Steve Harrison | RIASA Masterclass Defence session | Defending Drills Soccer

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fin the cup got be against Chelsea Aston Villa and I've coached in the champ in the Premier Division for 12 years so you know and I specialize in tra in defending because I think is a very neglected part of football I don't know what experience you've had if it been my experience I watch the defending now in the Premier Division I think it's terrible and it's basic stuff so what you'll see this or what you'll experience and what your L you'll see there ain't no rocket science independent as the progam will tell you there's no rocket science all it is is good repetition good repetition good discipline and having confidence in your own ability and you can become a good Defender you can make yourself a good Defender if you stick to those those titles so as I say there going to be nothing spec special it's going to be very basic work but as we progress and I'll explain what we do in a minute as you progress you'll see you'll see why we started as we done very basic moved up cuz we're going to start against one against one in 30 by 30 y area there and then we're going to progress onto the area here we going to R the back four in and we divided the penalty area into four so how wide is the penalty area how wide is it do you do it in meters I've asked this question so many times guys have a guess anyone have a guess how why you 18 Yard Box no 40 is the nearest 44 yards H I'll tell you why I've asked you that because you divided 11 I tell you I asked you that when I was when I was a fullback when I was playing and had an old coach in all arish dead now he taught me Pitch markings and he taught me to say to use the pitch marking when I was defending have a quick look around can you see the parently SP so you know you know how far you are from from from the goal when you with the 18 y box you got to you got to defend within the WID of the 18 yard you say how wide an 18 and if he didn't he would sleep in Stanford 10 15 so you needed to know those so what what I would suggest particular Defenders get to know your pitch markings and get to know your bearings when you can look around and say I'm 12 yards now I'm 44 yards now and the width of the 18 yard box is important because that's where the Defenders earn their living respect so no more to do we'll get on with it and we'll as the morning fall we'll we'll get going now what I will say I'll probably step in a little bit more than I would do normally just to make the points and I'm going to apologize to the attackers and the Midfield players it's not for you this morning cuz I don't like forward I like defending so it's about defending so we're going have a Pure Morning on defend you're going to work hard so can we have a jum over this way it's your day only for I know to start with I start with the ball I'm going to say one of one of you anyone as you one one against one in the respective grids soon as I serve him this here you come out to defend him scoring those if you win the ball pass it to the other that end yeah any you pass pass it get no I'm just going to watch just going to watch for two minutes give play give play give follow out well done to see you alive good good play that man play nice and nice ball that's go go go one in next one in there is it okay now I'll step in the again please don't big you got big long wavers you Center back good when I'm going against one this is your position that was your position right now what I'm saying to you you must have your chest between the as he's running to you there it that way I you to do that again you did that now you're not balanced your legs are too wide apart so what I'm saying to you get your chest in the bottom the two positions you must start getting is that one too narrow or that one too flat the spe angle of approach was good but when you get there don't have this foot directly bound the other there now can you see the goal no get your chest in between the ball and the goal now when he works you that way work it that way walk it I do that I push now work it that way and I push off this leg so I don't want to see that there and you do that you Cent G around okay better better better see simple things like that good good good good good give me the ball now you tell me what do you think what do you think on that one think sh One Way exactly this what we to learn that's why we put again we again this is the position you went good angle the FR speed that's the position you were in now you can't move he moves the ball that way you can't move if you were there move that way the best analogy I can make for you as these basketball players push push you never cross the legs to it never ever it's always chest in the ball CH the ball marking when you do that it's like boxers never see a boxer stood like that see it's panted all like that it's always that starting position every moving sport is starting that SP starting position every moving spot you start like that you start like that Bo you get BOS start like that c gravity is all down the middle of your body so your cental gravity should be a to one and two off both feet bounce bounce and that's a good exercise to do for for for Defenders running backwards between cors Play Good L good lad good forward play that play good good keep luy get good super okay that's the first the first little thing your body position your speed of approach which is excellent your angle of approach which is good when you get there pleas big fell thank you have old man now you walk to me I don't want to run you're I approaches now when you get there set now you should say to him you beat me you beat me not me so he's holding it Defenders lose patience that be CH you seen that the past them keep it he's not going anywh the longer you keep him the better sometimes you don't even have to tackle one more round hey good good good unlucky that's where You' got to move your feet As you move have the ball again slow slow slow slow just move the ball now move it that way and you went like that now you can't get yourself up have it again so what I'm saying about that pushing you push you never pull your body you never pull it you push it off the inside foot so as he's coming there now move I push off this leg I don't go un reach off that leg I just can't move then so make sure you push off the inside leg look too narrow you have a look yourselves now see who does it right keep him keep him don't you noce you win it good L perfect perfect keep him just keep him keep don't don't fish keep he's going nowhere keep keep keep super super okay got just that right I'm going to say that any of you now you have serve the ball to you come out with the ball plus the other two without the ball now you cannot move into each other's grips you can pass it between yourselves both sides will be played you can't move out out your own grid and you can't score in this go you got score the goal opposite so you can pass amongst yourselves you can't move out the respective grids now we're talking about one against one with two supporters play okay over there stay still where did you start your defending where did you start there weren you where did you end up 30 yard 30 yards you made and they had the ball run at you you you've won the ball in their final third is that good don't don't fish God what's the best type of defending the best type of Defending is interception what did you do intercept it superb play three get out go go go show right keep keep keep back back Dr Dr there you go good play with the men go drop off let's go go watch him watch him good good same three play Same three defend good yeah yeah good good keep them super unlucky Reds see what you tried play three up thought you do you on the pace you did well play next three next three back go get tight get tight patience patience going nowhere good go forward if you sell yourself makes his mind Point good and he goes get yeah how many one hey get out get out him good your side there your side now forwards tell me what you were doing when you were just playing one against one with not not the three when you get the ball what were you doing what did you do then pass it to him pick the ball up get at him get him in this end get at him hold hold hold Play The Man play go get tight get tight show him right keep him right keep him right come okay that raes one more Point have the ball again show where you are have the ball anyone runs off the ball L it's to C when it's offside I've got to see him i' got to pick his Pace up so when you start have the ball again go on to one goal in the middle be different as you're there there's your distance start to run that's my distance Che off give it in gives you time to recover doesn't it good next I forg your B pressure bit pressure good oh still playing sh keep your feet just keep don't don't dive in keep keep keep good keep good super finish now was that good two points one Pati patience second Point how long did they keep them for 10 seconds every time you're keeping the 10 seconds people get the position behind third one he didn't tle until he was ready didn't make his move forwards love you to sell yourself love you to say fish where dive in CU it makes a mind don't let them beat you you going to be me keep that's discipline and that's a patience good play send send them go keep okay where did they start they had the ball they started here where did they finish where did you make your T right right on L now the point I'm trying to make you do that Poli if you do that as a four or a three or whatever Basics if you can hold as as a unit as a unit and push them back into the whole or keep them in the middle third and don't allow them in your final third you don't conce go here and it's not all about wrapping into tattles because you can't do that nowadays the surface do it it's a patience game but you need to know the craft of how to be patient body position and balance is the main thing boxing trainer if any of you done boxing training the best thing in the worlding Right On You' got to be able to situate quickly from one side to the other without being caught and never that never that old basketball players always always hey get out him good good don't fish don't fish don't fish no all I'm saying you have the ball left do a bit two different CHS defend with the ball forward running at you he falls in your back to you so as he's running at you just keep the ball there I'm alive you were right now as soon as he turns his back on you and he's already turned his back on you because of good defending now it changes defending changes you got to change gear fire and nice you like that you're ready ready when R yeah soon as you now you've got to be patient cuz what happens you do that you look to the ball what's he going to do yeah and how many times you see that on the edge of 18 y boxes so what I'm saying to you when you're tight turn around turn around no no facing when you're like that and you body position chest good he's right fighting position now turn your back on me now with your tennising I've got to win it I've got to win it I've got to win it don't he's got to keep him going back the way he's come cuz if you try to win it you try to look at the ball over his shoulder or round his arm what happens desper yeah and they can feel you forwards what I'm say you turn your back on me again now you're looking it through his legs now you're looking it through his legs so you're there so you're there see you're there right just keep that half a yard behind making sure you can see the ball without getting some chest to him as he roll hold hold hold done right good defending last couple good wait get at him keep on give him the ball give him the ball turn good good well done full back keep your just keep your feet just keep your feet don't fish good look I tell you what hey fell look play see your job forward is to ask questions isn't it always ask questions your job is to what answer them you win the ball slide it to the man of the top end okay three verses s yourselves out make sure you know the first three that's going cuz I'm going to be quick fire be ready no one's on your good good Ching now you don't have to change straight lines you can move now you just pass it into that red thing yes yes that's a goal if you do that all right as I Rel see you're playing that that keep in there well picked up well picked up good great defending I've got nothing to coach here now play Get Up Get Up Up keep right keep right keep him right go go go p p get tight get tight keeping okay okay now I was waiting for that tra you did very well so the principal is here can I take your yeah I close him down right I close the ball down a good instructions now as I close him down it tight now where would you go now where would you go what you defending if each side steps SL you see it to now if youing off a pivot now inside throughout so always defend inside throughout the goal so if he passes the ball to him what do you do what do I do I drop now I drop now you passed it h what do you do where do you go yeah and so do I pass it again I close you drop off good what do you want to do here keep in front of you keep front of now if you go get tight as you did you go tight there tight there you go tight and now go tight if he side steps in half a yard is's in the goal so it's like a guarden chalice you work off the point inside to out inside to out of the ball there have the ball there as a discussion we'll play I'll take his place we'll play what we do I'm in you're out pass it again just pass amongst yourselves I'm in you're out pass it again you're tight I'm covering I'm in you're I'm covering good play Go defish cover the goal cover the goal he finish hey is that good did you feel it was right yeah was any sh go R step to him step to him I got him I got him him see him one of you there you no defend to the to the get recover okay now ready what did you do right you on the floor get you should be everyone makes mistak always look at each is that a goal you you get in get in relax I'm middle middle relax that's good football okay he I push again again out that's 30 you saw you back to up okay now one station one station two station three station four shout any those stations come out and attack them plus the other three men without the ballay your expected Bri until you get the 18 then free got it two that's the boat J the boat now watch him wi EG just be aware no shot there no shot good one [Music] [Music] step Christian step out could could anyone do it offside for me the offside in between the penalty spot and the atdr two step out Jam step taking [Music] one okay step step anyone St going go he starts with the ball when he touches the ball some of you still here what's the first objection as you defend without being now if he's coming you the should be on your way should start defend about here give the ball please should you be once the ball's transferred backwards two y will do it two y yeah you have me def step out take him take him WI hey next four [Music] go serious did you it what did you it [Music] big got he was doing it for you three Chris close them Chris be aware wide check this here step out okay there that's former defending inter quite right three him yeah slide out Eric slide out oh out go again one more point there the shoulders human nature you look at the ball that you walk towards it's like a magnet how many times you see defend there goes over and he scores the man now when he makes a run across there now IJ just again I can see him all the time difficult the hardest part to defend him Mark crosses not as he makes a run get your shoulder cross get his shoulder good forward good defend find you find your back four where are you find your back four four can we take him now you're out you're [Music] out here flection on forwards go to the two be aware wide step across now see the Run yeah can you see the Run yeah step out step out take take him hold him there can we step out now now then Defender he might shout Keepers he wants to do you got time to clean that if he want to take it over you so when he shouts Keepers you don't all know you clear it and two step out James step out got be aware wide [Music] Bo defend to finish James step Christian step Christian you two over you two outside then you have to stay in respective James yeah James for WI you get out ball out the ball over there wide for wide step step keep him on his left CH defend why is he good defending yeah you two that's time for defending inter play Four play that ball step left James step for him left for Left on there on there you got two gos against you you don't get another one now you don't score another one re fouring four get out to him good good last two of this can you score already two step out James step out two to go Reds three playing still playing on good okay good defend at the end doing yes of course def here last one [Music] two Che this no okay all right four four forward put yourself against to please chrisan Christian back back back step step out on the back make sure you show his number make sure your shoulders you can pick that run up just just a little bit flat make sure you want those shoulders up so you can see his two y Jam [Music] step keep send send inside the yeah switch on switch on turn no turn Christian no turn some some right you see you have to do something fantas to work for the shot Christian TI Christian again any want he James no turn no turn step out can we step out shoulders shoulders [Music] in get there get there you got to play the center forward then follow your ball Y no turn Chris no turn to him be aware here B yes [Music] with hold there there that was turn and shoot make sure if you sense he going to shoot you get right down good defending hey forward good questions good questions where's the last time we scored away away good good you're inal you're right shoulder [Music] watch shot defend big I love that you can pass if you want you can run if you [Music] want hey good now you did well i' like you two Center Arms just have a quick your shoulder there good defending did the right thing no goals out one one's go ont on pick up no shot right last one let two switch on switch on step force him on his left force him on his left watch the shot watch the shot no danger there right shoulder move down bot bew on the back Jordan come on now big man no need to step out there soon as you put yourself out halfway line there's a big ja two line the line be wide now Jordan Jord atin Austin Austin Austin Austin him away the hey [Music] CL be aware Christian on your back now your back let's Go's you're good drop it drop it The James got stay left shoulder Christi left shoulder you're you're all right you CH it over started there to there how did you finish how many tles did you make no T don't have to t t that's good who can tell me what am I going to say too narrow he's a forward he knows we just a touch too narrow you know it don't you next time [Music] get [Music] a okay off the ball runs there's your distance there's it where you want to pass it wide to his Fe start to move can't stop anything I can see him there start to run turns it down don't you you check back you give it to your feet check back give it to his feet now where do you go now he to adjust so don't get caught that's make sure if he's you see him and you keep your distance your distance there is the same there when he gets the ball to [Music] CL [Music] [Music] across James coming across cut cut back okay half a dozen how many goals now this going to get a few goals now yell if anyone's tired rotate defend watch this coming across finish it coming across Chris for wide going to touch two down no [Applause] goals playing against two three four five six six against four it is okay we'll go one step further two the ball plus one from the each other men how many is that you playing against your first time two two [Music] [Music] hold the your marks over your hips it lucky well defended hey my a egg very good yellow I'm up I'm up I'm up [Music] the okay last two you can pass or you can run two from station sh one from each other you can pass or you can run [Music] theall that was enough that was enough you put him off you got to do that last two no go come on reds shoulder one [Music] that's okay here we [Applause] go I you had that okay that's it and I tell you what you did very well I was I was very impressed not only with your energy and your enthusiasm but with your with your willingness to to take things in which is is difficult because youve had a lot pump tight and I said I don't make any apologize apologies to the forers because that was a defensive session usually would have a game now it was a purely defensive session but you see those little things body shape being aware over your shoulders able to push off two feet never pulling your body always push your body off the inside for push you want to go that way you don't do that and then drag your other foot you push and you push basketball Market those little things count between winning a championship not winning a championship I'm sure you've watched the Premier Division all L how long you've been here now but you've seen it and the defending is poor because they do not work on it in Italy they do and and my day they did George gra Don Howard looking to work with for a while and this is important if you want to be a top class Defender never underestimate being a Defender because you always say you can't play go play Defenders well you might not be Defenders might not have the the the instinctive skill what they have got is an art you've got an art and if you learn it and look at it as a skill and art you you'll only Improvement it's still don't let anyone else tell you it's complicated it isn't it's basic repetition basic discipline and being patient and being having confidence in what you're doing no I'm not going to if you beat me I ain't going to beat myself you beat me and forers run out of patience because they have to they have to create and if if they can't make you sell yourself or make the mind up for them you stop them great players can but now those messing the great players can do that but ain't many of them we've seen one great goal like hands you well can't always stop them but you'd have a Midfield player there in real life you had about four first of all you had one against one then you had three against three then you had four against four both side times defend back to the goal R down five versus four six versus four you finish seven versus four there wasn't that many goals you know and if you talk and move as a unit the biggest thing about our back for is distance apart from each other talking and not getting drawn out by this Gap behind particular but I enjoyed it and thanks very much forus point
Channel: Richmond International Academic & Soccer Academy
Views: 345,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, soccer, sports, coaching, defence, student, college
Id: 83rBVDbX8CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 26 2014
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