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20 bucks for all of it no no no uh i mean floggy flips crazy [Music] morning how are you doing today good how are you oh same as always wheeling and dealing sounds good i don't know i don't really have anything i mean like i was just uh did you take it that bottle yeah [Applause] i really haven't been through any of the christmas stuff downstairs or see any oh look [Music] thank you see any toys or records or knives or cameras or anything like that uh no i got and i'm sure you're not interested in that there's a a video cam thing down there there's some uh games downstairs i have not had a chance i've been overwhelmed with what i got a bit you're doing a great job keep looking me i am okay how about three it will be later but much later well i know right hey froggy what's your real name anthony yeah hi thank you i found a few things here all right get a bear some dvds in that camera two dollars two dollars so that'll work there you go let's do ten thank you oh do you want me to take you down the basement look at board games sure if you don't mind nope daddy i'm gonna leave you for a minute uh saw horses i sold him for a dollar he still owes for them okay sorry i'll be right back i was to lay this down here i'd like 20. you know that's 60 all day long watch these guys sure where are we going we look at the furniture oh well you can take him um this is uh anthony and he does the you're on camera um if you could take him down to the basement i thought there was a cabinet with some games in it yes yes yes he likes old stuff anything else you can think of there's one that's my father's but yeah sure awesome thank you hi um like i said there's one that my father made and maybe he took it with him okay um and i don't see it um so those are all those are all fair game okay um yeah i'll show it to you though this is the one that that oh that's awesome i played on those as a child those are amazing um but i yeah i'll probably try to keep those yeah i don't blame you those are really neat though just because like you don't see that that's like almost like crap right yeah yeah yeah it's like folk art um and i do have a couple other that are mine but probably not old enough to interest you but um you know clue carrier strike um there's an old race set like a slash track which is kind of cool uh stock market game battleship um old electric football yeah uh don't know what that is so yeah definitely i collect old hot wheels red lines like gold right right yeah like the old uh what they call the specter flames from like 67 68 uh before they went enamel in like 73 and none of these are really like that's actually an old one but it's so beat up with no hood like that wouldn't be worth anything um those are all things i played with as a kid because they're the ones that were left behind so they're not you know are you want to keep them or this for sale no those are salad okay all of them for like a dollar or whatever sure there's something um like you know that one's probably decent um wagon may be decent i just love the old stuff it doesn't matter right now this is new those two are probably newer that's actually an old one that my kid painted it and ruined it of course yeah that happens oh that would have been so cool but uh missing some wheels and things yeah no i'll take those for sure and then uh i'll definitely take the slot cars yeah that's cool and see what's this one right here you know i'm not sure we'll take a look okay let's see if we can get something oh yeah there are some chairs right here let's turn them upside down all right right here of course there's got to be some love is that thing out hold on this other door down here has got away okay all right um if you wanna we could even maybe even stack a couple of them in there to get to what you want you feel comfortable with that yeah i'm good let's see something off yeah or something it's kind of neat looking oh god that old marble that's hilarious look at this whole thing i played that as a kid that's really neat too that's kind of neat yeah that's not a bad it was a fun game cars what is that this is uh oh football also yeah okay so these are hopefully you're interested in i mentioned those and uh this little marble thing yep and it was like a naval game that i pulled down i think yeah that's pretty cool and i'll do those cars for sure can we light on the bar sure sure yeah that's a good spot for you all right you know get a decent look at some things cool yeah it is i think so yeah those aren't good the boxing's a little roached but that's gonna happen what's gonna happen and these let's see those yeah that's awesome that's a really that's a cool set that is awesome yeah for sure was that a speed thing putting the you know i don't put the coins in there uh a weight thing to help it uh maybe handle or something i'm not sure that's really neat though dad is an engineer so even as a child i'm sure he was trying to figure things out figure out that stuff yeah that's cool and that's just too neat right there all right it's almost like handmade stuff yeah yeah all this stuff is in great shape that was a great playback time as a kid all that stuff [Music] yeah that's definitely uninteresting but okay thank you sir i'm not sure on these but half of you that's really neat stuff i've got it at my house love it good grief there's more about that maybe a little bit back there i'm not sure what all's for sale but there's some cool stuff anything thank you everything everywhere that's all i like to hear oh a little car yep i hear ya kinda looks like the ghostbusters car a little rough but they're fun are cool it was from 1989 good for you piled up oh i do have a question on one thing i need to ask him or oh and i found a can you do cameras oh absolutely there's a canon camera upstairs with a big lens on it and he said there's other lenses too okay sure like these uh-huh and the pins would those be for sale too okay cool it's gotta go it needs a home it just always seems too good to just grab i don't know i wish i could put on there who i am so you guys can google me easier do you have any more schedules not yet no i had word of one that they might want me to look at but uh that was two days ago and i haven't heard nothing so i need to just like follow you on facebook or something so i know when you're doing it but i don't even know how to they screwed me up this time i i was trying to set up the ad and here i you know blocked it i could do this i couldn't do it it kept wanting a skew number i'm like i don't have a sku number what do you mean that's why everything so i just faked it okay that's why everything is saying like in stock now i think they did some updating that's making everything weird you do miscellaneous oh really i can't put it under so i'd put it under furniture and of course you can't have more than one so i got hits i don't even know where to stick it it's not going anywhere just try not to trip over it out of the way over here i got it going somewhere some part of it yeah this stuff and then i'll look at the camera too and then i'll settle up with you all right 20 bucks for all of it no no no uh i mean let's do 40. you've always been too fair with me this i mean that's just nothing compared yeah but look at the stairs you gotta climb that's true let me see the camera real quick okay how about we throw the camera in with it there you go oh how about these yep okay yep yep so put those aside and look at the camera then we'll just okay finish it up well i put that ad on facebook and uh i had like 30 people hit me up like within 15 minutes and the one piece everybody was hitting me up on still here what's that darmoire oh yeah yeah that's pretty cool i'd get lost in this i know right this is nice in an eff no he just likes stuff she just knows what i like [Music] i was on youtube thank you i found myself oh did you embarrass myself all the heck oh my gosh people loved you you were on youtube uh-huh he's he got a video on that gopro now and i did a liquidation just like this oh okay only hers was worse it was so much crap still still the best dress i've ever been to it was unbelievable and so we just we weren't even planning to really have a garage sale we were just sorting through this like let's just put a sign out front and see what happens and so then we did that and we were getting good response and we were digging through it we weren't finding any money so we put it on marketplace and oh wait wait here they come what happened and then he had yeah they are i think that's a dinky or a corgi but my father got it in europe no no i want none of them they're all good [Laughter] all right so i grabbed those two signs and then we got this 10 okay [Music] you have a camera and it's got some extra glass in there a nice little case yeah that's awesome did you get the games i did i got a big pile down there that i paid her for and i got to start carrying it up here in a second i'll just double everything then we're good there you go i feel better about myself all right um i'll just start making trips i'm sure if that's cool do your thing be granted free access thank you so much guys those are neat was it this way yep yeah i did that same thing i didn't know you were a fan of those i may have a box of more corgis and things so let me see awesome can you find some games oh so many games so many games oh nice oh wow so quite a few some are mundane you know right and i wouldn't say any of them are mint this is probably close to me yeah um many are distressed and old that's cool um that was my favorite one oh the batmobile that's amazing those two i just thought were cool a little jag and then i did find an old red line the graph but it's missing the oh cool no i think it's after they didn't make the top uh okay the specter flame once came with the top and it had a motor back there yeah but um and then there's there's actually the oldest one and it's super beat up but it's the coolest of all the old green hornet car oh that's awesome but you can check those out man the graphic is good though right yeah what do you want for these um how about uh 25 for the box yeah sure absolutely i think that's pretty decent um and some of you know they'll clean up this old cadillac uh ambulance is busy oh that's neat kind of decent shape there and then there's police that's amazing has a little figure in it right that's really cool and that's funny but i thought i was like you know if that's what he digs i think there's some yeah that's awesome stairs in that closet up there oh really and uh i wish i had a picture i might have a picture of my phone of my collection um i'm totally nerding out with it but i have a 6 000 collection of oh really that's amazing most of the cars i get are usually around 200 a piece yeah so like you're still actively buying yes yeah so every day i look yeah absolutely yeah that's awesome ebay and the toy peddler are really the two sites that i use um i don't sell anymore on ebay because they're just evil yeah they just take so much i was never much of a collector like i've always bought and sold but recently i started kind of you know clicking on that collector mind and i'm sure like always looking for like motu and and gi joe and transformers and stuff like that i wish i had like the old like real hair 12 inch yeah those are big i found a couple recently but i mean they're in bad shape but still you know they exist i don't have change so we're good thank you sir oh thank you absolutely that's fantastic but i thought you'd be i thought that would float thank you so much pleasure as always thank you i'll see you next time kind of thinking i might i'll have to dig pretty deep to find anything yeah i feel like i got the good stuff i bought that from my dad uh-huh it was they fell off the back of the truck from my buddy right uh italian friend of mine um i think he used it like one hour oh cool so it should be flawless i don't think there's anything weird on there so like just erase it at the root yeah you got it man thank you so much buddy good luck absolutely take it easy yeah that's cool you know out of someone enjoying it i think we've been sitting down there and i'm not i like i live in denver it's like pristine yeah oh it's beautiful that's neat man that's super cool and i would imagine i mean he was really persnickety oh i'm sure it does yeah that's that's nice i'm excited to go through this stuff thank you cool you're welcome what was your name again i'm chris chris anthony all right everyone we made it back to the garage whenever i walk up to a sale and see that dina is running it i know right then that the prices are going to be just stupid good at that point it just becomes a question of what kind of stuff am i gonna find if you're new to this channel you might not have seen her before but she has made a few appearances in videos just coincidentally and i'm not exactly sure what the business model is there but when she's hired to do like an estate liquidation garage sale thing her goal is not to make money it's to clear the house out as quickly as possible so like your pile can actually get cheaper the higher you stack it which is pretty crazy i did kind of try to experiment this time with paying more than she was telling me and honestly she wasn't really having it and i'm and i'm not sure what good it did really i've found that the best thing that you can do is just just try to load up with as much as possible just to help her out and make it worth her time and that's that's what makes her happy but at the end of the day it turned into a pretty amazing haul so real quick let me show you some of the stuff i picked up got a stack of board games here i'm not a huge fan of selling used board games unless they kind of reach a specific price point they're just kind of annoying to deal with if you're making like 20 or 30 bucks in my opinion but like i said make it worthwhile get some stuff out of there and deal with it later a lot of these will probably just go straight to the antique booth because they'll probably do well there i know that these uh vintage electronic football games can do pretty well this old monopoly might do okay i'm not really sure about stock market clue and battleship those will go to the antique booth carrier strike i i think is okay a couple new old stock games still with the plastic on them backwards i don't think is anything special but this pictionary i think sells for like around 50 bucks so that'll probably go online i thought this old 10 marble bingo game was pretty cool a couple carvings this one this one should do all right i think it's made by big sky bears out of montana i've done well with some of their stuff before and then up here we have some slot cars it's a slot car set it's made by strombecker this is something i definitely want to see when i'm looking at a stack of board games because they often get mixed up in with board games but old slot racing stuff can be worth a lot of money this one looks like it's pretty much complete and something that you want to see when you open up an old box of slot card track is extra cars i see that a lot when i find old slot car stuff this one does have the original cars in it right here so those will go with the set hopefully their heads are in the box somewhere i'm not sure yet doesn't matter a ton but this one does have some extra cars with it and these can definitely be where the money's at got three extra cars haven't quite identified them yet if i find anything similar i'll put up some comps but like i said i don't really know when all was said and done i think i paid a hundred dollars for everything which is which is just crazy but that's how she does it but honestly i wouldn't be surprised if these uh three cars got the money back if not more a couple cool beer signs there's a there's a pbr sign i think that's from like 1989 or 1990 and then this miller high life glass sign right there those are both really cool a bunch of smalls in here that probably really aren't worth a lot just you know like a lot of old checkers and chess pieces there's an old where's waldo puzzle there's a few faulty towers dvds a few of them still sealed these might do okay as far as ebay smalls go a vintage new old stock phase 10 game and a vintage skit bow game new old stock as well true view uh you know like a little viewfinder thing with a bunch of reels right there so that'll make a decent little bundle there's a kentucky derby game a stack of sports illustrated magazines uh mixed in with some street and smith's magazines most of these are from the 70s and 80s thought those were kind of neat this was from my first go-round in the garage it's a jvc svhsc camcorder there's the model haven't looked this one up yet but those usually do all right a bunch of my favorite stuff for the old cars especially this box here that's in this old vans off the wall box the nice fella that i met there these were out of his old closet so that was really awesome that he went and grabbed him for me so i could buy him most of these are corgis um and there's some pretty cool ones like this old batmobile this one's this one's really neat most of these definitely aren't mint condition but anytime that you can buy vintage toys from the original owner it it just kind of adds a layer to it in my opinion so i was happy to buy all these and they'll definitely be fun to research but there's quite a few in here some are in better condition than others like this one looks pretty pristine actually there's a nice ambulance right there little cory tanks in great condition there's the green hornet car that's pretty beat up i think that's a that's a pretty valuable car when it's in the condition this one's far from that but it's still very cool to have this along with the batmobile are probably my two favorites out of here and then of course the old beat up matchbox and hot wheels cars i think there's a couple red lines in here like this one it's missing a couple of tires and it's in very bad shape but it is an old red lines and that's a red lines two right there an old grasshopper that one's actually not in bad condition at all i love finding this kind of stuff from a monetary standpoint probably the best finds were right here this old camera and this old stereo equipment this is an old canon ef 35 millimeter camera obviously i've not done any sort of testing yet but it is in pretty good physical condition um it did come with three lenses and they're all canon brand lenses there's one attached there and then i think there's two down in here but i did just run some comps on this and i think a pretty similar setup to this just recently sold for like 175 dollars or you can just kind of sell the lenses separately because they seem to do well on their own too but but i definitely love finding vintage canon cameras and then these stereos are by h scott they say scott kit on them i think these were kits that you bought from the company and you built them yourself possibly i don't know if you can see down in here but they are stocked with tubes and the condition is just beautiful on them i've done a little bit of research on these and a lot of the ones i see don't even come with this cabinet part they're just kind of open you know because they were kits aside from like a few scratches in the wood these are pretty pristine this one here is the lt110 wideband fm multiplex stereo uh it's a receiver this one is an amplifier it's an lk 48 comps on both of these look really solid uh they're kind of high-end so you kind of have to go on ebay and worth point to kind of see you know like where they've been over the years the receiver here looks like it probably has a value of of a couple hundred dollars the amplifier here probably has a value of somewhere between three and six hundred dollars i saw one of these recently on the amplifiers go for parts untested nowhere near as good a condition as this and i don't i don't even think it had the cabinet and it's sold for parts for 380 but if you kind of look on worth point and like track them over over the last 10 years or so the value is always there people are always looking for them and they're always willing to pay a premium so whereas stereo equipment is something i generally overlook because i don't want to test it i don't want to i don't want to ship it it's usually heavy these honestly to me just look like works of art i didn't want to leave without them just because they're beautiful but yeah very cool and i'm definitely glad that i was there to be able to bring these home with me alright guys so that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 610,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UNCOVERING HISTORY FORGOTTEN IN A BASEMENT, yard sale, garage sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, ebay haul, ebay video, yard sale video, garage sale video, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, reseller, reseller video, yard sale pov, garage sale pov, yard sale reseller
Id: 2kEVUfGtJR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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