DeBruycker Charolais 2019 | American Rancher

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coming up we got as low as u- 40 some nights up here hey they can be pretty brutal on a calf six and a half to seven months old is typically where we'll win them act they just get ran down the alley cows go one way and calves go the other this is a hot day on these little calves only 11 more pens to go take a one-year journey in the development after Breton addicts next on the American Rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich Sharlee cattle are well known for growth and feedlot performance every year the de Brecker family in Dutton Montana works to improve their herd of peak performing Charlet seedstock and then the next year they work to exceed what they accomplished the year before their devotion to excellence has been the pattern of life for the de Brucker since 1958 on today's program we'll take a year-long journey with the de broker's to see how it's done charlet is known for their performance clear back in France whether you originated and that's where champagne comes from so you know they're both pretty high quality items legend has it the first Charlotte cattle for found in the Charolais region of France back at the turn of the first century so you know Charlie had been around a long time my father Lloyd they told me that when he was young he saw pictures of Charlotte Bulls when he was in grade school and Charlotte cattle and he just fell in love with them he just couldn't believe how beautiful they were now how much meat they carried so he you know he was bound and determined to get into the Charlotte greater than early age Charlie started showing up the United States shortly after World War two my dad was one of the integral people that helped bring Charlotte in the United States dad bought his first Charlotte bull in 1958 and he bought it because of the extra growth and performance he'd get out of those calves in the last 50 or 60 years that we've had Charlie we changed the breed to a more sleeker more elegant package they still pack the power in the punch for growth and feedlot performance and carcass but they also have good small heads nice smooth shoulders an adequate amount of bone not too much not too frail either so that they can calves you know they're just the right kind of animal for today's industry in the United States producers need to use tubercular labels for the added growth and performance the hybrid vigor that they get from it from that cross we just got some caucus data back from from a packing house where we killed where we processed some of our pure bred heifers and there were 95% choice in prime and 85% yield grade ones and twos so you know you just don't make carcass that any better than that should make good calves the number one commitment at des Brucker Charlet is raising high performance seed stock that satisfies a large customer base this is a full-time seven day a week and sometimes 24 hour a day commitment breeding Charlet and trying to do the right job for our customers is a year-round process its regular to be thinking about the Bulls and the cows and how we want to breed for the next year to try to continue to make that package even better for our bull customers I think we get to his two brothers we know that the the bigs probably more perfect on those two brothers probably right yeah II think so we've never worried about the show ring or fads or anything like that one of our key lines that dad taught me young is facts not fats for breeding season the number one thing that we're concerned about is using bull or bulls that are out of really good cows those cows need to have cutters good feet and legs good body type good structure because it's the cow herd that really makes a great bull you can't do without a good cow and then as far as the breeding season goes what we'll do at times is we'll separate off a group of pretty high-quality cows that we think of are some of the better ones in our herd and we'll put one or two bulls with those cows to try to improve our chances of making some real top-notch church tires but you know that doesn't always work out the way you think genetics are a funny thing we put 10 Bulls out with 300 cows and that seems to work pretty good this as far as you know making the right type of animal we want to select all the same kind of bulls they've got to have the same type body type length the body head type meat depth a body that's what helps us create a more uniform package and our bulls that we sell the customers and that's what helps us sell 650 bulls in one day that are all you know real uniform front to back we have a pretty serious artificial insemination program on our heifers we use a synchronization program and we try to get the heifers bred to one or two bulls to try to create uniform groups and uniform females and bulls but on our cows what I've found is rather than worrying about AI and the cows we just try to select better bulls to run on them and we're trying to improve the hurt that way because at the end of the day you know that bull is gonna do a better job of breeding that cow than you and I ever can there are 35 day breeding season for our heifers and on the cows were usually in that 55 day breeding season we try to get a little over two cycle two cycles on the cows to freedom but not quite a third one will prank check those heifers fairly early on so we can get the drys out out of the pasture and into the feedlot and then the cows would typically end up waiting till waiting time when we bring them close to the corrals then we'll Craig check the cows well I go in with my arm my right or my left arm either one the ones that are 90 days or less I just mainly feel the universe and it's usually about that big and what I'm feeling mayonnaise the size of the uterus I just kind of tap it with my fingers and feel the fluid in there they're from 90 days to 120 days you get more around 100 and 110 you feel the cotyledons that's where the uterus umbilical cord attaches to the uterus basically that's where the calf gets its nutrition and I feel the size up and that tells me roughly how far along that canvas and then above 120 I feel big cotyledons and I can bounce the calf to feel the calf itself these cows here are from 70 days to 150 days and we try to categorize them into we say 1 2 & 3 that's the early cabers and the middle cabers and then the later camera so anything below 90 days we call it a number 3 and from 9220 a number 2 and then the rest of our number ones and calves the earliest the cows you want to be concerned with are the ones that are bred because they're the ones you're gonna yield a paycheck in the end on an average we typically have around a 93 percent breed up sometimes we can get up to 95 so you know our cows have a lot a lot of natural fertility and good doing type animals coming up we got as low as you know negative 30 negative 35 at night even possibly negative 40 some nights up here new calves are arriving at de Brucker Charlet right in the middle of a record cold winter see how they do after the break you're watching the American rancher the American Shorthorn Association is America's oldest beef breed association Shorthorn cattle have been documented to produce high-quality carcasses of out yield other British breeds the added docility and maternal advantage of short horns make them an outstanding choice to add heterosis to your commercial cattle operation short horns truly are a breed focused on performance with purpose for more information visit our newly renovated website at Shorthorn org or call eight one six five nine nine seven seven seven seven what makes me so proud of 44 farms is teamwork within our own organization but also the vast teamwork of producers throughout the United States and have come together to build a great feeder cat program for both the 44 farms never-ever program and the new pride for suits programmed in partnership with Walmart please give us a call because we believe that together we can do great things and the best is yet to be origin build a breeder two breeder genetic services concept on integrity and innovation origin was founded by a group of seed stock producers who had a vision of a marketing platform for cattle breeders to introduce their AI sires to the entire beef industry Corgan has been very successful in stacking our blue line up with baby sires that push the industry forward in fact six of the top 25 Angus bulls by registration are available to AI customers at origin we believe that bull owners should the freedom and flexibility to promote their bulls the way they choose we aim to provide producers access to the industry's most valuable bulls capable of siring profitable cattle of all types we understand the demands of today's beef industry because where the bull studs built by beef producers for beef producers call or click today to explore the exciting bulls and marketing options available in origin welcome back to the American Rancher after World War 2 the de Brecker family of Dutton Montana played an instrumental role in the import of Sharlee breeding stock to the United States over the past six decades the dubrow's earned the reputation of being one of the top charlotte breeders in the nation and year-round they're hard at work improving their high performance genetics now another generation of de Brucker Charlet calves is born but they've arrived right in the midst of one of the all-time coldest winters ever recorded in northern Montana fiddler begins here around January 20th we will start our appraisal on their first cycle start calving and they'll kind of slow least go and then they'll take off for a bit and then we're into February I heard it was the second coldest February on record for Montana in this area there is you know probably a week stretch there we didn't get above zero degrees Fahrenheit and we got as low as you know negative 30 negative 35 at night even possibly negative 40 some nights up here these calves can you know a lot of them there with the vigor that they have they can endure quite a bit of cold especially the newborn ones if they get up and go when it gets down there in the negative 30s like calves were taking it as best you can getting up getting ready to suck and we were kicking them out the door pretty quick considering how brutal it was you know is you go outside and anything exposed and you see how exposed skin and you're thinking about frostbite they can be pretty brutal on a calf this morning we're checking calves um is you know it's a little brisk this morning local chilly but we saw you know had one early this morning that we got in and it looks good just second sold and the mothers already up and licking it off trying to stimulate it to to get him encouraged to hurt it looks like it him encouraged to get up and start making progress in life so that's a good mother and looks like a nice calf our mother cows are pretty good in this harsh weather you know they get turned around and they get to licking that calf off and trying to dry them up and they're sour sweater cuz moisture doesn't do well when it's as cold as it's been but cows give good job of drying them off and they they pop up and get ready to go and if you get them so that Bay and then they start traveling well after that [Music] mama cows and their calves spend the summer on Montana short grass after winter temperatures that can reach minus 40 with no wind chill summer temperatures can reach 100 degrees with those extremes de Brucker Charlet are conditioned for most any environment with strong calving ability and feedlot performance and efficiency 2018 de Brucker Charlet carcass data show an average 95% prime and choice 85 percent yield grade 1 & 2 with just over 16 inches of ribeye [Music] so today we're doing what we call weaning it's basically like sending your kids off to college get them out of the house you know we're taking away from their parents this is a hot day on these little calves kind of their whole world changes they just get ran down the alley cows go one way and calves go the other and the cows get tuned back out to fashion the cows get sent in to the girl yard where they're growing up and put back into either make bowls or make heifers for the come back around to the hood if you feel if it dies a little bit but it's you know pretty exciting to see you know how the calves turned out growing off liquor summer grass and their mothers and it's exciting you know if you got some you know big heavy calves and you feel for the calves a little bit you know you understand they're going through a stressful time in their life but you also understand that they'll get over it in a couple days six and a half to seven months old is typically where we'll win them at and usually by that stage they're all looking pretty good and pretty strong and some nice big calves and I've talked about another bucket of sand please [Music] now if there's any chance you could then when we get loaded bowls of pimples we can't do anything here till we feel just as we're gonna some boys here without the sand he'd just be ice a little bit of water and we all know how slick that is that's dangerous [Music] [Applause] so we're not gonna take them all at once we'll take half of their time okay this year 642 goals are up for bid on April 6 Sam you stay with me when we start getting them going here okay [Music] if you say I'm just walk in the middle of them or take them out okay go ahead and start walking the middle of night one month before the April sale the de broker's moved the yearling bulwark to the squeeze chute handling hundreds of bulls is a lot of work so everyone lends a hand I'm bringing the Bulls up so that they can get them worked at the front end [Music] [Music] and then we're putting a clip in their ear that USDA requires as well from tagging to pushing cattle to accurate record-keeping everyone helps to get the job done even so it's gonna be a long day coming up man laughing these Bulls looking at the back from the rib beneath the body looking at their feet no structure the journey comes full circle sale day reveals if the debuggers hard work over the past year will pay off that's next on the American Rancher so the main objective for our entire family operation is just to help the commercial Rancher be profitable and to raise the best cattle that he can raise we bring a lot of free pounds to the table for those ranchers if they switch to ours they'll easily get another 50 pounds at weaning per calf and sometimes even upwards of 70 or 80 or 90 pounds we're insistent that the structure is correct on the animals and then in that sleek-looking package we want to put just as much meat and performance in that animal as possible we've done the best we can to make a bull package that can help that ranchers succeed did you know that your cattle can begin to feel the effects of heat stress anytime the temperature reaches 70 degrees or above by the firm heat is a fully fortified vitamin and mineral supplement with the am affirm advantage that reduces heat stress in cattle by lowering body temperature as an added bonus eeep contains garlic a natural insect repellant it's about to be hot out there unless each stress means better performance keep them cool keep them grazing by to firm Heat the elements can be relentless make sure they have respiratory protection to match you [Music] welcome back to the American rancher during the past year the director family has worked hard to exceed the cavity's performance and uniformity standards and they set the year before in their charlotte genetics now there are only days away from their annual de Brock reproduction sale on April 6 but it always comes down to the customer if they're not happy the entire Europe hard work will be for nothing but if you're a debugger customer you already know the de Preppers have nothing to worry about so all this process is involved because what it does that leads us up to sale day and then sale day you know we're worried about our customers getting the type of bull that they need to be successful we have a spring herd and a fall herd and we like that because in our bull sale then we have somewhere around 75 to 100 bulls that are a little older you know that you know some guys like those older bulls they can go out hopefully breed a few more cows they're just a little more comfortable with that age group of bulls to start out with but you know our spring bulls are yearling 12 to 14 month old bulls you know they've been grown out in a proper fashion and they're really ready to go it works so our customers want sound deep bodied easy doing type bulls the small heads that we bring and the smooth shoulders for cavities is a bonus but the first thing they need to do is have good feet and legs good structure good testicle size things on breed cows I'm looking I'm analyzing these Bulls looking at the back and the rib I'll eat the body looking at their feet and their structure it's like a master Oh master circles structurally real sound that's what we're looking for good stretch so these are some real good bulls right here you see the long back straight barrel nice uniformity in the legs and feet a lot of rib a lot of depth lotta muscle so one of the things that makes me the most proud is our repeat customers every year you know you want to you want to develop a relationship and you want to have repeat customers that come back every year and we're very fortunate that way but the other thing that does feel good is word of mouth and every year we get new guys coming that are wanting some char labels from us and the reason for that is they hear from their neighbors how well that and they see at their neighbor from their neighbors across the fence how well those bulls are working for them so we're really fortunate it's you know it's a word-of-mouth business and I feel like you know we've been successful because we're bringing the right kind of bull that the industry needs the first year I bred my calves to Sharlee bulls from the broker's I brought them to the feed yard I weigh every calf individually I found that the de Brecker Sharlee calves that particular year outweighed my black calves by a hundred pounds so that was pretty easy math we've been using to Brok your Bulls for right at 25 years now we use black cows and crossed our labels up on them I feel that's just by far the best cross there is out there that's my dad started doing that like I said 25 years ago and we haven't gone back we've had them you know up next to different breeds like Maine Anjou and Angus and it's just night and day difference the main thing would be their explosive growth on the calves so if you want to add profitability to your herd you really need to be using some Charlotte bulls and especially de broker's Charlotte bulls because they'll with the hybrid vigor that we bring to the table and they're in the honest efficiency and growth and for feedlot performance you know they're just they're going to do nothing but help you be more profitable in your business join the de Brucker family on Saturday April 6th at 11 a.m. mountain time for the 2019 Charlet bull sail 642 bulls are up for bid that are proven to deliver calving ease uniformity and high performance progeny this sale is at the Western livestock auction in Great Falls Montana and online at superior click to bed visit superior livestock calm for a buyers number and de Brucker Charlet calm for a sale catalogue bull videos and the 2019 bull EPD list even before the sale is complete the dubrow's will be planning how to improve a puncheon etics they're already some of the best in the industry their carcass data is second to none but the de broker's commitment is to bring those numbers even higher and from year to year one generation to the next customers can always count under Brooker Charlet to deliver it's a family affair it's always kind of been my dream since I was little I always wanted to be doing my dad didn't do it grandpa boy did when Jackie does it's nice to spend time together with the family get to see Jackie and Brett koa Coley get to see everyone a lot I spend a lot of time with my dad and brother just being out in the open grass grasslands and foothills in the mountains that's all the time we have today we hope you enjoyed our year-long journey with DES Brucker Charlet to find out more about us log on to the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for our entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 35,269
Rating: 4.7722421 out of 5
Id: YI8C8ioyAwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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