Debunking Exploding Egg Hacks & blowtorching chocolate | Ann Reardon

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I appreciate people that take the time to fight against the stupidity that exists in the world.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/gmikoner 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

century year old


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/NicNoletree 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow, I would have thought it was to do with dehydration, the fact that it's actually seized chocolate is a great find.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/meltedmuffin 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can someone point out the part of the video where she gives up the secret. I can't watch all of this.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/VentingSalmon 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is like a podcast in video form. Fantastic. I love her delivery.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bitterjack 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardon and  debunking has continued to be at the top of the   request list so I have a packed episode for you  this week including exploding eggs and why don't   Flakes melt in the microwave? So many other things  in there too. Let's start with this one sent to me   on Twitter by Leels thank you for that. He linked  me to an article about Abby Quinan who is a dancer   actor model and she put this post on her social  media. It says we so desperately wanted to share   daily vlogs with you but unfortunately I've had  an accident whilst we're attempting to create a   glass bottle into a vase from following a Youtube  tutorial it went terribly wrong and resulted in me   incurring injuries and burns requiring continuous  hospital treatment over the past seven weeks! I   really need you all to be so careful with what  you're doing and if you're copying any youtube   videos. Abby i hope you're doing okay burns are  awful as you know and anyone who's had burns no   they're painful they have a long recovery time so  anything that has the inherent danger of causing   burns or potentially causing burns is not  a good thing. So I want to look at today is   this particular glass bottle hack inherently  dangerous or was this just an unfortunate   accident? So there are so many videos about  this hack they've been around for more than   10 years they've been on the platform for  a long time so typically what it shows in   all these videos is someone wrapping string  around a bottle then taking that string off   and dipping it in some sort of flammable liquid  then putting the string back on the bottle   lighting up the string so heating up that area  of the glass and then suddenly dropping it into   some cold water which makes the glass crack along  that heat line or the stress line in the glass.   Sounds simple even Crazy Russian Hacker has done  this one but out of all of the videos i watched   he's the only one who wore safety gloves  safety goggles and had a fire extinguisher   on hand which is probably because his motto is  "safety is number one priority." It looks simple   enough so I'm going to give the hack a go and  see what happens as well as a fire extinguisher   I'm going to have a wet cotton tea towel on hand  that can be thrown over any flames just in case.   I've got my bottle tied with string around  it so I'm going to take that off and soak   it in isopropyl alcohol some of the videos use  this and other ones of them use 100% acetone.   Take the soaked string and put it back onto the  bottle. The first thing I'm noticing here is while   I'm trying to put this back on my hands are now  covered in flammable liquid so I'm going to go and   wash my hands and then put gloves on but if you're  watching this video you can see the lady put the   string back onto the bottle doesn't wash her hands  but instead wipes them on her clothes then grabs   the lighter ... that is going to greatly increase  the chances of your clothing setting on fire. Now   with these flammable liquids it's not the liquid  that catches fire but instead the fumes so by the   time i wash my hands and put on heatproof gloves  there are not enough fumes left to ignite so this   hack kind of needs you to rush which is not ideal  for fire safety. I then tried a thicker string to   give me a bit more time and it did burn but not  for long enough to break the glass some of these   videos say to wait until the flame dies down and  then add more of the liquid onto the string, now   if you've watched my previous videos you'll know  that you don't want to do that because if there   are any of the flames left when you pour more on  it'll chase the fumes up into the bottle causing   the bottle to explode and then you've got flames  everywhere! So then i tried with a liquid that   is more flammable which i do not recommend that  you do because obviously that is more dangerous.   Those are pretty decent sized flames now and you  have to stand close to this to spin the bottle   you can't just put it down and walk away and at  this point if you had any flammable liquid on your   clothes the fumes from that could quite easily  ignite. Another thing to notice that you need   a very big bucket it has to be bigger than the  height of the bottle so you can put it in flat   because if you tip that bottle as you try and put  it in then the flames are going to come upright up   onto your sleeve and the bottle still didn't break  oh my goodness. Now i either have an unbreakable   bottle or i need to stand there spinning these  flames for longer so let's give it another try   i kept this one burning for a full minute which  is a long time and then placed it in the water   and success it broke the bottle but it actually  broke it in two places probably because my string   was so thick. So obviously you can do this hack  without getting burnt but should the video have   some safety warnings on it yes it probably should  but youtube doesn't have any policies against   dangerous hacks it has policies against dangerous  pranks and including if you look at the details   ones that have a risk of causing burns but  there's no such policy for hacks it perhaps   there should be one that overrides over the top  of this can cause severe burns please be careful.   On the same note I also was sent in another one  by Michelle who sent me a disturbing article   about a lady who had been burnt after following  an online video that showed how to poach an egg   in the microwave now obviously if you're working  with flames you're expecting that you could get   burnt because it's fire but with a poached egg  in the microwave ... water egg microwave you're   not expecting to get burnt. They're pretty bad  burns and again there are lots and lots and lots   of videos on youtube showing how to poach an egg  in the microwave just getting some water putting   the egg in and then just microwaving it and taking  it out and you're done. So what would cause an egg   to explode in the microwave? Well if you've been  looking on youtube for egg explosions which I'm   sure all of you have searched for that you will  know that a whole egg in its shell will explode   in the microwave when you put it in there and a  lot of people put the reasoning down to that if   you've got the shell there so it's going to build  up steam inside that's going to create pressure   and that's going to make the egg burst and pop.  But if you have a look at this one when I did it   in my microwave you can see there are actually  beads of water forming on the outside of the   egg because the shell is porous it's letting  that out and my eggshell has cracked so if the   reason it explodes is simply because of pressure  in the shell this one should not explode right   wrong! That definitely still exploded so  it's not just the shell so this is going to   call for a lot more experiments. Let's start  first with a whole hard-boiled egg so there   is no shell on it and see what happens  if we heat that up in the microwave... some websites say it is the yolk that is the  problem it says that the water in the yolk   gets superheated and then suddenly forms  steam and makes it explode so let's try   just the egg yolk and see what that looks like in  the microwave when we heat that up. That explodes   let's try another one just for fun and that  explodes too! So if it's just the yolk we   should be able to put the boiled white in there  and nothing should happen so let's try that... whoa! that looks like it was shot. perhaps there  was a tiny bit of yolk left on it though so let's   do some experiments with uncooked eggs so we can  see what happens and I can make sure the yolk and   the white are completely separate let's see what  happens first of all with an uncooked egg yolk. let's see that again in slow motion ... now the  problem here is not just that it makes a mess in   your microwave and i have to keep cleaning  my microwave every time i do this for you,   the problem is what if you pulled it out of the  microwave just before it gets to that point of   exploding and then it explodes in your face!  If it's just the yolk let's try it with just   the white and see what happens it starts popping  and spitting bits out before it's even cooked and   then eventually when it's just starting to look  cooked it explodes out of the bowl so it's not   just the yolk it's the white as well. Let's see  what happens if we add water to this situation   so we're going to poach our egg like they showed  in the videos the egg is only just starting to   look cooked it's only been in for 55 seconds and  when the egg explodes it is shooting that boiling   water everywhere and that is causing burns more  so than if you just had the egg exploding on you   because there's more of it so it's even more  dangerous than just cooking the egg on its own   and the trouble is all microwaves are different  in their wattage and their power amount so you   can't go oh well that one exploded at 50 this many  seconds so therefore i'll do it for less than that   and it'll be fine because your microwave might  be different to my microwave so you can't just   go on what it's at. Microwaves are different to  when you're cooking an egg in a pan when you poach   an egg in water in a pan the pan heats up then the  water heats up and that cooks the egg when you do   it in a microwave microwaves go straight through  your container straight through the water they   can go straight into the center of that egg and  super heat it and egg heats up and the water goes   everywhere so not the safest way to cook an egg  there are some videos that say if you pierce the   yolk it solves that problem. I don't think that's  going to work because we've already established   it's not just the yolk that's exploding  but let's give it a go and see what happens   i've poked three holes in this yolk using a  knife so they're big holes and after 51 seconds   so to be on the safe side don't microwave eggs  cook them in the pan instead, apparently fried   eggs can occasionally explode too the yolk of  them but it is very very very rare compared to   the number of times it happens in the microwave.  So no eggs in the microwave just to be safe.   I was just fascinated by this next one that  was sent in it just caught my imagination   Please Cakes did a video which showed a Cadbury  Flake not melting in the microwave now according   to their ingredients and comparing that to  normal cadbury milk chocolate they have the same   ingredients and if we look at the nutritional  composition it's virtually identical so it's   chocolate why is it not melting so i had to try  it for myself so let's put some flake on a plate   with some normal chocolate and put it in the  microwave and see what happens. One minute   later and the flake is crumbly but not melted and  the normal chocolate is liquidy how weird is that   why don't flakes melt in the microwave?  Let's try over a direct heat source instead   on a hot pan the chocolate will melt fairly  quickly as you can see here and the flake nothing   it's not melting it feels hot but it just  doesn't melt. Let me try a blowtorch instead   we can even burn this chocolate and set it on  fire and it glows like a piece of burning wood   but it's not going to melt so why is that the  case? Well according to the scottish sun they   say the scientific reason a flake does not melt  is that the blowtorch delivered too much energy   when fragments of the flake fall onto the  hands of a person eating the chocolate bar   the small amount of heat energy in the hand will  cause a phase transition from solid to liquid.   Now i understand what they're saying there  about a blowtorch is too hot and it's just   going to burn the chocolate but it should still  melt the chocolate around it and i don't think   the person who gave this response has ever  tried to melt a flake and realize that it just   won't melt but for the sake of science i'm going  to put some Flake in my hand and some normal   chocolate in my hand form a fist hold it there  for five minutes and we'll see what happens.   After five minutes the normal chocolate is soft  it's a bit like play-doh it's melty and the flake   is crumbly probably because i squashed it in my  hand but it's not melted it hasn't changed into a   liquid state at all, it is still just crumbly. Now  of course when you put the flake in your mouth it   seems to melt in your mouth like normal chocolate  but in your mouth you've got saliva and if you add   a flake to hot water it also looks like it melts  away but you're adding water to it so when you're   adding something another liquid to it or more  cocoa butter to it you can make it melt but in   its current form it won't melt it will get to the  point of burning and it still won't melt. So i did   a bit more digging around to find out why this is  according to Science Focus they say although flake   is made from milk chocolate the manufacturing  process gives it a different arrangement of   fat and cocoa solids so the melting fat isn't  able to lubricate the cocoa particles to the   point where they will flow. Well that doesn't  really give us any actionable information   there it's saying it's the same stuff but in a  slightly different form they've done something in   the manufacturing. Cosmopolitan says the theory  behind flake's inability to melt is apparently   because it's made out of dehydrated milk chocolate  which means it slowly hardens and the sugar burns   and according to Buzzfeed they spoke to someone  at cadbury and cadbury apparently said they do   have a secret manufacturing process which is used  when making flakes ... how we do it is a carefully   guarded secret that is known only to a select  few at Cadbury and a different spokesperson said   the reason it's difficult to melt is because for  nearly a century we have deliberately controlled   the final manufacturing process to ensure  the folds of the bar crumble in the mouth.   Interesting and that's it there's no more  information about it that's all we've got   to go on i love the idea that it's a 100 year old  closely guarded secret though that's kind of like   a challenge to the food scientist in medical can  we figure this out so let's see if we can figure   out how to make flakes. We'll start with the  first and only theory that was actionable there   which is it's dehydrated chocolate let's melt some  normal chocolate and spread it out really thinly   and pop it in a slow oven just to get a little  bit of liquid off it there's not much liquid in   chocolate anyway it's fairly dry to start with and  you get a chocolate that's a bit more flaky but it   doesn't taste right it tastes more like your baked  chocolate chips and the actual test that we need   to know is doesn't melt in the microwave so let's  put some of that in the microwave and have a look   and it's still melting in the microwave. That is  not their secret it's not what they're doing. One   thing that i would like to try is when i was  trying to melt the flake the texture of the   flake reminded me of what seized chocolate looks  like if you haven't seen seized chocolate before   it's when you have normal chocolate and it's  melted and you add a little bit of water to it   and then when you stir it up it seizes it goes  sort of crumbly and a bit hard depending on how   much water you add depends on how crumbly and  how hard it gets. obviously if you're making   a ganache or some sort of chocolate sauce you  can just add more liquid to fix that and you'll   end up with a sauce but you can't get it back  to how the chocolate was before originally. So   let's experiment with using seeds to chocolate now  obviously i'm adding water and their ingredients   don't include water but their ingredients do  include milk and milk is mainly made of water   so you could just add a little bit of milk to  the chocolate instead of using water and then   you wouldn't have to list anything different on  the ingredient list. Now if i take that chocolate   and roll it out really really thin i'm pressing  down as hard as i can between two pieces of   baking paper to get it as thin as i can obviously  they would have machinery that i don't have but   i'll just do my best and then scrape it up and oh  that's looking pretty good so far. If i just take   all of those little bits and try and sort  of square them off into a bar shape that's   not bad for a first attempt they look better  depending on how thin i rolled the chocolate   and slightly adjusting the amount of water up or  down also affects the color and how crumbly it is.   Now i think this tastes like a flake we can  get Dave to check. All right i need you to put   a blindfold on ... mm-hmm ... I'm gonna give you  something to taste but it will taste okay ... sure   okay so I should have learnt my lesson  by now but uh how do I look? Good,   okay the reason you're blindfolded is I need you  to try and identify what chocolate bar this is,   if you reach out in front of you. There we  go. Okay is it one or know? I don't know. Is   it like turmeric and sardine? No no no it's it's  a normal chocolate bar you at the shops. Okay... Hmmm it's crumbly and um flaky ... cadbury It's like no other chocolate tastes like flake  tastes ... it's a flake! It is. Now for the real   test does it melt in the microwave? The normal  chocolate is liquid and the homemade flake... is crumbly! So you heard it here first I  think we just solved the mystery the 100   year secret as to why flakes don't melt in the  microwave and why they crumble in your mouth,   so now you can make your own flakes at  home, easy! Now next i have a parcel   that arrived in my letterbox and I'm a bit  excited because I think I know what it is.   My publisher said they would send me an advanced  copy of the book which is just a digital print   it's not the full proper print from the actual  printing company so it won't look quite as   glossy as the book that you'll get is but  let's have a look at the book ... look! My book, how exciting! Oh my goodness it's  actually in a book. Now of course i've seen all   these pages before because i wrote them and i've  seen them laid out on the computer but i haven't   seen it in a bound book that is very exciting how  cool is that?! It's a book with my name on it.   Very exciting i can't wait for you to get your  hands on a copy too, it's very cool and if   you have pre-ordered don't forget to enter the  competition to win the Furi knife sets for your   chance to win that and also if you're a patron and  you've pre-ordered fill out the form to get your   limited edition exclusive holographic signed book  plate that you can stick in the front of the book   and i've hand signed those it's not printed the  signature on they're all hand signed individually   for you guys. This next video was sent in by Rose  and she said this is actually insane. 5-Minute   Crafts has a video saying if you get Coke and  use it as a mouthwash you will whiten your teeth.   So i sent a message to my friend who was a  dentist and asked her what she thought of this   and i'll read you her response because it was  quite detailed she says: Coke has a ph of 2.2   and tooth whitening agents have a ph of  5.3 tooth enamel dissolves at 5.5 or less   as Coke is so acidic it can dissolve the enamel  and by physically dissolving the outer layer of   the enamel it may appear to make teeth whiter  initially because if you had stains on that   outer layer of the enamel and you've now removed  that it initially might look a little bit whiter   but coke also contains caffeine and chromogens  which can be deposited on the teeth as a stain   and this may counteract the erosive physical stain  removal effect. If enough coke is consumed it will   dissolve so much of your tooth enamel that the  yellow color of the underlying dentine will be   exposed and the teeth will appear yellower  rather than whiter. I happen to have some   baby teeth on hand this baby tooth looks like it's  in good condition i'm going to put that into the   glass and then fill that with coke i have another  tooth and i'm going to put that in coke no sugar   and for a control i have a glass of water  with another tooth in that one and now we   will wait overnight and see what happens.  Here is the tooth that's been in the water   here is the coke no sugar oh that's a bit  gross and the coke look at that brown tooth   the water one looks great but both the coat  ones are brown if i flip it over you can see   the bit that was resting on the bottom of the  glass it was protected and not exposed doesn't   look as bad as the rest of it. I'm wondering if  this will brush off or if it stains the tooth   even after brushing and rinsing it's not  as bad but it's still a definite shade of   brown not a great method to use to whiten your  teeth definitely don't want to soak your teeth   in coke. Reminds me a bit of the experiment where  you put an egg in vinegar i don't know if you've   seen that one i'll do that for you putting a whole  egg in its shell uncooked in a glass of vinegar   and you leave it and over a couple of days the  acid in the vinegar breaks down the eggshell   so you get left just with the egg with that  membrane around it there's no shell left so   it's like a bouncy egg and to show to you this is  not hard-boiled i will just pierce that for you   and see we just have that little membrane  that's left there the egg and some of the   vinegar that went through the membrane. Thanks to  everyone who sent me videos to debunk on twitter   and thanks to my patrons for all your support  don't forget to fill out the form on Patreon   to get yourself a signed holographic book  plate to go in my cookbook when it arrives   how exciting and if you liked this video  don't forget to let the algorithm know that   you did by liking commenting subscribing  sharing turning on notification bell all   of that stuff you know what to do. Make it  a great week and I'll see you on Friday ❤️
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 2,446,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debunking, how to cook that, how to cook that debunk, how to cook that debunking videos, why dont flakes melt in, why dont flakes melt, why do eggs explode in micr, egg explodes in m, does coke whiten teeth, food scientist, ann reardon, best science youtube channels, debunking fake viral videos
Id: vdaKrT9x1Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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