Debunking & Who is Scrumdidlyumptious? | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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09:50 of the video she explains how she painstakingly created an original recipe with her own knowledge and skill and presented it to her audience, only for it to be stolen by these content farmers, recreated, and given 0 recognition to the work she did and how talented she is for creating it: that was kinda heartbreaking.

she's a professional and AT THE VERY LEAST should get the credit she deserves. i really felt for her when she talked about it.

👍︎︎ 229 👤︎︎ u/ananxiouscat 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anne is a savage beast in the most gentle way. She wrecks so many fake videos but educates at the same time.

Honestly she has some low key burns, just like the people who try the fake videos.

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/SemiNumeric 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you disliking a video, YouTube might promote that video more, but the algorithm should also not recommend similar videos to you.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/reddcube 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

We live in an age of disinformation and fakery. How can anyone think social media is a good thing for society? Any benefits have been completely ruined. As she's states, the root of the issue is the platforms. They reward bad behavior.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/n00bvin 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love her!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/I_AxolotlQuestions 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I clicked through to the video on YT and gave her a well deserved like.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/eric_in_cleveland 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

What I can never understand about these fake hack channels is why do they bother making it intentionally misleading? if they have a method that works why bother just making shit up?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Cammo_353 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man, I really wanted to see her pop a cactus

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Playful-Push8305 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

YouTube needs an option where you can block content creators.

I would love to instantly block clickbaity shit so I wouldn't ever see their content advertised.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thr33pwood 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardon and  this week we are debunking fake hacks from across   the internet and there are some weird ones this  week. Let's look at the first one that was sent   in by Toby Denae and Alexander and they want to  know is this even possible and can we trust the   channel that it comes from? Well let's take a look  ... before i test this out i want to ask you would   you even eat that dessert it is called Dessert  tricks that only pastry chefs would know ... which   would imply that this is something you could serve  at a restaurant. But i don't know of any pastry   chefs that would serve a dessert that had their  fingerprints all over it and what is that yellow   stuff? They didn't add anything extra according  to their method that they showed us so this just   looks weird. I don't know Dan has already tried  this out ... dude this is going to work maybe.   But after waiting some time let's fast forward he  couldn't get the chocolate to set. Bro i'm so not   a fan of this! He actually modified the method  because he just had melted chocolate on his hand   and ended up sticking his whole hand covered in  chocolate back into the iced water in an effort   to try and get the chocolate to set. We shouldn't  have to do this part they lied! Yeah. And even   after all that he still couldn't get it off his  hand without it breaking so ... Here it is Dan's   hand. Obviously there are a couple of problems you  can see with it before i even start one is if you   use real chocolate it's not going to set. Real  chocolate has cocoa butter in it which means it   will melt in your mouth so at body temperature  so trying to get it to set at body temperature   is not going to work and even if you've stuck your  hand in that cold water as soon as you put that   chocolate on which is hotter than the temperature  of your body it is just going to warm your hand   back up again and i'm predicting that won't work  so your only option then is to use fake chocolate   or compound chocolate which has vegetable fat  in it and sets at a higher temperature so that's   what i'll try today. The other problem  i can see in their video straight away   is that when they pour the chocolate on over the  hand you can see in that clip the chocolate goes   all the way around the back of the fingers all  the way over the fingernails but then in the very   next shot there's no chocolate on the back of  the fingers because you wouldn't be able to get   your hand out of that mold if it had gone round  the back so that looks more to me like they've   actually stuck their hand into the chocolate  not poured the chocolate all over the hand.   So let's try it modifying the method from what  they've said somewhat because as you know i like   to give these hacks the best chance of working  that we can. I put my hand into iced water... it's so cold oh that actually hurts a lot!  I'm going to dry my hand because chocolate   doesn't like water that's something they  didn't do and then instead of pouring it on   like they showed I'm gonna dip my hand into the  chocolate on the plate so that it doesn't wrap   around the back of my fingers and then flip  my hand over and whack my wrist a few times   just trying to make the chocolate smoother   and then I've got a couple of little gaps so  I'll fill those in and then I guess we wait... the tips of my finger are starting to set as  I said i'm using compound chocolate which sets   at a higher temperature and the extremities of my  fingers are probably a little colder than my hand   so that helps it to set but  I'll just keep waiting... it's been quite a while now and the middle of  my hand just does not want to set so I'm going   to stick my whole hand in the freezer for as  long as I can stand it and see if that works ❄️ okay I'm back it's a bit more set now let's see if  i can get it off slowly it seems to be very stuck   but if i slowly push out my finger using my other  hand it is coming look at this it's coming out but   no it's cracked at the base of the finger and  across the palm ☹️ let me try the other fingers   well one of them survived and the rest all  broke at the base now i can, of course, use   some chocolate to put it back together but that  certainly isn't what they showed in the video. And i still have the issue of the fingerprints  all over the back of it i just don't think any   chef would serve this and interestingly mine  doesn't have that weird yellow that theirs did   i'm wondering if they actually added a layer of  butter or something else to make it not stick to   their hand certainly using the method that they  showed you pouring the chocolate over the top   it's just not gonna work and if you use real  chocolate it's definitely not gonna work it's   it's not gonna set so if you modify it by quite  a few steps you can make something kind of work   but i still wouldn't recommend it if you did want  to make a chocolate hand that was your hand or   your child's hand to give as a gift for father's  day mother's day christmas or whatever put some   cocoa powder into a flat bowl and then flatten  the surface you can use a plate or whatever you've   got that fits inside the bowl to do that take the  plate out and add the hand that you want i've got   jed's hand here and you'll probably need to repeat  this step several times to get a good impression   if you're not happy with it the first time just  use the plate to flatten it and try again you just   don't want lots of cocoa powder falling in which  is what happened the first time that he tried   then use a piping bag or a bag with the corner  cut off to fill each of the fingers with melted   chocolate you could use a spoon for this but then  you're far more likely to spill the chocolate   outside of the hand area once it's full cover the  whole thing with sprinkles now don't worry if you   want more than one hand you can use this cocoa  powder again you just sieve it to get the rest   of the sprinkles out of the cocoa powder let that  chocolate set in the fridge and then take it out   of the cocoa powder and brush off the excess using  a clean dry paintbrush and now you have a custom   hand that you can give as a gift to grandparents  or parents this next video is by the same channel   they take a whole watermelon and cut the top off  it and then they blitz the inside to puree all of   that watermelon juice they then add in some lemon  juice and some sugar stir it all together put it   in the freezer and then you've got a beautiful  soft watermelon sorbet there is no way that   happens when you do that but let me do it for you  and show you i'm going to cut the top of my melon   and then try and blitz it this is really making  a mess and spilling over the top after a few more   minutes of making a mess and having to use a knife  to help me get the watermelon from around the top   down i think i've pureed it all now we just need  to add the juice of the lemon and some sugar and   stir it all together and put it in the freezer now  when liquids freeze they expand so you'll notice   mine looks fuller now whereas theirs looked a  little emptier and now to get that beautiful   soft scoop it appears to be set solid watermelon  is mainly made of water hence the name so it's a   bit like just putting a melon full of water in  the freezer and expecting it not to turn into a   solid ice block of course it's going to go solid  if i use a knife i can manage to chunk out some   bits but it's definitely not sorbet it is very  very chunky if you want a sorbet then you need   to do what you do for ice cream so it blitz up all  of your watermelon and your lemon and your sugar   and then pour that into an ice cream  machine and what that does is it stirs it   as it freezes and by agitating it as it freezes  it's stopping any big ice crystals from forming   so you get all those little ice crystals which  will slide over each other and you can scoop out a   nice scoop of refreshing watermelon sorbet let's  see what dave thinks of these oh watermelon   sorbet that doesn't sound too bad looks good  sounds good let's see what it tastes like... Tastes good what's the trick? That's actually my  recipe but let me give you their version to try.   Ah i knew it! This is their version.  Okay wow so convenient all for me?   Oh it's freezing i couldn't get in here  do you want to put it down yes please. Do you need to serve one for  each person at your dinner party   well that's been out of the freezer  for about an hour now. okay. This is a great way to eat watermelon 🍉  it's just a hard rocky not a great texture   lumps of watermelon that sort of hurts your teeth  a little bit. Alexander said Scrumdiddlyumtious   videos look simple and really cool but i'm not  quite sure can i trust this channel well in   answer to that i always say check the source find  out who made the channel what's their motivation   for making videos the channel is run by a company  called media partisans the company was founded in   2014 in germany by a couple of guys and they  started with a news website called   now if i go to that website it definitely looks  more like a clickbait story than traditionally   what i'd associate with a news website but it's a  website and they then moved on and started doing   theme based websites and videos so they have life  hacks health and beauty and food themes according   to their website they have more than 70 employees  making videos in 10 different languages they have   43 different channels bringing in a total of 1.3  billion video views a month so can you trust their   content well that's really up to you now that  you know that we've just seen two recipe videos   that don't work they've also got lots of other  recipes that do work some of which they've just   copied directly off other channels like my giant  ferrero rocher recipe developing new concepts and   using your creativity takes time like i remember  trying to figure out how to do that crispy shell   of the giant ferrero rocher and experimenting  putting ice cream cones in water and then in   the oven and finding out that you could unfold  them and then use that they just copied that   directly that took them no time at all to figure  out but as more and more creative people are just   getting pushed off the platform by a big media  companies and content farms they're not going   to have anyone to copy and that's where you just  get them copying each other misinformation just   keeping on going and going and the same boring  stuff just repeated again and again and again so i   think over time we're just going to find that this  is going to push off your creative individuals   off the platform and you're just going to  get more and more of this repeated content   which basically the fault lies with the platform  so this is what youtube and facebook are rewarding   with millions and billions of views this  is what they're gonna get more of other   companies will go great idea i'll do that too  this next one was sent in by carolyn now she   basically wants to know when does it work and  two will dave like it so let's check this one out   janelle pours coke into a pastry  case and then she adds a cup of sugar   it's already cooking it's not cooking  it's bubbling but it's not cooking   she then adds four tablespoons of flour  a bit of vanilla some cinnamon and some   grated butter on top of the pie covers the crust  with foil and bakes it that looks really sloppy   doesn't easily cook doesn't taste like  coke this looks to me exactly like the   recipe for a water pie or depression pie  except they've swapped coke for the water   so when that was back in the great depression  and you didn't have much and you had little books   that said how much you could get of different  ingredients you wouldn't have had enough to put   eggs and milk in to make like a custard tart so  someone creative and inventive came up with the   idea for a water pie or depression pie that the  main ingredient in the filling is just water and   you've thickened it using flour you flavored  it using vanilla and a little bit of sugar   so by adding coke here it's going to make it  super sweet but let's make one and try it out   one thing that i am doing differently to the  way she did it is i'm mixing the flour and   sugar together first and the reason you do that  is it just helps that flour evenly distribute   so you don't get clumps of flour in your pie then  add that butter on top now she said that it didn't   taste of coke which made me think if you did want  a pie that tasted of coke i don't know why you   would but how would you make that so let's just  try another variation i'm going to use sodastream   cola concentrate you can't get coke ones of that  here in australia so i'm using the pepsi one   this of course has heaps of sugar in it and then  i'm going to mix into that the flour i'm using   more flour than normal because the concentrate was  a liquid as well and then adding the normal amount   of coke into that tip that into the pie case and  i'm not going to add the butter because i just   don't think butter and coke really go together  you can disagree and try with butter if you want   this is the baked and chilled depression  pie with water as the main filling and you   can see the butter is clumping on top and you  basically have a gel like consistency underneath it's very sweet and just kind of gooey but okay  the main ingredient in depression pie in the   filling was water wow you know times are tough  when your main ingredient in food is water this   is the tick tock coke pie i'll be interested  to see what dave thinks of that one it seems   to be a lot more liquidy it probably needed more  flour that must be because of the higher sugar content it's it's okay it's a little  bit like depression pie with a bit of   with a touch of a coke crunch looks super  weird i got to ask the question why would   anybody make it and lastly the cola  concentrate pie which looks deceptively   like it's chocolate which of course is  not which would be disappointing for me   it is also bubbled up and burnt on the  edges of the tin but the pie itself looks okay one tastes much more like coke and  it's actually uh quite nicely presented and   quite a nice texture so half decent  is that one from tiktok no that one i   made up from anne ridden but every slice of  that is equivalent to having a 375 mil can   of coke so extremely healthy lots of caffeine  lots of sugar okay this next one is from five   minute crafts and i first saw this when it was  uploaded to reddit and i must admit i thought   someone had done some creative editing on  the end of it just to kind of accentuate   how ridiculous the hacks are like there's no way  anyone would believe this but then i searched on   five minute crafts and sure enough i can confirm  it is the original video that was uploaded to   their channel so check out this gardening  hack they take the seeds from a dragon fruit   and put it inside a cactus and then they add  toothpicks to join it back together and then   what what more is there to say they're stooping to  all new lows like no one is going to believe that   and then i thought about it and i thought i  wonder if they're doing this deliberately to drive   engagement because when people are frustrated  by something and they see something that's wrong   often they want to call that out so then they  might write in the comments this is fake and we   can see those comments are generated under that  video but you need to understand engaging with   videos even if it's in a bad way even if it's  hitting the dislike button that actually helps   the video do better the higher the engagement  the better it is if i show you some examples   one of the obvious ones as youtube rewind from  2018 it had 3 million likes and 19 million   dislikes that's an 86 dislike ratio 86 of viewers  did not like this video and it's still got 218   million views and you can go oh well that's  youtube's own video so of course they're going   to promote that let's just look at a youtubers  video if we look at this one from pewdiepie can   this video get one million dislikes listen closely  to this information okay the lights they don't do   anything it's a dead button it's been a dead  button all along he got a dislike ratio of 95   but the video still got 24 million views and you  might be thinking well here's a big youtuber and   that's normal for him to get that many views  but if you look at the time when he uploaded   that video that wasn't normal for him the video  just before it got 5 million views in the video   straight after it got 5 million views and if  the ones around it are getting between 5 and   10 million views not 24 million views so what's  the secret do we need heaps and heaps of dislikes   is that the secret what about the dislikes don't  you see that's the key the more dislikes the more   power no that's not actually the secret the reason  is that that video of everyone who viewed it 20   of people hit the like or dislike button mainly  the dislike button because that's what he asked   whereas normally on his videos five percent  of people were clicking like or dislike so   the engagement rate was four times higher  on that video and youtube lacks engagement   but that just proves they don't care if the  engagement is dislike as long as you've engaged   so if you see a video that you don't like don't  click dislike don't write a comment just ignore it   walk away moving on rook sent me this next video  and he said i think i understand why the texture   changes but why does the taste change and he  was talking about a video where someone tried   carbonating milk this has actually been tried  by quite a lot of people on youtube before and   let me give you a hint if you want to try this at  home which i do not recommend and your sodastream   does not recommend only put a little bit of milk  in the bottle like a third of it down the bottom   if you fill it right to the top well have a look  oh boy okay i'm gonna try to take this out oh just so how does it taste that's not something that  i anticipated that's so bad   is this milk bad or is this no the milk's not  bad it tastes bad and it's like a little spicy it's horrible wow oh that does not work  no that's turned it into like sour oh   sour milk milk is mainly water and when you  carbonate water you put the water in the container   and then you add carbon dioxide under pressure  it forces the carbon dioxide to dissolve into   that water and it forms carbonic acid now that  reaction is reversible so when you release the   pressure that carbon dioxide bubbles back out of  the water and you're left with the water again but   in the case of the milk having the acid in there  is making it taste what we recognize as sour milk   or off milk because ordinarily when milk is going  off the bacteria in the milk converts the lactose   which is the sugar in the milk into lactic acid  and it tastes sour so we associate that with milk   that is starting to go off it is not a good flavor  and not a good taste but dave doesn't know any of   this he hasn't seen those other videos so let's  see what happens when he tastes it oh wow wow sorry trigger warning too late it's like a frothy capper all right you sure you don't  want to try this i'm sure you go oh that is just wrong describe the flavor um tingly  slightly fizzy off milk no oh nah i feel so mean but you  guys you want dave to taste things   so it kind of makes sense to get him to taste  the carbonated milk uh i also wanted to give a   quick shout out to the lawyers who answered my  question in the last debunking video i wanted   to know that if there was a hack that people had  followed in the past and there was news stories   showing that people had been seriously injured  and the hack remained on youtube on how to videos   and then someone followed it and then they got  injured would youtube be liable could you sue   youtube and this was the overwhelming response  so the short answer to the question is no you   can't sue youtube there's two reasons why youtube  won't be liable for people posting really stupid   content one is the terms of service you know that  contract that you didn't read when you signed   up for youtube that basically absolves youtube  of all liability related to the videos and the   second reason is that infamous section 230 of  the communications decency act which provides   some protection for website operators and platform  websites like youtube cannot be held liable for   the things that people are posting on it so there  you have it youtube can't be sued for dangerous   content on their platform even though they say  content that encourages illegal or dangerous   activities is not allowed on youtube neither is  content that risks serious physical harm or death even if it's against their policies and they  choose to leave it there that's totally up to   them and that could be part of the issue of the  people who monitor videos when you flag a video   as dangerous it goes through to moderators who  have to watch that video and make a decision   and there's plenty of information and news reports  on the moderators being totally mentally stressed   out from watching such horrible content all day  long and you imagine if you're watching genuinely   awful extreme violent and horrible content and  then you get sent to how to hack i imagine that   you probably say that that one's okay it's not  too bad like are they actually gonna spend any   time researching it to find out have people been  to hospital with burns and is this bad or is   this okay they're just gonna go no that's fine  because compared to the extreme stuff it's not   the same you kind of need a different  level of moderators for different things   maybe they have that i don't know but we  certainly haven't seen any dangerous hacks   removed from youtube at this stage so all that to  say be careful what you're watching don't believe   everything you see on youtube or on any other  platform for that matter thanks to my patrons for   your amazing ongoing support and encouragement i  really appreciate it make sure if you enjoyed the   video you let the algorithm know by watching more  of my videos liking commenting sharing subscribing   just interact and engage with the video make  it a great week and i'll see you on friday
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 3,951,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howtocookthat, how to cook that, ann reardon, cake, chocolate, dessert, HOW TO COOK THAT ANN REARDON, How To Cook That Ann Reardon 🍰🍫🍨🍭
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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