Delicious Chili Recipe

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[Music] hi everybody everybody i'm back everybody genie young is back and i'm back with yet another amazing recipe i am so excited today because today at the young's house gina young is going to share with you all how easy it is to make chili this recipe is delicious it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients and you know nicotina young style is going to be so tasty y'all never had my chili before i got to make you some here are the lovely ingredients you will need so today i'm going to be using ground beef and i have three pounds of ground beef this is just 80 20. if you wanted to you can use ground turkey you can use ground chicken you're going to need some vegetables to make this amazing flavor so you will need an onion we have a sweet vidalia onion here we have a beautiful green bell pepper and we have tomato paste you will need some kidney beans i normally like to use two cans sometimes i use a can and a half you will need some chopped tomatoes and right here i have some tomato puree and also some tomato sauce you're going to need a couple of spices so we can spice everything up make it taste delicious here's what you'll need over this way you will need some chili powder some garlic powder you're going to need some cumin some pepper and salt now those of you that don't want to season it yourself feel free to go out to your local market and just grab the chili seasoning okay so make sure your hands are impeccably clean let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone so one of the first things that i want to do is i want to chop up my veggies when you go to pick out what kind of bell pepper you're going to use use any kind that you like keep in mind that each color bell pepper does have different flavors me i like to use the green it gives such a beautiful color and a great taste as well so here's how i'm going to chop up my bell pepper i'm just going to go in i don't want my bell pepper too big i don't want it too small you know you still want to have some texture to it all right and we're just going to chop it down just like so i hope you all are having an amazing day today let me know in the comment section below when is the last time you had a nice pot of homemade chili i am so excited the weather is cold outside this is the perfect day to make a big old pot of chili and i am excited i can't say it enough okay so i'm going to continue to chop up these bell peppers just like so when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next okay everyone so we have the bell peppers and the onions nice and chopped up i want to take these bell peppers and onions and put them in with the meat and cook that together it's going to really flavor your meat okay so let's get these beautiful veggies and i tried my best to cut the onion and bell pepper the same size just like so we're going to get it into our pan and i already have the meat cooking on a medium heat we want to achieve a beautiful golden brown color onto this meat okay so now we're just picking up the rest of these beautiful veggies when's the last time you all had a nice pot of chili well today i have an amazing recipe for you all that you won't be able to forget and it's so easy so now here's what i want to do let's season our beef now's the perfect time to season it looks like a lot of garlic powder it's going to give you great flavor we're going in with black pepper just like so that's definitely a must and we're going to use some sea salt not too much of it that's perfect and so now what i want to do is i'm going to use my masher here um a subscriber got this for me thank you thank you once again this is amazing i love to use it when i have meat ground meat and it easily just chops it up for me you know it's so much better than using the side of your spatula to break your meat down so here's what we're going to do we plan on cooking this until it gets nice beautiful and golden brown flipping it over when i come back i'll show you what we'll do next okay everyone so while we wait on our ground beef and our veggies to get nice beautiful and golden brown now's the perfect time to make our cornbread you cannot have chili at the young's house without cornbread and yes i'm making jiffy now those of you because i know there's a lot of you out there that's really not fans of jiffy cornbread if you don't want that then feel free to go to my video on how to make homemade cornbread you're gonna love that recipe so in my bowl here i have just a little bit of sugar i like for my cornbread to be savory but yet i like it to have just a little tint hint of sweetness okay so i'm using two boxes all right and i'm gonna put some extra sharp cheddar in with this cornbread it makes it absolutely out of sight pretty much all right so now we got two packets in i never honestly i never really measure it turns out fine okay so i'm gonna go in with two large eggs just like so make sure your eggs are nice and fresh beautiful eggs and then i want to put some sharp cheddar in if you love hot pepper mozzarella get you some in there how much well just put you some in there all right just like so in this manner and the next thing we're going to do we're going to go in with some milk and it's okay if your mixture is um has lumps in it it always is going to turn out just fine don't freak out about any lumps but one thing you don't want to do when you're mixing up either your homemade or jiffy you don't want to over mix it because then it becomes a little dry so i can see that i need a little bit more milk so we're going to go in just like so all right i'm going to continue to mix this up until it gets that perfect pancake consistency okay everyone so our cornbread mixture is nice and mixed up let's get it into a skillet this skillet here it's an old skillet it's a skillet that i love to use when i make cornbread okay so we're just going to get it in this is the skillet has been greased with a little bit of vegetable oil it's going in the oven 350 degrees until it's nice beautiful and golden brown okay everyone it's time to check our ground beef it smells beautiful in here okay we should have achieved some nice beautiful golden brown color just like so and now we're going to go in i'm going to flip it over a little bit get it nice and chopped up once again until everything is fully cooked okay everyone so while our meat continues to get fully cooked i just wanted to come outside and get a little bit of fresh air it's beautiful outside sometime this evening i'm going to take a walk over there by the water hope you all are having an amazing day today make you some to make you some chili gina young style thank you so here's my grill it's gonna be a while before i get back on that grill because the weather is starting to get cold okay everyone so our beef is nice beautiful and golden brown and i've drained it from all of the oil you want to get rid of that oil okay so now here's what we're going to do i feel like i need a bigger pan okay so we're going to transfer this meat into my favorite wok that you all love all right just like so we're going to get this gorgeous meat out of my tea fowl and into this wok here now it's time to put all our lovely goodness into our pan so i have some crushed tomatoes now i i normally like to use the tomato sauce but i wasn't able to find it so when you're not able to find something you just go with what you can find and you bump it up and make it nice and flavorful yourself okay so we're using this tomato sauce just like so my mouth is salivating already all right and then something really interesting that i always like to use sometimes i don't use it i'm going to be honest sometimes i don't use it but i prefer let's grab another one i prefer using tomato paste and i'm going to use a half of this can just like so it's going to really give you an amazing flavor in your chili so now also i want to take these chopped tomatoes with the juice and all okay if you're a person it doesn't want a whole lot of tomatoes then you just pull back a little bit on the ingredients you know you don't have to use two cans like i'm going to okay just like so juice and all and what i like to do interesting with the kidney beans as you'll see that i drained these ones okay all right but now on this can i like to keep that brine it makes the chili nice and thick and gives a great flavor okay so now here's what we're going to do we're going to go in we're going to give this a nice mix and be gentle with it you don't have to be really rough you don't want to break up your beans now that your beans are in here okay and as far as your tomato paste it'll eventually um kind of melt down okay everyone so we was able to get everything nice and mixed up take a look here in my pan beautiful so i have this just a little bit above low and we're going to let this bad boy simmer for as long as you like now listen here to be honest is it done yes it's done and the reason why it's done is because that meat is fully cooked okay but you know you want to let it simmer the longer it simmers the better it tastes and i'm going to let mine simmer for a while but what we want to do right now is go ahead and season so now here we go we're going to re-season with a little bit more salt don't get crazy with it your loved ones can always put more salt in if they like garlic powder definitely a must and that chili powder now i'm going to take this off because normally i like to use two tablespoons of chili powder i'm just going to eyeball mine because i know exactly what two tablespoons looks like all right and then we're going to go in with that cumin that cumin gives you that authentic chili taste about two tablespoons as well and more black pepper now some of you might like to put a little bit of sugar in if you're that person absolutely you can and sometimes what i like to do seriously is i like to taste mines to see if it needs a little bit of sugar because sometimes when i make a red sauce i feel like you need a little bit of sugar just not to alter the flavor but to kind of cut the acid of all of those tomatoes so what we're going to do we're going to mix in all these beautiful spices we're going to let it simmer for a while and then we're going to come back and taste it and see if it needs to be re-seasoned okay everyone let's take a look at the chili it's been simmering for around about an hour and my house smells amazing take a look beautiful look at this and you can see how nice and thick everything got you don't ever want to make a chili and for some reason it turns out watery sometimes that can happen if you cover your chili and then of course steam will happen and then it'll kind of thin out a little bit from the steam okay so our cornbread has came out the oven it's beautiful it's light and fluffy you can see that golden brown around the edges and i and right here you can see where i took my fork and just you know just checked to make sure that it was done we're gonna go in just like so cut some pieces i like to cut it just like this right when it comes out you can wait a little while if you like just like this it's fluffy in the inside and wait till we put that butter on there my goodness i also like how many of you like crackers with your chili i know when i grew up we used to put crackers on top of our chili and crack those crackers up and then stir it in that's delicious as well but we typically here at the young's house like to use the cornbread look at this butter put a lot on there and we're just gonna that's what we're gonna do look at this just gonna melt down into that goodness just like so when i come back we're gonna make a bowl i'm gonna give you all a bite i'm gonna say amazing prayer and you all are going to get that first bite homemade chili gina young style make you zone listen here everybody if you all enjoyed this here video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time gina young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about tina young and what i'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis we're going to say a really quick prayer heavenly father lord jesus we want to thank you for another beautiful day lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our lord and savior send your angels down to surround us day and night and your holy spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our minds in the name of jesus we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper and we bind the devil away from us in jesus name heavenly father we thank you for the roof over our head the food love peace and the joy that you bring us every day amen amen once again to my beautiful prayer let's dive in i can't wait any longer check it out beaut it's so beautiful and the cornbread my goodness all right so wait we're going in it's going to be a little hot here give me a little bit of that cheese a little tiny bit of the sour cream just like so i'm going to give y'all a bite let me know what you think gina young style it's been so long since we had chili and it is so good give me another bite of that give me some of that cornbread look at this cornbread my goodness it's so fluffy and it has that sharp cheese in there i can eat this whole bowl and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 86,928
Rating: 4.933466 out of 5
Keywords: Delicious Chili Recipe, How to make Chili, Chili Recipes, How to cook chili, Chilli Recipe, Gina Young Chili Recipe, How Chili Is Made, Recipe How To Make Chili, Chilli, Chili, How to cook Chili, How is Chili made, Tutorial how to make Chili
Id: gtBtkkN6Yrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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