchal cashier bail more again hi Felix you're great I had internet for like eight months so I have a lot of cat oh you didn't have internet for eight months a lot of catching up today sounds good man welcome back or woman sorry kemar hey pills have you seen a save PewDiePie's show site we made it to support you Kim are don't amusing no uh no I have not saved PewDiePie Peter guys show calm 91,000 signatures that's so sweet I'll sign up I have to use a fake email I guess signing up to this [ __ ] boy from the UK that's very nice thank you guys appreciate you um I I think it just needs time we just it just needs time and then people will get over everything that happened James Oliveros make the background blue well I you're not red so I'm sorry Emily Crosby you're always online late at night for Aussies was up 3 M I appreciate you guys staying up for me guys again how are you your Aussie nurse here why do you have to stream when I just start a night shift god dammit please make the background blue can you look at my channel in your spare time I'll open a tab for your channel and I'll make it blue why blue uh Elliot is nesaf Australia again Australian bros men what can I say hello from Spain our trucks my big chase yo yo yo sup pip I Love You Man hey I'm a crappy music shout-out to my channel I'll I'll check it out all right we're playing my big cheese right now [Music] sounds alright sounds like you're jamming out keep playing I'm sure you'll get better I like the the effect you had on your guitar sorry I'm trying to change the background to blue okay sorry one second guys the multitasking is not a not on point here um background macro background where did I save it pictures whoops hey it's blue how about that what did this stream go I actually closed you guys like I'm the worst streamer ever I'm sorry hold on one second we're gonna play some games if you have anything planned today I it's time to cancel it because I'm going to be swimming for a long time today all right we have what up boots DS ik back get it again also work in that night ship one night shift do you guys work as committee tour all teapots are used yeah I'm probably gonna read I it because you can see like it's already growing out which i think looks alright peers can visit Russia I will just scared of getting [ __ ] in the ass hello from me sorry I had to beat a child for this money so he felt like it thank you I love from Canada it's five it Jessica white what the [ __ ] go to sleep Jesus Christ you guys are not else inspiring me search on my own channel Megan Taylor thank you that's so nice sappy demon what's up man you're the best world keep up the good work love you sexy thank you you guys are sexy to notice me daddy I'm noticed you and no MS my dad left my mom for a fourteen-year-old younger gross he left us one week before Christmas my mother was seriously suicidal lip hat sorry the past ones super difficult by your videos got me through them sings Brophy time it's better now by the way this music is not fitting these comments at all sorry uh I'm really glad my videos help dude and I'm glad you made it through some tough times that's really cool ah whenever we're never time too tough sitting through it you'll you'll be stronger afterwards I really think so so that's come on and even bad experiences can be a good learning thing I guess I don't know I'm not a [ __ ] coach shoutout from Brazil Brazil appreciate you Patsy Patsy what a great name [ __ ] it's going too fast guys slow down please please keep your shibai ha ha ha what up 50/50 piston might see a watch broken a picker yet no and then she's never gonna watch it can you comment my name is Jeff there you go I need your fenced I need your fans to believe me yo also thanks for having my channel I'll make memes for okay thank you Kyra senpai appreciate you ah [ __ ] it's going too fast I'm kind of ketchup on the aisle el Brad Ford Pitt's my boyfriend I'm watching religiously it's almost feels like you're our secret best friend ah that's cool appreciate you love you and Marta and we did smash your pass on you would you watch it okay I'll check that out that's funny I [ __ ] terabrite games thanks again appreciate you how are you doing I will I will definitely roast the [ __ ] out of you was that defeat hey bro shout out from Canberra straight Australia I'm gonna have to restart my my thing um if you guys wonder how you get the chat thing go to gaming calm slash sorry gaming gaming dot get not gaming calm tech god damnit day gaming dot YouTube / PewDiePie and then there's a sponsor fun turtle champs how you doin Hillary Clinton hey Larry Clinton for turtle chip I need to upload so I can't stick around for too long just wanted to leave a message and give you some more support I'll make sure to come back after uploading going going to be a little nightmare episode this is dope cane let's go I'm loving the game as well thank you so much turtle chips um I'm gonna I'm probably play some later as well good luck with that mr. n arcade I have terrible news I grew it grace which game and stole my beard in the night grow the beard pits grow it for us I'm growing it can't you tell it's coming along quite nicely I would say kawaii chubby kid kid what's up from straya is that Estrella short for Australia I don't know Puetz it's 6 a.m. in Texas go to sleep what are you no way how come the color doesn't change from 300 to 500 shake my head I guess I won't send you I didn't see I didn't see you send it I can see all the red ones what are you talking about I'm sorry if I miss bambam McGee hey boots you're awesome shout New Zealand what are you guys doing over there go to sleep finger the soundboard for me that was a bit loud Lowell Jolie it's my birthday it's volleyball today oh [ __ ] mall boy is like the biggest drinking day in Sweden we're gonna have to get the whiskey out later I think I have some Swedish whisky actually this is sick this is blink-182 we literally just spent the last five minutes talking I'm watching Ellie Bradford oh cool I'll sub to you guys Channel it's a dope mix turn they're like so [Music] so I'm getting a message it's making sure uh also I'm not streaming neckla today if anyone wonders because we want to make sure everything is working properly and we're having some difficulties it looks [ __ ] awesome though we got like this I want to show you guys later the [ __ ] system Caribbean [ __ ] Oh [Music] resting peace the SpaceX launch google it what happened I've no idea what you're talking about lobby bro GG white thanks man love you PewDiePie from Australia oh great late yeah what's that but hey Pitts thank you for making videos to inspiring me to start doing YouTube death the genome that's cool man appreciate you good luck with your death genome it I'm going to make Dark Souls 3 that purposely run some training for hints for a second like Blighttown in Dark Souls 1 Blighttown is the worst [ __ ] part of any video game I have ever played good luck with that [ __ ] hey pills I'm always making my always making my day much better Thank You Cameron short appreciate you you just made my day a little bit hey Pitts oh god it's going so [ __ ] fast appreciate all of you ok let's start get into game soon because I can't keep up with you guys read this and I'll build your spaceship skull room appreciate it let me know when my spaceship is ready scauldron robin lewis looked like there's like it's susie-wusie easy up here another youtuber here great work man dig your vids thanks Robin um I don't know what there was easy I guess what coz thing I'm gonna have to look that one up what's the suck thing bhakti could you follow me on Twitter I'm sorry that's too much going on right now hype it's always hyper your stream here's a little small support appreciate Alexandra I wants for you Alexander no way take it back take it back I retracted it sorry good luck next time it's it's 1:21 p.m. in Denmark yeah yeah you want ahead one hour ahead of me David's a zebu lovey pills you dumb man all the way from Australia oh right I want to go to Australia I never been six paths of rain true fan since I stopped watching your stop watching your game place what are you talking about and come back when you content change Lowell can you make him look at my movie trailer also when rice makes that disc call call me because I'll help you destroy him that's all right I don't need a ghostwriter and what the [ __ ] is this trailer you me check out six paths of a rainin Lisa O'Sullivan preciate you king of burrito I recently had to mental illness craziness with hospital things from Australia for being a laugh everyday I hope you're doing better king of burrito where is family-friendly Felix playing Jesus Felix you need to put hercules disappoint on your son but i have that i took it away I changed it to that one this love what she says that it's beautiful hey Felix can you say my name the way you say PewDiePie how does it go dressed this is sweet did too today we're just gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] okay got it Keter sent by nope it's you read my message wrong I meant comment it on my last video what was I supposed to comment on your last video [ __ ] I don't remember expected since it can be considered a slice of life I don't know sorry alright it's going to are you a pills I send you some batteries for your birthday when the mornings going to kick go along bed Rhys thank you super yeah hey I'll look up for the game alright guys hold the break I'm gonna play a game I won't be looking at the super chat unless it's a red or anything like that so hold your horses if you guys want to join the chat you can become a sponsor go to gaming dot slash PewDiePie on this there should be a sponsor button there let's play some [ __ ] outlast I want to finish this game I'm gonna to refresh cuz Thank You Adam Rogen appreciate you how you guys doing today good old good ol Sunday good ol streaming day thank you for joining the stream everyone you ready for some outlast is anyone not sick of this game yet I just feel like it got so oversaturated now like certain type of content is so big on YouTube ah that you can't keep up anymore unless you upload everything day one I'll be guys on mine I would burger like why would she comment let me just set up one guys I hope you don't mind me eating a little snack I'm gonna stream a long time today and I need energy whoa holy [ __ ] salat times them if you read this can you do a shout-out to my sister and brother-in-law going through a lot of their new baby going through a lot with a new baby at the hospital Congrats Nicole and Jody Congrats Nicole and Jody nice baby names Tiberias that's a cool name we call him our little super saiyan cuz he got a lot of fight in it that's cool I hope it's a healthy baby and I hope hope y'all doing good that's amazing Congrats Nicole and jute that's awesome are you straight hummus no I'm extremely gay honestly I love dick what can I say alright let's turn off this [ __ ] boy right oh my god Patsy big Patsy Patsy says sing me a song like those hentai girls what do you mean hentai girls I'm never doing that again [Music] thanks for that batsuit James olivera's react to the sex offender shuffle what the [ __ ] is that Damon jerk I love you dad alright not much to preach at all that's right sorry I gotta we got games to play let me just add the game um is a Game Capture um display capture maybe no window capture [ __ ] I don't know what is [ __ ] I got a knot in my throat that sounded weird haha I'm gonna choke to death on the stream whoa what happened there oh why is it not uniform scaled what the [ __ ] hi guys it's me hey guys welcome to the live stream oh [ __ ] hey hey guys welcome [ __ ] what's the right resolution now god damn boy how does this look am i right in this corner should I be in the other one that's too much [ __ ] going on there alright guys if you want to join the chat you to a gaming dot YouTube sorry we're going to repeat that gaming slash beautify you can watch the stream there and you can become a sponsor hopefully the chat won't become too [ __ ] sorry I hate I hate people eating on on the footage but it's a streaming I guess I saw that you guys are saying left corner left corner right corner Bluebell indeed did you hear about blame having an anime yes I'm so [ __ ] excited it's a movie though it's not a series it looks really cool I love how it ties in with Knights of Cydonia with that what the [ __ ] is a call the beam blast or whatever the gun he has it's the same one the same universe it's so cool the cannon whatever [ __ ] I forgot the name no one gives a [ __ ] alright what is it coming out huling in cemetery what smells Kesha bula hi oh my god got her holy [ __ ] I will cut my hair bold and record it if you help me reach for K more subs what the [ __ ] alright sub to god er everyone just google got her there should be an anime panda face and he will cut his hair bald you should shave it ball through it now alright you guys ready let's let's play let's play some games hope let me know if you want the games to be louder dude be a little louder alright we're continuing off here ah bad a race yes alright here we go let's take it easy now hopefully I won't suck so much ass like last livestream it's [ __ ] painful like that I was do you get 100% of the donations no YouTube takes 30% thanks thanks you too it's a cool service I really I really enjoyed this stream did a good job there's a lot of improvements that can be made but I think they're gonna do it Hey look I'm getting shot that guy got [ __ ] a mouse cub jesus [ __ ] christ got a heel what the [ __ ] I was I was covered what that was [ __ ] don't look don't look zero depth zero deficit [ __ ] right I got to run up there it is like an [ __ ] what is he shooting from their nest everyone mods please I beg of you try and do a good job of sensory because I seem like a lot of people popping in here we go go go go ah how are you doing buddy he's bent over that's yeah it seemed kind of much yeah what is he doing no get away from me get away from me you disgusting ah what the [ __ ] it's a problem is everyone prob gonna slip that off a head back there are you kidding me are you kidding me get up get up all right I need to get out of here [ __ ] how many Jeff laughs on why is everyone's such a [ __ ] [ __ ] are you kidding me how does it ha-ah disgusting pero des terreaux death row got her I'm [ __ ] got her good luck good luck with that you should shave your balls Nix as well I mean everyone should clean balls are the best okay why do I die from this [ __ ] little [ __ ] that's ridiculous okay let this is ignore him there we go hello from Australia sorry I'd literally just uploaded my first video on YouTube everyone check out no komak and support his first video le no men zero dad Thank You Ellie at least sorry can't [ __ ] read kiss there you go just right back let's keep playing run run run [ __ ] Drago up here what does he have to shoot me yes bandage take it take it you can't [ __ ] I can't [ __ ] Oh cheats ok oh the [ __ ] no stop stop I'm wiggling you're not gonna [ __ ] get me I'm sick of dying of [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god is sclerotic what the [ __ ] is that big ah [ __ ] ah I'm having a bad day man oh hi you it's ok we have you wait you're supposed to kill me the gospel isn't [ __ ] Mortal Kombat ripoff what restriction what zero dams shut up now three dams good sinker ten am I getting buried alive right now great all I ever wanted visit Australia you cut thanks buddy maybe I will maybe I will they're doing a [ __ ] job at bro okay never mind I have a little spoiler for you guys for the scare PewDiePie episode we did outlast and Ken was the guest and he got to be buried alive it was really [ __ ] cool and I was supposed to bit dig him out uh I won't say too much it's just it was funny I was supposed to dig him up but as soon as I realized it was Ken I was like a [ __ ] ha ha so at school they stayed true to the game that's really awesome what's supposed to break out I can't do anything tap just tap repeatedly if you're ever hey how about that if you're ever getting burned alive just tap repeatedly I always think of that Kill Bill when she does that you know the fake superfish I braaap braap we're fine I don't know why you're so freaked out about that that was fine I can't see a [ __ ] single thing I wasn't your bad batteries batteries oh oh [ __ ] it's a slug [ __ ] snails men oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off you [ __ ] snail Blaire waters pills hype it's love you love you back what is this I know hi there's my no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off man [ __ ] off oh my god he moves man I don't look at him what an [ __ ] stop okay here we go huh stop ah [ __ ] they're everywhere [ __ ] they're everywhere go go go go go go go gasps go yeah ah [ __ ] ah get move [ __ ] swamp monsters go yes yes much just sorry people hate when I use the thing too much well that's too bad [ __ ] it's too fun I'm like a kid bad dreams when the my own names go we have so many [ __ ] batteries now I could start a battery business honestly I think out less was better I think I let's to better I think the DLC was the best though the outlets DLC whistleblow there that was the best but I think this is way more polished oh my god I Cisco I'm not even gonna bother and it's more interesting hey just hanging around are we buddy that's cool welcome a mustache but if you guys want to become a sponsor just go to gaming dot YouTube / put a path it's a simple as that should we watch this video maybe I forgot how you did it even Chris okay go find my way to the mine alright let's look at this amazing fetish sylph before I could stop her or she did it no wait not her what are you what are you smoking about [ __ ] he's mixing her up with Jessica Annie the game sucks because you always get lost and it's always running I can see that what's a lot of being chased in this game it's fun though at least it's not like completely dependent on jump scares like so many games are it's like sure they have them but it's not all they have right I think the chase factor is more interesting than jump scare Godard got it thank you for the picture man dude my favorite game right now persona 5 I'm loving playing it I don't know sar Fox 64 love that game your mind you're shaving your balls get out of here am I supposed to go down here ah [ __ ] it seems like a really oh why didn't you warn me okay we're gonna do have to do an epic jump here are you guys ready can we get some epic music that's not epic that's not epic that's not Hillary Clinton I really don't have any epic [ __ ] music whatever let's go ahh Wow wasn't even epic so I don't know why I've even [ __ ] hey look a stick I love sticks don't tell max either [ __ ] sorry I had to take the rub from from his pulley that's what she said hell yeah it's called castration or is it who knows family friendly Felix all right wait who the [ __ ] is that what a [ __ ] is a it all right let's take it carefully zero deaths by the way there are depths this is a zero def playthrough Felix are excited for Uncharted and lost leg Z wait they announcing you and charted oh boy oh no oh my god like look at that skinny [ __ ] I could punch the [ __ ] out of that [ __ ] like honestly I'll punch right through him I get it you're not a fighter but sometimes it would be nice Nemus key hey Peter started my channel two months ago we'd love a shout-out tamekia good luck to miss Kier all the best can I come in please hi hi am i disturbing something oh that's oh that's okay I was nearly got away got her oh not now got it 3k more subs okay well got her everyone sub - got her so he doesn't get poor just let me out let me go let me go - night [ __ ] [Music] miss miss Milan she UK thanks buddy appreciate you wait this is where I came from [ __ ] it is I need a rope okay now I need know what I need to hang myself that would be good no never do that unless you're a nut checkout line oh they're all this here [ __ ] ass ah ah I'm Sarah never zero deaths zero deaths every one zero deaths top of the morning to you zero def playthrough of outlast that was clearly a troll angel 20 appreciate you trolley angel 20 everyone okay let's find some rope Huck yeah yeah all right rope we need some rope where's the rope help me they help me in the comments please I don't want to be stuck here hey do you have some rub oh my god it's question motive taking a [ __ ] boy up and [ __ ] oh my god is a skinny [ __ ] no I got it I was gonna say March day but no she that's me das us Jesus Christ 400 from das I stood for [ __ ] her she sets [ __ ] toys - a step I will suck your dick call me please let me hit you up I'll take you out for dinner we'll have a great time I'll do whatever you want my body is yours thank you man or woman that's amazing hey we got some bandages that we don't need [ __ ] where's the rope sure no you're not in mind is my house lock the door thank you my house in the middle of the street ah [ __ ] bad [ __ ] [ __ ] Hey why does everyone want me what do I do what the [ __ ] I can't what the [ __ ] is happening stop just stop just stop everyone stop [Music] alright let's go in here sure nothing bad is in here and let's heal because we're going to zero def playthrough where's the [ __ ] rope guys they break down [ __ ] doors faster than I can break down my own you know what I'm talking about where's the rug where's the rope what the [ __ ] are you doing there ah Sarah des bah what's out last about well that's a it's a live Arizona simulator 0 - we did it well Jesus Christ the girl what do you mean the girl that ash boy look it's you guys the Rope is by the hanging okay so we got to find the guy being hanged what [ __ ] camp I'm trying to pick up you guys comments Dave Grasso baby holy [ __ ] thanks plan zero deaths there left all right oh there it is okay how do I get it down rune [ __ ] off no don't touch me there's no rope here ah Sh maybe need to go off [ __ ] ah yeah holy [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] it help lilit that fun beautifies my second most favorite youtuber not being assaulting what I love what you make root who's your favorite who's your favorite then huh you better not say Jax but I see Thank You lead I remember you really appreciate it that's alright it's okay to like other youtubers I only see I don't care you can like more than one youtuber how about that that's a lie by the way full online I'm at Betty big cow zero Depp's alright don't [ __ ] touch me I think I know where we need to go or why are there so goddamn many of you alright here we go there's to be a mountain pass yeah go go go there it is got him that's my rope now Wow oh no I gotta go and get it [ __ ] ah [ __ ] Oh leave me alone they're on at no Sarah [ __ ] leave me alone please you can't come to my house I have no bandages come on man let's get the bandages and get the [ __ ] out there's the rub there's the rub [ __ ] get the rope get the rope get the rough cut the rope get the rope got the rope I hope what alley you come from I can't see anything Oh oh [ __ ] the right there oh [ __ ] oh hey how you doing run run run run run run run run run straight straight straight straight ah hey nay paddle back that [ __ ] oh that's annoying my people got stuck in my ass Sarah des ah wait I have oh I have the rope Oh how's that can you stop stop you can't hit this you can't hit this like you can't hit my mom's ass Oh Sara death Sara deaths everyone's top of the money to you [ __ ] okay maybe it's not going that great okay maybe maybe we've died I stressed I'm stressing you guys out because I can't do it all right well I'm so sorry what do you think I feel let's take this route stop [ __ ] shooting me how about that strength strength you get this ah oh gosh [ __ ] hell yeah hell yeah what a save dance put the rope Gabe hauling tape it's I've seen your Slenderman bit a few years back and I've been a fan ever since state rail Gabe haulage thank you so much appreciate what a school you guys support me for so long Oh [ __ ] are you don't I hope he dies please die no yes yes push up push up Oh God what's happening happy Volvo everyone from Sweden don't drink too much [ __ ] my ass is asleep O'Shea he's dead haha got him hey yeah sexy now I can finally have my sexy time you should sneak in the grass around and use the microphone or I'll find my way to the mine or I can just strafe what do you think I'm not pro at this game excuse me my dad died within a month my mom he was perfectly healthy until she was gone and oh come on man I didn't need your life story [ __ ] my ass is asleep I need to sit on a pillow or some [ __ ] I've been a fan since your gay porno thank you guys I really appreciate if you guys don't mention that time all right I'm trying to move on to bigger things now deshaun respawn official hey pills prove your challenge expedite C [ __ ] made me want to start a channel my own hopefully I'll be able to grow a community as friendly friendly as yours that's cool man it's cool to see you guys starting your own channels shell Shawn respawn official how the [ __ ] do I get out of here appreciate you guys we found the mines or is this a memory this must be a memory oh god what the [ __ ] is that sound oh my god what was that the game dude doesn't give you a chance to breathe a lot it's more like hey you're getting [ __ ] you're getting [ __ ] and now hey guess what now you can [ __ ] - this looks cool looks like we can get up there it's really interesting because like you can jump anywhere in the game and you don't you're not used to that in games I guess if you guys want to help out with a chat I go to gaming slash beautify and you can hit the sponsor button or whatever that way you can chat and you get to become an hour loop skip to how about that this where I'm supposed to go gutter I have to go thanks for the stream still at 3k subs from shave my head got hurt you're the man you the man I wish you the best I'm gonna I think I'm subscribed to you already but I'll sub to you just so that dude what are you talking about all you need 90 K is that it you'll get there no problem um okay maybe here No [Music] got er everyone stuck together okay we're Barbie you burp like edgar farts thanks guys appreciate it Ramez let's go it's so dark here oh [ __ ] that was obvious I can't tell if I'm walking in circles a night I really can Oh what is happening we're in the school now aren't we why would we ever want to go back in that [ __ ] hellhole great have you Romans anyone in persona 5 yet oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] well I just romant someone in this game Jesus Christ zero death I haven't gotten that far in persona is there a right answer that thanks for getting me [ __ ] kill there where did it come from oh my god I get it we need to jump down here [ __ ] that's creepy oh my god I'm so [ __ ] creeped out go go go go go go go go [ __ ] just go no oh my god whew that legit scared me Oh Oh Tim Higgs 50 haip it's your great youtuber love your vids go buy a bottle of maker's mark I will i 100% we appreciate your tip I'll have a drink in your honour mate later on Allah in the last hours of today I'll pop out some whiskey if you guys want to hang around for that long oh my god [ __ ] okay we need to find out where to go it all looks the same to me out on Adam Skinner hey Pitts I'm going to sleep now [Music] I'm going to watch the rest of your stream in the morning but can you give me a my brother Brendan a shout out from Australia go to sleep Australia thank you so much Adam Skinner shout out to your brother Brendan how you doing appreciate you alright let's keep going I need oh there's a hatch here isn't it hey I found it how about man I don't know why I bother going back into this [ __ ] hellhole but you know top of the morning - we haven't seen our girlfriend in a while I wonder what's happening with her how if you guys have already finished a game how long do you imagine there's lat left of the game like 80% 20% radial mutant been watching a bit since 2008 sorry that's KP drag I can so much love you only oh my god it's coming oh my god [ __ ] Rachel I'm sorry Jesus Christ open how is this thing always after me ah Raziel is that your name Reza Freya it's alright but I appreciate all the support of comets batteries we're nimona known in the Netherland well I feel like it gets worse every time we're back in the cafeteria now oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god Jessica here Jess hey oh god this is so creepy pun little one light of light Jesse this here me and Chad wrong uh uh presents right here if that one year Jessica can you kind of quick taste oh god the Sun look time pun little one okay light of light I can't use the light and [ __ ] on this is so dark I need not fear if that one year okay Blake oh yeah oh yeah they're just please oh oh my god nah oh oh [ __ ] we got about four hours to go okay that's cool what's the recharge imagine if there's a glitch in the end oh you can go Jessica Jessica Jessica you mean like that oh my god zero deficit one we got zero death this whole playthrough it can't believe it I'm so proud to the other side of Lake okay we have a new mission new mission get to the other side of the lake boys legit almost dropped my laptop I was an intense [ __ ] jump scare all right it's always funny when you guys comment are you from Arizona and you're like let's just exactly have a taste Felix finally someone understands their struggle this is cool the lake is wrong everyone that [ __ ] does that mean what I am what am i filming calm it laddy loving in your cellar content oh my god I just got a lot of let's read them out while we play this movie who like right doesn't seem to work Bobby new style continent inspired me to my I do my own channel however YouTube has decided that LGBT and satire channels like mine have become a dead meme I need all the help I can get lot stream to call me laddie check out call me laddie I'm curious what kind of stuff you're making that's cool I mean it's not cool it is it's not like I'm hoping that with time they will adjust their system with all the flagging or whatever I think right now it's sensitive times it sucks for everyone honestly I really appreciate all the support and doing times like these it's really cool to see and I think that's why I love doing these streams as well because you guys are so nice ah I almost died the water is wrong everyone what the [ __ ] does that mean should we do some fishing why why is the sound doing that what's in the water what's in the water guys I hate water lyrics rape please subscribe to all my other channel Marc CAC CAC so gamers need 5000 subs Marc Axl gamers sounds might like America Sokka I'm sorry I don't know why okay so that's long what about here is there anything in here some note I don't know man go in and swin really really guys that's your tip go for a swim shut up I'm not going to her swim you guys are [ __ ] crazy I'm going with a boat uh-oh look close that door the [ __ ] something's up here something's afoot the raft go where everyone is like go in the lake and swim shut up I'm not gonna do it oh wait someone donate 150 where don't see we talked about sorry I don't want to I don't miss any big ones I'll be an [ __ ] alright so we unlock this house the creatures in the water yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] that's why I'm not going in the water but what's in the house I'm getting Resident Evil 4 vibes well the thing the thing that I like about Resident Evil is that it starts off super scary right but then you get a gun and you can kind of fight back which is the exchange is a dynamic I think there's too much of the same here a little bit that would be my only criticism oh god oh yeah yeah but all right I'm I'm making sure that I'm going in the water as my last [ __ ] option all right maybe we can swim like really fast batarangs play hydraulic quit what hey from Dan Mike can you give me a bro Victor shadow shout-out to Victor all right we can go let's just go whoa swim swim swim swim swim swim swim god no no don't need help no don't need help no I've made a terrible mistake I am so sorry [ __ ] oh I just get pulled down oh oh what the [ __ ] zero des that was just that I just fainted I do that every time I don't die [ __ ] token water lake is wrong I'm not stepping a toe in the water well I don't see any other option I don't where am I going oh there's a wooden draft yeah I get that but where I don't see it look they're all broken new everyone's like there's about to the right which left and which right are you talking about what are you guys smoking okay all right so I'm looking forward now left or right now go left or right meanwhile Tim Higgs honestly I piss on just like someone to watch my crappy bits Tim Higgs check out Tim Higgs everyone it's got a pink shirt and only five subscribers now you got six buddy whoa holy [ __ ] honey thank you so much Jason Momoa can cosplay hey Felix just want to say love what you do your videos helped me grow a lot and learn not to let constantina hate get to me also wish I could have seen scare pewds as yandere chan just made you pretty we did there was a yandere simulator episode actually but yeah that some doesn't make things thank you so much there was a younger age simulator episode with Jessica Nigri it was a very bizarre day very bizarre day i legit got super pissed at Jessica at one point because she kept [ __ ] hitting me with an eel because the producer kept telling her to do it and I was like Jesus Christ this [ __ ] is crazy she won't stop it was super fun though she was a super cool that Bears act desk hahaha she's a cool desk Jessica's cool desk everyone shout out to Jessica Nigri best desk of all time oh my god guys Kara Cruz hundred jesus [ __ ] christ hey piers been watching your vids in 2011 when I was a freshman it's been six years since and then and now married with a beautiful baby boy that's amazing congratulations Kara every time I watch your bids I feel like I'm hanging out with a longtime friend proud of you my Tia love from gwaan that's amazing it's such a nice comment such a generous donation thank you so much Chris Shay that's so cool still haven't got an answer you're all wrong you're all left where's the raft oh my god for Preston hedges hey Felix wanted to ask you if you ever seen or heard of my hair Academy I want to watch that also can you hit that knee knee knee button for me hell yeah X the Fox what's up rose can we get 1 million donation of this video on the side of when the [ __ ] comes in Sweden you fat [ __ ] below much love for fire support what this one able to cover your me mum diction thank you appreciate jet I haven't had a meatball in so long I have it every time I go back to Sweden because they are so much [ __ ] better in Sweden I'm trying to read the chat ok right just line the water you will see it ok it's not this one where is he been where's the [ __ ] ramp where's the [ __ ] raft guys all right I'm playing all right I'll take a break here is it you know keep going right I am maximum right I'm [ __ ] maximum right what are you guys talking about it's so annoying when Pitts doesn't know how to go ok well give me some less chillies direction it's pretty hidden the raft is a lie look up the mountain here this is where I came from now well now you're saying left for [ __ ] sake you guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] can I get you to say to subscribe to rube see everyone subscribe to rube C best channel on YouTube will spank my ass for oopsy okay I'm trying to listen to you guys directions but they're so shape let me check the house again here we go is this it this could be it oh that sounds lovely let's go there here we go follow the water yeah [ __ ] right the [ __ ] are you guys smoking [Music] what's happening here oh my god zero deaths zero deaths everyone okay I'm putting on a [ __ ] tool that water okay I know I know where to go now at least [ __ ] man it sucks getting stuck on a live stream and this game you get stuck a lot because it's like never really obvious where to go and like it's so [ __ ] dark as well we just got I don't want to ignore the really big ones hi Phil --ax I live in the first Zoo and rescue center for McDonald's in Denmark and create a game that helps charities like sue I've been trying to send you a private video can i PM you you can email me on my about page that sounds really cool though sounds like a good initiative alright let's find this [ __ ] ramp I wasn't even supposed to find the raft yet guys are such [ __ ] [ __ ] best best best chat best chat ever you guys are the best I love you guys so much thank you for all your help what is happening to my body 300 [ __ ] subscribe to mashaallah subscribe to a shell everyone everyone goes subscribe to mashaallah best channel will will spank my [ __ ] am I supposed to do this jump I think I am you guys are [ __ ] crazy Wow zero deaths everyone someone just wrote don't jump down my fiancรฉ Mike and I look forward to watching your videos every day we're wondering what's your current favorite meme is I don't know I don't know hook yeah that's my favorite name that's cool it's cool to see like a lot of couples watching me I think that's awesome mean might say watch a lot of youtubers together as well it's great this place seems great I'll I love this place oh what a great place Fanta jesh when the mornings gone you can't go on beta juice when you wear a thong and it really it's true friend what are you filming all the time I don't care what is filming all right so now we're you can find they're after you guys were confused before keep going right draft a head for cereal yeah you better be for cereal you best be for cereal cuz I'll be Kelly Ariel lucky do new cross raft now we can find the [ __ ] wrap let's go bro here we go umm sailing away set an open course for The Verge and see my blue I've got you be free free to face tonight and that's ahead of me I'm bored I'm the captain so climb aboard well search for tomorrow which way should I go this way and I'll try oh ha ha try seriously where do I go I thought about a game like this where you you play it on the PlayStation or like VR and you have to rule row with your remotes and then you have to look around through binoculars so you hold them like this and then your headsets becomes binoculars and you have to look out for sea creatures kind of like a snap hybrid so like you have to find them while at the same time moving towards your goal and then like [ __ ] creepy mermaids or some [ __ ] would attack you and then they they could pill you fully we got her back with the money's got it what the [ __ ] I feel like I'm becoming goddess [ __ ] because you donated like a [ __ ] fortune all happy I will happy be your [ __ ] which way do I go paddle oh I heard something wouldn't that be a cool game though and then the second part of the game you go down underneath the ocean that's my little game idea please don't steal it like it oh [ __ ] what what was that so like you would go underneath the ocean and then the goal would be oh my god we got dead fishes to find like what's the name of that exercise biblical giant collects hope the God I'm just losing my [ __ ] I refined dead fishes hey they're just hunting with dynamite great well it seems like out leister already did what I what I didn't want to do oh my god where's my raft oh [ __ ] go go go go go no I don't need a help oh so creepy it's really cool the sacrifice is about to begin with a [ __ ] designer Wilson well said we did it I'm sailing away get in the raft yeah what do you think I'm doing guys I feel like I'm the worst at paddling doesn't even look like I'm pedaling does it all right we're making it to the other side there's something about the deep water that is just so [ __ ] creepy because you don't know what it's in have you guys ever like swum in the middle of the ocean there's something about it man something creepy about it yeah I'm glad we don't capsize I used to be a sailing instructor for like little kids and we would during my week we had like the worst [ __ ] storm ever but we still have to go out and all the kids the first day all the kids were like who wants to sail with Felix and I was like yeah maybe me me me me me but then we would just capsize so [ __ ] much that by the end of the week it was like who wants to save the Felix just completely silent I was like ah no one likes me little real-life story for you guys no one gives a [ __ ] I get it the [ __ ] is this path dude you're the worst paddler man how long are we going to be on this [ __ ] boat this is someone image F [ __ ] well at least I'm stuck I'm [ __ ] stuck the [ __ ] why do you hate Australia I don't hate Australia are you talking about I despise Australia got him what's in the [ __ ] water ow poor excuse for a quote it's not a boat it's a raft you [ __ ] [ __ ] ha [ __ ] come on ha [ __ ] ah looks like come on looks like we're gonna have to swim all [ __ ] we did it press money yeah yeah how's everyone doing this Sunday those were the ones who took Lynn we're gonna be screaming for a long time so buckle up boys I'm almost barely okay we're fine now you're dead good Christians piers is now my [ __ ] got on since goddamnit got it Herod 16 you want her to have the baby my god they too and there's no baby I have to now you realize you have to get your girlfriend what the what the [ __ ] man got a legit like donated more than I made on YouTube this week seriously what the [ __ ] god oh great that's fine okay not oh another one what a nice little place whoa banker es3 stava okay I have to go study big exam but I love you love you too boo Carrie I probably kill your chair name but thanks for watching okay don't get caught thanks for the tip guys you're being very helpful as always all right we got this [ __ ] they're out looking for me aren't they fireballs note they lit someone on fire and then they drop them in there please help me get a few thousand subs love you bro Jessa Troy check out Jessa Troy everyone help them out all right this this [ __ ] raft is lasting a long time man code rehearse less you can crush a Wall Street Journal in hydraulic press channel game hydraulic press pocket you should see it wait what they do that I got to check that out thank you so much by the way Josh sure noticed you am I going the right way I felt like we're getting speed I don't like this Oh God oh [ __ ] oh no oh no no well said oh this is bad this is real bad this is real bad wait I'm fine I'm fight [ __ ] the raft ah [ __ ] the raft will be there ah [ __ ] the rat we're after for [ __ ] am i right it's like a kpop lay from my ass wow you guys are mean just cuz I love kpop doesn't mean you guys get to cyber bullying me yeah where is it right where I can't oh just I don't like this oh geez the setting reminds me of that [ __ ] what was that movie with Leonardo DiCaprio [ __ ] no oh hey it's just as good hello it's a family party it's fine it's nice nice little place you got here I like it some effigy Zach gaming hey bro can I get a shoutout I watched you from your happy wheels states love you loads from Zach check out Zach Zach gaming everyone top of them on champ if you guys want to use the chat just go to a gaming dot slash goodbye alright let's find a way to get a [ __ ] cross here oh my god I'm getting so many super chats let's hide here meanwhile we got a [ __ ] thousand dollars Jesus Christ Ellie Bradford it's my boyfriend is in his office watching you while I'm watching in my bedroom please tell Durham Jeremiah he is the second best guy in the world only guy I would marry besides number one which is we just gained like 17 subs in two months proud that's amazing your channel looks really cool the mas family adventure hey piers is a dream come true to see you live Ellis a would be a dream come true if you can shout my channel art we do daily vlogs and family challenges well I hope you're not like daddy or five if you're not like daddy or five check out the moss family adventures Jay plays hey longtime fans leverage channel could you have my channel get shout at Jay plays check out jay place and in the mosque family oh five i'm skidding okay let's keep going how do we get across [Applause] there must be a better way up here I hear someone up there I feel like we're supposed to lead rock BD rock gaming who's my son I loved your a believe dog just as much as your game videos keep up the good work shoutout to BD rock gaming you guys are so nice I'm trying to focus on the game a little bit though just give me a moment alright because I'm [ __ ] stuck again that tree looks like a hand should I just go down don't go the revenant that's it that's more of a shaky cam though please don't jump in the water okay I won't I just don't know where to go it's a note here hey top of the mornin G okay that was fun what the [ __ ] where do I go I'm always stuck in this [ __ ] game here it is [ __ ] there's always something [ __ ] ironing isn't this where I came from though oh my god it is for [ __ ] sake find the raft the raft is right there we just need to get to it come on we can do this Poots it's obvious shut up it's not obvious stop cyberbullying me it's still alive no it's not I just hear someone where's it coming from where do I go the ledge hey put it by it's hardly your favorite large epic Jew what will you be a crater summit again no I wasn't invited let's skip class and go to the movies the YouTube Sun was really cool I don't think it was invited this year that's completely on me because I may have done some things while being drunk that I shouldn't have done so but I have a good time at the summit it was really fun last year the good old summit I may or may not have peed from the building that's all I'm gonna say about that okay where the [ __ ] do I go cross the river I don't think so let's try it early 30s 30s oh we missed ha ha ha ha the road s0 - okay I'm so not see we're still not dead because I didn't die I can still make [Applause] they're just okay so we just go farther up the river yeah we just need to swim better [Music] okay let's say triangle I'm swimming this way as much as I can come on come on come on come on it doesn't work push a tree okay that would make sense thank you guys for helping me I'm a [ __ ] idiot the tree on the effigy that would make sense I just don't know how I'm still not dead okay the wrapkin the gunfire I can stomach no there is a tree okay correct Christian Medina thank you love you Christina media media maybe read that [ __ ] no okay I'm glad I'm not the only one confused so playing this game because [ __ ] hell there it is there's the [ __ ] tree yes love Jesus I love him it's the best he's so good no no what how do you [ __ ] that up what the hey that was that was a glitch that was a glitch I don't know what happen or I'll radicular oh these nuts are good um if we both spam just timed them out please I do my teachers hanging I got a lot less scary older son Harry we got the rap Lucy with clover thank you so much losing [Applause] biggest gamer in the world everyone shut up shut up oopsie holy [ __ ] we got a 200 donation jeez Whitney words are hard you always been there when people need someone to keep them afloat well I need just like I need the RAF right now you affect your fans more than you know been watching a year for years I'm so happy to see how far you've come always do what you love and their support would be ah you guys are so nice mayn't use so much Whitney that's so cool appreciate you wait what's that a thought what's it a thousand five hundred NT Lucy with clover what's that NT what currency is that I got a Google a because that's very confusing [ __ ] is empty okay okay it's it's 0.033 it's a new Taiwan dollar I was like holy [ __ ] a thousand five hundred it's it's a it's it's fifty dollars I certainly appreciate about like if it was a thousand I wouldn't want to know it what a [ __ ] weird-ass currency it's like it's so funny seeing the currencies they're so [ __ ] like Hough and [ __ ] okay tie one huh I'm out if I'll ever go to Taiwan I'll feel reaches fun we're keeping on the rack boy top bottom on into your Jaffe you have changed the name of you guys from Bros to Jeff blink twice if you think it's a good idea [Music] how many times have I died though for real this raft [ __ ] sucked dick honestly [Applause] can we get a 420 hop donation uh-huh oh my god uh-huh oh [ __ ] what should we name the raft Jeff Jeff don't die on me Jeff no we can still do this Jeff we're gonna make it through this Jeff come on Jeff don't you die on me don't you die on me jet you're my only raft I love you like you are my child Jeff come on boy don't break on me now [Music] nine deaths now zero death vero definitely a right answer that was a trick question god damn it guys Andy Milonakis I'm gay confirmed here on the PewDiePie channel Andy Milonakis comes out as a homosexual that's all right I'm gay - Andy what are you single we should date oh my god oh my god oh no ha [ __ ] I didn't god damn it what the [ __ ] happened to you go I really need to heal [ __ ] you're distracting me with your gayness A&E for [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] I'm getting licked this is super gay I love it oh my god what the [ __ ] is that let me just heal okay I'm just ah ah stop licking me for [ __ ] sake zero deaths zero deaths everybody zero deaths we got 69 . 69 from blasts hi hi thanks for always having me laugh on good and bad days first time I ever gotten watched a stream loving it sorry for kinky no no oh my god what's happening what is happening you guys need to stop distracting me I'm loving it sorry for hating me watch you be a tease that's awesome thank you guys cruciate it I need to stop dying zero deaths I mean zero deaths Sarah Dessen everyone know we're about don't worry about counting that [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sake guys for [ __ ] alright let me just run away from this guy I am it am I at the bottom of a [ __ ] pool great don't you just love running at the bottom of a pool it's like comma comma come on get up get up get up yes [ __ ] can't swim this is like that episode of [ __ ] not episode it follows in the end when they the thing in the pool let me just take a [ __ ] let me just take a [ __ ] everyone I mean dire need of a [ __ ] taken you don't sound too good man should be he'll run hey yes a toilet where I come from Oh was a tight gap it also reminds me of that music video with that die Oh well now I've seen it all how the [ __ ] do I get out of here dude don't [ __ ] swear what a good video they're going to laugh at you what was it title then let's take a little shower ah ah this is just like that one time with that one girl that's all I'm gonna say about that oh my god oh they're sexy how nice this game got a lot more chill I like it what the [ __ ] was that our greatest Jam okay well if it's jammed put it on your sandwich that's what I always say oh look I'm making blood finger bear footprints okay not that one maybe not that one how about this one Oh No and maybe it's just blood pudding you know I guess that's still technically blood for [ __ ] sake what am I supposed to do here anyway appreciate all the support you guys are enjoying the stream if you guys can help me it's a door here that's jammed as well Jessica where are you talking about I'm inside the die music video with the [ __ ] should be a window here somewhere I can jump out of talking about the lifeguard that's really nothing here make the janitor mad leave the pool boys locker room okay that would make sense let's check all the bathrooms there's nothing here though okay we found it this Texas isn't it we found it cool thanks guys hey look it's it's schmeckel my favorite youtuber uh and we got we got wait we got another [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry Whitney grim tits did my other intonation go through I didn't see it I saw it Whitney I think so appreciate your Whitney God are getting chase again aren't I I'm not going to [ __ ] die this time I'm getting real [ __ ] sick or die let me go [Music] [ __ ] why are all the goddamn doors trap here we go maybe we can play outlast on one of these computers that would make sense right you need to get to the second floor okay no okay let's see head no no chilling is world hands linen got them got them no chilling a no hands linen what could it mean zero deaths everyone batteries when the mornings gone in you can't go uh batteries kept Falak schools now I know where I'm never gonna put my [ __ ] kids that look on the other side okay okay we are on sort on the second floor oh my god ah it's raining blitz hallelujah it's raining blood yeah boy there on earth beer up ah ah feels so good it's so nice and refreshing it's warm it's 37 degrees where I'll ever go later my name is Jeff this is wonderful having a great time my name is dead meme guys haha that's the thing the Jeff meme can never die it's it's holy or unholy should I say oh wow oh wow yes ah this reminds me of Evil Dead the remake I really like to remake a lot of people don't like it because they didn't use a lot of special effects they had like a part in the end where there's raining blood and they literally just had people up in the trees with [ __ ] spraying blood I don't know it's just so cool I recommend that movie watching it with friends is really fun last llama laughs man some I hate horror but turn this [ __ ] into a comedy ha ha sorry donut again for the laws cuz I'm in a good mood food is young and in love food what am I saying sorry for distraction 69 69 I don't know what I'm saying GG well played thanks last appreciate ya ok holy [ __ ] this is really cool the game gets cooler and cooler I gotta say I see a lot of negative comments about the ending of the game I'm really curious I think the idea I'm super impressed by it DJ's DS Robo TV love your content and Aussie youtuber go to sleep Australia I should also do a schooi beer alcoholic beverage I'll do a schooi next time one main step for you teach these Robo TV I don't want to use the cam because it looks so [ __ ] cool with a blood rain how you doing buddy looking good seems [ __ ] possible to see though here we go [Music] a lot of people died here a lot of people died in this game thinning is good okay I'm looking for I love the ending of the first outline I thought it was cool maybe I'm a little biased good meme you guys probably someone understood what I'm [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god what happened oh god it's someone in here no no no no no no no no no no no no close the door close the door close the door closing it and lock it in can I can't lock in got a thousand rupees is it Ruby hi Felix been watching since 1 million subs it was fun to watch you grow you inspired me to my dreams move to move from Russia with my boyfriend and make music thank you so much I also make guitar covers on YouTube super happy check them out that's awesome dude that's cool I'm glad I'm glad you got your [ __ ] sorted out thank you so much Syd hi win hi me and my brother watch your show for 4 years still love it keep up the gameboard love for Norway you guys are so nice thank you said shout out to you and your brother my ego is like 10 times exploding after these live streams because you guys are so nice ok I think we're gonna have to go to where this [ __ ] make it a high five tough but I'm on hi Felix from Sydney Australia why is Australia not asleep yet that's all I want to know oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god this is creepy oh my god okay don't spoil and a nice I didn't see anything I think someone is in here [ __ ] why did I go here there's a door go go go yes yes Jesse says close close whoa who is in here with me I don't want to know [ __ ] Oh someone has been here recently yes we tried to get it back okay for the enemy but they wait Lin uh have you seen her cute boys don't touch me please the lucky ones they kill get out we have to leave we have to go good talk man I'm having some delicious nuts I'm sorry for eating just got a state energized [Music] sorry let me just finish this pack oh [ __ ] man I should eat something less crunchy tonight I'm sorry no no god damn boss this is not family-friendly I don't like batteries when the bottom got in G so singing song hey [ __ ] what up dog Thank You Jess when you're here things low when you're so good hope my freestyle is [ __ ] good man what can I say back uh what was that the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] I don't like to school men I'm never sending my kids to [ __ ] Catholic school that's for [ __ ] sure I'm saying them to Satan school is that a thing can we make that happen um what am i doing what's with all the empty rooms subscribe to pewdiepie by the way in case you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe to my channel upload videos um hey we're the most streamed on youtube right now how about that that's cool you guys are watching the worst let's play on YouTube because I'm [ __ ] stuck all the [ __ ] time god dammit I don't know where to go why not here why not why not help me this part has two big screamers thanks for spoiling it now I'm turning down my volume a little bit I'm just kidding I'm not [ __ ] I'm scared of no screamer do you think I'm [ __ ] for [ __ ] sake guys help me help me please oh my god we got another turtle chips thanks again man preciate you have a good night thanks for watching you're you're [ __ ] awesome really appreciate it here we go for [ __ ] sake okay Jessica Jessica Jessica it's Jessica remember Jessica I just remember Jessica no no no I don't want that but what oh that I'm fine I'm fine listen we're fine we're fine we're fine [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] an inch now I like this check the computers okay okay okay you're a little late with that comment [Music] are there more computers to check I want to still let I want still lick throwing the computers and watch porn what a great suggestion guys you're always so hilarious oh excuse me [Music] you gotta go to gaming dot slash Cooper and you can become a sponsor what the [ __ ] where do I go now I'm going to run out of batteries if this continues check the other computers but I don't see it oh there it is [ __ ] I'm blind I'm legally blind I can see you Oh God rage against the machine is that you what was the other thing on your screen nothing just messing around last bro who needs sleep for his life so I'll read it later who has control what is this community support hope and pray is for depressed anxious Catholic believe you can't masturbate of course you're going to get anxious you just need to rub one out you know if you're feeling not alright just rub one out it's Felix its Felix remember that song actually please so that was a bit weird if you're not feeling alright then just rub one out it's feeling it okay pulse well I'm getting great footage here guys [Music] I have a feeling my SD card it's going to get corrupted in the end that's the real plot twist that's a real thing you go through everyone everything and they're like where's your revenues oh yeah I got I got it right on the disk corrupted no that would be the true horror of a youtuber Hey thank you for opening the door more computers okay all right I'm trying to check all the computers what the [ __ ] I swear I check them all did I miss one did I miss one hello thanks to all the mods by the way for commenting all the spam really appreciate all the help and also appreciate all the mods not spamming what do I go here dude you really can't run long high from von Guericke de Australia Australia go to sleep oh oh oh oh what is this oh oh no oh no oh I'm getting out of here man [ __ ] I'm walking in circles now I'm an idiot did she just say family friendly do I need to go back there exit boots oh yeah boy we're getting out of here zero death this is a zero def playthrough has never been done before Oh for [ __ ] sake huh yeah I get that I get I'm not alone here you said it like a gazillion times Australia never sleeps hello you little [ __ ] getting tired of her I don't like her it's too much [ __ ] with me Hey ah for [ __ ] o for free god damn it that's fine that's fine at it I don't like her anyway I don't like her anyway right now that's locked great good job Felix good job Felix you you've really done it this time boy does anyone go to Catholic school that's watching this give me a little tip I need a little tip ah dog no you will not lick me oh [ __ ] oh we're back in our work me I'm curious how much of the game is it is left I'm really cured we're back in the rain hallelujah hallelujah because to me blood rain seems to be an indication that you know hey looking good man looking good Oh Oh [Music] God ah [ __ ] oh god they're coming they're coming they're coming good crawl under crawl under barn you're crawling [ __ ] I can't fit I'm too fat [ __ ] I've done it now boys [ __ ] do you think it's safe do you guys think it's safe I don't know if I trust this man ah [ __ ] oh okay ah oh it's really bloody outside i forfeit dance yeah blah drop all batteries hahaha very yo Felix I go to K Pollock and this is what it [ __ ] feels like ha ha great I bet wow that oh wow how nice can we exit here so anywhere to go I feel like there's this out here it is I see it now oh you know what I wasn't actually supposed to go there oh my god it's tree people oh [ __ ] it's cha Oh [ __ ] its tree people after me [Applause] uh-oh oh oh no oh [Applause] tsch bad rose this is real bad yeah we're doing it now you know when your barrels are helping you you know that so when you know you're [ __ ] run pants what the [ __ ] are you talking about spank him great suggest Cindy [ __ ] throw your [ __ ] tree schmuck out and she kicked me run run run run ah ah Jason bison Oh No where do we go he'll helio i'll have any manners [ __ ] here ah go back no don't hurt me I'm Swedish watch me ah ah run you're sucking [ __ ] cow Wow [ __ ] man I don't want to keep running I'm running at us jump yeah come on whoa yeah Mitch yeah go go go go what do I go where do I go go Wow [Applause] hell yeah that was [ __ ] awesome hell yeah that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about oh god keep going [ __ ] yeah oh my god minecraft minecraft man alright let's go in painter Jess all right let's do a quick quick run to go through the amazing support a thousand Danish hello from Denmark my sister love you swearing a Swedish that's fun about tell you me when you say food they also go buy some sour cream and onion chips I I love sour cream and onion ship they're the [ __ ] best saying Thank You MC P 95 aspiring writer New Zealand fifty are you able to shout out the non-existent country of New Zealand I didn't know that was a country how about that we have sheep and lots of grass bless you though dude I also went to get that cook that catalytic and it contained a lot of hot students oh hello there Perry Sammy Ramadi hey Felix awesome stream been watching you since 2013 even the only constant thing in my life I rely on and I can rely through all this time you've been there for me through everything thank you for all your hard work love you man oh that's so nice you guys are so nice if you guys want to join the chat go to gaming dot-com slash you [ __ ] gaming dot slash PTI gaming dot you [ __ ] I don't know whatever [ __ ] how do I get it back - there we go alright let's keep playing thank you guys for all the support appreciate you love you will smack your ass and a non-sexual violent way just in a daddy or five way if you know what I mean that's right oh wow this place they're they're decorating early for Christmas huh it's beautiful beautiful ornament go to Catholic school one sub equals one prayer nice Jesus I've been waiting for you what oh [ __ ] Oh God Jesus no Jesus J says why why why Jade's dead take me with you [ __ ] take me with you on your adventures I would but I am busy holding this camera man sorry oh sorry I'll walk around next time sorry there you go you're sponsored by go in a gaming dot slash P type and hit the sponsor button that's how you sponsor appreciate you guys love you guys so much I saw something in here Jessica love Blake okay I think this game is amazing I love it this the unit take away older getting stuck bits it's [ __ ] cool man you know finally I can relate to Jesus okay maybe this one Jessica Jessica Jessica bandages yeah Jessica good thing though blood came on those bandages good dog girl oh wow somebody's [ __ ] lock the door can you stop locking the goddamn doors stop locking the doors didn't it sound like they unlocked it they did what the [ __ ] last bro you know when you see a bloody Chris Vegas Bennett use the deal what the [ __ ] I'm not gonna say that last shell okay geez sesh yes no wonder my [ __ ] outlet videos get demonetised honestly [ __ ] all the religious [ __ ] and all that but not everyone's is getting demonetised how about that everyone Oh what happened oh oh game got stuck oh it's just it's is still working Magnum my slug booty pie what is the music you play all the time out les crashed what what wait a minute wait a minute the game crashed the [ __ ] oh god don't tell me I lost my save no no please epic they just gave me 5.5 pounds thank you thank you Pepe bless your soul what the [ __ ] it crashed that what the [ __ ] man god damn this is so weird what what do I do wait a minute give me one second all right it's working is it working what here come on man it crashed because you're trash wow thanks hey Antonio the well that was awkward yeah it was but you know what there are gaps the game just demonetized you [ __ ] man it happens to the best of us let me get the chat back oh my god I'm sorry hundred percent apologies sorry sorry gomenasai gomennasai what different it's a que les don't worry okay I was joke okay thank you so much that I appreciate all the nation's very kind of you lies this is why I play on console oh yeah okay all right sure sure buddy sure you know that [ __ ] can happen on [ __ ] any it comes oh okay I mean even ya know you don't know what you're talking about okay batteries when the mornings gone in you're saying a son a birthday yet I'm alone enable town or porn crafter but they're here buttery yeah for Farnell I get mail it's about 30 era coming to torn battery your sorrow baby time for next line away with it come on sharp or little anger well I guess have a great day everyone Oberon and I were having a great Sunday play watching me play some outliers we're gonna play some more games after this one um the Stalin guy hey it's the sullen guy everybody the celling guy I do hair tutorials I did two bids on your awesome hair please mention and subscribe check out the sullen guy I actually saw those videos they were pretty good have you have you done on the my latest haircut I guess not but that's cool appreciate your video student [Music] get Genesis oh I am now a sponsor am i cool yet yes you are anyone who's a sponsor is cool all right let's try and not get the game crashed now I'm not gonna walk that way I'll walk this way don't crash don't crash don't cry oh my god oh my god don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash on me boy see you a cupcake thanks for joining the stream don't crash don't crash don't crash please don't crash am I looking for a book or something a book on how to not crash got it what's the music it's [ __ ] farting it's a mace oh [ __ ] always just follow one side always works you can't [ __ ] up I [ __ ] off okay maybe you can maybe you can [ __ ] up [ __ ] I need to work on my stamina dude it's pathetic all right we're sticking with our strategy strategy oh god is that real no no no no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] stop [ __ ] this is getting really creepy Oh No Lord forgive me everyone is asking how to sponsor you to go to gaming dot slash beautif I really appreciate everyone becoming a sub becoming in our looks campaign okay we're back here wait I'm not supposed to go here where am I whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa faith the history of faith everyone know I remember its vault boy today in Sweden which is like the biggest drinking holiday so I figured I'll pop some whiskey by the end of the livestream I have some Swedish whiskies from the last livestream can't carry any more bandages exploring the path of joy great no I did not scream like a little girl shut the [ __ ] up you prick you scream - okay shut up ss why you had to yell at me like that I want a dick hey it's a sister Scott Purcell your boots you opted your gear list again for all your new racy stuff and many thing wait what sigh what thanks Bruce Thank You salary I appreciate ya you're gonna make he's gonna make a new one with blond hair do you have a hairstyle you will recommend the new races stuff on many many things for tweeting out the link earlier it's cut personal how the [ __ ] do I get out of here that's a good question that's a great question hey how about okay how about here just follow the light hey follow Jesus don't let the cat nipples grow what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Oh fun there are no handle that devil must get springy a latina my God my God oh oh oh oh that's right don't touch me you crazy son of a [ __ ] oh we're back here oh how would that make sense oh look how nice we're back in the bloody rain everyone or black in the bloody rain oh it's blocked so it's my boot maybe we can push this somewhere reckless gaming stuff hey piers been a bros since the Fano days would be cool if you could shout on my channel we'd love it good luck without last I bet it the other day the reckless gaming stuff alright check out the record gaming stuff I guess appreciate your man appreciate all the support what is happening what's happening is moving on its own what is happening it's glitching out what the it's happening okay we're free okay we can go now hey did it even if you can't donate I really appreciate everyone just watching this scream I can't believe there's over 90,000 people that's [ __ ] awesome I'm having a lot of fun I hope you guys are enjoying it as well that sounded very excited I'm having a lot of fun everyone as you can tell god I just want Jessica to die at this point just leave me alone leave me alone recharge [ __ ] my ass is asleep again god damn it I've been sitting too long oh god it's bad interact oh go go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay don't pick that clothes go where is he my god it's scaring the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] we're a [ __ ] it coming from shut up it's freaking me out too much I don't like it what happened to the stream did we break it it's not updating anymore for me all they're upstairs and they're coming down Oh better hurry up the gross where do we put it where do we put it where do we put it whatever put it there where do I put it oh great they're here hi guys hi yes some guys just keepin it blind Thanks preciate you well that could have gone better where do I [ __ ] put it where do I [ __ ] put it where the sounds is so scary put it in the place it belongs great you know I'm dead now again right there there I had it in the right place are you kidding me go go go go go go go go go go yes yes yes yes that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] [ __ ] ah ah jump oh no I'm getting tired of this go run yeah go ahead and [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] up the [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] what No where am I yeah ah no zero des I haven't died a single a single time I haven't done a single time Oh oh my god my heart my heart will go on man [ __ ] [ __ ] em yeah I'm legit [ __ ] myself [ __ ] I'm so focused right now come on Felix come on you can do this come on man okay don't [ __ ] hit me when I'm on this [ __ ] thing yes okay ah no a minute whoa hey hey hey the police if that [ __ ] no I haven't died 48 times shut up [ __ ] man god this is intense I just got to be fast come on run like the wind go go god damn it boy this is some [ __ ] Mirror's Edge running [ __ ] [ __ ] jumping across god they're right behind me I can hear them jump go go [ __ ] [ __ ] ass licking [ __ ] oh god just I'll run and lose right in her titties that's not good oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ah you ass hole oh [ __ ] Eddie head Novato I just remembered I had an appointment sorry just remembered I gotta take a [ __ ] [ __ ] ah just great keep chasing me but see how much this game wants me to have a [ __ ] heart attack I can't let's take a [ __ ] let's take a [ __ ] rose Oh God is it in here I feel like I should have hidden in the toilets ah stop that what the [ __ ] oh my god what happened [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] Oh God [ __ ] duck a [ __ ] a duck oh my god Oh wrong way [ __ ] run like sanic they did a little later day-day the Deaf count zero that's correct all right why why the [ __ ] did I go in the [ __ ] which one should we take a [ __ ] what you see oh my god there's a father up above man he's looking down in love so be careful little eyes what you see Oh No Oh be careful Oh okay careful little man sweat shop hi I understand what I was supposed to do I'm so I realized too late supposed to crawl understood the other one [ __ ] oh this is intense man I can't do this for too long I'm gonna die I swear I'm gonna have a premature death ha Felix died of horror game you know it wouldn't be so bad I could I could die right now that'd be all right not a bad bad time you know so relaxing yeah okay I'm supposed to crawl right [Music] zero next everyone zero dead so we're almost out a hundred thousand holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay here we go [Music] what you say ah oh my god let's go [ __ ] it's locked you're not evil like shut up just confused shut up go go go go I'm not hiding I promise just chillin chillin out maxin relaxin all cool don't I know I don't need help don't need help I feel great I feel fantastic oh hey thanks for that [ __ ] oh the sound is killing me holy [ __ ] hundred thousand people watching that's [ __ ] incredible oh Jesus hey America Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton a hundred thousand people four hundred Hillary Clinton everyone Hillary Clinton help Hillary Clinton hell yeah jessica is a [ __ ] this is all your fault great thanks my nipples honestly are itching like [ __ ] crazy I'll never like you hug okay cool don't want to hug anyway whoa if if literally everyone watching right now went to gaming dot slash PewDiePie and hit sponsor then I could literally just remove ads from all my videos anyway and I'd be fine that would be great thank you good get go to gaming dot slash boot pad everyone do it top of the morning thank you guys so much for all the support you guys are [ __ ] awesome love you guys I will lick your ass honestly I do some kinky [ __ ] [ __ ] where do I go I'm stuck now I can't be stuck now can the camera chill I'll never let you wear Uggs is that it [ __ ] what do I do what do i do we just go out it's jammed that roof Cham Serena's ceiling MIT can you start with a [ __ ] camera Jetta Jesus Christ Mike there's a window I see it now subscribe for dank memes everyone ah come on ah having a great time everyone hope you're having a great Sunday having a great time everyone in the blood rain feels great how do I go down am I not supposed to where am I supposed to go then what what are you doing what's he doing this way wait what what the anxiety is through the roof yeah this is [ __ ] intense this part but why don't I just drop down there why doesn't he know when I drop down by Sunday on my life I'm having a lot of fun this is cool jump down jump down help I'm stuck I'm doing push-ups what yeah hello from Russia P is gonna be modern your stream I'm also youtuber with 5 million subs hell yeah mr. low low low low low low low scare hope you're not trolling there's so many people in Russia [ __ ] watching YouTube and [ __ ] help what do I do stuck even here shut up I am jump shut up shut up shut up professional gamer everyone Peter pie here live streaming oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] this is bad it's just real bad jump oh my god [ __ ] platforming game all of a sudden all right what do we go now down there that's a bit high isn't it up here here we go nice holy crap so many people in Russia [ __ ] yeah I sometimes I say great things and you are not supposed to quote me for that can we write a minecart down that be [ __ ] cool what do I do what the [ __ ] do I do now again that's right I came from here right yeah I did okay I was just making sure no I did wait what now could you see id can play say professional gamer okay shut up you guys don't have to put cyber bullying me alright I really don't appreciate I'm against cybernetics Oh well then easy easy this game is soap battery pop buy out the lesson nice when the morning's gun and you wear a thong berries whoa oh did it's a party on the screen for a second ah that's right it oh jeez last okay before we continue for this last all right I got uni tomorrow need my beauty sleep good night good night last a prick [ __ ] appreciate thanks for staying up I appreciate everyone watching staying up late [ __ ] this though I'm just gonna go and remember I have uni as well tomorrow [ __ ] can't touch this can't touch this can't touch this can't touch this can't touch this ah where the [ __ ] do I go press age to heal now it's not really a great time for that go go Bonnie go you're a [ __ ] ho how many times are these [ __ ] gonna change me go go go go go for [ __ ] sake come on come on we can do it you can make it if we try ha just the two of us you and crawl for max yet yeah hell yeah yes yes hell yeah that's what I'm talking about [Music] [ __ ] yeah easy this game is easy I can't believe haven't done a single time can you believe that can you believe that pain Oh healing this is [ __ ] running from dying simulator oh I guess that's a horror game for you alright if we not have more room for bandages okay wait we're back here an elevator and a llama let's go up the a lobotomy for my girlfriend I'm coming Marzia coming to save ya what's happening it's not moving what's happening no no the [ __ ] sake I'm so [ __ ] tired of this Lima is like super fast on I'm an empty foot if I'm a new tic you [ __ ] I'm tired of these [ __ ] ass I'm tired of these [ __ ] plane people on this [ __ ] game why do they hate me so much I love plants I wash the plant one time it's a long story don't really have time I'm running out of salmon a man look I can't even [ __ ] run anymore ah funny hell spring nodding yeah blah coughs ah hey are you doing [Music] by ah yes [ __ ] up so [ __ ] hard I would [ __ ] them I would spread their [ __ ] ass and I was sick of my notes right in there and I would do [ __ ] you that was way more disgusting than needed but I'm sorry but jess is dead okay she's good I mean Lin good whatever Wow well zero - on a [ __ ] roll ah [ __ ] damn on oh my god oh my god five hundred feet eight out of eight you missed that 250 dollar donation where are you two kidding me no I didn't but that's the [ __ ] Philippine II calm down but I appreciate it though thank you so I just really want to focus on the game what do I do jump [Applause] [Music] okay we're killing it for us [Music] Raquelle na go to gaming don't slash PewDiePie and subscribe in that way I can just not have ads anymore that would be [ __ ] awesome think about that zero deaths zero death everyone batteries if you're enjoying the stream I really appreciate it this is [ __ ] awesome we're in the mines now welcome Gillette fir know it's there any place there's not a [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you for reminding me of the battery guys cuz I heard oh [ __ ] it's her their battery their oh my god this is the [ __ ] most intense livestream I've ever done this game is so fun to does not give you a [ __ ] break does it we could probably squeeze through that I can't we nope thought I was good at squeezing through tight holes I'm 12 ish just confused where is this story going am i insane that's probably it hey a torch we got a 500 new region hey Mohammed's back at it again what up my Hamish don't have a good time mister don't have a good time to watch the rest oh don't have time to watch the rest but a really important favor to ask we'll listen please play Nico play Nico okay I'll check it out man why don't I get that torch instead of this [ __ ] Oh No it's fake right yeah it's a faker everyone's becoming sponsor I will suck your ass - coming in early captain great this place is falling the [ __ ] apart Jax but ice is better thank you appreciate it deuces I do agree dude that apps all he got skinned he got [ __ ] skinned man that's that's very nice that's very nice oh man I can't believe this [ __ ] over a hundred thousand people watching how y'all do it I can't believe it it's [ __ ] weird unreal unreal guys I'm Madani love your videos trying to playing outlets to the DLC it's [ __ ] awesome I hope yeah I hope this one gets a deal see that'd be [ __ ] cool battery batteries sorry I gotta open up there we go battery year they've order some fan mail it's about done but that is all right where's that [ __ ] I mean our girlfriend hello what was that neigh go neigh don't hurt me please [ __ ] about to get real oh god what's gonna happen open open hi okay we're fine where do they go what what what you can't just insta kill me oh my god Jesus Christ dread pirate a hundred please don't suck on my ass but things for much entertainment over the air I'm off to bed but keep doing what you do that's amazing thank you so much man have a good night thank you for staying up and watching this [ __ ] it's got to be creepy watching this [ __ ] at night I had to read spot that are you thanks for insta killing me game I mean zero death of course Sarah deaths zero deaths everyone buck teddy it cosmic YouTube I pity I love your content a funny I'm watching enjoying the stream can i be a mod cosmic youtube okay fine appreciate you okay so wait we didn't go here before we we went here yep get the whiskey in pits late later on later on we got a Oh God we got a long day ahead of us best gamer ever zero deaths that's right let's [ __ ] write 7 a.m. waking up in the morning gotta be fresh all right well I know which store not to go in now thank you game yeah sorry there's no net glow we're trying to figure out a lot of details we spend a lot of time trying to get everything sorted and unfortunately we're still missing some components and [ __ ] what's happening I don't like this I don't like this at all this [ __ ] mine sucks ass okay well I guess we're just gonna start running now I'm gonna start running now I really really got a strong feeling about just running may go run the other way you idiot [ __ ] oh my god why is mine why am I not playing Minecraft god damn it all I ever wanted was to play Minecraft hide hide hide I died I died I died a Quentin I was going back to back to see when I saw this dream decided was better than dreams Quentin appreciation the microphone on your cam will help that's a good tip thank you forgot I had that is it safe Thank You Jack for clarifying no please hi how you doing don't kick me ah what did I said I said I had one [ __ ] request nope I'm not fast enough I'm so [ __ ] dead why are you filming [ __ ] I'll be okay let's just film this really quick for the youtubes zero deaths everyone whoo we're doing a zero def playthrough on a licen case you're new I'm a pro gamer if you haven't heard of me before I go by the name of Jack spicy I I do games I play all the games hey a baby card that's nice let's go baby I play all the games ever and I have zero deaths so if I die we're going to restart the whole playthrough again that's the reason why everyone is watching because I'm really good at games I'm really really really good at game I'm extremely talented it's a gift it's a gift I had for a long time pimba pimba what the [ __ ] shut up with the Pemba when I perish 8u pimba good old pimba I wish I was a pimp you know what I mean fainted yes hiding in the locker for no reason let's lock this why would I do that there's nothing in here is there anything in here whoa what the [ __ ] is happening let's take it easy they're right there they're at their breasts oh my god hey whoa maybe we need to push of course we push baby backwards why don't you guys tell me you I got it easy puzzle thank you baby appreciate you no worries a better problem okay if you've done something I want you to tell me he's my psychiatrist isn't he okay gonna have nightmares yeah well me too [ __ ] hell it's just scary to watch because it's [ __ ] scary to blame in alright let's reload Jesus Christ you have to switch the track I already did it you guys are [ __ ] delayed holy [ __ ] so many people watching unreal Unreal Engine 4 we need to sleep all you need is a blessing boots oh you're not going to sleep if you're watching this anyway oh it sounds lovely down here oh my god Wow nice how many people died in this goddamn place [ __ ] oh my god okay I want to get out of here I want to go back to bed [ __ ] I hate mines they're so [ __ ] creepy look at that ah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] three monsters what have you done to Lin first oh we are creatures of appetite oh [ __ ] it's them [ __ ] girl boy anger I'm gonna see it look it up boo say look at that camo turn in this world damn what the [ __ ] I can see her Koosh don't tell max yeah the feelings feelings oh my feelings I just saw a vagina halos welcome porn for Lord naked hiding nothing I show my face see oh wow oh no I don't want the tree thing don't lick me again just don't lick me again cuz you're ugly had that lint oh it's not true what's happening oh you got rekt [ __ ] hi Oh what are you kidding me are you kidding me run you [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa go Felix go go Felix go we can do this all night long baby girl I've been chased for 400 oh this way this way aah god damn it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm trying [ __ ] welcome all the new sponsors are we nearly at the end someone just wrote it what the [ __ ] there we go yes yes babies yes ah no no oh space squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze don't touch my nips yes oh god I got a splinter in my necklace feels good though feels good it feels good okay laughter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah tops fun cool or shut up shut up shut up oh that can't be good this wires a wife those wires are alive gonna have to swim underneath right am i swimming oh oh well that didn't work what's he'll [ __ ] what do I do guys I thought I could swim underneath maybe here I can't see underwater so it's not that easy oh I'm stuck watch No she saw me didn't she Oh titties [ __ ] titties man oh can you not just swim you [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I do [ __ ] I [ __ ] up big time you have to turn off the power maybe turn up the power follow the wires and disconnect okay am I not dead yet I feel like I've died like 20 times [ __ ] okay [ __ ] today in just follow that run follow the wires okay got it got I got I got it god I gotta get gotta get that boom boom boom alright here's the wire what do [ __ ] guys why did you lie to me there it is yes thank you thanks [ __ ] [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] but hope I was right by the wires are you kidding me my fun victims table rob corddry moon n man of many hey Felix massive fan we put a list of your gear together on my website many of many many of many tastes we just updated for new new gear including a new sound board we'd love to check it out I'll check it out that's cool I think I saw the other one it's very impressive and many of many ok let's see if I can [ __ ] do this come on come on guys we're almost there we're almost by the end of the game we can do this so I thought I would just swim through there right but she just went around what Oh what are you [ __ ] [ __ ] my nipples out I thought I'd turn them off I turned it off they're not man I [ __ ] suck zero deficit one zero des don't worry about it it's a glitch which don't count okay come on we got this there's two of them what's the other one that [ __ ] I'm really used to Mike okay oh that's what you meant okay there's two switches great [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] train great [ __ ] this sucks I don't even know where the other one is come on come on I meant held back there are you kidding me oh [ __ ] I bet her puss is super soggy right now oh cool well that take care of that Sh [ __ ] okay all right we know where one switches so where's the other one okay there's two cables oh I see here they go so one goes here uh-oh there's the cable I see it I see it back today at okay okay KK KK where did the wire go it's here okay all right we got this bros we got this we got this - stay focused stay focused Felix you got this [ __ ] I'm nervous I'm so [ __ ] nervous come on Felix come on I feel the pressure man I feel the pressure on my nipples they're about to crush man that about to get [ __ ] smoosh to death man come on come on yes zero deaths [ __ ] come on come on boys Wow yes Sarah mother [ __ ] man boys just now that's what I'm talking talking about push this [ __ ] [ __ ] I see the hustle shut up shut your [ __ ] mouth ah ah ah oh my god I almost died oh they'll happen there there we go oh my god and now we just pull it back right I know I'm MLG guys I know my pro player really appreciate all the support boy how long do I need to put it down how far do I need to pull come on and go it's question ten Oh No okay but just do it for [ __ ] sake unbelievable even Jax but I see can't you see oh there that's right not even wait why the [ __ ] haven't you told me that my hair is sticking up like that how long has that been the case unforgivable good job not [ __ ] can we cool eh oh [ __ ] I hate when they just run it straight into you mate I don't like that man I'm getting tied to pee as well this is bad being a dud naked oh [ __ ] I don't wanna go down in the water again the vagina blonde sir is there huh oh all right where am i where am i where am I 800 feet hold me now I'm 800 feet from the years knob doesn't love you know like I do know that's a no everyone that's it oh look dildos wow how nice Go Go Go I'm a [ __ ] ho Go Go Go oh wow got so tired of this just leave me alone please ah ah go what are you doing yeah can we take a stream pee break please I'm going to pee myself run run you [ __ ] run you're supposed to run you're not running what are you doing [ __ ] right there which way which way which oh this way ow ow ow outfit up bat up pep-pep hit the hay hey where do we go we go where they go oh oh my god a little better Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ham oh okay well I'm having a bad no she sees me she sees me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me I'm allergic to touching don't touch me you can't touch me baby baby baby [ __ ] come on come on go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god what am i doing with my [ __ ] life at this point there's a ladder there's a lot of this ladder yeah see see see see says praise the Lord praise Satan Almighty Oh feeling like vaginas oh man guys if you want to use the chat go to gaming comm slash sorry gaming dot I keep saying gaming gaming dot you to become such Peter pie you can watch the stream there and you can hit the support button if you want to use the chat oh boy I'm gonna be if I survive all this I'm gonna gonna have some whiskey min by the end of this I'm gonna have some [ __ ] whiskey what do I go now up always jump buddy can you shout out my boyfriend shout out to your boyfriend the voice crack shut up I've been talking for a long time don't make fun of me Thank You mods for doing a good job by the way appreciate you you love that stinky ass match no I did not I did not no one loves the stinky vagina hi hi ah what'd I say about stinking vaginas what did I just say ah [ __ ] took my [ __ ] body a gay person she took my [ __ ] camcorder what a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god what is happening what is happening what's happening what's happening what's happening what's happening what is this oh man no no no what I'm beating you you just got a boner no I yeah tell me you don't know that [Music] not unless you answer wait wait Oh fine then you have to give up if you see I win I'll let you up okay you have to say it you win okay wait we're young you said to push over Blake why well hey hey what the [ __ ] is this what my god I'm I never hold the hand of a girl before it's their bleach here mustard ketchup what that [ __ ] is happening Wow 118 thousand people watching I hope you're all having a great time appreciate all your watching this is [ __ ] awesome what is happening I want batteries can we look for batteries this is that's a big jar of mayonnaise right there I don't know why you have to be so precious about it is she going to show us our couch I asked first hmm I don't know nerd shut up you are what is happening if you just came into the stream where I think we would watch the end of the game I just wanted to know you're a nerd too proof that might say is in a girl what what are you talking about and we just hit down in 20 when I said that it's [ __ ] awesome I'm really curious about the ending of this game I really can't wait to see it this has been a [ __ ] awesome livestream so far come on boys come on you think your parents are home yet no usually not until after dinner you think I could come over yeah sure um Why Why What like why do you want to come over she wants to show the booty what does she want to do with me I don't trust her where she taking me to no Jessica oh sorry we what are the two of you doing in here I would sorry Father Loudermilk we stayed after school for journal we were just leaving let's step back into class please uh you're not in trouble yet Blake you don't want to get in trouble do you just stay with me no I don't like where this is going I want you to to tell me what you were doing in here were you misbehaving do I need to call your parents Jessica do I need to call your father again no please I don't want to watch this my friends nobody's in trouble yet does one of you think you can make this right Jessica Jessica look at me will you pray with me will you help me make this right stranger danger why don't you go along home Blake did I interrupt something between you two why doesn't it not want me though then what did you want you won't say you know shame is a gift from God to let you know right from wrong and what you want is very wrong go home and pray Blake please stay Blake this is awkward enough nothing's the matter but I need you to leave us everything's okay you can leave young man walk away ah that's [ __ ] that come on we got to get her out of there we got to get her out of this somehow [ __ ] where's my camcorder it's so quiet oh my god is there nothing I can do I feel so helpless music clients responsibility good old Catholic school huh Jesus Christ am I seriously just leaving oh my god well I guess something [Music] looks like I'm staying looks like a oh my god what the [ __ ] he's the monster he has the same posture and everything ah oh my god oh my god oh my god I don't want to look [Music] you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] her neck you think you saw [Applause] what's happening sorry what no but they give me a goddamn break for one sec god [ __ ] damn it I'm so sick of [ __ ] running doggy great hey sash right [ __ ] which way do I go you have no batteries great come on come on like you know it [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god Lin rely what hey titties oh how they got bigger are you pregnant I don't want to die here man I don't want to babies and die here I won't oh I won't let them kill you hell yeah good get a little get a little striking lady now how about that Hey guess I'm a winner after all in this game huh oh my god okay on the topic of what we were before if you're being abused it's important that you tell someone someone that you love will well trust you and help you another problem with the children especially being abused is that they don't tell only 10% people do so what the talk to someone you love I don't know if they really help anyone but I feel like it might be some oh yeah so much for nine months huh I don't want our baby today I want the baby to die okay that baby is a child of Satan it needs to go we must be by the end now if we're will in again we have to get inside before the baby comes it's too dangerous before the baby comes we can't why are we gonna have a baby okay okay be careful Bravo miss Bravo you be careful I'm coming down I'm sorry good job you had one job all right so 133,000 people are gonna watch me deliver a baby now that's great that's great this is just what I wanted all right uh uh fantastic I just okay oh my god [ __ ] come on come on no [ __ ] way are we seriously gonna have to run again are you [ __ ] kidding me where do I go I can't even see anything ever [ __ ] I can't well now I don't have a dick so that's great what the [ __ ] where am I supposed to go better than Elsa gameplay where do we go I got a battery now because I died oh yeah here we go shut up I'm trying yeah you're pregnant in one day that's definitely wrong oh you're fine you're fine papa pips is gonna take care of ya don't you worry papa parents got this no prob Adam that [ __ ] just had to show up in the worst [ __ ] time of all yes a little further honey and family friendly Felix is going to take good care of you zero death so far for fun my hand dogged me boy God guide my hand how do you fall oh oh oh not my penis not my penis no not my debt what how did that happen how in the world did that happen right there is a guard hello Lou yeah [ __ ] you and [ __ ] your God so I think you're I think okay my name is Jeff this is why we really need to be filming them tittays tittes boy all right Papa PIDs let's go let's go deliver your baby you're gonna just lay down somewhere you won't have a soda where I don't see one where this doesn't look like a path to me well that's how you summarize this entire [ __ ] game okay well maybe we should go that way then and great look at the tape got Jessica fly no it just started will find a grown-up but tell them what happened okay it's not my fault okay [ __ ] man stuck oh my god this is so [ __ ] where the baby at this is it is this we're supposed oh great why you gotta take a [ __ ] yeah she's coming soon we're fine we're fine everyone is dead anyway the chapel we can take shelter oh yeah the good old chapel better start hitting record now oh my god the Thunder okay let's go to the chapel everyone oh my god spark anymore come on boys come on we can do this we're almost there zero deaths I can't believe we did the whole playthrough zero deaths that's incredible I don't believe it okay all right where were we zip no there better not be anyone else here there we go it's baby delivering time let's do it sorry I'm sorry that's [ __ ] stupid I hope I at that hey sorry I just need to make it smart okay there we go hey okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh you need to lie down yeah lie down and just breathe it's gonna be okay can't do you can do it you can do something's wrong you can do it oh hey she's bleeding out of her cush family pushin keep freezing okay oh that's a lot of blood [Music] [Applause] oh it's a baby I'm gonna name it Satan oh she's gonna die [ __ ] sake lane [Music] we're good I didn't get to play with her knees with the fun great what that [ __ ] great Lane I'm stuck with a baby now are you happy family friend everyone family friendly is she dead yeah she is then great I'm stuck with this [ __ ] noise machine now [Music] for delivering a baby I'm gonna name him jacksepticeye uh Lin said you haven't even kissed her yet what like in Beauty and the Beast oh you mean drama the play we're saving for the like actual night uh-huh we are okay we like cheek kiss so like is she your girlfriend are you jelly Jessica tell me or else or else what oh oh I got you again [Music] hey it's him I didn't kill my children I'm powerless again the jars to store you have murdered bad guys God his God silent since the store the birth who will he have if he destroys us all who will he have left punished good times I killed my children at least I stood empty outside there's no more perfect faith in that and still God is silent oh that's hard if you can if you love anything at all cross no I will never kill Jax but I see I love handle well I wonder if I get to choose but I expect he answers them oh oh not in front of Jack Schmitt I see wrong I want none of that in front of this chat well chopper the money to you hey hey look how curious Oh little spicy dicey he's so cute all right well top of the morning to you hey it's that guy this is where I a quickly [ __ ] up because I was wearing the headphones wrong whatever all right go - holy [ __ ] 1000 144,000 people oh if you guys want to use the shot go to gaming dot and click sponsor if ed literally everyone goes I can I can retire that would I can not put ads on my videos anymore that would be great think about that Hey the Sun is up we did it we did it zero deaths everyone Jack spit ACCJC hallelujah hallelujah amen do I get to kill him now sorry [Music] but I see dice I love it i hate's my new champ he's gonna grow up and become a youtuber one day oh it's a lot of dead people here that I guess he killed everyone hey is my seat excuse me sorry come in come in come in through wait what am I legit oh okay oh why we're back in what what don't kill the baby don't tell me what the [ __ ] they do look around the cold committed suicide okay that makes sense try to find me come over here where she a polish thing thank you [Music] well I'll check it in a second I'll never let you go you never let me go well I mean Savior listen while I pray begging he to watch and keep and send me quietly to sleep watchful Savior wash away all I've been wronged today help me every day to be gentle gentle more like thee oh is that it I think we did it I think that was it I think that was it everyone oh my god and that's the Berra oh my god what a great game first of all a polis thing hype it's my friend Paul's birthday is in May 16 s can you please wait in my defense birthday a happy early birthday pal hope you having a great birthday okay now I really love the game I thought it was so cool I don't know why people didn't like the ending I thought it was cool super cool settings super cool theme they really stepped it up from the first game I thought for sure way more interesting and yeah just a really fun game there's a jump-scare at the end and if we went after the credits and thank you guys for watching this live string with me uh we're going to play something else in a little bit I'm going to take a little break probably um oh yeah thank you so much so much for watching and everyone that supported this live stream is [ __ ] awesome all the sponsors really appreciate it and all that [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] awesome what love you long time if I would really really appreciate it if you guys I don't know did the sponsor thing or whatever gaming dock slash pity but become an hour looks captain uh we're good [ __ ] now it's time to time to P I would say time to do a little P and then I'll go through some super chance because I miss the [ __ ] ton of them holy [ __ ] the shadows go crazy okay creepy break I'll be right back I'll let you watch Edgar meanwhile [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] all right back at it again all hail the chair all right I was at least 50 from me shy stone that's [ __ ] awful when Kevin in there yeah uh edgers better than chair I couldn't be bothered to move Edgar I know we would never sit in place anyway um okay I'll do some here's the plan I'll do some super chats if you guys want to or chat in general nice shirt thank you I please say something to my best friend Anton Yvan in and Johnny vanning I love your ass hair it's beautiful and uncharted last legacy comes out in August okay that's cool I look forward to look forward to that [ __ ] boy sorry I disappeared for a second there let me let me put me back up here is that the right I feel like I'm fat this feels more like my face doesn't it can't tell peopIe you're awesome been here since you first started we'll be here to the end all you feel live ninety one thank you for always making my day that's cool thank you polygraph the theory is that the baby was never real he's gone crazy and the theory says the factory chemicals made his life over he made his wife have a false pregnancy I can see that it would make sense if all if everything that happened that wasn't the whole crazy crazy thing was just in his head so bad after all damn boy hi Felix thanks for playing my tunes in the live stream thanks for the Sava so lots of people in the comments trying to find this song could you do me a huge favor and let them know my channel is Buki oh I will Jesus Christ it's going too fast now [ __ ] you ki u ki yeh a why oh let's play some now might as well cuz it was good mix at lehigh pewdiepie love your channel please keep it up I want to ask you something really big surprise awaits you if is visit my channel ok I'll visit it in a bit it's too many too many okay we're playing you ki mix la oh sorry I'm sana Hawaii chubby kid how does one become a sponsor I totally may like time gaming dodge slash pdaboy thank you though appreciate bingo how you doing thanks for the stream while deployment hold on sir Thank You dingo men appreciate you hope you can go to philippines child hope so too but miss confession or gamma yes yeah please we'll sit ups and litter to its maximum tapers in EMS from idling population i delayed match shout out to you I hope you're having a great day a great time a great life and I hope I don't like when there's too many lyrics I'm gonna put something else on so I keep the senpai PewDiePie before I meant for you to comment my name is Jeff on my last video okay I will do that now kiss you fast ah what can we listen to this is good song my name is Jeff your stolen it all oh my god can I have sex with you yes mr. beast women bash say my name William bash venture she he's gonna shout it pull at my ship whole Marsha Paul suck a dick leonardgrill start Norway spread in Sweden I bigger than that the biggest lie ever told greetings from Switzerland what up what the Mel what up my swiss bros can i be a mod place sorry we have too many now pure max brofist profit P R max sub periods want to say thank you for playing this on my 24 happy birthday Janet Lopez will you be playing pinstripe I hope if I get time there's too many games coming out right now but it looks [ __ ] awesome hello from California Lynn P what up California good morning I should say hey from us too soon will you continue streaming more really funny enjoyed every minute that's cool thank you God bald boy I will I had a lot of fun no message it was a prank keep up the good work jack [ __ ] awesome preciate you kids have been a huge inspiration for me if you could check it it at our we super appreciate it hopefully inspire someone someday like you have for me all that size Tiana M appreciate you check out Dianna M everyone bingo man Congrats in seven years - yeah thank you laughs I thought you left LEM I couldn't stay away so high [ __ ] sleep all-nighters with kids so kids same don't can't donate more that's alright you've done an amazing amount I've really appreciated last why'd you watch the whole thing hey family friend of Felix can you give me a shot at been with you simply in each day's also did you actually sub to my last stream if you I think if I said I did it I did but yeah thank you man yeah I'm subscribe spotty ak-47 give me a shot I thought I did hi pewds gutter here will I shave my head today I reached my limit on the other YouTube channel lawl I'm homeless now stop go - gotta search Gadar on youtube and subscribe to gutter 70k I'm spinning my seller in this this better be worth it high-pitched hey Thank You Stephanie appreciate you welcome Webster wallflower and welcome lawrence Partington welcome a brush to the zipper good name's 400 I don't know what currency that is but I'm sure ik I'm up hits shake up his shake shook dick well I will spank your ass appreciate you hi Putin you lastly livestream my boyfriend had you give me a shout-out and Ptolemy made a you're the best dude love you oh that's cool real Aang thank you fine hello nosh get better and smell scare Felix you [ __ ] Holloman Holloman what Safa are you ever going to play League of Legends again I I never really played League that much I played other MOBAs but not League casts and charity are hi Felix thanks for the streaming would love to see you come up with Marty on the livestream someday that's a good idea that's a good idea I would love to do that I would check out your channel but right now there's too many [ __ ] people going on I'm sorry let me say to my friend Jai is fat no you missed a trillion donation oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up in there do some wallpaper engine what can you do with it I have it what's interesting about it Wall Street Journal's fake news side cowfish appreciate you okay I'll do a couple more minutes of the super Chen and I'm mana here do you love me yes I do I became a sponsor because I was promised a slick in Felix uh definitely I there you go [ __ ] that was a pretty cringe at Chan and Raylan you da bomb Felix you Devon pills you da bomb Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne so you say whoa Georgie potato of course Norway's better than see what excuse no abort you don't get any button okay fine [Music] that's what you get and imagine him saying no Preston hedges hey Felix I definitely can marry my hero Academy I'm gonna watch it I'll wash it so many people suggested it Thank You Preston GJ awesomeness hello from India India what up my endian people Micaiah brought brought a Brahmin are you going to do more little night wears yes I am I think you're making these videos been around for six years thank you for watching for 6 years that's [ __ ] awesome thanks for the shoutout again 5 subs amazing 6 path of rain rain and I love your avatar now if you can hook me up with those anime girls that will draw me like one of those French guys I would be terrific one of those Japanese girls I would draw me what what yeah I got I got a lot of them hooked up in the back don't worry about it hype it's watching videos love your new stuff can you give me an Irish brofist here it comes I'm kidding I'm breakfast ok sorry hey what the mouth will you ever come to Switzerland never thousand fish having to go crawling to sub and envy you I would appreciate it if you help me reach out at least hundred subs goal radish don't you guys imagine yourself being somewhere in a medieval setting butter ground you are observing you got a sexy voice man goal Radice go riotous magma slug what's the year sound on your it's Miku Miku I mean that's Anamika [ __ ] I'm tired T on the beat hey pills been offenses amnesia can you play my latest beat on your channel I [ __ ] it I'll do it alright one more minute and then I'm going to [ __ ] off for a little while till I have little beat playing some Lobby got a [ __ ] missing like a shit-ton now ali al Jumba head foods please tweet that I'm cool ali m al Jimbo no you're lame I'm just kidding thank you so much though [Music] okay I'm gonna to finish up Yusuf Morsi hip it's levy new counter keep up can you please say Islam a Cal is a noob Islam a Cal is a noob and fatigue stat is on track right lowest is this they're screening them in London should I go they do it every Sunday once a month I think I would love to do that London is too far away I can't be bothered Alissa McCain holy [ __ ] yeah cube replace 500 can you try and play moviestarplanet and get a boyfriend on it well I have to play now Jesus Christ [ __ ] hell as good song I like it sorry I was going to wait what was it called movie star applying it what was that what is I game I recognize it [ __ ] it's moviestarplanet and ok I'll check it out cube replace thank you so much preciate you turtle chips damn it pits I need to upload so I can't can't stick around too long run I just wanted to leave a message to give me some more support I'll make sure to come back after uploading alright good luck with your Apple eternal going to be little nightmares it's a joke game I love that game man that's cool good luck good luck on your play hey I would doing it more but I'm broke that's alright I appreciate anything still wanted to say hi that's cool hey put some broke rules like I'm broken I feel terrible ah keep being awesome from Brisbane Australia I think that's good hey hitting the sack in Australia like good night Australia thanks for a great stream love you bro ok I'm going to take a little break now and then I'll be back possibly try to look up PewDiePie shooting star on YouTube it's a new meme not sure if you ever seen it I'll search it alright guys that's the end of this stream thanks to all the sponsors check out gaming dot Damian get [ __ ] okay I give up thank you guys you're [ __ ] awesome you're more than anything I could ever ask for this is so fun love you guys seriously brofist and someone just gave 100 Jesus Christ okay breakfast my big cheese we're ending this with my big cheese for the brows love you Peter pie you're awesome I'll take out Wall Street Journal for you I've been subscribed in a fence and Smosh was number one oh [ __ ] that's a long time ago I prayed you would be first to say thank you big cheese I so next playing some chill music for gold riders thank you you're awesome man and thanks for the subs guys brofist gula ride is gratis thank you guys on that note here you go blended [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,364,205
Rating: 4.8429465 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pdp, pewdie, outlast 2, outlast 2 trailer, outlast 2 gameplay, commentary, outlast 2 gameplay part 1, part 1, walkthrough, playthrough, outlast 2 playthrough part 1, outlast 2 playthrough, outlast 2 walkthrough part 1, outlast 2 walkthrough, outlast 2 pewdiepie
Id: kvF7vpYuqYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 8sec (13268 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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