GOD'S LOVE LANGUAGE | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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[Music] in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great function of worship upon you she's not what I don't know why I saw an S spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand this my name what is it's a dial this number five to to another to another to ask what is ma RT like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name just call me Paul potassium mama who was the name that starts with an old because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your forehead II began with oh how do you say what's the whole earnings all honest do you know anybody called Michael I will be her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I've two boys what back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dears how many steps they make you the clay I'm looking for has an M in their name Claire Moniz run we need to cancel cancer in the realm of the Spirit I saw this person's life that I mentioned and because of that is that the truth I don't know why in the realm of the Spirit when you're standing back there I heard a name like Marik in fact the name is connected to like a similar name that you have you have why do I see two men standing by you while you married before once twice three times Raphael Purcell in the realm of the Spirit I saw the spiritual son of Samuel not so who did Samuel do you know David I don't know why when I looked at you I saw Mary's cousin Mary Elizabeth yep who is Christian I saw somebody else in French I'll say Jean Giannini what is like a an M I'm seeing like it's like a tradition on [Music] [Applause] get the messed up I saw a woman with a name that starts with that team but this is like it is in Bob way not somebody from me I know it turn around one who is that my ex no and a TV I saw a link jump from and what was your father [Music] I saw Drake the musician and then I saw a person like I don't know if it's Warren Oh what's your dad's name [Music] I saw an x-ray in the realm of the Spirit okay I saw an x-ray in the realm of the spirit this is to do with your sister that we are talking about and in the spirit I saw I'm trying to understand what is going on but I saw something going on in here in here and they are trying to fix what is going on but it looks like medicine is like failing it's like things are not working out in my mind I'm seeing it I don't know if this is like cancerous or whatever it may be it is like I'm seeing it all over here is this making sense prophesy prophesy prophesy because in my vision when I'm looking I'm seeing all over here it's like I'm seeing and I'm seeing them like spots like dots like dots like dots like dots like dots what did the doctor say they say that she has Stage one breast cancer and she needs to take the medicine but the medicine is not working she can't take the medicine because she's struggling with other issues and let me tell you something else that I saw that happens I saw a problem with the what is it called experiencing this uterus kind of problem uterus kind of problem because I saw an issue here and I so like abnormal like you know and somebody is having like abnormal cycles and things like that that's what was happening to her over here you need to make me the professor professor because when I was watching in their vision I'm looking at it like I'm speaking to you I'm watching it I saw issues here and I so like the uterus even like a do you call them fibroid like growths and fibroids and yeah what is that goal what individual says what what is it what is it it's a sound tissue from the uterus lining that come from outside yes and causes a lot of pain yes always so I saw but I also severe rain yeah and I saw like bleeding yeah and I saw to be honest with you I even saw like little things like growing yeah because of that [Music] let me tell you let me tell you I am dancing I am NOT dancing because of what I said is accurate I'm dancing because God has already given victory God is about to give you help because of you coming today when I pray for you things are going to unlock and things are going to open in your favor I don't know why I don't know why and and the Lord will help me to understand this I don't know if this is just spiritually or physically but in the realm of the Spirit I saw myself in a courthouse and while I was in court I saw there was some things going back and forth on things that are supposed to be released to you right correct but what is correct I saw myself in a courtroom and when I saw myself in this courtroom I saw that the judge and the attorneys going back and forth and this and this and the problem was when I saw you I saw nobody in your corner it was like you're standing by yourself and it is difficult for you to go back and forth because this person I'm seeing two people with him together dealing with you but on your side it is like you're standing by yourself it's true that is true what is true usually when I go to court I'm just there by myself you see what I'm telling you there's a issue here yes yes do you understand why I linked to with her and the reason why that happened is because there was somebody else yes it's true yes my father is married to her now yes that's what I'm telling you we need to deal with this issue yes papa because in the realm of the Spirit there was a curse released against your mother my god not because she did anything but because I am seeing your father yes and I'm seeing the family that he came from yes and I saw battles with them yes yes they wanted him to have somebody flex I don't know if it's from their people or something like that it's like your mother comes from another people Jew and you're like no we don't want you to be with those people we want you to be with this person her clothes and told her to leave when she came yes the issue was they blamed it on your mother that things that your father was doing was not working out anymore their business and the things are not working well so what they did was they told him let us take you to somebody because for a long time they were making him they were telling him we need you to go and visit this person and your father was refusing in those days but when things went bad yes they told him he said let us go he went then they sat down they told him this woman that you have is the one that has brought problems any misfortune in your family but now the issue was his family got involved because they were depending on him yes yes professor and another thing you are not supposed to be too from your mother yes they're supposed to be more Wow but what happened was every time something was coming it was being removed yes she was having miscarriages she was having issues issues blood prophesy they had already started doing certain things to prevent my god to prevent what God wanted but actually it was deliverance oh my god it was the deliverance of God thank you that God wanted you guys to not have the same experience God use your mother as a remnant to separate yes yes she's always led us to Christ yes and even you the door opening for you to come here was completely miraculous it was like God just removed you and brought you even you now being yet just like I goddess how did you make this happen so true when you live here we are called this thing will already be broken [Applause] number two it is like also in the place of work yes there is trouble yes there is trouble trouble trouble trouble where you're working yes first of all I don't know if this is like visa or something like connecting with work and things like this yes the Lord said that whatever the challenges are he is going to settle it and he's gonna fight for you amen because in the realm of the Spirit God is setting you like an ester of the family great hand of God is upon you and I don't know why I saw your breakthrough is on a pen I don't know what you do but it's the pen that's gonna give you everything you people are tired shop professor professor in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great function of worship upon you she's the what I don't know why I saw an S spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand this my name what is it to say dial this number five two to another to another to ask what is MA RT like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus but what's your full name just for me Paul vocational mama who was the name that starts with an O because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your forehead II began with how do you say what's the whole learnings all honest do you know anybody called Michael I will be her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children do I have two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dears how many steps they make you I'm looking for has an M in their name Claire Moniz run we need to cancel cancer in the realm of the Spirit I saw this person's life that I mentioned and because of that is that the truth I don't know why in the realm of the Spirit when you're standing back there I heard a name like Marik in fact the name is connected to like a similar name that you have you have - nothing why do I see two men standing by you were you married before once twice three times grab a rope and sow in the realm of the Spirit I saw the spiritual son of Samuel not soul food it stammered do you know David I don't know why when I looked at you I saw Mary's cousin my name is Mary Mary Elizabeth yep who is Christian my cousin I saw somebody else in French Alsatian my name is Janine what is like a an M I'm seeing like it's like a traditional name [Music] I saw a woman with a name that starts with that teeth but this is like it is involving not somebody from here I know it turn around one who is that smiles one day I saw a link jump from you and what was your ISO Drake the musician and then I saw a person like I don't know if it's Warren Oh what's your dad's name [Music] [Music] you [Music] see [Music] protecting me from you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything I call my my Oh my my everything my everything what kind of love is this my heart and soul seeing what kind of love this I have breath of life the light that never fails lead me on you are the only way hey when I am weak you are strong your friend a slore is my home you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything I call my my [Music] my [Music] my average by everything what kind of love is my heart and soul we'll see what kind of love I [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but your father compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the savior of the world Messiah all I need a finding profile worthy wonderful or some powerful dory glory to you my heart sings perfect suffering god of everything glory glory to you my hands to worship and if my eyes to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor there's no one else like you know I let you I don't understand you and love you so crash you surround me with your grace somewhere forgiving the way that I've been a change in the hallway I didn't know who I could be to you show me worthy you wonderful or some powerful dory glory to you my heart sings bird feed suffering God of everything glory glory to you - hell if my holy basil Oh No [Music] I love you [Music] god bless everybody this is Prophet Elias and I think the Lord Jesus for his goodness and his kindness forgiving me and you the opportunity to be here today and and to speak about him and to learn from him and to walk with him I want to tell you that God loves you tremendously and that the Lord has the greatest plans and thoughts concerning you I was in prayer last night in the morning early in the morning or the fourth watch and this morning the Lord visited me and spoke to me about something that I think is very important and very paramount the that I want to share with you and I think it will bless everybody and I believe the Lord spoke to me this message from my own building for my own building up but he told me to also share it with everybody and my desire and my thought is that God will bring you all to that place to that place where you you will walk with Him you manifest him you touch him and know that he is God and I'm gonna share with you my experience but I want you to share this let somebody know that that prophet is live whether you're on Facebook whether you're on on on Instagram with a you on periscope whether you're new tube whether this is a podcast wherever you are share some share this with somebody so that it can bless somebody and change somebody's life I'm going to explain something to you that is gonna be very profound I won't be able to share everything that the Lord showed me but I will share most of it as much as I can I want you to really really pay attention I want you to pay attention with everything that you have pay attention with everything that you have pay attention with everything that you have these are very as we will call them strange times that we are living in but in reality I think that our focus may be in the wrong place especially when I look at what God spoke to me and I compared to what everybody is doing not technically everybody but most of the people are doing and I'm going to speak to you about God's love language because that's what he said to me you know God is interesting in the way he speaks Elohim is very interesting in the way he speaks what you may think that his approach would be he would take a completely different approach this is how God is God will usually take an approach that other people would never take in the way that he communicates or in the way that he says things God has a very interesting way of communicating and he communicates not as a man but as God himself so in this great time of confusion God is coming to tell me and when he speaks to me and I realized that God is telling me about his love language which is very strange but at the same time it connects with everything that is happening in this hour and this time that everybody is living in when the Lord came and spoke to me this morning I was I was in meditation and the Lord started speaking to me and I learned something very quickly that we are missing the mark without knowing that we're missing the mark I promise you if you do these things that I'm telling you today I don't know if your life doesn't change then god never called me and god never spoke to me I don't know if somebody is listening to me hallelujah hallelujah I don't know if anybody can hear me to hear you if you do what what God is saying to me right now I'm telling you I promise you if your life doesn't change then god never sent me god never spoke to me Wow I want you to be ready and I'm going because this vision I had to write most of it done because when you see visions there are some things that you can go off the dome because you remember and some things you know and some things and some things you have to you have to look at it in order to remember now I'm gonna explain to you something very quickly let me go to my notes of what I had to write down when I came out I want you to understand this and I want you to pay attention I want you to pay attention with everything that you have in you the first thing that you have to understand is that God's intention elohim's intention for creation for mankind was always for him to have interaction with his creation that was always the mind of God at no time at no time did God ever put principles in order for somebody to get to him because God was the one who was initiating how you get to him he was the one approaching man not man approaching God we see this from the very very first human being that God ever created who was Adam if you go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 it tells you that when Adam and his wife had sinned they ran and hid themselves and they heard the footsteps of God walking in the garden notice they did not worship in order for God to appear they did not offer seeds in order for God to appear they did not sing praises they did not clap their hands they did not shout it was the gnome from the beginning for God to come and speak to his people to interact with these people to spend time with this creation that has always been the mind of God the intention of God the desire of God that's what God has always been about the reality is this prayer and conversation are two different things prayer is not conversation even though prayer can be conversational prayer is not a conversation with God Steve because prayer is centered on asking God prayer is I am talking to God because I need something I am approaching him for something a conversation is not because I need anything is because we just interact not because there is a need not because there's a desire it's just a way that you speak my son needs not to offer me anything for him to come and see me or speak to me it's it's not like that yeah so prayer believe it or not as glorified as it is I will tell you exactly what God told to me I was shocked when God was speaking to me when the Lord was speaking to me I was actually shocked I was actually shocked well listen to what God told me this is what the Lord Jesus told me is that the truth is is as glorified as prayer is it's a result of a fallen world my intention was never for prayer but relationship and conversation with my creation I did not ask Adam to worship or give me offerings gifts because it will it was to be result of relationship with me I was surprised I was shocked I'm not saying giving his bad I'm not saying offering this bad it is the way of the kingdom but we are using these things as bribes to God and he should never be like that this is what God is telling me go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 listen to me I was shaking I was really shaking he was making me understand something that sometimes we do it accidentally sometimes we do it unintentionally but you should understand the formula that produces the results that make you walk with God amen you should always understand how you got to where you got to the biggest error with believers is this believers we have one weakness we do things because we saw them done we attempt to do things because it is what has been seen by other people but it's never because we truly understand what we are doing that's good if you ask a believer right now why do you worship God majority of people who give the wrong answer why do you praise God they will give the wrong answer if you ask job before his stone and after he stole his concept of giving and doing all this and prayer completely changed because he came to understand something and my prayer is that through this time that the world is being shaken God is gonna use this for our good amen God is gonna use this for our good God is truly gonna use this for good because God designs for us to know what it is to have a relationship with God because people always say have a personal relationship with Jesus by reading your word no that's not a relationship reading the world helps you doesn't help God how can I ensure a consistent keep hearing people how can i how can I ensure our consistent unshakeable and movable interaction with God where there is no interference I feel like I'm talking to myself we're here Bubba deep this is why God asked the children of Israel is this the first abode and for you there are millions of people fasting right now they are asking for mercy and forgiveness yet God is seeking relationship we are fallen from God we are fallen from God because of lack of interaction you cannot change by yourself this is a big lie that everybody is peddling God wants us to to to to to shift you have to understand that it is it is very very paramount very very paramount to understand that there is a greater level then you just getting on your knees there's nothing wrong with that but if that is the center of a relationship then you don't know what a relationship is some of you are married some of you may be dating people some of you have brothers and sisters for you to talk to them do you have to get on your knees every time no no do you have to speak a certain way do you have to do certain things you're in a relationship you are bound by the comfort of that relationship if you approach God with any kind of fear with any kind of thought with any kind of anything behind your mind you're already approaching it the wrong way you cannot love a god that you don't understand his nature let me tell you when the Lord was speaking to me was describing to me his nature and his and his concept of what love is and compared to what our love is it was completely different the first time go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 are you there from there read it quickly Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day mm-hmm Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord uh-huh God amongst the trees of the garden yes verse 9 yes and the Lord God called unto Adam notice this do you think God did not know that Adam in Cinci and Eve sinned God knows all things but notice God is calling to them God is calling to them like a friend who come and visit you that you are so close they just saw a is so and so on hey where you are you know I'm in the bathroom now I'm in the kitchen oh I'm in my bedroom man wake up man that's a relationship God is approaching Adam as a friend would approach a friend yeah remember what the Lord Jesus said I no longer call you servants I call you friends why did he make that statement because he trained them on the approach of working with him versus what people think do you realize majority of the majority of our actually goes first to say 99.999% of God manifesting to people is always not because they prayed he just showed up look through the Bible you will see it over and over again so immediately in your mind you need to understand if you don't understand who you are like have you ever been in a relationship with somebody but you want to love them on your own terms not only terms this is what Christians are doing we want to love God on our terms and what we think love is and not on how he should be loved God loves us in the way we should be loved it does not love us on our terms we are bad He loves us we have sinned he loves us we are falling short of his glory he loves us so he is loving us in the areas that we need to be loved because we need that love to cover us to transform us to touch us to restore us now when we love him we not only need to love him in the way he loves us we need to love him where he loves to be loved I cannot buy you chocolate if you love roses it means I mean consider it as good of a gesture as roses will be you love chocolate you would not be touched you'd be like all right at least you thought of me but if you bring me chocolate than the world has ended that would be the best thing you could ever give me so we are trying to give God something and we are trying to make him love something that is not in - I wish somebody would understand what I'm trying to say here we're hearing you're hearing him this is good we are trying to love God in the way we think he should be loved not in the way he's shown himself to want to be loved everybody is different the eternal God is different they are things that God desires there is a way you ought to love God but you cannot love a God that you don't know his nature you don't know how he is you don't know how he thinks you just think if I worship it means I love God no that's not what it means that's why the Bible says God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth what is he talking about a lot of people don't even know what that verse means yeah in spirit is a location it's not saying in the state of spirit because every prayer every worship should be offered spiritually anyway because God is a spirit but God is saying worship in God is seeking God is looking for those who will love on him in his world that's what it's saying that's what that verse is saying God is seeking he's looking for he's not saying God is receiving God is seeking who will love me in my terms in my world Wow that's good so when people just say you must worship God in spirit and truth they don't even understand what that means simply because of one thing simply because of a simple thing we are not we are not serious about pursuing God enough to know who is some of you when you're dating somebody or you are about to get married to somebody you wanna walk with somebody you wanna do these things you wanna know how they are like oh yeah she she likes jokes so I'm gonna make a lot of jokes you know I'm gonna look my best okay oh she likes movies yeah you even fake yeah you start watching seasons you never watched you start liking things you never like because you want to win that person so bad so you adapt to them because you know that's what touches them so if I want to have this person in my life I need to do those things that impresses this person God has nothing to do it's in so if you're trying to impress God by not sinning you're not impressing him because God and sin have no relationship God came to help you from sin not him yeah come on doesn't do anything for God whether we sin whether we don't sin God is still God he doesn't change so God doesn't change who he is based on you and God doesn't change how He loves you based on what you do he loves you because he decided to so you see his way of loving us is very different from the concept of love that we understand wow this is what the Bible says that God is love Eden he that does not love does not know God for god is love he is not a manifestation of love he is the nature of love itself yeah I wish people could share this so that they don't under they understand this God was God before anything was created God will remain God if everything passes God will remain God whether there's anything or nothing he is God he was never created he never began it will never end he just is so nothing that we do changes who he is so if you're trying to love somebody that cannot be impressed you need to know what impresses it because it's not anything external Wow I wish somebody could hear me I feel like I'm talking to myself hey listen to me I'm telling you what the Lord spoke to me do you realize everybody that preaches of God will come for this spotless but they don't read the whole thing the Bible says the in Ephesians the Bible says this in Ephesians that Jesus will come Jesus husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church that he was willing to die for it to cover the church and to present the church before himself blameless and spotless their job of you being spotless is not with you it's with Jesus so you're trying to be spotless filthy rags I wish more people would share on YouTube maybe reflect with refresh it thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus I wish somebody would hear what I'm telling you right now so we are working with a deception that is not even from the enemy it's because we are failed to understand who God is go to Genesis chapter 4 verse 4 to 5 Genisys for aha four to five genesis chapter 4 verse 4 to 5 haha and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fact there are uh-huh and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering huh but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell the first time you see anybody offering God anything is after man sinned I'm trying to tell you what God told me I'm not saying giving is bad this is why you have to listen to the whole thing and come and understand what I'm really trying to tell you it is like you're in a relationship you messed up now you're trying to get things to get the relationship back in order yeah let me fill the house with roses let me cook dinner let me do this let me do that let me do this let me do that and perhaps perhaps it will make something change something move in our relationship and you put by us back in the terms we need to speak yeah ayyy I hope somebody understood that I hope somebody got that Adam never prayed do you know that Wow Adam did not provide use in the Bible Adam praying in the garden Adam had an appointment time that God can just show up God will just show up in the garden Adam where you oh I'm on this side okay Adam I'm coming boom boom boom come sit with him Abraham if you go to the book of Genesis I believe that the the I can't remember what verse it tells you about Abraham how God came to Abraham it doesn't tell you how Abraham was praying it doesn't tell you anything about Abraham it just tells you God spoke to Abraham and told him leave your father and mother's house and go on to a land I will show you God is the one with initiating this relationship Abram is not the one praying Shara Bob akka mckerrod Usha Ankara do see a baby baby God you must visit me God is the one who is initiating this with the read verse 6 read verse 6 of Genesis chapter 4 I want to show you something Genesis chapter 4 verse 6 and the Lord said unto Cain notice God is speaking to the one that was rejected try God is not speaking to Abel who was received God is speaking to Cain was rejected and again God speaks to him when he killed his brother I'm just trying to show you God does not speak to you in the terms that you think let's go to the Bible let me give you a verse as fast as I can Romans chapter five verse eight Romans chapter five verse eight Romans chapter five verse eight amen mm-hmm Romans chapter five verse eight mm-hmm but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us one more time but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us 1 John 4:19 1 John 4:19 1 John 4:19 mm-hmm we love Him because He first loved us one more time we loved him because He first loved us so no one can love God God loves you first then you learn how to love him because you have come to know know who is so you cannot you cannot just say I worship I prove my love to God by worship I prove my love by obeying God No there's a way to love God there's a way to love God when the Lord came to me and he spoke to me about this he told me to to write it down it's a lot of information I'm gonna share one point and maybe by the grace of God tomorrow I'll come in and give you more what is what am I trying to explain to you God who already is loving you you cannot bribe him and neither can you impress him to make you love more love you more because he loved you while you are Sina he loved you because you are seen even though his intention is to change you for him to be truly loved he has to love you where you are yeah that's good but notice our love if God doesn't bless you in the manner you thought you give up on prayer you give up on seeking God because you our relationship with God is based on prayer which means it's based on asking not on relationship or interaction if I have a good relationship with somebody it is not because of what they have if it's because of what they have been it is false that is right for me personally as much as I love people I never have a lot of people around me because I know a lot of people want to be friends because of my prophetic ability they will know what is coming I can prophesy to them some people it's because I can offer them help this and so I avoid people if somebody is close to me is because really they have no other intention except just me as the person listen to me carefully in order to love God you must understand his nature must understand his nature you cannot date somebody you cannot marry somebody you cannot be a good brother good sister a good son a good daughter a good parent without understanding your child even how you apparent interacts with these children is based on how the child is because children learn differently even teachers in school they have to teach kids differently because they we everybody learns differently so a good teacher knows how to reach the child where they are that's true so listen to me and try to understand this number one God is eternal the first time he introduced himself to Moses I believe it's Genesis chapter 3 I believe it's Genesis chapter 3 Genesis not Genesis Genesis I believe it's Genesis chapter 3 now Exodus chapter 3 sorry I hope I have it right I'm just going off my mind I believe it's Exodus is it Exodus chapter 3 yeah when he told him I am that I am he asked God who shall I tell them that are sent me yeah are you there yeah means Exodus 3 verse 2 verse 14 yes all right now stuff in verse 13 mm-hmm Exodus 3 from verse 13 mm-hmm and Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel mm-hmm and shall say unto them the god of your fathers had sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them mm-hmm verse 14 and God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you now what does the I am means I am simply means I exist if you notice God valued everyone that had become his friend more than a prophet when an and when Aaron and Miriam was a sister of Moses called Miriam I believe when they were talking about Moses and they were saying ah Moses how could Moses marry me an Ethiopian woman and God said we should not do this and this the Bible says God came down and told them everybody meet me at the front of the tent they all went outside and God spoke to them he said if they be a prophet among you I will speak to them in vision and dreams and in duck speeches but my friend Moses I speak to him face to face mouth to mouth are you not afraid notice God is valuing his friend over his servant so if your goal is to be a good servant it is okay but a friend will always be better than a servant a friend will always get passes a friend will always get covered a friend who always get favors as servant can be fired a servant can be fired I don't know if somebody is listening to me or a listening problem God loved Abram because Abram was a friend of God God loved Enoch because Enoch was his friend what do friends do friends interact friends I have what we call interaction so number one you have to understand that God is an eternal God yeah so because it's an eternal God all his attributes and everything he does is eternal meaning if you come with anything that is temporary immediately we will reject it because God is eternal his nature is to receive that what is not that which is temporary so like human beings you bring them arose they will be happy when they arose dies there is a why we love those things is because we know nothing lasts forever God in Israel within himself everything must be forever so that is his nature yes was Cain's offering best this is just based of what you just said was yes offering temporary and what made his temporary versus because he was trying to please God he was not trying to have an interaction or a relationship with God he wanted to be accepted based on what he was giving that's why God told him if you do the right thing will you not be accepted he did not tell him if you give the right thing said if you do the right thing so he's giving was not in his hat he's giving was because it is let me impress God while Abel gave as an extension of his hat god I love you so much I have nothing to give you everything as you as anyway and verse as I'm gonna give this and go to talk to me so God does not want things that last forever because even forever is a measure of time deep the Bible says hell there will be gnashing of teeth in Hell forever but then when you read in Revelation tells you he'll death and the grave shall be thrown in the lake of fire so it no hell is not forever forever simply a measure of time hell is not eternal there is joy in the new earth and a new heaven they won't be even memory of over here we will remember it but it will be nowhere to be found hi so even forever is a measure of time that is what God did not say I love you with a forever love he said I love you with an eternal love that which has no beginning has no end forever has a beginning and definitely as an end but it's so long that according to our lifespan in our lifetime it seems like it doesn't end is it somebody catching what I'm saying here yes catching so if what you are bringing to God is not rooted in eternity you are wasting your time so understand number one that God is eternal that is his nature he is eternal and it loves you with a never-ending love you with an eternal not everlasting eternal because even everlasting is something that began but it will continue to last meaning it it gets a point it's extended it gets to a point it's extended eternal does not need extension it just is forever forever everlasting these are measures of time so because God is eternal we know in us we cannot love him because we are not eternal beings but he gives us eternal life so of our own measure it is impossible for us to actually love him of our self that is where the Bible says he loved us first then we loved him why because for you to love God you man he must begin with you receiving his love which is through Jesus Christ his son the problem is a lot of Christians things think they have received the love of God in reality you really haven't received the love of God if you are still trying to impress God if you are still trying to impress God then you have not received his love because we know it is impossible to love him without the love that he has given us that is eternal so that we can give it back to him so if my worship is because I want to impress God airfield if my prayer is because I want to attract God afield it must be rooted in what he has given he gave us eternal love if we truly received that eternal love what happens is inside of us automatically we had drawn to him you would need to shout you would need even though those things are good if you do shout you shout based on the eternal love burning in you if you want to worship Him you worship Him based on that eternal love that is in you that you just want to give him everything not because he is far away you see somebody that doesn't have eternal life he's still trying to make God come if I worship really hard God is gonna come that means you don't understand that is in you he's with you you never leave you or forsake you but because you don't know his nature you don't know him you are still trying to impress him you cannot bribe somebody that has eternal life it that that that is eternity himself you cannot bribe somebody that has that that that is eternal that already loved you there is nothing you would do that was surprising but if you receive his love that love begins to resonate inside of you automatically you begin to behave like him so you are able to love him by reason of what he has put in you not because of what you are trying to do I don't know if this is making sense yeah have you ever asked yourself some of you if you say if they ask you why are you worshiping God you say I'm worshiping God because he's just so loving you know he's forgiving all my if you ask their angels who worship Him 24/7 what do you worship God they won't say because of my sins they won't say because God delivered me they won't say because God gave me a big breakthrough they have never been hungry they have never needed they have never been rejected they have never nothing like that has ever happened to them so what is their motivation what is their push to worship God yeah I wish somebody would understand what I'm saying come on YouTube keep sharing YouTube keep sharing keep sharing keep sharing what is driving the seraphim's to worship God 24/7 people love to say when prices go up it confuses the enemy who told you your praise has anything to do with the enemy you see how everything is based on our need not based on who we are talking to not based on who we are interacting with when Paul and Silas were praising God in the in the prison they are not praising because of the enemy they were in trouble everything in them and everything around them everything around them was saying destruction destruction destruction but they love the eternal love that of God that was inside of them make them not even see their troubles that they who are just compelled to stop praising God not because they prayed God deliver us out of prison they didn't pray for anything they just started singing and praising God because they love him so much because of the eternal love that has brought a certain consciousness of God in them that angels just if change started falling off but now people who are not spiritual they think it's because they praised that the prison doors were opened know how many people have been in prison how many people have been in prison and they have sung praises and they were not delivered they were killed PETA was sleeping between two gods minding his own business sleep angel wakes him up a wake-up let's go Levante Jackson says so does once once of receive both the nature and love of God through Jesus as at confession of receiving him or after baptism of the Holy Spirit has taken place that's a very good question in our answer in a second I love that question that's a brilliant question Calvin Almeida from Mumbai god bless you my son the bishop Richard Jones god bless you it is somebody understanding what I'm trying to say here yes Papa Moses did not fast and pray for the burning bush I wish you would understand this God that we serve I never prayed for me to be like this somebody asked a very good question when do we receive that love of God receiving has nothing to do with your confession receiving means accepting if I give you my Bible right now son come come I hope people at home can see if I give you know you don't need to change it if I give you my Bible it's up to you to receive it it has nothing I can't make you receive it so your decision of accepting what Jesus has done he's based on you not based on him so if he says I love you regardless of anything I love you and you're a sinner and now you've become born again I still love you the same way my love for you has not gone up has not gone down because I am eternal I have loved you with an eternal love so when he gives you that love but you receive it when you are sinner and then you confess your sins now but now you're trying to impress God that you are really holy you are rejecting what he gave you you're trying to justify yourself so now you're trying you at the one who is trying to say you must accept me look at how much I pray you look at how much I fast look at how I don't do what I used to do you are rejecting what he did because if you receive what he has done in your mind that's why I love what Paul said therefore there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ their reality is this when a Christian makes a mistake Helen Gabriel says Moses Deen first because he was the chosen from him but if not then you have to fast for being a born again that's a lie that's a big lie Moses are to choose to go to Egypt God did not make him do anything you see that's what I'm saying you're trying to justify yourself you still don't understand how it works yeah salvation has nothing to do with fasting there's no in the Bible that says fast so that you can be acceptable if I come and I tell you I love you with an eternal love I already accepted you the problem is do you accept me that's the issue that God is facing God has no issue loving anybody that is why he gave John chapter 1 John John 3:16 go to John 3:16 let me explain this before you even think about fasting before you even think about fasting before you even think about prayer you need to accept what this person is giving you this person called God Almighty elohim el shaddai the one that liveth for ever Ancient of Days you cannot give him anything before you know he is do you see the problem that we have here do you see the issue because people are trying to make God accept them that already accepted them yeah so because you don't know that you have been accepted you don't understand what to do to continue in that place of being accepted if I already said yes but you keep trying to make me say yes I would say no read it John 3:16 every Christian quotes this huh John 3:16 for God so loved the world he did not love the world because we fasted he did not love the world because we prayed we didn't know he did not love the world because we were looking for him we did not even know there is redemption we did not even know there was a way out but because he loved the world nothing to do with us so when you're trying to follow this God who has he decided things without us our job is to accept what he has done yeah you are trying to put conditions that is right the Jews asked Jesus what must we do you know to do the works of God he said except the one is sent if you're going to accept Jesus accept everything that he came to do that's good yes Steve not what you think you can do for him there is nothing we can give God there is nothing we can do for God the biggest issue is Christian don't know how to receive that is why even when you pray for a breakthrough you don't even know to receive it because you never learn to accept receive the most important thing first what God has done so even if I come and I prophesied you deeply you would not be able to receive it you say Amen because it tickled your heart but do you really know how to receive it I wish somebody could understand this for God so loved the world not because he was made not because anybody worshiped him not because anybody asked him keep reading for God so loved the world uh-huh that He gave His only begotten Son mm-hmm that whosoever believed I listen whosoever anybody can that's good he did not say specific people he said anybody who soever if I take money and I put it outside and I say anybody who wants it can have it you know for those who are not in America maybe the UK's like that or other parts of the world but here in the states if you have a furniture that you've had and you don't want it anymore instead of throwing it away you just put it outside the house or a TV or whatever somebody would just come and pick it up the house used for it yeah whosoever whosoever means whosoever you can't buy into a stop that is already been given is somebody understanding what I'm saying so far yes let me tell you what is keeping you from truly being close to Jesus like you should is simply because you never learn to receive the eternal love if you sin your first instinct is God hates me because you think God is a human being if you miss their mark your first thought is like I'm going to burn in hell you still don't know this God that you're serving Paul said it like this who can separate us from the love of God what can separate us from the love of God not death not sickness not an angel not a demon nothing can separate you from the love of God except you rejected everyone in the world right now majority of the people are repenting father have mercy good prayer but the Bible says let us approach the throne of grace the throne of grace unmerited favor you can't buy grace let us approach the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy in time of need so mercy comes as a result of grace and the Bible says grow in grace meaning grace can increase based on your knowledge of this eternal God the more of him you understand the easier your work is with God fire there is something I will never forget there is something I will never forget profit you bad angel told me this I'll never forget this thing this statement he said if you ever made a mistake and God stopped using you then he never called you it I scratched my head because that never made I at that time I did not understand what you were saying I never understood it until years later other that's what the major profit meant stop justifying yourself allow Jesus to be your justification man that in itself requires for you to have received this love known that love and allow that love to to flourish inside of you a lot of people that are saying father we repent father we repent right now the honest truth is this after a few months let me tell you the economy will flourish again anyone who tells you that it will not they are lying to you listen to me carefully in the month of June this epidemic will start going down a little bit and then it will spike up again and then it will go down and everything will flourish again it would take the world to go back to complete no normal life complete normal life in about six to eight months by June things will start flowing back the epidemic will slow down then there will be a spike and then it will slow down again and everything will start to rebuild again because it's not time yet I'm telling you I don't usually like to talk about these things because everybody is talking about it everybody is saying this everybody is saying this I'm telling you what God told me Oh things are gonna rise again things are gonna get better again things are gonna change again for sure but one thing that you need to understand with all your heart is this with all your heart is this receive God's love this is the problem the church has receive that eternal love that flourishes in you so much if you're trying to worship in order to feel God's love you never received eternal love or maybe you did you don't even know what has been given to you everybody write this down in a few weeks is gonna make sense pray for Bill Clinton the former president when you pray remember Bill Clinton and you pray remember when God want Pharaoh of the drought I was going to come into Egypt was Pharaoh fasting and praying I'm not saying fasting and prayer is wrong I fast and pray all the time too but you need to understand why those things are effective YouTube by you there I like I like what love Levante is asking now knowing we receive the eternal love of God how can we as believers fully commit to receiving the love of God rather than opting to condemnation once and for all you change your mind see all these things is not a matter of Prayer is a matter of reprogramming you gotta change this according to what God says Amen is everybody listening none of these things work unless you understand unless you understand and receive that love that is eternal that comes from the Lord Jesus this is now the role of the Word of God I'll give you some scriptures that will help you with that you need to read them over and over and over when you walk around tell yourself the same thing over and over and over when you sleep when you wake up think of it over until your subconscious picks it up that it becomes who you what you think god is eternal if you receive his love then everything that you do for him who come out of that eternal ability that is from him so because he's in eternity what you offer him must go through the channel of eternity that is in you so when I look at God and I say all Lord I love you I'm not saying I love you because of what I have right now I'm not saying I love you because of what I will have tomorrow I am saying I love you because I will be with you for eternity I am coming to join you in that place I don't want to be apart from you it is you I want yes thank you for all these things they show me that you love me but what I love more than all these things is you so when you tell God that you love him that's why the Bible says it like this even if I speak with the tongues of angels even if I do this and I have no love in me I am nothing so even when you pray your things will be rooted in those things that I eternal so if you love God because of how great is that's what you find like sometimes I see this man of God praying for people online and I just love her father God glory to God for the glory - it's like are you talking to a person or are you just repeating what you have used to hear you know if you look at the prayers of of the prophets or any great man of God that actually has interactions with God they talk to God the way I am talking to you lord I love you thank you for being here with me thank you all Lord that you don't change you remain the same thank you for your awesome love I thank you that that your mind concerning your people is the same father I lift this child or I lift this room and I lift this man in your hands I pray or father that you will heal them restore them in those areas notice it is like you are speaking to a person it's not whom father God I touch them glory to God God do something is like ah hey this is what Matthew chapter 6 says vain repetition so there's no personality if you see them talking to their wife they don't talk like that mmm wife uh-huh I tell you come closer huh so why is it okay to talk to God like that it shows you that their concept of who God is is not a person that's good Facebook are you there so if that is what is driving you then you still don't know God's love language the first thing that God requires of people let me show you a scripture that will blow your mind email I love this verse so much because he changed my whole life he changed my whole life John chapter 14 verse 23 John 14:23 husband ha go to the store pick up the trash at glory to God Oh My Lord Jesus are you ready yeah grid John 14 verse 23 mm-hmm jesus answered and said unto him jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me if a loved man if a man love me he will keep my words you keep my words and my father will love him and my father will love him and we will come unto Him and we will come will come visiting number one and make our abode with him who come and make our house in his house so God never intended for you to call him to come God is that guest that comes to your house and and builds another house in that house and you live together his intention is not to come and get out come and stay that's God's mind and God's intention that guest that comes and never leaves read it one more time John 14 verse 23 jesus answered and said unto him yes if a man love me uh-huh he will keep my words and so God's second love language apart from you receiving his love number two is keeping his word not his Ten Commandments his words he that loves me keeps holds on to treasures my words so if you are still struggling with what Jesus has said Jesus looks at you and says that this one still doesn't love me so notice God as a criteria that shows how to love him read it one more time John 14:23 uh-huh jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me he will keep my words notice he did not say my word because he is the word you already received him but for you to move to that next step that I can come and sit build my house live with you you gotta keep my word meaning if I say something take it serious for God is not a man that he should lie so whatever God has spoken in his word if you cannot take that word serious if you cannot take it so serious to heart then you're in trouble he cannot come and be with you because God's intention is not to come and go and then you call him again he comes and goes God wants to stay I'm gonna say it one more time God wants to come and stay I need people to keep sharing this I'm about to finish I was gonna give you one point but I'm gonna give you a few more amen I just feel it in my heart to give you a few more amen is somebody listening to me yes Baba so sorry dia Angelica appreduce le Corre Amanda libera douche to andouille Batista la ronde pakusa Aria Talon and le Peru Vasant a marui dia ant allah produced a Katya how much does God's word mean to you do them words of Jesus weigh heavy on you that when he says I love you you have held on to that despite what is happening you see I always think of my son and I try to encourage my son with this if you do anything wrong come to me if you try to hide it then it becomes a problem if you come and talk to me because you you didn't do what you are asked to do the night becomes a problem when you try to deceive me then it becomes a problem if you just come clean then we get past it because I'll just say okay don't do it again because that shows that you are aware of where you missed it don't be just somebody what's the word of God shouts the word of God does this about the word of God no no no no no the Lord has always wanted the word to become flesh in men's heart he wants it to be written on the tablets of your hearts a man he wants his word in there not in here in here it becomes a natural reflex he did not say those who love me memorize my was you keep you keep in your heart the Jews were very good at memorizing but they never manifested anything because it was in their mind it was not in their heart what becomes part of your heart you just react you can turn it off you just react remember what I've pointed out I've given you two points received in God's love keeping his word you see what made Adam for is because it did not keep this what don't do that [Music] he didn't keep his word halleluyah halleluyah glory be to the eternal Jesus glory be to the eternal Jesus Jesus when I come back tonight I'm gonna teach you the luck that what God speaks how his mother tongue if we should say that well God doesn't have a mother but try to understand what I'm saying like his natural language because it's part of this whole thing so it's somebody catching this every single thing that you do must come out of that place called love the reason why we have so many people that even during this troubling times they are speaking carelessly they are not speaking without thinking that the world is even looking at us saying these are the people that are supposed to be loved it's because they don't have the eternal love of God in them when Jesus looked at the lost his so compassion when Christians look at the lost they'll see judgment that's true it's sad it's extremely sad so my prayer for you again whether you are giving whether you're worshiping whether you're praying let it come out of that eternal life don't make it come out of of your need what you think let it proceed from that eternal law because what is not eternal God doesn't want it because it doesn't last God doesn't want anything that is temporary he has nothing to do with anything temporary he's never had he will never and neither has he ever made anything to be temporary that is why everything temporary will be destroyed when sin came into the universe everything that sin ever touched God wipe it away and make a new heaven and a new earth why do you think there'll be a new heaven because the same started in heaven Lucifer started his sins in heaven so even that has to be changed I don't know if somebody's catching this will catch it anywhere that see never touch God wants to get rid of it because what sin does is it makes things temporary let everything that you do proceed from there when I come back tonight I'm gonna teach you how to pray from the language of God not from your need not from how you just shout and pray from truly the heart of God to the point that you become God's friend not God's servant amen because the Lord Jesus spoke to me clearly clearly his intention is the interaction not prayers that's what you want so upgrade your prayer from requests to interaction but the only way you do that it begins with this receiving God's love number two to ping his word because this is now you are building a relationship when people say building a relationship with the Holy Spirit they think is just lifting and saying Alleluia and I have a personal relationship with Jesus if you ask them what did Jesus tell you this morning if I say I have a personal relationship with my son he asked me what did he say Oh in the morning we said dad I love you then we made breakfast then we did this then we did that then he went to play with his friends then he came back then he went to clay basket there is a relationship ongoing I am aware of what is happening in his life he's aware with what is happening in my life so when you say you have a personal relationship with Jesus what did he say to you this morning what did he say to you in the afternoon why did he say to you in the evening how did he direct you hello hello you talk about Jase zakariya para douche day in Jamaica Souta Adebayor so if God doesn't speak to you and we serve a God who has no sleep no slumber he watches over Israel there's no sleep or slum look at how Elijah prayed after he had built the water and poured water multiple times he looked to heaven and spoke to God when the Lord Jesus wanted to resurrect Lazarus he looked to heaven spoke to his father say father I thank you that you always hear me I am NOT praying for my sake but so that they know that you called me and sent me notice Jesus did not say father hear me now AHA said you always it was a different consciousness for Elijah to pour water on the altar multiple times do it over and over again and then call it fire from heaven if you don't interact with God I remember I was making fun of the other people where's your God is he sleeping is he gone on vacation is it on this then when he came to his turn he just look in heaven the God who answers by fire this there was a communication line open even when he ran in you where to meet with God that's good deep go to profit low vidcom give what is on your heart let it come from that eternal love god bless you god increase you I love you but Jesus loves you even more learn to love God learn to love Jesus learn to walk after him these two principles are so much and when I come in the evening I will move it forward by the leading of the Holy Spirit I will teach you the other points because there are five major ones if you can master those five if you can master this five your whole life with God would be different god bless you again this is Prophet Elias Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,428
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sunday, pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, excel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 12sec (6552 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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