RECEIVING HEALING | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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god bless everybody this is prophet elia and i thank the lord jesus for the opportunity and the privilege to be on here to minister to you to speak to you the word of god the word of life the word of deliverance and the word of transformation i thank the lord jesus for all those people that have been supporting this great work the vision that the lord has given us to build his house for him i thank everyone today i wasn't able to come on earlier i needed to rest because i think i was i was i was overworking which is not bad i enjoy doing anything for god but god put me to rest today so i didn't come on earlier but we are back on tomorrow we'll be on twice but i want you to know that the lord loves you the lord cares for you and today i'm going to be speaking about receiving healing and i think that it is important for you to understand what healing is what it entails the difference between uh things and dimensions and and the width and the depth of the truth of how you receive healing and where does healing begin so i want you to share this as many times as you can and the lord jesus is going to help us it's going to help us trust me it's not going to be your typical message you're really going to hear god's voice through this and i believe that something is going to change to the glory of god amen somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah i want you to share let your neighbor your auntie your mother-in-law your sister-in-law your brother-in-law your uncles and everybody and uh i let them know that the prophet is life and god is gonna bless us tremendously and take us to heights we have never been on and i believe that something special is going to happen and something amazing is going to come by reason of hearing and listening to this word in the mighty name of jesus amen are you ready to learn something ready yes now you have to understand by the spirit what healing is you have to understand by the spirit what healing is and what is the mind of god concerning healing remember to heal is to mend what was broken yeah is not to recreate what was broken right healing and miracles are two different things a miracle is something coming out of nothing cannot be explained healing also is unexplainable but healing is more like recovery right that is what the bible says you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall what recover so healing is the restoration of something that was broken i wish somebody could hear me healing is the restoration of what has been broken so if you are going to receive anything from god let's say your health is in trouble god has to fix what is broken in order for your health to come back yeah so healing does not bring the health healing fixes what is blocking the health healing fixes what is not permitting things to flow in order for things to be restored unfortunately in our communities and in the church uh not all churches some churches they have limited healing to sickness but you have to understand that anything that is broken the cause of it is not natural but it's spiritual so if you don't fix that which is broken spiritually it is impossible to receive that which is physical wow an example if i want to bring the blessing of god from the realm of the spirit to the natural realm if my faith needs healing then i cannot bring what is in the supernatural into the natural that is why when the man came to jesus jesus asked him do you believe the man said lord help my unbelief jesus was disappointed because some of you you are not receiving what god has for you not because god has no way of giving it to you it's not that you don't believe god can do it the problem is your ability to receive is broken and needs to be helped i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel it already so healing comes to fix what was broken in order for you to receive that which god has already planted to come through an example when you plant a seed in the ground and you don't water it you have affected the seed from growing so if you pray lord make this seed grow lord make this seed grow lord make this it grow lord make this seed grow the seed will never grow unless water comes amen now if water is poured and the soil is good and the water is poured on the seed that is in the ground and not no harvest comes then you need there is a spiritual healing that needs to take place because something is broken spiritually because all the laws of nature have been met but what needs to be produced when these laws have been met is not coming so you know this healing must be taken care of what spiritually i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm talking to myself now you can never healing is not complete within itself healing is the ground that something else grows wow jesus healing is the ground that something else grows from when you prepare the ground you put your seed in the ground yeah you cover it you water it you take care of something spiritually the tree starts to grow just because the tree has grown does not mean that the tree has gotten to the stage that it cannot be uprooted [Music] i want you to understand this just because i have planted something i've watered it and it started growing it does not mean it is beyond being destroyed that means that the healing is not complete until the tree becomes whole the healing is still not complete wow this is why the bible says that your roots must go deeper because the strength of a tree is not that it is growing tall it is because its roots are so deep that the tree cannot be destroyed even if you cut it because of how deep the roots are you cannot approach it it will grow again so healing comes to make the bed for something called wholeness [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself i need people to share this i won't continue until people share i'm waiting for people on facebook to share to hit the thumbs button and i'm waiting for people on youtube to hit the thumbs up button uh to make people see this video because this is going to bless somebody amen the reason why the laying of hands let me wait let me wait somebody say lord make me whole lord make me hope i can't hear you somebody say lord make me whole lord make me whole are you too beautiful you're not sharing and hitting that thumbs up i need you to do it more i need you to do it more thank you lord jesus you're so wonderful and you're so good amen you know i remember i remember one day uh a woman that uh had i actually um wow wow wow you know i mentioned a lot of my daughters but i always forget her and she's one of the first ones too her name is maria campo maria is one of my ancient daughters and she's i call her ancient of days she's uh she has brought so many people yeah to church she has a very strong evangelism she's compelled that people need to see god and she just brings people she will meet somebody in the gas station and convince them to come and she will take them and bring them to church wow i mean she's done that so many times and i remember she had brought a woman in the house and this woman had just had a stroke so the woman had a stroke she was very deformed she was on a wheelchair when i tell you deformed like she was deformed you know stroke is that is very brutal her body was deformed she couldn't move her body she her body was really uh deformed and as a body was broken i am praying for people and the woman is sitting on a wheelchair i looked at her and the angel of the lord told me rebuke the demon that has brought this upon her and that will block when you release wholeness on her wow i said lord how can i tell a woman who is a victim of having sickness i look at her and say demon come out wow i was afraid because i was like what will people think that a woman was struck all of a sudden i am angry and command something to leave her now the truth is not every sickness is because there is a presence of a demon but sickness is always a a a a a a an instinction or or or or is always an indicator that there is a demonic interference so the reason why sometimes you can lay hands on somebody that is sick and rebuke the enemy and they don't get better is because the demon is not inside that person the demon has just caused things inside that person not to work this is why you need insight and foresight to know how to pray for things because if you cannot undo the thing in the right place you'll be going around the circles and you think that your faith is not strong but that's not true it's simply because you don't know the mechanics of how certain things work so all of a sudden the lord told me do it now i looked at the woman i said in the name of jesus you evil spirit that has attacked now i had to fix my language so that it doesn't come out evil as if i'm shouting come out because that was my first instinct then i realized something that god is responsible for the message but is not responsible for the delivery wow if i make him look bad i'm in trouble so i addressed the demonic spirit separate from the woman i said you wicked spirit that has caused this infirmity on this daughter of god liver the woman got up as if she was up it's like the stroke went away ah i'm not like liverpool the woman fell out and the spirit left she was screaming and all of us i said get up and she got up straight her whole hand that was like this went like this her whole body was straight everything i'm telling you maria if maria is online she will come and she'll tell you she knows this and the people that she became straight and she i told her mama walked she started marching like a soldier she didn't drive she started she was shocked we sat down there myself i cried i remember i went to my actually leanne i think lyanna was there too i went to my bedroom that night i cried and i cried and i cried i said lord what have i deserved for you to do this and the lord sent me to luke 16 from verse 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they'll cast out devils and this and this they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and all these things and the lord told me i have made this scripture real in your life wow wow it blew me away because i had seen it you guys know you've seen blind eyes being open there's videos of that yeah you've seen people getting healed of all manner of things yeah this is my mandate before i even even manifested it i was already doing this when i was younger but the degree that it increased when god sent me to do it was different wow so i have come to understand the science of of of of healing much deeper because of what god has given me to do i am not declaring or teaching to you what i don't know i know this by experience amen some of you your finances are not broken they need healing wow wow my god some of you your marriage you don't need a new marriage your marriage needs what healing wow some of you your business is not that it's not a good business your business needs what and when healing comes it gives birth to what wholeness wow so healing is not exclusive healing is not exclusive to a physical body yeah let me prove to you before i go where i want to go amen hallelujah hallelujah are you ready yes okay go to second chronicles 17 14. actually second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14. okay amen amen second chronicles 7 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways notice this number one he says if my people will what humble themself so the number one thing that makes you not receive healing is you are not humble wow the number two reason why you don't receive it is because you don't pray number three is because you don't seek his face keep going and turn from their wicked ways number four is because you don't turn from what wicked ways what will god do when you do this then uh will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land so god doesn't listen to you because you don't number one read it again um no you're not yes yes you shall humble yourself pray number two pray seek his face seek his face and turn your wicked way turn from your wicked ways notice you did not ask for forgiveness yet if my people humble themself pray and seek my face and turn from yet their evil ways i will already forgive their sin wow and i will begin to heal their land what does that mean that when you enter into this mode you have created the ground now that god can release healing and when god release healing the people of the nation begin to what prosper because they enter into what is called wholeness jesus wow bishop i don't think people can hear me wow i don't think people can hear me my father wow let me show you something now let's discuss this let's not move quickly amen so countries that are struggling economically countries that are not doing well their citizens are suffering let me tell you america is one of the best nations on earth amen forget what people are trying to do now they are trying to destroy this nation amen but i'm going to tell you this america the hand of god is on this nation amen i remember when i was growing up in nairobi kenya i'm not kenyan but i grew up in kenya i remember there was a time that the hand of god was on that nation and i still believe that god loves that nation amen but because people are engaged in too much corruption it's one of the most corrupt nations it's not the most but it's definitely up there with the corrupt nations do you know what happened the hand of god lifted people are suffering my daughters and sons that are in kenya can attest to this corruption is too high for something that the law should just be able to handle corruption if you live in the western world you don't really comprehend corruption yeah wow the nation is crumbling one of the most blessed nations on earth and it's not that they're rich in resources they're countries that have more resources than them yeah they have wildlife but so do other countries they have tea yes but other countries have it too they have coffee yes they are farming yes but other countries are there's nothing that they have that is exclusive but this nation was prospering why because god's healing was upon the nation yeah yeah yeah what is killing my beloved i call it my nation because i grew up there yeah it's like home for me it's because corruption they have no turn people pray yeah people fast some people seek god but the heads of state don't want to stop corruption god cannot release healing on the nation that will benefit everybody wow wow let me give you an example you look at nineveh jonah is sent to nineveh and when he announced that god said is going to destroy this nation the king is the one that told the people say guys i order everybody to fast even including the animals perhaps god will have mercy on us and heal our land they humbled themselves they began to seek god and they sought mercy god went to john and said john i'm sorry i put you through going into the world's mouth i'm not going to destroy them wow wow simply because they turned they positioned themselves for god's hand to be upon hmm so when you hear day of prayer a national day of prayer it is one of the most important if you hear a president that is saying today i declare a national day of prayer love that man because that man is sent from god amen amen amen you take that lightly you see the problem that uh uh the devil has a very uh i feel like i want to talk behind me because my sons and daughters are behind me but you are also there but let me tell you something the reason why satan loves to divide people is because he knows if he divides you he destroys you yeah yeah if you do not align with your leaders you have guaranteed your doom because there is no way let's say god blesses me to be a billionaire let's let's say yeah let's say even though it will happen let's say god is released he's released prophet to be a billionaire but my nation is going through a uh what's it called crisis yeah my nation is going through economic collapse it will affect me even though i have more than others even my more over time will become nothing so the only way i guarantee my billions the only way you guarantee your billions is that their hand their land is healed right wow that whoever doesn't prosper it is because of their own doing not because the ground cannot produce wow but if i desire for the country to go into doom because i want to prove a point i am a silly person it's like being in a plane and i kick the pilot out and i can't fly a plane what is going to happen that is why i don't support riots i don't support anyone that is saying that they want to change but they want to do it by force it's demonic yeah amen it's really that simple yeah yeah so what nations are about to go through is because nations don't have healing wow the healing of a nation is being lifted that's what you find like now everything is racist even when you don't like i i you know i i i'm really heartbroken listen i'm not saying that there is no racism there are people that are racist but there are more people that are not racist than the people that are racist yeah that is a fact true are you listening to me yes that is a fact i feel bad when i'm going to the store and i'm seeing a people of other races smiling at me to to so that they can justify themselves to me no have your day you're fine no i don't need that i'm cool i'm not a victim i'm not any of that i'm not saying that other people have not been victimized or gone through things yeah are you getting what i'm saying but somebody to feel uneasy when they see me because no that's demonic that is healing being lifted yeah amen i don't know if somebody's listening to me all this is because people are playing political games and because we don't listen to god we are falling into the trap yeah we are falling into the trap and calamity is happening to destroy us and we are not paying attention how i don't mean to go political how does the cdc come out and say 96 percent was it 96 or 94 94 or 96 on everything they told you that was corona based was actually the cause of death was not corona yeah so this whole thing has been a pandemic i've been saying it yeah yeah yeah yeah the cdc came and said it but no one is reporting it right all these things is because satan wants to lift healing from a nation to bring division into people so people are fighting you have no mass wear mask you're not response obviously we have to be responsible but what do you think this is causing when people are divided lifting lifts healing lifts wow where there is division god cannot bless and god if he releases a blessing but the blessing does not find the good ground called healing nothing grows in genesis chapter 3 when adam and eve had sinned god looked at adam and he said cursed is the ground because of what you have done but then you see after that place you read second chronicles god is saying if you just stand from your ways i will heal your land meaning the ground can die can be cursed so the land that you're in needs healing if the land you're in does not receive healing you cannot prosper as a nation if the house you live in does not have healing you cannot prosper as a family healing goes deeper healing goes deeper than you having sickness on your body wow wow wow jesus the good ground is really the ground called healed do you realize when god created the world there was no desert wow jesus never existed in fact the theory of deserts is that they used to be covered by water and somehow they dried up yeah yeah if you look at desert sand it's not different from the sun that is from the beach technically there was no desert that's a result of a ground that is being cursed there is no healing that is why the bible says you shall be like a tree planted in lebanon lebanon is a desert meaning it was not supposed to be a desert but when healing comes you can be in a place called desert but you will flourish because that ground has been healed amen amen that's good you'll be like a tree planted in lebanon by a river meaning where deserts used to be there used to be water around it was not a desert [Music] your leaves will be evergreen meaning that when there is healing in a land it does not matter what is happening your leaves have the ability to be green because you are in a realm called healing and because you have entered into wholeness your leaves will never fall your leaves will never change because you're in the realm of wholeness amen i wish more people share this and hear this come on amen yeah i need more people to hit the thumbs up i need more people to hit the thumbs up wow i want you to remember these keys humility amen prayer seeking a face and turning from your turning from your evil ways notice all these four are decisions when you do them god says i will hear from heaven and heal them meaning that god is listening to your actions before your prayer wow before they call i will answer while they are still speaking are we here what is god telling you the reason why what you want is not coming you have not created a ground called healing so there is no way you can receive it so when you say when you declare receive your healing i'm saying prepare the ground that healing can come and form so wholeness can grow jesus wow let me show you something amen go to luke chapter 4 luke chapter 4 and you're going to read verse 18 amen listen to this are you ready yes pay attention the spirit of the lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted not the sick to preach deliverance no no no no no no no you're missing it read it again the spirit of the lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted stop right there let me tell you what the word broken hearted there in greece the word there is sun trio sun trio means this the something that is broken in pieces somebody something that has been torn down something that has been trampled upon wow so jesus did not come to heal diseases he came to heal the ground that has allowed disease to flourish meaning you are sick because sickness is trampling upon you come on you are poor because poverty is trampling upon you so he needs to heal that pot that is broken wow in order for those things to stop so the solution is not rebuking cancer the solution is not rebuking headache the solution is not rebuking this the solution number one is the route where the broken part needs to be fixed and if that thing is fixed everything else [Music] recovers naturally you won't even need to pray i feel like i'm talking to myself yeah teaching my father my goodness notice jesus didn't even come i have come to rebuke demons he said to preach deliverance to the captives why is he preaching deliverance to the captives you think the answer to casting out demons is i rebuke you in jesus name the answer to destroying demons is you being informed of your position and what god has done demons naturally when you speak they will run because you know what you're talking about demons don't run because you mentioned jesus demon run because you know what jesus did the sons of skiva grabbed a madman and said in the name of jesus whom paul preaches and demons looked at him they said jesus we know paul we know meaning that they was mentioning the correct jesus wow the bible doesn't say they are not anointed because for a demon to answer you back you must have something that threatens them and their father skiva was a priest their father was a man of god yeah but the problem is they are their reason of using the name of jesus is what they saw paul do but they were not informed about why the name of jesus works why it should work yeah so the demons question them and said listen jesus we know paul we know but who are you what did they mean by who are you they said we cannot see the weapons of christ with you so why should we run from you you are not informed the bible says that demons beat them up to the point of death they ran for their life wow my god my goodness so that is what jesus is saying to preach deliverance when the demons could when when the truth when the apostles tried to cast out certain demons in a young boy they failed and jesus came and casted out that demon then they asked the lord lord why couldn't we cast it out notice jesus did not say use my name better jesus said it's because you don't fast and pray so their solution was not screaming the name of jesus better their reason for not being able to cast out the devil the demon they face is they operated in a lower realm of prayer wow it was not the name that was weak the name jesus is not working for you not because the name of jesus is not strong yeah you are the problem you are not informed let me stop keep doing papa that's good that's good i may have to delete this one because some people don't like what i'm saying but i'm telling you scriptural truth amen yes you're helping us the problem is you are operating in a lower realm of prayer notice i'm not saying you're not praying a lot you're operating you're praying correctly but in a lower realm yeah what does fasting produce fasting sheds out the flesh so that you have the ability to enter into a deeper realm of the spirit so when you start praying from this realm there is revelation that comes from that realm moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights on the mountain so that he can come down with knowledge that is from heaven amen he could not access that realm without fasting jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights so that he can encounter the devil do you realize that how do we know this the bible says and the spirit of the lord came down on him and after he left the jordan the spirit of the lord led him into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil so jesus fasted so that he can meet satan wow let me stop not so that he can be more powerful so that he can encounter satan to test his spiritual level the reason why jesus could cast out devils in that realm is because he went to that realm and conquered satan so when he left the wilderness he could dismantle every demon even up to satan himself because he went into the ring of satan and beat him my god but you think he fasted to increase his spiritual level no he fasted to go to the room where satan is i feel like i'm talking to myself let me stop teaching let me stop teaching let me stop teaching no no no no the bible is telling you why it's going to the wilderness jesus was waiting for satan wow jesus he purposely made his body weak that he would be hungry so that satan can try to bait him with food oh my goodness he purposely allowed angels not to be around him so that he can be tested in the realm of angels he allowed himself to be weak so that satan can say you don't have to go through the cross why don't i just give you the whole world just worship me jesus did this on purpose because those three things are the things that he came to do and satan came to test him on those three things if he beat the devil on that anybody that he met he was able to carry out what he wanted the reason why your pastors cannot bless you and you become wealthy cannot bless you and you enter into opportunities is because they never beat that demon in their own life how can they bring that healing to you i feel like i'm talking to myself jesus too much peter and john go to the temple they found somebody peter and john go to the temple they find somebody that is begging silva and god this man was not asking for healing he was asking for silver and gold in front of the church and peter comes and tells him listen my friend i know you're asking me for silver and gold i don't have it but what i have because you have demanded of something i can give you silver and gold i don't have but i have something that i can give you he grabbed him he said rise up and walk notice he did not pray he gave him what he had wow because he had already beat these demons when he was with jesus how many people did they heal how many people did they deliver he had already entered and mastered this realm so it did not matter who he met he could just give it away do you realize jesus said go into all the world and heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise that he did not say pray for me to do it right wow this is the reason why you need healing in your own life when you enter into the realm of wholeness when you overcome the trials of your life you enter into wholeness that's wholeness you cannot begin to share it with people peter did not bless him with finances peter said i'm broke why because peter gave up his fishing business wow but he gave him wholeness that could make him he gave him healing that could make that man never to beg again because he has two arms two feet he can go and look for a job and begin to provide himself that he will never have to break beg yeah so the cause of his poverty was because he could not work that is why he did not ask god to heal him to work he just wanted money but he did not know manny was not coming to him because he cannot walk so peter gave him the solution he amended what was broken now go and get money jesus you're not catching me [Applause] my god too good if you don't fix what is broken wholeness can never come yeah i feel like i'm talking to myself you are talking to myself wow to jesus jesus glory be to the lord jesus glory be lord jesus notice when job went through what he went through god made him whole that is why god allowed for satan to come for him some of you your problem is so that god can push you to wholeness wow what wow you know what i love the lord jesus why i love the lord jesus it is because his words are true when you know his word you are you're free amen you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free not set you free shall make you so the reason why healing is not coming the reason why change is not coming you don't know the truth wow when you know the truth you don't pray the truth naturally makes you free you didn't hear me amen the response of knowing truth is you naturally become free wow if healing comes you naturally recover when you are tired you sleep when you wake up you naturally have energy it is a normal response to knowing truth now if you take this message you take the message of faith you take the message of prayer banks and you don't prosper spiritually something is wrong with you right because what i'm uncovering for you is too deep amen true notice what the bible is saying the truth will make you free not set you free will make you free that means you have been free but you don't know wow it is very difficult to free a free slave if you reason you will understand yeah right i feel like i'm talking to myself if you take if you take a dog or a cow or a donkey and you tie them you tie their you put a yoke on their neck or you put a rope on their neck and tie them by a tree every day at a certain time yeah for one week you do that straight the next week you come and you pretend to put something around their neck and you pretend to grab a rope and you walk they will follow you as if they are tied and you pretend too tight they will sit there wow and when you come and you loosen it and you pretend to take it off they also feel like you took it off why because you have repeated something on them so long that now they are bound even though they are free that is what satan has done to a lot of wow you are following a routine not knowing that you are free wow so when he's saying you shall know the truth he's not saying you shall hear the truth you can hear the truth and not be free yeah yeah yeah yeah to know is by experience yeah yeah yeah to know is to experience to know is to what experience and adam knew his wife what does that mean adam and eve joined themselves and became one flesh and by result they naturally produced cain by results they naturally produced able yeah by that result they produced other children yeah and abraham knew his and abram knew hey guy and who was born ishmael that is why when mary the angel gabriel appeared to mary and said you'll be pregnant mary said how is this possible for i know no man she said i have never had sex with anybody said no no no no for the holy spirit will overshadow you yeah and you become pregnant so to know is to experience yeah should we stop now or you're still in iceland you're still recovering lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus let me show you a scripture amen i want you to look at this uh cabradabayata lord jesus you are so good amen [Music] um me find this i'm looking for something the lord is telling me to find amen john chapter 5 john chapter 5 after this there was a feast of the jews go to uh verse 2 okay john chapter 5 verse 2. now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue but that's the go to uh verse three three and these lay a great multitude of important folk of blind halt withered waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water whose whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had notice when this angel came people were made whole they were sick but they were not healed they were made what oh read it again you're missing it for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had so diseases are not supposed to be healed they are supposed to be made what oh jesus healing is the ground when that water was stirred up healing can be produced when people entered it they were made what oh wow oh my goodness powerful healing service instead of entering into wholeness we are going to the lower part of it the the men who had leprosy came to jesus they asked jesus to cleanse them jesus said go you you're healed they left when they got to the city they realized that they recovered that their skin was not bad meaning when jesus declared it over them it did not happen they did not see any change yeah but when they travel and the journey was about six days if i can remember correctly so they traveled six days to meet jesus and when they got to jesus jesus said it is done go when they left traveling back they got to their city they looked at themselves they realized that they were healed so he told his friends he said guys we have to go back and say thank you meaning when they left though nothing had happened so they could not say what thank you meaning jesus released healing and naturally they what recovered but when they stood there the other one did not even go to his house he said guys if you are not going back i am gonna go back and say thank you when they went when he went back to jesus he traveled another five or six days got to where jesus was jesus asked him he said lord thank you jesus asked him where are your other friends he did not have an answer the bible says and jesus made him what hope healing is not wholeness you can have healing and your healing can be taken away from you the devil can come and shatter the healing again because when they becomes foolproof is when you have been made what oh when something has been made whole it cannot be broken anymore [Music] wow jesus was disappointed he said where are your other friends say lord i don't know wow the bible says jesus made him whole so meaning when you come to god they give you something awful unless you remain in the place of healing you will never become whole meaning you should never leave the presence of god in the first place wow if my people will humble themself pray and seek my face and turn away from the evil ways then i will hear from heaven and heal them meaning if all these four things stop you are removing the ground of healing [Music] wow wow this is why many times when people get healed they'll say oh i felt like i'm sick again i'm not gonna give up my healing now push into wholeness the problem you've only been informed to get healed not to become whole is somebody hearing me yes yes my friend when seeking god prayer all these things become a lifestyle when they become a lifestyle you will never not be whole how is that possible do you know why heaven is perfect it's because the presence of god is consistently there amen when the devil said i will lift up my throne listen to this carefully let me just ask a question before i go on so that everybody understands me where did sin begin where did sin begin where did sin begin in heaven the bible tells us sin began where in heaven heaven i want you to say it with confidence if you know your bible i want you to say it with confidence where did sin begin in heaven let me show you something i want you to listen to this problem properly the bible says in the book of ezekiel satan said this i will lift up my throne above the clouds which is a group of angels amen even above the seven stars which even above the stars which means these are the princes of heaven the at the the chief angels and i will put my throne in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in the north in the mount in in the mount in the count in the congregation on the north and i will be like the most high so satan was desiring to go where god is it means that dimension of heaven god was not there wow you didn't catch it wow if he's trying to go where the congregation is it means where he was there was no congregation it means in that dimension of heaven god was not there jesus wow if i say i want to go to the united states and become an american it means i'm not in america right but when he was thrown out of heaven immediately you hear the bible saying put your treasures in heaven where there is no thieves where there is no robber where there is no liars it means that when that guy was removed in that place the throne of god also was established in that sphere and that dimension of heaven that is why no sin can ever enter because now god is there because the presence the absence of god is sin you don't sin because you you dropped an f-bomb you don't sin because you robbed somebody these are results of god not being there hey jesus so it means heaven was made whole wow wow you didn't hear me wow i feel like i'm on my own listening remember your problem is you think heaven is one place the bible says jesus ascended above all heavens so there is more than one jesus paul tells you i was caught up even to the third heaven so it tells you that in the dimension that this this this cherubim was lucifer god wasn't they were angels but god wasn't there because he wanted to be like him he wanted to go where he is it means where he was he was not wow but now when you hear heaven after his fall the presence of god is being described everywhere wow but before that when he's saying i will go up the presence of god is not there to the point that the devil thought that he could plan without god hearing him nothing is hidden from god but the devil is saying i want to cause a revolution i will go up there and i will become like god god who knows everything that he has everything why did he think like that is because he never met god because if you know god you know nothing is hidden from him he didn't even have the knowledge of god to know that god can hear everything he sees everything and you think he was where god was and you think that he was close to god my goodness that's craziness to me wow i don't teach you of things i don't know amen i've been there no amen amen jesus i wish more people hit the thumbs up and more people would share satan didn't really know god in fact satan thought michael was god that is why he said i will lift my thrones above the stars and i will become like the most high because he thought the chief angels were pretending to be god that is the honest truth that is why his fight was with michael because the name michael means one that is like god and he's the chief angel so to him he only saw god through michael so unless i overthrow michael when i overthrow michael then i'm like god so for him the idea of god was michael i'm telling you heavenly through truth amen amen do you realize in heaven michael is called a prince in the book of daniel daniel is praying and gabriel tells him and your prince michael came to help me he's not called the angel it's called prince michael jesus one michael literally means one that is like god one like god the first creature that god ever created that resembles him is if you see angel michael in reality you think you saw jesus wow i'm just telling you the truth wow one that is like god do you realize when he appeared to joshua joshua said are you for us or against i said neither i am the commanders of the armies of the living god remove your shoes you are standing on holy ground and joshua bowed himself because the guys are prince you you don't know spiritual things i'm telling you the truth of heaven the seven spirits remember when you read the book of revelation it tells you and to the seven stars that stand in the presence of god it means that not all angels see god not all angels have seen god the seven chief angels are the only ones that see him face to face yeah wow that when gabriel appeared to the father of john the baptist and john the baptist's father doubted him he said i am gabriel who stands in the presence of god because you have doubted me you will not speak until this child is born he was able to execute judgment on behalf of god wow that when daniel saw him he bowed himself and called him my lord and people i feel sorry you see spiritual things you will never know them unless you know them by experience there are things that i'm telling you will not believe me the day that you enter heaven you will look for me and say i need to look for prophet love you prophet love you i'm so sorry you told us the truth i could not digest it then but now i see it wow amen thank you papa thank you zac lord jesus have all the glory and honor amen to the point that jesus said i'm telling you heavenly things and you don't believe me what if i tell you i i want i'm telling you earthly things and you don't believe me what if i tell you heavenly things let's read this one amen go to matthew chapter 9 and start from verse 1. matthew chapter 9 verse 1 and he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own city and behold they brought to him a man sick of of the palsy jesus was in his own city he went to preach in a house he was preaching in the house and they brought somebody that was sick laying on a bed laying on what a bed and jesus seeing their faith set unto the sick jesus seeing their faith seeing their faith meaning faith is the ground that healing is released on that is why if you have no faith it is impossible to please him because god looks for faith because on the ground called faith god released he releases healing whatever you plant in the ground called healing everything prospers and becomes whole keep reading now watch this son be of good cheer jesus looked at him and said son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven jesus is forgiving somebody that never said i sinned jesus is forgiving somebody that never said i was wrong jesus is forgiving somebody that is not confessing anything seeing their faith what was the act of faith wow if they humbled themself they looked for him they prayed and turned away from their sins that they made a decision we are going to jesus the first thing that jesus said is your sins are what forgiven he told him be of good cheer god is encouraging him he said you have done a good thing be of good cheer you can repent all you want if you don't do these things healing will never come jesus wow keep reading look at this thy sins be forgiven thy sins be forgiven thee and behold and behold certain of the scribes said within themselves certain of the scribes said into themselves this man blasphemeth this man is a blasphemer and jesus knowing their thoughts said jesus knowing their thoughts meaning jesus was a mind reader keep going wherefore thank ye evil in your hearts jesus said why are you thinking evil in your heart for what for whether is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk read that again which one is easier for whether it's easier to say that your sins are forgiven thy sense be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk notice there are two things when they thought evil in their heart jesus said why are you thinking so evil yeah which one is easier your sins are forgiven or rise up and walk meaning healing is easy wow your sins are sorry let me explain it again which one is easier meaning your sins are forgiven are easy rise up and walk is easier so jesus was comparing two levels of easy not two levels of hardness you have been taught that you need very strong faith to be healed jesus is saying it's not you don't need strong faith these are easy things your sins being forgiven you rise up and walk entering into wholeness they are easy what was difficult was for them to turn away from their sins to seek his face to pray and to humble themselves that took courage for them to do all this that the bible literally said they removed the roof they got into somebody's house they climbed with a sick person removed the roof and lowered him in the presence they lowered him in the in front of jesus that jesus said men their faith is deep jesus said your sins are forgiven be of good cheer you are going to leave this place and work so jesus began by healing his heart because the cause of sickness in the world financial physical is because something is broken yeah yeah too much please read it again what did jesus say and jesus knowing that thoughts said wherefore think ye evil in your hearts yes for whether is easier to say by sins we forgive giving unto us or to say arise and walk or to say arise and walk then listen to what jesus said but that ye may know that the son of man had power on earth or forgive sins then said he to the sick listen to what jesus said so that you know the son of man has power to forgive sin meaning the problem was what sin and sin is the absence of god wow what did he say arise take up thy bed and go on to thine house notice what jesus said he didn't just say rise up and walk he said rise up don't help him to carry his bed carry your own bed and go to your own house the guy was made whole if he was just healed that he was fragile he still is recovering but for him to get up and to grab his own bed and to go home by himself he has been made whole meaning when he's telling him go into your own home he could not even go to his own house wow wow because the people who brought him were not even from his house because jesus said take your own bed and go to your own house so these people are also going to their own house you're not catching it oh my goodness wow receiving things that's what the bible says is there anything too difficult for the lord why have you made these things difficult god is telling you is there anything too difficult for me if god is involved it must be easy it is easier easiest it doesn't go hard harder hardest if it is god is there anything too hard for god meaning god does not start in the level of heart distress in the level of easy easier easiest [Music] wow amen if you have to work hard then god is not god my god you know when you play video games it gives you very hard hard medium easy very easy easiest but god's plan starts with easy easier easiest and the last one is rest amen this man never prayed he never asked for anything just is appearing healing took place and he entered into wholeness the healing was rise up the wholeness is carry your own bed go home meaning his strength and everything about him was restored [Music] wow wow somebody shot fire somebody shot fire your problem is you're trying to do god's job i'll say it one more time our problem is we are trying to do god's word job please say it one more time our problem is we are trying to do it it should never be like that it cannot be like that hmm thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus lord your worthy of all praise amen god you are worthy of all praise amen amen lord jesus lord jesus you alone is worthy of all praise i want you to know something now the lord wants us to enter into this place amen when the blind man came blind but a man came to jesus no not blind by the mess there was a man that had no sight he came to jesus blind yeah and jesus spat on the ground made clay put it on his eyes and said go wash your face he did go wash your eyes he did not tell find people to take you to wash your face he said go and wash your face god was testing obedience it means this person was not a very obedient person for him to send you on a quest where you're blind if you're really going to go do it so in order for anything to settle into man god tests obedience will you seek him with all your heart with everything that you have if he asks you to do something will you do it it shows that you are sold out to him if you cannot release yourself completely to god in what you have not only in your prayer in your worship but also with what you have it means you're not really sold out it means you still think that it takes you to get provision [Music] you don't believe that is the one that has made it possible you are afraid to give to god because you think it's up to you you don't realize he's the one that gave to you if it's up to you be afraid because you know it's difficult for you to get it but if you know it's god that gave it to you it should not be difficult it should be easy easier easiest rest hey come on i want you to put the tears up son i want you right now to think about this message and say lord i want to be made whole amen amen do you realize when god gave abraham isaac abram was still not whole until the day he sacrificed that's when god said i know you love me now i will make you the father of many nations meaning every time that god was telling him was still a promise when isaac was born it was healing when he sacrificed as isaac when he was ready to sacrifice isaac god said now i know you love me meaning all that time abraham was not loving god god was not convinced wow wow by loving god now god stumped him as the father of all nations he was made whole wow jesus if he didn't do that he would just have isaac and isaac would die and not have descendants and nothing would have continued i want you to grab what means something to you towards this mission god wants a house amen the lord god wants a house amen amen i want you to find whether it is a thousand five thousand ten thousand twenty five thousand fifty thousand one hundred thousand anything in between there let us build somebody god's house and prove to god that we love him and we want to walk in wholeness when this building stands how many people will be made whole thank you god don't you want to be part of the reason why god is able to make people hope amen wow we are not just seeking to preach the gospel we want people to be whole amen amen yes when the bible is saying god is coming for a spotless church it means that god is coming for a church that is whole wow we want to make people whole amen amen i'm giving you a chance now the giving information is coming on now i want you to go i want you to go right now before god and say lord i'm gonna be a legacy founder i'm gonna be a platinum founder and all of you you've been giving generously towards this vision and we are getting close but we are not there yet we are getting close but we are not there yet we are getting closer but we are not there yet amen i want us to do something that will get us there amen god has given us a responsibility let's execute it so whether you're doing venmo whether you're doing paper whether you're doing why i want you to do it now and then we'll come back and now i am going to declare healing on you after i read who was given and all that i will pray for you and i will declare healing over you and god is going to bless you and prosper you go ahead and give right now in jesus name amen you are the same god now and forever you are the same god on how you reign oh lord you gave me beats like a river you are the same god you'll never change and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid i will be singing from the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never change [Music] [Music] you'll never take god [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] you are my healer you are my savior you are my father and my friend so here's a million hallelujah [Music] you'll never change you'll never change [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace show me your way [Music] but you always up to something if you say the dentist then i know it every time i pray [Music] [Music] this is prophet lovey elias and i welcome you to our vision 2020. come on in [Music] with me i got no limit man i'm so dependent gotta admit [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] i could never get enough i just fought more in love every day with you tell me all your mysteries my quiet lord is listening carrying me [Music] oh [Music] i just wanna get closer to [Music] i just wanna get closer too [Music] take me to your secret place i wanna know your face to face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] oh [Music] [Music] true i just wanna get closer [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i just want to get closer to you now i just want to get closer to you now baby i just wanna get closer to you now [Music] you're so mighty but you're full of compassion you're the giver of a life [Music] [Music] worthy wonderful or some powerful glory glory to you my heart sings perfect i pranking [Music] to worship i live my eyes to seek your holy face i'll leave my [Music] voice there's no one else like you lord i lived you i don't understand your love you're so passionate [Music] you surround me with your grace [Music] worthy wonderful awesome power for glory glory to you my heart sings perfect i'll bring glory glory to you to worship [Music] [Music] oh [Music] god bless everyone and uh i thank everybody for their sacrifice and what you are doing and uh i'm gonna read some of the people that are giving before we pray i'm going to start with paper today and i'm going to start from earlier late yesterday because some people more people are ascending uh saucy my daughter god bless you she gave a thousand and forty-three praise god amen transcending art studio gave 500 amen wow trinita wright my daughter gave seven dollars joslyn randall gave 25 gina alwa gave 485. mama peggy gave thousands already sent 250 more darian stokes my daughter gave 12 dollars praise god danielle heinsohn 75. amen antonita rice sent 19. leah munger gave 348. amen narina shironia shiroyan gave shiroyan gave uh uh nine hundred and seventy which is a thousand i believe he just directed man i need to get my armenian together hillary ansah ansar gave one thousand amen amen uh hilary ribello gave 960. amen jason flores gave 100 amen motes lobo sent 124 and said dear prophet for god's house god's house my break amen santosh valvey gave one dollar santosh valve uh sent again 124 dollars dominic calls gave seven dollars raphael h life gave twenty five dollars amen god free pascal gave forty seven dollars amen amen clearing claire nicole vaughn christ i almost said voltron uh my daughter gave thirty four dollars amen justin tanaka gave five thousand dollars kevin lacy gave three thousand three hundred three dollars my daughter florence zico said papa i i bring my uh tight to the store house heiner family gave one thousand and forty three dollars wow amen angela steve stevenson gave nine uh 100 julie leonard gave nine dollars julie leonard sent again eight dollars caroline moore gave 277 amen destiny my daughter gave four dollars amen christina mary j mary jagev 444 christian i've been seeing your name here a lot may god bless you and all of you who have been persistent amen leading pierre louise gave 764. kevin lacy gave six dollars and 50 cents latin pierre lewis and against 700 and 64. uh-huh extra deep alani kroquel gave 485. amen well my daughter jc hernandez oh my god jesse it's you she sent seven hundred dollars [Music] and grooming llc center hundred dollars tandai silencia gave sent 500 dollars tandai sent another 500 so she sent a thousand amen chucks samuel sent sixteen dollars carla hill cent nine hundred and seventy amen melissa burat sent a hundred dollars amen the training expo sent twenty six dollar amen amen christina ramos said hey prophet lovey uh uh queen fina introduced me to your to your uh ministry wow that's oh wow that's deep uh evangelizing that's deep amen christina ramos sent twenty-five dollars education shop sent 57 maya carpenter sent at twenty dollars uh hillary uh ansar sent another 800 men hillary you're deep veronica korea sent 294 i believe that's 300. monique girl sent a hundred dollars elizabeth and juguna 33 elizabeth has been giving deep also amen amen jody ann hunton sent 1 uh 1137. amen my daughter saucy sent again twenty dollars amen and she sent thousands already michelle michela mila sent ten dollars deborah hayes sent uh one thousand fabian my son sent eleven dollars amen le cynthia sent five dollars amen doris asumua sent eleven dollars amen rising kingdom has been giving a lot cent also eight dollars fabian sent one billion i know that's what you want me to say and i prophesied kim boutique sent 18 dollars tiffany lewis sent uh 20 dollars amen and she said money received on friday uh she'll risk by friday i believe she's giving a thousand if i'm not understanding amen dominical sent seven seventy destiny hope my daughter sent 25 again yeah carla economic commodity cent 160. natasha mcdaniels and five miss miss 1969 cent a hundred my daughter chantelle uh sent seventeen aaron erenetta uh i can't read the last name it's hard for me to pronounce sent uh twenty dollars my daughter ann catalina sent seventy dollars deborah sent seventy dollars uh nefer lim sent fifteen dollars amen getting a sent two hundred dollars amen notes lobo motes lobos and six dollars and he just sent earlier too i can't read this name because it's uh it's mandarin i believe sent twenty twenty two dollars uh tia sent a thousand dollars miss guerrero amen god bless you shalonda johnson sent 96. amen uh my daughter sabrina uh brown sent 96 dollars amen my daughter stephanie uh macmillan sent 250 dollars chanda 25 amen and uh there's a few more sorry guys i just want to honor people amen forgive me people who are online uh no farm sent fifty dollars albata si naya sent a hundred dollars amen caroline ivagian [Music] from kenya is a lot of money she sent 530. wow philippe moden god bless you send a thousand dollars bless bless you son amen amen kia henderson sent 1 000. no farm sent 100 1 500. that is extra deep amen listen you don't understand i know you understand let me not say you don't understand you definitely understand what you're doing for god amen let me not say you don't understand uh let me let me go on uh cash up and then i'll look at some emails my son calvin sent two thousand amen pharrell hey farrell is killing it still she's saying small another small small she sent fifty dollars amen chandler beard sent a thousand dollars we bless you and chandler sent another thousand again wow jackie kai sent ten dollars lisa longo you are a spirit i sent fifty five dollars kisha kisha adam sent five dollars sydney johnson eighteen dollars gonzalez and two hundred dollars monte lease and twenty dollars esther oj sent one thousand dollars amen amen my daughter laureen ronit ronit oh my gosh it's you she sent twenty dollars amen francesc francesca or jay sent a hundred dollars again amen my daughter jessica amaya sent another hundred dollars amen greg diaz you're extra deep sent a hundred dollars greg has been consistent also amen my son john ben uh sent a hundred dollars my daughter taryn who has been killing it send three hundred dollars crystal crystal bersie sent fifty five dollars my son james davis sent another uh sent another 100 he's been giving and thanks to him we have the video to show the venue amen uh maurice elias sent even more she sent another dollar she's been sending hundreds and thousands dorothy lamottas and three hundred dollars amen amen and uh and uh wow i i don't even know what to say let me let me keep going here um uh antonia white sent a thousand dollars janet villa sent fifty dollars jojo the archbishop has been giving deep they sent forty five uh dollars uh my daughter sent uh uh sent one dollar and she said she's testing it amen amen uh praise pitchford sent fifteen dollars my daughter mia this one is another ancient of days she sent 150. amen christy williams sent 20 and sarah king sent 50. amen arthur sent 10. and uh wow i'm i'm touched i'm touched let me look at uh mama ghana today she sent twelve thousand dollars mama ghana mama gana god bless you wow extra deep and uh mo mo is still coming in in the wires unfortunately on the wire i can't really see who sent because it doesn't show if you can send a receipt it will really touch me so that i can mention you i want god to honor you amen papa the kimberly that gave a dollar she said she's wiring 5000 tomorrow wow extra deep extra deep uh uh hilary rebelo uh sent a thousand extra deal man and uh my daughter wow pharrell mcclure said my mom dr elenor hancock just made a donation for 25 000. the wire transfer should arrive by the end of the business day tomorrow amen that's extra deep hallelujah that is extra extra deep and well i don't know what to say god is good elvisha duran eliacent 66 dollars uh 1250. amen wow this is deep this is so deep i'm trying to see the name uh this is from [Music] q e d m i y e l don uh from india i think sent 77 050 to 522 rupees i'm not sure how the equivalent change rate is but thank you so much alexis pallade sent uh one thousand no sent two thousand two thousand four hundred amen and uh thank you lord jesus um and these are from other countries rose and timothy from nairobi kenya sent one thousand dollars that is a lot of money from canada amen it's a lot anyone who's wearing from africa or india is extra dangerous amen extra dangerous i don't even know what to say what you're doing is incredible and let's keep doing it my son could be just sent 15 that's excellent let's not stop doing it let's make jesus proud amen amen i know let me start who do i start with in the group that arrived wants to come up first you want to come first yes papa yes the the person who sent from india the seventy seven thousand rupees is just over a thousand usd it's over a thousand us that's deep hey that's deep these are great sacrifices oh my gosh let me carry her hi god please don't give me a daughter i will die it will be too she will manipulate my life it will be a competition between her and god that's why god can do it you're struggling right she's like dad but dad okay dad i said we are fasting but dad i have a stomach egg okay baby eat god will punish me god will finish me oh so beautiful okay go ahead go ahead okay by the way um uh bishop toad and uh and the prophetess cavalina they're the youth pastors amen for our church they are doing a tremendous job with with their children okay so we have a gift from the youth and young adult ministry and um everyone sacrificed and gave what they could demarius payton camille marco shayna caleb rose nya elijah fabian brazil and a few others yes so it is a gift for our house to be built which we know is done but it's eleven hundred and fifty dollars you see when you teach your children how to do the work of god yes this is why we need this building yeah amen because you think if they can sacrifice now yeah they can already be delivered from this now how much more will god give them for the kingdom amen i wish i was them with you guys and are you okay they wanted me to tell you that they're the og's and the new people are going to be so inspired and jealous yeah that's true that is deep that is extra dude that is powerful i'm so proud of you guys they have something to say as well yes jesus christ we have our seat as well wow from my own from my own household as well as what i added along with yes the youth ministry and on top of the seed and the uh pulling off the wisdom and grace of his son his father he brought a brick yes so i thought what represents our seed so being the youth ministry and being a part of it and being youth myself i tied vegetables and fruit seeds because the church is the field the youth ministry and all the members of you know this is a bishop amen [Music] bishop bishop will junior keep going so with the church being the field the youth ministry along with the rest of the church being the seeds and you being the farmer yeah fertilizer yes this is this uh seeds that connect to the youth in my seat and that's 2500. this is [Applause] yeah there's another uh because of fruits yeah now you told a a deep deep revelation accepted ministry about angels yes only if you permit me but no don't speak don't don't like it that's why there's a fruit in there that's deep in fact i'll prophetically plant it in my own garden extra deep this is good watch you when you do this listen guys the secret to god's heart islam to give when you learn how to look at how these children are doing it thank you god because they have seen the the cavalinas the wheels the the the elin and the others prosper from doing this this is extra deep wow and this is from the house the youth the young the future of the church the present future extra deep extra deep god bless you i love you guys thank you so much thank you so much you're extra deep thank you so much bless you um okay you want to go now um oh my gosh uh who's coming next you have to okay let's start with bishop bishop i see the anointing is becoming devoted hey let me see it's exciting so it's on there let me see it's a bishop you are in the spirit please sit sit sit we are matching belts we are matching watches money is a little heavier though but that's a good start it's extra good stuff yeah papa thank you so much since i met you my life changed amen and i have something a little bit no never little more is coming amen i have 1000 this is extra different yeah amen so since i met you it's like i met jesus my life changed amen everything i know about god it changed until today i'm totally different amen thank you so much amen this is my son the great apostle davy elias these are the people i can't wait for this building people will see the gifts that god is raising amen such a loyal son a loving son a pure heart in him amen pure heart and i honor god for him and thank you son for this seed it will go a long way like you said when you say moyes to come you just extended your basket amen may god do it for you in jesus name thank you extra deep thank you so much sam didn't give me a hug give me i was taking the microphone in our family we hug no rona here this is the ground of healing we can't get sick yeah yeah you guessed it prophet ruben's favorite artist let me see youtube let me see facebook sorry bishop lux well uh i'm just thankful um to being able to to witness um the ministry and your mandate during its infant stages um to just be able to see it and it's such a great honor to me and i i remember times you would say uh it's time to go to church or you say turtle it's time to do this you never speak it um prematurely or you'll never speak it before it's time to be right when you know god was moving yes um and just see to see god just uh moving from milestone to milestone and it just it really speaks to my spirit because i i see that i know that god can make a man great yes i see that when you when you're led by the spirit of god and when you let him order your steps that truly you do great exploits amen you really do um and it's just opportunity and i'm thankful uh and i wanna uh so i wanna i wanna sow three thousand all right [Applause] i'm just i'm just i'm i'm just happy to uh still be here beside you and evan be able to serve under you let me go no don't finish i'll let you know and i'm just gonna say that i know what god is about to do is it's gonna exceed our expectations amen amen everyone's thinking and imagining oh what it's gonna be like when you're in the building the worst is going to be like it's not going to be it's going to exceed what we believe it's going to be amen um so i love you i honor you and uh yeah i'll pay for that thing i'm going to get another bag you know drop a few racks off in a that's powerful one thing that i love about tyrell is that and these are people he's another ancient of days and there and and for him to use that statement that i know that god can make a man great amen it's because they know where everything began they saw it you know i remember when i met my son and my other sons in a store in a music store and they came to the house i invited them to come for prayer at the house and from then they have never been the same and they saw how everything just kept it never stopped never amen he is witness the faithfulness that we have to go that i have to god and what i have done from the beginning he's been there so if he's telling you i know god can make a man great he knows what he's speaking about because he has watched it and i bless god for him and i bless god for you and thank you so much thank you so much you're even though your your your yours is spiritual we don't have a physical one it's a electronic i love you extra deep excited now i want to pray for you all oh hey bishop tell me bishop bishop tesla elon musk the attorney general of revelation church [Music] the best friend of god i didn't know you're i didn't know you're screaming undercover yeah i have something crazy dutch bishop has to stick to my cooking i have something for the church this is really essentially the first church i i attended and ah so you were an antichrist before this is the home that made me who i am today amen and i would be foolish not to invest in it because my own children will also grow up in this church extra deep and i thank you for the sacrifices that you've made for me amen um the position that you've put me in i don't take it lightly amen amen so i honor you and this is my seat of five 5000. i'm shaking yeah i'm trembling [Laughter] extra deep you know i'm so overjoyed it's because when i see my sons do things like this i always remember the first time i met claudius you remember terrell do you know that commercial commercial of geico of the of the of the what is it called of the cavemen do you remember that one of the cavemen uh my son looked like a caveman those days he did not have he was not balding yet [Laughter] he had an afro and his face looked like kimbo slice he was full of beard and i remember my son had gone through a strong spiritual battle whereby the devil wanted to destroy him with depression and i remember after praying for one day i was talking to him i always use this joke you are so depressed that everything has to be depressing i always make fun of him before that spirit left him he was like if he went in the fridge and there was no peanut butter it would be like the world is ending [Laughter] no peanut butter just you sit in a corner turn off the lights and just say what is wrong with peanut butter [Laughter] i just know i just know that one day i always remember that the first day i'm speaking to him he said you know today you know that sounded like him right he was like you know today i just sat there and i was in pain and the pain felt good i said hey i told you no no i touched him come on my guy he started throwing up and he got delivered the next day he called me he said that i met this you know i feel so different i'm happy i invited him to eat and we sat it was the first time i saw him eating and i don't know if you remember what you said to me said you know to be honest with you papa this is the first time i've left in like two years yeah i remember that and i was just having lunch with him uh it was like brunch right yeah at norms do you remember the dorms down and we ate he was laughing the first time i ever heard that laugh wow on thursday it came shaved up so the friends that brought him they're just who's that with new guy and then they looked and said they're like wow his own mother called me i said you know i'm thinking of coming to america because we are coming to take him home yeah i said no no mama you don't need to come your son is okay say are you sure the mother traveled to confirm and she said he's like a different person he's not like the same person amen amen from that day my son has just been growing up and let me tell you my proudest moment of him was that day the second proudest moment for me for him he's done a lot of proud things but a milestone for me is when i saw him teaching hey when i had gone gone away and he came and he thought [Music] you know he was in the top three of people's favorite message amen and everybody was saying he was talking like you but i'm like i'm not bald-headed i'm a little bit on the lighter skin side but he was doing his finger you know let me tell you you know that's it oh my god but he made me really proud and for him he's always given but he's always wanted to give like they say now god is prospering thank you god he's driving a tesla and for him to give like this this is god thank you god i'm proud of you son god god bless you i'm proud of you thank you for for raising my hand and and for doing this let me open it so that people know it's not fake bamindas [Laughter] these real ones these real ones wow extra deep let me pray for people you know i have stories like this because these are sons that have seen everything from from its genesis and i thank god you have made me really proud not because of the amount because there's no you know me no amount moves me but their heart in the and and knowing how to sacrifice because you've seen it by example you've seen me i mean scotty have you ever seen anybody give like me be honest i i you know when people see people giving they don't understand that it's because i have led by example my sons have seen me do it and not through the church my own money amen hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to pray for you now father i prophesy and i release the ground of healing i stir up the waters i release the ground of healing let all those who are sick that are listening to my voice i thank you for the angels that are touching them now and the ground of healing is being released unto them wholeness come let every demon let every satanic power let cancer hiv any kind of disease corona uh malaria arthritis incurable diseases according to men i give you the antidote in the name of jesus amen amen i give you the waters of life in the name of jesus be made whole enter into your healing be made whole i restore your heart i remove sin from you in the name of the lord jesus be made well now in jesus name of jesus somebody shout amen amen i bless you i love you and i will see you tomorrow shalom shalom god bless you amen you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 5,225
Rating: 4.9752064 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Inspiration, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Demonic, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, The Way of Escape, Relationship Goals, voice of God
Id: ef90L96-ask
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 45sec (7305 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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