How To Make Money On A Storage Unit! Biggest Storage Unit Profit! Real Life Storage Wars!

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welcome to the Jews Family Channel guys and today we're going to do another deep search video stop anyway another deep search video this is to the CEO business unit this unit this unit business owner unit that was put out on treasure hunting with Jebus channel on Tuesday so we talked a lot in that video about how we're gonna have to penny out and try to get as much profit on this unit as possible because right after that we didn't see anything all we saw was drag so we're literally trying to make to riches in this video so don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new most importantly and let's get into this deep search alright so as you can see behind me a whole bin worth of stuff no we have to try to penny out to make our five hundred and seventy dollars back this is just a bad lucky half sometime sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to make all that money back but these this is literally empty and this is labeled just one gallon I think there's one of these it has four breeze on it but it's literally just cleaning agent so these are gonna go in the trash alright so this is like a key thing so it's where they hung all the customer keys I guess in here I don't know if this thing itself has any cotton but I'm just gonna set this aside in my research pilot Jesus is over here he's gonna help me look it up this box right here is snow boy it's like 20,000 of these they're all empty another one of the big like clear buckets so I'm gonna chop this box up completely can we push me out here this person they're all the customer keys obviously a business owner they're all the house keys from the customers are still imagine if I was a robber and I just decided that one of the by this unit I'd have keys that I've seen like to office building building a coffee shop Tunde houses look this is office first floor office basement I mean I could break into every building in California if I wanted to by the way 120 key if that's what this is $30 so what I'm trying to make this a little easier for you guys to see because I realized when I'm recording down here you guys can't see in the boxes until I lift it up so I'm gonna keep this GoPro on and switch to that angle with alright so this is what we have it this box I think pretty sure this is one of the all paperwork boxes but most of the paperwork sorry the camera kind of caught me off guard most of the paperwork that least have seen in here is like employee paperwork or stuff like this where they order supplies this is where they probably order business cards blah blah blah checkbooks an extension cord which I know can sell pretty easily this stuff training DVDs I mean this kind of stuff we're definitely not getting any value on and I mean honestly most for the most part like this is like clean pores for the most part all that this office stuff is definitely gonna have to be like dollar it out and we'll just I don't know sell it in bulk see if we can get back from it drum roll please so we've looked the printer out in the final verdict $32 it's free shipping if it's brand so take 20 off that most likely to ship that box $12 brand-new resale we'll be lucky to get five flea market real quick this stuff right here was in the corner of that unit as well assuming some kind of mop thing where you can just attach something to like these blue pieces and then just more poles and something like this I don't really know what this cleans but a couple brooms as well I might take this to the flea market and see what we can do with it but I definitely want to try to get a few bucks for it okay this is the one that we showed at the beginning of the video with the fan in it so I definitely want to take the fan out and sell that for a quick 5 to 10 pairs on how nice I'm feeling I guess I'm somewhat I asked my flea market might be listing I don't know I mean the rubber parts coming off down here at the bottom and I don't know if this goes to it I feel like I did does just to weigh it down I'm just gonna put that beside with it paperwork's trash these water bottles probably trash these then honestly I feel like if I just wrap it up like this I can sell it for $2 your dollar at the flea market and honestly like these little coats right here like I said trying to find every dollar I can but if I just take this out I can sell each one of these for like $2 so I mean that's profit right there they're not profit something back everything else in here is trash so I just want to get these things out clean them up a little bit and like I said couple bucks apiece right there [Music] after work toxins out of the van most of the toast like these had just rags in them so this is like a squeegee and it looks to be a lot of these like laundry bag again I feel like I'd be able to like make a bolt listing on them it's literally like full of laundry bag so persimmon is what this company put like all the dirty rags in or something so again I'm gonna keep this tote together as a bulb here's the Febreze container I talked about the trash this is probably dirty I remember playing this obviously unit and realizing that the vacuums probably not in there because it doesn't feel that heavy and lo and behold and we open it just another one of these things which I'll go over there a part of a vacuum which I don't know how I mean it looks dirty but I don't know if the work should not another squeegee shuffled over there and literally one two three four five six seven bags of vacuum packs again bulk seal locally or at the flea market I gotta get something for them okay as you just saw on ebay so listings they're going for like twelve bucks for a new one with free shipping judging by the fact that I could list them at $10 and obviously get talked down I might be able to sell that whole box which has like six or seven packs in there for like 20 bucks just cuz they're gonna buy all of them hopefully so we'll call it 20 bucks stop the video we've had a ton of requests for new merchandise guys so we went in and we did all kinds of new shirts storage auction shirts resale shirts entrepreneur shirt everything you could think up for you other resellers out there that are just like us brand new being released to day so if you think these shirts look sexy which we know they do go check them out link will be down in the description below get it first like we said just released today all I see right here is a bunch of these are actually like in 40w so that has to go in the garbage I don't really know what these go to I don't know if they just hang on this metal racks to sit down but I'll try to keep as much of those aside of that tension because I don't know like I said I don't know what the hang on this is a bunch of the company stickers velcro stains they have like packages of mints with their like their company logo on it that's trash now some dry erase markers which will go there's a big dry erase board in that unit so we'll keep that literally I think I skim this box water they're literally all these pencil pouches are full of mints I feel like I might be able to empty them and put the pencil pouches and like a lot of school supplies there's only way I can think I'm getting any money for them again this is a calculator so that I'll go with school stuff so we're trying to race markers again school stuff literally look over here making a box full of school supplies because I know that there are a lot of people that go to the flea market or even let the market place that like put together suitcases and stuff to send it like their country so it's not a pack a box like that together for everyone and all these assuming are what the employees like click to people's houses because they all have mints in them they all have look at this instructions toilet paper folding the made Pro way they folded this whole paper that's pretty interesting that's it for this star right here empty cleaner why do you save this stuff I don't understand and then on top of that we have a tote of empty cleaner bottles and then one two three four extra tote tops and there's not even four totes without a top and the whole unit I opened before actual cleaner in them so I mean I might keep stuff like this just for around the house and a couple of next look at this I get free cleaning supplies right after that I see shoe covers you should be easy sell actually that's look packs of these shoe covers you put over your shoes to keep it clean but they're like unopened on use I mean we might get some evening value out of those this is one of the many totes of just rags which I'm hoping to at least get like maybe I don't know five dollars a box for that because I think we found like $35 or 35 rags for $12 or something you know free shipping no they don't go so much this right here I'm gonna take a few of their magic erasers but again I feel like it's an easy sell okay so yes we working like I said hitting it out literally making a rags-to-riches all right let's put yeah a magic eraser on the side this is uniform they look the almighty hand sanitizer I can't say too much about that y'all know what I'm talking about yeah so these are just company uniforms these are probably trash but still if I put it out at the flea market I mean who knows maybe somebody works for that company and we'll take them we have coffee and creamer that's it now that's that's definitely trash box right here okay so more of these totes like I said a couple bucks apiece for me all this stuff has paper in it so that's gonna go recycling boxes so that off to the side this this awesome this goes with all that stuff over there what's this literally a bag full of rag so where is the other set that right there with all the other ROG and then down here ready saw this and the main Channel video but this is a clear sticker on it says broken doesn't pick up so that's probably just trash real quick like 10 recipes so hose and then vacuum heads I don't know if it hooks up to like a universal like contraption that picks up and holds the dirt but we got those so we're gonna have to look up that brand and model them what is this it extends did they put a magic eraser I don't know but there's one two three four if you guys know what these things are let me know leave a comment because I have no idea this what the heck is that if you mind knows what this is what is that let me know so I'm kind of cleaning traps and obviously this is the same thing these are dryer sheets is working because a little literally almost out here's another thing you I've seen 230v guys everything at the brooms this trash listen going to trash oh maybe these things go on that I don't know it's too long pretty sure this is just alright it's literally a laundry bag full drag that's the last of these boxes let's get some more boxes out so as far as what we have here this is more of the vacuum and hose things which we have to get a price on this is all rags this is all rags this is all rag so all these are just going to go in the foam pile of rags that we have this is more cleaning supplies down here at the bottom so same thing with that that's just gonna go on a pile this right here I mean it has the necessity fold in there here hole punch also go in the office supply this little thing which probably holds rubber bands or paper clips with on the office supply a router or load them so we might have to check eBay for that because we still routing routers and modems before a tape dispenser this not sure what that is to stuff for the HP computer which I know is in one of these boxes somewhere I know the monitor is at least so I'm definitely gonna set that one side yeah [Music] finally down to the last four boxes of this van load and obviously we got to go back to the unit to get the rest but let's have forgotten these okay so looks at this one I've seen these red bags before why'd you not it there I can't open it but look at this it's a rack so I'm going to assume that this is luckily a full red bag of rags so I'm just gonna take that out and use this box for other stuff okay this is the microwave that we found Panasonic the genius prestige and how much is that woo we got a good it's an inverter down but we got a good microwave right here we showed this a little bit in the video but the glass is in the box oh okay Jesus is saying close to a hundred so I mean I'll probably list it for a hundred but honestly I don't know I can negotiate it a little bit so let's try to get a hundred for this bronze a holding strips now the keyboard and mouse which will sell with this and I'm pretty sure when I look this up that was going for between like 30 and 80 but if I list it locally I might be able to with that in the CPU I mean I have we have to look up the CPU and look at the specs and everything but that might be good that might go for a good chunk of change so we'll have to see and voila look at what we got once again this board I'll make sure there's nothing on the bottom and okay we got the van empty got a lot of boxes out and this is the number that I expect to make from the stuff that we pulled out this time now there is like probably a whole nother van load of stuff left in that unit but on the treasure Ivanova Davis Channel we're not gonna show it on there so you guys have to be here on the Jebus family channel to see that and I'm probably gonna put these videos out day after day so you'll see you're seeing this Friday and the part two is gonna be out tomorrow so stay tuned for that subscribe if you're new subscribe to treasure hunting with Jebus if you're not already leave this video like let me do not nothing no this depth of it let me go now jeebus let me know down in the comments how you guys like these deep search videos because we definitely will do more of these if there's definite if there's a unit that's like more boring stuff in a box it's not good enough for the main channel it will be here so let me know what you think of these videos down there and again have fun laughs more peace out [Music]
Channel: The Jebus Family
Views: 7,352
Rating: 4.9624414 out of 5
Keywords: biggest storage unit profit, biggest storage unit finds, biggest storage, biggest storage finds, biggest storage in unturned, biggest storage wars profit, storage wars, storage wars all episodes, storage wars darrell, storage wars episodes, storage wars full episodes, a&e storage wars, real life storage auctions, real life storage wars, a and e, a&e shows, a&e tv, brandi passante, darrell sheets, dave hester, jarrod schulz, treasure hunting with jebus, rene nezhoda
Id: BRfPN2ev1CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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