Pyramid and The Stars | Dr. Gene Kim

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pyramid and the stars pyramid and the stars it's going to be a very interesting teaching so we know that satan when he builds up his pyramid it's supposed to represent something and then i believe that when we see how the pyramid it tries to predict and follow basically pyramid is scripture pyramid is scripture to the demonic offspring to the demonic beings the pyramid tries to predict follow the pattern of what how the scriptures operate how the lord moves and works so that's why you got to realize this that's why the devil he knows about the future that there's going to be a messiah and that he knows that jesus christ that he is the messiah and he knows what the prophecy has spoken about jesus and his coming and his kingdom the devil knows all of that so because of that he has knowledge himself and he puts all of that knowledge in the pyramids now the pyramids it is said that there's a story from the egyptians how they were able to build their pyramids is that it first started from this small little thing where it looks like a small pyramid i think i forgot what they called a ben 10 or something like that and from this small little pyramid structure or device this small thing is probably maybe this tall or something that's when the whole creation and the earth was formed that's how egyptians claim their creation is that from the small little pyramid thus the earth and everything was born from off of it now why do they teach that because look at job chapter 38 the bible says at verse 4 where was thou when i laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou hast understanding who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who has stretched the line upon it whereupon are the foundations that are fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning star sang together and all the sons of god shouted for joy now notice right here that the bible reads that the sons of god that they were there when god laid the foundation for the earth right when the earth was created and formed those sons of god saw what god did but when they saw god building that earth it came with certain structures they saw the foundation of the earth laid out and had lines being measured and then here's the big one corner stone now when you look at all this wording notice this fits well with the pyramid look at that right there i have a cornerstone lines measured and foundation god did that for the earth if those sons of god are the ones who build the pyramids and you heard me teach that quite often before if those sons of god were the ones building the pyramids why they do that because they saw how god built his earth so when they saw god how he built his earth and those egyptians claimed how the earth was all created was from the small little pyramid and that's why those egyptians prized that small pyramid and that's why they built bigger pyramids though that small little pyramid was so one that laid the foundation for a lot of larger structures of the pyramids why because of those sons of god they want to build something because from what they saw in god's creation long ago that's why they built the pyramid why because they saw how god created the earth and the pyramid is supposed to imitate something that god did it's to follow the pattern of how god did his creation if you watch my other video pyramid shape of the universe pyramid shape of the universe that's going to be very eye-opening that's how all god's creation is revolved around it's a pyramid shape that's why the sons of god built it so yeah i think those sons of god they were the ones that would make sense with those giants that they produced and the knowledge that they had they would be the ones capable for building the pyramids why so because of job 37 job 37 they're the ones that saw god how he created his earth and all of his creation is follows a pyramid pattern those sons of god saw it that's why they have the wisdom to do it and that's the reason why when you look at those pyramids today for some weird reason they just line up accurately with certain stars and patterns of the universe how can people who are uncivilized and people from the old days ever uh follow that kind of method without such advanced technology it's because of those sons of god that's why so that's the reason why i would believe that the sons of god are responsible for building the pyramids but here's uh something else that's interesting about the pyramids let's look at revelation 12 revelation chapter 12. revelation chapter 12. notice that when we look at revelation chapter 12 this being he's going to come out during the tribulation and in the tribulation he's going to try to conquer god up in heaven but obviously he falls apart and he fails let's look at revelation chapter 12. the bible says at verse 3 and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a gray red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head and his tail do drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth so notice right here if there is somebody who has knowledge of the universe and the stars up there that would be satan the dragon because his tale drew a third of those stars he definitely has access he definitely knows now for some of you who don't know which is extremely interesting about the pyramids one of their windows where it lines up it follows one of the certain stars up there and one of the stars that the pyramid windows is trying to aim for is believe it or not the head most important part is the dragon the star of the dragon why does satan want why does satan want the pyramid to face toward him i wonder why does he want all the attention and worship because he thinks he's important that's why he believes that he's an important creature he wants the universe to revolve around him so the pyramid that is intensely interesting it shows demonic activity then behind this it shows that the sons of god would definitely know that and they tried to point out to satan over there it makes you wonder why would certain pyramids aim towards certain stars in the universe could it be when revelation chapter 12 verse 3 that satan cast the stars down to the earth they might be landing toward their home down here after that battle in the tribulation who knows but satan there's no doubt he's trying to reach up for god when he's building these pyramids look at isaiah 14 isaiah chapter 14 satan's job is to go high follow certain star patterns so that why he can attain godhood basically beat god at his game that's why the pyramid structure is built where it's facing it's trying to point up up that satan's mentality when you look at isaiah chapter 14 and verse 12 heart thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning art thou cut down to the ground which this week in the nations for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above notice the stars of god so god's stars he wants his throne to go above it that's why he's directly aiming for the stars for some weird reason let's keep reading i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north isn't that interesting he wants to sit in the sides of the north mount of the congregation why do you think satan built something like a mount over here and the sides they try to point toward the north there's no doubt the pyramids that they were built it screams of demonic activity there's no doubt about it satanic elements that's what satan wants when the pyramid is built you got to think about it these architects and these people had something in their mind when they were building that and their mindset notice follows isaiah 14. that kind of mindset hit toward the stars sides of the north hit the mount it matches up very well over there i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high i wonder who follows that mentality go to genesis go to the book of genesis chapter 11 genesis chapter 11. now when people talk about pyramids in the bible some people are wondering where is pyramid when where are pyramids mentioned in the bible so pyramid the word pyramid is not mentioned in the bible but there is something very interesting that the lord points out all right when you study the history of the pyramids when they study the history of the pyramids they say it was supposed to how they were able to build the pyramids is because first you had those cigarettes and those ziggurats once they had those first then they later were able to follow along with the pyramids but if you look at those ziggurats those things which are like uh it kind of looks funny when you look at those cigarettes what do they kind of look like well you know if you were to look at those things let's see it kind of looked like a tower of babel maybe did you notice that right there looks like a tower of babel that's the history of the pyramids they say and i'm talking about secular historians too i'm not talking about scriptural people but now let's get on the theological side you know what's interesting in the theological side is that what the hebrews and obviously they didn't use the word pyramid in their language the word that they would use is miguel mignolet when you look up that word in your bible migdol guess what the first mention tower of babel genesis how about that huh that's what they would call the pyramids in hebrew is mignol but the first mention of that isn't interesting is the tower of babel why satan tried to do something and then the egyptians followed along at genesis 11 what is satan trying to do it's pretty obvious isaiah 14 i want to hit the stars build on the sides of the north hit the mountain mount of god i want to be like the most high genesis 11 look at the bible what it says right here verse four and they said go to let us build us a city and a what tower there's your hebrew migdal right there who's taught me what reach unto heaven isn't that isaiah 14. i'm going to go up ascend to heaven that's what lucifer said and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth why do you think god went to ruin the tower then he don't like what they're doing he don't like what this pyramid is doing why because he doesn't see it as just a tall building he sees something more they're trying to hit some it's demonic mindset trying to attain godhood that's what they're trying to do let me show you something interesting too the bible doesn't mention pyramid but it does mention its element all right keep your hand at genesis 11. i want you to go to the book of exodus all right go to the book of exodus those jews when they were in bondage under pharaoh you know what they were doing they were helping in the construction of the pyramids and the smaller structures in egypt look at the book of exodus and we'll look at chapter 5 chapter 5. exodus chapter 5. you know how we know that they were building the pyramids it's because of the ingredients they used what was the ingredients used for the pyramids what they had to use was definitely those bricks and you know when they use those bricks the josephus it is very interesting what he mentioned is that those jews what they were doing when they were building those uh using those bricks creating bricks was creating the pyramids for the pharaohs so this is where you get your mention your indication of the pyramid the closest would be exodus chapter 5 verse 6 and pharaoh commanded the same day the task masters of the people and their officers saying you shall give no more the people straw to make brick as heretofore let them go and gather straw for themselves and the tail of the bricks which they did make heretofore ye shall lay upon them ye shall not diminish ought thereof so how about that those jews they were using the bricks to create those pyramids but guess what that is not your first mention of mankind using man-made element bricks to create some kind of man-made tower or pyramid you know what the first mention of that is genesis 11. go back there that that's not of god god was what it was god made nature when god told noah to build a what an ark not a tower not a pyramid he wanted him to build an ark using his natural elements from the trees from his creation not man-made right here why do you think the altar god doesn't want a man-made he wants it natural uncut stones look at genesis chapter 11. read right here first mention who taught them that i wonder you ever thought about that who taught them that genesis chapter 11. could satan have done something behind the scenes through nimrod makes you wonder verse 3 verse 3 and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them truly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower those egyptians learned this something they had some previous knowledge from somewhere all the way back satan he's trying to do something he's trying to connect to the heavens makes you wonder what he's doing okay now in the tribulation what's going to happen all right i want you to go to isaiah 19 and revelation 11. isaiah 19 and revelation 11. i want you to go to isaiah 19 and revelation chapter 11. now this one is only a possibility this is not uh something that's truth or doctrine this is something that's possible because remember isaiah 14 satan he tried to do something and there's no doubt when you look at the when they try to create the tower of babel it's imitating the pyramid right can we agree with that all right there's no doubt about that the mentality of the tower of babel is the same as isaiah 14. can we agree with that yes let's reach up to heaven when we build this pyramid now when satan says that isaiah 14 you got to realize this for some of you who don't know isaiah 14 part of that passage doctrinally applies to the tribulation part of that passage applies to the tribulation you might say why because god says yet thou shalt be brought down to hell and all the nations are going to see you fall and burning in hell that's undoubtedly tribulation timeline this didn't happen right now or a long time ago so this is future so there's a partial application there that's for the tribulation if that mentality of satan that we're going to build something that will reach up to heaven is in the future tribulation and that was the mentality when they built that pyramid and the tower of babel could it be that in the tribulation they might build some kind of pyramid when the antichrist sets up his kingdom in jerusalem it might be possible why because look what the bible says in revelation chapter 11 the antichrist in verse 7 and when they shall have finished their testimony the beast the antichrist that ascendeth out the bombless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which is jerusalem right which spiritually is called what sodom and what why would god call it egypt where also our lord was crucified jerusalem why would god call it egypt unless something egyptian is going to go on over there isn't that interesting could be satan might be trying to do that why because he has unfinished business at genesis 11 that god ruined he's like i'm gonna continue it we're gonna make sure that we're one world you scattered us in different languages but we got google now we got youtube we got facebook we got we're international we got the united nations you know we got uh everybody in line we got the eu we got unesco we got everybody we're all in it together you can't stop us now and we're gonna continue where you ruined us god we're going to continue where we left off we're going to build it up and we're going to fight you we're going to battle you and god's like right so they're going to do something with this connection right here look at isaiah 19. now here's something that's very interesting it could also it could also be this is that when satan sets up his egypt in jerusalem there's going to be the people in egypt who are going to feel hurt and betrayed by the antichrist or they're going to seek after god and that's going to happen in the tribulation there's going to be some people in egypt that are going to seek after god and when they do this guess what they're going to do just like what their civilization has done they're going to try to build some kind of tower as well or altar look at isaiah chapter 19 verse 18 isaiah 19 verse 18. the bible says in that day shall five cities in the land of egypt speak the language of canaan and swear to the lord of hosts one shall be called the city of destruction in that day shall there be an altar to the lord in the midst of the land of egypt and the pillar at the border thereof to the lord so there's this tall thing that's pointing upward then that they're building some kind of pillar thing and they're going to build it to the lord in the land of egypt verse 20 and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the lord of hosts in the land of egypt so this has to connect to god then whatever this thing they're building it has to connect to god up there it's supposed to be a witness that ties to him why isn't that interesting the bible says the heavens declare the glory of god those are the stars up here that they're supposed to show god's glory could it be that they're building a structure that might connect to the stars to try to be a witness to the lord since the heavens are his glory and if that's the case could it be then that there may be building a pyramid or they're reclaiming one of the pyramids over there and claim it for the lord could it be if we keep reading [Music] for they shall cry unto the lord because of the oppressors and he shall send them a savior and a great one and he shall deliver them there's jesus christ he's gonna come down be the savior for egypt during the last days when the antichrist takes over how about that so it could be they might be building a pyramid or they might just reclaim one of their pyramids over there and then change it for the lord so that's very pop so that might be possible that is intensely interesting okay so understanding all this what we know so far is that these things supposed to connect to the heavens then the stars the celestial bodies if the pyramids are supposed to connect to these stars and the celestial bodies why are they doing that because they're trying to follow god's pattern and his ways what you got to realize throughout the scriptures the stars and the pattern the celestial bodies in our universe each and every one of them symbolize something and prophesy something of what's going to happen to us in the future you didn't know that huh that's so the scriptures will show you how it ties to celestial bodies that give a prophecy about us and about our future so satan that's why he had to build his scripture right here to tie to celestial bodies to imitate the prophecy and the future and guess what the prophecy in the future in the end is that they tie it to dragon satan he's going to win he's going to be on top not jesus christ but god says it differently look at the book of peter here's another mention in your bible look at the book of first peter chapter one first peter chapter one and then we'll read verse six first peter chapter one and then we'll read verse 6. jesus christ he sees himself as the chief cornerstone and when jesus christ is the chief cornerstone yes he's the foundation for the bottom all right but it also applies to the top two and that's referring to the top at that pyramid over there jesus christ he's saying no i'm the top but notice that the pyramids they want to connect to satan as being the top if you don't believe me look at this one the bible says first peter chapter 1 verse 5 jesus christ right the last part of verse 5 jesus christ what is jesus christ verse 6 wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold i lay inside a cheap cornerstone it's a cornerstone the pyramids in egypt they all refer to this as a cornerstone but this cornerstone is not like a it can refer to foundation bottom i realize for buildings but not in this case because keep reading here the bible says chief cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the coroner and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient we're unto also they were appointed you know what the bible also says it's gonna grind them to powder that's what the bible shows it's gonna grind them to powder that stone so it shows right here if it's going to be something like that if we go back at uh ah well i'll just say daniel chapter 4 and then verse 44 daniel chapter 2 verse 44 through 45 we're not going to read it for time's sake daniel chapter 2 verse 44 through 45. so it's the bible talks about stone cut out of the mountain see that there's no doubt this matches with the pyramid and then what it breaks into pieces how can a foundation at the bottom do that foundation stone it has to be something from the top that falls and then crushes them grinds them to powder all right how about that so then that's what jesus christ sees himself but then satan wants that pyramid to imitate him that's why you got that all-seeing eye at the back of your dollar bill you got the masons masonry connected to that and by the way the people involved in the building of the pyramids secular historians would say are masons that's why freemasons took that name for themselves as their rel as their cult and their society name it's all tied it's all tied right here there's so many interesting references so then if jesus christ sees himself as the chief cornerstone and then the script and he ties himself to celestial bodies again the bible says the heavens declare the glory of god so then it's he connects himself to the heavenly bodies then i wonder how the scripture shows how each celestial body represents this is fun all right let's start out at the beginning at the beginning the timeline of jesus shall we go to numbers 24 and matthew 2. numbers 24 and matthew 2. again the bible says the heavens declare the glory of god right let's see how each celestial body represents god's glory and symbolize god's glory it gives a prophet it gives a prophecy each celestial body now i'm not referring to astrology that's something that satan wants to do he wants to read the signs in the heavens and then produce some kind of prophecy and stuff like that that's not the idea the idea is this is that god created each celestial body to symbolize and to picture and represent something that's supposed to fulfill prophecy found in his scripture that's the idea so look at this now we're going to look at book of numbers chapter 24 and let's start with the timeline of jesus let's start out with one star a very important star and that's called the star out of jacob star out of jacob and that is what the birth of jesus christ all right look at numbers chapter 24. notice it's known as the star out of jacob the bible reads uh let's let's see right here numbers chapter 24 and then read verse 19 out of jacob shall come he that shall have dominion and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city who is this one out of jacob verse 17 i shall see him but not now i shall behold him but not nigh there shall come a star out of jacob and a scepter shall rise out of israel that's obviously jesus star out of jacob matthew 2 2. the birth of jesus the king was born matthew 2 2 a star out of jacob matthew 2 2 saying where is he that is born king of the jews for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him so a star comes out of jacob and then when we see this star out of jacob jesus christ died on the cross we know that he died and then thus began the church age right when the church age started right here god called this the night look at romans 13 romans 13. we start out with the star out of jacob star of jacob and now what we come next is the night the church is known as the moon look at john chapter 1 john chapter 1. here we go the queen of the night or the empress of the night look at romans 13 and john chapter one notice that uh we are not our own light we're reflecting the light from jesus right the moon is what it doesn't have its own light it's supposed to reflect the light from the sun jesus is known as the sun so en as well as the sun s-u-n we all know that take it for granted at malachi 4 if you don't believe me but if that's the case that's why we reflect the light of jesus and the moon reflects the light from the sun so let's look at john chapter 1. i said the bible says at verse uh verse four excuse me verse four in him was life and the life was the light of man so we carry that light and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not notice we people carry the light from jesus and it shines in darkness that's your moon look at uh verse 8 he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light jesus which lighteth every man that cometh into the world that's us so then we reflect the light so that's the church now that believe on jesus christ and we're in the time of the night look at romans 13 romans 13. as you can see i like to keep saying this your bible study is so boring it is so boring there's nothing to learn off of this let's look at romans chapter 13. the bible says right here at verse 12. the night is what far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light notice that paul's saying that we christians are in the night we are in the night and the night's almost over and what we are in the night let's look at the book of mark chapter 13 mark chapter 13. you know what you and i are we're watchers we're supposed to watch for jesus to come for us to rapture us right and when we watch for him we have to be watching on certain parts of the night right here mark chapter 13 and then read verse 35 watchy therefore you know there are watchers of the night i don't know if you knew that there are those watchers of the night that's why they'll call out at the night those watchers but we are the watchers as well but look at this for ye know not when the master of the house cometh so when jesus our master comes for us to rapture us at even uh or at midnight or at the crowing or in the morning there are your four watches so we're in the first watch right here which is evening and this is going by the jewish clock as well jewish timeline they go like this in the bible so they have a first watch which is not like our clock system it goes from six to nine then we go to the second watch which is midnight over here and that goes from 9 to 12 9 to 12. then we get to the third watch over here and the third watch is the crowing and the crawling will be from 12 to 3 12 to 3 and then the fourth watch which is the morning the morning which will be uh from let's see right here three to six three to six we go through the night all of a sudden go to second peter one [Music] second peter chapter one and then i want you to go to second peter chapter one as well as [Music] first corinthians one first corinthians one now we hit day star the day star comes and that is your rapture your rapture look at second peter chapter one notice that the bible says at verse 19 so what are we doing we're walking by faith not by sight faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god so the church we christians are living by the word of god right until until a specific time so the church keeps living by the word of god until what we get raptured right the bible shows we're living by the word of god until the day star arises like a second peter chapter 1 verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy where unto ye do well that he take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place right at the night we're going by the moonlight and we're going by the word until a specific day until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts until that day star comes that day right first corinthians 1 that day is the coming of jesus christ when he raptures us first corinthians chapter 1 look at verse 7 verse 7 first corinthians chapter one verse seven so that he come behind in no gift waiting for what the coming of our lord jesus christ who shall also confirm you unto the end that ye may be blameless in the what day of our lord jesus christ yeah jesus christ has a day that's why it's called the day star now look at first corinthians 15. first corinthians 15. you know what happens to us at the rapture we become the stars following this day star that's what happens to us at the rapture we are the stars that follow along look at first corinthians chapter 15 isn't that the famous rapture past rapture passage look at the book of first corinthians chapter 15. the famous rapture passage the bible says that verse let's see right here first corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality that's our rapture passage right in our rapture we receive this resurrection and what does god call this resurrection go to the verse 40 verse 40. there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrials but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead see at the rapture we become the stars but notice that the bible says the stars differ from another star in glory why are we all different in our levels of shining is there something where christians distinguish each other on different levels on what they do first corinthians three first corinthians three hence now we come to the judgment seat of christ the judgment seat of christ is what it's one star different another star in glory so that's the star differing star different from another star so then all these different stars you see outside that shine differently act differently stuff like that there's your judgment seat of christ we can accurately say that look at first corinthians chapter three the bible says at verse 12 now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones would hate stubble every man's work shall be made manis manifest for the day shall declare it remember right that day and the day star that we go up because it shall be revealed by fire so this day is gonna show this day star this day is going to reveal those other stars by fire their differences and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is how about that the quality of every man's work is going to be tried as they are a star during that day star how about that and by the way let me give you a bonus right here you remember how the foundation right of the pyramid is supposed to connect to the stars is it interesting that the bible gives that reference at verse 11 for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid if you build upon this foundation verse 12 gold silver precious stones how about that isn't that interesting we're tied to pyramids too how about that no wonder satan wants to build his pyramid because he sees something what we're going to become what jesus is doing and he's trying to imitate all of that now let me show you another one look at the book of uh revelation 9 daniel 12 daniel chapter 12. daniel chapter 12. and we're going to look at daniel chapter 12 verse 1. daniel chapter 12 verse 3 excuse me daniel chapter 12 verse 3. notice right here that we come across wow there's just uh i'm going to have to i don't have room over here so i'm going to have to let's see blah blah blah yeah i'm going to have to just put put it over here then okay so notice that now we got the star different from another star in glory but then now the stars that shine now we got the stars that shine in their glory in their fullness of it the stars that shine look at daniel chapter 12 we'll read verse 3 and they that be wise isn't that you and i shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever it's the stars fullness in their glory is there something that will happen in the future where the stars will shine in its full glory yes look at revelation 19 the marriage supper of the lamb because why the white have made herself ready she is shining in her full splendor how about that so now we got the marriage supper of the lamb that's when the stars shine now we got shining stars now shining stars so here they are at the marriage supper of the lamb up there that book's an amazing book i'll tell you that much man the book meets more than meets the eye look at revelation chapter 19. look at the wording right here she is ready she's in her full splendor and glory she's shining revelation 19 verse 7 let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the lamb is come and his what wife had made herself ready and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is a righteousness of saints see she's in her full glory she is shining dazzling all right then we go down to the book of malachi chapter four malachi chapter four excuse me matthew 24 matthew 24 matthew 24 oh my is it already this time i gotta wrap it up then okay okay so then we got the rapture and then obviously what's going on over here is the tribulation that man of sin is revealed and then the tribulation what happens to the weather pattern here the sun is darkened the moon is darkened everything is dark we got the night with the moon but this one is just dark now we come here the darkest hour before the dawn that's the tribulation the tribulation is the darkest hour but before the dawn why because compare that with malachi as well malachi 4 the dawn the sunrise is jesus christ's second coming but before then it's going through a very very dark hour and that's the tribulation all right let's look at matthew chapter 24. notice what the bible says at verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the star shall fall from heaven the power of the heavens shall be shaken see its darkness but then just before the dawn look at malachi 4 malachi 4. here's your sunrise sunrise is the second advent the second advent sunrise is your second advent the bible says in malachi chapter 4 we'll read verse 2 but unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in these wings and what verse 3 he destroys the wicked the antichrist people at verse 3. all right we're also going to go to the book of matthew chapter 13. matthew chapter 13. and then we're going to jump to second peter three we have to uh jump to these places i want to get you out of here okay i don't want you to stay late again so i want to respect time go to second peter three and then the last uh the last one well we're gonna go to four places okay second peter three and then we're going to go to revelation 20 revelation 20 and then we're gonna go to uh uh proverbs chapter oh well actually no we'll just go to three places all right and then the other two verses i'll just quote it to you all right we'll do it that way all right let's go to first peter three and then second peter excuse me second peter three revelation 20 and then matthew chapter 13 verse 4. then we come to the millennium when god sets up his kingdom on the earth when god sets up his kingdom on the earth the bible says that it's going to be bright day it's going to be a good day it's going to be the full or millennial day the bible says verse 42 verse 43 then shall the righteous shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their father so we come to the full millennial day all right but then what happens is that day it's going to hit the very heat of the day all right go to the book of second peter chapter three now you're going to hit the heat of the day over here so the millennium is the full day right here full shiny day and over here is what it is when heaven and earth burns up the end of the millennium and god and notice right here so this would be the oh the renovation of the earth the earth destroyed by fire all right the destruction of heaven and earth and this is referred to as the heat of the day notice at the book of second peter chapter three the bible says here yeah i just lost my place here okay the bible says verse 10 but the day right of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with great noise and the elements shall melt with what fervent heat the earth also in the works hour therein shall be burned up now go to revelation 20. revelation 20 you come to the great white throne judgment after god sends that fire down from heaven if you don't believe me revelation chapter 20 verse 7 through 11 that's what happened earth and heaven destroyed at the at that fire then you come to the great white throne judgment and the great white throne judgment what happens there is no day no night there is no day and there is no night why because it fled away night and day fled away look at revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and i saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and then we concluded off with where the bible reads at the you can write these two passages down but it will be revelation chapter 21 all right and 22 and then the second passage is proverbs chapter 4 verse 18. proverbs 4 18. you know what the bible says that proverbs 4 18 that when a person becomes more and more righteous and things become more and more holy it calls it the perfect day but the path of the justice as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day what happens now is outside of all of this we finally hit a plane of perfect day what is the perfect day if you read revelation 21 and 22 there is no doubt everything is perfect and every there is no night there and that everything is perfect and the just is shining more and more just like proverbs chapter 4 i mentioned so what do we see right here about the pyramids and the stars man do you see prophecy here starts out with the star of jacob when jesus christ was born and then it we hit the night time where we hit the church age the queen of the night and we're reflecting the light of jesus christ as the moon going through four watches waiting when our jesus christ will return within these four watches and then finally the day star comes jesus christ comes up for us and then we get raptured up to heaven becoming his stars we are stars that differ from another star in glory why because of the judgment seat of christ where all of our qualities differ in our work and then during that time we down there the tribulation is going through the darkest hour before the dawn the darkest hour before the dawn excuse me why because over there the sun moon and everything blotted out in the meantime the marriage supper of the lamb is going on because the stars are the ones that are shining the stars that shine and the wife has made herself ready she is shining and glowing and because it's called darkest hour before the dawn for the tribulation that must mean the second advent is the dawn according to malachi chapter 4 when jesus christ comes down slaughters his enemy that is sunrise and then the sun will be in its full aspect at the full day the sun shining for a thousand years at the millennium but pretty soon that sun's going to set and the sun's gonna fall it's going to be the heat of the day and that heat of the day the earth and the heaven will be destroyed that is quite a sunset over there and then what happens is at the great white throne judgment no day and no night and then finally we hit the perfect day there's your king james bible right there let's close with the word of prayer god my father i pray tonight's teaching was a blessing to the hearers in jesus name i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 20,481
Rating: 4.9034748 out of 5
Keywords: bible believer, dispensationalism, pyramids of egypt, second advent, keystone, chief cornerstone, brick, daystar, birth of Jesus, north, signs in the stars bible, sons of God, bible study, end times, revelation, tower of babel, revelation explained, biblical prophecy, king james only, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, Right doctrine, Egypt, The millennial kingdom, star of Jacob
Id: 7WFkTuwNaXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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