Fluffy Jiggly Japanese Pancake Recipe DEBUNKING Tasty | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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We did this today! I only had meringue powder, and our oven needed a bit longer to cook them, but these completely replace normal pancakes for us now. I may experiment with oat flour and rye to see what happens tho :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mokilok3 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love this! I will definitely be trying Ann's recipe.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ZannityZan 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

This one was great Ann! Love the recipe development videos, gave me the old macaron video vibes

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sarkosity 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook That i'm Ann Reardon and  today i'm going to show you my secret easy recipe   for tall perfect fluffy Japanese pancakes or  souffle pancakes as some people call them.   Now I decided to make this video because one  of my subscribers Sunday tried making Buzzfeed   Tasty's jiggly Japanese pancake recipe ...  it has been 15 minutes they're like both   overcooked and raw at the same time ... so for  my second attempt i decided to turn the heat   up so it wasn't as raw. look at that  is it black? I can't see the bottom   no that stays faked that Ann Reardon, someone  get Ann Reardon on the phone that is a lie   lies. There were a couple of bits of user  error in Sunday's video like not enclosing   the pan which traps the heat and helps it to  cook and using egg rings not cake rings. Now   I agree this is actually hard to tell in the  buzzfeed video from above it does look like   they're using egg rings but from the really fast  shot from the side if we slow it down you can see   they're actually tall cake rings but even if  you get that right we can watch rach love's   life's attempt at the same recipe and after 10  minutes maybe my stove is different than tasty's   but that to me is not done then she  waits another three minutes oh no   disastrous. Even on Buzzfeed's own channel when  they get someone else to try and make their recipe   after 10 minutes okay well this is  a failure it's a miserable failure   what is happening here clearly they're not  cooked now after four attempts with their   chef giving advice and input right there  with them in person this is what happens why no now clearly at some point you have to say  there's something wrong with this recipe   it shouldn't be that hard for someone  to follow it and get a good result   let's try their exact recipe though before making  any judgments now i don't actually have small cake   ring molds a chef still would have them but here  as i make this today in Melbourne we're in stage   4 lockdown again which means all the shops are  shut except for the chemist and the food stores   and of course toilet paper supplies are running  low why? why do people need more toilet paper in   lockdown? I don't get that anyway thinking  laterally the only metal tins i could find   that didn't have corrugations on the side were  salmon or drink cans the drink cans are too small   and that one's too small this one's 10 centimetres  they wanted nine that's as close as i can get   take the lid off and wash it out now unfortunately  the base doesn't have that folded edge for the can   opener to grip on so this is not going to be  as easy to get the other end off as i hoped done easy i had a small cake tin as well that i  chopped the bottom off using a can opener which   ruins the cake tin but anyway gives us another  way of trying in one bowl we've got four egg   whites and in the other we've got two egg yolks  and we're adding to that the sugar and the milk   and the pancake mix just like they said in the  buzzfeed tasty recipes in their exact quantities   whisk that together and then we're going to whisk  the egg whites with electric beaters until we have   nice stiff peaks tip that in and fold them  together i laughed when Sunday said in her video   this looks like someone ate a cloud and then threw  up ill it definitely does look like that now if   you keep folding you can get a smoother batter but  the more you fold it the runnier it's going to get   and i'll show you a better way to do this  that makes it easier to incorporate the two   later put the rings into the pan and grease  them now the tasty recipe says grease two metal   cake ring molds we've done that set them in the  middle of the pan over the lowest heat possible   now on my stove that is heat one it says to fill  them to about three quarters full cover the pan   and cook for 10 minutes now after 10 minutes  like everyone else this is so liquidy there's   no way i could flip that it would just tip out  everywhere just that little jiggle that i did   made this batter come out all around the bottom  so it's definitely not cooked let's leave it for   longer okay so now it's been 25 minutes which is  a very long time to cook a pancake and finally   it's risen a bit and seems a bit firmer i'm just  going to clean up the pan around the edge where   it's spilled before and then try and flip this  lift it up on my spatula and grab my tongs and it wasn't firm enough to flip i'm gonna scrape  that one out and chuck it and leave the other one   to cook for longer okay so i left that one for 30  minutes and then i put baking paper on top to see   if i could flip it more easily without it spilling  it still did spill and then i pulled the baking   paper out so i could get rid of that extra batter  or most of it and as you can see it's getting over   browned on the bottom so we couldn't have left  it any longer so how did tasty flip it in their   original video without it spilling let's watch  that again frame by frame did you see what i saw yep it was already cooked on both sides when they  flipped it let's just keep going okay so it had   15 minutes on the other side which they said to  leave it for five but i'm assuming we need longer   run a knife around the edge to loosen it pull  it off and it doesn't look cooked now you can   see on the ring here we still have uncooked  egg the top and the bottom of it are cooked   but the inside is still just uncooked egg mixture  it's not very pleasant let's scrap that tasty   recipe all together to be honest it doesn't  even look like the fluffy ones that you get   in stores look at these they're plump and fluffy  and you just want to eat them now i watched people   trying different recipes and they still seem to  be having problems with fluffy japanese pancakes   i'm going to go away from here do i just  abort the mission or do i just make the   pancakes at this point and accept  that they're not going to be good   we don't really need to wait i can already tell  that i failed why is this not working why are you   like this this is a total fail i don't have words  i guess better luck next time it's a bit better but still not freaking fluffy look at it it's so  flat and even when they persisted and kept trying   24 attempts my goodness well done i just  really want to go to bed why are they flying now i tested quite a few recipes that were  on the internet myself and found the same   issue if you did manage to get it right they  deflated within a minute even if they cooked all   the way through if i fast forward this so you can  see it deflating and then rewind it it looks alive that's not the case here with these ones you  can see he's chopping fruit he's taking his   time and they're staying fluffy i mean they  deflated a little bit but not much at all so   then i rewatched the videos of the shops making  them and noticed that after adding the sugar to   the egg whites they're adding a scoop of powder  see that and on this video we add a little bit   of stabilizer so they're adding a stabilizer  of some sort now i tried using cream of tartar   and it makes the mixture a lot more stable  and the pancakes are pretty stable too but the   flavor was a bit too acidic and unpleasant  lots of recipes use baking powder and it's   okay but it doesn't stabilize it enough not like  the ones in the store i mean they're pretty good   but they still deflate a bit i think we can make  them fluffier by doing some more experiments   ideally you need a commercial stabilizer like  a gel and gum which is used in chiffon cakes   commercially but people can't get commercial  stabilizers at home so let me shake it up a bit   and give you my own souffle pancake recipe after  many many experiments step one turn on your oven   to 180 degrees centigrade or 350 degrees f and  chuck an empty baking tray in there to heat up   now you'll need two egg yolks some milk and some  flour and then whisk them together and all these   recipe quantities are on my how to cook that  dotnet website for you and there's a link to that   below in the description put some muscle into it  keep mixing until it's smooth and then leave that   and in this bowl we've got the egg whites add in  the sugar and now for the magic secret ingredient   i've got one tablespoon of egg white powder now  the egg white powder is adding extra protein   so a bit more structure without adding any more  water now you can buy egg white powder from most   bodybuilding stores and health food type stores  or if you're in lockdown you can get it online   now here is a key thing you need to keep whipping  your egg whites until you have stiff peaks   this takes three to four or even five minutes so  keep whipping it having the sugar in with the egg   whites gives us a nice silky smooth meringue so  that it's easier to fold in than if you just whip   the egg whites on their own like they did in the  tasty recipe now take a spatula full of meringue   and mix it in with the yolks now gently mixing  in a small amount first lightens up your egg   yolk mixture which makes it heaps easier to fold  it in rather than just tipping it all in at once   pour that runny mixture into the whites and fold  them together now this is another place lots of   people who haven't baked before might struggle  but you want to scoop down to the bottom and   fold it over this is not stirring and you'll  need to use a rubber spatula for best results   so scoop down and fold it over the more you fold  it the more you mix it the runnier it will get   and we don't want it to be runny we also don't  want streaks of yellow through it so just fold   a little bit more making sure it's evenly combined  that will do it grab the hot tray out of the oven   add a sheet of nonstick baking paper and spray  with cooking oil now add ice cream scoop fulls   of mixture this mixture will make enough to  make three but you don't need to scoop it all   on at once just one good scoop for each one then  chuck them into the oven and turn it down to 160   degrees c or 320 f after two and a half minutes  open up the oven and add another scoop on top   of each one you can take the tray out and do it  out of the oven if that's easier for you cooking   these in the oven is more similar to how they're  baked in the store it also gives us longer for   it to cook all the way through without the base  browning too much it makes them easier to flip   and it means you can make a whole tray at once  if you need to and i can also give you exact   temperatures and times which will make sure it is  cooked all the way through after seven minutes you   flip them over and then just give them another  four minutes in the oven and then serve them   up look at that they are stable enough to  hold their shape while you add some fruit   and some cream and even take a few photos now  let me show you what they look like inside   look at that you can see they're fluffy they  have those small air bubbles all the way through   and they're cooked they're not raw they're  the perfect texture now for the taste test   now on their own they taste quite plain they're  a bit like fluffy pancake so it would be usual to   serve them with some fruit and some cream or some  custard is really nice i think using my recipe   you can make fluffy japanese pancakes if  you've never folded egg whites before you   might need two goes to get that step perfect  but i think you can do this with thanks to my   patrons for your support every month here is a  list of legends and there are even more patrons   in the other tiers they allow me to spend time  debunking and developing recipes like this one   if you enjoyed this episode let the algorithm know  by liking the video sharing commenting or watching   other ones of my videos make it a great week by  being kind to others and i'll see you on friday
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 2,507,459
Rating: 4.9589038 out of 5
Keywords: howtocookthat, ann reardon, debunking, ann reardon debunking videos, buzzfeed, tasty, fluffy japanese pancakes, jiggly pancakes, fluffy pancakes, food scientist, how to cook that, how to cook that debunk, how to cook that recipes, is tasty the worst channel on youtube, how to make fluffy japanese pancakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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