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i have you know sega oh really actually if you don't mind come on in sure and don't make it i'm moving so oh no problem foggy flips good morning good morning good how are you doing just fine are you looking for anything in particular i look for vinyl records cassette tapes old toys and video games action figures okay we have uh we have an old teddy bear there okay plastic okay from the 60s is that when john was born yeah yeah 64. there's a couple little easter things that either bounce or walk remember this do you have a store or something where you sell i i do some collecting i do some ebay i do some antique booth i was going to say i don't have them ready yet because i am recording them onto cds but i have a bunch of vinyl records oh yeah yeah but i may be too old for what you like oh you never know never hurts to look around oh no that's really what john needs to do i actually do like this though i'm gonna buy this from you ah i knew it look what's up john his eyes move and sold it there you go you have a great day thank you too i owe you a quarter oh just keep that quarter don't worry about it okay thank you thank you guys have a good day you too are you looking for anything in particular fishing poles i just keep seeing stuff it's okay that's okay this one's two i'll buy this too we actually enjoy shopping that's when you find the best stuff all right i think i'm done thank you so much guys have a good day good morning oh how much on the hubcaps some sort of old jeep yeah i guess so how much yes what's that yeah what are you asking for him okay you make it hard to say no don't you let's see so we're at six bucks there's 10. just go ahead and keep it thank you guys so much for that i'll just shove it in there be okay thank you so much good luck guys [Music] how are you today good how are you kind of feels like i don't think it was supposed to be beautiful today morning okay cool i'll go look in there it's okay just to walk in there and look so is that the price five dollars yeah okay it works still oh okay that's five dollars too yeah okay we can't say no to that i'll take both of those thank you so much thank you thank you morning how are you private store has chosen 100 communities to help out as part of their 100 impact projects just their way to give them back and king brown teamed up with them for one of the first hometown projects he chose to renovate the girls and boys club in his hometown of chattanooga tennessee well it's all completed and came went back to when there you go don't worry about the quarters thank you so much guys are you sure yeah i'm sure have a good day are you interested in any jewelry or old lighter i'll look sure okay i have them in my pocket when i put them out things tend to sprout legs and walk away i'll look at anything okay emco triplex pipeliner 1908. that's pretty good how much asking on that 20. i'll do these two that's two yeah okay so you've got 35. [Laughter] let's see 20 30 1 2 3 4 5. i appreciate you showing me thank you so much guys have a good day good morning good morning any questions let me know that works okay sounds good thank you still getting set up so if there's anything specific you're looking for let me know okay you have any old toys or video games or records or anything like that i have you know sega oh really actually if you don't mind come on in sure and don't make it i'm moving so oh no problem so this was my son okay oh cool this stuff and then this so i don't know i don't know anything about you know i have no idea would you do 80 yeah yeah i don't know hopefully this is worth a whole lot more than 80 to you but um you know but for me it was been in boxes he's actually in town i think 80s safe in case you know okay stuff doesn't work or something right and you know because there's a problem you know where i am oh no don't worry about that that's it's part of the game well i know but i want it how do you know i don't know i just want to be as good as i can well thank you so much i really appreciate that my pleasure we're gonna come out right after okay how much you have on your beats they do work there is a flaw okay i'll show it to you um and it was past the warranty otherwise i did send them in but it was past the warranty it did come open there but they still work ten bucks not sure and if you're handy and you can fix things i'm sure there's something you can do right i just you know he wanted the wireless one so it was worth it works for me thank you anthony nice to meet you nice to meet you man hey i just got a little bit of stuff okay i've got three rooms to go through right on but uh i mean oh yeah cool stuff though oh man i know there's a ton more out there yeah so like you think you have more than this then oh yeah all right some of the stuff is you know like that i might find some of the pieces later and i might not right all right what are you thinking on this deck have any idea i have no idea accessories that's all the guns and backpacks and stuff would you like 150 bucks it sounds good cool just make sure you call me when the rest is ready i will 40 60 81 count that real quick and that should be 50. awesome buddy too much sir i'm excited to see more thank you so much yeah i know i got a lot more he-man stuff down there uh gi joe stuff yeah odds and ends i love this kind of stuff man awesome thank you so much thank you take care thanks you too all right everyone we made it back to the garage it was another really great day in my opinion especially when you factor in that last little facebook marketplace pickup that may have not looked like much but that is my absolute favorite kind of stuff to buy so i was pretty excited about it and it's kind of an interesting little story how that even happened so uh i'll tell you more about that when we get to it but real quick let me show you all the cool stuff i picked up to resell at that first little sale didn't spend much at all picked up this uh edward mobley bear from i think the 1960s it was only 75 cents its eyes open and closed it's kind of creepy looking believe it or not this sells for between like 30 and 40 bucks and then they also had this cool little windbreaker that was two dollars um it's made by king louis which is a decent brand for these older jackets but aside from just having some cool colors it has this ford union logo on it from the indianapolis plant from the uh 40th anniversary so i'm sure there's someone out there that would want this this is actually where sarah's grandpa retired from so uh she was kind of excited to see this as well at another sale i picked up these beats headphones as she showed us the uh ear pad is kind of coming loose from the plastic i didn't buy these to sell anyway so i'll probably just kind of maybe glue them back together or something i don't really like to sell beats online just because there's just over the years there's been so many fakes made that it's just not something i like to do but i figured for you know kind of a knock around pair of headphones 10 bucks was not a bad price to pay then if this sale got some pretty cool stuff got this sealed beatles monopoly it was it was 15 but it sells for between like 30 and 45 and with christmas coming up you know maybe that'll spike a little bit i also got these beatles pins they were five dollars for all of them so basically like a dollar a piece i thought they were pretty cool and they actually look old because they have the longer pins on them that kind of overlap so i'm not exactly sure when these are from but i was happy to pay five bucks for all of them i just thought it was kind of neat and then she pulled some more stuff out of her pocket and she had this this old lighter a couple bags of sterling silver jewelry and then this bag of 14k jewelry but i figured for the 14k jewelry she was only asking 15 bucks so it would almost be stupid not to get it i got a little skill here so we can see how much it weighs so we have a little ring and a little bracelet it looks like they weigh right around 4.7 grams so uh i'll look and see what what today's current scrap value is and i'll put about what that's worth worth scrap gold content but these are actually decent little pieces there's no stones or anything but it's just a nice little ring and the bracelet's in decent shape as well so we'll see and then she had this lighter for 20 bucks it's an emco triplex these kind of range in value i'm not sure how old this one is i think age definitely matters it's in pretty good condition so we'll see but with the gold i figured that it was probably worth the gamble because i figured there was gonna be money there so definitely a good deal for all this stuff and i'm happy to have found it at another sale i picked up two things paid five dollars for this adler j5 typewriter needs a little cleaning but it actually looks in pretty good shape in my opinion this was made in west germany adler is a decent brand to look out for these can sell on ebay for uh a hundred or more dollars i normally sell my typewriters in in the antique booth depending on how clean i can get this one this one may go online we'll see and then i paid another five for this old uh gumball vending machine it's nothing special but i kind of instantly saw a project with it in that buy i did with the garbage pill kids another thing i found in there were all these uh 1990s aliens that are in the little acorns that go inside a vending machine so i kind of saw this as a cool little display piece uh maybe paint some cool retro 90s colors like orange or pink or something and fill it up with these and i just thought it might look cool so then we have this sale here i picked up a jacket for a dollar looks like it went to some sort of a local sign shop or something called einstein signs but just a really cool old jacket with that cool einstein graphic on it has john embroidered on the front and it was made by westark so definitely worth a dollar i think someone's going to think that's cool and then they also have these old jeepster hubcaps they're not in perfect shape but if you kind of look them up on ebay they rarely are in perfect shape it looks like a set of these even with like some paint chips and dents and stuff can sell for you know upwards of a couple hundred bucks uh the better condition the more value obviously i'll probably list each one separately but i'm thinking somewhere between like 20 and 50 bucks a piece is is kind of what i'm guessing so probably won't be the quickest seller in the world but they're definitely cool i think and then we have this little video game by i know that everyone's out there looking for uh vintage gaming stuff but when it comes to these like sega consoles especially i feel like you have to really buy them smart because in my experience they rarely work properly and you pretty much just have to sell them for parts if you're not gonna refurbish them yourself the ones that you see going for a lot of money someone usually has already refurbished them like change the screens and and fix stuff on them so there were two game gears and then this nomad right here uh and they all have problems so they're all going to be sold as parts so i paid 80 for everything and there's still money to be made there but like i said you know you just have to kind of be careful with this stuff all these games there's nothing real special there's toy story 2 sonic and knuckles i think road rash 3 might be the best one vector man's not not that valuable the nomad has problems like the sound doesn't work it's all scratched up the screens does i think have some issues i think this could still sell for between 100 and 200 bucks but like i said it will be listed as parts the game gears the screens are pretty much shot on both of them that pretty much drops the value down to about 25 bucks a piece on them i think they both did have sonic games in them i think they work well enough for me to test those and then i can sell those separately there were like some manuals and stuff in there an old pokemon manual not in the best shape but star fox adventures for the gamecube is not in there so it is case only probably what ended up being the best part of it was this game boy advance with pokemon ruby version it did not have a charger um it did not power up i did have a charger at home so i was able to test it luckily it does work so the game boy advance is in pretty okay shape it it should do all right pokemon works but the battery has dried out so that definitely drops the value too if you press start it says that the internal battery has dried out so that's how you know and then the last thing were these old toys here so what happened was there was a facebook marketplace ad for this masters of the universe vinyl record and the description basically said cleaning out an old basement from an estate so i just kind of replied to the ad and i said hey i'll buy that record also while you're cleaning out the basement if you come across any other old toys or i name some more stuff i buy i'd be happy to meet up and buy it from you a day later i got a message and she basically said my husband found some old gi joes here's his phone number if you want to text him so i did he was able to find some stuff apparently he's not even been through the whole house yet he met up with me and i bought him i offered 150 and so you may have noticed there were all these broken gi joes it was a bin full of legs torsos and crotches which is what happens to gi joes over time the o-ring and siding dry rots and they just come apart and all of them had come apart so basically when i got these home i laid them all out on the floor and sarah and i went through and matched up every torso with every crotch and every pair of legs and we came up with 57 figures that need repaired so then basically what you do is you take these o-rings you take the figure apart with a screwdriver and you basically put it back together with these o-rings then there was this container full of accessories so kind of what i'm doing now is i'm trying to match up every figure with as many accessories that originally came with it as possible so i can try to have as many complete figures as i possibly could it's a lot of work but it's a labor of love because i love this stuff so there's like 57 different figures in here not every one is going to be complete and not everyone is going to be worth that much money they're all from the 80s i think there are going to be some that that are pretty surprising and worth the effort like this guy here so far he's the only one i've actually put together it's blowtorch he actually has all of his accessories i did fix him got him all put back together so he's a complete action figure and this one should sell for between like 30 and 50 bucks and then there's probably plenty that'll sell for under 10 bucks but but these little home runs are kind of what makes it worth it to me just because it's a satisfying job to put them all back together and i go from having a bin of old broken toys to to things that people collect and can enjoy and i'm happy to do it it's just a lot of fun i think there was also a bunch of vehicles i've not really gone through these yet to see how complete they are but there's but there's a quite a few different gi joe vehicles in here and then of course there were some masters of the universe figures no accessories on these they're very dirty that they need cleaned up but if you have watched this channel at all you know that i'm always on the hunt for masters of the universe figures i don't have a lot of vintage ones yet because i'm i'm just now starting to rebuild my collection but these are going to be cleaned up and staying with me i'm going to go through all these vehicles see how complete they are and then in my spare time i'll just put gi joe figures back together see what they're worth and probably put them up for sale so definitely not a quick way to make money but you got to choose your battles and do what you enjoy or else what's the point right all right guys so that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love ya bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 907,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DECADES OF TREASURE WAITING TO BE FOUND, yard sale, garage sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale pov, garage sale pov, yard sale video, garage sale video, ebay video, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, yard sale heman, yard sale gi joe, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, yard sale deal, garage sale deal, yard sale gopro, vintage toys
Id: vb59WWzLN30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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