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to meet not cry god is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he Noah them that trust in him stunning here on the altar of God on the account of the blood of His Son Jesus tonight we one to come from every bloodline legacy every bloodline legacy the other day I had my grandfather's picture in my office one of his pictures and re meeting so I didn't know who he was and place his picture by the wall right in my office and every now and then when I tend to look at the picture I felt this negative energy a negative current that was coming from him to the picture it was coming to the picture and I said this didn't make it does it make sense because I never met this guy and he's gone long time ago why am I feeling this negative energy and current so I began to investigate a little bit about him and who he was and I realized that he was a Grand Master he was a Grand Master on the other side and immediately I removed the picture because I realized that even though he was gone the enemy was projecting something through a picture because of who he represent because the picture represented him and whatever he stood for when he was here whatever he was him whatever he dealt with someway somehow was using that image of him to project something to me because he's my grandfather and immediately I took the picture of the wall and I began to deal with it and as I was dealing with it the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me about the ruling spirit of bloodlines ruling spirit of bloodline spirit that governs and rule people from particular bloodline now northern we redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and we are born again but you got to understand the rules of engagement that when you got born again it was your spirit that got born again your soul was not born again and your body is not born again and your body cannot be born again so it's your spirit that is born again and if the back when the Bible says old things are passed away and behold all things become new he's referring to the man that is born again he's not referring to your soul nor your body he's referring to the man that is born again so a lot of the warfare and the attacks we go through and we struggle with and battle in life most times has to do with the soul and has to do with the old man which is the body so we are talking about dealing with patterns of the bloodline or confronting who were riding and dealing with demonic legacies or bloodline legacies it has to do with setting negative tendencies in your physical DNA because the Bible says that the life is in the blood the life is in the blood so these are things that from your bloodline whatever negative tendencies in your bloodline even though you are born again those things can every now and then if you yield to the flesh and if you are not conscious of the things I'm telling you the enemy can use it to disadvantage you yeah it can use it to disadvantage you in the race of life but when you become spiritually awake and spirit consciousness and spirit driven you begin to override those negative tendencies of your physical DNA through your spiritual DNA because as a born-again believer you have God's DNA in your spirit not in your body not in your physical blood and by being a father son of father's daughter you carry your father's physical DNA in your blood so that is where the bloodline issues comes in and the theme here you must understand is that God does not hold those negative tendencies against us it is the enemy who we call a familiar spirit of a family it's familiar with your bloodline the enemy will begin to police and enforce and use those negative tendencies in our bloodline to enforce them in order to disadvantage you to make it difficult for you to walk in the spirit so that he always has an advantage through those negative tendencies through your bloodline the Bible says in the Book of Lamentations 5 and 7 that our fathers are saying and are not and we have borne the iniquity they are same and we are not and it's like we are dealing with the consequences of their sins or the consequences of their iniquities the Bible says that I will visit the iniquities of the father's from the dead to the fourth generation of those who hate me so there are things that somebody did in the bloodline that gave the enemy some kind of a legal ground a legal ground the Bible said neither give place to the devil a legal ground that he uses that bigger ground argument to afflict and to buffett and to exact on sons and daughters from a particular background now I've been born again and been preaching for 42 years now there are seen a lot of things happening to believe it that don't make sense and I don't want to go into those details every one of you know exactly what you are dealing with if you look at your walk with God and you look at your life the struggles and you look at your bloodline you can tell specifically that there are setting blood line negative tendencies that you struggle with and it's like a legacy it's something that is passed on maybe from a grandfather of a great-grandfather or from a father a mother to one generation into another generation and it keeps on going on many years ago I saw a picture of my grandfather and force for some reason I when I saw his picture and I looked at him and I looked at myself even though I did not meet him I was amazed at something I saw in the picture he had this mug here you know whenever I go to the barbershop I always want to have this life on the forehead and I don't even know why I do it it's amazing I like it I just like it and I don't know why I do it and when I saw his picture a picture he took like in in the 18th century he had the same mark at the same place and I said wow this thing is amazing and it is an influence it's something that flows in the blood when when when you look at my father's picture and those who knows my father as soon as they see me they can tell that this is the son of Duncan Williams and in the same thing with my kids so it is something that flows through the bloodline and flows through their DNA and I was dealing with a situation the other day with a lady and as I prayed and had her I knew exactly what she was dealing with and I said girl you need to deal with your mother's demon you need to deal with your mother's demon and when I explained to him what it was he said you know something you are right and she said I do the same things my mother does and men also do the same thing and that's what the Bible says the Bible says that you are the Bible talks about father like son like father or father like son and mother like daughter you are your mother's daughter you are your father's son now that is not dealing with spirituality is dealing with DNA bloodline tendencies things that are flowing the bloodline so there are diseases there are infirmities sicknesses weaknesses and strengths and things in the bloodline and there are also demons that travel from one generation to another generation that are touching itself it attaches itself to bloodline and people for a particular bloodline you see violence you see anger you see mega and all kinds of things going through a particular bloodline you see tribe arrogance a particular disease and infirmity it travels from one generation to another generation so it becomes a demonic legacy or a bloodline legacy if you look at the Abraham equivalent or the Abrahamic family you see what happened with Abraham the father he lied that Sarah was the sister Anne or the wife Isaac aimed at a different time did the same thing the father did and then Jacob followed the same thing he took it to a very high level so you go on and you see David the role he played you see Solomon fill the camp with 1,000 women you realize that from one generation to another generation when these things are not dealt with he grows and history repeats itself on a higher plane because somebody like revelation understanding illumination to deal with these things I know I'm not a born again and I know you understand new Christian realities and I know that you a man and a woman of faith you have revelation you walk in the light you make the confession or scripture I know all those things because I've worked in thee for many years but I'm telling you there are things that are in your blood because the Bible said their life is in the blood and there are things that are your blood like you go to the hospital and they'll give you a form to feel and some of the things they want to know they want to find out if there are setting particular illnesses in your bloodline in your family in your bloodline and they are able to trace some things they actually question to be a father have this if your mother had this one because these are things that travel and it moves from one generation to another generation and I must tell you that demons also operate the same way and Satan has records he has records of every family on earth the Bible says that the whole world lies in wickedness as records of every family on this ed and he knows the weaknesses and the strengths of every family when it comes to our bloodline so you can be born again and your spirit man is born again but because your body is not born again and your blood is not born again so those tendencies are there and you have to be conscious of it and use spiritual understanding and the anointing of God and your spiritual DNA in Christ to override those mystical tendencies in your physical DNA or your bloodline and to deny the enemy to denies it on every legal grounds and legal argument he will use every now and then to afflict you to exact on YouTube a fight you or your seed or your children because you can be born again and working explain I've seen I don't want to talk about people's business but I've seen so many things that goes on with believers great men and women of God over the generations and the centuries before our time and in our time you see what is it what is happening what's going on what did I do wrong and these are things in the bloodline that the enemy every now and then will activate them who stir them up to try to bother to afflict and and to exact on a bloodline on a bloodline on men and women so tonight some of the things we want to do for all of you that are women I want you to write down these four things number one you need to address your mother's demon the demon that was assigned to afflict to buffett and to exact on your mother whether she was a believer or not you need to deal with it and you've been to heaven you sing Jesus and all that that is fine but you still need to deal with your mother's yoke I'm telling you time won't permit me to go into details to back it up with Scripture because this is not a teaching it's a prayer meeting it's time to pray so I want you to deal with your mother's yoke then I want you to deal with your mother's case to deal with your mother's curse now is how real I believe in cases cases area have dealt with cases or my life and these things are real time won't permit me to talk about cases there are cases that comes from God and there are cases that come from men and there are cases that come from the enemy so there are cases and cases are real time permit and allow me to go into details so deal with your mother's case and then deal with your mother's bread in your mother's bread in excess with excess luggage these are things you have to address and if you a man if you're a man you need to deal with your father's demon and your father's look your father's case your father's bedding these are things you have to tackle in life and then number 5 I want you to begin to confront an arrest every demonic and satanic legacy legacy things that have been passed on through the bloodline from one generation to another generation from one generation to another generation you know these things are very very serious if you look at Genesis chapter 4 let's read Genesis chapter 4 from verse 23 Genesis chapter 4 verse 23 iago ambition Genesis Genesis chapter 4 verse 23 yeah and Lamech said unto his wives Adah and Zillah hear my voice he wives of Lamech hearken unto my speech for I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurts 24 if Cain shall be Avenged Sevenfold truly Lamech seventy and Sevenfold so Lamech was the fifth generation of Cain now Cain slew his brother Abel on the field in cold blood now after Cain that generation defect ii generate the first and second and fourth generation did not do what the grandfather did the fifth generation came on the scene and did exactly what the great-great grandfather did so Lamech was the fifth generation from King and he slew a man he killed a man and confessed and said that if came if Cain will be punished seven times then he must be punished seventy seven times for the medaka committed so fifth generation fifth generation from Cain where did that test desire and tendency to slay and to kill someone came from he came from the bloodline it was in the bloodline it was in the DNA from Kane who slew his own brother and he traveled through the blood through the bloodline to the fifth generation Lamech to the fifth generation now if you look at the book of Esther is uninteresting same here that happened in the book of Esther chapter 8 where the Bible talks about the fact that a man rose up in cleaner Hazaras Kingdom in those days Haman and Haman was a very very powerful man and he hated the Jews and especially mother Chaya so he came up with a conspiracy offered the King money and a decree was made in the name of the king Lazarus put his seal upon it and the conspiracy was death by Haman who consulted the Oracle for one year day after day week after week month after month for once year shot the oracles went with the powers of the Dark Kingdom came up with a conspiracy to annihilate the entire Jewish race spread from Ethiopia to India in those days and Esther head about it with mother kya and the faster three days and three nights and the conspiracy was over ten then Haman was hung on the gallows that he built to hang Mordecai ax on after him and was dead and on the enemy of the Jews the enemy of the Jews was there he died for the conspiracy he brought against that you that ordinance to annihilate the Jews was dead the law and the decree and the ordinance was still in effect that covenant was still alive so Esther went to the king and sir came you have to do something because even though Haman is dead the law and the decree he's made is still in effect and the King said you have to write a new law and put my seal on it to replace the old law so even though him and died the conspiracy he brought against the Jews was still in effect now this is what I'm trying to say that somebody in your bloodline can establish a covenant or make a deal with the enemy or transact a transaction with the enemy in that bloodline in his generation and would die and go but that transaction that covenant that ordinance who still prevail in that bloodline and the end mimic and whole subsequent generations at ransom on the account of what somebody in the bloodline did to clemente to buffett to exact upon and to afflict the sons and the daughters of that bloodline so Esther and Mordecai had to come up with a new law with the seal of King Ahaz arose to replace their Oh law today in the name of Jesus as we going to prayer let every demonic ordinance and law and covenant in in your bloodline in my bloodline in the name of Jesus let it be replace by the law of God let it be replaced by the blood of Jesus let it be replaced I am a born again spirit let it be replaced by our spiritual DNA we abolish the demonic DNA we destroyed that demonic DNA in the name of the law Jesus will impress any demonic covenant who replace any old law we replace any old decree in your bloodline that gives the enemy an advantage that gives the enemy the upper hand that gives the enemy the audacity that embodies demons to misbehave that embodies demons to afflict to exact a problem to perfect the daughters of your bloodline to buffer the women of your bloodline to buffer the men of your bloodline we are acid in the name of Jesus we arrest every insanity we arrest everything that doesn't make sense we are as madness we are as the spirit of anger we are raised that frustration we are as disappointment we are as uncertainty we are as the wax of your bloodline and we an all demonic covenants we are normal we are asked and we disengage every demonic legacy the legacy that travels through the bloodline from one generation to another generation in the name of Jesus that have come to your generation to exact on you to profit you to torment you to afflict you to afflict your sons afflict your daughters to profit your sons and profit your daughters in the name of Jesus to disadvantage your sons and your daughters you have grand sons and daughters today in the name of Jesus but we live to prayer as we live to prayer we come against demonic legacies I want you to stand up on your feet I want you to walk around wherever you are don't lie on the bed live to a prayer attack every demonic legacy in your bloodline that the women of your family that the men of your family must not succeed that they must struggle even though they're being to school they're graduated in the name of Jesus whatever it is let it be overcome let it be abolished let it be arrested let it be overridden let it be returned and let the demon stood up to listen those demonic and satanic legacies let the demons be arrested let that be must be bound in the name of Jesus let those rule in spirit those ruling spirit of your bloodline let them be arrested we are asked the ruling spirits of our bloodline the ruling spirits of our fathers bloodline their ruling spirit in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus stop in the name of Jesus work around prayer is the spirit of your father's house is the ruling spirit of your mother's house the legal grounds comes through the legalities cancel the legal rights that the enemy is exercising as a result of any covenant and the ordinance any transactions made by your grandfather your grandfather your father great grandmother grandmother mother in the name of Jesus uncle's auntie's whatever transaction was made whatever transaction took place whatever it is that is in the bloodline in the name of Jesus let it be a No that will be an all that will be a no let me be arrested in the name of Jesus Matala hiya Lockett Omaha's allama coddle AHA sees a cartoon De La Hoya parody kalapa papacy komaraiah now you know something happened when Joshua to Jericho when Joshua took Jericho he cares he plays the cash he pronounced the cash on the city of Jericho and as a result of the case he pronounced on Jericho the waters of Jericho will subpoena the land became barren and Joshua said let him that reveal the walls of this city lay the foundation with his fastball and then he said let him set up the gates with the second board over many many hundreds of years a man rose up in the book of canes to reveal the walls of Jericho yeah to rebuild the walls of Jericho and he laid a foundation he laid a foundation with his firstborn and then he set up the gates with his firstborn not knowing the pronouncement that Joshua please upon the city of Jericho in the name of the Lord Jesus it doesn't matter what kind of illness or what situation killed those two kids the reason for their death was the pronouncement was the case of Joshua upon Jericho now whatever is responsible whatever is responsible for the uncertainties in your life and the uncertainties and the instability you got to deal with uncertainty instability in your life in the life of your children in your business your investment your finances their uncertainties and the instability of the economies of our country the economies of our countries and of our churches and our businesses in the name of Jesus let those uncertainties be arrested and let the instability be arrested and let the classes behind the scenes let cases pronounce you see there are written cases and there are turn there are words cases that comes as a result of pronouncement is a pronouncement so every case works let it be a normal we are not every case well right now begin to plan come on this has to be a dog we are not we are now presses we are now familiar classes we are now bloodline cases we revoke bloodline cases we revoke every cash pronounced for your bloodline over the sons of your bloodline over the daughters of your bloodline every test pronounced over your church your finances your health the works of your hands and your city your nation your community let the cash be ignored leather can be revoked in Jesus we revoke the curse will invest classes will appeal cases by the blood of Jesus let the cases be repealed but the cases be revoked by the power of Jesus name we revoke the tests will repeal the cash in the name of Jesus now you see when Joshua made a pronouncement it took many many years hundreds of years and this man did not know about that curse that was pronounced over Jericho and it didn't matter how much the doctors tried they were in able to save those kids because there was a reason there was something that was responsible for whatever killed those kids and it was a case whatever cash is responsible for this coronavirus in the name of Jesus let the cash be repealed by the blood of Jesus let the cash be revoked every class behind the corner virus let the cast in the name of Jesus let it be repealed let it be revoked right now in the name of Jesus will repeal the case right now we revoke the class will repeal the test we revoke the class will repeal the class we the cast will repeal the cast will invoke the class will appeal the cast in the name of Jesus every catch every cast responsible for corner virus in the name of Jesus the repeal the repeal they repeal Leonore and all negated win addict negate negate negate negate negate negate the cast behind this virus in the name of Jesus forever virus will repeat the cast will repeal the cast behind for now virus in the name of Jesus one of one of the things we need to deal with we covered 19 is to address their life of cubed 19 which one rest the very life then the life is in the blood their life is in the blood so let then life of coronavirus be arrested and in the name of Jesus let it not spread any sadder we stop the spread of corner virus in our nation's in our cities in our communities in our churches in our families we are as the life of coronavirus and we stop the spread in the name of Jesus right now we are as device we arrest the life of the virus and we stop the spread of torna virus toward nineteen Beatrice let the life of eternal virus Beatrice occurs against the arrested in the name of Jesus and on all arrested and now and grounded in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Matala Casa Luker t Lavasa Malaga dila - bahasa Ekati la muchacha Lhasa Bavaria de la tumba saya hirsute Attila Baha mama Makuta Lhasa they took Alejandra Mara and Amitabh and the area to delays today la caja we break through we break through we went through the struggle of the coronavirus we break through the strength and the phosphorus and that defences electronic virus in the name of Jesus be arrested he arrested we are alive the strength and the defenses of the coronavirus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus now we want to deal with the mystery of the coronavirus we want to demystify the mystery of this virus and pray that our scientists who discovered the cure and the vaccine to the coronavirus let the mystery about the corona virus we demystified we demystified and let's find a cure let's find a cure and the vaccine to the core Navarro's we demystify now the mr. okona virus with demystified a mystery with demystify the mystery let the mystery of the core Navarro's the demystify demystify demystified demystified demystified demystified demystified demystified demystified demystified in the name of jesus we demystified the mystery of the corona virus will be mystified and will command and e3 with commodity 3 a permanent solution with commodity 3 a solution to the corona virus will come on a decree a vaccine and a cure to the troll a virus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we want to decrease and command a solution a cure and affection to the corona virus in the name of Jesus let there be a cure we decrease we proclaim and we secure the kill the vaccine to the corner virus with commanded non-homogenous we come up with command solution with the clear solution we decree a cure we decree the vaccine to the corner virus in the name of Jesus with commander boxer with common solution with Kamali function with Kamala cure to the corona virus in the name of Jesus we are less the virus we kill and command than life of the virus to the arrest we are less the life of the virus let the virus be a class let it be a class in the name of Jesus one prayer we've been praying that we have to take it public and have every community in our nations across the world to be plane five people seven people ten people fifteen people 20 people all over the community from one community to another community people must gather to pray in smaller groups one groups all over the place following all the necessary protocol but meeting to pray in smaller groups all over the place to deal with the very life of the corona virus and to decree and pray that the life of the virus be taken away from it that even when people contact the virus or they get infected they will not die that their life will be taken away we need to pray this prayer right now let's attack the life of the virus that it will stop killing that it will not kill it will not kill and take lives anymore let's make a decree right now in the name of Jesus born a virus in the name of Jesus not the potency to take lives we take away the potency we take away the life we take away the power of the virus in the name of Jesus to stop the spread of the virus and decree and declare furthermore authority that we will lock the ability you will lock the power and the potential to take lies in the name of Jesus that even when people get infected they will live and not dies they will live and not die in the name of Jesus that they would live and not die in the name of Jesus I believe in God we need we need to declare that those who have been infected who live in know - from Ghana across all over Africa and the nations of the world and wherever you are viewing from I want you to make the same decree that those who have been infected who live and not die unless declares write down the name of Jesus let those rubble in such as live and not die let them live and not die in the name of Jesus let the virus lose its power and his potency in the name of Jesus let it lose its potency his mandate an ability to kill and to take life in the name of Jesus will strip the virus of its life of his potency and in the name of Jesus to take life by the power of Jesus name which strip the virus of its power of his potency and of his life to take lives in the name of Jesus one thing we want to do we want to deny and strip the coronavirus of the potency and of the power to take life want to say corn a virus by the power of Jesus name between us and be stripped of the power and of the potency to take lives anymore from John across Africa and the nations of the world in the name of Jesus make a decree right now by the power of Jesus name appear mouth make that decree right now let the virus within I have be stripped of the power and of the potency to take that will be normal lives taken from us for it is written it is enough it is a normal state I harm it is a non spare heart it is a monster heart in the name of Jesus with command III divine preservation divine escapes divine preservation divine escapes divine preservation divine escapes divine preservation divine escape in the name of Jesus we will arrive reactions or the powers of the Dark Kingdom whoever I demolished Aries and activation by the power of Jesus then we bind the enemy strip the enemy denied the enemy through the corona virus or taking lives in the name of Jesus we deny be stripped of your potency and of your mandate and of your power to take lives from ghana across africa the nations of the world be arrested in the name of jesus and be bound we want to want to continue in prayer and we want to pray and arrest the uncertainty and the spread of the fear of copa90 yeah apart from the virus itself the fear of it it's also killing people the fear of the virus is causing panic on certainties is bringing fear of the moon and there are all kinds of crisis that discovered nineteen has brought two individuals two family two nations two cities to communities to businesses to churches but in the name of Jesus let those crisis let those crisis the unforeseen crisis the unexpected crisis that covered nineteen has brought two individuals two family to cities communities and two nations and to the economies of nation let it be arrested commanded right now we are s [Applause] the instability the uncertainties the unforeseen and unexpected crisis and complication that covered 19 has brought to our nation to our families to individuals to two unexpected crisis unforeseen crisis and complication in the name of Jesus on the political scene the social scene the economics in the financial scene the education that we we reverse crisis the crisis and the pressure and the stress and the tension that it has brought to leaders of nations to leaders of our communities to perhaps of fabulous two fathers two mothers two sons and two daughters and two children let all the crisis corner virus covered nineteen has brought to our world to our nation let it be arrested let it be returned let it be returned what if you are ridden by the blood of the Lamb by the blood of the Lamb by the blood of the lamb and we had between today the wind is stung and deaths of covered 19 has settled and come to an air and be accounting the living that we in our house and all them that concerns us home and abroad shall be among the living that's our email we will be among the living another day we make that declaration right now but we are my house will be among the living will be among the living another day in the name of Jesus now we want to deal with retaliations we want to deal with the spirit of the adventure and the spirit that is angry with us that will seek to take revenge on us on our families and on our loved ones and our sons and our daughters home and abroad we are as the spirits we have arrived any spirit [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Bible said that David kept his father's ship he kept the Shifu and the she gave birth to a LAN then suddenly came a lion and a bear and we took them took the lamb from the Shifu and David went after them slew them first of all he rescued the lamb from the mouth of the lion and the Bible said the lion and the bear came after David and David caught them by the beard and slew them in the name of Jesus any beasts any lion any bear that will lift up ahead after this time of prayer to take revenge to take vengeance on anyone in the salsa-only diviner that will lift up himself to take vengeance in the name of Jesus with blood we want to move on 1 2 RS for every woman arrests the power of your mother's demon whereas she's dead or alive and a smart if possible go back to your grandmother's demon and to your great-grandmother's demon because these things they are demonic legacies the troubles were one generation to another generation time will not allow me to break things down from Scripture perspective to give you insight and revelation but these things are real and if you can put down your philosophy and those your doctrines of new creation realities that you are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb I'm reading also by the blood of the Lamb but I'm telling you that we have been redeemed from the powers of the Dark Kingdom and translated to the kingdom of this dsr and those stains will every now and then try to come after through our bloodline to our bloodline select every demon of your father and of your family that is buffeting afflicting sick into every now in the name of disappointment and seeking to exert on us to afflict and to profit us and to hinder us in the name of Jesus we want to deal we want to repeal and we want to revoke the curse of our bloodline every case of our bloodline that has become a bloodline or a demonic legacy passed on from one generation to another generation because no one in the bloodline has stood up by revelation or understanding to evil a bit and to repeal it so the Bible said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and this knowledge a means illumination having light having the ability to see beyond your natural senses yeah so in the name of Jesus right now we invoked every test will repeal every bloodline and every class is working through your bloodline right now in the name of Jesus your father's bloodline your mother's bloodline let the test is be revoked [Applause] [Applause] evil outcomes in our lives in the life of our sons and our daughters and in the lives of our loved ones we want to unless and the evil outcome as a result of any covenant any transaction as a result of any demonic legacies and transaction made by anyone in your bloodline father's bloodline mother's bloodline that was given the enemy to determine an evil outcome whether in your life or in the life of any of your children or loved one today let that outcome [Applause] we are any vodka as a result of demonic legacies as a result of transactions and demonic covenants of the bloodline let those demons be arrested responsible for the evil outcome we are gonna be arrested right now arrested right now I wasted right now I will say right now understand right now arrested right now arrested Wagner we want to pray for sons and daughters all over the world the seed of the righteous who are not themselves who are doing things as a result of being manipulated and controlled by master spirits of the bloodline and in the name of Jesus let all those sons and daughters let all those men and women whoever they are wherever they are who are not themselves let them come to themselves let them come to themselves the Bible said he'll be with you will be with you foolish Galatians will be with you not to obey the truth so people who can do the right thing they they rebelled against truth they can't do the right thing because they've been bewitched they've been bewitched deceived we wish we break the bewitchment we destroyed the bewitchment we destroyed the spell will command them to come to themselves as debris which meant destroy despair command them to come to themselves right now in the name of Jesus we destroy them [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let them receive a sound mind a sound mind the Bible said that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind sound mind of peace and a bonus we want to pray right now for a sound mind want to pray for a sound mind what to prefer power want to prove for love and a sound mind power love and a sound mind so in the name of Jesus we are as the spirit of fear intimidation and threatenings be arrested intimidations threatenings be arrested arrested arrest a memory verse we are s [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] one of the things fear does fear manipulates fear manipulates fear is a reaction current is a decision in the name of Jesus and fear brings manipulations it causes in wheels projections of in wheels evil imagination people expectation that something bad and evil is going to happen to you today manipulations intimidation frightening [Applause] [Applause] keep on predicting on CNN and other networks that hundreds of thousands of Africans are going to die but we start to make accountable we make a count an account of projection an account of prediction that is a possible the dots are not be apportioned by the power of Jesus then we declare that Africans will not I will not die in the hundreds will not die in the thousands that they are predicted let those projections return let both rejections in the name of Jesus right now [Applause] [Applause] the Bible says the book of a search of the nine this one that in the day that the enemies of the Jews had to overcome them or to power them the opposite okay we want to pray that the prediction that has been made by the scientists of our time out of the confusion fear and uncertainties and I predicted people would die and be keep speaking dead they keep speaking death and keep predicting that and projecting death that more people are going to die in the millions in the hundreds of thousands we want to make a counter declaration by the blood of Jesus like the opposite of hair like the opposite occur to commander leprosy commander [Applause] [Applause] we decree we make a contract projection an account prediction that people who live in our nation senada that will reverse the numbers in the name of Jesus with command code 19 to be reverse an RS that the numbers would be crease and not rise anymore we command the numbers to be reverse we command the numbers to decrease and not rise commander spread in the name of Jesus to be arrested to discontinue in the name of Jesus now we want to deal with our fathers and our mothers Luke let the youth be destroy the Bible service had come to pass that on that day because of the anointing his body shall be lifted by these babies excess with and luggage batting's be lifted and let looks be destroy let every family bedding let the burdens of your bloodline that exact enough flicks the men and the women of your bloodline be lifted in the name of Jesus let it be lifted let it be remove look let the yolk let the yolk of your bloodline over your neck be destroyed let the baby's believe that whether you be destroy in the name of Jesus I want you to say in the name of Jesus by the power of Jesus name I destroy and I command the youth of my bloodline to be taken away of my shoulders of my shoulders of the shoulders of my sons and my daughters my spiritual and biological children let the youth of the bloodline be taken away and lifted up in the name of Jesus we destroy the burdens of the bloodline the shoulders of our service of our shoulders of our shoulder that will be taken away destroy this Lord to destroy to destroy we destroy their Bibles we destroy their babbles the bearings of the bloodline about the shoulders of the sons and the daughters of the blah blah let the babies we lived their bodies will move in the name of Jesus we destroy their bodies in the name of Jesus will destroy the balance and now we attack the yoke we attack the you rather you'd be destroyed that the you be destroy leather you'd be permanently destroyed from the neck the burdens of the shoulders the yoke of the neck every yoke around the neck let me be destroy spiritual yokes physical yokes whatever the yoke represent in your life and in the life of your biological and spiritual children let the yoga destroy wipe 9 the name of Jesus the destroyer you will destroy the year the destroyer here with destroy the earth to destroy you will be destroyed by the power of Jesus name we destroy the earth we destroyed you to destroy financially we destroyed Meritage we destroy every yoke or see the yoke of immorality the yoke of uncertainty the work of instability the work of disappointment Jochen frustration yay the yoke of anxiety the yoke of perplexity the work of vulnerability whatever abilities that will be destroyed the name of Jesus whatever it is you have to be clear the destruction of W the yoke of perplexity the yoke of instability the you the you the yoke of vulnerability the yoke of immorality the you can see the you co property the yoke of indebtedness the yukos said in the name of Allah Jesus the you confirmation insufficiency the yoke of Phantasia insufficiency financial bondage let the destruction of the commander dispersion of the you let the you with this in the name of evil the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we want to arrest the spirit of disappointment the spirit of disappointment and the spirit of frustration frustration their spirits assigned to cost one to be disappointed and out of that disappointment frustration set in despair despair displaced sets in but today let the demon of disappointment in your life and in the life of your children children [Applause] [Applause] you know the Bible says in Proverbs 13 and 12 that the Bible said that Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a sudden good break tends life around today in the name of Jesus we decree and with command and demand a sudden good break a sudden good break sobbing good break from credit 19 a sudden good break we command a sudden good break for our biological and spiritual children for men abroad for our nation's our economy our churches our loved ones who went abroad with command sobbing good breaks right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus you know the other day he Topher said to us alone he said give me twelve thousand men I'll go after your father and he said that when your father is weary and we handed weary and we handed he said I will come upon him and I will make him afraid and all the mighty men with him will flee and we leave him alone then I will strike him with twelve thousand men the Bible says if you faint not you shall reap we want to arise the spirit of weariness the spirit of weariness let the spirit of weariness be arrested and let the spirit of weakness of hands that would causes us to be weary and weak and raised us with a willingness and we come there right now we are less experienced and we conduct in the name of Jesus that will not be weary and will not be weak humbled with buying weariness we bind the street of witness in the name of Jesus Kavi basanta we unlock treasures of Darkness in the name of Jesus the Bible says I will give you the treasures of Darkness exam 45 and the hidden riches or Sookie places then he said how cut in asunder the bass of iron and he said and I will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in asunder the bass of iron hallelujah who give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that thou mayest know that i am the lord which called thee by thy name hallelujah I am the Lord God of Israel hallelujah then he said we want to we want to unlock treasures of Darkness in these times of uncertainty we would discover the treasures of Darkness in these times of uncertainty we are taking possessions of the treasures of darkness and of he being witches instantly places by illumination by the revelation of the Holy Ghost by advanced knowledge we take possession we take possession of treasures of Darkness of he being witches right now we take possession hey professor doesn't say possession so I guess of darkness we take possession of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus is our baby Bobby is that I'll go before thee and I'll make the crooked places straight the crooked places straight right now we want to come on every cook at place and every cook at places on the economics in the financiaciĆ³n the religious see the political scene on the homes wrong on the religiosity every cook at places he may trade we may we may we may we may we may we may we may we may say in the name of Jesus then he said and I will break in pieces the gates of brass the gates of brass right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you see realize that see look at the sequence he said and I'll go before thee and I'll make the crooked places straight and I'll break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in asunder the bass of iron and I will give you I will give thee the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places you see the strategy so anything that is preventing us the crooked places yeah the gates of brass the bars of tile these things are holding the treasures of darkness and hidden riches from us but today as we break through to calluses as we destroy a bridge in pieces that gets a brass and cut in a Samba the balls of iron we are taking possession taking possession from the eastern north south and west we are taking food possessions for treasures of Darkness he didn't wishes of secret places so right now in the name of Jesus say in the name of Jesus I break in pieces I break in pieces that gates of brass the gates of brass [Applause] [Applause] with [Applause] [Applause] with with with with and now less command money money is a weapon money is a to God said a survives mine and the gold this must say the Lord the enemy has stolen the weapon of money is the weapon money is a weapon and to whoever has is called a short in every nation and community so right now will command a silver will command the gold and power to change hands from the hands of the wicked into the hands of the lightest in the name of Jesus right now we'll come on sale [Applause] [Applause] the bouchard well in peaceful habitation in an undisturbed running place in secure dwellings in the name of Jesus we are s every problem making spirit every spirit assigned to trouble our families to trouble our waters to stand the waters and to muddy our waters to always create unless family storms family crisis today as we enforced the Word of God exactly 218 that my people shall dwell in peaceful habitation and he said actual Shuswap dwellings quiet and a restful place and in the name of Jesus we are as family crisis Dominic conflicts troubles on the wounds rod trouble on every side every problem making spirit every spirit assigned to trouble us and our families and our dwellings today in the name of Jesus we cry out against you we take the lamentation against troubling spirits assigned to trouble our families to trouble our sons and our daughters to create family crisis di Resta mmm oh Jesus ers ers there we are sir we are set in the name of Jesus we retreat please reading aloud please within our dwellings we secure our products we secure our walls we secure our dates will secure our homes we secure we secure our dwellings we secure our gates by the gravity the holidays we secure our dwelling with mind them in the name of Jesus to nama-hatta abu dali Hafez who sickly be higher valleys we secure let our days be secure let our God's be secure let our windows be secure we bequeath our would dwell insisted that we our house would have insisted that all then that one concerns us by the blood of Jesus let them dwell in safety from our families to dwell in safety Mohammed well is to dwell in safety with commander safety with commander safety that reservation that deliverance of them that concerns us biological and spiritual sons and daughters woman abroad rather than dwell in safety let them be safe from and Eve now in the name of Jesus commanded now commanded now commanded now commanded now in the name of Jesus he finally been commanded not by the power of Jesus name Maccabi rahmatullah saw a scene deal acaba Hodari Yakub Lama Haase sada barakatuh lives in the name of Jesus projections steel wheels will imagination of those who devise an atomized we command and between Count count say we count he wheels we counted evil expectation imagination demands and manipulation against our eyes will not be widows saying the name of Jesus no the children biological or spiritual children in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus say no father no mother will bury their children biological or spiritual children in the name of Jesus say there will be no voice of science mommy agrees we renounce to him proverb 19 and after that 19 say from now to 31st December in the name of Jesus weather predictions and the projections and the program ins and the consumption of the enemy in the room of time against our spiritual sons and daughters in the name of Jesus what will be intercepted an interception and avert an intercept [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] spiritual improvements say we will not be ambushed in a spirit will not be ambushed in our sleep no in our dream by spiritual hosts of wickedness or by spiritual assassins or by the adventure say we on our house and all that concerns us will not be ambushed by any means so we are as still trap ambushment physical ambush man we are us right now we are recipe we are spiritual on Boozman physical ambushment the asset with private in the name of Jesus private in the name of Jesus divine spiritual ambushment we find physical ambushment in the name of Jesus we escape we escape we escape we destroy the snare is our soul our soul in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus for down has delivered my soul from death and my eyes from tears and my feet from falling for our Lord as they live at my soul from death my eyes on tears and my feet from falling we enforce description that let our souls be delivered from death some one one six verse eight let our souls be delivered from death let the songs of our biological and spiritual children home and abroad be delivered from death deliver from premature death deliver from untimely death and our eyes from tears and I will see from fallen and fancied Wagner will come on our deliverance our eyes will deliver from tears and our feet from solid in the name of Jesus in the power of Jesus name there are so we delivered from death and our eyes from teeth and I'll see from Foley let's look at verse 9 as we wait for verse 9 of someone 1:6 we command the deliverance of our soul from death and our eyes on tears our eyes from tears and our feet on solid and we proclaim that we Shahada but we shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living say I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living say me in my house we in my house and then that concerns me home and abroad by Logica sons and daughters spiritual sons and daughters fallen abroad somewhat before the Lord in the land of the living right now big life we declare we declare that we saw what before the Lord in the land of the living we shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living the Lord in the land of the living we shall not die prematurely with long life he will satisfy us and show us his salvation we are fossil in the name of Jesus we enforce it in the name of Jesus the multi-beam a moccasin that I was treated to our DNA with a light our physical DNA Jeremiah 13:23 to Emmett 1823 what we want to pray and enforce and superimpose our spiritual DNA over our natural DNA yeah and if you can change his skin his game or the leopardi sports his paw then may also do good that accustomed to do evil Paul said the good I wish to do i do them not and the evil I don't want to do is what I do why because of that physical DNA or God canal nature of that nature and negative tendency in my bloodline but today we want to superimpose and we want to override the natural negative tendencies of our bloodline with our spiritual DNA the DNA of the blood of Jesus we want to override the physical DNA by our divine DNA right now in the name of Jesus we've arrived we've arrived at natural DNA by our spiritual DNA in the name of Jesus Kalamata la casa italia candelabras are we secure our divine DNA with sublime poles here in the name of Jesus we bind the desire and the last of our physical DNA of a bloodline by our divine DNA in the name of Jesus thank you lord thank you lord and now I proclaim and decree upon you all that hear the sound of my voice I declare proclaim the blessings of the heavens allowed to be credited to you and all that consensual and let the blessings of the earth beneath be credited and extended to you and all that concerns you let the blessings of the heavens above be conferred upon our nations upon our communities our families our homes our churches home and abroad and let the blessings of the earth beneath be extended to all in the name of Jesus I command deliverances a command divine escapes a command the healing of the sick with these pot angels to our communities to our hospitals to our nation's to our cities to come batten RS the spread of the corner virus [Applause] we are in the way out of the way out of the loneliness we're out of the uncertainties that will come and unresolved issues of sons and daughters biological and spiritual all resolved issues of families finanza unresolved issues economic unresolved issues unresolved issues of nations and our churches with the money to be resolved right now we come and we unresolved issue be resolved be resolved resolved this is our be resolved in Islam it is all be resolved with command unresolved issues be resolved be resolved by the power of Jesus name here is out give his out here is out here is out here is out be resolved the result he we saw in the name of Jesus and now every trusted weapon every trusted weapon at work they be trusted weapon at work every weapon of advantage that is working against us and he trusted weapon and me weapon of advantage that the adversary has set in motion and has deployed and engaged to discredit to implicate in the name of Jesus to help us our spiritual and biologic actually home and abroad let the enemy be strict let him be stripped and be denied of that weapon and that God will probably dismantle with dismantle a strip dismantling the enemy of every trusted weapon of every work one of advantage he has engaged is using within our walls in our land in our cities we may name of Jesus we are asleep now we are dismantled in the name of Jesus with this mantra laitanan emerges with dismantle it in the name of Jesus now the Bible says no weapon from against me shall prosper and any tongue that rises in judgment doubts are condemned any tongue any voice any mouse that has been deployed politically religiously financially economically to speak to the mouth of the wicked [Applause] [Applause] now the Bible says in proverbs 25 25 in conclusion as cold water is to at-st soul so is good news from a far country we decree by the blood of Jesus that in place of an evil report we prophesy we will hear good news we decree no more disappointment normal situation no more disappointment we command good news we decree good news we enforce good news my magicians good news good news [Applause] mammatus good news good news my under- sangha team tell me Wilkinson now would command the healing of the sick we command all those who have been appointed to die to be rescued in the name of Jesus those mock an appointed to die let them be delivered in law let them be delivered let those that are appointed to die all that the sign of the prisoners come before me according to the greatness of thy power preserve and deliver those appointed to die let those appointed to die prematurely before their time within our dwellings within our walls in our churches we our communities in our cities in our nation across the nations of the world rather be delivered never be rescued right now deliver in the hospital on the a sickbed appointed to die let that be delivered from the bed of affliction let them be delivered from the sentence of death let them be delivered from bag wishes let them be delivered from every appointment and verdict of death in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let them be delivered from accident delivered from violence and let those who seek our blood desire our blood and the blood of our sons and daughters let there be drunk with your own blood the sick and desire our blood let them be fed with your own flesh the sick and desire our flesh let them be confounded and put to shame that divides our head let them be a stop before the wind let them be like the smoke that is carried away by the wind let the always be swiftly let me away be swiftly persecute them and trouble them that trouble us for it is a right to Austin for God to travel them that trouble us in our house Oh Lord let them eat and eat and absorb a vow that they will not vote the Epistle rest until they see our demise in the name of the Lord Jesus let them return back who had become founded that divides our head yay frustrated talking suppliers make divine as man-made diviners not can be acknowledged and they are canceled into foolishness o Lord our God but also has oh Lord so as a token for good for unto thee unto thee O Lord we cry out and lift up our eyes from the tree to the please ah ha [Music] Christ he's in be starna stand for Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and Christ in the I declare who stand up for Jesus and we will lift up the blood-stained banner of Christ and the Church of Jesus will not suffer loss to those of you who think the church is finished you are joking study history adds the empires of Rome the Emperor's of Rome and the kings of the Babylonian Empire and the kings of Egypt are the kings of the nations of our well study history and you will either the church always bounced back and the enemies of the church always are destroy and be vanquished from the face of the earth let the enemies of the Cross we vanquish focusing this nation and across the nations of our world let all those who hate us and devise our health and our demise yay let them focus and disappear there and be a house on the face of the earth so show us a sign for Google or the church will bounce back will be stronger than before better than before anointed and before I was our comeback will be greater than be set back the church is not yet finished we are better off than ever and will come back again there will be a revival do it Allah in the name of Jesus until I come your way again follow me on Instagram and on Twitter and remember me and my team we are here for you to work with you to help you together we stand together we stand remember it is said that fear is a reaction but cabbage is a decision and it is said that in the time of decision indecision is crying in the time of decision indecision is a crime this is the time of great decisions less be precise if take decisions move forward not be afraid the loss 20 you satisfy you with long life and show you and all that consents you took in for good as I confront a blessing of Elohim upon you and your family mayor gags be secure we are always be secure amid the Lord show you and your house greet message in Jesus name this is Agnes of Duncan Williams W
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 119,248
Rating: 4.7913408 out of 5
Id: uZFXIwInk08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 31sec (6151 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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