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amen hallelujah ii corinthians chapter 2 and the 11th verse lest satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices so this is how he gains advantage he keeps us ignorant as long as he can veil us demonic veils cast a veil on us the bible said who be with you not to know the truth who be with you who casts expelled on you who value his agenda is to veil you and i when it comes to his devices he doesn't mind you knowing all the faith scriptures making all the faith confession but he wants to keep us ignorant of his devices methodologies and strategies if he can keep us ignorant of his devices games agenda methodology as long as it can keep us ignorant he will always have an advantage he doesn't mind us confessing scripture which is great and it is necessary and i do the same but he wants to keep us veiled so that we are ignorant of his strategies and his devices and that gives him an advantage i pray in the name of jesus that the veil will be lifted off that the veil will be destroyed i command the destruction of demonic veils over this house over your life over your loved ones over your family that no one here will be veiled and will be blinded in the name of jesus if you believe it shout yes come on shout yes in the name of jesus deliverance from evil there are devices for in the hearts of men many other devices thereof but the council of the lord it shall stand for there is no knowledge wisdom or understanding against the council of elohim let the council of the lord prevail let the council of the lord override every other council and every other deception put your hands together shout yes ephesians 6 10 to 12 finally my brethren be strong in the lord not in you in yourself but in the lord in the lord in the lord and in the power of his might be strong the eleven verse put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil the what the wiles of the devil there are wilds different deception devices of the enemy i don't know why we don't want to pay heed to this the same preacher that talked about grace they put them brought about the pauline revelation he's the one that wrote this and these are real there are some of you who think that because you are good and you do good you are exempted from evil it's not true you that do good you are the target of evil evil evil's target is good and evil is not satisfied until the it destroys good and evil would attack anything that represents good because good is the opposite of evil so stop telling me that you don't last over anybody's wife or husband you don't think ill of anybody so you exempted from evil you are joking you are the target of evil turn to somebody and say do you know that you are a target yes you are so stop this ideology philosophy and doctrines you are playing with jesus said even our good works are like a filthy rag before god so your good is no guarantee that you exempted from evil i will show you how you accepted from evil the devil is not the respecter of any of us he went to jesus and he will come to you he will knock at anybody's door he will attack your loved ones you will attack your children your husband your wife he will attack anything you love as an indirect way to hurt you whenever he attacks the believer is an indirect way of hating god and somebody who said okay then god has to do something he does something but there are rules of engagement he has to operate by setting rules he has set up that's why god cannot override your will and my will that's the problem here if we were robots then god can override some things but he cannot override our will he has to operate within the set rules and laws he has set himself that makes it very difficult there are there's a rule you and i must play to enable god to act on our behalf one of the reasons for the 10 god says the 90 is yours but the 10 is mine the reason for the 10 as we have heard and we all know is the 10 gives god the right of ownership over the 90 and it also gives him authorization to protect the 90 redeem the 90 75-90 and multiply the 90 by acknowledging and giving him the right of ownership over all you have through the tide and man said i won the 90 but i must also have the 10 which is that which gives you authorization to rebuild the divira satan who owns the earth because adam seeded it to him and god said when you give me the ten percent it's not about the money it's the principle that you acknowledge my right of ownership over all things you give me authorization to rebuke the divira you acknowledge that you are a steward of all things and by that act i have authorization to rebuke that ivara i'll take care of satan and number two it gives me ownership over everything you have and i can protect it when the devourer comes in that's why when you have money let's say you have a thousand ghana cities and you use it to do everything then after you pay 10 percent it's not tight it's not tight because you haven't honored god you haven't come under the law of first things god demands and deserve the facts so god said the only way you give me authorization and rights of ownership over everything you have to rebuke the divira is when you give me first the 10 to redeem the 90. if you don't give me first the 10 and you give me the 10 after it doesn't matter if it's a trillion dollars it's unacceptable i don't receive it because it's not the money is the principle [Applause] see i hear you come with me to first peter 5 8 press peter 5 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the biggest say because because because tell somebody because because so in this season of christmas you need to be sober you need to be sober you need to be vigilant what does it mean be at your watch be watchful be sensitive don't be carried away by the season and all the activities of the season because a lot is going on and some of you are targets go ahead because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour he's looking for somebody and some of you your loved ones your children are targets but i command the deliverance i said i command deliverance i command deliverance of eminent dangers i command deliverance from evil program in the womb of time that you and your house my house and this house and this nation will escape it in the name of jesus put your hands together and say yes [Applause] the enemy is seeking for someone to devour he's seeking for someone to devour he's seeking for people who are ignorant of his devices he's seeking for people who are making faith confession but are not sensitive to the holy spirit you see as never before you and i need the holy spirit because he is our guide even when it comes to interpretation of scripture and the scriptures without the holy spirit we can read the scriptures preach on the scriptures and lack an understanding of what we are preaching and teaching and talking about i'm telling you a prophet came to see me the other day and he's a good guy and he said papa i had a vision and in the vision i saw that i was giving shared water share water to people and people were getting healed and miracles were taking place and i believe that the holy spirit is telling me that i should use shea butter and start giving people sharepoint miracles will take place and i said yes you've seen the revelation power but the interpretation is wrong and he said papa what is the interpreter i said butter stands for the riches of the world when i wash my feet with butter then shall the rocks or the rock which is jesus give me rivers of oil so i said it's a deep revelation but the meaning is this god wants you to teach the people the word not just prophecy prophecy for them to apply the word of god to themselves and when they start applying the word they will see mind-blowing wonders and miracles so i told him go and teach the people the word now he got the message so he buys my tip and i say buy my tape preach the same thing i'm preaching don't worry about going to steady for any revelation just preach the same thing i'm preaching you can change the title preach the same thing now can you imagine what would have happened to that guy if he didn't have me to help him interpret that dream he would have been the latest man of god because he has access he has heavy following he will be the latest man of god shed water ministry and people who have faith in shea butter and they'll start getting resolved because he had a revelation of it in the spirit so it's easier to condemn people to judge people but sometimes you don't know what lead people to do the things they do that's why jesus said when a showa went to sow and slept and an enemy so tears and then the servant came and said did you not sow a good seed water what is this test we see shall i go and uproot them and the master said no no no no leave them all to grow at harvest we will separate the teres from the wheat and this is something politicians have to be very very careful of especially those of you who are power and people who have influence because sometimes i've been tempted where people will come to me and say papa all these prophet trevor you have to attack you have to do something you have to speak out and i said you have to be very careful got to be very careful because in trying to correct what is wrong if you don't exercise a lot of restraint and skills you might end up destroying also the good so you have to give it time tell somebody give it time and this is where politicians have to be very very careful when it comes to spiritual things and matters of faith you have no jurisdiction in that area you have to stay clear and focus on your political issues and don't mingle with spiritual and religious matters the implication is too much when it comes to matters of faith you don't mingle with it you let people deal with it [Applause] come with me to luke chapter 22 verse 31 and 32 luke 22 31 31-22 and the lord said simon simon behold satan have desired to have you that he may sift you as quick but i have prayed for thee that thy faith failed not and when thou had converted strengthened thy brethren you see satan look at me do you know some of you satan has targeted you he's targeted your loved one your children i was dealing with something some years ago about one of my kids and i was crying and i said lord why why am i helping other people's children why is this happening to me and the lord said is to hurt you it's something designed to hurt you and if it's possible stop you from preaching the gospel but it's also to make you understand that you are not god that you are human that you are man like anybody else it doesn't matter how much god uses you you are still not god and you still need god the devil is not a respecter of presence he went to jesus he tempted jesus he will come to you and i you don't care how much you've been in the fate and when i hear all these super preachers and make it they make it look like they have never been tempted they don't get tempted they have authority over the devil and they are so powerful and they are super human beings and super spirits and holy ghost i laugh you are joking you're dealing with you're dealing with a falling archangel an anointed cherub that even the archangel michael will not dare bring an accusation against him and you mutter flesh and blood you are so anointed that you can dare satan you can't dare him number one you can't bind satan you can't bind him he bound has not yet come revelation number two you can't resist satan you can't resist him unless you submit to god you can't resist the devil the bible says submit yourself to god then resist the devil and he will flee you can't resist him when you are not under authority and there are people who are living in disobedience and rebellion and stubbornness anti-authority submit to nobody lord to themselves and you want to take the devil out what is wrong with you you know so when i see christians and preachers daring the devil just because you think you have some level of success and you think you have arrived you are you are joking you are a kid you don't understand the rules of engagement at all you are a joke you are dealing with a falling archangel you know what it means when he lost his place in heaven he did not lose his powers his anointing and his gifts and the gifts and callings of god are without repentance so please understand the bible said he that is born of god keep it himself and the wicked one cannot touch him one of the ways that you can be exempted from the enemies attack is obedience and submission to god [Applause] even on those grounds god has the right to give permission for your faith to be tested you saw what he said go back to luke 22. go back to luke 22 31 32 look at 32 but i have prayed for for thee that i faith that what by faith that what by faith that what by faith he's looking for your faith it's your faith he wants he wants to attack your faith so you stop believing in god you start doubting god start questioning the word of god you doubt god you doubt the scriptures and you are coming to church but you don't have faith in god because your faith is under attack i command every attack on your faith to be destroyed i command the destruction of every attack on your faith i command your faith to come alive i command your faith to break loose in the name of jesus say yes yes say it and there are many ways he attacks our faith he can attack your faith by offense offense simple offense unforgiveness a feeling of betrayal feel use abuse taken advantage of and exploited can attack your faith there are many ways he attacks us but his target is your faith jesus said peter i have interceded for you that you'll be spared because you have become a target do you know how many of you are targets of the enemy in your family jesus said a man's enemy shall be those of his own house the thing that is looking to hurt us it's close to us i called somebody you're out there and i said where are you where are you and he told me where he was but he didn't tell me who was with him then after that i called someone else who knows this individual and i said have you heard from sister and so he said yes he is with so-so and so but when i talked to he didn't tell me who was with him as soon as he told me who was with him i understood why i had to call him and why i have to pray for him because you see the enemy he doesn't operate just like that he said this and body spirit he needs human mind human imagination human voices and emotions and will to operate so what he does is to position somebody around you who you call a friend or a loved one and he works through that individual when he's ready to strike and paul calls it a turn in the flesh or a messenger of satan a tongue is something that tears chokes create discomfort so you are never fulfilled you are never satisfied on one hand you are doing well but on another hand things are going against you but i pray in the name of jesus that between now and the end of this year any torn in your flesh be cut off in the name of jesus be arrested in the name of jesus be uprooted in the name of jesus every messenger of satan let them be terminated in the name of jesus arrested in the name of jesus interrupted in the name of jesus if you believe it put your hands together shout yes a tone a tone a tone a turn to vex you to irritate you i was talking to a man of god the other day in another country and he said to him he said i was lying down and a spirit came into my room and i was watching the spirit and he said and the spirit entered into my wife and when he entered into her the lord said watch something and when she woke up in the morning she was acting very strange and it wasn't like her it was another person a disembodied spirit have entered her and he said what do you think and i said whatever spirit entered here has a legal right to do so so there is a technicality and a legality that hasn't been addressed and dealt with that gave that spirit the right to enter here and i said that spirit is going to be on assignment now to perfect you if you don't deal with it and i said anytime you are dealing with hell from today you must always remember that you are dealing with someone else working through her and not here [Applause] and these are spiritual matters if you are ignorant of these devices you may be responding to flesh and blood but it's something else working in the name of the lord jesus deliver the seed of the righteous we command the deliverance of everyone a perfected by the enemy we command deliverances deliverances for the seed of the righteous deliverances for men and women for families for children for loved ones deliverances for the sitting president and for the three former president deliverances from the enemy's agenda deliverances from national crisis deliverances from national griefs deliverances for family grief deliverances from imminent danger in the air on land and on water put your hands together chad yes lift up your hands for one minute speak to the lord lift up your hands speak to the lord for a minute everybody let go sober malada kush let our seed be delivered i command the deliverance of the seed of the righteous whatever they are let them be delivered from the streets of africa europe asia latin and south america the media is north america we command the deliverance of the seed of the righteous we command the deliverance of everyone that mimic the name of christ let them be delivered let them escape let the enemy's agenda boom around in the name of jesus amen sit down for two minutes sit down for two minutes church the enemy has targeted somebody when he said that turn in the flesh it means is very close to you touch your body touchable do this can you feel your flesh can you feel the flesh the tongue is like that when it's activated you will feel it in your flesh it means it's close and it's not easy to deal with it because it's in your flesh but god is a deliverer i said god is a deliverer be delivered from every deception delivered from the tongue command deliverance from the tongue the tongue the tongue whatever it means whatever it represents open your mouth say i command deliverance from the tongue deliverance from every tongue whatever it means whatever it represents let the tongue be cut off we cut it off cut it off cut it off the top we cut it off in the name of jesus amen please sit down for two minutes a turn in the flesh a all come with me to john chapter 10 verse 10. john 10 10. the thief commented not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy i am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly that is the will of god for you and i it means that anything outside of that is not the will of god and it's not automatic you see if everything the scripture says is automatic then no believer must be sick and no believer must be broke because he was healed he was healed by his tribes we were and if we were then we are by his stripes we were healed if we were then we are so you are not sick tell somebody you are not sick anybody who says he's sick is a liar you are based on scripture if you were then you are so you must not be sick you cannot be sick say i cannot be sick but you are sick you see the contradiction it's a contradiction the word of god says you are healed reality says you are sick so you have to keep confessing what the word is saying until the word becomes flesh and overrides and supersede what you call reality until you come there you are disadvantaged until you come there you are disadvantaged and it became poor that we might become rich so if you became poor that we must become rich why are a lot of christians broke if you study the benefits of the cross there are so many things christians and believers are going through that we shouldn't go through dealing with things like depression discouragement lack want so many things he settled he settled he settled it on the cross paid the price we don't have to go through it but we do why it's still ignorance of how to enforce or how to appropriate the promise of the benefit of the cross we don't get it until you know how to appropriate the finished work of the cross you are still disadvantaged it's disadvantage these things are written and they have to be enforced tell somebody enforce say supine post inappropriate the laws are made by parliament but parliament don't enforce the law is the law enforcement agent the judge passes a vetted she doesn't carry it out he or she does not carry it out the law enforcement agents have demanded to carry it out so there are promises in the world and things god has promised you and i they are not automatic you and i have the responsibility to enforce them to call for the manifestation of the things written they will not just happen that's why i say put me in remembrance declare doubt thou doubt may it be justified with the hard man believes unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation or deliverance if you don't say what is written you don't benefit from what is written it's not automatic the enemy comes to kill and at this season of christmas a decision god wants you and i to have life and have it more abundantly but there is one called the evil one who wants to kill you steal from you and destroy your confidence in god and your faith in god strip you of joy and peace and cause you to grieve but in the name of jesus by the knowledge of scripture let it be prohibited in the name of jesus let evil be affected from your dwellings in the name of jesus say amen ephesians 6 ephesians 6 12 ephesians 6 10 to 12 10 to 12. finally my brethren be strong in the lord and the power of his might be strong not in your logic or philosophy or how long you've known the lord but be strong in their lord and the power of his might not your might he's my go ahead put on the whole armor of god you need to be dressed for the season tell somebody dress for the season it's like winter it's like raining season summer you must dress for the season and in this season and at all seasons there is a way that is required of us to dress we have to dress in a particular way go ahead verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities you see you see you see the battle here our fight is not with human beings our fight is not so when sometimes when people oppose me and they fight me i ignore it it's not that i don't know i can't fight you me i came from the ghettos and i came from the street i started fighting in my mother's womb before i was born my mother went through all kinds of situations and she was bleeding for four months she was lying in the pool of blood dr sacramante said florence you can't carry this person they did dnc in those days and they aborted the pregnancy months after the stomach kept growing and later they found out that she was carrying twins and the dnc took one and left me and i was hiding there so me my fight started before i was born so if you talk about fighting i'm used to fighting but i fight wisely we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against what principalities princie what principalities is he single but plural so you are fighting what principally this that's why you must belong to the home sales that's why you can't stand alone it's very dangerous to stand alone don't get you i'm telling you i've seen it happen even preachers most powerful anointed preacher the enemy got them because they were isolated his strategy is to give you reasons why you must not be involved with the breading reasons why you must be isolated reasons why you must sit in the church and not be committed to anything to anybody he would justify why you should be isolated why you shouldn't be involved why you must not be committed somebody doesn't like you somebody hates you this person is not holy this person is not righteous and will not get involved don't talk about me and listen what have you done for god this here ask somebody you you've done things for your wife your children your husband your loved one what have you done for god ask them what have you done for god what is it that you've done for god that if the lord comes to you right now and say give account for what you have done for me with the life i gave you i gave you hell i protected you i delivered you i bless you what have you done for god show me tell me and as an ambassador of christ i'm acting on the behalf of the lord what have you done for him all we do is criticize all we do is to attack all we do is to fight we fight everything we fight everyone we are even fighting god we fight everything when are you going to start fighting the enemy the real enemy principalities look at me as anointed as you might think i am i don't stand alone so you sit down there and think because you are blessed and you have some money some secret money and some connections you have arrived the day the enemy will come at you and your money will help you you will see the need of brethren we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren living long passing from premature death to life has a lot to do with your connection and fellowship with the brethren i don't need a prophetic eye to tell when the enemy is going to kill and destroy a believer it's very simple i watch them when i see signs of isolation and developing a critical spirit of the brethren they become critical of everybody [Music] by themselves critical of the church critical of every preaching this person i'm preaching right now tomorrow it will be an issue yeah oh yeah yeah i know it there are people who are critical about everything you say they will they will analyze it by the time you hear what i preach today tomorrow it will shock you you say but i was there i was in the service that wasn't what he said the way they would twist the thing give it some headlines yeah principalities there are principalities here politics say palliatives say many say there are many i could ever see dibala goddess but a day shall come when everyone will give an account of what they did against others that day of reckoning shall come i'm telling you nobody goes call free and nobody goes unpunished that touches others innocently or you use others to cause others pain for gain for money for influence for exposure or for a cause that doesn't glorify elohim it's just a matter of time you and your children and your house in the name of jesus will face judgment and punishment for it so keep on going on go ahead crucify me it's a matter of time i will rise again but you may not rise so go ahead go ahead against powers against what powers plural or singular plural powers many right against the rulers of the darkness against what the rulers what rulers of the dark do you see rulers plural and you are standing there i don't want to get involved in the sales i don't get involved in everything i'm just minding my business you are mining what your money your business satan is also minding you so keep minding your business he's on your case am in your business no soldier goes to war alone have you ever seen any soldier with ak-47 on the street and say i am on the air forces of ghana i'm going to walk on the behalf of the republic of ghana against another nation you are joking and that is what a lot of you are doing you are holy spiritual ak-47 moving in the spirit i'm a soldier of the army of the lord i belong to the army of the lord the universal church of jesus christ i don't belong to any local church all these locations and pastors they are all four online i've studied them all they are not correct i'm the only correct one i'm going to work on the behalf of jesus christ jesus christ is my captain go a bullet will hit you well and you won't know where it came from you just pow and your ak-47 will be on the ground go ahead against spiritual wickedness in high places wickedness say wickedness i command your deliverance from wickedness in high places in high places in high places in high places in high places so it's not just one high place oh places in high places conspiracy in high places wickedness in high places that's why you have to pray for those in authority i'm telling you because there is wickedness in high places wickedness of the highest order islam of it will continue on wednesday this morning john 17 15 quickly let's pray on that john 17 15. i pray not that thou should just take them out of the world but the thou should have keep them from the evil keep them from what from the evil you see another translation said keep them from the evil one said the evil one say evil is not something say evil is not something evil is someone if you think everybody is happy for you when you are happy you are joking not everybody is happy for your children i'm telling you not everybody is happy for your marriage working and your wife or your husband not everybody is happy there is someone who is evil and his target is good and he's not satisfied until he destroys good but in this christmas season we pray for deliverance for families we command deliverance from family crisis we command deliverance from national crisis we command deliverance from social political financial crisis in the name of jesus we command the preservation of the sitting president and the former president from john adjacent for j.j rawlings john romani muhammad we command deliverance on the political scene the financial scene the economic and social let there be deliverances in the name of jesus somebody open your mouth command deliverances wherever you are command deliverance for your nation command deliverance for your nation and for families i can't hear you open your mouth say something it's dangerous to hold your peace unless you say something nothing moves move it you have to say something unless you say something nothing moves let there be light and there was light let there be light let there be deliverances let there be a way out let our airwaves be safe let our highways be safe our high seas and rivers be safe open your mouth somebody say something prayer move things in the spirit prayer moves things change some things overtame some things override some things deal with all forms of wickedness all forms of injustice overriding over time any form of injustice any form of wickedness on the political scene association on the judicial scene i need somebody to pray in the name of jesus somebody open your mouth open fire you know a few years ago a few years ago in this country about five to seven top surgeons in this country top surgeons in ghana he went for some programming kumasi or somewhere on their way back they had an accident and all of them died at the spot you call it accident no there's no accident in the spirit do you know what it causes as a nation to lose those five to seven surgeons on one day do you know how many years it took to develop those guys for them to become the top surgeons in this country for all of them to die in a day i'm telling you folks that is what you call evil evil may such not be repeated in the name of jesus let such an evil happening be averted in the name of jesus there are devices in the hearts of men devices but the bible says the council of the lord shall prevail the council of the lord prevails when we enforce the council of the lord for in the heart of men many other devices some of you the fact that you are doing well is upsetting evil the evil one is not happy about some of you doing well or your children doing well he wants your children to become wayward he wants your children to be come a proverb a disgrace an embarrassment make a point and a statement the fact that you can put bread on your table evil is not happy with that the fact that you are doing well lift up your hands say lord make them as seed and as the princess of zamunda and of all rep in the name of jesus that is in psalm 83 you can read it on your own when you go home there are some things you can deploy from there and that's going to do unto them as seed and the princes of zamunda and urak in the name of jesus by the brook of keshum palau kuwahasis lift up your hands now between now and 31st cross any unforeseen unexpected crisis strange winds and family storms national storms in the womb of time to take us by surprise in the name of jesus let it not escape our eyes let the watchmen of the church in ghana wake up let our seers be on the elect let the veils be destroyed let the church come alive in the name of jesus let the lord affect every evil command deliverance for evil for sons goddess children husbands wife family sitting president former president lift up prayer pray on the political scene pray financial economic sin lift up prayer command deliverances financial crisis family crisis deceptions deceptions psalm 91 psalm 91 71 from the seven to eight the seventh and the eighth verse let a thousand fall by our side let ten thousand fall on our right hand but it shall not come near us only with our eyes we will see the outcome of the wicked in the name of jesus i declare that a thousand shall fall on your side i declare let legions of demons fall on your right hand it shall not come now your dwelling go to verse nine and ten because thou has made the lord which is my refuge he said the lord is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil before thee said there are no evil before my nation my house any of my loved ones or this house no evil shall befall us now before and after 31st night they shall no evil before us no plague shall come down our dwelling open your mouth and decline don't just read it say it declare it no evil no evil no evil no evil shall be forming my house this house any of my loved ones home or abroad there shall no evil befallers no evil shall be for us psalm 91 verse 5 and 6. furthermore i declare on authority that you shall not be afraid of the terror by night you will not be moved you will not be moved by the terror by night you will not be subject to any form of assassination any arrow that flies by day will miss you it will miss your children it will miss your house it will miss this nation the arrow that flies by day by night it will not come near your dwelling that arrow is affected that arrow is intercepted say intercepted intercepted intercepted in the name of jesus no for the pestilence that walketh in darkness the pestilence that walketh in darkness any plague any pestilence in the shadows in the dark that has targeted anyone here your household your children your loved one woman abroad let it be intercepted intercepted intercepted open your mouth say intercepted intercepted entire accepted in the name of jesus no for the destruction that wasted at noonday any wind of destruction any form of destruction in the womb of time unknown unforeseen unexpected in the womb of time against any individual our families your children your loved one home or abroad wherever it's coming from in the name of jesus let it be intercepted intercepted open your mouth intercept intercept intercept and stop any wind of destruction in the womb of the enemy let it be entire accepted
Channel: Dominion Television
Views: 4,038
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Keywords: Dominion TV, Papa, Christian Channels, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, nicholas duncan williams, jesus christ, powerful deliverance prayers, prayer for protection against evil, archbishop duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams 2021, archbishop nicholas duncan williams sermons, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer key new destiny, the power of prayer archbishop nicholas duncan williams
Id: wgQ2DOFWlag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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