Deliverance From The Midst of The Storm

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[Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of god [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] prices [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Applause] thank you lord now before you are seated i'd like for you to take a minute walk to two or three people just show somebody love before you see that [Music] i want to talk to you for some few minutes and then we'll pray on a subject are entitled deliverance in the mix of the storm deliverance in the midst of the storm psalm 34 and the 19 verse psalm 34 and the 19 verse many are the afflictions of the righteous few are the afflictions of the righteous but what many uh talk to me many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivereth him out of there the lord delivered him from some of them but lord i declare you are coming out of all afflictions not some not one all now hear me one of the problems with believers is because you do right because you are doing the right thing you find it difficult to understand why you should be afflicted that's the first thing so whenever you face affliction the first thing that happened to you is a shock shock i see it always with believers they are shocked why me what have i done they start examining themselves is good then they start confessing known and unknown things even since that they are yet to commit they will confess them all they want to make sense out of why they are doing their writing and yet they are being afflicted and affliction is a test it comes to reveal where you stand and where you are and to show your level of faith and your level of capacity you see you never know what you are capable of until you face a challenge and may i announce and prophesy to you without saying if i be a prophet of god are you hearing me but i'm prophesying with my eyes open that whatever you are going through is not designed to kill you it's helping you to develop capacity for greater responsibilities in the years to come if you believe it put your hands together and shout the ass now few reasons why you go to affliction number one satan will bring affliction your way in order to cause you to doubt god number one number two to doubt the word of god number three to doubt your faith in god he will hit you with something where he will confuse you demoralize you cause you to find yourself in the place of hopelessness powerlessness and perplexity when you start asking questions you start doubting god your faith and you start doubting yourself number four one of the purposes of affliction against the believer is an indirect way to help god for attacking what he loves the most because you are the apple of god's eye and satan is god's number one enemy so if he can't get at you he will get at what god loves as a way to attack god so it's an indirect attack on god that's why the lord is also determined and has promised that it doesn't matter what the affliction is he guarantees to deliver us from all the affliction is anybody hearing me it doesn't matter what storm and what affliction you are going through god has promised to deliver and he cannot lie i said god cannot lie is anybody hearing me put your hands together and say he cannot lie he cannot lie isaiah chapter 43 and verse 2 when thou passes through the waters number one the waters water is good god created water water is not evil and water is not bad but god used water to destroy the den world and made an oat with the sign of the rainbow that he will never destroy the world with water the devil said okay i am a counterfeiter of everything god does if he's not going to destroy the world with water anymore i will destroy parts of the world with the water so what god has created for our good satan takes advantage deploys it to our head and that is why we need to have illumination to prohibit to block the enemy and deny him the right to use what is meant for our good to hate us in the name of jesus we block the enemy and deny him the right and we deprive him the right to use what is for our good to our heads because he's a counterfeiter that's what he does he said the waters not water but waters water it's a current it's extreme if you look at it four elements here they are all extreme extreme it's designed to drown you but you wouldn't drown i'm telling you you will not drown your business will go under your marriage and your family will not go under whatever the enemy meant for evil god would turn it for your good tell somebody it was meant for evil but god is pending it for your good if you believe it put your hands together give god some praise and glory in the house number two he said when he passed through the water when you pass through the waters i will be with you that's somebody i'm not alone somebody tell somebody i am not alone don't you underestimate me on i am not alone i am not alone i am not alone in all my journey the lord is with me i'm not alone i don't know it's with me you might think that i'm alone don't underestimate that i might be going through it but i'm not alone the master is with me yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil thou act with me thyroid and my stuff you can be going through it and still be comforted are you hearing me somebody receive the comfort of the lord say yes you can be going through hell and still be comforted in the mix of hair down prepares me a table in the presence of my enemies you can be going through it and still be anointed you can be annoyed and still walk through the valley of the shadow of death you can be anointed and still see yourself with the devil in the presence of your enemies my cop ran it over my cup is not half full my cup is not empty my cup runneth over you can be going through it and still have your cup running over receiving running over blessings receive a running over anointing you are going through it on one hand but on another hand you are breaking through on another hand you are doing well on the other hand you are going through it you are going through it my god my god my god my god somebody shout here [Music] go on and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee the first one was waters not water waters plural many are the afflictions not few but many are the afflictions of the righteous many waters many waters many waters many currents many negative currents many challenges many trials many temptations many ups and downs but it does not matter what the money is he that is with me is greater than all are you hearing me somebody it does not matter how long it takes i will wait till my change comes say yes my god my god my god is that a matter of pain if i can endure a little bit if i can just stand if i can just keep my faith alive if i can still believe if i can stand stand it's a matter of time and we will know who the true winner is is just a matter of time put your hands together shout the air [Music] you know it doesn't matter how well your enemies are doing it doesn't matter how powerful they are how connected they are it doesn't matter what they have that you don't have are you hearing me somebody you know hannah had no child her rabbi had children and she had nothing until she figured it out then she had a child a son she gave the son to god the world thinks is foolishness to give your last meal like the woman who are the last meal to eat and die to the prophet and to the and to the work of god sometimes people think there's something wrong with us the way we give we take risks for god give our lives to god the bible says it is only the fool that says there is no god and the bible says let him that one should be wise in this world become a fool that he might become wise so i'd rather be for me when it comes to god i'm a fool when it comes to god i'm a fool but outside of god you can rob an armed robber so be careful outside of god i am very sophisticated but when it comes to god i am a child go ahead when thou walkest through the fire he talks about the rivers the waters plural many rivers to cross many waters many are the afflictions of the righteous it's all many but god promised that it doesn't matter how many they are for everyone there is a deliverance promise that you will come through the situation look at the things when thou walkers through the fire thou shalt not be bent go back whenever it passes through the waters i would be with you i will be with you number one through the rivers they shall not overflow thee they will not overflow you won't drown tell somebody you are not going on that testimony this thing doesn't have the mandate to take you down your business will go on i'm prophesying to you it doesn't matter what everybody has told you you are not going on that this storm does not have the mandate to take you down you will not drown it will not overwhelm you you are not going on that you will emerge victoriously with an upper hand if you believe it put your hands together shout the air [Music] go ahead when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned tell somebody you will not be burned you will not be burned the fire this fire doesn't have what it takes to burn you fire will burn you this fire can bend we take the power out of that fire whatever fire you find yourself in we take the power of that fire out of the fire it cannot bend you you have divine immunity against the power of that fire neither shall the flame kindle upon thee apart from the fire he's also talking about the flame you see there are different kinds of fires there is a family fire political fire national fires financial fire marital fire health fire relational fires there are all kinds of fires in life there are some fires like charcoal fire there is no flame but this fire when you are ironing your dress eh that iron is fire if you put it on it on a dress and you leave it for long it will bend but there is no flame but it is fire there is somebody sitting next to you they are in fire but nobody can tell because you don't see the flame other people do they are going through the fire and you can feel it because you see the flame but others look cute beautiful smelling good handsome looking well well dressed but they are going through the fire and you can tell they are smiling they are shouting they are screaming they are praising god but they are going through the fire oh come on somebody put your hands together shout and give god some praise in the house everybody is dealing with something everybody is going through something including me all of us nobody is accepting hear me nobody who is born of a woman will live and pass through this life without trouble by the time you die you would have gone through something so if you're a child of [Applause] be ready be ready because challenges are for the living and i've come to the conclusion that no business no nation and nobody develops does well expands multiply increases capacity at the place of ease and at a place of comfort you see a woman in travail ready to give birth to a child you don't see a woman in traffic ready to give back to a child and when the babies come down i am beautiful i don't feel it i'm very dignified i went to yale i'm a student of harvard student of princeton i'm well behaved i'm very dignified please forget it she screams she screams so stop trying to be together the thing will hit you and you have to say some strange things discomfort a feeling of restlessness and disease are always prophetic indications that the season of your life has ended and you are bound to enter into a new season and every season comes with their own demands and you have to adjust to new seasons you can stay with the old season when it ends the challenge with all of us and political leaders is that we don't want to change and accept change and when a new season comes we always want to hold on to the whole season it will destroy you you are still trying to hold on to what used to be is dead it's gone buried accept a new chain throw away the winter dress and go put on some address make it light it's a new season what you are going through is preparing you for a new season somebody put your hands together open your mouth scream [Applause] [Music] hear me nobody goes to the next class without the test and if you fail the test they'll repeat you and that's the problem some of you think that all truth is parallel some of you think because you are righteous you're a believer you shouldn't go through anything who told you it doesn't work that way every believer goes through something everybody i was telling them in the first service that i have come to this realization over the years that it is always good to be kind than to be right there is no understanding of protocol in the house of god we don't understand the protocols of god he said my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts god has a metal ideology he has a way of doing things he has brutal calls like for instance the bible said if your brother offends you don't tell people go to that person talk to them if they don't listen go to someone else ask them to come with you and go back if they won't listen tell it to the elders of the church if they won't listen to the other of the church just let it go and regard that person as you know he didn't i don't believe him there's a protocol if we don't follow those protocols there is no way where we can save god effective like the sales unit if you are not part of a cell unit it's difficult to shepherd you it's impossible it doesn't matter who you are it's difficult to separate you we can't we can't not hear me whenever somebody is head is because they feel justified and they feel their right to be heads whenever whenever anybody is offended it's because they feel right about being offended when anybody is angry they feel right to be hungry so they misbehave they misbehave they show bad attitude they won't come to church they won't read their bible they don't want to have anything to do with the church they get offended they don't want to talk to leadership they just leave they don't see anything and they forget that there is tomorrow there is tomorrow even if you want to live live well don't bend bridges because you never know who you will need tomorrow this world there it's a it's a global village oh i'm telling you just be careful how you live you been a bridge a day will come you will need where you've come from and you will not get the help because you didn't live right but this is it i have learned to be kind and to be right and i show kindness to people and that gives me good will some of you think everything is money money money money no kindness is more than money and you know david said is there anybody left in the house of jonathan that i might show world kindness now the reason why i show kindness many a times i choose not to be right that's it i choose not to be right and i have problems with people who get offended angry and hurt they are babies you know why because you haven't developed the capacity to endure hardness as a good soldier you are still a babe you haven't matured you haven't grown you can be trusted with responsibility you can be trusted with healthy issues and with your matters you are still a baby i cannot trust the life of people into your hands because you're a child it's the same thing with god god cannot entrust things into our hands through riches when we cry over everything when we are right over everything when we are offended over everything when we are hated by everything any smart i'm not coming to church i'm not praying i'm not reading my bible i don't want anything to happen with that those people is because you feel you are right so you hold back kindness but if you give up on your right you will always show kindness and church i'll tell you something you never go wrong you never go wrong when you show kindness [Applause] and i'll tell you something christianity is not that simple like people think christianity is very complicated because one of the things about christianity is to deny yourself and give up your right if you can't deny yourself daily take up your cross give up your rights you can be a christian you'll be a canal christian you can serve god effectively you'll be a 4-1-9 christian you're here christian you have no testimony you are in charge you are paying tithe you love god you don't have the testimony because you haven't grown you are still changing spiritual diapers you have a mature but you have to come to a place that in good times and in bad times like joe said don't enslave me yet i will trust him [Music] are you hearing me i feel this discomfort and this uneasiness and i know what it means that i have to move to another season because deep calls on too deep the bible says come up either come up either step up you've been at this level for too long and to go to the next level you have to go through some things god he said when you now go to the fire gold is not gold until it's tested by fire and you want to be cold but you don't want fire it's part of the process what you are going through is just a process it won't kill you you won't die and hear me until you stop being over oversensitive about what people think of you it will never go away you know what i said until you come to a place where you stop worrying about what people think about you and you want to be in the good books of people this thing happening to you will not go away [Music] as long as i am at peace with god and i am doing what god called me to do and i have peace with god it is fine you can say whatever you want to say you can see me anywhere you want to see me what matters is my relationship has long got my relationship with god is right and i am in a real standing with god and i have allowed my will to god's will and i am at peace with god and i am at peace with myself it doesn't matter what you think of me for jesus said if where are you when all men speak well of you you are not a good disciple pr can buy you a good reputation but reputation is different from god testimony of you the day will come whatever made you will not make you but if you allow god to make you and you go through the process and god makes you it doesn't matter the many challenges and afflictions you go through no man cannot make you if they didn't make you [Music] [Applause] psalm 66 verse 12 psalm 66 verse 12. look at the trends look at the trends look at the trends scripture interpreting scripture lying upon light precept upon them look at look at the trends that has caused men to write over our heads that he said you have caused men to ride over our heads there are times when god would allow men to ride over our head to teach us a lesson but can i prophesy to you that the season where man rolled over your head is over the time when men rolled over your head exhausted themselves above you and were over you and about you each other and that season in your life is not coming again no man no woman will ride over our head anymore in the name of jesus if you believe it put your hands together and shout yes go ahead we went through fire and through water we went towards fire we went towards fire this is singular singular but he said we went to war did he say we got stuck in fire we fell in the fire we were burned by the fire we stumbled by the fire we got drunk we got drowned by the water but he said what we want tell somebody go through go through here's what he go through go through that somebody keep walking keep walking go i walk through the valley keep walking tell somebody keep walking get up take a step just get up and take a step take a step what what just work for a second walk walk walk take a step you've come out of something tell somebody you've come out of something you have come out of something tell somebody i have come out of something i've come out i've come out of fire i've come out of water i've come out of ambushment i've come out of a trap a setup i have come out of death shame reproach disgrace untimely pretty much you are dead i have come out in the name of jesus if you believe it put your hands together and scream sit down for two minutes you've come out of something finish it but thou brought us us out into a wealthy place in towards a wealthy place this wealthy place is not just referring to material wealth or financial world it's always talk he's also talking about wealth of experience wealth i have wealth in many things in many things wealthy in faith wealthy in christian character wealthy and forgiveness in the love of god rich in faith rich reaching the love of god step fast and rich in grace in showing mercy and compassion so it's not just dealing with physical wealth he's talking about wealth of understanding wealth of cancer waiting heavy you are coming out with an experience you never had before you know something you have been prepared for a higher responsibility god is stretching you because if he doesn't stretch you you will never you see god is using this situation to prepare you for a higher responsibility for something bigger you know why you know what people get blessed and the blessing become a case they are promoted and the promotion becomes a case they are stressed if you see a leader always angry always angry always upset screaming and shouting breaking glasses and tables and bottles in the house mistreating them is handling the wife or the husband always is because that person does have not developed capacity for that responsibility they haven't developed capacity for that wealth for that blessing for that honor for that promotion for that elevation they having developed capacity so that which is meant to be a blessing will become a burden and a case because they didn't go through that mail they didn't go through process they were not processed you see the leaders who last who and where are those who went through the process take somebody david look at somebody look at somebody like moses look at somebody like joshua look at somebody like joseph how was joseph princess pete misrepresentation persecution then potiphar's wife a beautiful woman master's wife five-star general wife the woman was wonderful this one was not fearfully made this one was wonderfully made from the crown of the head to the soul of the feet she has buffed herself in spices and special oils and perfumes and she was giving him free scholarship young man just come to bed with me i will whisper to my husband whatever you want he will do it he was running from sin and ended up increasing that is the problem of the righteous if he refused to sin sometimes i know your problem sometimes you resist temptation you resist your boss he wants to do it and you say no this one you can't have it without license and because you resist him he persecutes you and troubles you because you didn't give it to him and then you don't understand why you are doing the writing and god is not helping you god is processing you you are going through the process so that one day when you are lifted and you are promoted you will handle people differently the reason why when people find themselves blessed and have power and have connection they mishandle people and they talk people down it's because they haven't been through the process you are misbehaving you are not qualifying for that blessing and position and it's a matter of time you will lose it because people who haven't been through the process and having in it it was just given to them they don't have the capacity to keep it they lose it eventually they become self-distract and self-sabotage because they don't have capacity to handle it listen driving a mercedes-benz is different from driving those heavy trucks you see those heavy trucks you see on the motorway not everybody driving a car can drive that one that one it comes with skill it doesn't come with power or strength you need skill and capacity listen you see those people who carry those heavy stuff it is not strange it's not strength it's techniques and skill come in and they hold a particular part of the iron and hold another part and there is a way they go down like this and then do like this and bring their board down like this then they put it and then they allow the strength in their back through their shoulders to lift it and then you just go no by strength and no man prevailed it is skill and techniques learn it stop crying go through it learn it there is no shortcut shortcut will cut you short hear me there's a lot of young women here marriage is not charm marriage is not beauty let me talk to my daughters marriage is preparation and capacity who you marry who you marry has to do with how prepared you are and two depending on who he is you must develop capacity for that man because if you haven't developed capacity you will frustrate the grace of god and the will of god on his life and hear me esther was not beautiful than the 124 virgins from the 124 provinces who came to prepare themselves one night with kinahasros one year preparation for one night with the king and we want to marry the rest of our lives and we are not prepared for what we are doing we are not prepared for marriage and yet we want to marry if i ask some of you brothers and sisters why do you want to marry you don't even know why you don't get it [Music] hear me i'm talking to you as your father and i watch a lot i watch a lot of things hear me the bible says he that finds a wife not he that finds a beautiful girl or a beautiful woman or as an intelligent or a leonard woman he that finds a wife find out what does it mean to be a wife become all those things you are like the husband are you hearing me there are things that qualifies you to be a wife and mothers teach your daughters how to cook and how to clean teach them how to cook and clean and keep their house clean some of you sisters said if i look at your car boots or come to your house in the morning before you shower [Applause] [Music] if you can't take care of yourself how can you take care of another person and some of you brothers you want a beautiful sister you are a beautiful cute sister they are there by you yourself have you developed capacity to be a husband and to marry sister sister develop capacity so the man will need you brother brother develop capacity so the woman will need you the thing is it has to be purpose you have to develop capacity that the man can do without you she can do without you can't do it out here so it becomes a covenant it's not an agreement it's not a contract marriage is not a contract marriage is not an agreement marriage is a covenant and there is no blood and sacrifice without covenant you can have a contract you can have a deal an agreement with our blood for covenant there has to be blood this thing won't kill you you will not be destroyed i prophesy the end result and the outcome of what you are going through that god will give you a divine outcome that at the end of the day you will be the winner and not the loser when the dust is settled you will be the one telling the story and not the enemy but you you will tell the story and tell the world what god has brought you through say yes come with me to come with me to acts chapter 27 verse 14 and 15 21 and 20 21 to 26 but not long after they arose against a tempestuous wind called you see say unforeseen unforeseen and unexpected and unexpected tempest turbulence storms crisis say sudden attacks see unexpected attacks lift up your right arm say by divine authority any unexpected crisis unforeseen tempest tabulous storms attack program in the womb of time against me my family loved ones this house this nation in the name of jesus as i put my hands together i interrupted i interrupted open your mouth interrupt arrest affect rebuke block it affect it in the name of jesus amen sit down for a minute sit down for a minute verse 21 to 26 quickly but after long abstinence paul stood forth in the midst of them and said says you should have happened unto me and not have lose from crate and to have gained this harm and loss and now i exhort you to be of good cheer for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you but of the sheep hear me you know what the problem is most times when the preacher is going through crisis himself or people are going through their process when they warn and talk people don't listen but when a doctor is going through crisis that doesn't mean he doesn't know medicine if he prescribes medicine you still have to take the medicine even though he himself is going through problems i know doctors who have called they are sneezing they are sick and they are giving a patient who is also sick medicine is their job so you have to be careful that when somebody is going through it and their hands are in chains and they are in difficult situation for you to say physician heal thyself is is foolishness they won't listen to paul because of where he was and what he was going through and there was an unforeseen situation that came up and paul said you should not listen to me and for all of us too we must be careful that when you warn people and they don't listen or hear you and be formed don't remind them why they're on the ground when people are down that is not the time to put them down help them to stand up and when they stand up tell them you see you should have listened to me next time make sure it doesn't happen again you have to be comforting you don't put people down when they are down there a lot of people who don't understand how people be dreaming they hate me they come around i see them i hug them and i show them love even my kids ask papa how do you do it and i said i have learned by experience that to be kind is better than being right you never go wrong when you show kindness but you can miss it when you think you are right you handle people in a way you shouldn't handle them because you are right and you never know who those people will become tomorrow so you got to always be careful put your hands together give god some praise finish the scripture finish it finish it let's pray father stood by me this night the angel of god whose i am and whom i serve i love that one whose i am and whom i serve then there's something else i love here fear not poor thumb has been brought before caesar and no god has given thee all them that sail with thee wherefore says be of good cheer i believe god i believe that it shall be even as it was told me do you believe that it shall be unto you as i have told you that i'm telling you that you are healing that is happy unto you accordingness you have been spoken to the bible said as surely as i leave said the lord as you have spoken into my ears so will i do unto you do you believe if you believe you see the glory of god if you believe you can take it if you believe you can stun it if you believe you can go through anything and anyone that wants to see your head anyone that wants to see your demise they shall be ashamed it will turn on them they will be disappointed at the end of it you will stand with the upper hand you will remake victorious you will be on the winning side you will not be ashamed is anybody hearing me put your hands together scream [Music] job job chapter 1 verse 19 and behold there came a great wind from the wilderness and smothered the four corners of the house and it fell upon the young men and they are dead and i only am escaped alone to tell thee wind was created by god but satan deploys the thing that is to be a blessing to hate you i pray and declare every wind any element of creation that has been deployed against you to help you to destroy you by divine authority let it be repealed on water from the underwear put your hands together intercept intercept interrupt rebuke block by ceased arrest affected in the name of jesus amen amen job 14 7-9 and some 91 reading from the new international version there is hope for a tree if it is cut down it will sprout again and its new shoots will not fail its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil yet at the scent of water it will burn and put forth shoots like a plant look at me you are not count down yet you are not count down yet and you see trees are equated to god's people the bible says my people are like a tree the planting of the lord so he said even when a tree is cut down from his roots there is still hope for that tree because by the scent of water it will spring up again i declare resurrection in your life i declare your business will rise again i declare your finances will come alive again i declare you will not die i declare you will live and not die your business is coming alive again i declare a resurrection in every area of your life a resurrection of your august a resurrection of your kidneys the resurrection of your liver a resurrection of your intestine a new and new organ a new organ a resurrection of your pancreas in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god if you believe it put your hands together give god some praise now yeah i mean hear me psalm 91 quickly i'm 91 stand on your feet everybody let's follow it he that dwells in the secret place of the muslim shall abound under the shadow of your mind i will say of the lord he's my refuge and my father is my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler i command your deliverance from the snail of the fowler say i command my deliverance deliverance and the deliverance of this house and every family every son and daughter of this house i command their deliverance from the snail of the fowler put your hands together declined in the name of jesus i declare deliverance for this house for every son for every daughter every boy every girl every child connected to this house and altar wherever they are home and abroad let them be delivered from the snare of the fowler amen go ahead and from the noisome pestilence from what the noisome pestilence say i command deliverance from the nostros pestilence be delivered from pestilence let every son and daughter let every father and mother let every wife and husband of this house connected to this house home and abroad wherever they are let them be delivered from the national pestilence put your hands together command their deliverance command deliverance [Music] in the name of jesus amen next he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt doubt trust amen this truth shall be thy shield and thy backlash i want you to command deliverance i want you to command divine coverings say divine coverage the bible said thou has covered my head in the day of battle today is the day of battle let the lord cover our head let the lord cover the head of this house let the lord come by your head let the lord cover the head of this nation somebody put your hands together pray that prayer right now lord cover our head cover the head of this church cover the head of ghana go by the head of this nation cover our head name of jesus amen thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day we rebuke the terror by night we rebuke the arrow that flies by the intercept the terror by now intercept the arrow that fly by put your hands together open your mouth intercept interception we intercept the terror by night we intersect the arrow that flies by day go ahead go ahead no for the pestilence that walketh in darkness though the destruction that wasted at noon pestilence in darkness destruction that wasted at noonday anything that is designed to waste you the wasteland the pestilence the wasteland intercept it arrest it right now rebuke it put your hands together intercept arrest rebuke it in the name of jesus amen move on a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but they shall not come nighty let a thousand troll let ten thousand all of us open your mouth declare let a thousand fall let ten thousand of my enemies accuse us and let them fall on the political scene on the economic scene on the financial scene on the association on the spiritual scene let them fall open your mouth declare say something you must open your mouth say what something if you don't say anything nothing moves next point only with an eye shadow behold and see the reward of the wicked hear me i declare that at the end of the day when the dust settles you will see what have become of them who hates you you will see what shall become of them who said they were powerful and they were connected and they had no regarding respect for you and god you will see what shall become of them i declare divine vindication open your mouth declare a divine vindication amen next point because i was by the lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil before thee neither shall any plague come neither dwelling hear me these things are not just written for you to read this is not for reading these are written as weapons they are intercontinental ballistic missiles you have to learn how to appropriate what is written and declare what is written and it is when you declare that it goes into effect you want to declare an authority of the scriptures from a heavenly perspective that they shall no evil before you and this house or this nation that no plague will come now our dwelling or any of our loved ones open your mouth for one minute declare what is written jesus said it is written open your mouth decline in the name of jesus move to the next for he shall give his angels charge over thee now to keep thee in all thy ways hear me hebrews 1 14 are 10 not ministering angels assigned to minister to the heads of salvation how many health of salvation do we have here how many of you are born again if you hear me deploy the intervention and assistance undercutting and undertakings of the angels they are available they won't go to work until we deploy them command their services engage their services deploy their assistance open your mouth one minute deploy it put your hands together deploy i deploy the services of ministering angels for my family for this house for my nation for the economy for the business community in this house let it be done in the name of jesus go ahead number two yes go ahead they shall bear thee upon their hands let that dash thy foot against the stone thou shalt tread upon the lion and other and the young lion and the dragon shall not trample at the bible says the god of peace our brew satan under your feet shortly i want to declare that in the name of jesus let the serpent be bruised i bruise the head of the serpent i bruise his head i bruise his head i bruise the head of the serpent under my feet in the name of jesus i bruise the head of the serpent and the enemy i put my feet on the neck of the enemy let your feet be on the neck of the enemy go ahead because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him and i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him deliverance against exaltation deliverance honor command exaltation command deliverance command honor for you and the house and your nation businesses we command exaltation of businesses we command honor to be bestowed upon the house deliverance and honor exaltation over the house go on with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation command the release of long life declare a long life he will satisfy us this house let every man boycott of this house be satisfied with life and enjoy the salvation of the lord open your mouth declare that god will satisfy me and this house my nation with long life show us his salvation now hear me in conclusion this is what i want you to do you see before before every wedding there's something the counselors here call arihaza they come and they rehearse and they are told what to do on the day of the wedding and then the organist will play right at rehearsal when they are marching in ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding [Music] before they play that bridal match they hear it before it is played it displayed before that day if you don't know how to rehearse the victory before the victory you will never have [Music] i want somebody rehearse the victory rehearse the breakthrough rehearse the blessing right now like it has happened and it will happen put your hands together does shout do something [Music]
Channel: Dominion Television
Views: 7,780
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Id: mltXvQwRneQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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