She thought I was stealing at her garage sale!

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okay thank you guys it was good meeting you Kendra I paid for the dolls right no not yet I think you're dead all right guys we're going out with my kids today to a bunch of yard sales enjoy this footage and there's a really good buy making a really bad buy make see if you can tell me which one is which down in the comments below um a lot of tools and in the house is full so okay look at this is it uh like a merry-go-round I don't know it's a rocker yeah a rocking horse type thing yeah but this from the late 60s early 70s McDonald's mcfry oh it's from I remember them yes that is cool yeah yeah it's probably pretty rare it is cool though around yeah all right you said stuff inside too yes all right let's check it out careful there's a glass a llama it's llama skin right nice not a glass Kelly come here I got they got what you need portable toilet okay okay you just bring it around you just poop Wherever You Are what's that crack salt and pepper sugar nice you got some like Hummel stuff a lot of glass but I don't need it the Frog again 75 cents for an insulator oh special who's this thing 50 bucks a little high ten dollars all vinyls I found it's a duck nice that's cool Dad what's that you're in the duck Paradise duck Paradise oh here we go toys [Music] I just spending my children's inheritance I should get this from Grandpa you'd love it no it's five bucks that one are these all the toys yeah so these should be pretty cool so these should be really rare now right hmm not really but they're cool what's this tell me what this is [Music] yeah Kaleidoscope look in it and then turn it yeah is this a cabbage it doesn't look like one what is that 1982. Kylie's camera that's not um it's a parent yes no this doesn't have a price on it I can't believe I forgot my phone is Eli in here yes so look you see there's like this little thing right there you do this yeah what's this 8 17 7. 6 25 yeah I mean 10 bucks they're funny and I would look up some of these other ones I can't believe I forgot my phone that's cute how much is it I don't know book page 20 can't I know it depends what it is I would definitely buy it for like two three bucks just because it's awesome Dastardly and Muttley they are ever chicken oh honest how much is it if it's a buck yeah I'd buy it might as well try expansive there's no price on it though yeah you'd have to ask Tootsie neither does this three dollars what's that that doesn't have a price how much page I don't know it's confusing it doesn't have a price how about two dollars yeah that's pretty cool [Music] what are you guys getting this cute all right I mean let's see are we missing anything before we go these little toys they're fun oh I know look at the chicken see this is kind of cool all these little carrots is she still out there Anna [Applause] I'll ask her how much this is like this is like that old McDonald's toys this looks kind of broken man well I mean she charged you 50 cents for it so not a big deal steals of deals oh there's more in here Cadillac let me ask her how much she says which which way which late is it I want to go look in that closet but I want to ask about this first that's pretty cool though that's a nice little carrying case I get my money I want to show you okay I'm gonna go look in this closet real quick I want to see what this was Slammer Jammer really fun stuff puffalump Bank 25 deadline look four quarters Powerpuff Girls yeah foreign I'm sure yeah I found that yeah it's cool it's like a little zipper case it is really cute what do you want to show me what are these fashion doll cases fantastic they forgot the front door laughs uh yeah you got it all right let me go get the cash from um must be in the car morning good how are you some shoes cool fans you know they have diapers right there and a toilet seat how you guys doing today good you guys have any video games for sale video game now okay nice pan all right over there a bike Linux play some rainbows they are really seen some better days but I could clean them up how much five dollars well I can always use flip-flops what do you got Kelly a five yeah hold on hold this oh my God I have once well that's three do you have three singles did you pay for that of it it yeah give me two three dollars three three cows oh yes you give me three okay I gave you two I gave I I gave you because everybody okay take your okay yeah yeah three no you give me five dollars thank you my dad already owes me five dollars okay all right thank you okay morning how are you very cute doggy tractor trailers trucks fish that this is the sale for me okay oh really do you have any video games I found my kids old Sega do you still have it no we trashed it you trashed it damn sure did where's the trash can I'll jump in it in the house and I mean I don't have any connectors no wires no nothing I could make it work I'd take it out of your trash can if you want me to it's buried in half a dozen trash bags gotcha gotcha none of the games for it though all right that's a Diaper Genie that's a Diaper Genie a dog uh it's like where you throw your diapers she threw her Saga in the trash Elijah my heart is broken what is this uh that's like um cologne blueware your bags oh yeah oh yeah yeah YouTube can I pet yeah this is a boy or a girl it's a girl what's her name princess oh that's a good name hi princess you know why why because she's a princess what we yeah she always sleeps really sleep really so she's spoiled spoiled rocks we live in a residential care place yeah this is told the real old people and she's friends with all of them all of them that's so cute it's a Whataburger cup a set of six of them with the matching picture oh really how much is that that's probably five bucks for the Six Flags could I do it if you want to buy it yeah I'll do it it's five dollars okay okay that's cool I've got another set in a box in the garage that hasn't even come out yet okay thank you ma'am there you go there's your cup set let's see make sweet tea in that yes serve it to everyone name it gave me one too many thank you you get it in the back of the car nope don't drop it it's glass yeah exactly Bear Tracker Where it'll help you find a bear Highway communicating system does it help you catch Bears no no she wanted to catch a bear oh sorry where are you headed uh up in Orange City okay yeah you really just want this money out of your pocket burn in a hole it really is burning a hole in her pocket she can't keep it neighborhood yeah they live next to roosters all right ready to go yep yep you ladies ladies Kelly look you're lanyards kind of Hummel this is jewelry oh Titanic though who knew who killed me I'm looking at the DVDs oh Dad goodbye [Music] any other questions what are they worth I don't know yeah can you look because I'm thinking to get one [Music] I don't think 20 bucks is gonna take them all you should ask how much they are each first they're cool they don't sell very fast I'm asking how much they're each carry one over to her carrier that one that's how much it is if you want you can oh dad look what's that what what's up this phone 20 huh too too much for you 15. no how much for all four of them sixty why are they selling phones 60 huh why beside phones 60. to do it for 60. you can do it yeah I'll take them for 60. I give them to you no oh sure NC picker oh yep yeah I'm in Orlando yeah we're going to Universal later today so figured I'd stop at some yard sales yeah I know I I watched breaking profits tall yeah I'm his little house what's your name Kendra I don't have Kendra I don't have it online okay cool yeah it's good to meet you but I always like it good good yeah we're gonna have a couple in your neighborhood every video so yeah so you might see some of that in the videos you might see me in most of the videos yeah she doesn't always come out with me because she likes to sleep in on Saturdays yeah same with her but since we're going to the theme park my son's in the car too he's just on his phone being a teenager what do you use to download that with YouTube um like to edit it I use this a program called DaVinci results yeah the problem is yeah the problem is you need like a pretty powerful computer to edit it all and stuff yeah and then the iCloud yeah you can run out of space so yeah yeah it's awesome tricky so love it we only keep looking here but yeah those four I've laid claim on thank you for you dad and try and see if my daughter steals them the Hot Wheels nice you want a ring no Anna two for five what's that yeah I think it's to wash your car oh it's like a car wash kit what kind of car do you have those are dolls oh yeah everything's blowing on top of each other these are cool eighth official disneyonna convention this one's a little damaged still cool what's that um how much was that a dollar this whole night light I don't know you ask her if it works that's a good good question Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs this is cool yeah those are cool this is cool find out how much that is that one could be a good one for you it's it's brand new it's never been open and it works nice okay cool that's a good deal puppy teeth yeah now I have a night light nice you gonna get that yeah okay up here out incredible what is it Incredibles light up glow buddy it's cool here that's really cool yeah it's a it's like a light glow buddy I guess yeah can you believe like none other stuff's opened like open look this is open this somehow is not opened I think it's gonna be too much you can try it doesn't hurt to ask it's got a lot of brand new stuff yeah some of this stuff's cool I can look that up that one's good it sells for 13 12 13. let's see what it costs 13 for this spoon 10 to 13. let me see the last one so like maybe total value is like 30. I would see what she says but I wouldn't pay more than 10 for all of them it was pretty cheap how much was it three bucks we have 15. it's up to you can do it if you want I can give you some money to pay yeah I like that so ten for two you could do that if you want to save some of your money yeah just you too push ones those two are these two yeah how much is this pin three sweets that's cool [Music] okay thank you guys it was good meeting you Kendra I paid for the dolls right no not yet I think you're dead oh Mama you're paying me I know you said you're gonna get them hold them there could be crazy yeah I'll take them for 60. give them to you no hey everyone Dave the NC picker thank you for coming with me and my kids to these yard sales today we had a lot of fun my daughter my eight-year-old daughter Cali did amazing she kept finding great things and I was just out there being shown up by her but we still had a lot of fun it was good to spend some time with my family I hope you enjoyed coming along with us the one cool thing I wanted to show you and I've got all these McDonald's toys that I've been playing with all day during meetings like to distract myself like remember this this is from like it reminds me of that drawer in the Christmas story where she's got like the chattering teeth and stuff they sell for like 10 bucks but then this was a real cool thing in there is this little tiger Batman watch from the 90s this thing has a bunch of sold comps for 50 bucks I just ordered a battery for it though it was like five bucks for 20 batteries so we'll fix it and hopefully it works and if it does we'll sell this for 50 bucks we paid 20 for the box I'm gonna do a bunch of lots like anyways We're not gonna go too deep into it check out my NC flipper Channel if you want to hear more about how I move it all thank you guys for watching make sure you subscribe and check out this this video next
Channel: ADHDave Picks
Views: 28,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KlVOnF40_Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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