The Antichrist and Afghanistan | Dr. Gene Kim

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all right a lot of you have heard about the situation going on with afghanistan and of course you know our president did such a brilliant job with that that cnn nbc fox news and everybody just negatively spoke ill of our president that's how much of a good job he did he was very capable he was very smart guy all right everyone give him a clapping clap of hand all right but in uh during the fall of afghanistan where the u.s troops had to withdraw and then the whole world fell into chaos and the taliban took over sometimes we're wondering what's going on now i believe that events like this is important believe it or not events like this are important where it would actually lead to the antichrist upcoming kingdom to the last days for some of you who didn't know that so for some of you who didn't know this is all important so that the scriptures can be fulfilled later on on its intentions on what afghanistan will play its role in the bible and how also it will tie to the antichrist so i'm going to talk to you tonight about the antichrist and afghanistan the antichrist in afghanistan there are some interesting passages over here that i noticed concerning that the first thing that i want to look at concerning about some of the references uh in when we compare the word of god here to the taliban and afghanistan there are some interesting references okay first of all afghanistan it is mentioned in your bible believe it or not so it is mentioned in your bible but not its name all right but its location is pointed out in your bible first chronicles 5 is the key all right if you look at first chronicles chapter 5 the word of god reads at verse 26 when the children of israel they were taken into captivity they were carried out and scattered throughout a region in afghanistan area the bible says in verse 26 and the god of israel stirred up the spirit of paul king of assyria and the spirit of tilgat pilger king of assyria and he carried them away even the reubenites and the gadites and the half tribe of manasseh and brought them unto hala and haber and hara and to the river what goes on gozan unto this day it's the river gozan that you want to know you might say what's important about the river gozan in the river goes in it's the one that divides where north afr uh the north of afghanistan is located okay and the children of israel it shows right here that they were scattered throughout that region and actually there is historical evidence which is insanely interesting that the jews when they were scattered due to the assyrian and babylonian captivities that scattered jews they had to hit toward afghanistan area and the bible shows that it was very very likely why because that's where they were scattered at first chronicles 5 right there up to the river gozan and that's where north afghanistan would be located but here's another example we're going to look at second kings chapter 17. ii kings chapter 17. the bible mentions again there's no doubt when we look at the scriptures here that the jews because the bible's focus is on the jews it doesn't have interest on other nations can i repeat that again the bible doesn't really have an interest on other nations other nations they won't mention them by name or put them in an abstract way if there's a nation that directly deals with israel at that time then the lord says you got my attention that's the reason why afghanistan is not mentioned in your bible but the only reason why i would have an interest is because it's locality where the jews would touch if it weren't for the jews you would not make it in your history books how about that all right a lot of people won't like that one saying kings chapter 17 verse 6 in the ninth year of hoshea the king of assyria took samaria and carried israel away into assyria and placed them hala and in habur by the river of gozan and in the cities of the medes so we see again that the scripture reads that they went over there look at second kings 18 saying kings 18 and isaiah 37 we're going to look at second kings chapter 18 and we're going to look at isaiah 37. notice that when raptuka he tried to conquer the jews he mentioned about their conquest that would hit toward the region of nor north afghanistan area okay look at it again we're going to look at isaiah isaiah chapter 37 verse 12 first okay the bible says here have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as what gosan and haran and rizef and the children of eden which were in tel assad look at second kings chapter 18 verse 11 verse 11. the bible reads and the king of assyria did carry away israel unto assyria and put them in hala and in habur by the river of gozan and the cities of the means okay so that's where we see the mention in your bible about afghanistan but there's something that i want you to note as well if we were to say that let's let's assume let's assume that the bible never said that they hit north afghanistan it just hit the part of the river of ghosan now when i look at gozan and isaiah 37 i would be inclusive of afghanistan but let's even take out the region the region even if you uh take out the region itself it's not going to neglect a powerful thing that you have to keep in mind and that is the people the people who were into afghanistan but there's no doubt from dna genetics and history where people through this migration they would spread out if you give it a thousand years they definitely reach afghanistan there's no doubt about that so these people who hit the river goes and there's no doubt they eventually hit afghanistan there's no doubt about that i'm going to give you a big bomber later on all right which is intensely interesting okay this is found by scholars and secular sources as well but there's a group of people that you want to know and these are called the pashtun pashtun now pashtun these people if you study their history it is intensely interesting these are people that later inhabited afghanistan and they have a history you know what their history is with okay there's no doubt when you uh look at iran and then afghanistan especially if you look at your map they're like uh close door neighbors so they have very close relationships why they share a history their history is they they were in between each other they were uh so to speak they were assimilated with each other when you go back back in history and if you look at their language it becomes way more apparent persian didn't you know that iran is supposed to be what the bible called persia back then and even in secular history it was called persia for quite a long time then it changed its name to iran but then what you have to realize is that the pashtuns when you go back to their history it is intensely interesting that they would say that their language is actually persian persian now i know that they would talk about uh there are like different dialects and they would divide it to pashto and dari but actually most of the people they would actually claim who speak the dialect and the language from afghanistan they would call it persian believe it or not it's all basically political play which is why they want to make a distinction but believe it or not again let me repeat that again is that there's a good number of people from afghanistan who would actually say that it's persian they would call it persian intensely interesting right why because they have they share a history with persia they share a history with persia and your bible shows that too you might say really look at your bible again look at second kings 18. did you read that verse 11 look at this and the king of assyria did carry away israel unto assyria and put them in hala and in habur by the river of gozan in the cities of the who meeds look at that i pointed out that north afghanistan would be right there where the river goes and is but they deliberately now called it the city of the medes you know what that is that's the media persian empire media persia so that's where you can see the relationship in your bible how you're going to see afghanistan have a play in the part of end times is this what's going on with the taliban and everything they're doing is just building up where it could possibly lead if they have that relationship with iran or persia then when they team up together perhaps then they could be used as the antichrist government and the antichrist could do that so that's how afghanistan could be tied to the antichrist why it's through persia it could be done through persia we're going to look at not ezekiel first but let's look at the book of no we'll do ezekiel first we'll go to ezekiel 38. ezekiel 38 there is no doubt that the bible focuses on persia for the end times after the millennium after the antichrist kingdom falls god's going to set up a 1 000 year kingdom and then what happens is these people aren't happy with god's kingdom so persia they're going to try to fight against god actually so they're going to try to fight against god and battle it out and try to conquer his kingdom and that's where i told you last time that in the millennium muslim nations will be involved muslim nations will be involved when they verse against god's kingdom they're going to attack god's city jerusalem look at ezekiel chapter 38 this is going to happen this is famously called the war of gog and magog and that's going to happen at the end times ezekiel chapter 38 notice verse 2 son of man set thy face against gog the land of magog the chief prince of meshech and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus saith the lord god behold i am against thee oh gog the chief prince of meshech and tubal all right whoever gog and magog is the point is you want to look at verse 5 who follows along as the bad guys persia see that ethiopia and libya with them all of them with shield and helmet now if you want to find a common thread with persia ethiopia and libya libya in the end times why would they team up together in the end times what's a common thread there is one if you think about one religion and that religion is islam if you think about islam that can be the tying thread to why persia would team up with ethiopia and libya now let me show you something else that's interesting these are people that are going to verse against gog and magog but i also want to show another interesting thing is that these people if you remember my teaching last time at revelation these are the same nations that go against god but we're also nations that are considered rogue nations they didn't join the antichrist united nations so that where you see the taliban there's no way that these are people that want to go along with the antichrist united nations however they do play a part in end times that supports the devil's method if you look at revelation 20 satan is leading these people actually if you read revelation 20. so there's still a satanic force you might say really these people are rogue the bible won't mention this guy the bible will mention this guy with the antichrist actually but then if we think about their rogue their rogue people going along with these rogue nations then we can see that they would be the ones qualified as rogue nations so they persia might still play a part in the tribulation against the antichrist u.n kingdom by joining these two nations because some of the their own people might go rogue and join them you might say why because ezekiel 38 shows they teamed up here which is kind of strange why would they team up unless persia's people who sided with the antichrist were already wiped out that could be it but let me show you one by one why ethiopia and libya don't join look at daniel 11. daniel 11. you might say i didn't learn this before you just read your bible read your bible it tells you the future whatever you see the activities of today it's predicting a pattern of what is going to show later on in the future look at daniel chapter 11 daniel chapter 11. the antichrist what does he do the antichrist is verse 36 right the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done so that's the antichrist we know that neither shall you regard the god of his fathers okay so we know that's the antichrist but look what happens here at verse 43. but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of egypt and the libyans and the ethiopians shall be at his steps but but tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many and he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him you notice that right over there about the libyan libyans and ethiopians these are people who don't follow with the antichrist program so he has to come over there and try to conquer them by force but then some event happens where the antichrist can get distracted and possibly these two nations can escape somehow that's where you can see all these predictive patterns about what's going on right now with the militant islamic fundamentalists and the terrorist branch not the mainstream muslim i'm not talking about the other mainstream muslims that goes along with united nations because there are two ways that islam would go islam a good number of them are going to go with the world's program united nations program that's the antichrist but then there's another of them that aren't going to go along with his program they're going to go rogue that's their side the rogue nation so let's distinguish the two right here you got the rogue nations here and then you also have the antichrist united nations all right these are two important uh groups that you want to know that play a part with the devil's system in end times in revelation that's why you're going to see anything that goes in our world today you're going to see the devil's group fall into this category or that category that's what you're going to notice and that's how you're not going to get deceived by the devil and go with the wrong crowd just because you don't go along with this program what they're trying to force you to do doesn't mean that you're not this group right here you know what i mean jelly bean i know plenty of people of uh who get into conspiracy theories and then they say i'm not following the antichrist agenda and they're just lost and headed for hell and don't believe a lot of what the bible says all right so we see these interesting links here but let me now show you i showed you the interesting link of how afghanistan or its people can follow along the rogue nations for end times i'm showing you the pattern of what they're doing now can go into here eventually eventually keep your eye on these places okay because the bible prophesied they have to link up they have to link up eventually now let me show you what they're going to do so persia goes both ways right they got some people going here other people going here you might say why would some of the people go over here because look at daniel chapter 7. daniel chapter 7 the antichrist kingdom is gonna be integrated with persia persia so here's the thing that you want to keep an eye out it could go this one where whoever takes over afghanistan the taliban it could come to a point where they become like this or it could be somehow maybe they might go over here somebody might go over here all right it could go either or or they could be conquered by somebody who has relationships with afghanistan maybe make a covenant and bring peace to everybody but look at daniel 7 why it's tied to the antichrist why afghanistan tied to persia we know and persia in turn is tied to the antichrist daniel chapter 7 verse 3 and four great beasts came up from the sea diverse one from another the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings i beheld till the wings thereof were plucked so the first beast is a lion verse five and another beast a second like to a bear we gotta bear verse six after this i beheld and lo another like a leopard which had the back of it four wings of a fowl so you got lion bear and leopard now what did the bible talk about these kingdoms about these kingdoms where people would tell you is referring lion bear and leper and then we got the fourth beast that comes out right so then the fourth beast but i'll tell you about this fourth beast later all bible scholars will agree that these four beasts here are referring to daniel's kingdoms and they will all agree persia is in here okay now i'm not going to point out which animal is persia but the point is is that all bible scholars will agree that persia is inclusive within this list okay so that's where persia is now why is that important why is it important to see persia tied to here as these animals because of this fourth beast who is this fourth beast look at the look at the verse verse seven after this i saw in the night visions and behold the fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns and that is the antichrist at verse eight i consider the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouse speaking great things i beheld till the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit that's god and what does he do he destroys that little horn kingdom verse 11 i beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horns spake i beheld even till the beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame well that's pretty obvious then this little horn from the beast it called it beast that's pretty apparent then that's the antichrist look at revelation 13. keep your hand at daniel though but go to revelation 13 revelation 13. revelation 13 all bible scholars will agree that this is referring to the antichrist and it calls it the beast what did daniel 7 call that uh fourth beast it called it beast he called it beast so it's pretty apparent that's the antichrist then look at uh verse 2 and the beast which i saw was like unto a leopard look at your what look at the white board there it matches leopard and his feet were at the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion why look at that see there's no doubt daniel 7 revelation 13 is tie the beast of revelation 13 2 is the antichrist that they all know so if that's the antichrist right okay so we can all agree so far this is the antichrist then right so let's say that's the antichrist well i can't write it here because i have to write something else if this is the antichrist how is it tied to persia because notice this fourth beast is a conglomeration of these see that persia is in is one of these animals i'm not going to debate which one it is right here because i don't have time but point is which everyone can agree with then is persia is one of these animals and this antichrist piece is a conglomeration of this so it's a con it can it's inclusive it conglomerates persia then so persia is inside this fourth beast then so that's why it's thai so somehow afghanistan has to tie then with this beast in the end times and some of you might ask me how will it tie to the antichrist in end times this is where i'm going to drop the bomber now all right this is so interesting look at verse 11 verse 11 saying kings chapter 18. we'll read verse 11. look at the ti how it's tied here and the king of assyria did carry away who israel unto assyria and put them in habur by the river of gozan in the city of the medes did you notice that there the jews go to where they go to the city of the medes now do you recall the antichrist he's supposed to be a jew right you remember that all right the antichrist is supposed to tie to jews now there are some people who will say he's tied to islam as well how are you going to tie that well it's pretty easy to prove these two from daniel 11 right but i'm not going to turn there i did it a billion times all right daniel 11 shows he's from the syrian region but he's jewish as well so that's how you can tie these two religions somehow but there's another way to tie the antichrist his jude his judaic roots his jewish roots to islam you know how this verse why the jews ended up in afghanistan look at that verse they were scattered carried away where river goes in city in the city of the meat how about that so that's why it's possible how afghanistan could be tied to the antichrist why because of the scattered jewish remnant now for some of you who don't know this is intensely interesting where some of you never heard about this before but if you study about the pashtuns the jerusalem post has an article all right this is the jewish news source title of the article the afghan pashtuns remember the pashtuns here right all right don't don't get lost on that one remember this this is how they're all tied persian afghanistan pashtun okay so i'm going to sometimes use them interchangeably but i'll try to put in the right context so that people don't think that i'm misconstruing things all right the afghan passion the title of their article is the afghan pashtuns and the missing israelite exiles they say here the jewish people see themselves as a people alone in the middle east but an emerging elephant in the room may change this mentality how will jews respond when they hear that the descendants of the 10 exiled tribes of israel ended up in afghanistan and pakistan recently our organization i tried pulled almost 100 pashtuns in afghanistan and pakistan almost all i don't know if you heard this this has been going through word of mouth by these people almost all responded that they were told by their grandparents that they are called bonnie israel which is another word for the children of israel didn't you know that the pashtuns have dwelt in the rugged mountains of afghanistan and pakistan for thousands of years let's see right here this is interesting of the pashtun tribes their names all right names of greater pashtun tribes include the rubini kind of like ruben gotti like gad ashuri like asher efridy like ephraim shinrari like shimon and uh let's see right here and yosef zai like yosef joseph isn't that interesting guess what these facts are not new says the article it's not new it's old they knew this for a long time medieval writings by jewish travelers to afghanistan mentions the israelite origins of the pashtuns didn't you know that in more recent times a connection between pashtuns and israel has been documented and discussed in documentaries by simcha jakobichi i i'm not sure if i'm pronouncing her name right as well as books by rabbi eliyahu abi an israeli president benzvi how about that but let me read you more things which is interesting this is just one of the articles here here's another article by cbs news title of their article is ancient manuscripts indicate jewish community once thrived in afghanistan and you know those caves in afghanistan where the american soldiers and those people claimed that we had a hard time finding bin laden because of these caves and all that guess what that's where they found some of those jewish manuscripts too in those same caves where they used for hiding here's another here's another article by the telegraph and this is from a very respected person who spent her whole life researching the pashtuns and she covered all the uh the traditions mythical theories of their ancestry and everything and she pointed out that there's a really good chance that there's strong chance over here that the pashtuns are descendants from israel because there's a lot of things that match up with what they said this is from the telegraph title of their article believe it or not think about this if the people of afghanistan are from in turn from the jews imagine the taliban what they would think if they're related to the jewish people and that's why the talent that's that's why the telegraph says title of their article taliban may be descended from jews whoa that's why i'm telling you there might be some link right here why where the antichrist might have some ties somehow imagine if some guy from the taliban all of a sudden tries to make a covenant or a peace treaty with the jewish people look let's stop the war maybe the current leader gets gone and somebody else takes over and says hey let's try to make peace over here and he's the one that puts up that covenant what if wow that's something to think about but here are some more articles right here uh here that we can look at so let's look at daniel chapter 11 daniel 7 daniel 7. daniel 7. some wild stuff isn't that some wild stuff you know what i find interesting is that the bible is way ahead of the scientists what they discovered and found out the bible pointed out that look in the future i know persia has to be involved with somehow with the antichrist the jews are somehow involved with the antichrist the bible showed you that has to happen in the future so all these things are that are happening now they have to build up scripture later on now i'm giving a lot of different uh likely scenarios possible scenarios and theories out there but the point is this is that one of them is gonna hit somewhere where persia has to be tied with the antichrist somehow and tied to jews somehow that's scripture right there okay let's look at daniel chapter seven here are some interesting things where we can see the antichrist sharing some things what the taliban would do okay look at daniel chapter seven and then we'll read verse 25 and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high all right this is by context the antichrist that we read at verse 11 right we already read verse 11. so following along that we agree that's the antichrist what does he do and think to what change times so this antichrist wants to go buy a calendar or a timing that is different from the world's way of doing things possibly that could be referring for some of you who don't know there are only to my knowledge to my knowledge only two countries who would go by this calendar system and they're in and they're insistent upon it why because of their muslim beliefs their cultural background that's called the solar hijiri calendar and guess what that thing is surprisingly very accurate for some of you who don't know way more than our current gregorian calendar system guess who are the two countries believe it or not who make up persia do you remember who are the two that make up persia afghanistan and iran kawinki dinky only to my knowledge only those two all the other muslim nations they tolerate the other calendars and stuff like that keep your eyes peeled but something else too which is very apparent and think to change times and what else laws all over the news what is the taliban doing right now they're changing laws they're changing laws why because they want to go back to sharia so by going right here if you don't follow it then you can get the death penalty so they want to go back to sharia laws and then some of the laws are just ridiculous if you read their laws as a matter of fact you know how dane i don't know if some of you knew this but didn't you know this thing is going on where they're trying to change laws even in the u.s u.s there are cases of some people who sadly abuse their wives and then the excuse they used was sharia so it's been brought up through the courts and then the lower court actually granted it but then the appeals court i think denied it why because you can't trump the constitution but what if you get your stupid liberal system right now using cultural arguments to explain away the constitution which they are doing right now would it be i mean it won't be too far if we get something like this is it possible that we can get the death penalty where we might get killed by the sword and get our oh you don't read your scripture revelation 13 and 20. revelation 13 and 20. turn over there you know those passages right but let's just read it all right the militant muslims so i'm not saying the mainstream islam okay as of now but we'll see but the point is is that those militant muslims they use passages in the quran where it does talk about where you use the sword and where you have to cut off the heads of people the unbelievers those who don't follow the religion and the antichrist he's going to do that look at revelation 13 verse 10 the bible says he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints see that they have to go through that they're going to be slaughtered killed by the sword and beheading by the sword is so apparent when we look at revelation 20 verse 4. revelation chapter 20 and verse 4. i saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus so notice in revelation 20 verse 4 the saints are beheaded revelation 13 10 they're killed by the sword see that just like how though some of those militant muslims would use in cutting off people's heads that's scary right there you haven't heard these news but they're uh there are people using sharia law in the u.s trying to fight off the constitution if it if the liberals push their cultural arguments and they successfully uh push it away it's only a matter of time when if the antichrist can use something like this as a cultural argument or as a safety precaution because we need to protect our people from spreading something that might be a disease we see daniel chapter 7 that the antichrist he does some things that the muslims could follow along but there's another thing what he could do look at daniel chapter 11. you know what's going on all over the news right now about the taliban the women they're under oppression like they are getting in danger all beauty salons that you go to and then what they're tearing off is pretty images of women why because in sharia law and the militant muslims understanding they don't want any of that why it shows that they're totally rejecting a desire of women here daniel chapter 11. we see that the antichrist we say that that it's likely that he would be a sodomite or a catholic pope but another thing we could probably add here is just like a muslim mentality about the no desire of women daniel 11 37 neither shall he regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women see that nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all so that might be possible where that passage could refer to some kind of muslim tendency right there or the antichrist he can meet all three he can meet all three over here on what he could do okay revelation chapter 6. revelation chapter 6. all right this is pretty interesting here the bible says in the book of revelation that there are four colored horsemen that come out so you know the dreadful four horsemen one is verse two the white horse that's the antichrist right they fulfill prophecy verse four the red horse they fulfill prophecy verse 5 the black horse they fulfill prophecy verse 8 the pale horse some people are curious about the color but when you look up the word uh it is very interesting when you look up pale horse in your bible that the greek word behind it would put the color green with that green horse so it could be where this is pretty obvious islam makes a big deal about green right so you get green black red and white right so let me write this down you get green [Music] black red and white you know what's interesting look don't believe me look right now at the app the flag of afghanistan you know what they are all four colors they have green black red and then they have a white seal or symbol how about that that's really interesting coincidentally the four horses of revelation in their colors could match up with the flag of afghanistan maybe the antichrist can identify himself with these four creatures sent out from hell to cause judgment and problems okay let's look at romans chapter 6. romans chapter 6 and then i want to compare some interesting things that some people may have not noticed before in your bible there are certain words where the bible would deem it as something that you should do and follow and you're going to see the taliban contradict every bit of it so what's the devil's job the devil's job is to try to uh imitate the things of christ or go the opposite of the things of christ why to just blaspheme against him that's the bottom line i want you to look at luke chapter 14 as well luke chapter 14. luke chapter 14. now let's compare the word of god with the taliban you might go what in the world why because some of their wordings right here contradicts scripture that's what we're going to find out one from what we see here at afghanistan taliban taliban for some of you who don't know it means student or disciple it means student or disciple now would disciples they would cut off people's head or would they be the people who would receive the cut off the head are the disciples the one who are supposed to kill or are the disciples supposed to be the ones to be killed in scripture the disciples are supposed to be the ones who die for the lord jesus christ they're the ones who die they're not the ones who kill they're the ones being killed but over here they're the ones that deem it to be kill taliban concentrates on killing look at luke chapter 14 and we'll read verse 27 verse 27 what did the bible say does this sound like uh does this sound like taliban and whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple look at this you're the one that's supposed to lay down your life be killed for the name of jesus christ we're supposed to be the taliban actually we're supposed to be the genuine taliban these people they take that name for themselves and go off killing people they contradict jesus their prophet what he said here's another one let's get romans chapter 6 verse 23 romans chapter 6 verse 23 romans chapter 6 and then we'll read verse 23 the one who's in charge of the taliban today he became the supreme commander of the taliban and that uh i can't pronounce his name correctly but hibatullah all right so oh wow i blocked everything over here but let's write down h a all right i'm not going to write down the whole name all right now he's supposed to be the supreme commander of the taliban you know what his name means his name means gift of god now does the gift of god kill off people or does it promise eternal life go to romans chapter 6 verse 23 it gives life not death why is the supreme commander taking a name like that and providing death for everybody that don't make sense that name don't suit him romans chapter 6 verse 23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is what eternal life through jesus christ our lord all right here's another one right here uh mula abdul gani bharadar all right so we're going to put his name as uh m a g b all right so m b all right we'll put his name as m b here okay all right for some of you don't uh who don't know what his name means his name actually means brother his name actually means brother do brothers kill or do they go to the book of first john first john let's look at first john and then we'll look at chapter two first john and then we'll look at chapter two first john chapter two okay aren't they supposed to love the brothers are they supposed to love are they supposed to hate and kill right the bible says in 1 john chapter 1 and verse 10 he that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him but he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness so how about that the bible shows right here that the brothers what they're supposed to do is to spread the love of god not kill you'll look at verse 5 but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is a love of god perfected verse 9 he that saith he is in the light right a lot of these militant muslims they might claim we are in the light we are of the light but and hateth his brother is in darkness even until now here's another name over here that we want to look at another name that we can look at so you notice how many times they contradict scripture right they contradict scripture quite often the word of god shows that a brother is supposed to love not to hate over here what his name means brother they all associated with death killing hate you see that all over there you see that all over here that's not a religion of peace then you'll notice what they these people heed heed to another person is the head of the taliban leadership council so when you look up hassan so we'll put mh here hassan is supposed to mean good good well i know what the bible says about that look at matthew 5. look at matthew chapter 5. matthew chapter 5. look at verse 43 let's see if the taliban goes contrary to scripture here they will do the opposite of verse 43 and 44 43 ye have heard that it has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy right that's what they're focusing on hatred rat slaughtering the enemies getting rid of them but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do what good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and what persecute you if you're a true taliban so to speak or disciple then you're supposed to be the one on the receiving end not the one on this end over here trying to slaughter people hate and all that so we see from the word of god how it contradicts a lot of the things that the taliban would do in afghanistan but that's the antichrist job why his name literally means opposite of christ anti and that's if he's connected to these group of people later on in the world that's his job is to always do the opposite so this is where you see stuff in the bible where we've learned about the bible and afghanistan the antichrist and afghanistan let's close with the word of prayer father god i pray that tonight's teaching was a blessing to the hearers and that we've understood about how your word works and how the world works and how everything is a stepping stone to everything that's going to take place in the future in jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 36,448
Rating: 4.8739128 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, biden, taliban, islam, muslim, iran, afghanistan, afghanistan news, antichrist, beast, revelation 13, 4 horsemen, medes persian, 4th beast, real bible believers, gene kim, the end age of apocalypse
Id: vi3hGDi0Q3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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