2015 American Rancher Featuring IBBA

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the official Vegas Association started in in 1949 and it was in Bonita Oklahoma and prior to that they did a lot of research on half-bloods quarter bloods 3/4 Bloods various percentage type of Brahman angus cross cattle through that research they've pinpointed that the three-eighths Brahman five eighths Angus was they maintain their body temperature pretty much all the same and even fluctuate at all and therefore they decided to go with the three-eighths Brahman five eighths Angus to create the brunt the brightest breed the brain gas breed was developed to utilize the superior traits of Angus and Brahman cattle the combination results in a breed which unites the traits of two highly successful parent breeds the Brahman through rigorous natural selection developed disease resistance overall hardiness and outstanding maternal instincts and Angus are known for their superior carcass qualities today on the American Rancher we'll take an in-depth look into the brain gus breed will discuss the advantages of building your cow herd around this base it's all coming up on the American Rancher stay with us here at Doc's Excaliber we've been breathing for Angus cattle for 32 years we got in the business to breed cattle that perform in hot humid climates for the commercial cattlemen and for the purebred breeder we've sold our cattle in over nine countries our customers are repeat customers who tell us of the cattle work on grass and that's what we got in the business for is to make our customers profitable and successful come join us for our CX advantage sale here at the ranch and Weimar on October the 10th this year 2015 I'm Doyle Miller with Miller Bronchos our ranch is located in Sainik Billy Tennessee for summers are brutal and winters are worse our cattlemen select you from the top rangas Angus and Brahman genetics from us forty years we breed cattle to handle tough environments my family and I would like to invite you to our sale on Saturday October 24th or just come by for a visit feel free to visit our website for more information about location cattle semen embryos and private treaty sales in Miller Brian Scott the 13th largest seed stock producer in the nation's number one supplier brain goose and ultra black genetics is pleased to present an elite offering of brain goose bulls and females with the breeds first genomically enhanced DVDs join us November 6 through 7th and chimney rock cattle company for 150 brain goose and ultra black bulls as well as 100 top registered females two weeks later November 21st we reload a cabin or ranch with 220 Brandis and ultra black bulls and over 400 rangas females for more information visit Jean trust Franca's comm spears country page is the go-to marketplace if you're in need of buying or selling cattle right now the country page offers feeders calves bread stock and more cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use cattle have asset asking price and then you have the ability to bid at your own pace superiors country page also has 24/7 customer service to help you find what you're looking for call Sapir today and see how the country page can help you welcome back to the American Rancher the brain goose cow has been developed with an emphasis on developing versatility and problem-free low input characteristics she's a cow that acclimates to all types and kinds of environmental conditions and excels in fertility efficiency and longevity without compromising growth or carcass attributes we've taken some of the best Brahman genetics and some of the best angus genetics and we combine them together to hopefully create an input and end product in a bringas cow or bull that is extremely efficient heat tolerant adaptable you know she'll survive in any environment she she should work in anyone's heard she's gonna give me more calves than the majority she's gonna last longer she's gonna be more adaptable I mean I think they're quite versatile honestly I mean they do well for me down here in South Texas but you know I know a lot of producers that carry them a lot further north and here and they do just as well up there I'm just as well there and I think they're very marketable because feed well and I do well but they also have black hide and so they're gonna sell well is and in general and I think they can fit a lot of different operations and adapt really well to a lot of environments we've had cattle there they're close to 16 years old and I know that that might sound you know a little out there because usually from 8 to 10 that's kind of the cutoff point but they're still raising good calves until we see their their progeny dwindling well you know we keep them because they're they stay in good shape they're gonna raise that calf one thing that we hear across the board from all of our customers is that you cannot beat a branks female I mean for the longevity that she offers to your herd the investment overall investment opportunity that that provides to commercial cattlemen is tremendous and one of the things that bring us genetics we feel that our customers have really told us about is that these cattle can come in start to work they really do nicely for them and that's the most important part is that ultimately at the end of the day we're selling pounds of beef and that's the most important thing that we want to be able to provide to our customers is that animal it's going to hold up and provide that to their operation Brenda's cows or moderate framed animals that are known for their built-in longevity without standing other quality and excellent milking ability in our breeding program we've put together the type of ideal female that we're really looking for you know those those maternal traits that Vegas are known for you know moderate frame easy doers good milkers good mothers good you know just just having those traits that you're looking for in an ideal female and that has been a real real strong focus of ours because again you have to have the factory in place and that offers commercial cattlemen a real interesting opportunity because if you're going in a cross breeding program you know you pretty much could put any type of bull on an Angus female and wean a good-sized calf so and again she that that factory she's gonna be in your heart for a long period of time because she's gonna be able to hold up and you're gonna be able to do a lot with her my brain gets mothers have always been a highlight throughout the country and known for their mother and ability but fine bring us animals to be very efficient in the in the heat they're always out there when the other cattle are in the shade and in the water and those cows are out there hustling and taking care of their baby you'll find those brainiest cows when it's really cold and ice and snow still still out there having a new baby and getting them up for nursing and and on that line you'll find most of Brenda's cows will have really good IDs and and the longevity in those cows is it's just I think a lot better than then most other cattle you'll run into no I've never had any fertility issues everything has been great as far as that goes I think this year we had I think my pregnancy rate was 96% so they've done a great job you you look at seedstock breeders from various different breeds and their recipient herd are primarily braying as females there's a reason for that there's a consistency that bring us females offer to an operation people seats other seedstock breeders and other breeds have recognized that and so you know we have an opportunity here now as we're rebuilding the nation's cow herd that people are really focusing on what type of factory they're gonna have at this point in time and that's where we see the opportunity with air with bringing Vegas females I mean the consistency that a bring us female offers to an operation she's going to be there for a long time and work a long time for those people these high-quality long live replacement females with built-in adaptability hardiness and maternal excellence are the result of breeding through Brandis Bulls what I felt coming out of a cow calf deal was important to me the ribeye size the back fat the quality grades yield grades the carcass weights and the total dollars you know we definitely want to look at total dollars the individual animals bring back so they can start looking back and saying okay this is what that damn produced for me this year now the premiums that they receive to me that pays back for the ball that you're buying the better the bull the better genetics starts paying back with back bigger dividends coming from these calves we've seen premiums as high as 75 del 400 dollars on these cattle well that's pretty good payback when you're looking at a boat covering 40 head and just one calf crop can bring you a hundred dollars a head there's $4,000 all of a sudden you start paying back on that bull the rest of the dollars or the market to me goes back to the damn side of it the living cap how well it grew and how much money made on that side of it we've been doing this for at least 30 years this ranching out here and that we used to run yearlings of course we switched to the cows and calves and we used to run Angus bulls and we had problems with them staying sound especially during the summer if it got hot we I just don't think they worked as well as the Brandes Bulls do brainless Bulls like to stay whenever it's hot bill they're still working Angus bulls they just just didn't stay at quite a sound for us but we've had really good luck with the brightest balls the ultimate goal for me when I started out was always to produce replacement females so so my operation has trended towards buying bulls that had the genetics to produce replacement females I mean I look I always look at APD's across the board I try to get stuff that's not purchased animals that aren't extreme and one end or the other that are gonna be that are gonna produce a really good calf not be crazy high weaning weight or yearling weight or be really high ribeye or fat but just be in generally like it just produce a good calf so I'm not super extreme and I'm not getting calves that are gonna wean off at 850 pounds but at the same time they come out they can calves by themselves they can Vanessa said you know the calves get up a nurse they do what they're supposed to do and then weaning time we're still getting 700 plus pound calves and then really good replacement females to go along with that that people seem to seem to like research has shown that the brain ghost breed will produce an exceptionally tender product with increased marbling from high quality high yielding feedlot cattle but we we put 84 stairs in a Gro test system that they had at Texas A&M and that's where they monitor feed intake we took them and finish them out at a feed yard and once they came out of the feed yard and they went to slaughter we were able to get all the information carcass evaluation and everything back on those stairs and the 84 steers and we had in that program 86% of them came back choice and we did a tenderness test on all 84 and they all came back tender and when we sell and market our stairs we have a good uniform set of cattle that can go to the feed yard they go to the feed yard they don't ever have to pull anything hardly for sickness they just hit the feed yard start eating and go home what we've really enjoyed with the Bryan's cattles where we'll make them bigger because we don't have as much problem with back fat on them the combination between the boss indicus and the Angus we can go larger we can put some good-sized rib eyes that out of there plus with the boss and biggest size we get better dressing percent when we're sorting and grid and cattle it at this feed yard we're looking we're selling carcass weights so for every 1% increase in and dressen percent is like adding $2 on the live price and so there we see a lot of the brain as cattle yielding sixty four and a half to sixty five and a half word the plant average today is 63 and a half so it's two to four dollars more just for carcass we see a lot of anywhere from 60 to 80% choice your hire on them we have one set of cattle that the customer actually shoots for have as many Prime's and as he does selects and he's getting it done the brine gas breed has always been at the forefront and use of technologies that improve Cattlemen's ability to more accurately select cattle that are profit makers in the commercial industry with the new release of the genomic enhanced EPDs by the brainiest association it provides an extra tool not only for seed stock producers but also for their commercial cattle customers so those commercial cattle customers can go in and if they want to buy those bulls with genomic enhance EPDs they can get a little bit of additional accuracy for those traits that may be really important to them and it also provides an opportunity for seed stock producers to have additional confidence in the bulls that they're selling to their customers as well as utilize that information for selection decisions that can increase genetic merit in their own herds today's Barrancas are are not the brain goose that many people have thought of in the past most of our cattle are our temperament scored we usually we take shoots ID measurements and and have no issues I mean that's a major culling criteria for us here at Miller Barrancas and most other breeders I think in the brief so as we begin rebuilding our cow herd in the United States so we can increase supply eventually as far as producing quality beef for low input and maintenance levels I think it's important as we select cattle for that that we utilize breeds like bringing us that will fall into the where we don't have before we can decrease maintenance and input costs that way we can take advantage of what we are producing and make that supply chain work for us the outstanding maternal strength feedlot performance and carcass merit of drangus are advantageous primarily in the West and Midwest this naturally polled black hide breed was developed to withstand extreme climates and challenging environments they are a Hardy disease and parasite resistant cattle that efficiently produce a uniform predictable calf crop there's a lot more to come stay with us hello I'm Joe Kessler with the oaks farms we'd like to invite you to our sale of this October we're offering a hundred and fifty big stout Brandes Bulls from proven southeastern producers these two year olds coming Tuesday yearlings are packed with growth performance and carcass in addition 65 registered Brandes females and 200 commercials sell CU halloween weekend spears country page the go tube marketplace if you're in need of buying or selling cattle right now the country page offers feeders calves bread stock and more cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use cattle have a set asking price and then you have the ability to bid at your own pace superiors cut your page also has 24/7 customer service to help you find what you're looking for cost appear today and see how the country page can help you quality consistency integrity at Santa Rosa ranch we're making the best breed better our brain gas and ultra blacks are functional adaptable and Shore outstanding performance even in the most challenging conditions but what sets us apart this is gonna be a program it's gonna be built around integrity we're gonna back our cattle left and there's only one way to do things and that's right and that's what we'll always do it after all we're not successful unless our customers are successful visit us at sr our brand Escom Santa Rosa Ranch making the best breathe better superior livestock auction has been the pioneer in livestock video marketing since 1987 each decade we built our reputation take great pride in what we do best marketing the country's greatest calves with value-added programs during our summer auctions for fall delivery our vac programs at the highest integrity for industry standards and consigners and buyers alike reap the benefits superior livestock auction let us market your cattle the superior way visit us at superior livestock calm welcome back to the American Rancher the International Brandes breeders Association or IB ba has been a leader in data collection as evident by only one of three breeds that currently have 100% of the breed on a total herd reporting or thr system in 1995 there were the first breed Association to publish ultrasound EP DS in fact the breed was the first to have a full menu of genomic enhanced EPDs measuring performance fertility and carcass our brain goose cattle have always been at the forefront there's been we've turned in ultrasound and information on the cattle about since the breed was was first formed and that that information has been compiled and we're one of the I think of only three breeds that actually have total herd reporting where information is turned in on every animal and not just the animals in the top end so we our total herd reporting program I think is a really great tool and in trying to get more information turned in on more animals from one end to the other we've now got genomic enhanced EPDs which helps those those younger cattle when you're buying bulls or whatever for commercial use it helps improve the accuracy on those younger animals and and I think a really really important factor that really really helps helps make those see the real value in in those cattle and we've gotten that data for the last several years that we can look at and it helps us make better breeding decisions it makes us look at what we need to do to improve our cow herd and I have been here 16 years and I can honestly say that year after year after year we have been proved our calf crop rangas cattle were developed to excel in all environments while being loaded with the convenience traits such as moderate frame easy fleshing hair shedding ability maternal calving ease coldness longevity foraging ability and perfect udder structure rangas has selected for improved temperament across the breed in addition to the many other improvements one of the goals of the Braga's breed is to improve the disposition of brainĂ­s cattle and they've had great success in doing so rangas is devoted to the continued selection for the cattle that meet the high standards of today's cattle industry these bringas cattle they'll just be as quiet as you and it's such a is such a help because I can do it myself and nothing gets hurt nothing hits the fence and you just open that gate and work your your your position with the cattle and do it deliberately and you know with confidence but but do it you know with a gentle attitude because they seem to sense you know what you're about where we exercise them the first week that they're here we'll take them out meet back alley take them for a walk let them walk back by the cowboy getting used to the cowboy and the and and make them feel comfortable we also work them around in the pand each corners so their understanding their home pen if they get bored through the feeding period we might take them out for a walk down the back alley the whole deal it just helps enhance enhance the performance on the cattle and they're pretty quiet cattle when your horse bike if you come in here and treat them nice and they're going to respond in the same way and I guarantee you I put these breakers cattle docility wires up against any other animal and I bet you they come out on top there are many avenues to take to get your operation into the brainiest business first and foremost you can utilize multi-generational registered rangas genetics by connecting with a registered Brandes breeder secondly you can breed your own first generation bring us through the use of certified seed stock or upgrade your cattle through the ultra black breeding program our family chose to really invest heavily in the brain gets breed because we feel like bring us genetics offer some of the best opportunities that can come to the market it's combining some of the greatest attributes from various different breeds and putting all into one package so ultimately again we focus on on their longevity we focus on their efficiency we focus on their adaptability and it's really difficult to find another breed that will meet those specific challenges people and producers are becoming so much better at what they do and the important thing is to have that type of breed to match their environment and we really feel that the bring us offers that to the market as ranchers across the country continue to look for resources to help rebuild the nation's cow herds remember this the brainiest breed is the most versatile problem-free american breed of choice to the profit minded cattlemen for additional information about bring us cattle or to find out how to connect with a Brandes breeder contact the IP VA by going to their website go brand is calm for all of us here at the american ranchers i'm pam Minich thank you for joining us be sure to look us up on Facebook or contact our website the American Rancher com we hope to see you right back here next week on the American ranch tune in to the rural way of life on the American Rancher go with us as we visit the people and places and follow the stories that make ranching an American lifestyle it's both the heritage and enterprise of livestock production across our nation each week from the people that do it check rfd-tv the magazine four times and listings in your area and visit our website the American Rancher dot-com
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 13,295
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Id: TuLygyhylRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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