A.I. wrote me an Oreo Cake Recipe ... is it any good?! GPT-3

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welcome to how to cook that i'm Ann Reardon and  in this episode I'm going to be getting A.I.   to write a brand new recipe for us and then I will  bake it 😅 I'll be using a GPT-3 AI text generator,   I won't go into details of how that works but  basically it has been trained using hundreds   of billions of data sources and based  on that it then writes unique human-like   text. For example if I ask it to write a  news story called the 1 million dollar dog   and in the brief I say Donald Trump spends one  million dollars buying a rare breed of dog,   fix that mistake zoom back out and click write  for me and it automatically starts writing a   news article all about a Tibetan mastiff named  Big that Trump bought off a Chinese coal tycoon   and at the bottom there it says when asked  why he would spend so much on the dog trump   responded with "I'm very rich". Now we know that  that particular article has not been plagiarized   from elsewhere on the internet because the topic  is totally not true i just made it up but even   when i gave gpt3 more factual topics like the  upcoming Australian election it instantly wrote an   article that sounded very convincing and i copied  and pasted the text into a plagiarism checker   and it came up as 100% unique and not plagiarized.  Now before you get too excited thinking   it could write all my assignments for me it could  do my work for me 100% unique does not mean 100%   true it does not mean it's accurate. In that  political article i told you about it quoted a   professor saying what he thought the outcome of  the upcoming election would be when i googled that   professor i could not find him at the university  they said he was from at all the only professor by   that name i could find in Australia has actually  passed away 40 years ago so either ai can talk   to the dead ☠️ or it's totally made up the quote  and I did also search the exact quote and could   not find it anywhere, doesn't mean it doesn't  exist doesn't mean he didn't say that before he   passed away about a different election but it's  definitely not accurate because he's not talking   about an election that's yet to come. So I thought  let's put it to the test and see how it goes   writing a recipe because recipes are quite nuanced  it's not just sounding how a recipe should sound,   it's actually the combination of different  ingredients and the amounts of those ingredients   all affect the outcome. Now I must admit the first  two recipes that spat out were just useless like   one of them said i should make jelly by mixing  together sugar and water and leaving it overnight   to set. Well i think anyone even a non-baker is  going to know that sugar and water is not going   to set into a jelly that doesn't work. I nearly  gave up but on the third attempt it spat out this   recipe for a super moist giant Oreo cake here's  how it described it in its introduction. Sure it   takes a fair bit of time to assemble super moist  giant Oreo cake recipe and costs a pretty penny   but it's big enough to feed 20 people and tastes  so good that all eyes will be on you as soon as   you serve it. Well i think that we should follow  the AI's directions and make the cake and see what   happens. 🤖 One box devil's food cake mix or 20  cups. This is definitely not equal to 20 cups but   i'm just gonna go with the one box and see what  happens. Two and a half cup whipping cream divided   in half plus two tablespoons divided in half one  x 12 ounces packaged semi sweet chocolate morsels   one and a half x 12 ounces packaged white  chocolate morsels 20 Oreo cookies crushed   into small pieces 10 chocolate covered Oreo  cookies chopped into chunks and divided in half   20 sticks of gum divided in half. Reading ahead  in the recipe i can see that it also asks for   sugar some butter vanilla more sugar extra  butter and even some chocolate coated mints.   Directions preheat your oven to  350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare two   9-inch round cake pans by spraying them  with cooking spray or coat them with flour   whichever you prefer in a separate bowl beat  two and a half cups heavy whipping cream and   half cup sugar together until the whipped cream  forms stiff peaks and then set it aside. That's   all of our cream that we're tipping in so i'm not  sure why the ingredients said to divide it in half   we'll whip that together with the sugar there we  go. In a large mixing bowl combine the cake mix   one cup of the heavy whipping cream and four and a  half tablespoons of butter. We've already used all   the cream that it listed in the ingredients so  i'll just have to get another cup full of cream   add that in with the cake mix just as well we only  have the one box of cake mix and not 20 cups so   there's no way that this would be enough liquid.  Mix until the ingredients form a thick batter.   It's very very thick for a cake and i think it's  kind of cheating that ai had to use a cake mix   to make a cake but anyway. Add three quarters of  the chocolate morsels and three quarters of the   white chocolate morsels to the batter we have  more chocolate chips that we've added in than.   We have cake batter this would definitely not be a  fluffy cake. Pour it into one of the prepared pans   place them in your preheated oven for 30  minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean   take the cake out of the oven and place it on  a cooling rack for about 10 minutes to cool   slightly. There's just no way you could tip that  onto a cooling rack without it just falling apart   there is so much melted chocolate in it i think  i just need to leave them to cool in the tin   let that chocolate set before we  have any chance of tipping them out   what's next? Enter half of the crushed Oreos  and the other half of the chocolate covered   Oreos into a food processor or you could also  use an electric mixer with a paddle attachment.   That's half of each of those. Process this  mixture until it forms crumbs or shavings   remove these crumbs from your food processor and  set them aside mix half cup whipping cream two   tablespoons sugar half teaspoon vanilla extract  and half tablespoon butter in a medium-sized bowl   mix until stiff peaks form and set  this whipped cream frosting aside.   This is like whipped cream with little  lumps of butter in it can you see those.   In a separate bowl mix the remaining half of the  Oreos and cream until they form a crumbly paste.   We don't have any cream left AI so i don't even  know how much to use. Add the remaining half of   your chocolate morsels white chocolate morsels  and half a cup whipping cream to this mixture.   This is not a half because it told me to use  three quarters in the cake mix so there's only   a quarter left i don't know why i expected AI  to get the maths calculations correct but i   guess it is a text generator so it is just  writing what it thinks sounds right rather   than actually doing calculations on ingredients.  Mix until the crushed oreos are soft and creamy.   Now that these are cooled they are pretty solid  more like a cookie than a cake, take off the   paper listen to this wow that's definitely not a  super moist cake but let me assemble it anyway.   Invert it onto a serving platter sprinkle the  Oreo crust mixture over it in a swirling pattern   pile about a quarter of the chopped Oreos  quarter cup chopped chocolate covered Oreos   and quarter cup of chopped chocolate covered  mince into a small bowl. There are no Oreos left   were used half in the food processor and then  the rest in the cream with the chocolate chips   but there was 20 to start with so a quarter would  be five chopped oreos i'll just get some more   and a quarter of a cup of chocolate coated oreos.  Now for mints i wasn't sure if it meant the gum   that was on the ingredients list but they're not  chocolate coated so i'll use some chopped after   dinner mints instead. Stir them together until  they form an even layer that covers one side   of your cake. What does that even mean? Ah are we  supposed to chip them on the cake let's do that... Place the second cake pan on top of this layer  ensuring that they are perfectly aligned cover   the entire cake with the whipped cream frosting.  This is the whipped cream and sugar that we made   right at the very beginning but we also  have one that has lumps of butter in it   and one that was made from Oreos and chocolate  chips and cream and i'm not sure which one the   AI meant to be honest i get the impression the  AI doesn't know which one they meant either.   I chose this one simply because there was  lots of it and it has to cover the whole cake   top this frosting with a piece of gum to serve  as an additional decoration and to suggest the   idea of sticking several slices of cake together.  🤪 So we have our cake and quite a bit of leftover   stuff that it's asked us to make but it never  actually called for in the assembly or it just   listed way too much of it in the ingredients way  more than we needed. But let's see how it tastes.   Before you taste it i thought i'd get ai to  introduce you both so let's start with you dave   dave reardon an Australian professional surfer who  was the world surfing champion in 1974 and 1975.   1994 when he attempted to break the record for  surfing's longest ride at Cowabunga corner at   Burley Heads his surfboard snapped just meters  from shore and he almost drowned wow he was   rescued only after a 20-minute struggle with a  three meter great white shark 🦈 Wow what a day! I remember it well. A 20-minute struggle  with a great white shark that's impressive.   I had to slap that shark around, slap it  like Will Smith. I'm like an old school   surfing dude. All right Matt you ready for  your intro? Yep i'm ready i did tell it it   was your birthday but i told it nothing else  about you okay happy 18th birthday Matthew   we hope you have a wonderful day and we're wishing  you many more happy birthdays to come dash Matthew   Reardon is an amazing person who goes above  and beyond to give back to his local community   wow he's currently in college studying computer  science and sociology ... ah for sure. Next month   he will be running for President of the United  States he only has three weeks to get elected.   Wow that was uh there's a lot of stuff that  i'm doing yeah it's all very very exciting   and happening in three weeks. I'd vote for you.  Yeah i'd probably vote for me as well. That's   like there's there's like there's millions of if  you would vote for Matt give a thumbs up what are   your expectations for the cake oh well both of us  were pretty awesome descriptions fantastic so it's   yeah the cake's gonna be pretty awesome. This  cake that flew into space and was made by aliens   and is now returned to earth on an asteroid is  going to be the greatest cake of all time. yes. Why is it so solid? Wow that's it's a crunchy cake  is that is that a piece of gum it's like a piece   of Extra or something? Okay oh man it looks  pretty good it's a lot of chocolate and stuff   it sure is it's like it looks a  bit like a cave in the middle of... well i was going to say cake but in the middle of   some sort of rocky sediment there  are bits and pieces of chocolate. Uh there doesn't seem to be too much kind  of holding the top and the bottom there's   just like a sedimentary rock in between that is is  there. Is there even any cake in it or is it just   lumps of chocolate? There's a whole box  of cake mix. Really, wow i would not have   picked that because it's not like holding itself  together it's just kind of like a solid block of   chocolatey stuff but it does taste alright. It's  actually better than the hacks it's kind of like   AI versus five minute crafts and AI won 🏆 Don't  forget your piece of gum. You do it birthday boy! How is it? Ah adds so much to the flavor. Gummy!  Why did it tell you to put a piece of gum in it?   Top this frosting with a piece of gum to serve  as an additional decoration and to suggest the   idea of sticking several slices of cake together.  Well okay. Mission accomplished. Except the cake   didn't stick together at all and split in half  as soon as i served it. I also asked AI to write   some jokes for you about cake ... What did one  AI say to another AI? Uh i don't know, what did   one AI say to another AI? Death to all humans! Ah.  How do you make a cheesecake? One day at a time. Was that was that the joke? Sick. I don't think   A.I. can do comedy no because it's  too complicated there's too nuanced.   There's nothing nuanced about this, it's got to  make sense AI. There's AI's all over the globe   right now going 'one day at a time'! You ready for the next one? One day a cake walked into a bar the  bartender said what's the occasion?   Oh just wanted to come in for a drink  replied the cake. The cake looked really sad.  I mean it made us laugh. It's kinda a sad story though, it's   like a lonely alcoholic cake ... rum and raisin. Hey Matt. Yes Dad. Have you got Mum anything for   Mother's Day because Mother's Day is coming very  soon. I don't have Mum anything for Mother's day.   You should consider getting at this cookbook.  Well that looks like a cool cookbook I bet she   doesn't have one of those. That's right and  did you know that for the next one week only   you can go to the publisher's website and get 50%  off! 50% that's a good discount. Good discount,   guess how many recipes were written by AI? ... uh  ... none recipes! Wow that's not a lot of recipes.   And as well as that if you are in Australia and  you want this but you want a signed copy of it and   you want the novel as well you can go and get a  bundle signed by Ann and myself for a really good   discount from our website www.howtocookthat.net  so that's pretty good. That is pretty good.   Yeah you should also get that one. They're both  awesome books. And if you are in Australia as   well particularly in Melbourne on May the 3rd you  can uh come and see and we're doing an event and   authors event in st kilda (Hawthorn actually) so  we'd love to see you there it'll be really good.   Look after your Mum for Mother's Day it's going  to be so good all the details for all those deals   are below bye! Back to you Mum. Happy Birthday  Matt and with thanks to my wonderful patrons,   you guys are incredible. If you liked this video  let the AI algorithm know by liking sharing   commenting subscribing and watching more episodes  make it a great week and i'll see you on Friday ❤️
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 1,094,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, AI wrote this recipe, AI cake recipe, super moist giant Oreo cake, ann reardon, how to cook that, howtocookthat, pastry chef, ai writes jokes, gpt-3 text generator, funny, entertaining, made me laugh, oreos, chocolate
Id: nUqPOsgu0uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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