Debunking Fake Cooking Videos & Vaping Lies | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Welcome to How To Cook That, I'm Ann Reardon and  this is another episode of debunking where we   look at viral videos from around the internet  and figure out what's true and what is fake.   First of all before we get into it I must say  a huge thank you to all of you who helped with   the fractal wood burning video ... if you missed  it i did a previous episode exposing the extreme   dangers of fractal wood burning and YouTube in  its crazy wisdom decided that that video was   dangerous and took it down while leaving up the  videos showing how to do fractal wood burning!   We of course challenged it and the decision  got reversed the video got put back up but   that essentially made that video dead in the water  no one was ever going to see it but you guys got   onto that you commented on the video you shared  it you liked it you got it moving again and now   it is back on the front page when you search for  fractal wood burning and it is having an effect.   Here are some of the comments just from since it's  been reinstated ... my dad was very insistent on   wanting to do this and he wouldn't listen until  i showed him this video. I am so glad you just   saved my life i was already making my device to  try it but changed my mind thanks to your video   i just threw everything away. I rewatched the  video and had just decided to send it to my   family member unbeknown to me they already had the  transformer and were planning on attempting it.   And there are so many more comments just like that  of these people saying they were going to try it   and now that they've seen the video and they  realise how dangerous it is they are not going   to do it and that is all because of you so well  done, great job and thank you for your help with   getting that warning out there. Now let's have  a look at what Five Minute Crafts has been up to   this video is called granny's kitchen hacks  you should save for the future hmmm... speaking of the future though can you imagine  someone watching this video in a hundred years   time saying back in 2022 it appears they used to  decorate their fridge with food instead of eating   the food 😂 To be fair though I have decorated the  fridge with food before but I didn't smear it on,   I made a chocolate tree so that the kids could  see it when they came home from school. It was   a completely different idea but still decorating  the fridge with food. Okay let's look at this next   one we have some raspberry jam spread it on a  paper towel add soil, roll it up and plant it   and you grow a raspberry plant. To get jam to  set when you're making it you have to heat it   all the way up to 105 degrees celsius or 220  Fahrenheit now there's a variation for different   seeds as to what temperature will kill them but  generally anything above 60 degrees centigrade   your seed is gonna be dead so it's not  going to be viable anymore it's not going   to grow into a raspberry plant so that one was  completely fake. Let's check out this next one   they appear to have an onion in some soil and  they're cutting off the top scoring it across   and then adding toothpicks and now they're growing  and they seem to have miraculously been cut   all the way through into quarters and we can watch  them grow and now it's flowering with tulips.   Okay so I apparently got that wrong that was not  supposed to be an onion it was supposed to be a   tulip bulb but what they showed in this video  the time lapse of this video everything about   this video was faked ... if you have a look at the  time lapse bit of it you can see where they poured   on the water if we go frame by frame you can see  the water is soaking in as the frames go by so   no time has passed just a few seconds and in that  time they've stretched up or photoshopped in some   leaves growing i'm not quite sure why they didn't  make the biggest one of those grow there because   that would be more believable. Despite the fact  that this is fake and it's the wrong methodology   you can actually propagate some bulbs like tulips  and daffodils by cutting them all the way through   as long as you have some of that basil plate on  the bottom of each bit that you've cut. There's a   great youtube channel that i want you to check out  where he does some amazingly beautiful time lapses   of daffodils opening and all of that sort of stuff  i'm not going to show you because i want you to   go to his channel and watch them but one of the  time lapses that he has recorded is of slicing the   bulbs and you can see here as they grow they look  very very different to what five minute crafts   showed you. It doesn't make sense to me that  beautifully filmed channels like this one that are   factually correct and actually help educate you  hardly get any views or subscribers and yet Five   Minute Crafts continues to get millions of views  and be promoted. This one i thought that they   were debunking the video for me they'd already  debunked it but when i read the description and   the comments underneath i realised that they were  genuinely posting up a video asking what they did   wrong and why it didn't work. So let me show you  the video on the left is the original and on the   right is the person trying it at home they're  blending sugar and food coloring to make cotton   candy and of course they just get powdered sugar  mixed with some chunks of food colouring in there.   If you're a regular to how to cook that then  you already know that to make cotton candy it   is indeed just sugar and food colouring but it has  to be heated up until the sugar is melted and then   a cotton candy machine has a round central section  with small little holes so that when it's spun you   get these tiny little threads of sugar coming out  rather than the sugar just splattering everywhere   when it's melted which would not make cotton candy  at all. But if we read down in the comments some   people are suggesting perhaps they've got the  wrong blender or you need to blend for longer   or maybe a different speed my suggestion would  perhaps be to put the cotton candy in the blender   and then reverse the footage and you've magically  got it making fairy floss 🤯 There shouldn't be   fake hacks and there shouldn't be fake how-to's,  it's not a matter of trying to prank people with   recipes that's just gonna waste food and waste  their time and make them think that they've done   something wrong and that they can't cook. That's  not a good outcome ... perhaps there needs to be a   trust rating on videos that can be trusted so that  you know if i try their stuff they're not trying   to prank me i don't know you let me know what you  think a good solution would be to this problem.   Next topic we have is highly controversial  ... vaping, vaping, vaping, vaping,   vaping, vaping nobody knows too much about it.  Basically they're a device that uses a battery   to heat up a metal coil to 400 degrees Fahrenheit  or 200 degrees celsius in seconds in order to   convert a liquid into tiny airborne droplets or an  aerosol and most of the liquids contain nicotine.   Some of them contain THC or other cannabis or  marijuana products but we're not talking about   those i'm just talking about the nicotine vapes  and nicotine e-cigarettes for the purpose of   this video the first e-cigarettes looked very  much like normal cigarettes they were designed   by a pharmacist who was addicted to smoking and  wanted a way to still get that nicotine hit but   to try and get himself off smoking and hopefully  others too, so great starting intentions. Fast   forward to today and as i said there's hundreds  of different designs many of which are more modern   and sleek and colorful and 23% of adults who use  e-cigarettes never smoked in the first place they   just took up e-cigarettes and vaping, so is it  good for you or are they not so good for you?   Let's take a look at the first thing that hits  the news a lot which is exploding e-cigarettes:   An e-cigarette exploded inside a New York  city man's pocket ... smoking an electronic   cigarette it exploded in his face ... it's the  latest e-cigarette to explode in a long list of   similar cases across the country. Do you remember  when the Samsung phone batteries were exploding   in those cases 26 people got injured and then the  phones were recalled taken off the market millions   of them so that no one else got hurt. In this case  we have 3369 injuries from e-cigarettes exploding   a third of the cases of hospitalization the people  were using the e-cigarette when it exploded and   then of course they're getting burns and injuries  to their face and to their hands because of the   design of the e-cigarette when the batteries are  exploding it's forcing the top of the e-cigarette   off into their face like a projectile. So if you  look at this CT scan of a 17 year old you can see   his jaw is shattered and his teeth are knocked  in these are not minor injuries these are major   unpleasant, nobody would wish that on anyone. So  why are they exploding? Well i've seen quite a few   people say that it is because people are carrying  spare batteries in their pockets they have a wrap   on the outside that needs to stay intact if that  battery gets torn and that starts to touch metal   or something like loose change in your pocket or  something like that it can definitely short out   the battery. In a world where youtube exists if  you tell people lithium-ion batteries are going   to explode if you short-circuit them there's  going to be youtubers who try and short-circuit   them and get them to explode now this is an  extremely dangerous thing to do and i do not at   all suggest that you try it but when they did  try it this is what happened ... immediately   drop the battery into the acrylic pipe  and guess what happened after 20 minutes   nothing! Well it got pretty hot but nothing more  happened. And those results seemed consistent   over all the channels that i watched of people  trying to short circuit the batteries they got   hot but they didn't get hot enough for  them to explode so in order to try and   make them get those fireworks what was required  to do that? Well on those dangerous youtube videos   anything that basically pierced through the  battery making the layers that are wrapped up   inside the battery come in contact with each other  so you're basically breaking the separation plates   so that the layers come in contact with each  other and then you're getting the explosion... Now i'm pretty sure that that's not happening in  people's pockets so why would they be exploding?   One of the explanations is possibly faulty  lithium-ion batteries so people getting cheap   substandard batteries that actually have a fault  inside them already and then that just causes   that separation layer that's inside the battery  to break down and boom you have an explosion.   But then there's other ones as well where it seems  to be the fault of the device this vaping channel   says: it's not the mods fault it is definitely the  user's fault whenever one of these things happens   to explode. So he's saying that by using mech  mods and the wrong coil people are essentially   over stressing the battery and allowing it to  overheat that way and then explode my question to   that would be if mech mods are so dangerous that  they can explode like this surely there should be   an awful lot of warnings that have to come with  them in order for the people not to get sued.   This law firm that is in fact representing  different people who have been injured in   explosions lists different devices that have been  involved in explosions obviously this is not all   devices because it's only just what one law firm  is representing personally i just wouldn't risk   putting anything that could explode that close to  my face. The next thing that hits the news a lot   is evali. Evali which stands for e-cigarette or  vaping product use associated lung injury we're   seeing it progress pretty rapidly from no problems  to severe lung injury and even death in just a   week or so. Evali was very serious it killed a lot  of people 68 people to be exact it mainly occurred   in the US back in 2019. If i show you the graph  here you can see that it really peaked and then it   dropped right back down and the reason it dropped  back down is they started studying the lungs of   people who came into the hospital with a valley  and found that the vast majority of them had not   just been smoking the nicotine e-cigarettes but  they had been smoking the thc or the cannabinoid   or the marijuana-based vapes basically and they  had been contaminated or deliberately added to   the vitamin E acetate, which fine if you're  going to eat that not fine if you're going to   inhale that it basically is an extreme irritant  to the lungs causing them to swell and that   inflammation then meant that they basically  couldn't breathe properly. Before we move on   to the next thing i just want to say a big  thank you to today's sponsor, if you are   really really busy in your week like I have been  this week and you don't have enough time to do   meal prep and go to the shops and do your  food shopping then Hello Fresh delivers right   to your doorstep. Each box contains quality  fresh produce, easy to follow recipe cards   and all the ingredients that you need for each  recipe come pre-portioned to decrease food waste.   It's perfect for busy families  looking to try something new   and yes they do have vegetarian and  pescatarian options too if you want that. The meals were plenty big enough for my hungry  boys to eat. Go to and use code   CookThat16 for 16 free meals across 7 boxes and  three free gifts. Now onto the huge issue of   young people taking up vaping ... this is a  speech from the u.s surgeon general back in 2018:   we know that nicotine exposure during adolescence  can uniquely harm the developing adolescent brain   impacting learning, memory and attention. We know  that exposure during this critical brain period   can lead to further addictions. Youth e-cigarette  use has skyrocketed so much so today that i am   officially declaring e-cigarette use among youth  and epidemic in the United States vaping companies   many of which have full or part ownership by  tobacco companies basically had a free run in   the US up to 2016 when the fda was given approval  to be able to regulate them under tobacco.   So before that they could pretty much do what  they wanted there was no labelling requirements   for nicotine there was seven thousand different  flavours they basically just did anything and   loved the freedom because tobacco companies had  had a lot of restrictions on what they could do   before that in terms of advertising now they've  got this new product and they can do whatever   they want. Even once the regulations came in in  2016 in terms of the fda could regulate them it   seemed to be very slow in actually knuckling down  on those regulations and requiring companies to   actually have their products tested and approved  before they were allowed on the market. I'm not   sure why that was so slow you'd have to look into  that if you were interested in that but certainly   that allowed the numbers of youth who were using  e-cigarettes to continue to rise so by 2020, 20%   of high schoolers in the u.s said that they had  used an e-cigarette within the last 30 days. 20%   that is just high super high way too high and then  because of that there were some investigations   particularly into one of the brands that was  a leading brand at the time to see had they   in fact marketed towards youth and young people,  which they deny and say no our target audience was   smokers we want to get smokers off smoking  and onto e-cigarettes, which is a great,   noble thing to try and do. But when you look at  it the average age of smokers or the majority of   smokers in the US are between the age of 25 and  65 and their adverts all seem to feature people   who are quite a bit younger or definitely on the  very youngest end of that and it wasn't just the   young people who were featured in this campaign  that was the issue it was where the ad was placed.   So you had ads in teen magazines, you had ads on  children's cartoon websites it's no wonder this   product appealed to young people so much. They  also paid many social media influences to promote   their product it's interesting to note on this one  that was a paid promotion that she has updated her   post to say: I became addicted to Juul vape and  it caused me lots of pain. But probably the nail   in the coffin for Juul when they were trying to  convince everyone they hadn't promoted to kids   was the testimony that they had actually gone  into schools! Did the presenter call Juul   quote unquote 'totally safe' more than once. Yes.  What impact did those quote unquote totally safe   comments have on your classmates some of whom may  have already started vaping? For my classmates who   are already vaping it was a sigh of relief because  now they were able to vape without any concern.   The national academies of sciences engineering and  medicine put out a 750 page review on e-cigarettes   this is what they say: combustible tobacco  cigarettes pose serious risks to human health.   We know that i think everyone would agree on that  if you smoke you have a 50% chance of dying of a   smoking related illness that's not good odds.  Many of those health effects emerge only after   decades of cigarette smoking e-cigarettes have  only been on the market in the u.s since 2006   making scientific comparisons between e-cigarettes  and combustible cigarettes about most health   effects difficult. More and better research  on short-term and long-term health effects   of e-cigarettes will bring clarity on whether  e-cigarettes will prove to reduce harm or induce   harm at the individual and population levels.  So I guess it's kind of like watch this space   if you're someone who never smoked and you are  now vaping welcome to the human experiment you   volunteered to pay money to vape and get  paid nothing to be the research subject   in this great human experiment! Personally i would  rather be in the control group that gets to have   healthy fresh air and i think you should swap into  my group i think you got a bad deal. Nicotine is   highly addictive. It was so addicting i brought it  with me everywhere i went. At first it started out   as a pot of day but then progressively got to more  and more at the height of my addiction it was $150   a week. So i'm constantly puffing away on it when  i'm in bed about to go to sleep i'm smoking on it   until my eyes are closed and i'm in a deep sleep,  i wake up the first thing in the morning i do   is reach for this. Now previously back when they  were trying to show that normal tobacco cigarettes   caused lung cancer they developed a study where  they would get 300 mice put them in an enclosed   pen and pump in cigarette smoke for i think it  was five or six hours a day and they did that five   days a week and then did it for two and a half  years and they also had a control group of mice   who got nice fresh filtered air. At the end of the  study 10% of the control group had neoplastic lung   lesions now that compared with 45% of the mice  that were exposed to the cigarette smoke. Now this   testing method has been useful because whenever  the tobacco companies come up with a new cigarette   that they think is going to be healthier instead  of waiting decades you could do this study and   show whether it was going to have a better effect  compared to the previous model of cigarettes. Now   obviously this is mice this is not humans so it's  not a hundred percent but it at least gives an   indication you don't have to wait 30, 40 years  before you get that sort of indication of what's   happening. So this professor wanted to do that  study essentially with nicotine vapes but he hit   opposition because it's widely believed that  nicotine is not carcinogenic it's not going to   cause cancer but he was looking at what about when  it's inhaled this is a whole new delivery method.   So eventually he got some funding but not big  funding so he didn't have 300 mice he had 40   mice and he exposed them to e-cigarette vapor  containing nicotine for four hours a day five   days a week for just over a year and then 18 mice  were exposed to e-cigarette vapor without nicotine   and 18 were given filtered air. One of the mice  in the control group got cancer and nine of the   mice that were exposed to the nicotine containing  vapor developed one or more visible lung tumors.   Here is the professor who did that study: vaping  is definitely not safe. Nicotine once you get into   the cell they become DNA damaging. Of course  nicotine is not the only chemical that has   been raised of concern in vapes either, there are  issues with some of the flavorings particularly   the cinnamon, the butterscotch, the buttery,  the cherry ones, some of those are approved fda   flavorings that you can use in food and they're  fine to eat but when you're heating them up to   200 degrees centigrade they're changing into a  different chemical often one which is then an   irritant to your lungs when you breathe it in.  There are also some reports saying that there   are some heavy metals that are being inhaled from  some of the vapes perhaps from the coils in the   actual devices. 30 countries have totally banned  e-cigarettes, here in Australia they decided to do   a study they went out and bought 214 different  vapes that were available from all different   brands and instead of just trusting what they said  was in them they tested the liquid that was in   each vape and then had a look at what was actually  in it. 88% of them were not correctly labeled for   nicotine some of them didn't even mention they  had any nicotine in them but they in fact had   very high levels of nicotine. Of course that's  not useful if you're trying to wean off and you   don't even know how much is in it and a third  of them had prohibited substances in like those   flavorings that i was just talking about. So that  told them that basically they can't trust the vape   manufacturers to do the right thing for people's  health so they then made the decision to make it   illegal to have nicotine vapes in Australia it's  illegal to possess one it's illegal to use one   unless you have a prescription from your doctor.  If you are vaping and you want to quit which would   be 60% of you according to studies then make  sure you do reach out and get help because you   are dealing with a nicotine addiction coming  straight off at cold turkey can be pretty   this rough. So hard.   I feel like i'm at war in my body my throat  hurts my head hurts i'm craving it. Weaning   off with a plan from a health professional  can make that journey a little bit easier   it is going to be hard it's not going to be  an easy thing to do but it is so worth it.   If you have never vaped before and you've  never smoked before if someone offers you one   just be kind to your future self and say no  thanks I don't want to do that that's not for me.   Simple. If you don't start I can 100% guarantee it  won't affect you, you won't get addicted and you   will not have any long-term health consequences  from it. With thanks to my patrons for your   amazing support make it a great week by being  kind to others and i'll see you on Friday 😁
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 1,239,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debunking fake content, debunking, ann reardon, how to cook that, debunking howtocookthat, howtocookthat debunking, is 5 minute crafts the worst channel on youtube?, making cotton candy in a blender, cutting bulbs, fake cooking hacks
Id: bAD3tHU6Gss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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