Centre Back & CDM Specific Drills | Full Training Session | Joner Football

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yes guys what's going on so just before i start this video if you're a defender and you're looking for more training drills and ideas and tips for defending then inside the jonah football app we have a dedicated section just for defenders so there's lots more tips and ideas on the journal football app we've also just started a brand new six week passing and first touch program which so many people are getting involved in it's great to see if you want to try the jonah football app guys hit the link in the description and head over there don't go on the app store guys it doesn't work that way link below it's one dollar for the first month and if you don't like it you can cancel it i know that a lot of coaches are watch our youtube videos as well so if you're a coach and you're looking for more ideas we have a dedicated section just for coaches inside the app as well give it a try guys you can also direct message me you can ask me any questions with the new feature inside the app enjoy the video peace body shape body shape turn speed come on come on come on come on you need to move your feet more natty bang you've also got a jump i'll give you another one oh my god we're definitely going to finish on that game you want to be getting touch tight come on react block block the game you would clear that first one and then get out come on hiding out hang out yes [Music] i'm here with captain nats aka nazi nazi we coached him he's about this big and now he's almost as tall as me have you ever been on the youtube nat don't think you have you know i can't believe it he's been with us for so long and he's never made the youtube and the thing of what i'm doing today the title of the video is going to be uh drills for the center back and a six so that's the position that you've been playing more and more regularly as a center center back and that's a yeah that is a ball playing center back you know he's great with his feet which you're going to see because we're going to do a few passing drills as well like blocking passing lanes reaction time which is big for center-backs heading but we're also going to work on that you know you're working back and sometimes you have to like just get there before the attacker does like little flick on headers just to clear the danger we're going to work a little bit on that but we can add in and spin it a little bit for some defensive drills as well like subscribe we're back the youtube's going to be flying now uh i know that you all love to train uh steal our training drills so here you go you're welcome steal away but just make sure if you're stealing our drills nutty that you hit that subscribe button or the notification bell are you warm let's go baby we're going to start them yellow cones there also guys i don't have a cameraman so uh it's all done on a tripod okay that's first thing i want to work and develop which you know is just get the feet going footwork is key for any defender that we're just going to go bounce and you go high knees fast arms hands fast hands bounce hands fast down bang set cup took a little volley in there or sometimes these little awkward ones little half volley just super basic to start off with okay go come on play fast feet good the man the ball play bounce good love that play bounce yes play good fast feet just a little head they're good love that make sure you focus on that connection bang love that yes play come on come on deal with it there's a little awkward one good play here we go yes play come on three more two more play fast feet good play bounce set rest this is the most basic stuff but again i want you to make sure that your foot works good after this the drill is going to get so much harder with a lot more detail all right again i might just throw it in anyway deal with it three two one play punch yes good luck punch it yes play good arms and elbows going good play punch play good little awkward one deal with it good little awkward one deal with it good yes little volley little volley good good focus on the connection new connection is key when we're cleared in our box as well come on play chap good luck last month let's do it last two headed head headed good yes come on come come on come on come on sweet head head head head good rest the reason why i want you to do that the ipad and numbers have nothing to do with football right but i just want you to understand that when you're maybe defending your box or looking to see when strikers are making runs on number 10s and making runs when you're trying to seek danger you've got to remember and look for as much detail as possible that's what that is for okay so it'll be one up six right seven up we're still gonna have that element of fast feet as well in this first part and then i'm gonna get rid of the middle two okay so still keep moving your feet everything on your toes and then that's how we're gonna work the drill straight into a difficult one okay you're gonna play bounce everything's gonna be on the ground okay you're gonna go in and out now so forwards backwards bang we get a bounce you're gonna open out the body position that's where we scan one right fire that you're gonna now dribble so sometimes at the center half you have to joel matip you have to come out with the ball and take the space i'm gonna make this a bit deeper so it forces you to dribble a bit more you're going to play me okay i'm going to get you to pick it up i'm going to get you to come touch i'm going to throw it over your head and you've got to try and back pedal and flick it away just whistle at me in the face there yeah so no you're gonna try and flick it outside and you're gonna do four in total so you touch okay as you're backpedaling just like sometimes when crosses come in or balls going over your head and you have to get there you're going to flick it over you're going to try and jump and just flick it away either side okay energy is key play come on fast feet come on let's go go higher pass there play play good turn turn ah bad password come on kind of yes play play play fast feet come on touch touch back pedal back pedal go and flick it away good winning this side this side we play we play three two one play fast feet come on good bounce again fix your body shape what can you see that's correct tight great tattoo come on play play get up touch back pedal back pedal can you flick it yes yes yes slow now this side little check and play back left side fast feet one two three four body shape good bang turn come on back foot there play play yes come on up touch touch touch back pedal back pedal can you clear it good boy one more little check bang yes wait right side fast feet you come on one two three play body shape body shape you don't ever want to be running towards your own goal two reasons right the goal's there you're in the wrong body shape you're obviously running back to your own goal it's a horrible feeling as a center back so in this drill in particular you i want you to touch okay bang and work your feet work your feet to stay open and that's where you'll be flicking it to the side if my throat's really bad and i've thrown it obviously over your head that's when you will turn and clear it but i'm going to try not to do that i want you to work if you work your feet flick it away okay and then the added part now is i'll just play a bounce you'll come into the middle and check but we've got to be working both sides with this drill okay bounce it fire it good good good body shape good open out turn you know i receive your back foot there you know i'm going to play it back come on come on come on there it is there it is that is that is that it is good flick it to the side slow slow check play fast feet come on fast feet ha come on you come on you open out receive with the back foot that's better play play play play play yes come on come on come on come on flick flick flick flick flick go try and clear the danger two more little check little check play good energy is key energy is key body shape body shape turn that's it see more so much better when you see with the back foot play come on come on come on come on go get it flick flick go that's a great cleaning slow slow slow check just right side fast feet come on fast feet play open out turn oh my god what a touch play come on play touch come on come on come on back better back pedal flick flick flick good come on come on the ball you drive the drill yes play body shape yes come on turn yes good lovely lovely get up get up touch on the back pedal on the back flick flick flick good good high and away all the time slow slow check bang set good we just done that side play body shape body shape turn touch come on come on come on play get up get up get up back pedal back pedal flick flick flick go try not to go back towards your own goal though you don't want to be going towards your own goal get it to the side nazi body shape body shape turn speed come on come on come on come on this this clearance is going to go to the side get away from danger that's better we don't want to go towards the wrong goal the same side again same side again play yes bang set come on fast feet good good you know this is coming in hot deal with it touch water touch that is play come on play come on come on yes the clearance is going to go away from danger good one slight observation you need to be it's hard because i'm working your heart but you need to move your feet more natty bang you've also got to jump so if you don't jump the striker like ronaldo will out jump you okay so what i'm saying is when you're backpedaling ideally you want to be pushing off one leg to get up you've got to be jump into them flicking it to the side so when you're flicking it away you don't want to go back that way because you're also conceding what they're goal or a corner now listen it depends though if you're in that last stitch defending mode it has to go out for a corner but if you can move your feet and shift your feet a bit more you can get it away to the side for either throwing or away from danger okay and big part of that is shifting your feet nuts reading the flight of the ball is key but can we actually jump and now what i'm doing if i want to flick it away that way i'm gonna arch my back to go here and then flick it to the side if i want to flick it that way arch my back here bang now in a game awareness is key there could be a striker there so you don't flick it that way you could have moved your feet well enough and been aware of your surroundings you can head it back to your keeper there's so many different scenarios for you here but we're working on that sideways clearance okay play yes drop touch across play yes love that touch cross play love that red gate block block block yes back in come on back in back in back in intercept intercept come on get in front good play over your head click on it turn get back on it turn from it wait fast in in little bounce stance little bounce good yeah switch and drop yes go play cross across the cross good play back in headed away not away you didn't jump touch and drop away jump off the ground great header well done not quite away get switch touch across let's go touch across play bang love that take it out with united dribble eyes forward go eyes forward speed speed turn play back in slow now slow slow slow slow slow good good play bounce bounce yo block block yeah got you got you back in bounds bounce get there yellow come on come on block yes nazi back in come on two more two more cushion header get it back to my feet i've killed you with the throw yes touch and drop pushing header good good good touch and drop away away yes away good boy take the ball come on dribble ice forward eyes forward eyes forward good little skillage back in come on last one slow slow slow slow good good get in front come on get in front ball's behind now get it under get it under get it under get it under turn relax and get that on the ground quicker play good rest that one there get it back on the ground a little bit quicker don't flick it back up in the air get it back on the ground boom we play your job is center off give it to midfielders give it the full backs job done drill with a lot of variations okay so it's important that you never stand still here because you don't know what i'm going to say so it's also got that element of what in it nathaniel you've got to be able to what react and think you've got to react so for me the best players react first the best center backs they react okay so it's got a huge element of you being on your toes ready and listening carefully to my that my demand don't you standing still at any point because you might have to nick in front block yellow block red behind away you've got to be able to listen to that and and react to it okay during the drill now if i say like a bounce if i say a scan at any point you're going to scan look behind you just give me the number play and then every time it's a scan it's all it's always going to be a touch across okay then i might say scan again so you drop and scan then i fire it it's always a touch across after that okay remember like i said with the gates you might have to slide okay same again so it's really important that you're on your toes all the time i'm alive let's play intercept come on intercept good cushion header get it back to my feet we still want to keep possession go a little bit heavy there tucked and drop touch and drop a little header cushion good that's better now i can get it and play red red come on block block ah your reaction was slow there back in back in back in intercept come on we're live get in front of him good good intercept come on we're live we're live good scan scan folks on that pass you touch across good good scan scan good play touch across bounce yo come on react block block good night so you got that early good bounce bounce touch and drop can we clear heather to the side to the side danger good boy slow now slow slow bounce bounce scan scan scan touch across that's a great touch bounce bounce get there you scan scan scan good touch across good nazi touch drop away take the lot nancy go on son go what was wrong with that good header but what was wrong with it i've got i've got on video too we've got three more to do what was wrong with your header great header clearance happy did you jump little onto the ball what you need to try and do is meet the ball at the highest point so you're only 13 natcher big boy for 13. with it's going to take you a while to get better at heading okay some of the balls are flat which is great whenever i've got a flat one i'm throwing that up for you to do a header right there though it's a great header by the way you're only 13. it takes you a long time to master heading right but i sent it back it's non-negotiable mate because the higher you play the balls in the air a lot diagonals crosses set pieces got to deal with it right you're not jumping and meeting at the highest point so that one there you did jump but you jumped up you jumped as it was on its way back down so there if a striker out jumps you they're going to meet it at a higher point so what i want you to do and it takes a lot of training is watch the flight of the ball try and recognize where the highest point is based on how high you can jump that's what you got to work on and that takes a long time to get you know you can't just click your fingers and master that timing of the jump and the header is so so hard to the ogre jotter for liverpool tiny but he can jump so high but his timing of his head is incredible he gets up so high and meets it at the highest point his timing is beautiful and then he can arch his back in the air mid-air and then thump it away obviously he's an attacker so he has to work on directing his headers as well for you it's just about getting getting the danger away the cushion header it's got to get it's got to come back to my feet we're trying to keep possession with that one okay but with these there's gonna be one more way you're gonna head it away try and jump and get above the mannequin do you know what i mean toes now toes now bounce bounce scan scan good move it move it good good good bounce bounce good good yellow react come on react yeah there it is oh my god great block great block intercept come on react react good get it back under control nathan you'll get on the ground asap a little bit heavy play kenya next par we're going to look at how good your clearances are and we're going to work on that danger header where we flick it away over there go a little bit further back you're taking my job all that's going to be in that is a little squeeze probably to about here drop and i'm just going to throw a ball in you're going to have your back running towards the goal clear it clear it danger needs to be cleared now key coaching point we're obviously going to work both sides right should be with your left foot this side out that way or out that way high we don't want to be putting on the ground that could go to the winger and they cross so your clearances need to hit that flood light so we can actually get out the box and clear danger once you've done that i will pick a ball up straight away i'm going to throw it over your head you're going to back pedal and try and just flick it away you know like when those crosses come in trent alexander arnold liverpool he whips the crosses in sometimes the center has to have to flick it away from the striker that's what we're working on squeeze squeeze drop get rid of it come on wait away squeeze out come on squeeze out yes away that's it away good good same again back to the start ideally i want you back pedaling on that second one so don't just run straight in there you know because i'm just just go back to it do you know when you clear the first one what would you naturally do in a game after you've cleared it step up so you cleared it step up and then i'm going to throw it over your head you understand that there's got to be good practice after the clearance too squeeze squeeze drop you're running back to your weight away away away good boy squeeze squeeze squeeze there it is can you flick it flick it and not towards your goal you give away a corner that's okay but don't flick it that way you want to flick it away toes toes squeeze squeeze that is still there deal with it away ah that's no way so that one there you i'm just saying come back you see how you're clearing it and then you're already running in there you wouldn't do that in the game you would clear it squeeze out then i'm gonna throw it over your head do you understand that so don't clear it and run straight in for the second one that's not good practice clear it squeeze and then the second phase comes into it that one there's not a clearance get rid of it squeeze squeeze away come on away away higher higher now that's better squeeze up and that is over your head can you knick it not that way that's which way do we need to go yeah so flip your body position you've almost scored an own goal there squeeze squeeze how good your clearance come on come on come on come on come on that's okay come on can you squeeze up squeeze up towards me and then over your head away away away better that's a great clearance but it needs to be higher and further out come on hiding out hanging out yes didn't can see corner up towards me so you squeeze where that ball's gone wait that's a good one why is that a better one why is that a better one i hope the camera got that too why is that a better one yes and what else what did what what did you actually do with the header you put it higher so then it eliminates what like the left winger coming in at the back post yeah so the first two you're in the wrong body shape and you ended up heading it that way which could you can score a long goal definitely don't want to teach you doing that this one you're opened out and you headed it high and out it went out for the corner which is fine but you've cleared the danger there if you've because you've got the actual header height in the air it eliminated anyone coming through back post as well brilliant each flight's going to be different though one's saying that you've still got a tendency of running in there that's bad practice in a game you would clear that first one and then get out then i want to throw it over your head squeeze gotta get rid of it come on not bad it needs to be furthered out squeeze up flick it away good lad a little bit higher you're headed i watch obviously every single liverpool game and i'm fortunate to watch the best defender that i've ever seen in van dijk right what's the difference between the balls i'm throwing in and what would actually come in right now yeah so the progression we're going to do after this is i'm going to whip them in with my feet right now i'm starting basic because i want you to focus more on the connection and i watch van dijk when these crosses come in and this is premier league quality balls coming in 100 miles per hour like they're getting whipped in what are the hardest ones to clear yeah and when what when what the surface is wet why because it's what yeah so you then have to really focus on what watching the ball and connecting properly that the worst thing you can do is offend it is own goal and that all comes from bad body shape not watching the flight sorting your feet out which you've done at the start so in this one because you're you're a right side of center back but i just said to you off camera i don't care what side because you've got to be able to defend from both sides but this might be a bit more realistic to you when it comes in now make sure we're scanning so we're aware of the danger that is key the ball could come in and it could be absolutely no one in the box if you can control it we play awareness is key but the guarantee if they've already built up to that there's going to be players in the box as it comes in that going back to van dyke when the ball's coming in 100 miles per hour he just focuses on one thing connection he doesn't try and whack the hell out of it like doesn't try and whack he never uses his laces nuts he will never use his laces to clear it everything is side foot and he'll use the pace of the cross to get it up the field or out of danger every clearance here i want it in the air please out so we can squeeze just one last reminder clear we would squeeze after that and get out the box and then i'm going to throw it over remember in here we want to be scanning we've got to jump boom and flick it out that way or if i've thrown it quite deep flick it out for the corner okay squeeze deal with it great up on the back now back pedal back paddle away i keep riding the ball back in come on let's go scanning your shoulder for danger again good body shape body shape body shape fix it that's better squeeze scanning again scanning again good away yes up up you've gone back there up we squeeze as we do away good boy back in go again scanning your shoulder scanning your shoulder body shape fix it body shape up scan again scan again come on come on come on away beat the bounce oh my god a little bit higher up up up up up up up up up up up we're going to take the camera away there bang go ah not bad we want to try and get a bit more height on the clearance clone that it's a good look at the box go scan i know you're not looking good look in the box yeah we don't look here we'd only look at the penalty spot we want to look at what's directly behind you to seeing if any of the strikers good strikers will play off your shoulder make sure you're having a good look play scam good scan again good it's a skitty one oh they're hard give away a corner up up away away away looking lucky we're checking we're checking away that's quite an easy one it's not high enough almost put the camera out come on play squeeze oh wait wait wait good boy that's higher than further out of danger there rihanna's might be coming in at the back there you're gonna squeeze a little bit more this time what's wrong with your body position at the minute that's better that's better make sure you keep checking your shoulder as much as possible i'm as you're working back i'm going to put them horrible ones in where it's going to skid and you've got to deal with it now these are going to be a lot more realistic crosses with more pace scanning drop yes get rid of it good same again toes squeeze squeeze drop get rid of it that's a horrible one down goal there we go if anyone's a winger on youtube those crosses are hot those those crosses are hard squeeze squeeze that's a horrible one too ah there's the old uh nation toe david shinola get that connection right squeeze squeeze drop that's a horrible one too ah what's wrong with that clearance needs more height remember we always squeeze after it two play up back move the mountain away oh guys level that's watching these are such difficult crosses to defend natalie you've got to read this skid on the ground a bit more up shoulders down get rid of it oh it's another tough one good i'm happy with that clearance you know give you an easy one away yes shoulders come on come on higher now higher now yes hit my van i want you to hit my van come on last three or two it might be a header okay up come on it's gonna be a skinny one again skinny one ah to get height what you need to do matt to get yeah lean back lean back and get underneath the ball play come on yes that's a horrible one yeah we'll go again i reckon the dangers cleared there up up can ya that's okay not great it's okay up skinny one oh that's horrible boys oh what was good about that neptune was good about that up two more come on skinny one oh that's horrible youtube that's horrible youtube that's horrible youtube great clearance last set once you cleared it hopefully you don't smack the camera but nice and high right get up so squeeze up you want it if you watch top pros they clear the box straight away because then you leave the strikers in there in the offside position but it's so much better because you're coming and i want you looking so how many goals are scored from strikers when they they've peeled off your shoulder and you get caught marking space that cross is amazing it goes over your head they're there and they score so the last thing i'm going to say to you although we're working on clearances here which they there was one that you did for the corner brilliant the reason why it was brilliant because the connection on your boot was great watch van dyke again every connection is right in the middle of his boot side foot and away you still need a bit of work on it you're going to be better this side because it's just strong foot but squeeze make sure you're scanning in a game you want to be getting touched tight not if you're the attacker i don't want to be i want to be getting touched tight if that cross comes in i might come boom clear it okay scanning this key body shape is key last little bit they're going to come in horrible again if i put a few in the air remember just work on your head in a little bit okay ready oh it's a good little tester yes higher with that squeeze drop oh that's horrible good nuts not quite out the danger though squeeze drop oh skinny one all done well avoided the on goal squeeze checking shoulders come on away oh that's horrible yes good what's wrong with it though come on get it on that field squeeze drop oh yes good night give me an easy one yes that's what we want every time drop there it is good boy what a great heather drop oh my god that's horrible matt what what did i put on that lots of pace yeah they're coming in fast now yes oh my god good what foot do you need to go with try and go with your right because you just give away a corner wait yes that's a little clipper good try and just your feet to get a harder clearance four more yes come on come on i'll give you another one oh my god we're definitely going to finish on that great clearance it's a bit crazy for me this morning again ready um gonna eliminate the shooting that but need a bit more work on that from being honest that last clearance was fantastic high you read the bounce and it even bounced past the throwing line as well the byline that's what you want to aim for you want to keep it out because when you get rid of it and it goes out of play and especially if your team's under danger now we can reset and regroup but when you haven't cleared the danger we can't reset play is still going on that's why a lot of you've seen it this morning with the liverpool aston villa game the aston villa center house was just kicking out for a throwing every time so they could reset because liverpool's attack was relentless so they just wanted to get it out so they could reset so just remember that last one was superb you avoided the old goal on one of them there i think i got it on the camera see they're all every cross is different like fast high whippy floaty you got to deal with it not okay remember that chat we had off camera about owning the center half position all right good session good session i would say the only thing for nathaniel is just getting a little bit more like roll your sleeves up and be a bit more aggressive but that's that'll come he's only 13. look at the size of him 13. guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed that video nazi legend let's do some extras come on [Music] you
Channel: Joner Football
Views: 109,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O6vDttzzNeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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