Sunday First Service || Victory Over Fear || 12th Sept. 2021

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oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] lift your hands and bow your knees and by your heart [Music] we give you glory oh forget about everybody else this morning and minister to him oh jesus you are [Music] you are the lord let your name be glorified [Music] you are the lord o jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your voice and lift your heart forget about everybody else lift your voice lift your hands if you wanna go on your knees you can go on your knees if you wanna lay on your face you can lay forget about everybody else this morning [Music] oh [Music] [Music] your lord we worship you we worship you alone you are holy you are holy lift your hands and close your eyes please minister to the lord forget about yourself this morning [Music] you [Music] [Music] we give you glory [Music] [Music] be glorifying we give you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oppressing pressing pressing onto him pressing onto him oh jesus lift your voice and lift your hand lift your hand lift your hand lift your voice [Music] [Laughter] [Music] lift your foreign and just begin to sing in the spirit just begin to pray in the holy ghost begin to speak in the spirit [Music] oh hallelujah lift up your voice and just give the lord a praise in the house this morning we welcome the lord we welcome the holy spirit we welcome every one of you from across the nations and continents however you're connected with us in the spirit whether by dtv social media welcome to another day of the awesome grace and blessing of god let's give the lord a praise in the house this morning we give him glory we give him honor all power belongs unto him thank you lord for all that you have in store for us we give your honor in jesus name hallelujah may be seated in god's presence and welcome to the prayer cathedral right here in spintex road an amazing time of worship and a powerful exaltation of god's word today with a slight twist and change in our program we'll have our brief announcements after which the choir will come and minister a song unto us god bless you we published for the third time the bands of marriage between brother alex cuabner ebo or foreign cathedral and sister francis isi quentin maquanza of glorious liberty outfit church on saturday this is aci news your source between the action and action [Music] cathedral and sister francis isi quentin maquanza of glorious liberty outfit church on saturday the 18th of september 2021 at glorious liberty outreach church aoshiyanya akra at 12 noon we published for the first time the bands of marriage between brother ibrahim anaba and sister beatrice sefako jose prayer cathedral on saturday the 2nd of october 2021 at the prayer cathedral at 1pm if anyone knows of any just cause or impediment why this person should not be joined together in holy matrimony you are to please declare it to the head or family life department on or before the set dates kindly note that there will be a child dedication in the second service of sunday the 26th of september 2021 parents who wish to dedicate their children should contact the church secretary at the administration for the necessary formalities before the set date parents who do not go through the formalities will not have their children dedicated both parents must be present on the day of dedication members of the above 50s fellowship are invited to a general meeting on sunday the 19th of september 2021 immediately after the second service both new and old members are invited dominion christian academy located at the aci prayer cathedral premises is enrolling students from preschool to grade nine for the 2021-2022 academic year visit the admissions office or email us at dominionchristianacademygh you can also call on plus 233-542-458-430 for assistance and inquiries do you know that there are ways to achieve vitality and be free from chronic illnesses and premature death at the center for health and rejuvenation we provide you with the very best that functional medicine offers contact us on zero three zero two nine eight five two to book an appointment alabasta laboratories action chapel international is open and ready for business covered 19 testing pcr and antigen testing pcr covered test certificate for travelers covered 19 home testing services please contact us on zero five nine four three nine nine five five nine or zero five zero one two three zero zero two one members are encouraged to be part of our home sale meetings held every saturday kindly call 055-496-9097 for assistance in locating a cell near you if you are celebrating your birthday in september please email your picture to announcements at kindly join us throughout the week for exciting services and prayer sessions early morning prayer meeting mondays to fridays 5 30 a.m to 6 30 a.m noon prayer mondays to fridays except for thursdays 12 noon to 1 p.m midweek service wednesday 7 p.m to 8 30 p.m dominion hour thursdays 10 a.m to 12 noon friday night prayer encounter friday 7 p.m to 9 00 pm all department members and church workers are to be present and third force members are reminded to come early for prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] he has overcome and if he has then you have jesus said because i leave you shall leave also put your hands lifted up say in the name of jesus i will not sleep i will not stumble i will not fall i will not lose my balance i will not be distracted i will pay attention in the name of jesus in the name of jesus this morning i intercept any dark cloud i intercept shadows smokes in the atmosphere my dwelling in the environment i intercept errands of the enemy as i put my hands together i intercept these things [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] amen it's good to be with you please be seated and for those of you who have been out of town and i've just been back welcome home it's exciting to have you back we miss you and we thank god for you there is something i've been observing and i want to switch some few things that's why i asked for the announcement to come on before the preaching of the world and these few things number one i realized that our sunday services because of the first and the second service and the situation with the car park uh we rush through the messages and it doesn't give us enough time to die accept and break it down and so i am instituting that every wednesday whenever we begin on sunday we will try and finish it at the wednesday service so that we can take time to break it down other than that you'll be eating and not taking time to eat and to dissect the food so you really don't get the meat of the word because we have to look at time and rush through everything and i realize that it's not really helping and it's not the best so last week message fully persuaded will continue this wednesday because we need to leave the wednes sunday services to allow the holy spirit to inspire us to go anywhere he wants us to go and not uh keep shelving things shelving things because there's a lot going on and we should be flexible and let the holy spirit be our guide and inspire we have to move away from uh institutionalizing the holy spirit and his in his inspiration we can do that so on wednesday we'll continue with the message of um being fully persuaded but this morning i'm shifting to something that is controlling the whole world it has controlled the world for many many uh centuries and generations and thousands of years but for the past two years it's really dominating the world and believers once i was out of the country in the u.s i spoke to so many of our sons and daughters and i went to some of the churches and i called and i said hey aren't you coming to church i'm afraid i don't want to die the corona it was the same thing going on all over the place and it's caused so many uh crisis and challenges across the nations of the world and people are so tied up and bound and don't understand why it's so there are different kinds of fear but one of the most important fear that we must all have is the fear of god which is reverence for god reverence for god now the opposite of reverence for god is reverence for the devil and reverence for evil so keep that in mind that anytime you are afraid of the devil or afraid of evil what you are really doing is you are reverencing evil and reverencing the devil you're giving the devil an authority and you're giving him power and an attention he doesn't deserve and must not come from you it's only god we should reverence and no one else jesus said to fear no one except god who has power to destroy the body and the soul but it's not like that it's like this thing called fear is really messing with us it's messing with our mind it's messing with our emotions it's messing with our body our attitude our relationship the way we perceive the way we see things outlook on life and it's literally determine the outcome of circumstances and the choices or the decisions we make as individuals across the nations of the world it's a very very powerful subtle weapon very powerful and subtle weapon and we can defeat it unless we confront it you can overcome and conquer what you don't confront and there is victory guaranteed for fear it's a spirit and you and i must not be ignorant of it the bible says that we must not be ignorant of his devices unless he gains advantage over us and any advantage satan has and he's exercising as a trusted weapon over you and i and all that we stand for and represent today let it be dismantled in the name of jesus i said let it be dismantled i'm not feeling you first service i said let it be dismantled now i need one more response let it be dismantled put your hands together and let it be dismantled see dismantle dismantle in jesus name amen [Applause] we want to begin with the same scripture we used last monday luke 21 luke 21 26 luke 21 26 where he talks about the hearts of men and these stands for men and women because there's not a male or female spirit we are all one spirit one father one baptism amen luke 21 26 man's heart filling them for fear and looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken so it talks about the hearts of men who fail their means people's heart will become cold people's heart will become cold and they will lose faith in god and trust in god they will be dominated and controlled by fear fear is not just a feeling it's not just a feeling neither is it a thought fear is a spirit a spirit is a person without body spirits are persons without body they don't have flesh and blood like when jesus rose from the dead he didn't have what he had was a resurrecting body his body wasn't just flesh it was a resurrection body somebody's a resurrection body and there was no water or blood in his body so spirits are persons without bodies but they are real they are real they can hear they can feel they can touch they can speak they are very real and they work through human bodies you work through people who are ignorant of how they work but they are real and so keep that in mind we will deal with that some other time but have that in mind so the bible said jesus said that the hearts of many shall fail them because of the things that shall come upon the earth one of the reasons why we fear is because of lack of knowledge and understanding of the provisions that god has made available to you and i and it's also ignorance it's also ignorance on the side of the priest because if you look at the scriptures carefully he said you are destroyed for the lack of knowledge of my people i destroy for the lack of knowledge come up then he goes forward to say that my priest my priest because you have rejected knowledge i have also rejected you bishop reed it's on the screen my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou has rejected knowledge i will also reject thee that thou shalt be no more preached to me seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy god i will also forget thy children you see so if you look at this scripture carefully he's not speaking to the people he's speaking to the priest he's saying that you my priest you have rejected knowledge because you should have knowledge to instruct my people but you are not instructing my people you are not instructing them because you have rejected knowledge and therefore i have also rejected you my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because the knowledge which is the light that you my priest must impact to them you are not so you've left them in ignorance because you yourself is ignorant because you are not receiving instructions for me to be able to instruct the people so that way my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge it's more about the priest it's about joseph us in leadership it's about the bishops the pastors the young bishops and the fightful ministry kids not talking about the people because the people will re if what is given to them we feed you so whatever you wait that is what you receive so we have the authority or the authorization or the mandate from god to feed you with the right stuff amen now in order to for you to appreciate why fear will come upon the head i want you to see some few things but quickly write this down 1720 there was a major plague on earth on planet earth that killed so many people 100 years after 1820 there was another plague and i think it was coraline is that correct yes yeah corolla 1820 it killed a lot of people the spanish flew 1920 then corona virus 2020. so every 100 years if you're a student of prophecy and if you belong to the tribe of isaka which is what we are dealing with for the hundred days of prayer from the 23rd right on the 23rd of september to 31st of december we are praying a hundred days and there's gonna be intercession throughout the day the four watches of the day and the four watches of the night the four watches of the day begins from 6 a.m 9 00 a.m 12 noon 3 p.m 6 p.m and then from six three hours after that nine p.m 12 midnight 3 a.m six in the morning so those are the four watches of the day and the four watches of the night now every three hours we need people and i'm going to ask you to go on my website i'm calling for a hundred thousand intercessors across the nations to register on my prayer wall and you will choose a day and a time for you in the week so you decide every six a.m i will join the prayer watchers the global prayer watchers to be in prayer for the nations and to declare that coronavirus it is enough proceed no further still your hand the name of jesus for 100 days we're going to be tackling different issues and i proclaim that in the name of the lord jesus after the hundred days we'll still be here in good health amen alive i said we'll still be here in good health alive you are not hearing me i said we'll still be here in good health and alive to the glory of god if you believe it say yes say yes yes so it's important for you to keep those dates open block them put them in your cell phone and make sure that you register and you join the global watchers there's an organization called the strategic global watches and i found it when i was in america amen so let's come to second timothy three one second timothy three one see some things second timothy three one this know also yeah that in the last days perilous times shall come you see so keep that in mind i don't want us to read through the whole thing you can do that after lunch but he said know this understand it establish have the knowing have an understanding that in the last days challenging times that was perilous means fearful times or evil times will come fearful times will come evil times will come and we live in those days we are in those days and we shouldn't be ignorant of of the prophetic word of the season and the time you and i live in and that's why on wednesday you have to be part of the teaching as we talk about what it takes what it takes to withstand what it takes to have the upper hand in the times we live in you have to be fully persuaded and what does it take for one to become fully persuaded that is for wednesday look at matthew 24 march 24 7 to eight matthew 24 78 nations for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom that word kingdom against kingdom underlying political powers political powers is what that word kingdom means if you study the original rendering it stands for political powers will rise against each other we don't have kingdoms now like then but political powers today have become kingdoms within nations go ahead for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and shall be and pestilence pestilence and earthquakes earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrow you see so all these at the beginning of sorrow so please keep this in mind that there are things we can't change it and it's going to take a lot of prayer and intercession to shield ourselves from a lot of the things that are coming to the end but they have to come because we are in transit we are not going to be here forever and god has an agenda and he has a plan to prepare you and i so that eventually we can be out of here and there's only one flight for that trip and so we all have to live our lives having in mind that we don't belong here and that eventually we will get we'll get out of here we'll check out but it's how you check out is how you get out and whether you have lived your life and prepared yourself for eternity because it looks like we don't live for eternity we are not living with with eternity in mind we are not prepared when already if jesus comes today it doesn't look like we are ready we are more prepared to live here and to live long and to be here done to go and it's another subject for another day hallelujah so come with me to second timothy one and seven second timothy 1 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind so keep in mind that god has not given us a spiritual spirit everybody says a spirit so say fear is a person talk to me say fear is a person but it's without body so you don't see him and in the hebrew scriptures and in the new testament uh from the epistles of paul to the synopsis gospels it's very clear that the bible the 66 books mentions and talks about fear and fear not for 365 times the bible talks about fear not fear not because it's something that lives with every one of us on daily basis he will come at you on daily basis just to get you off track and please write down fear comes when the enemy wants to torture you to torture you or to torment fear has torment so whenever fear knocks at your door is an indication that the enemy wants to torture you or to benefit you torture buff it or torment torture perfect and torment keep that in mind it's very important that you keep that in mind that fear is a spirit and it comes to torture god has not given us a spirit of fear fear is a spirit he's a person without body and you cannot conquer what you don't confront everybody say i can't conquer i can't conquer what i don't confront so everybody has fear of something i don't know what your fear is your fear has nothing to do with my fear everybody has fear of something fear of heights fear of lying fear of sleeping fear of waking up fear of this fear of that fear of so many things but everybody is dealing with some fear or the other and whatever you are afraid of is also the area of your strength take for instance people who are afraid of flying it is prophetically possible that your blessing is tied into traveling because there's a parabolic tree uh that means if you step if you sit still you're sitting on your breakthroughs and the enemy will always use the area he will always attack the area of your blessing and where you are anointed the most and where your blessing must come from he will always attack you in that area there are people who are to have friends afraid to have relationship afraid of marriage afraid of so many things that people crippled now tend to somebody and say to them if you are not afraid what will you do i don't know what the answer is but you answer if you are not afraid i was in a situation years ago and the lord asked me son if you are not afraid what will you do about the situation and it made me think and i started thinking i started thinking and i realized that the only reason why i hadn't acted and i haven't done anything with the situation and i've co-existed with it and accepted it it's because of fear does it and it's beyond just misunderstanding of doctrine or misinterpretation of scriptures or doctrine from the hebrew scriptures to the new testament no it was just the fact that i was paralyzed that's what fear does write it down fear will paralyze your faith will incapacitate your faith and your belief and your trust that's what it does and i realized that i was incapacitated because this thing called fear fear of the unknown fear of public opinion fear of what people will say fear of speculations the fear of failure the fear of lies spread all around the fear of not wanting to look bad in the eyes of people we want to look good want to bring the good books of people so you compromise when you have to take a stand there are so many reasons why we are not in alignment with god's original intent for all of our lives and 100 for that is this weapon called fear it's very powerful faith and fear cannot co-exist please write it down faith and fear cannot co-exist the two can live together fear comes to torment you amen fear is an enemy it's an enemy it's an enemy of your fate it comes to steal your faith it comes to destroy your faith in our stomach eventually it destroys eventually to destroy you and that is what the ultimate plan of fear is to get you to compromise incapacitate your feet paralyze your feet and get you to a place where you are destroyed because fear comes to test your faith it comes to test your faith it comes to test your faith and it comes to get your mind and your attention of what god has said that's what fear comes fear comes to take our faith too it comes to get our attention away from what god has said so that you focus on yourself you focus on what the enemy wants you to focus on you focus on circumstances and not on what god has said you got to come to a place in your work with god where you believe god no matter what you trust god no matter what and you say god my future is in your hands and anybody that fools with me and with my future i entrust them into your hands the bible says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of god so there's a prayer i pray anytime i feel threatened by powerful people i say father let them fall into your hands for it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of god so pray i pray in the name of jesus let them fall into your hands and it for me by the way i've seen it work heavily heavy vindication of god very very very powerful i've seen it way so you can pray but make sure you know what you are doing amen let them fall into your hands oh lord amen first john 5 4 first john 5 there's john 5 4 for what server is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcome of the world even our faith you see so that is what fear is after fear is after our faith in god so let it make let me make it simple body what is faith somebody said what is faith talk to somebody say what is faith okay never forget this keep this in mind i've said it over and over and over again from different different perspective but this is one of the simplest ways to simply to make it simple for everybody so fear is thick faith is taking god at his word everybody say faith is taking god at his word so everybody say father in the name of jesus i am taking you at your word i'm taking you at your way at your word say are thy words i die act thy way i believe lord at thy word that is what faith is take god at his word what is fear taking satan at his word have you ever thought about that that fear is taking the enemy at his word number three fear it's a false reality that appears to be true that's what fear is fear comes as a reality it's real and it compels you accept what is presenting to you that this is reality but let me tell you something there's only one reality in life there's only one reality and that is the word of god amen only one reality you know why because everything can change but the word of god abides forever it's the only thing that doesn't change so whatever you call a reality is subject to change but the world is not subject to change forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven the grass withering the flower faded but the word of our god shall stand forever put your hands together say yes somebody say yes somebody said that is what i'm talking about so remember as long as you leave never forget that every reality whatever you call reality is something to change the only thing that is not subject to change is the word of god that's it forever oh lord thy word is certainly heaven so if there's anything you and i must pay attention to that anything in this life is the word of god see and thy word say faith and fear cannot coexist so so say anytime i'm afraid fear wants to replace my faith hallelujah and hear me without faith is impossible to please god there are reasons why we must have faith we are saved by faith we walk by faith we live by faith we please god by faith we overcome by faith so without faith you can't live or you are not living without faith you can't walk and you are not working without faith you are incapacitated if the bible says we walk by faith and not by sight then it means that without faith anytime you are afraid and you lose faith in god you are not working even though you are walking you are walking but you are crippled you are walking but you are incapacitated you love and with that faith your salvation is void and normal and without faith you can't please god for if a man's way pleases the lord he may get even his enemies to be at peace with him say yes so faith is critical and the only reason for fear is to incapacitate the believer's faith because the bible says this is the victory that overcomes the world our faith even our faith even our faith even our faith even your faith is a victory that overcomes fear so when the enemy wants to incapacitate the believer's faith he releases the spirit of fear and fear comes in many many many ways and you have to know the openings and how the enemy accesses you through fear just watching television programs that's why we have dominion on television on ds tv and i think gold what's your name go teaming go tv dstv you gotta watch these programs to help you you'll build your faith but there are other networks you watch and all it does is to put fear in you all you are hearing is everything is coming to an end the world is in turmoil yeah yeah we know that already jesus prophesied it matthew 24 look at matthew 24 it is it's up to date everything happened jesus said it before and he said let's not your heart people for i overcome this world and because i have overcome you have also overcome so keep that in mind so come with me to some 56 verse 3 and 4 some psalm 56 verses 3 to 4. what time i am afraid i will trust in thee in god i will praise his word in god i have put my trust i will not fear what flesh can do unto me i will not fear so this is king this is david the king and he had a lot of things that threatened him in his time and he said what time any time i'm afraid i will trust in the lord so what is he saying here immediately fear attacks i will shift from fear to trust or from fear to believe or from fear to faith and he said i will trust in the lord that i will not be afraid i will not be afraid fear will incapacitate you fear torments fear will torture you it will put all kinds of thoughts and things in your mind you you'll be paranoid you think everybody is against you when nobody's against you you see everybody as an enemy when they love you you'll be attacking people for no reason you'll be called towards your friends your loved ones and those who are truly on your side you have you'll be attacking them you see loved ones as enemies fear is terrible he's evil and in the name of us we confront it right now put your hands and see i confront every fear i come here i come from the spirit of fear open your mouth say in the name of jesus i come against the spirit of fear i confront the spirit of fear right now say spirit of fear be bound for it is written whatsoever we bind or that shall be bound in heaven therefore spirit of fear be bound be bound be bound in the name of jesus i come from and by the spirit of faith in the name of jesus see i release my faith see i release my faith say i command faith carmelized say father i will take you at your word at your word at your word i will take chances at your word i will believe i will act at your word come with me to second somewhere seventeen one to two seconds seventy one see how the enemy works see how he works sex methodologies second samuel seventeen one to two moreover ahithophel said unto absalom let me now choose out twelve thousand men and i will arise and pursue after david this night this world this night the terror by night see the terrible night terror see i cast the terror by night see i bind the terror by night the name of jesus this night any attack program in the womb of the night through the moon we bind it in the name of jesus the sun shall not smite me by day see every programming of the enemy program in the womb of the sun i intercept right now say i intercept the programmings of the enemy in the womb of the moon and in the womb of the sun put yours together intercepted i intercept time sensitive attacks and assignment in the womb of the moon and in the womb of the sun amen that's why david said the sun shall not smite me by day not the moon by night and some of you i'm sensing spirituality your temperature spiritually is very low you're very low spiritually and you need to build up your prayer life so please try and come to the weekdays this and especially the friday prayer meeting so you can build yourself up because a lot of you i'm sensing that your spiritual temperature is very low and and you gotta rise tell somebody right right right uh you know what you don't pray you don't pray like you ought to pray you come to church on sunday and that is it after that your christianity stops there and you don't have a prayer life at home at work in your car nothing you your life is just about living for yourself and what you can get it's very dangerous so please uh watch it watch it you are falling the level and the dropping like a custom buddha raise the water level amen let it rise go ahead versus and i will come upon him while he is weary and weak handed listen listen when will i come on him i will come on him when when he's weary when worry talk to me when he's weary so do you see when the enemy come at you when you are wearing that's what the bible says be not weary be not weary in well doing for if you think no you shall reap so whenever you are weary discouraged frustrated that is the point of entering it invites the enemy to come in go ahead i'll come on him when i will come upon him while he is weary and weak-handed and weak-handed weak-handed weak hundred you are worried you are fatigued you're tired it's an opening for the enemy you're coming go ahead and will make him afraid and all the people that are with him shall flee you see when will the people around him flee when he's afraid when when he's afraid when when he makes him afraid when he is what afraid now a hit of hell who was a great counselor of david for 40 years the bible said if you had the council of ahitophel as if a man had had the oracles of god now there's a difference between knowledge understanding counsel and wisdom those fourth there's a difference between the counsel the spirit of counsel then the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding they all have different meanings and some of these things we have to teach you on wednesday because sunday we don't have enough time to break the word so for those of you think that just appearing sundays and not for the rest of the day and you use all the time god that's giving you for everything you want to do and for god you give him only sunday be careful because he will actually one of these days and you must understand what you think the most gross the most so if you are feeding your body your mind and everything else and not paying attention to your spirit man then you can be spiritually anemic so keep that in mind but get this ahitopha was a very wise man and a heterophile said to absalom in order to conquer or to capture your father david i need 12 000 men that is what it will take to capture david alone one man it will require 12 000 men to capture him and then he said even with that i have to make him afraid for all his mighty men around him to give up on him to flee to leave him and when he's alone and afraid when will he strike he said i will strike him when i make him afraid and all his men departs from him and is all alone and afraid then i and 12 000 men of one who go after him it means that when we are not afraid twelve thousand men means two legends because religion is six thousand so he said i need two legions of demonic forces to come after david and the only way i can override him with the two legions is to make him afraid what is making you afraid something is making somebody afraid what are you afraid of until you confront it you will never conquer it and as long as you are afraid you'll never please god because without faith it's impossible to please god and fear and faith does not who exists they don't they hate each other they don't like each other they are act enemies first john 8 18 first john 8 18 quickly first john 4 18 you are for eating thank you bishop there is no fear in love but perfect love casted out fear because fear has torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love does it because when fear sets in it prevents you from walking in perfect love fear will not let you walk in faith it will restrict your ability to walk in faith any love you can never be perfect in love when there is fear in there because the two can't could exist you see that love of fear whenever you do anything out of fear you never win but you are born to win somebody say i'm born to win see i was born to win see i'm a winner say i'm not a looker but it is the bible said you shall be above only say above only see i'm above only i'm above only only only only i'm above only see i'm the head and not the tail above above above only and not benign that's god's plan for you and i but fear will drop us down fear brings you down to be the tail and not the head beneath and not above only that's what fear does let's look at job 8 and 25 job 8 25 3 job 3 25 3 3 3 sorry job 3 for the thing which i greatly feared has come upon me and that which i was afraid of has come unto me you see so again that is it fear will open you up he will open you up for the devil's plan for you to come to pass yeah and anytime you walk in faith fear comes to test your faith it comes to test you it will test your faith whether you truly believe in what god have told you or not and there are so many things god has said to me and have told me and every now and then the enemy will attack he will attack my faith in what god has said he will throw things at you and i furry darts vary that i know that god has promised me long life he has spoken to me that i'll be around for a long time i even have an idea of how long i will leave yeah i have an idea of the number of my years but every now and then the enemy will project things they will throw things at me then there are all these strange prophets who are always speaking strange things perceiving things in the atmosphere which is in the womb of the enemy see that's what you got to understand the fact that the prophet tells you something does not mean is coming from god because the enemy we have something we call written judgments and spoken judgments and then written cases and spoken cases the enemy can project things against you into the atmosphere that's why david said the sun shall not smite me by day not the moon by night why because the sun operates according to time and seasons the moon is the same this chronological time they all operate according to cycles like the cycle of women every 28 days it's a cycle so if the enemy wants to hurt us what he does is to project his desires and ear wheels and expectations of us into the womb of the cycles of time and seasons so good prophet bad prophet will pick and perceive what's what is in the womb of time where we are concerned and that is where we must stand on what god has told us and have faith in what god has said and take god at his word and say this is not what you told me this is not your plan for my life this is someone else's plan for you said i know the thoughts i have of you they are thoughts of good and not of evil to give you unexpected therefore i reject this i don't accept it i disagree with it in the name of jesus i command it to die on board i have bought it in the womb of time let it be terminated in the very womb of the enemy in the very womb of time in the name of jesus say amen now other things you must do whenever a word a prophetic word comes we have the right to judge prophecy that's what the bible says it doesn't matter who prophesies we can judge it and you judge it based on what god has told you and number two you must hear the same thing from two or three witnesses now if you hear that same thing from two or three witnesses what you have to do is to judge yourself and examine yourself and see if you are falling short anyway and if you are falling short anywhere you repent take divine immunity cover yourself in the blood quickly and call for somebody more anointed than you to pray and cover you and secure you then next thing you must do if you judge yourself examine yourself and you see that you are standing right you are right with god you are tithing you are honoring your vows your commitment to the things in the house of god you are not playing with god or the things of god or the house of god you're standing right then what you have to do even though it has come from a weakness of two or three based on what god has said and i've told you whether based on what is written or the spoken word which is the rhema word of god you take god at his way and see i override them i override i squash i negate by divine authority and then you say from the throne perspective where i'm seated in christ jesus above all principalities and power i exercise dominion from the throne room perspective over all thrones dominion principalities and powers and above all things and all men and things visible and invincible whether they be trolls dominion principalities or powers or things to come or things whatever it is or person you pray from the throne perspective and you override and say i don't accept it i guess it i reject it and i am not going down this is not what god has said to me this is coming from the enemy and not from the lord i squash it i reject it i take a stand against it in the name that is above everyone you fight it with violence [Music] and i go in the name of jesus i attack the very womb the very room the very room from where these projections are coming from they are projections and they are coming from a womb they are coming from somewhere that you are going to have cancer sometimes i hear people call cancer and they call all kinds of ignorances as if they are drinking tea and coffee they just love calling bad diseases as soon as i say no no don't bring that to me i reject it i don't want to hear that in the name of jesus i cast it out of my environment i bind it you will not function in my environment you have to get aggressive this thing is not a joke because the enemy wants to kill steal and destroy and one of the way he kills steal and destroy is to attack your faith and bring fear and he will tell you he will tell you did you hear that bishop obsessed when his soldiers died prophet saws died evangelist just died just when so just dying it could be you no i'm not me are you saying you are better than them no that's not what i'm saying but that is not my destiny that is not my destiny you didn't hear me that is not my destiny that is not for me you have to fight because we all have been given mandates from god every one of us has a mandate from god are you hearing me somebody tell you for disease masons have us we all have a mandate we are all on assignment we all differ from another so the fact that something has happened to somebody doesn't mean the same thing is going to be for me i refute it i reject it but there are forces because somebody died there are forces that will come after you i said that this bishop has faith he confessed it and he's gone you think you are fit he's coming after you to you too no no no no wrong address not so wrong address wrong address somebody say wrong address see not this one not this one say not this one not this address say wrong address go somewhere else now now now call the time when the woman suffering from your blood when he got healed watch this when he got here jesus said somebody touched me and the woman came look at it from the bishops the woman came and he said to jesus i touch you and jesus said your faith has made you whole now let's look at let's look at her fate what was the fate that made her who the bible said for she said for she said if i come back touch the helm of his coming i shall be made whole jesus said your faith has made you whole so what was the faith that made her who her fate was what she said so your faith is what you say your faith is what you say so what are you saying what are you saying for mark 11 mark 11 23 mark 11 23 for very last say unto you mark 11 that whatsoever whatsoever or whosoever that whosoever shout shall say unto this mountain be down remove and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says those in which he is those in which he shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he shall have whatsoever he shall have whatsoever and the woman said the woman what for she for she for she for she went in her head but she said for she she she and jesus said thy faith has made you whole what was her faith what she said so whenever you talk it shows me where you are in faith and what your faith is i can tell whether you believe god or you don't believe god by what you say i can tell whether you have faith or fear or doubt by what you say for she said for she said for she said for she said whosoever shall say whosoever shall say [Music] so when the enemy wants to incapacitate your faith you know what he does he sends fear fear comes in and when fear sets in you begin to think fear and as a man think that's who he is you think fear you talk fear talk fear talk doubting fear talks here thing down tucked out see i'll never die i'll never shall never die in the name of jesus shall never die until i have finished everything that the lord god has entrusted into my hands shall never die until i fulfill the original mandate and intent for which i was given life and for which i was born and say i will not spend my time doing what i want to do but i will spend my time on the business of the kingdom [Music] making money for the kingdom for the ministry doing business for the ministry i met i met a young man i met a young man very very prosperous young man when i traveled and i said what do you do he said i do only two things he said i do business and finance the ministry i said what do you mean he said a lot of my friends are struggling and he said i used to struggle until one day the lord said to me you keep struggling because what you want is about your ambition it's all about you and your loved ones your family and proving a point that you are successful but he said if you will seek first my kingdom put my business and the ministry first i will blow your mind so he said okay lord i have made a lot of money i have enough to live for myself from now whatever you bless me with i'm giving i'm given not 10 but i'll give you 50 of whatever you give to me henceforth and he said since he did that blessings he doesn't fight for things he before he wakes up people have sent emails and calls and things giving him things and he understands that god is making sure that he comes into his hands because he and god are in partnership god has 50 of the business and he has 50 and i said why don't you give god 51 and take 49 because you and god are not equals yeah if you come to that place where your whole living especially those of you who are about 60 going stop living for yourself you've made enough help the ministry give to the lord give to the ministry invest your life your time your skill and your resources for the ministry and watch and see what god will do before you leave here and watch and see what will happen when you get to the other side where we truly belong we don't belong here you think you're a ghana you're not a ghanaian you're not american you are not of any tribe you are you are a tribe of the citizen of heaven you are in transit here you haven't built anything there what you do for the ministry is what determines what you become and what you get when you get out there so do things for the lord and stop all this tipping god tipping god and leaving everything for the antichrist because some of you are going to leave your rolex watches gucci watches and all those you leave them all and the antichrist is coming for it i'm turning look look 18 luke chapter 10 verse 19 quickly my time is up time just flies luke 10 19 behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you that's jesus speaking in the synopsis gospel i said i give you authority over all the power of the enemy to turn up on separate scorpions and of all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you hear me you have to fight the good fight of faith say the fight of faith the fight of faith is simply this standing on the promises taking god at his word rejecting and overriding anything that is contrary to what you believe god has said into what is written in the books you have to because until you get there the enemy has you and hear me hear me whatever you pay attention to will eventually determine your direction in life so be careful of what you are paying attention to so many people pay attention to the news they just watch television the news and listen to the news to the point where you go to bed afraid you panic and some of you you keep hearing those things you will die before your time you will die prematurely you know why you died prematurely when you listen to all those things you begin to feel like you know what what is the use of life what is the value and the use of life why am i here you you will check out you will sign your dead one because he cannot take you unless you give him permission he can't take you unless you give him permission and we give him permission by the things we say and by our thoughts when we are afraid when we are attacked when our faith is under attack we give the enemies permission stand on your feet now that that's why that's why we need a wednesday services because i can't finish i have so much loaded here i can't finish because it's almost time in 10 minutes we have to get out of here so that there's no traffic jam out there i need time i need time see in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i break i break every attack every attack and fairy dust on my faith on my faith in the name of jesus say i break the attack on my faith from henceforth father i confess i will take you out your way take you at your word i will take you out your word for faith is taking god at his word hear me and if you are going to take god at his word it involves risk risk risk i'm telling you risk i was dealing with some things yesterday and i almost didn't come to the funeral i almost didn't come to the funeral because there were some things going on and i had to really battle through it then my message also was changing so if i was continuing my message on fully persuaded it would have been very easy for me but the lord was telling me to switch to attack and confront fear and then something was going on and the enemy said don't go out there you embarrass yourself you you and i i know the voice of the earth i know the voice of god so i told bishop i said you know something i'm going to take rest for 30 minutes call me and after 30 minutes i dressed and he said how are you doing and i said i'm working in faith i'm working in faith i'm working in faith i'm working in faith and i came and i sat down here and i prayed for his family and i sat down through your message i sat down through your message and when you finish i walked and i said i said eddie has been my son for all these years i'm not missing this last day i'm not giving anybody the right to point the finger at me but you see the enemy is very good he's very good he said don't try this i got you and i said you got nothing you got nothing don't say devil say devil you have nothing on me you have nothing on me nothing you got word on me you got nothing on me are you hearing me somebody is it's a fight of faith because when you take god at his word the enemy will come and test your faith whether you truly believe it you test your faith and your faith is simply taking god at his word and listen if you know the amount of prophecies are here you know that somebody came to my office to give me i almost slapped him i'm just telling you you think i'm spiritual i am but sometimes uh hallelujah he brought some prophecy i almost i said look at your face you look at your face on your knees there giving me such a breath and i said if i return the prophecy to you and tell you what you are telling me can you take it do you think i'm a machine and an angel and i give you audience and you come into my office here and you are bringing this and i say you if i give you the symbol can you take it he said no that's why are you giving it to me in the name of doubt [Music] say i refuse it say i reject it say in the name of jesus any ill will that has been programmed in the womb of time in the sun by day and the moon by night in demonic incubators and in demonic wounds hear me this is what you have to be very very careful about you must have understanding of the prophetic so let me explain to you as long as something is in the womb of time false prophet and genuine prophet will pick it but the reason why we must judge it is this everybody has a word from the lord and the word of the lord which is written the logos and the rhema they work together so whenever somebody gives you a prophecy you have to judge it based on the word of god and one and on what god has told you personally and if it doesn't line up you have to fight it that is where the good fight of faith comes in you fight that's why paul said i have finished my course i have kept the faith it's a fight throughout because the devil is going to throw things at you to tell you that what you are believing holding on to is not going to happen it's not true it's not true he'll tell you something else so what you do when i went to america i want to do my medical test and everything everywhere i went to from putting me in machines scan blood urine stool everything i prayed over everything i prayed over the urine i prayed over my blood i prayed over the stool and i said stool urine blood saliva scan whatever satan you will not interfere you will not access you will not project you will not manipulate anything in the name of the lord jesus i block you amen and i said i block any negative energy and current anyone that holds my blood euros to all my stuff who carries negative energy and a negative current that will change the numbers and give bring out a negative diagnosis to bring fear i block i block i cover the stool the blood i cover the machine everything in the blood of jesus they put me in the machine and i said machine i cover you in the blood of jesus i said angels go to work look at me you can look at me and say this man crazy call me crazy it works and dealing with the devil you have to be crazy sometimes are you hearing me somebody do you hear me yeah you have to be crazy when you're dealing with the devil if you want to be politically correct and prepared you can miss it sometimes you have to be crazy i don't know what your crazy is but i have some crazy with me are you hearing me somebody yeah sometimes i do crazy stuff yeah i was in the machine doing the scan and the lady was watching and she put me in i said here in this machine in the name of jesus i block anything that is being projected through my own thought into the scan machine you will not scan anything that is not there and all my numbers are correct in the name of the lord i block infusion demonic projections ill wheels you won't function machine i bring you under my authority and dominion in the name of jesus and the ladies were watching me they were looking at me and they said say are you okay and i said very perfect just go ahead i'm perfect they were looking at me saying who is this crazy man in the machine talking i was talking whosoever whosoever shall whosoever i was saying it right there [Music] yeah then after that i went to do my eyes the first one i did then i did the second one too then i went to check my ears and my throat everything i checked everything and once i was doing it and the man was looking into my eyes and he was very very close to me i said i blocked coronavirus in the name of jesus you will not reject me abundance in the name of jesus you can say i'm crazy say everything you want to say what are you talking about at this time not letting anybody fool with me i tell you and sometimes you'll be checking through this thing that's negative current negative impression i will not lose my sight i can say perfect in the name of jesus i see i see everything in the name i see physically i see spiritually and the doctor was looking at me and i was saying my head you don't know what you are dealing with do your job because i'm doing my job [Music] hear me church is a fight of faith is a daily site of faith because every day the spirit of fear is coming after you it wants to kill you wants to steal and destroy and want to kill you prematurely and you got to take a stand got to take a stand and sometimes when you are down call on others and say hey pray with me pray be in prayer where are you praying talks lift up your hands pray in the spirit everybody praying let me for one minute my time is up that's the way it goes is that [Music] open your mouth don't keep quiet stop being politically correct say something speak the word of god ishadas insha dies ishadayas mayer to cadiz he called ali kadubasanda you gotta get to the point where if you're going to do any kind of procedure surgery or whatever you tell somebody be right there if after the time i have to come back i haven't come back you scream shout break the rules everything call me to come back because it's not yet my time don't listen to anything don't buy anything more than what i'm telling you it's not yet my time i have the word of the lord that i will go when everything is done and accomplished that was written of me in the volumes of the books and i haven't even begun i haven't even started so don't see anything hear anything perceive anything contrary to the word of the lord concerning my life for i am taking god at his word that with long life he will satisfy me psalm 91 verse 16 with long life he will satisfy me and thy servant will not seek corruption somebody said i will not seek corruption i will not see corruption see i will not seek corruption see i will not be ashamed i will not be ashamed say i will not be disadvantaged i would not be discipled i will not be dishonest under any circumstances in the name of jesus see anyone appointed by the enemy to dishonor me to disadvantage me whoever they are wherever they are in the time and seasons of life and in the womb of time from the political scene to the economic thing to the religious sin to the financial sin hey in the name of jesus let them not see the light of day let them be disadvantaged no matter how close they are to their desires and expectation let another take their place yay let them be discomfited and be defeated yay let them never know the note of victory in their lives in the name of jesus put your hand together declare it i declared i declared that anyone from the financial scene politicalizing from the economic and social and the religious scene whom the enemy has entered whom satan has empowered to disadvantage the church to disadvantage me in the name of jesus to discover to discredit to defend or to dishonor me whoever they are domestic or external wherever they are let another take their place let another take their place that's a favor my cause in jesus name amen listen listen i need you on the wednesdays i'm telling you i can help you i've been doing 45 years i need you on wednesdays this sunday is over short time it's over we have to get out of here we're already late second service have already started coming i can't fall out i just gave you one baby there are many more babies in my womb i can't deliver it now [Applause] sunday is not enough i need you on wednesday i'm loaded and i'm fighting for you i fight for you because the enemy don't want me to download this information to you so i fight and i wrestle for you so i can download it because i know when you take hold of this and you can take god at his word it doesn't matter when the temper come to tempt and to steal your faith from the word you will stand put your hands together [Music] it's time for our tithes corporate tithes press night tits come forward with it and those of you who have never tied and those of you who never tired those of you who never died you are just in rebellion that's all you're doing you're in total rebellion you're telling god i'm serving you on my terms and not at his terms now remember that those who don't hide are carrying two cases he said you are cast with a case you are cursed with a case then it talks about the devourer the devourer can only be rebuked when we have fulfilled all righteousness so please if you have never done corporate type before today is the day press not tight move out of your seat stop serving god at your own times serve him on his things god is bigger and greater than you and i let's do it according to what he requires of us not on our terms but on his terms so bring the corporate tides bring the personnel tide is for the storehouse it's not yours it's for the stealth house everybody take your offerings if you watch you see that the people sitting down are more than those who tied so you can see that so many people are living in disobedience and that's why the divara is out for so many people the divira is not just divine people finances people's health your peace your joy your happiness loved ones what you love and care about the most the divine will come after it and god cannot do anything because you are working in disobedience you are rebellion whatever your reason is it's not justify as long as god is concerned lift up your time lift up your heavenly father thank you in the name of jesus right now we bring it to you for it is yours anyway we are students that's all we are we have nothing we owe nothing we can make it we will go back naked help us to understand that whatever we are has been entrusted into our hands only one thing to advise advance your purpose your mandate your kingdom and as we do that i declare let the devourer be rebuked in the name of jesus and let increase be released and let any breakthrough of anyone here who is a titan a true title any blessing of yours held up any testimony of yours held up any treasures held up breakthrough held up in transit i command it to be released i command a release of that which the enemy is holding back that belongs to you home and abroad let it be loose and released to come to you from everywhere and in the name of jesus i rebuke that devourer at your workplace at your workplace at home anything devour your life your joy your peace your health let it be rebuked in the name of the lord jesus right now as you release the tithe let that which is yours be released and the offerings let increase come amen okay choir [Music] [Music] [Music] when you give together [Music] [Music] press down shake it together [Music] how you give is a reflection of your [Music] [Music] together [Music] give [Music] whoever [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] my [Music] press down shake it together [Music] when you give give to the lord [Music] hallelujah let's put our hands together and thank god for the life of our papa what away may god give us victory over every form of fear in jesus name amen hallelujah we have a thanksgiving offering from the johnny family it is thanking god for his protection and love five years after the passing of your beloved father may the lord continue to keep the entire family in the name of jesus amen then our brother boy connie boy connie are you here with your wife mister missus boy can you come forward quickly today is your first anniversary you're thanking god and for the journey family we pray that god will strengthen and comfort you her brother johnny was a serious member here committed to the things of god in this house five years ago we laid him to rest and by the grace of god the family is still standing strong may god continue to be your shield and protection in jesus name hallelujah boy connie is one year old and counting please step forward quickly i'll put your hands together for them can you join your hands hallelujah father we give thanks for the life of your servant and his wife and all that you are doing in their lives they are here to say thank you for keeping them for one full year and they are confident that your power and your grace will usher them into the years ahead may this be their testimony may the heaven be opened over them i mean your original plan for their lives coming to manifestation in jesus name amen happy anniversary god bless you he has a thanksgiving offering unto the lord to god bless you enjoy your life let's welcome bishop isando back please put your hands together for the lord for a powerful word this morning every reality is subject to change amen and we pray that that will be your reality in life hallelujah on behalf of resemblance the ad bishop knickers danke williams we want to acknowledge all our first-time visitors if you're visiting us for the very first time please indicate by lifting up your hands any any first-time visitors in the house god bless you god bless you god bless you put your hands together for them we'll ask our first time business please pick up your personal belongings and come so we can extend some worth and pray over you please help our first-time visitors to come forward and if you are here you say i want to be a member of this church you've been inspired by the word and the fellowship and the atmosphere here you want to become a member of this church please come forward and join us so we can acknowledge you pray for you and believe that god will do something amazing in your life you want to join this ministry please join us and even more importantly if you're here today you say i want to give my life to jesus christ i want to overcome all my fears and know that i have a place in eternity i want you also to come forward take that daring bold step overcome your fear walk in faith and accept jesus christ as your personal lord and savior and let god begin a wonderful thing in your life let's clap for them church let's put our hands together and thank god for their lives [Applause] if you're coming please come if you're coming please come we see a brother coming from the top let's give god praise come on keep praying just keep thanking god for their lives and i want you to know you're not here by accident god has ordered yourselves to be here to hear a timely message and we pray that as you leave that you live here infused with faith knowing that he that has begun a good work with you will be faithful to bring it to an end may the victory of the cross and the testimony of jesus christ put you in good stead to overcome all your fears that you may triumph in the grace of god say an amen we have a brother right behind you over there if you just go with him we've got some things he wants to share with you please be with him let's thank god for his life for their lives the lord bless you in jesus mighty name hallelujah also remember what we have seen and had today is a foretaste it's a forties of what we're about to begin on the 23rd of september 100 days of prayer and his eminence said the other day that it's prayer it's not necessarily prayer and fasting he's not expecting it to fast for a hundred days fast as you feel led in between those times but what is important is a hundred days of prayer and we've got the watches of the day and the watches of the night and how many of you were blessed by the end of that service that that injection of oh my god it's like we can't wait for this prayer session to start and please please listen to the art bishop as he says he has many babies still in his womb wednesdays fridays let's be here and enjoy what god has for us let's receive the car as they begin a closure and his eminence will come to close us in prayer god bless you thank you [Music] put your hands together for the papa please stand it's time to close now quickly quickly as i sat there based on what i was saying the holy spirit was giving me some more insight you know as i said that sometimes friends and loved ones and precious people who must not die die and the enemy will tell you ah if this one has gone you two it can happen to you don't accept it when david said a thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand you shall not come near me i'll tell you why david was a man of war he was always in battle and he saw a thousand people falling they were down ten thousand were dying and he said even though a thousand has fallen and died and ten thousand have died and i saw them dying me it didn't happen to me listen you have to take it personally so david said a thousand by my side ten thousand of maratha falling that means they died and yet david said not me it shall not come near me only with my eyes i will see the outcome of what others are going through but it is not for me somebody said it is not for me yeah you have to personalize this thing it doesn't matter who goes you have to come to a place where you take god at his word say faith come on shall we say faith is taking god at his word say lord against your contradiction and against our reality i believe your word i believe it's a fight paul said i finished my course i have fought the good fight of faith i have kept the faith shall fight the good fight of it i keep the faith i'll see you on wednesday lift up your hands as we worship i shall not die [Music] everybody sing it now [Music] [Music] lord [Music] oh [Music] meet me at the cairo's home right now for five minutes five minutes and those who i have to see please meet me at the vip launch i'll be with you in the next five minutes with your hands lifted up see us i live here i declare that i will take god at his word i will not be afraid and whenever fear attacks me knocks at my door i will have faith i will have it i'll have it in the world i will take risk and chance with god's word than following fear in the name of jesus i will not die pretty much holy i refuse to be subjected to the elements and to the fears and things suggested in the womb of time the sun will not smite me by day not the moon by night say i will be here in hell and i will see many years of sweet victories i'll have the upper hand i'll be blessed in my going out and coming in no evil stopping for me i am not just speaking for speaking sick i have faith in the word for the bible said and she said and she said if i can just touch by the hem what is garment i shall be made whole jesus said what you said has happened for she said and it is written whosoever shall say to these mountains be that removed curse into the sea shall no doubt in his heart but believe that those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have what so ever he said and i say a thousand shall fall on my side ten thousand of my right hand it doesn't matter what's going on all around i'm a survivor i'll be here in good i will see many years of street victories i shall be vindicated the word of god is true because he cannot lie let my circumstances and everything around me be subject to the word hallelujah glory go home see you on wednesday [Music]
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 8,648
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Keywords: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, NicholasDuncanWilliams
Id: ObpG5zPhLvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 45sec (6525 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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