Beefmaster: The Best of Both Worlds

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whether you're producing females or producing terminal steers the the beef masters absolutely do that for us they bring so much to the table on both ends a maternal heterosis and then just bringing putting pounds on on the ground just beautiful females is what we're after and I think that's what they do for us the data that we've been giving back on what the calves have done basically they've outperformed that the feed yard average by and far you know they're they're converting on very little grain they're putting lots of pounds on the key to our operation is the beefmaster females she's kind of the the cow that we return to for our production she she kind of the mainstay of our operation our beef master sired calves usually out where they always outweigh everything else we raised which is Charlie in the red Angus usually fifty to sixty pounds and they always make us anywhere from twenty to sixty dollars a head more that we put in our pocket with sac counts for me what goes in my pocket hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich today we're going to talk about beefmaster cattle and here from commercial cattlemen who are utilizing beefmaster genetics and their commercial cattle herds throughout the United States the demand for beef master cattle has increased over the years because beef masters are the best of both worlds these cattle produce extremely fertile functional and docile females that the beef industry needs to rebuild America's cow herds while also producing profitable efficient feeder calves that deliver results in today's marketplace we've got a great show for you we're glad you joined us so stay tuned we'll be right back no storm is too powerful for new Purina wind and rainstorm minerals formulated with ultimate weather resistance that means more minerals in the feeder and available to your cattle wind and rain storm minerals provide more consistent intake and balanced mineral nutrition to optimize herd health and breed back rates see the difference at your local Purina dealer or visit cattle nutrition calm wind and rainstorm Minerals another way Purina is building better cattle welcome back to the American Rancher beefmaster cattle work in all regions of the United States in different climates and environmental conditions from north south to east and west they were found on ranches from California to Idaho to Colorado as far north as Wisconsin and throughout the southeast and Gulf Coast States beginning in the early 1930s Tom Lassiter the breeds founder developed beef masters from a systematic crossing of Hereford Shorthorn and cattle that were the foundation of the American brahmana his purpose was to develop cattle that were more productive than existing breeds cattle that would produce and make money during economically hard times in the harsh environment of South Texas the breed was developed on what has become known as the six essentials wait confirmation milk production fertility hardiness and disposition these essentials became the economic strength of beef masters and have made them favorites with those who depend on cattle for a living beef masters are the only beef breed specifically developed to excel in these important economic traits Lorenzo Lassiter BBU past president and grandson of breed founder Tom Lassiter is a fourth generation beef master breeder he resides in San Angelo Texas and has seen beefmaster cattle evolve over the years firsthand one of the things that makes the beefmaster breed completely unique is they were developed purely using economic criteria that we know as the six essentials and this philosophy of all a little bit by accident my grandfather came from a commercial background out of the depression but he saw quickly that the way to affect the kind of change that was meaningful in cattle was using economic traits as opposed to any kind of aesthetics which is how most B fries develop most develop around an aesthetic like color or size or type and so V pastures were developed uniquely only using these six essentials and that resulted in cattle that I think are genetically quite different than a lot of a lot of other breeds that are available because those economically viable traits are imprinted in them and these are all tracer of importance to the commercial cattlemen not not to some other other interests but basically to to producing beef in a low cost environment likes brothers incorporated headquartered in Okeechobee Florida name has been synonymous with excellence in agriculture in Florida for many years they are one of the nation's largest commercial cow-calf operations and know what it takes for cattle to be profitable in their environment Travis Brown is the cattle supervisor for Lykes brothers ranch the likes ranch is a progressive leader in Florida agriculture and has an impressive cattle ranching operation that utilizes beefmaster bulls on their females for the proven heterosis advantage we've been using beef masters here like brothers for well over 20 years the disposition in these beef masters that we've been buying is awesome it's it's a it's incredible that the Bulls just they handle great when we go to gather our cows out up during the breeding season you can pretty much guarantee they're going to be in the cows they're going to be working there we'll be in there checking and then when you get them in the pens and handle them they handle great longevity and fertility are the top traits that a cow-calf producer should take interest in when considering his bottom line Tom Lassiter used to say give me a calf or be culled beefmaster females have responded to years of selection pressure and continue to excel and consistently bringing forth a heavy weaning calf year after year Lane Robertson of wor Texas is the ranch manager for Rancho DOS fetus and the ranch uses beefmaster females for their longevity and fertility in the harsh Texas environment the beefmaster females bring a whole array of things to the table that we like and a lot of commercial cattlemen like you know they're they're a big cow heavy milking cow bred in a lot of docility in them and what we like about them is they're very Hardy you know we can turn them out in this brush but most of the years it's not as green as what it is right now and they can handle these conditions without any trouble you know they're breeding fast or bring quick they're rebreathing even faster a lot of times they're backing up every year even in the adverse conditions that they've been in but their bags are holding together great they're staying moderate you know we're our mature cows you know they're averaging 11 50 to 1,200 pounds and I think this day and age that's about right where you want them in today's cattle industry where the nation's cow herd is being rebuilt beefmaster cattle are just as relevant now as ever our unquestioned longevity fertility and docility team with generations of range proven hardiness makes them a solid economic choice stay with us we'll be back with more of the beefmaster story here at the swinger be ranch our motto is pretty performance and pedigree the swinging be ranch must invite you and all of our friends to attend our production cell in Salado Texas at ten rock ranch look forward to seeing you come view the tremendous beefmaster cattle selection on Friday May 15th in Salado Texas and stay for supper and evening entertainment see you there call your farms program is time-tested one of the most important things about how we develop our bulls is that they're tested in a big group so that we can identify those individuals that excel above the crowd we know what goes out and works for the customer those customers come back every year to keep buying bulls because they work join Collier farms out there 2014 performance bulls Oh on November 22nd in Brenham Texas hi Franz Lorenzo Lassiter with ISA be financers inviting you to our 53rd bull sale will have one hundred and twenty performance tested beefmaster bulls they are tough athletic and ready to work all our virgin trick and fertility testing we provide complete performance data a bull trade-in bonus free delivery for volume purchases and they are fully guaranteed to be factors offer built in heterosis low maintenance high growth and they're gentle and responsive their heat disease and insect resistant and make excellent replacements or feeders if your ranching to make a profit you can't beat them come join us October 4th in San Angelo Texas don't miss these upcoming sales from the South Texas beef masters breeders Association stbb a is the oldest satellite association within the beefmaster industry the goal of the satellite is to assist members in the promotion and marketing of their cattle through the sponsorship of several prestigious sales throughout the year st BBA also provides an opportunity for both social and business contacts meeting new breeders and exchanging ideas in order to further involvement in the beefmaster breed for more information visit them online at st b ba org welcome back to the American Rancher beefmaster bulls are valued for the maternal attributes of their female offspring that include early breed up high calf survivability and overall longevity in the cow herd beefmaster influence feeder calves are appreciated for efficiency of gained fewer days on feed and Industry acceptable quality and cut ability with high dressing percentages Steve Anderson is heir and president of livestock operations for Martin O'Connor cattle company based in Victoria Texas the ranch has a long family history in the commercial cattle business and appreciates the value of heavier beefmaster cross calves at weaning time Steve also emphasizes the resulting beefmaster cross female keeps him using the breed beefmaster bulls add weight to my swimming weight to my steers add pounds and they also make it where I can have really good replacement females and then South Texas they're there they're very Hardy they're tough they do well their disposition is a very big thing for me in that we can handle them we can cross them with anything and really get a number one calf we get number one calf prices for our calves cattle manager for likes Brothers Inc Flint John's appreciates reproductive efficiency and longevity as prime reasons why they use beefmaster bulls to produce their replacement females probably the easiest simplest answer is you know we want the heifers out of them you know we like beefmaster cows with like you know beefmaster influenced cows they really do a good job for us terms of reproductive efficiency longevity you know there's there's no arguing with reproduction efficiency of a beefmaster cow or beefmaster influenced cow as opposed to some other kind of cow that's what we see here we have beefmaster cows straight bred beefmaster cow we have half beefmaster half Branca scows which we really like and then we also have Branca scales but you know the beefmaster cows there's you know there's something special about them about three years ago we started buying beefmaster bulls again we went a few years three or four years without without using them we kind of come to a conclusion that we we really needed them they bring a lot to our cattle and into our program we feel like they they just absolutely put some bone and some some meat and some muscle in our cows some hide just just beautiful females is what we're after and I think that's what they do for us nail cattle company of Palm Bay Florida has been a family cow calf operation for three generations Ryan Martin has had very positive experiences using beefmaster bulls in the challenging location of their ranch night and day difference just just from the Bulls we had to the Bulls we have now no comparison on this little bunch of cows right here we weaned these calves out at about 450 weights was the average this was the first year we brought we brought beefmaster bulls and put them on here with the same cows the exact same cows they weaned out about the component ride out a little over a hundred pounds heavier exact same time exact same everything nothing's changed but the Bulls Kelly Alton Ballmer uses beefmaster bulls on his commercial beefmaster brain Gus and Angus cow herd he loves beef master for the added weight he gets in his calves at weaning as well as the great disposition of the cows the main thing on reason I went to them is to gentle my calves down also for to keep the heifers for replacement cows my beef masters are to me are the best of both worlds your mama cows that you keep for the maternal side and to raise cash along with if you don't home beef masters if you're just doing crossbreed the growth on those bull calves those steers are excellent Justin Williams of Savannah Tennessee serves his ranch manager for Jones beef masters as well as runs his own commercial cow-calf operation where he utilizes beefmaster bulls also I want to bow when I take him home and turn him out he don't fall apart we send our kettle directly to the feed yard with the beef monster sires and across bred rotation it beat a lot a lot of myths that a lot of people had that eared cattle wouldn't grade when we got our first data back 65 to 75% of our kettle with great choice every time and you've also got the added yield from the extra growth with beef maestra kettle you can kind of hit the best of both worlds because they will grade and you get the extra pounds of end product so if the choice yield select spread is is not real great you can make more money cause of the extra yielding cattle where is if you got it big and the choice price is really good you can turn it around and capture the premium of the cattle grading and in using the breed rotations that we do it allows us to capture that in each market beefmaster cattle are a solid foundation to vast numbers of commercial herds across the country they're utilized for maternal crosses with Angus and Red Angus cattle or use terminally with Charlet and other continental breeds beefmaster bulls are remarkably versatile they bring adaptability structural correctness and reproductive efficiency there's more to our story so stay with us for 28 years the beef on forage bull cell has been providing top-quality bulls to progressive cattlemen that will add value to their calves we develop our Bulls with the true working rancher in mind finally found the Bulls like our I was getting back then out at people and forth they were forged tested and you got a lot of info back on and that's what I like about the people on horse rules is because they're they're pitted against other breeders and there's the cream rises to the top as far as the people nice to breed I believe they're the best beef um forage is the most prestigious performance test in the industry please join us the third Saturday in October in Brenham Texas as we offer the poppy end of over 200 forge develop bulls from the most competitive performance tests and debris for more information please visit our website at beefmaster bulls sale calm check out these outstanding sales coming up from the live oak beef masters breeders Association lob ba is one of the oldest satellite associations within the beefmaster industry and its membership consists of beefmaster breeders from throughout Texas and at least 12 other states the satellite hosts numerous events annually including seminars field days three sales per year and they're a major sponsor in the National East six commercial beef master sale held every spring for more information visit them online at lob be Lissie beef masters has been breeding high quality pure bred cattle since 1972 the program is built on multi trade selection creating proven out crosses with performance and predict the listy program emphasizes performance through the use of technology ultrasound DNA and measured feed efficiency are the criteria that bring the best impede master for today's cattleman the lessees reminds you that you can't manage what you don't measure visit them at lizzie beatboxers comm Emmons ranch of fairfield texas has built their herd with proven predictable and profitable beefmaster cattle backed by 38 years of experience my focus on our beef master operation is producing cattle with predictability our goal and Emmons ranch is to produce superior seed stock and to produce heavily muscled bulls for the commercial man contact Steve and Cindy Emmons at Emmons beef masters comm welcome back to the American Rancher the most scientifically proven way to create efficiency and beef production is utilizing maternal heterosis bill Pendergrass is the executive vice president for beef master breeders United and has been working with commercial cattle producers for several years he knows that the commercial cattleman is looking for efficient and productive cattle and he believes the beefmaster breed is the answer what makes beef masters such an important crossbreeding tool it's retained heterosis the genetic makeup that we have is leads to 63 percent retained heterosis maternal heterosis is is of the utmost importance to us the genetic differences between the our brain is Catalan and the beefmaster cattle just are so diverse and I feel like that just brings so much to the table for our program there's so much diversity between the two between the bronchus and the beefmaster that we get a maximum heterosis and that's huge any of these beefmaster influenced cows bred to a charlet or you can go any direction on these beefmaster cows is incredible those are just meat wagons I mean just it it makes your jaw drop they are beautiful awesome feeding machines our beef master sired calves they will out out gain that way our brain gets tired steers thirty pounds I mean it's it's pretty substantial whether you're producing females or producing terminal steers the the beef masters absolutely do that for us the maternal heterosis that brown refers to adds more to the bottom line than any other single management practice a commercial cattleman can perform calf survivability is higher newborns are more vigorous have stronger immune systems and also capture growth advantages John McCarthy of Dade City Florida has been a longtime commercial cattleman that uses beefmaster bulls on his commercial herd to produce superior females the key to our operation is the beefmaster female she's kind of the the cow that we returned to for our production she kind of the mainstay of our operation our cattle are born after Christmas the majority of them there be a couple before but they're all born after Christmas and we put the Bulls with them usually the first of marks for sixty days and we'll average somewhere around eighty percent conception rate sixty days so they're somewhere between twelve and fourteen months of age when we breed them and they have to breed to stay in the in the herd that we keep our heifers out of they have to breathe by 14 months and have us a calf for four they're two years old this spring we sold some 17 year old cows and they had never missed they calves as a 2 and never missed until they were 17 the key is the beefmaster female they bring more money they put more dollars in my pocket and that's what counts for me you're going to stay in the beef business they got to produce and they got to have you one every 365 days or she needs to go to McDonald's West Carlton owner of room r inc located in central florida is a strong advocate for the beefmaster breed the ranch has used beefmaster bulls for close to 50 years West Carlton states that the fertility and longevity of my beef master cows is second to none it's a cow that breeds back and produces a high-growth calf every 365 days and she does so through 12 to 13 years of age that's what makes us money in the long term and that's why I use beefmaster bulls I think these commercial Cadman like these beefmaster influence females as well as a beefmaster females but they really like you know the same things that we like what they bring to the table they're always bringing a big calf into the weaning pin every year you know they're quiet cattle they're really clean you know they've got a lot of natural thickness but what I like most about them personally is that they're standing that 1200 reins you know you don't have a real big cow out there eating a lot you know you have a more moderate frame really eye appealing cow out there that's doing her job a crossbridge cal this is amazing to me she's going to last about 38 percent longer in her lifetime in today's market with extremely high replacement female costs not having to you know buy replacement females if you can squeeze another 4 or 5 years out of the cow that's going to impact your bottom line significantly in addition to the longevity those cows cumulatively that crossbreed cow is going to win out 17% more calves over her lifetime and this is the really big figure she's going to win off 25% more winning weight in her lifetime versus a straight bread cow that's another 600 pounds free just for using a beefmaster bull on these straight bread cows I don't know how you can afford not to crossbreed with those kind of numbers commercial cattleman and women across the United States find that adding the extra maternal heterosis that beefmaster bulls offer to their commercial females is an added benefit because the female calves they produce have the needed maternal traits for superior replacement females while the bull calves have the extra weight needed to be competitive in the current marketplace beefmaster breeders United is an association that is committed to the commercial cattleman for more information and a look inside how the beefmaster breed offers the best of both worlds check them out online at beef masters org or like them on Facebook while you're there check out the American Rancher and like us as well we'd like to thank all of our generous sponsors for helping bring you this look inside beefmaster cattle that's all the time we have today for the entire American Rancher team I'm Pam Minich thank you for joining us and we'll see you next time Oh you
Channel: Beefmaster Breeder
Views: 80,048
Rating: 4.863481 out of 5
Keywords: Beefmaster (Animal Breed), Animal (Film Genre), Cattle (Animal), Beef (Food)
Id: c4oU_DA5_Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 16 2014
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