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hi welcome to Chris Cook for YouTube today I'm going to be making chili this was a special request that was given to me almost 2 and 1/2 Years Ago by one of my viewers which is pearly Peach so I want to give her a shout out pearly Peach she asked me about two and a half years ago maybe two years she's been with me a long time she said would you make chili and I'm just getting around to making her some chili someone had given her eight cans of beans and she wanted to use them in chili and I said just put them back in the back of your uh cabinet and I'll get back to you on the chili well that was 2 and 1/2 years ago so I hope that she still don't have that in the back of her cabinet matter of fact she sent me a little note and she told me that she had given him away so I want to make this chili today so let's get started here are the ingredients that you're going to need you're going to need ground beef and normally when I do this you know I cook for a lot of people so you see that this is 5 lbs of ground beef but normally when I do this I do it with an 8020 ground beef they didn't have a 8020 ground beef so if you have the 8020 ground beef you don't have to strain the grease off of it but since I don't have that I'm going to strain this once I cook it to that my alltime staple I'm going to add to that and that is lipin onion soup mix here are the ingredients I have one cup of chopped onions one cup of chopped celery one cup of chopped bell pepper I have salt I have and the salt I'm going to put the recipes at the bottom so you don't have to worry about it but for the big pot that I'm going to be cooking the salt is 1 tablespoon and a half the sugar is 2 tspoons you might say why are you using sugar I'm going to use it because I have to take the acid out of one of the other ingredients and I'll show you that when I get to it here I have garlic powder that's one teaspoon full I have oregano that's a teaspoon and a half I have Cayenne Red Pepper and because I have to do everything and make it kidfriendly I'm only using a small amount of that so that's a half of a teaspoonful and here I have chili powder now you don't have to use chili powder you can eliminate all of this if you just go to the store and buy your some chili powder but I don't like my chili done like that so here is the chili powder and in the chili powder I did add some smoked pepra so that's why you see those little darker spots here I have two cans of of Pento beans now if you a real real cook you can go ahead and cook your pinto beans but I just went ahead and bought the cans of it and this is just uh chili beans so it's a little slightly different from the pinto bean but it's a it's in the same family then I have one can of Ready Mixed this is like chili tomato paste and it's only really actually it's it's Tomatoes but you can just get you a can of stewed tomatoes and you can use that then I have a can of contadina tomato perie and that's going to help bring in that tomato Flavor now instead of using water I will use a small amount of water but I won't use a lot what will give your chili a very very good good flavor is Campbell's tomato juice so I'm also going to be adding that to the chili so I just wanted to show you the ingredients and what we're going to do now we're going to go to the to the stove and get started with preparing the ground beef okay now we're at the stove and one of my daughters is already stirring the ground beef and we'll get over there but I just wanted to show you this cuz I know a lot of times when you watch me cook you see me use the same little bottle and I've been using it for a lot long time but it's more convenient if I shake from these smaller bottles but I do buy all of my seasonings in bulk so everything I buy buy and bul and I just transfer it over so if you see me using this over and over again you may say Well when is she going to ever run out of that garlic powder that's over in this container it's only because I refill it so let's look over at the stove and see what she's doing this is one of my daughters this is Hana way up to the camera haa and she's doing my ground beef she is the one that's chopping up this ground beef for me now when it comes to chopping up ground beef nobody can beat them when it comes to making tacos nobody can beat her so we're using I'm using her today in the kitchen now there is a lot of grease in the bottom of this and like I told you I'm going to strain some of that grease out of there once she gets through cooking and as you can see the ground beef is partially um cooked it's not all the way cooked but this is the time to put in your onions because because you want your onions to be translucent you don't want them to be crunchy in your chili so when we get through and we've drained that we get oh my daughter has already she's gotten this ground beefs if you can see the ground beef is all crumbly like we needed to be for chili so and it's in what I did was I added two cups of water into the I put it in the pot let it start to cook and then I added the ground beef mixture that has the onions already in it and I didn't pour out all of the grease from the ground beef I left about A4 of a cup of grease in there now I am going to start to add my ingredients this is my lipin onion soup mix that's going into the pot my garlic powder my salt my oregano my cayenne pepper and I know I told you I have to make mine kids friendly so that's a lot of not not a lot of cayenne pepper I'm going to stir that I'm going to add my onions which is really cute I mean I'm sorry my tomatoes which is really it can be stewed tomatoes but this is just uh chili ready Tomatoes but you can use stewed tomatoes seasoned stewed tomatoes that'll be fine now I'm going to add my celery my green pepper I'm going to stir it a little bit more has a good aroma too now I'm going to add my chili powder and if you don't want to just mix your own go ahead and get you a packet from the store or you can mix your own if that's what you choose to do and in my chili powder remember I told you I have some smoked pepper good flavor now I'm going to add my puree contadina sauce and this is where you're going to get your thickener from so it's just Tomatoes puree up I'm going to stir that now I'm going to add my tomato juice and tomato juice is where you're going to get your flavor from too instead of using water okay and this is a I think a 64 yeah 64 o container and I put in just a little bit past half but like I told you I'm going to put the recipe for a six say a six PE six person serving I'm G to put that at the bottom see how that chili looks that chili looks good now the one thing that I didn't add well two things I didn't add the beans and I didn't add the sugar now the sugar takes that acity out of the uh tomatoes so now I'm adding the sugar going to stir that up a little bit now on this other side you see I have a pot and I have just about a four of a cup of water in there that is because I don't eat beans not in my chili so what I'm going to do oops Got It kind of popping a little bit I'm going to pour mine out and I have a grandson that don't eat beans as well into this little pot and I'm going to cook ours in a separate pot now to this I'm going to add my chili beans and I really don't like kidney beans so that's why I didn't use them they have like a hard taste to me so this is my chili beans I have two cans and I'm going to add my two cans of Peno bans now if you want to garnish this with sour cream or you want to garnish it with cheese go right ahead if that's what your preference is mine you know I don't really care for that I'm not a big cheese either as well now I'm going to add the rest of the tomato juice that's some good looking chili now I'm going to let this simmer for about an hour and when it gets finishing simmering I'm going to put a top on it I'll get back to you and I'll show you the finished product this is the chili with the beans over here and over here is the chili for me and my grandma so I'll get back and show you okay we're back and the chili is ready so I'm going to stir in it look at it that is some good stuff and pearly Peach has been asking me to make this chili and make this chili and I never had made I set aside I said today I'm going to do this video and it is thick as you can see so I'm going to Dish up a bowl and this CH really looks good and if you want to garnish it by putting some sour cream or some um cheddar cheese down on it you can but the only thing that I think that it needs is just some crackers there it is Chris is making chili that's my chili and that's all you need to do it now a lot of people have asked me about who does my filming so I want to introduce you to my other daughter this is Melody and she's the one that always films for me so thank you for watching Chris Cook for YouTube bye for
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 97,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food (TV Genre), chili
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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