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i want to challenge you today not to lose your faith irrespective of where you are in life content for the faith because the enemies and the adversaries agenda is to steal your faith is to bring you to a place where you give up on your faith you deny the faith you stop believing and trusting in god and his word and you begin to trust and believe in yourself or in material gains or riches and wealth please remember that all these things are sinking sound for the bible said that a man's life does not consist by the abundance of things that he possesses it means that it doesn't matter your possession in life possession don't give life because if possession give life then those who have money can live a thousand years and won't die but possession don't give life the bible said that the judge shall live by his fate please come with me this morning as i walk you through the corridors of faith the corridors of the heroes of faith and to challenge you to also be among the heroes of faith because one day you'll be judged by how you live for god you'll be judged by your walk of faith not by the wealth and abundance of things you have none of the names we see among the heroes of faith was guard by the possessions of things they were judged by their faith in god first john chapter 5 verse 4 for whatsoever is born of god overcome of the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith he didn't say the victory that overcoming the world is money [Music] he didn't say that victory that overcoming the world is material things or success he didn't say the victory that overcoming the world is connection or influence he said this is the victory that overcoming the world even even our faith where is your faith today one of the things jesus said he said when the son of man returns to the head shall he find faith shall he find faith on earth because things are going to happen to nations and to men and to women that will shake nations and we shake all people that men and women will lose their faith in god and have their faith in other things but i want to remind you as a believer that we must keep faith in god no matter what keep faith keep faith with god because god never fails god never fails don't have faith in your gift in your anointing in material things for they will pass away but the word of god abided forever the bible said forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven the bible said in example 40 verse 8 the grass weeded the flower faded but the word of our god shall stand forever having a nightmare pass away things will come and go nations will rise and fall kingdoms will rise and fall kings will come and go but the word of god abideth forever if you believe it put your hands together give the lord a shout second corinthians 5 and 7 for we walk by faith not by sight we work by faith not by logic not by reasoning not by argument or philosophy ladies and gentlemen not by money not by connection not by power for it is not by might not by power but is by my spirit said the lord say amen we walk by faith and not by sight we work not by what we see but we walk by faith which is a product of the rhema word of god say i hear you i challenge you today to walk by faith in the world for all things was made by the world and there was nothing made that was made ladies and gentlemen without the word all things consist by the world anything we conceive and anything we accomplish in life outside of the world will not stand the test of time for in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and all things was made by the world and there was nothing made that was made without the word and we can create things and make things by our own wisdom and the intelligence and the skills of man but it's just a matter of time when the wind blows and the flood comes and it rains everything that we build by the skill of man and the wisdom of man and the logic of man and the philosophies of men will not stand the test of the time only that which is built on christ the solid rock shall stand the test of time put your hands together somebody and give god praise [Applause] i have seen a little bit since i've been young and now i'm growing and coming of age in this nation in africa and the nations of the world i've seen people that rose up and they were so powerful and articulate and they control powers and they had influence and access and wealth and material gains and money and they were untouchable and they were low to themselves and they used their position to oppress others and to seek to hurt others and to devise the demise of others and thought that they were untouchable and nobody could ever touch them not because of their faith in god but because of their connections and their influence to power and their access to material wealth and gain and it was a matter of time like psalm 37 says he said i have seen man like a mighty tree and grow wings and many branches and he said and i went and i returned and i turned and i diligently shout for him and yeah he was not [Applause] we walk by faith and not by sight habakkuk chapter two verse four behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith the judge shall live by his faith not by the faith of his father or mother the judge shall not live by the faith of his wife for the faith of his husband the judge shall not leave by faith in material things in money the judge shall not live by faith in political powers they just shall not leave by your own experience or skills but the judges are lived by his faith by his faith not by my faith but by your faith and the fact that all of us every one of us is given by god a measure of faith and whether your faith will die or leave whether you have a small faith or a sheep red faith or great faith or a mighty faith is determined by what you do with your faith because whatever you feed grows and what you don't feed dies that's why sunday first or second service alone is not enough to keep your faith alive throughout the week you need a dose you need an infusion of faith by hearing and hearing but the word of god is a continuous thing if you continue in my word if you continue in my word if you continue in my word you shall know the truth and the truth that shuts you free is not hearing the truth is the truth you know and this word no means experience for adam knew his wife he knew his wife that word no here means you have experienced it you have encountered it that word knowing means the word becomes flesh and until you encounter the word until you experience the word you will never walk in freedom romans 1 17 fathering is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith again the judges are lead by faith this is declared in the hebrew scriptures which some of you called the old testament and is declared now in the pauline revelation or the epistles of paul it is declared in the epistles of paul again the bible said at the amount of two and from the mount of three or two shall every word of god be established and again we see the emphasis of the fact that us live by faith and not by logic or by argument and not even by wisdom as much as wisdom is the principal thing for without faith it's impossible to please god not even by understanding but by faith but the audacity to believe god in the faith of adversity the judge shall live by faith and he said from faith to faith not from faith to defeat not from faith to failure not from faith to disgrace or reproach but from faith to faith come on somebody give him some praise in the house put your hands together and give him praise [Applause] it doesn't matter what comes your way and it doesn't matter what happens and it doesn't mean that if you have faith in god you won't have problems that's not what i'm saying because as a matter of fact those who have faith in god go through more challenges than people who don't believe god because the bible said many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them out of them all we all face challenges i will tell him at the first service the friend of mine flew in with his private jet and when he parked at kotoka he said to the wife go to the hotel let me go see the young bishop he walked in my office and he said to me he said bishop what is happening to our kids and what is happening to our family he said are you also going through christ and i said yes and he said what's going on what did we do wrong didn't we preach the word pray for them love them and i said we did all that and even more but it's not about them nor about us it is about the legacy it's about the next generation the fight is about the next generation the enemy is putting a fight over the legacy the of the righteous over the next generation but i believe god as it is written that the seed of the righteous shall be delivered i believe that the seed of the righteous shall not perish and it doesn't matter what fight the enemy puts out against the next generation and our seed they will emerge victorious they shall be delivered and they will survive some way somehow say yes and i said to them many a times even though i have faith in god i've been through things that i have to say to god god i resign this situation to you and it's no more in my hand it's in your hands and i said to them whenever you face a situation that there is nothing you can do about it when all human skill and resources and intelligence is exhausted when you don't know what to do and all hope has exhausted and israel got to learn how to release situations into god's hands and to keep doing what god you god called you to do and leave the consequence and the outcome to god i've been in situations i go through situation every now and then and i'll say god is in your hands i'll keep doing what you call me to do it's in your hands and sometimes i will say to the lord this is your fight sometimes i say lord your name is at stake your glory is at stake your purpose is at stake not me but it's your name that is sustained arise therefore to the curse and to the defense of your name and of your glory your glory is at stake i'm out of it [Applause] so i'm not saying that if you are a believer that you are failing god you won't have trial you will have trials you have persecutions there will be people who hate you for nothing they hate you just because you believe in god they hate you and they think you are bluffing and threatening people because of your faith in god and so they will try they will try everything they will invoke powers they will perform rituals they will go to oracles go to mediums and to shrines with your name and your picture to invoke powers to show you where power lies to hurt you but who will see that say at a time and it coming to pass when the lord god commanded it not [Music] for it is written get your loins and be broken in pieces take your council and it shall come to not speak your way and you shall not stand for god is with us somebody put your hands together and give god a praise and a shout in the house [Music] who said if you are a believer and you have you have faith you will have problems study the life of the heroes of faith and their families they had great troubles and trials because the enemy will always fight and try you if you have faith in god just to get you to give up your faith in god just he will hit you so hard with some situations and storms to get you to deny god and deny your faith that was what happened to job the devil went to god and questioned job's motive of serving god and said to god let me be honest with you have you checked job's motive for serving you don't you see that the job is saving you because of all that you do for him that is why if you like give me permission to take away everything he has and see if you continue to save he will catch you do you know some of you have been accused before the court of heaven satan is accusing you that you are serving god for something else than love for god and god said go ahead take everything but you can't touch his life and when he tried everything and job still believed the wife came to him and said job you are the only reason why no man is looking at me and i'm sick and tired of this situation and this mess i find you in i just need you to cast god and die so i can be free to remarry and job looked at her in the eye and said babe baby you act like one of those silly women i know that my god leave it are you hearing me somebody i know in whom i believe oh yes and it doesn't matter how we look right now it might be rough for me right now but weeping and deer for the night but joy comes in the morning if you believe it say yes say yes say yeah hebrews 10 35 to 39 cast not away there for your confidence don't throw it out don't give it up the enemy wants to take your confidence cast away there for your confidence which you see the enemy wants you to be without confidence what is confidence is a sense of audacity and persuasion you must have audacity in life you must be persuaded say i am persuaded the other day paul said i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heights nor deaths can separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord this morning are you persuaded you need to be persuaded because we live in dangerous times we live in trying times in the history of humanity nations are being shaken continents have been shaken communities have been shaken governments and financial institutions all over the nations have been shaken and you need to be persuaded of your faith in god that it doesn't matter what happened kinds comes storm and high water that god is able to keep his people that god is able to deliver and he will deliver if anybody believe it lift up your hand shout yes shout yet the three hebrew young man said king he said let it be known unto you that our god is able to deliver and he will and even decides not to deliver we will not bow the need to estrange god we will stand persuaded we'll continue to believe god in the face of adversity because we know that our god is able to deliver and he will in the name of jesus i command somebody's deliverance right now i command your deliverance i command the deliverance of your loved ones your children your family in the name of jesus receiving shout yes [Applause] we live in times when the enemy wants us to lose faith in god he wants us to lose faith in god and give us our confidence in god and walk like puppets on the earth but i refuse i refuse to walk at them as a puppet i refuse no matter what go on and skim i was telling them in the first service that sometimes i will be there and i'm going through things physically and i feel peace and calm inside and i know that it doesn't matter how rough the situation is physically it shall be well and sometimes i will be there and i feel troubled and disturbed inside of me but everything looks calm on the outside and suddenly i know that something is going on somewhere i know there's a conspiracy somewhere and i can feel that a group of people are scheming and they are consulting and looking for an occasion to devise my demise and my head and i will go into prayer and i will say oh you that created the eyes you see and you that created the ears you hear and there is no secret in the dark that you cannot see oh lord god my shield my strong god and my defense i rise to my course for wicked men and women are devising my head and my demise but as for me oh lord show me your talking for good for thou lord had a shield for me my glory and the lifter of my head i plead my cross i plead my cross with thee oh lord for thy name say deliver me like to seven let me show you something someone 149. let us don't make the judgments you can't execute them go ahead let the saints be joyful in glory let them sing aloud upon their beds let the high praises of god be in their mouth and the two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to execute upon them the judgment written this honor of all his saints praise the lord this of this this mistake this mistake this error but this world this honor have all his sins to execute this the adjustments written in the book but you can't execute them if you don't know the judgment let me show you one of the judgments come to psalm 109 i want to show you something i want i want to help you to know how to defend your case before god i have a message pleading your course in the courts of heaven you have to understand the judgment written because we live in a wicked world two sisters the other sister was married and the younger sister came to visit her and the husband fell in love with the younger sister and when the elder daughter told the mom the mom said so what is wrong if she loves your younger sister why don't you just let him have a carry long story short he left the elder sister married the younger one and the mother supported it listen when i'm praying when i'm praying i'm not intimidating anybody i'm just responding to the things the spirit of god is telling me because if you know the wickedness in the hearts of men you will pray differently someone online come with me hold up thy peace oh god of my praise okay so so he's he's addressing the court he's addressing the court he said he is now an attorney he's addressing the judge of all the earth and he said who knows thy peace for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful now he's establishing his case pleading his cause he's setting his case before executing the judgment written he said now father watch what is going on the mouth of the wicked the amount of the deceitful the deceitful are opened against me are open against me they have spoken against me with a lying tongue you don't know what it means to be lied upon i'm telling you i have been lied upon several times and sometimes i stand in the mirror i look at myself and i said is it you they are talking about i was telling them there was a guy in the first service who came to me the other time and he went to turn he said papa you don't know what happened to me today i had to fight for him i said stop fighting for me he said he won a place and some guys were telling him that you you go to that church give your money to that bishop and the guy said he saw me in louis vuitton or something shop in london and that when i walked in they sat everybody from the shop and put clothes sign on the door to allow me to shop and i said me nikolas in louis vuitton i don't even know where louis joy and he said no no no and the guy said i was there i saw it fully feeling me he showed me me nicholas in louis vuitton and they sack everybody close the door for me it doesn't yet happen when it happens i'll tell you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that is the world we live in and this is look at look look at what the guy was doing they compassed me about also with the words of hatred they compassed me about with words of hatred and can be hated for doing nothing so he's setting his course he's pleading his cause he's setting his case before god on exam 53 43 watch something why so they fought against me without a cause i've never fought you without a cause i was traveling some time ago in abijah i was sitting at a lunch and then i met this gentleman he was sitting there waiting for the plane to come and i greeted him and he greeted me and he said are you the young fisherman i said yes he said i've heard a lot of interesting things about you i said well praise god he said no no no no this is serious affected and i said i said you have you also heard what people think and say about you so i said before you come to any conclusion can you get a feedback about yourself jesus said who do men say that i am everybody must get a feedback about yourself so before you throw stones at people check your own life are you hearing somebody for my lovely they are my adversaries but i can't give back he's still he's still pleading his queso that's what he's doing he's not executing judgment he's setting his course before the judge he said for my love they became adversary an adversary is one that brings a charge against you they bring each other against you without a cause for loving them they have become adversaries why god has seen us i understand this kid if you know how many people i have loved and helped who have become adversaries taking advantage over me and my flock stabbed me at the back and i still walk in love towards them it's not that i don't have feelings but i made up my mind long time ago that i will save christ jesus to the end without offense and if you do me evil you will reap it the bible said even as i have seen under the sun those that sow iniquity and those that do evil plow the same or reap the same you reap the same it's just a matter of time go ahead and they have rewarded me evil for good and enough for my lord that me evil for good if you know how many people have shown kindness and good to and have paid me back with evil you have no idea but i have decided long time ago that my assignment is to do good and i'm blessed but i do good so i will not let anybody who pays me evil for my good turn me into somebody else that i'm not i won't let you change me from who i am i will continue to do good period i will i refuse to be bitter go ahead set thou a wicked man over him now he is executing the judgments written and let satan stand at his right hand this is where judgment is coming on board now and this is our right this is listen i don't just do the i put scriptures together i defend my i take my time to set my case before i fire i take my time and i put scriptures together and i said now the scriptures cannot be broken so judge of all the earth down that hour is my law giver and my job hacking and attend bow your ears accordingly and do do according to the scriptures and as it is written and let the angels that excel in strength hacking to the voice of the judgment written and execute them accordingly and i'm not threatening anybody's life and if you like the bible is there you can buy it and do the same it's simple as that and let's see who wins at the end of the day go ahead when he shall be judged let him become them he said when he's judged let him be guilty whether he is innocent or not let him be guilty and let his prayer become and if he tries to pray let his prayer become an abomination let not his prayers be heard go ahead let his days be filled and let another jesus be filled and let another take that office that he's using to to to hate others let another take his office that he's using to oppress others and to devise wicked devices against others let another take that office by all means let another take his office that means let him be disinherited and let him be dispossessed let his children be fatherless and his wife a widow let his children be continually vagabonds and beg let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places let the extortioner catch all that they have you know i'm going to stop there i don't want to go into it it's too heavy but go to isaiah 43 25 i even i am he that blotted out my transgressions for my own sake that is what i said that lord your name is a stick your name is a state he said for my name's sake i will do this when his name is a stick he blots out the charges held against us for his name say go ahead and we will not remember thy sins put me in remembrance now now he said put me in remembrance put me in remembrance based on the scriptures put me in remembrance let us split together then he said let us please these are all legal terms these are legal terms the bible is is a book of technicalities and legalities he said let us plead together i'm giving you and then if you watch anxiety he said come and let us reason together go ahead declare thou that thou mayest be justified you say he said declare down that you may be justified don't keep silence don't hold your peace when the wicked is working against it don't hold up his decline declare what is written i will execute it i will make it come to pass that is the only way the wicked will fear and leave you alone as long as they get away and they go and punish it then balls in them and things they can't do anything and get away with but when a mischief when the misfortune hits them and what they love and the people they love the most they will take heed and leave you alone [Music] evil energy negative energy around sometimes people will give me money and when i hold the money i begin to feel negative energy and it's like needles going through my hands i hold the money and i know that that money has been charged with an assignment and the only thing that redeems that money is the first ten when i take the tithe out of it and sanctify the nineteen with the times and i i give the tithes to god based on scripture the nineteen is redeemed the assignment is negated [Applause] but if you use the money before you pay tithe even after you pay tithe that assignment will work because you haven't redeemed the 90. hebrews 10 for we have need of patience that after we have done the will of god you might receive the promises for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry now the judge shall live by faith you see three times the judge shall lead by faith the judge shall lead by faith so faith your faith your faith is your treasure don't lose it listen when you are getting when you are living this earth you will leave everything behind but one thing you will need to make the transition is faith you need faith you will need faith to make that transition when the moment comes and there come a time when the assignment of men is over that man has to transit from time to eternity and you need faith it is that it is the vehicle you will need to move from time to eternity don't let anything take your faith don't let anything compromise it don't let anything steal your faith go ahead but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we are not of them who draw back onto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul of them that hold unto faith to the believing to the saving of the soul we hold on we are not like them who turn back to perdition god said if you turn back my soul will have no pleasure in you tell somebody you've come too far to give up you come too far that's why i know your life has been threatened i know you have been threatened and i know there's a lot of intimidation but hold on to faith keep faith alive keep on believing live by faith don't turn back the bible says we are as a lion that will not turn back until he devours all can't turn back you've come too far to look back see i hear you don't be as lord's wife she was commanded not to look back but she turned back tell somebody don't turn back don't turn back go forward your future your future is before you not behind you so go for it go forward haggai 2 6 and 7 haggai 2 6 and 7. for thus saith the lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and i will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and i will shake all nations shake all nations not just ghana i will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come that is christ and i will fill this house with glory see the lord of hosts this house that men are determined to destroy god said i tell you i will fill my house with glory are you hearing me not with shame or reproach but with glory then it shall come to pass lord for it is your glory that is at stake it is not me my name on my father's house but it is your glory and your house that is a stake oh lord doubt that answer is prayer by fire arise thunder your voice as a lion and let the wicked know that down at the judge of all flesh and the possessor of the heavens and the earth for when you said in the beginning let there be light that you separated the waters from the earth and gave it a perpetual command and decreed that he should not transgress and come into the light it obeyed you where was man and who is man that threatens you oh lord god show men that thou art god joel 3 16. the lord also shall roll out of zion wrong you see the prayer i just prayed when i'm praying i'm not just speaking my mind i'm proclaiming scriptures i know what i'm doing i'm giving voice to what is written into the element and into the atmosphere to go into effect and let the wings and the sea the sun the moon the elements carried i'm giving voice to the world say it again read it again the lord also shall roll out of zion run out of zion and utter his voice from jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake but the lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of israel he said i will be the hope of my people when i shake the heavens and i shake the earth i will speed the hope of my people when men are comes down then shall doubt say there is a lifting up why because god is your hope and you're exceeding great reward see i hear you exact chapter 40 verse 8 the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the word of our god shall stand forever that is why your faith must be in god and in this world he said that grace faith like man man a man born of a woman is like the grass that fades the witness and the flower that faded but the word of our god shall stand forever if there's any time you must put your faith in god and in his word is now than ever before [Music] hmm [Music] good [Music] the next [Music] [Music] somebody's singing me [Music] somebody [Music] hallelujah there come a time in all of our lives that we must learn to lean on the everlasting arms traveling on the everlasting house because every now and then the enemy will try your faith he will throw things at you on all sides but you got to learn how to lean on your everlasting arms i want to preach in a church in a city we had an 18 hours prayer meeting great move of god and we finished the meeting the enemy began to to threaten me start threatening me intimidating me and for a second i i started panicking and then the spirit of god the spirit of god reminded me of luke 10 19 luke 10 19 came alive in my spirit and i said behold it is written i give unto you power to trample upon suffering scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hate you say i hear you and i started confessing it i started speaking it over and over and over again and i kept hearing it and hearing it and hearing it until my spirit began to absorb absorb and to receive and to believe it then the spirit said don't leave north dakota from the same city you flew in don't fly out of this city fly out of another city so i called my office i said fine if there's any flight from any city from north dakota apart from north dakota they said you have to drive about two miles and i said fine get me out from that city i'm not getting out from here and they said why are you doing that say don't worry just get me out so we're driving and at the point of driving i had i had what i call a projection a flash of accident so i said to everybody in the car i want you all to begin to pray in the holy ghost right now because i didn't know what to pray for so i said as i begin to bring the spirit so everybody look good dear god of us is assaulted was him jesus jesus and he came back on his feet and the right time was destroyed and the cow pulled over and we rolled down the window and a man came out and said who are you and i said why he said do you see that river there that is the devil's lake the indian medicine man's lake nobody has an accident here and leaves somebody say exemption somebody said divine exemption you can cook with the devil's leak is in a place called north dakota sit down for two minutes psalm 119 verse 89 forever o lord thy word is settled in heaven the word is subtle it's unmovable it's not negotiable don't lose your faith have faith in god believe in god trust the word of god you know something that somebody said in some 109 he said for my love they hated me but i gave myself to prayer i love god oh i love that you know i discovered that scripture at a particular time of my life when i was going through the worst battle of life and people i thought i loved and i cared for and they loved me showed me that they only loved me when everything was fine and i faced the greatest betrayal of my life and at that point i realized that the only thing that would work for me is all i i know to do to give myself to prayer he said for my love they hated me but i gave myself to prayer tell somebody give yourself to pray and give yourself to pray listen stop talking stop talking stop arguing stop trying to let men sympathize with you just give yourself to prayer jesus come with me to daniel 11 32 daniel 11 32. and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by flat rates yeah but the people that do know their girls shall be strong and do exploits if you know your god in the mix of adversity in the times of trials and we live in times of great temptations great tryout in the history of nations lives are threatened but he said the people who do know their god shall be strong and do exploit i pray for you today that it be strong that you do exploit in trying times in evil times and in difficult times that when men are cast down you will say there is a lifting up psalm 3 the other day david said many are they many are they that are against me he didn't say if he said many many many people that troubled me too many people are troubling me and they have gone to the extent of predicting my demise and i've said that there is no hope for me even in god which means that even god can help you but david said for down o lord had a shield about me my glory and the left hand of my head he said many people that troubled me now go to second thessalonians 1 6. second tell us thessalonians 1 6. sin is a righteous thing with god this is new testament to recall it yes to do what to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you so it's a very simple thing debited many trouble me there are people in this life eh they just hate you for being who you are that's all it's not because you've gone after their wives or children or anything they just don't like you and let me tell you something there are people that will never like you even if you kill yourself so live your life live your life live for god [Applause] and here he said it's a righteous thing for god to trouble them that trouble you but as for you and your house let the lord show you we're talking for good in the name of jesus say yes say yes say yes see that for a minute 11 verse 30 2-35 and then one more scripture hebrews and what shall i most say what shall i more say ladies and gentlemen for the time would fail me to tell of gideon and of barak and of samson and of japhtha and david also and samwell and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms let kingdoms be stopped you today in the name of jesus not through money not through intellect or connection or steal or influence but through what faith kingdoms were brought down today let kingdoms come down i said let kingdoms be subdued let the kingdoms of men be subdued let satanic kingdoms be subdued let financial kingdoms be subdued let family kingdoms be subdued let economic kingdoms we subdued let political kingdom be subdued let religious kingdoms be subdued we shall view kingdoms in the name of jesus say yes they wrote righteousness and obtained promises stop the mouths of lions every lion every lion every beast every dragon they have deployed and sermons to swallow you up to devour us we shut the amount in the name of jesus we shut them out of lions we shot them out of the dragon we shot them out of crocodiles we shot them out of the beast in the name of jesus let their mouth be shut clap your hands and say i shall i shout i shout i shut the mouth of lions powers principality spiritual wickedness let the amount be shot in the name of jesus the bible says be vigilant be sober for the devil is like a rolling lion seeking who he may devour eat you up you will not be eating up you will not be devoured your children will not be divine our nation will not be devoured this house will not be devoured our loved ones will not be devoured by any divine spirit we shut them out of the devil in the name of jesus christ go ahead quench the violence of fire we quench strange facts fires said i quench evil flames i quench strange fire i quench french fire in the name of jesus we quench demonic fires every fire outbreak in your house we quench it any fire our brain on a plane in the dwellings of our people in this house we quench it let that evil flame be quenched we quench it clap your hands quench every evil flame punch it shake it out punch it amen [Music] one minute go ahead they escape the edge of the sword i command divine escapes from eminent dangers i command divine escapes from the hand of the enemy i command your escape from the conspiracy of the wicked i command your escape from the south of the wicked be delivered i command your escape command divine escapes put your hands in apocalypse declare command divine escape escape escape escape escape escape in the name of jesus escape you will not be a victim of any evil you will not be a casualty of anything receive divine escapes give to people a high five i say receive divine escape divine escape you know you know [Applause] september 11 9 11. there was a guy a believer he worked at the twin towers one of the twin towers on his way to work he decided to stop by to buy a cappuccino at a starbucks so he was in line waiting for his tent he was very close to the office he said let me have some coffee before i got there once he was in the line the first tower exploded somebody said divine escape the bible said there shall no evil before you neither shall any plague come now your dwelling he said a thousand shall fall on your side ten thousand on your right hand it shall not come near thee only with your eyes you shall be whole and you will see the reward of the weekend somebody put your hands together give god a praise and scream and shout [Applause] [Music] you know for it is written the snare is broken and my soul has escaped like the bed from the snare of the fowler the snare is broken let every snap be broken you will escape your children will escape your wife will escape your husband will escape your children will escape your loved one will escape this house will escape escape escape escape put your hands together thank god for divine escape open your mouth shout and stay [Music] out of weakness they were made strong they was valiant in fight tend to fly the armies of the aliens women receive their dead raised to life let your children who are dead in sins and in transgression be resurrected let them come to themselves let them turn back to the lord in the name of jesus in the dead that the enemy tried to visit you let the angels of the lord block them let them see the angel of the lord let the angel of the dog block them let the angel of the lord stand in their way put you i should have command the angel of the lord to block them persecute them block them standing their way in the name of jesus [Music] you will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i said you will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living anyone after this message that would think ill of you let it be ill with them a thousand times and anyone that thought of evil will go through their mind where you are concerned let it backfire [Music] sons of billiards their job and assignment is to afflict others they they they availed themselves for to be used by the devil to hurt others go to chapter 21. i'm reading from verse 9. and she wrote in let us say first and set naboth on high among the people and said two men sons of belial before him sons of billiards to bear witness against him saying thou has blasphemed god and the king and then carrying him out and stoned him that he may die sansa believer sons of the devil their job is to lie about people nobody had this vine vanya the king wanted it confettiousness people who convert other people's things they convert other people's blessings and the man said it is my inheritance i can't give it to you and he went home depressed then the wife jesse bell said why are you so depressed he said i want the vineyard of never and he won't give it to me he said don't worry i will go to sleep i will get the sons of belia to sit on his right hand and left hands i will invite him to a special cocktail and when he comes i will set him up implicate him and will kill him and set the sons of billiard on his right and left her to lie about him to implicate him and they lied on him and killed him you think he will go free when you share innocent blood like that hey you will not go unpunished anyone who takes our name anywhere for evil performing sacrifices of human beings or animals in the name of the lord jesus let them not go unpunished let the account be full let the account be full command their caps to be full let their cops be full let the accounts be full let their cup be full let the camp of the wicked and evil do us be full let their cows be full [Applause] amen lift up your hands say heavenly father i repent for living by my own senses see i repent for living by my senses i repent for not living and not working by faith today i reconnect to my faith in god let faith come alive in me i break faith loose i break my feet loose from the fears and doubts and unbeliefs from the threatenings of men from the arguments of men from the logic and philosophies of men i break my faith loose in the name of jesus i break my feet loose and say father i know that there are many that hate me without a cause and wish to silence my voice but let the opposite happen let the opposite okay let their voice be silenced and make my voice stronger than theirs for my voice is for thy glory oh lord and it's for the benefit of many for they are of no use to you neither are they of any use to humanity they seek to hurt others do unto them as it is written o lord but as for me in my house show us a talking for good in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 5,278
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: Archbishop Duncan-Williams, Action Chapel International, Christian Channels, nicholas duncan-williams, nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, archbishop nicholas duncan-williams, prayer life, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer, archbishop duncan-williams, archbishop nicholas duncan williams sermons, archbishop nicholas duncan williams 2020, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer key new destiny, archbishop nicholas duncan williams messages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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