Debunking Viral Covid-19 Videos | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

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Ann Reardon is bae

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hauntcrow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I clicked "report" on something that seemed hateful and this account got permanently banned for "misusing the report button" ; it was probably my 10th or so report and all of the preceding ones were good, so, they seem really trigger happy with that. Be careful reporting anything.

Reddit doesn't remove comments if you send them a GDPR deletion request, so I'm editing everything to this piece of text ; might as well make them store garbage on their servers and fuck with undeleting sites!

Sorry if this comment would've been useful to you, go complain to reddit about why they'd ban people for reporting stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 473 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_WITTY_USERNAME πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If she did a video about the world coming to an end, I'd probably watch, be informed, and feel good about it at the end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/artcowan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Small error at the front of the video, she says that the CDC recommends that hand sanitiser contains at minimum 60% alcohol but that "the more the better".

Not sure if the error is on the part of the CDC or an Ann, but a solution of 70% alcohol is more effective than 100%, so you definitely don't want to use it pure if a solution is available.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 101 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ofNoImportance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

She is a gem amount the YouTube garbage channels.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crepes_for_days3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Everyone knows that the only way to cure COVID-19 is to insert warm herbal tea into your butthole.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BonerSoupAndSalad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cannot fathom why the CDC was so dismissive of mask use in the beginning. Even if it makes a difference of 10% reduction to infection rates, that is a win they desperately should be seeking. From this video it seems like it dramatically reduces the likelihood of infection. The CDC should be advising mandatory use of masks when in public while they work on the vaccine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sycly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wash your goddamn hands!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaximumCameage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love her videos and her husband is funny also. I just wish she would hang some sound absorbing material off camera.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lurker818 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon now misinformation about covid-19 seems to be spreading faster than the virus itself so I thought we'd better do some debunking here check out some viral videos and see whether they are true false, what's going on there? so first of all I thought we would tackle the topic of hand sanitizer ...if you're like me then your local supermarket shelves are pretty much empty of hand sanitizer. I know that our supermarket said they restocked and then they sold 40 weeks supply in one week and so that's why the shelves are empty again! they're busy trying to get more suppliers to put on those shelves and that has led to a lot of people searching for the term 'make hand sanitizer' they want to make their own hand sanitizer if you take a look on Google Trends here you can see that worldwide searches for make hand sanitizer were low, really low until late February when suddenly they spiked up. Now Blossom, first media, was of course straight onto this with a couple of new videos ... ten hacks to help you stay clean and ten surprising cleaning hacks looking at the thumbnails let me start by saying please don't ever cut with a knife towards your hand for obvious reasons, but back to hand sanitizer. Okay so they put three big chunks of aloe vera and a splash of isopropyl alcohol and a few drops of essential oils into a blender to make easy hand sanitizer. Now let's break that down ... the Center for Disease Control in the USA or the CDC says that hand sanitizer is effective if it is at least 60% alcohol the more alcohol the better but 60% is like your minimum you don't want to go under that and the reason for that is of course is that the alcohol is the thing in the hand sanitizer that's doing the sanitizing that's the thing that is going to break down the virus and make it inactive. If you don't have the alcohol in there you're just making your hands wet basically πŸ™ now if we look at the recipe that they used here we can see that they made a bottle full plus whatever was left over in the blender there for this to be 60% alcohol two-thirds of this needed to be alcohol not just a splash so this one is not going to have a high enough alcohol concentration in it to be effective against covid-19 🦠 I did a quick search on YouTube for DIY hand sanitizer and the first result that came up the one that was at the top was a video by this lady who used 70% isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel. Now she's trying to do the right thing she actually talks about the CDC's recommendation of it being at least 60% but she's getting confused there and thinking that the alcohol you use has to be at least 60% so let's see what happens if we follow this recipe. You can see here she's using a popular recipe with 1/3 of a cup of aloe vera gel - 2/3 of a cup of isopropyl alcohol but her isopropyl alcohol is 70% not 99% if you want to make hand sanitizer at home and you take 2/3 of a cup of 99% isopropyl alcohol and mix it with aloe vera gel you will get a hand sanitizer that is 66 percent alcohol which according to the CDC is effective against coronavirus so that's a good one. If you instead of using 99% alcohol use 70 percent isopropyl alcohol like the lady did in the video it's already watered down so then adding 2/3 of a cup of that and 1/3 a cup of aloe vera gel gives you a hand sanitizer that's only 46 percent alcohol which according to the CDC is not enough it's under 60% so it's not going to be effective against covid-19 so it has to be 60 percent of the end result not of the thing you're starting with that's how it works so hopefully that makes sense now. Let's look at disinfecting surfaces next so there was a recent study published by the New England Journal of Medicine and this looked at how long covid-19 could survive on different surfaces at room temperature. so they put some on different surfaces and then tested it over various hour intervals to see was it still viable? Now viable means it's still able to infect someone so this is important to know. So if we have a look at that they tested it on copper and on copper it lasted for up to four hours cardboard 24 hours plastics and steel up to three days! So how are we going to disinfect those surfaces well if we watch the same video from Blossom it shows us how to make a disinfectant spray using 70% isopropyl alcohol which as you know from before is watered down already so it's part of cold part water plus a lot of vinegar. All right so we already know that that's not going to have anywhere near enough alcohol content in it to kill coronavirus because you watered it down a lot with the vinegar but what about the acid from the vinegar? Well the acid in the vinegar is a fairly weak acid it's true it is good against some bacterias but bacteria is not a virus so we have to look at is it going to work for this particular virus because to be honest that's what we're concerned about right now is the virus. Dr. Evans a professor in Medical Microbiology and immunology says: no! Some strong acids are effective but vinegar is too weak. So if you spray your door handle with this vinegar mixture and then wipe it off you're not actually going to deactivate any coronavirus that's on there. If you go to the EPA website and I'll link to that below this video there is a list of all the different disinfectants what the active ingredients are in them and whether they're effective against covid-19 or not. Now interestingly enough if you look at that website you'll see some of them need to be in contact with the virus for 10 minutes to be effective some are only one minute but generally you can't just spray it on and wipe it off straight away you have to spray it on and leave it for 10 minutes because it needs to sit on there long enough to make that virus inactive. Now we are of course being told as I said to regularly disinfect our phones because we use them a lot and they go to our face so it's pretty important that they are clean and that they're not contaminated ... let's see what they suggest in this video for that. If you're out of hand sanitizer they say to clean your phone mix together water and vinegar which as you know now is a weak acid that doesn't deactivate the virus and there's zero alcohol in this so there's nothing to deactivate the virus. You'd think in the middle of a pandemic it would be really important to fact-check and get this stuff right because people's lives are at risk obviously not high on their list of priorities I guess. Let's hope that people know not to follow these DIYs ... let's look at some of the comments underneath ... I think we might be in a bit of trouble here people are here, they say they're here because of coronavirus so they're wanting information of what to do. Well that's an interesting comment by Fox to try and give you the information behind that to try and combat misinformation on YouTube about coronavirus YouTube made a decision to demonize any videos that were predominantly about covid-19 so ones like this sort of thing then they changed their mind a few days later and said that news channels would be able to monetize and specific other channels would but the majority wouldn't. So Fox is asking because this has gone up in that time period of demonetized how come this video is still monetized? Well it's interesting if you look at it they haven't mentioned covid-19 or coronavirus in the title. What they've done instead is just put the graphic that the news always uses on the thumbnail and used that in the video as well so they've implied it without saying it in order to not get the video demonetized, an interesting way of going around that. Okay moving on so disinfectants look at the EPA list so you know which ones will work hand sanitizer at least 60% alcohol in the final product, not in the ingredients. So a big question that I get is about food and other things that come into your house because obviously if yourself isolating you're like okay so if a parcel arrives is that going to have coronavirus on it? Obviously if it can survive on cardboard for 24 hours it could do so if we have a look at the current advice ... Doctor Justin Clark who has researched bacterial and viral pathogens for 10 years he says if you want to be super safe then the best thing to do is to quarantine anything that comes into your home for 2 to 3 days so you can just leave it to one side for two to three days and then use it. So if you get a box delivered probably it was packed more than two or three days ago if it's been in transit for that time so you could unpack it wash your hands dispose of the box and then wash your hands and what's inside is probably fine but stuff like groceries you can't always set that aside for two to three days sometimes one you need to eat it just sometimes - it's going to be perishable so it's not going to be okay so what about food? Let's look at some of the things that we do to food and what effect that has on the virus. Let's start with what happens when you put it in the fridge? Now they haven't studied this for covid-19 but they have studied it for other coronaviruses and they've found by putting it in the fridge it allows it to remain active for longer up to weeks! So what about freezing it does that destroy it no it's able to be frozen defrosted frozen defrosted several times and still be active so freezing is not the solution. What about heating it up? If we go the other way well it's generally agreed that if you have it at a 132 degrees Fahrenheit or 55 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes it will deactivate covid-19. Now my immediate question is can I do it hotter for less time and there's no Studies on that so we don't know you would assume that would be the case but there's no actual study that will tell you yes or no. But importantly at this stage there is no recorded cases of someone getting covid 19 through eating food so don't be terribly fearful about eating food of course wash all your fresh produce make sure you give it a good rinse under the tap before you eat it don't try and pour isopropyl alcohol or detergents on them because a lot of them are not good for you they're not edible and don't whatever you do don't try and drink isopropyl alcohol or detergent some people have done that that is terribly bad for you and will land you in hospital because that's potentially gonna kill you! Don't do that Let's move on to washing your hands with soap now you can use any soap the CDC says you do not need to use antibacterial soap which of course makes sense because that is antibacterial covid 19 is a virus not a bacteria so when I say you can use any soap I literally mean any soap that you like so you can use a really pretty nice so if you've got sensitive skin you can use something like these goat soaps the reason why that is like it seems a bit counterintuitive because you have to have at least 60% alcohol in your hand sanitizer you have to use the right disinfectants and leave it for the right amount of time but you can use any soap washing your hands for 20 seconds and that will work the reason why that is is a virus is a bit like a ball and now outside of that ball there's a lipid layer or a fat layer and if you use soap when you're washing your hands it breaks down that lipid layer so it basically breaks open the ball and breaks it. So it makes the virus inactive and that's why you can use any soap at all. Shout out to a local business (not sponsored) if you live here in Australia you can order these soaps in bulk online they're beautiful the goat soap is very good if you have sensitive skin because it's not harsh so if you're washing your hands all the time and having trouble with your skin jump online and get one of those its I'll put a link to that below anyway ... smells beautiful in here. On the topic of washing hands finally Blossom has done something good yes :) they actually have a hand-washing demonstration that shows really well their areas of your hands that we usually miss when we just go like this you need to actually interlock your hands and from the back of course and then you tend to miss your thumbs and you tend to miss your fingertips so you need to do all of those areas really well of course they stole the idea from someone else ... it's been done by heaps of people before them but it's an important message and they got that one right so we're going to give them a tick at least for that bit βœ… Moving on to face masks this is a hugely debated topic. In China it's forbidden to go on the street without wearing a face mask. New York and in Los Angeles of course have asked people to wear the cotton face mask. This will be the look so let me lead as mayor. And places like here in Australia we've been told don't worry about it it doesn't make any difference so what are the current studies showing? Well if we go to a video by the CDC the Center for Disease Control in America a few weeks ago they were saying: CDC does not recommend use of masks in the general community and that's not a new recommendation that's been a standing recommendation for some time primarily because there's not a lot of evidence that there's benefit we also are concerned about the exposure of hands to the face as we mentioned earlier I've just anecdotal observation not true scientific data I've watched people in public who are wearing a mask and how often they put their hand to their face to adjust the mask or to push it away from their eyes it really makes me wonder if it actually may have a negative benefit on the risk of infection as well. So they said not to wear them and then a little while later they said: The CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face 😷covering as an additional voluntary public health measure so this is voluntary ... I don't think I'm gonna be doing it. So it seems like they changed their mind and it seems like the president is saying that he's not gonna wear one interesting 😊 anyway let's look at facts why is it that they might have changed their mind? The CDC and places like that are not tending to just flip-flop because they've decided to they'll probably be some new study, so I looked into that and there was a few news stories about a study and all the news stories saying that it proves that masks don't work ... so I'm like okay well that's weird because the CDC is not going to change their mind if they don't work. So I went back and found the actual study ... what they had done in this study and keep in mind it's only a very, very small sample of patients so usually medical studies have to be hundreds of patients in order for them to be statistically significant but because we're so short on data because it's such a new virus that we're fighting even small studies are useful at this stage. So what this study did was it got different patients who had covid-19 that tested positive for it they definitely had it and they got them twenty centimeters away from a petri dish in a vacuum sealed totally sterile clean room without a mask on they coughed five times. Then they got them to put on a surgical mask and cough five times. Then they got them to put on a cotton mask and cough five times and then just as a control they got them to have no mask and cough five times again. now the results studied showed that on the outside of both the cotton mask and the surgical mask they could swab covid 19 particles. So what that means is that the virus is going through both of those masks the virus is so tiny that it can get through both the surgical masks when someone coughs and the cotton mask. so that's why the news stories were saying shows that wearing a mask is a waste of time but none of them reported on the results of what was on the petri dish. So from 20 centimeters away did it make any difference or not? So when I was looking at those results if we have a look here this is the average viral load on the petri dish of the person coughing without the mask then this is when they have the surgical mask on this is with the cotton mask and this is again without a mask. now from that it looks like the two layer cotton mask was actually more effective in reducing the viral load than the surgical one was which I thought was really interesting that was not what I expected at all but it did still let the virus through and when you're looking at that you're going all that didn't reduce it that much and from what we know of the way this virus is spreading it seems like you only need a very small amount of the virus to be infected so it's important that we try and stop it getting out there all together. Now clearly these masks are not going to stop it getting out all together but it is really important to note that this table is in log values's not just in straight numbers so a log value like to the log to the power of 10 is so that you can compare very small numbers with very large numbers on the same graph and you can see them all. So if I was to expand this out into normal numbers and not in log value you'd be able to see the true difference that the mask made in viral load. If i zoom that out you can see what that looks like ... it is not stopping the virus getting out there or getting through but it is dramatically reducing it so that could be why the CDC have changed their mind and said wear a cotton mask when you're out in public. now to be clear this is not to stop you from getting infected it's to help stop you infecting other people so if you're asymptomatic or even if you're symptomatic (if you're symptomatic you should be at home) but if you're asymptomatic and you go out to the shops and you happen to cough or sneeze or even breathing hopefully it's going to reduce the amount of virus that gets out there in the environment for other people to then pick up. Now there are some important things to remember with this: one is it was a very small study only a very small sample of patients with coronavirus so they might be a bigger study come out in a few weeks time that might show some different things or shed some different light on things but for the moment this is the information that we've got and the other thing to remember is don't touch the front of a mask whether you're wearing a surgical one or whether you're wearing the cotton one the virus does go through and you get quite a concentration of it on the front of the mask so if you touch the front of the mask and then touch a surface you are spreading that virus around so if you're asymptomatic you don't even know sick you could be spreading it to other people so don't touch the front of the mask. Also it's important not to be touching it and constantly moving it because then you are basically making it worse for yourself if you're touching something that is infected and then you touch your face because you're trying to do your mask that's not a good idea. So obviously as well remember that the virus is still getting through those masks so if you're in public and everyone's wearing masks you're not safe. So don't suddenly go oh it's fine I can be close to them no keep your distance, if possible don't even go out stay at home work from home if you can some of us are blessed to work from home like me so we don't have to go out. Try and do your best to keep your distance wash your hands make sure you wash it properly getting everywhere 20 seconds with soap or if you cannot get soap and water then hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and use an approved disinfectant to disinfect your commonly used areas. I hope that helped dispel some of the myths and explain some of the science behind what is going on for you so that you can make informed decisions to protect yourself and your loved ones from coronavirus. I pray that you're all safe πŸ’• I want to say a big thank you to all of my patrons who support me in this channel so that I can upload videos like this regardless of whether YouTube's going to monetize it or not - you guys are legends right there on the screen πŸ† Really appreciate that. Subscribe to how to cook that and click on the notification bell to be notified of new videos. Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday. you
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 3,049,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debunking, ann reardon, howtocookthat, how to cook that debunk, how to cook that debunking videos, debunking covid-19, coronavirus myths, doctor, hand sanitizer, how to make hand sanitizer at home, disinfectant spray diy, should you wear a face mask?, blossom fake, fake viral videos, debunk, soap, soap corona virus, how to cook that ann reardon, how to cook that ann reardon 🍰🍫🍨🍭, how to cook that πŸ’•ann reardon 🍫🍰🍭🍧, corona virus myths, corona virus, covid-19, covid-19 updates
Id: XMHySlDqpUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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