Perfectly Seared Salmon | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello dear friends went to the fish manga today and I saw this beautiful salmon I decided I'm gonna do something fun with it and I'm doing it we're going to make a beautiful carrots puree want to put underneath and on top of it we're gonna put the perfectly sealed salmon and we're gonna make this amazing taco and shallots cream sauce so easy to make you're gonna love it I promise you I got a little broccolini with it remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell friend stay tuned we're making the perfectly cooked salmon [Applause] okay friends well this is a quick you're at the fish market you see some beautiful salmon let me make a quick little recipe easy I'm gonna um uh I'm gonna put a little bit of salt in there I'm using flour to sell because I love Florida cell it's a beautiful salt to put on on a fish and I'm gonna put a bit of the black pepper and then we're going to pop it in a in a fry pan with some uh clarified butter because soya won't burn clarify about it it won't burn when you put it in the oven you're not sure how long it's going to be in there you don't want to burn if you don't have to fight butter friends you don't have to have a bottle you haven't been on a channel for a while you you need to check out the video over there and make clarify about it if you have the time if you don't have the time use a good cooking oil okay and you'll be perfectly fine all right now your the fish is going to be fine you could actually do it with a beautiful olive oil because it doesn't have a high smoke bomb but it works fine with fish then we're gonna put a whole bottle in here because we're going to make a little sauce very simple sauce friends a child could do it this this like you're not going to believe you're going to say about me he's making things that are very simple little shallots if you got them if you don't have them use onion it'll be perfectly fine if you guys don't like it then you make it with onion or go eat somewhere else nobody's gonna complain I promise you all right so look let's see what we got here I'm looking for about 350 I got it 350 360. and I'm gonna put my fish down the side that I'm gonna serve the fish always goes down first the pretty side goes down first always remember I don't care what fish you're making the side you're going to serve the fish goes down first now you're going to say why do you use regular butter here and cut off eye butter here because here I'm gonna be here the whole time this is not going in the oven I'm gonna be right here as soon as my sauce my my Shadows are ready to go I'm going to put a little or wine in there a little bit of garlic and it's going to be perfectly fine so I'm here I'm watching it this guy is going to go in the oven and when it's in there I don't know how long exactly it's going to be in there um and um I don't want to overcook it that's all I don't want to burn butter I hate burning butter I have a little toggle you know Taco is my favorite uh my favorite herbs I love Taco so I have it right there I'm gonna use it for the sauce very simple sauce right a child could do this okay just a little taco you don't have toggle you could use time or you could use Sage uh it's better Taco but if you don't have it you don't have it a little wine here friends a little wine we're going to make a little wine reduction so we're gonna let it go use the Chardonnay use uh I'm in the mood of uh lately oh let me get a spatula friend I'm in the mood lately of uh a little sweet of wine so I'm using a giver slime in here I love to cook with it I don't necessarily like to drink it all the time but right now I'm in a mood what are you going to do oh so the sauce is reducing the wine is reducing let's check the fish to see if it's pretty probably not pretty enough yet we're gonna give it a few more minutes let's put a little more salt on the other side this is almost open on the other side and then we're gonna put a little bit of black pepper this is very simple right let's see I want a beautiful color I'm going to reduce my heat let's see what I got yes I am beautiful I'm beautiful I love when I say that here we go now what I'm going to do friends I'm going to turn the heat off I'm gonna wait to put this guy in the oven for a few minutes just wait for a few minutes if you're going to do this in advance which you can if you have a dinner party you can do this in a minute but take it out of there if you're not ready to eat yet and when you're ready to eat see you take it here's what you do I show you friends let's say you want to make this a little bit in advance so when you guys come in you don't have to stress being in the kitchen too much you take it hold it right there because if you were to continue putting it in here the whole time if you're going to wait a little while it's going to take two it's going to cook it too much so we don't want to do that right so we're going to relax we put this in the oven in the same pan because it's an oven proof White Band when I'm ready I'll put it in it's going to be in the oven maybe five six minutes so you have to be ready all right so now friends while the wine is reducing it's doing we're doing a wine reduction it's very simple Studio smells amazing with a with a taco it's just amazing put a little garlic in there just a little bit I want it in the background I don't want to be in a foreground which means I want to be delicate all right delicate all right no want to put this in here like this and then we're going to put a little cream I mean how simple let the wine reduce at least by half when you do it okay I'm gonna serve this with a carrot puree why not carrots puree you know carrots sing you know they're not fancy and and you know sometimes you wonder what do I sell it coward and peas we were used to uh I mean carrots and peel you know what let me not talk so much I'm gonna put cream and I forgot to take the cream out but that's okay I got it right here you see well I'm gonna put a little bit of cream in here friends and then we're going to let that reduce and we're going to finish it up with butter I mean how simple was that right you have to admit my friends that it's very simple we're gonna remember when you cook with heavy whipping cream you don't need to worry about the cream uh um splitting on you it's only when you're working with light cream or half and half or thing like that heavy whipping cream you can cook it for three days it's gonna thicken but it's not going to break on you all right the carrots friends the carrots what I did is I poached them in chicken stock you see not not the not let me show you let me go later so you can see it I uh I poached them in chicken stock friends you see look chicken stock not not uh water because they're gonna absorb some of that so instead of absorbing water which we notice this rock nothing they are absorbing chicken stock okay and they're cooked until they're soft but we don't eat that chicken stocks you're going to say what I do with chicken stock well you're gonna save it friends yeah you're gonna save it now you have a a a chicken stock then this guy uh carrot flavor extra carrot flavor nothing wrong with that right we put coats in so many vegetables so you strain it kind of boom goes back in the freezer back in the freezer it was back in the freezer I said however long you want if you don't need it right away you put it in there and and you may want to put the carrot chicken stock you know more flavor all right look guys I'm gonna flavor this okay I got enough garlic in here right now you know what I love with carrots is a little cumin trust me a little cumin in there it's fantastic just a little bit now remember human is best if it's where in a background never in the front always in the back so we're gonna put a little bit of salt now if your carrots are sweet or not so sweet you can put a bit of honey in there or a little bit of a maple syrup in there okay but if there if they're nice all you need right now it's a bottle everything in here is going to need butter my friends all right everything is here is going to be about it let's see how the sauce is doing the sauce is doing great all right our carrots puree is going to be doing just fine so you know what I'll do now I'll take my fish friends and I put it back in the oven and I'm going to let it cook for just a few minutes how you like a cook it's a matter of opinion I like mine to be about 120 130 let's see how we're doing in the carrots let's see how we're doing with the carrots see the carrots are looking good we're going to process them a little more and all they need at that point friends is a butter well they process them I want them to be very very very smooth okay very very smooth very very smooth and you see the the moisture in it it's chicken stock so it's going to be delicious all it is about it all right we're going in the oven 375 my oven is ready to go oh wow I don't know what happened here to this thing oh wow it makes a lot of noise all right friends I'm gonna finish this I'm gonna get this ready in a bowl we're going to add some butter to it and uh the cream the sauce is ready you see sauce is perfectly fine I have some broccolini flour broccolini uh um oh let me get some olive oil right here I got a little bit of olive oil and I'm going to saute some broccolini I poached the broccolini the floreta of the broccolini I'm just going to put it in here and we're going to serve that next to it nothing to remember the broccoli is cooked I'm just sauteing it really quick at the last minute right now it's cool it's cooked you can do broccoli broccolini you could do spinach with that dish it'd be delicious also it's really cool all right a little salt and pepper a little salt and pepper right there fishes in the oven we're doing good friends all right here's what we're gonna do friends I'm gonna finish let's put the butter in there let's put the butter in the uh in the carrots puree let's put some butter in here right there yeah don't be afraid now and you know what we're going to do also please we're gonna put a little bit of I had some chopped parsley yeah here you go I wanted to put some chopped pasta because I love a nice chopped silly broccolini it's a little bit more olive oil and that's all I got in there that's all I need [Music] the sauce is looking good and we'll turn the heat off we're looking very good smells amazing like the tarago in there let me put the carrots just a couple of rolls with a barrel and then we're gonna put the parsley and we're gonna have this beautiful carrot puree broccolini's hot turn it off sauce is good all right friends I'm gonna put this in a bowl I'm gonna wait another two or three minutes for the fish to be ready and then we're going to Plate it together okay I'll be back in a minute okay friends I'm gonna take the fish out remember friends take something out of the oven because that fry pan don't look hot but it is hot all right so now we're going to finish everything with butter um so touching myself when I watch a model with me I don't know the friends little bottle okay don't beat don't be shy okay but remember the heat has got to be off the heat has to be off okay when you do this otherwise your body is going to separate my friends all right yeah now we're talking they say how beautiful that is and it smells so amazing all right so now they uh oh oh I gotta put butter in the uh in the carrots we should have called it the butter salmon right about the butter salmon but you know I mean you don't have to put all that butter if you don't want to but you know it's good for you so don't be afraid and you see it's hard enough then it'll melts and that's still going to be liquid though okay so this is still a liquid puree and that's what we want it's more like a sauce if you will you see it's a uh the minute you poach them the beautiful thing is the liquid is a beautiful chicken stock so for those of you that don't uh that are vegetarian well pescatarian I should say because if you're vegetarian you're not going to eat salmon but if you're a pescetarian that means you eat a fish you can certainly do that all right so now look guys very simple right we're going to take that sauce right there very good done let me put that this way let's take a ladle let's take a uh sauce a sauce a carrots and then we're gonna take it we're just going to put on the plate nothing fancy we're just going to take it just like this delicious we're gonna take a fish where is my spatula I was going to say lock the door we don't have to oh don't break the fish please I'll break the fish so we're going to put it let's put it right here wanna we're gonna put a white on the sauce but I think I like it just like that doesn't matter how you put it wherever you want to put it let's finish the sauce let me get this another spoon well I made a mess today friends normally I'm a little more organized than this but today I made a huge mess what that's okay because it's going to be delicious we're going to take it we're going to put the sauce right on top of it and the sauce is going to be so happy right on top of it friends beautiful and we're going to take our broccolinis close the drawer get the broccolinis and we're gonna put around our [Music] there you go for however we want to put them in so it gives us a little color on the plates and my friends that's all I'm gonna do for today very simple dish quick five minutes a little salmon we're now going to take a fork and we're gonna eat it let me take this out of the way and right here my friends look at this it's gorgeous very simple very simple cooked the perfection in the sauce you grab the sauce you grab the carrots um why the tiger my friends look look at the fish look at this beautiful that's beautiful yes it's it's flaky it's gorgeous and here here you get a bite of this beautiful sauce then [Music] um you go up the sauce and the carrots at the same time mmm [Music] the carrots becomes part of the sauce because they they feel the same in your mouth friends this is a winner and it's so simple I hope you make it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did making it for you remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell thanks for watching friends it's delicious thank you [Music] why when did it taste that one um why the whole thing together is a winner oh what do you think hey come on good
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 130,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seared Salmon, Seared Fish, Carrot Puree, pan seared salmon, perfect pan seared salmon, homemade carrot puree, pan seared salmon recipe, pan seared fish, easy salmon recipe, how to cook salmon, salmon recipe, how to cook salmon on the stove, how to cook salmon in a pan, how to cook salmon fillet in a pan, salmon recipes, salmon recipe healthy, how to cook salmon fillet, Salmón a la plancha, Saumon poêlé, Recette de saumon poêlé, Receta de salmón a la plancha, dinner recipe
Id: Rcom9v03f9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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