Giants Were Used to Build Noah's Ark?! (Genesis 6:9-16) | Dr. Gene Kim

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okay so i guess i'll start talking now genesis chapter six and we left off at verse nine i've explained genesis chapter six verse eight and verse nine together basically those two passages are very helpful for you to understand dispensational truth now there's no doubt that noah he had a different salvation that time in the old testament and then noah his salvation was set up in a faith and work system the reason why he was saved in a faith and work system is because he had to build an ark now we're going to look at two passages concerning about noah uh actually we're going to look at several but we're going to first of all look at uh hebrews chapter 11 hebrews chapter 11. so i'm going to keep teaching about dispensational salvation meaning a different salvation under a different dispensation and this was definitely the case with noah some people who deny dispensational truth or dis deny dispensational salvation when they look at hebrews chapter 11 they claim no you'll notice here that the old testament saints that they were saved by faith which is true but their salvation by faith is different from ours when we were saved by faith we added no works to it the only work that matters is what jesus did on the cross jesus did not die on the cross yet that time so noah's salvation his faith had works in it why because he had to build an ark now when you build an ark for your salvation that's obviously a lot of work if i told you to go to church for your salvation you would accuse me of teaching works for salvation if i told you to build a church building for your salvation you would definitely accuse me for a lot of works now if i told you to build a humongous boat that's three times it's as large as a football field or maybe three times larger than that you would accuse me of being crazy with works now for you to say that noah was only saved by faith alone not by works i mean you don't know your bible so look at hebrews chapter 11 they don't read about noah's case how he was saved verse 7 by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen as yet so that's true there's the salvation by faith but they didn't keep reading here here's his works accompanying his faith prepared an ark to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith notice he became heir of the righteousness which is by faith so yes he got saved by faith why because of his works on what he did if he did not build the boat he would not have become the heir of the righteousness which is by faith then he would have been condemned with the world right at verse 7 he would have drowned out with the lost world but he chose to be separated from the lost world by building an ark we're going to look at genesis 6 again and then luke chapter 1. i want you to compare the wording of genesis 6 and luke 1. now notice that noah when he was saved by faith there was definitely works accompanying it and the wording is very clear that there was a work salvation with noah if you look at verse 9 genesis 6 9 these are the generations of noah i've already explained that part in our last genesis study noah was a just man and perfect in his generations and noah walked with god so i've explained that part in our last genesis study but to expound this part further notice he's a just man he's perfect why based on his walk with god so notice here this is not a justification or perfection that is similar to you christians that's faith alone not by works noah was a different salvation uh he had to go by a justification and perfection by man's righteousness not god's righteousness you you might say well there's no such thing as a just imperfect person by their own righteousness you're right but god considers it that way he judged them by man's righteousness not by his righteousness you might say why because jesus christ did not yet die on the cross yet so he did not die on the cross where he was able to make a legitimate official standard of righteousness for the world sometimes he might give out his righteousness here and there throughout the old testament but he can't just do that out of thin air he has to put a he has to put something that has credentials behind it something that has legitimacy behind it and that's the cross of calvary right so he had to pay that with his blood now if you look at luke chapter 1 and verse 6 luke chapter 1 and verse 6 notice that the bible considers these people before jesus died on the cross as blameless just based on their walk with god luke chapter 1 verse 6 and they were both righteous before god look at that same thing like noah walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the lord same thing like noah notice it says blameless how about that so god was definitely judging them by the best of their ability at that time we're going to also look at ezekiel 14 ezekiel 14. and then i want you to contrast that with romans 10. i want you to contrast this with romans 10. i may have shown you this passage last time but i'm going to do it again romans 10 and ezekiel 14. so there are too many verses that prove this one is hebrews chapter 11. it proved that yeah he say by faith but there's works that accompanied it people who attack yours truly viciously online and call me a heretic they always use hebrews 11 to prove that noah wasn't saved by works it was by faith alone but they did not even read hebrews 11. i showed you hebrews 11. yes there's faith in there but there's works that accompany it why do you think today's majority churches are teaching the heresy that oh we believe salvation by faith but there are works that accompany it because it's all over the bible there's a salvation by faith but there's works that accompany it our explanation is simple is that that's for different people different time period it's not for christians today in the church age right but then there are people who deny this doctrine and when you deny this doctrine that's why you'll end up in the heresy of teaching works accompanying genuine real faith whatever that means so then all of us will be judging each other about you're not good enough in your works you're not genuinely saved by faith why are you to say that who are you to say that we don't do that we all base it on the work of jesus christ and that's it that's for today's day and age so hebrews 11 undoubtedly shows that then we see the other case with genesis chapter 6 and verse 9. that definitely proved that and then luke chapter 1 showed that it was a righteousness that matched with genesis 6 9 and then ezekiel 14 is the bomb there if you look at ezekiel chapter 14 verse 14 verse 14 though these three men noah daniel and job were in it they should deliver but their own what souls how do they deliver their own souls by what their righteousness you notice that it's their own righteousness not the righteousness of christ that's the salvation of their soul look at romans 10 that contradicts romans 10. you christians aren't saved that way you christians are saved by christ righteousness not your own righteousness romans chapter 10 verse 3 god condemns you today if you rely on your own righteousness romans 10 3 for they being ignorant of god's righteousness and going about to establish what their own righteousness see god condemns that why why is it different today compared to noah's time because verse 4 you didn't read that for christ see it's based on when jesus christ died on the cross is the end oh meaning there was a time period a time period of what of the law for righteousness why the mosaic law was their righteousness that time and then noah's time because he didn't have the mosaic law he had to go by the law of his conscience god's loss so see there was a time period of that but jesus christ ended it okay let's go to in genesis chapter 6 genesis chapter 6. now you have to understand this is that this teaching is not taught in the majority of christian churches and even independent fundamental baptist king james only churches do that's why they're very shallow in doctrine they don't get deep into doctrine that's why it's so important to be a bible believing christian why because we don't we're not just independent church and we're not just baptists in our heritage and we're not just fundamental in our faith we're beyond just fundamentals we go deeper we study doctrine all right let's look at genesis chapter 6 and then we'll look at verse 10. and noah begat three three sons shem ham and japheth now that's self-explanatory and i'm going to explain every word as i interpret again you might say why the reason why i do that remember is so that you can understand every word that you're reading in the bible that way you can understand every word that you're reading in the bible and that way your mind can interpret yourself as i explain it and that should be done that's the goal of every person is that you should explain and understand the bible for yourself all right so what do you think it means so interpret it in your mind as i explain it and see if it matches so noah through his wife he was able to give birth to three sons and those three sons are shem ham and japheth and i explained this before so i don't have to explain it again but this is where all today's ethnicity races nationalities etc come from they come from shem ham and japheth and i told you that basic sociology 101 even taught that but then they changed the terms why because no matter what term you come up it will be politically incorrect so i'm not going to even give the term because even if i give the right term to today's standard guess what i guarantee you three years later they're going to change the standard again all right i took culture i took uh cultural anthropology and i took uh cultural multicultural counseling so i know all that okay i know all that all right don't give me this jive all right don't tell me what you think i already know all this okay so uh just give it a couple years and trust me you're going to even get the lg i've been to a discussion meeting of the lgbtq crowd too and guess what they accuse each other of the wrong terms that they used against each other so i know this okay so i'm not gonna even try okay to give you those terms because it's going to change in time it's ridiculous if you'll notice at genesis chapter 6 and verse 11 the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence now it is interesting the bible says the earth he didn't say the earth was corrupt before god so taking it for granted the earth is corrupt it's messed up in god's eyes but it says also was corrupt you notice that that's good also that means inclusive so there's something wrong with the earth too which is why god had to drown not just the inhabitants or the animals but the land itself the earth the earth was corrupted wow god takes it seriously why because the bible keeps reading here and the earth was filled with violence so the bible says that the entire earth is filled with bloodshed massacre violence so there's violence all over the earth if we see that violence is all over the earth there are two things that what i notice here all right the first one is the more wild one okay so the wild one is the earth also was corrupt right because why meaning if you read genesis 6 before we know what was corrupt before it was humankind right and the animals but now the land is corrupt now if we've taken it for granted by context by going by the interpretation of context then we can see the illusion here the what we see here what it's alluding to is in genesis chapter 6 mankind's corruption was what that they were intermingling right at genesis chapter six verses one through six we saw that then genesis chapter six following the context of verses four through seven animals were intermingling right then i wonder if you see verse 11 something was going on as well we're following the context of corruption here right if mankind was corrupt by intermingling and the animals were corrupt by intermingling and then verse 11 said the earth also also was corrupt then it would be logical it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say it was by intermingling you might say is that are you serious well yeah because we're talking about here not just look if we're talking about just simply something scientific then that's ridiculous itself but if we're talking about something that's angelic spiritual power and you already got the mutants going around and everybody intermingling with god whatever was going on right that time then we can see right here that anything's possible i mean if we already have so many mythology stories if there was already too many mythology stories about half men and half creatures it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say also as well as about trees that can talk or plants vegetations that's intermingled with a bit of animal within it it's very strange right so you might say is that possible well yeah if you give it a thousand years mankind once they delve into sex it's endless right why do you think the sexual orientation thing with lgbtq that's it goes lgbtq plus and this is within less uh probably what 10 or 10 or even 50 or 100 years so the sexual orientation thing goes endlessly why once you experiment and dabble with it it becomes endless and the bible says in genesis chapter 6 5 the imagination see is endless so that's why this thing is anything is possible anything is possible at this time now there's a second interpretation here the second interpretation about the earth also was corrupt it may not be based upon the sex but it could be based because of the violence if you look at the next part of verse 11 and the earth was filled with violence so there was too much violence bloodshed all over the earth that's why the bible says that it was corrupt i mean this would make a lot of sense because we would talk about let's say for our country america is corrupt now why do we why would we say that because we look at the crime statistics right and we would say that crime is so high especially during the covid situation and then we would talk about that the city's crime went high and murder went high and that's why we say that america see the land that we're living in is corrupt so it is logical to think that when the bible says the earth was corrupt it's because it's looking at the murder the crime the violence that was shed abroad throughout all the earth if you look at the book of numbers uh well we'll look at genesis 9 i want you to go to genesis 9. i want you to turn to genesis chapter 9. and i want you to look at numbers 35 numbers 35. if there is a sin that god takes something very seriously right after noah's flood but we'll cover that a little bit more it's murder the lord takes that extremely seriously we're going to look at numbers chapter 35 numbers chapter 35. murder is such a heinous thing that it doesn't matter what what political belief you are or what religion you are of practically everyone knows murder is wrong that's how heinous it is let's look at numbers chapter 35 and then genesis chapter 9. now we're going to look at genesis chapter 9. notice what the bible says at verse 5 and surely your blood of your lives will i require at the hand of every beast will i require it and at the hand of man and at the hands of every man's brother will i require the life of man now isn't that interesting it's not just humankind but animals as well see so that proves that mankind and animals were both corrupt but through these uh corruption of both animals and mankind god says that if you shed blood he's going to require it verse 6 whoso sheddeth man's blood by man by man shall his blood be shed see so life for life so god takes murder seriously he says capital punishment for murder go to numbers 35 numbers chapter 35. notice that verse 33 numbers 35 33 it corrupts the land when you shed blood it corrupts the land when you shed blood numbers 35 33 so ye shall not pollute the land wherein you are why for blood it defileth the land and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it defile not therefore the land which he shall inhabit you notice that so god takes it very seriously about blood being shed he says that's what corrupts the land the earth itself why did you forget if you uh go backwards not genesis 6 but genesis 4 what's the what's the first public crime it was murder right uh you know what maybe we'll look look at that verse i'm just going to go there very briefly remember at genesis 4 10 the earth is corrupted it's crying out why abel's blood was shed so the earth was being corrupted right there that's why god had to curse cain for the ground he's producing why because the earth screw up so then to protect the earth god says then your sin should not contaminate a cane so whatever you do is gonna be corrupted it's gonna curse but see cain didn't care he produced his civilization right so because he produces civilization they're all over the earth now the entire earth's ground is pretty much cursed not just one in person cain so that's why god had to send the worldwide flood because everything in creation is corrupted uh we're going to go to genesis chapter 6. that's why it doesn't matter when you argue about climate change global warming or etc or the green deal or etc it does not matter how much of the earth you protect you'll never protect and produce a perfect earth when there is sin involved until sin is gone then everything will be fine you got to realize this even when you litter on the ground why do people litter because they're sinning some of you christians didn't know that okay so you're like what really passed oh come on and i can't put my bubble gum underneath my chair after church is over anymore no you're sinning all right sunday school teachers should be teaching that to the children too amen all right tell them that sinning all right that's wrong okay yeah yeah yeah you meant on that one all right i'm very sorry all right but uh but you got to realize that that is a sin okay let's go back to genesis 6. genesis chapter 6. so the earth was filled with violence there's one thing i want to say about genesis chapter 6. the theme of everything that mankind seeks after again do you notice genesis 6 what the problem of mankind is again it's always sex and violence sex and violence love and death love and death over and over again love and death so what's the theme of every uh movie that you have to have so that you can get readings it has to be love and death what do you think mankind's problem was with this and that's why jesus christ had to do this is to make a comeback against this and that's why satan has to imitate from all the movies what jesus did as well all right so that's the problem in genesis chapter six you notice the intermingling and then the violence so it is possible that a third interpretation for genesis chapter 6 verse 11 could be that it's both of them it's yeah violence but it's also the intermingling as well so that sounds very logical as well why the earth is so corrupt why because plainly there's just sin all over i also want to add one more thing which is pretty interesting is that when you read uh the ancient text especially hinduism they mention in their ancient texts that the gods what they would do with the mankind is that they would fight each other actually during the ancient days before the worldwide flood but that there were also bombs and some sort of mute going off but if i recall even oppenheimer himself who was heavily involved in this even mentioned about the hindu text reading that before the atomic bomb and everything so the hindu gods or the gods of genesis chapter 6 it is very possible that during that time remember every man is considered to be genesis 3 i told you what was the problem that time gods but remember there was no polygamy that uh not political excuse me polytheism so there was the polytheism that time there was polygamy too obviously we've saw that chances for so i'm only half half wrong but there was no polytheism it was monotheism why was it monotheism because there were no idols worshiped until after the flood but that's the first time god's is mentioned as polytheism but that wasn't the first time it was mentioned the first time it was mentioned was genesis 3 not because of mankind uh making idols and having polytheism every man is considered to be a god so there were the gods coming down and humans trying to be gods and that's why it makes so much sense when you read the mythology and then the hindu texts that they all talked about with the hindu text and then the mythology that there was chaos in the beginning before this huge apocalypse or worldwide flood everyone was trying to be a god everyone was trying to be a god why satan said let's uh unite together let's all be one and inclusive and we can all be gods together isn't that what mankind is doing right now they're trying to say science is the god humanism you're the god a new age teaching there's a god within inside us that we can uh attach ourselves to religions becoming ecumenical even christian churches becoming non-denominational it doesn't matter by denominations so yeah this is the devil's doing and i've told you over and over again genesis 4 through six is the the best chapters to look at for current events today and the future tribulation of what's gonna mankind is headed toward and then everything is copycatting like enoch's rap and his rapture his walk with god his generations noah everything is imitating exactly as today that we're seeing genesis is certainly repeating revelation and we're going to see that with noah all right let's go back to genesis chapter six this book is a prophetic book and it is definitely a historical book it tells you past and future it's such an amazing book no other book like it and by the way you only get a king james bible at a dollar store at a dollar tree store how about that all right let's go to genesis chapter six and then we'll look at verse 12. and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt so obviously god looked down at the earth and behold lo and behold so to speak right look at it it's corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth so all flesh they were corrupting themselves in their own way on the earth isn't that human nature today human nature is that all ways are the best way you go your way i go my way always there are many ways to heaven that's genesis 6 12 they're repeating today and god says no that's not the right way look at john chapter 14 and verse 6. most of you know this verse already john chapter 14 and verse 6. there are not many ways to heaven there's only one right way to heaven we're going to look at john chapter 14. and then we'll read verse 6. there is also a passage in proverbs that you could kind of write down i don't know the passage from the top of my head but the bible says there is a way there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but at the ends thereof are the ways of death but there's another passage in judges that i'll show you so see everyone that goes to their way will lead to death and destruction in the end look at john chapter 14 verse 6 jesus saith unto him i am the way the truth and the life look at this there's no other way around no man cometh unto the father but by me see jesus he was very bigoted you know this very narrow-minded against today's inclusive uh inclusive ideologies he says i am the only way to heaven you can't go any other way around it we're also going to look at judges look at the book of judges thank you so proverbs 14 12. all right so proverbs 14 12 is another path is the passage there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but at the ends thereof are the ways of death so remember this is that when you go many other ways it will lead you to destruction and for these people it was the waters beneath it was the flood and god says no there's not only there's not many ways there's only one right way and that is through my way and then to those people god says get in the boat get in the boat but the people they chose their own ways we're going to look at judges chapter 21. now notice the this is mankind look at this is a mess uh verse 23. this is a mess verse 23. and the children of benjamin did so chapter 21 did i say the chapter okay chapter 21 verse 23 thank you chapter 21 verse 23 all right so there's a bunch of women who were dancing and then uh like uh good civilized americans they grabbed every woman for themselves you know judges chapter 21 verse 23 and the children of benjamin did so and took them wives according to their number of them that danced whom they caught and they went and returned unto their inheritance and repaired the cities and dwelt in them now what that that must have been a terror for women that time verse 24 and the children of israel departed thence at that time every man to his tribe and to his family and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance and what did the bible said look at verse 25 in those days there was no king in israel every man did that which was right in his own eyes they perceived that as this is right for me to do this is you might think well this is a bunch of savages here but you know they think that this is civilized just look at uh this year and last year you know protests they call it but then if you look at the what what they're doing then you would say savages right there see this is uh this is mankind to them in their own eyes it's right all right let's look at genesis chapter six you don't realize what mankind is capable of all right and if you don't uh admit that yourself then you don't know too much about yourself or human nature if you're going to be totally honest with yourself you're going to admit that there are some moments you thought you were right about something but it turned out to be dead wrong and it was even hurtful to some people and it was definitely sin if you're going to be totally honest with yourself all right let's look at genesis chapter 6 genesis chapter 6 and then we'll look at verse 13 verse 13. and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me so god is speaking to noah and he says you know all of mankind human nature they're going to have an end it's coming before me now i'm about to end humanity for the earth is filled with violence through them so god says that all of the world is just filled with violence so there's too much bloodshed through what their actions through their wickedness and behold i will destroy them with the earth so when god says behold that means to look and look i'm going to just wipe them out so that means he's serious then so he's going to wipe them with the earth we're going to yeah so i'll explain the other part a little bit later so in verse 13 obviously as today's hollywood celebrity movies will uh depict it that god was a very cruel god right with the noah movies that you see oh save us rescue us have mercy and then god just wipes them out what a cruel god and some of these people in the ark that you see with the latest noah phil please open the door for these poor people and then russell crowe's like no no we cannot do it like that and then you go oh what a cruel what a cruel movie and then so you so that is the depiction of mankind on god being a cruel god now i'm not going to explain uh his nature of wrath right now i'm going to explain it a little bit later if i don't explain it on this lesson then i'll probably explain it in next genesis study okay if some of you have a question on that one feel free to ask me after class i'm always open to talk about it all right uh but uh we're going to look at verse 14 now okay so god says make thee an ark of go for wood so god says you're going to build a boat now an ark and this big boat this ark you're going to make it out of gopher wood now no that does not mean that he killed a bunch of gophers okay and produced wood out of it obviously so for some of you who don't know gopher that's a transliterate uh transliterated word from hebrew that the kjv translators did why because they're honest translators okay they just want to be honest translators so they tran it's a transliterated word from hebrew and uh gopher wood could be referring to cedar wood all right we're gonna look at genesis chapter six so then he used cedar wood for the ark now notice that it's god's nature that he used you notice that it's not a man-made invention so it's god's raw material of the earth that noah used and you're going to notice that as you keep reading rooms shalt thou make in the ark so god says that he's going to build rooms inside the ark why he's going to put a whole bunch of if you know the story a whole bunch of animals and himself okay so he's going to need a bunch of rooms room shalt thou make in the ark and shall pitch it within and without with pitch okay so he's going to put pitch in there so whatever this pitch is pitch could be or it could be there are several people who have their own interpretations for this and me i don't know but one of it is could be referring to asphalt so then uh he could be probably using some asphalt here and then so he's trying to uh put it within the wood and then stick it all together all right we're going to uh look at verse 15 and this is the fashion which thou shalt make it up so when god says fashion it's obviously referring to the this is the manner or the example that you're going to do it so this is the example which uh you're going to make the ark all right what are you going to make of it the length of the arc so the length of it is going to be what 300 cubits so the length of it is 300 cubits the breadth of it 50 cubits and the height of it 30 cubits so he's going to make the length breadth and height of the qubits here now uh if we look at ezekiel chapter 43 verse 13 ezekiel 43 13. we see us some huge temple being built at the millennium that god's going to make in the future ethiopia chapter 43 and then we'll read verse 13. now this is where we get uh the definition of cubit here so some people are saying what is a cubit what is a cubit a cubit could be referring to a hand breath so in other words what the bible means by a hand breath some people are saying that it could be from here to here the elbow that's the idea about a cubit so about a man obviously a man's length so ezekiel chapter 43 verse 13 and these are the measures of the altar after the qubits okay so they're going by the qubits here the qubit is a cubit and a hand breath even the bottom shall be a cubit so you'll notice here that they talk about a hand breath now another example where we see about the qubit for some of you who don't know it could be the measurement when they say the measurement of a man it could be referring to the measurement of an angel for some of you who don't know so the bible sometimes shows that a cubic could be after the measurement or the manner of the angel himself so if we were going to go by an angel's length sometimes uh we wonder well how tall is an angel you know mohammed mentioned that he saw like i don't know so many feet tall angel with 200 wings or something like that so he must have saw some humongous big angel or so he claimed to have saw but uh it's taken then for granted that angels could be very large creatures they could be very tall creatures and dr rugman mentioned that it could be after the manner of those when we go back to genesis 6 when we go to genesis 6 here going back to genesis 6. if we were to go back at genesis chapter 6 notice that the bible talks about uh the measurement of a man right for a cubit the cubit is a measurement of a man but then who are the men at in genesis chapter six verse four there were notice what giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of god see there are your fallen angels came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them see these giants right so these giants were the same became mighty what men which were of old men every now look at that so then it could be it's very possible that their measurement during noah's time if they were going after the mat uh the measurement of man at that time it could be even a giant cuban so if we go by a giant's cubit then there is no doubt that the ark is big enough so the definition of a standard qubit would be 27 inches that would be the standard definition of a qubit but remember the definition of a man's measurement that time so remember it's after the measurement of a man right you'll notice some verses which i would encourage you you can search word it yourself cubit and man bible verse or something like that and then cubit it goes after the measurement of a man but when we go by genesis 6 it's very possible it could be following the context of the giants because their measurement that time were very tall people but the bible also shows the angel being the measurement of a man as well so this is very possible so that means that there's definitely plenty of space so then you get your current evolutionist professors all their favorite uh their favorite hobby horse to ride on all the time and to always kick is noah's ark noah's ark you can't fit all the animals in there noah's ark and etc now i don't know what noah's ark has to do with evolution or even with the creation of the universe even if you say noah's ark's story is bogus then we could go by a different story and then that doesn't disprove the existence of god but aside from that concerning about noah's ark there's no doubt that it was able to fit in everybody because we have to just think about the giant standard measurement that time as well and by the way concerning about the animals uh i'll explain that a little bit more later on all right about the animals let's go down to verse 16 now verse 16. a window shalt thou make to the ark okay so they have only one window so i have one window built over here so this one window shalt thou make to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above all right so god says you're going to make a window to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above so right above it what you're going to finish making and the top of the ark the above is going to be a window and it's going to be a cubit so then uh if we go by the giant standard measurement it could be longer than 27 inches but who knows and uh oh by the way so let me explain this part too so then if we were to talk about this uh one window as being their circulation then you can go oh i can't breathe or i'm going to die right so that might be one of the criticisms against noah's ark but there are two uh there are two possible interpretations to this uh the third one is uh non-scientific and crazy you know but i'll even include a third one there but the first one is this the first one is remember the atmosphere conditions were very different that time you got to realize they were leaving like a thousand years almost so then if the air change quality where it became a little bit heavier or a little bit unhealthy and that's why noah's family they were dying earlier years wouldn't be too much a big deal because you don't know you know how much true suffocation there was it there in the ark you don't know so you have to think about that one that's one and then number two uh you don't uh just because the bible mentions about one window that they built here's another explanation just because god mentioned about a window that he built and a door and what to make in the ark he didn't give further materials on what they should build in the ark either because i don't know about him mentioning i don't think he ever mentioned a roof here to noah's ark i never saw that right i don't think i see that anywhere in the verse right there so he never mentioned about a roof or he never mentioned about uh this park at the front of the boat or other stuff in a boat that i don't know what you ever put in a boat or an ark so what does that mean that means this it's very simple in the bible it's pretty obvious the lord doesn't give all the details sometimes the lord will just give what's important details that's pretty much it and then noah he could put what uh and then we don't know what other stuff noah built the ark i mean never mentioned what color noah painted the ark either right well you know it's probably a pink boat for all you know i don't know so we don't there's a lot of things to noah's ark that's not mentioned in here so we don't know if there were some circulation events or whatever so that's the second explanation the bible doesn't give every single detail and then the third thing is this third thing is god's god he can do whatever you want it's already a miracle that he survived with all those animals in a universal in a worldwide flood lord can do whatever he want man i mean you have to you know what's crazier than being inside the ark and surviving that he would rapture you from this earth all the way up to the third heaven within point zero zero zero zero one second like he did with enoch i mean that's absolutely insane and that's even more crazy that's even more unbelievable than noah and a bunch of animals surviving in the ark so the lord can do whatever he wants like one preacher said you know which is pretty funny like how do you fit all the animals in noah's ark and then he said well how do you not know noah had a laser gun and shrunk all the animals and they all fit inside noah's ark now he's being ridiculous but he had a but he was trying to point out that look it doesn't matter about where it doesn't fit your standard of logic or science because god's the one who created science and everything what is a miracle a miracle is something that's outside the definition of uh going of going by the laws of the universe itself of science itself so this is something suppose that the lord is supposed to do that's supposed to be a miracle you don't need to make scientific explanations for noah's ark if you do insert scientific explanations over there then it's not a godsend thing the flood all right let's look at genesis chapter six genesis chapter six all right so what else did noah make uh at verse 16 the middle of verse 16 says and the door of the ark so then he makes a door to the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof so then you'll notice from this drawing he puts a door over here at the side of the ark he sets it at the side of the ark with lower second and third story shout out make it so how noah's going to make the ark it's going to have a lower story a second story and a third story so it has three stories now uh there's a definitely a sermon application that you can put in right here now notice that let me explain it this way noah was able to get in the ark and be saved from the wicked earth out there and then god invites you to go through the door for your salvation and then his heaven consists of basically the bible says it's the third story now look at second corinthians chapter 12 say in corinthians chapter 12. there's a lot of similarity here let's look at second corinthians chapter 12. we're going to look at second corinthians chapter 12. and then we're going to look at verse 2 second corinthians chapter 12 and then we'll read verse 2. notice that paul when he went up to heaven the bible calls it third heaven third heaven second corinthians chapter 12 verse 2. i knew a man in christ above 14 years ago whether in the body i cannot tell or whether out of the body i cannot tell god know it such a one caught up to the what third heaven so in heaven there are three stories so then the what you notice is that uh the heaven where god lives that's the third heaven the second heaven would be referring to our current universe if you recall genesis one did you forget that yes it's chapter one go to genesis 1. that's your second heaven let's look at genesis chapter one our current universe where outer space is and then all the stuff going out there the so-called weird alien activity where satan and his minions are at let's look at genesis chapter one now notice at verse eight and god called the firmament so he called the firmament what heaven so he called firmament heaven was the firmament if you look at verse 16 uh verse 15 actually verse 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament see that of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so and god made two great lights and greater light to rule the day the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also see it's your current universe that's your second heaven your first heaven we're going to look at genesis chapter 7. genesis chapter 7. actually it is not here but uh it's okay it's not here but it is uh within isaac's promise let me find it quickly i can find it real quickly here so isaac he gave a promise and a blessing to jacob and that would be a genesis chapter 27 genesis 27 so i'm pretty sure it's genesis 27 let me find it quickly okay yes genesis 27 28 genesis 27 28 that's your current atmosphere that's your first heaven your first heaven is your atmosphere the bible says genesis 27 28 therefore god give thee of the dew see that of heaven so god called where the dew comes from heaven so we see that our current atmosphere condition would be the first heaven all right go back to genesis 6. so there are three stories representing heaven and salvation but the bible says there's a door right one door now you'll notice uh this is a great sermon right here you're gonna notice at verse 12 mankind went their own way right but god jesus said i showed you at john 14 there's only one way one way to heaven and that's why jesus said i am the door so we're going to look at john 10 john 10. jesus declared himself to be the door now there's something very important you want to understand about scripture one thing you want to note about scripture is that whenever god gives instructions he's giving them for a reason and he likes to follow some kind of meaning behind it your god's that type of god if you don't if you didn't realize that about your god then you haven't been walking with him long enough there's one thing i know about god is that any funny thing he does in my life he has some kind of meaning or plan behind it which is one of the most annoying things about god when you're a child of god there's some kind of special meaning behind it lord you're trying to teach me something but that's god's way of doing things he's our constant teacher why because he gave that promise from the holy spirit that he'll teach us all things that's supposed to be a promise but at the same time it can be annoying if you're honest all right john chapter 10 we'll look at verse one what did jesus declare himself to be verily verily i say unto you he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climate that some other way see just like genesis 6 they went their own ways the same is a thief and a robber so god doesn't like that but he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep isn't jesus a shepherd and where his sheep he plainly says that verse 9 verse 9 i am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture that's why noah was saved that was his salvation that's why he had to build an ark why because god gave a promise at john 10 i'm the door so god gave that instruction to noah for a reason i mean the lord could have done so many gazillion things to know god could have just told noah make a battleship or something or a spaceship you know or underground tunnel or something like that why did he tell him to build a boat an ark so he did that for a reason because there's a door right here and three stories that he wanted to make you want to give him some meaning you'll notice that he is the shepherd uh at john chapter 10 he declares two verses down verse 11 i am the good shepherd i am the good shepherd noah was definitely uh quote unquote the shepherds so to speak taking care of a bunch of animals in his ark right there's a lot of hidden meaning you can find here when god gave instruction to noah all right we're going to end it here it's now 11 30. so let's close it with the word of prayer god my father i pray that today's teachings were a blessing to the hearers made us more understanding of your ways and your workings and your plans on how you operate behind our lives and every word in that precious holy book such an eye-opening book it teaches us so many things about mankind's nature and about ourselves that we don't know in jesus name i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 79,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king james bible, dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, Right doctrine
Id: LDZCZqh_3oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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