"Debate" Turns Ugly and Personal

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jelliclehuman 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

God I saw this live and immediatly wanted to post this here lol BASED AND ALDENPILLED

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/BeneficialFee6501 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HorseRadishson 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Except 1120S is the form

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FlibbleA 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I see that Steven has read the theory.

Btw, how the fuck did Destiny come up with 1120-s, when that is a literal tax form?! Lmao

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Burcol_clone 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
look through it let's just look through the entire thing if you are so con i never said that i'm saying that if you're gonna make one of the tenets of fascism yeah uh uh is like you know a bunch of dumbasses being in charge uh um and you know uh like leading with force hi there hey what's up buddy what's going on how are you uh i'm great good i just talked to i was waiting to get in here and i ended up in your general lobby and of course there was a couple young men there defending intimates defending incest why is that are you like his proponent no i mean it's like on your discord if you kind of join people just start talking about incest immediately and they kind of go into how morally neutral it is and it's just one of the third rail issues that i've like found for destiny fans over this last week you know oh yeah we do the incest argument because it's a fun testing ground to see if anybody's ever thought through any of their moral convictions and often times the answer is not right but you know but you know that there's not like it's not like totally uh uh objective that incest is morally neutral it's actually like there are not but anyway i don't actually even want to talk about incest again if you want to tell yourself if you wanna if you wanna hear my thoughts about incest uh i had a great conversation with one of your top chatters rage plus the other day pretty embarrassing i don't know why you try to discuss ethics you can go to you can go to ragepope.com if you want to see it um we got more views on it than uh he did with his conversation with hassan a year ago yeah that was crazy you had like 1 900 it's the number one it's actually the top it's actually the top result for rage pope if you go search rage pope on uh um really big accomplishment really proud of you nice job thank you for watching you know i'm just i'm just trying to get some facts out there i just want i just want everybody out there to go to ragepope.com uh and check out the rage pope the incest guy conversation uh between me and rage pope the incest guy um oh wait so i'm just curious just as a refresher of that conversation i'm just really curious he's like a refresher by the way he really lived up to his nickname the incest guy because he didn't talk about incidents okay so full hour can we not do the thing where you just like talk over somebody like a million times that'd be great um okay sure yeah so wait i'm just curious as a recap from that conversation what was your argument against it uh my argument uh against incest was that we live in like a a you know a modern society and that we don't need to have like logic lord arguments that are totally pointless about incest basically just sort of validating a bunch of teenagers feelings about the porno that they watch uh um so you know i guess i just like live in the adult world and i don't need to debate uh uh whether or not incest is okay okay gotcha so just so i understand your arguments are we live in a modern world we don't need logic lord arguments we live in the adult world okay this is really great did you study ethics in college let's let's talk well i mean clearly you're you're far and above did you go to your own no i didn't that's why i'm asking i mean you might be bringing me like i mean you might be bringing like really high level ethics i know that very soon you might be going to law school so you know uh you know you might you might be taking a couple classes but that kind of stuff speaking of which by the way jason enters six races biking canoeing horseback riding ice skating running and swimming he places between first and fifth in each two places are consecutive only if the place numbers are consecutive jason's places in canoeing and running are consecutive he places in ice skating and uh and his places in ice skating and swimming are consecutive he places higher in biking than in horseback riding he places higher in canoeing than in running have you kept up you were that guy in school that was really nervous when the teacher was looking around to ask people who was going to read the next paragraph huh i'm really sorry i'm glad that you're like getting over that fear now by trying to read stuff to be on stream but like um what's up what do you mean i don't really know i don't really i don't really like understand like what that own was or what that kind of you know i know that you guys like you know i know that your fans are mostly in high school and so that you like to do that thing where you're like you're that guy in school or whatever but i mean you're 31 years old i mean like 32 you're talking about like well are you talking about like your your girlfriend's time in high school or something like that i mean like you haven't been in high school for a long time i still remember high school i don't know i don't know why i remember my girlfriend's time in high school more than my time in high school i was how old was your girlfriend when your son was born how old was my girlfriend when my son was born which the girlfriend that i had the son with or a different girl no that you are currently dating how old was she why would i care how old a girl i'm dating i'm just asking a factual fact i'm just asking like literally a factual yeah i'm just trying to understand the relevance like that's such a weird way to just how old was your girlfriend are you having fantasies about like my son hooking up with my girlfriend or something like somebody it's like a very very very strange question to determine how old your girlfriend was when you had is this something that you think about a lot no but how does this keep you up when you had your first child i don't know i haven't found it necessary to do the math on that i try not to compare that to a child i don't know if i'm i don't you are very interested you know your son's age i i do but i don't feel comfortable sharing 11 right it's it's not i'm not sure your girlfriend would have been nine right i'm sure you've gotten that information from your girlfriend would have been nine years old when your son was born oh my god are you doing the pedo projection thing right now do you think about this i'm just saying i'm just saying that you're that your girlfriend was nine years old when your son was born so you don't have the numbers right at all but let's say that's true what does that matter what are the numbers then well no i'm curious why does that even matter well what does it matter what matters is because you have a you have a large audience of young people there are like text messages from when you were a major league gamer saying a 15 year old girl was sending you pictures and you shared them with people you never got nudes of anybody underage ever no but i didn't but you didn't i didn't say you got nudes i said that you got some okay wait i'm super curious because you've asked me so many questions about myself i'm curious because you asked me so many questions this is a logical fallacy what you're doing because you're talking over me okay i muted him for a second until he calms down holy [ __ ] this guy is like out of control from you when you are up oh he's still going i'll wait a second vague sense that anyone can he's still going i'll just we'll give him a second would you like me to uh to finish using are you okay important i'm perfectly fine i just want to talk about how you were sent pictures by a female i don't really feel like a professional gamer and then you shared it with other people on your team and said one of these mlgs you're gonna get arrested and then you think it's crazy because these same logs have been out there forever i don't know why you'd miss quotes i know well it doesn't really matter but it's like you said it's like i'm gonna get i'm gonna get arrested one of these mlgs when you were sending it no i don't think i ever said that but thank you um why didn't you vote for trump in 2016. i didn't vote for trump you did vote for trump in 2016. this was revealed to me by did you hear that from jonathan daniel brown did you hear that oh are you so are you are you lying about this now no i'm not lying about this jonathan daniel brown's a liar really he's lying you didn't post together on the steady jimmy kimmel with a picture for with trump randy no i never did actually never any of that no i don't never any of that gotcha okay is it true that you blew wait is it true that you blew hundreds of thousands of dollars wait wait is it true that you blew hundreds of wait wait i just went out just asking factual factual questions okay i would like i just want to ask i just want to ask factual factual questions i know that you're talking to jonathan is it true that you actually blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on bitcoin did you actually do that hundreds of thousands of dollars on bitcoin make hundreds of thousand dollars on bitcoin did you blow hundreds of thousand dollars on bitcoin no i made a hundred thousand dollars really why did you downsize from a large house on the hollywood hills to an apartment that you trashed immediately after moving in do you think i trashed my apartment immediately after moving why did you have to downsize if you made so much money on bitcoin oh let me i'll tell you what because i was making a quarter million dollars a year at jimmy kimmel and i quit that job i quit that job after mental health reasons right because everybody was bullied actually no i had one i had a mental health day oh just one just one mental health thing because it kind of seems like your life is just a string of mental health days but go ahead it kind of sounds like you're big mad and like you know going i'm the one that sounds big mad right now you're mad that i'm attacking you personally you're obsessing over the age of my girlfriend my son you don't think that's a bit weird no i i like to attack people why is it that you and kate were accusing every random person that was in your podcast and associated with pockets with sexual assault and harassment without any connection or any proof of any of these claims at all what the [ __ ] are you talking about first of all isn't that seem kind of weird to do that doesn't it seem like kind of a shitty thing to do i want to get back did she actually paint a picture of a dog crawling out of a vagina and you put that up in your living room is that actually true do you have a picture yeah do you have a picture of that painting yeah this sounds like a very fascinating piece i'm just really curious like do you have pictures of that yeah i do actually i mean like i would be proud of all the art that my wife does and you know yeah that's good enough to hang it up that's awesome hey let me ask you let me let me wait what's your relationship with bazzizio uh they're my uh uh don't don't [ __ ] around with busy jokes that's like my that's my um your manager right yeah that's why i like management company so like let's try that's actually just you that's really funny i didn't know that either apparently you're just that you're that entity you're like that person are you telling me and apparently you use a lot of bots too for your social media following what the [ __ ] that's so weird you're telling me that i run multiple social media you have like such a crazy such a crazy interesting life between the clips of you blowing up at random anchors on like cnn or whatever doing all this really weird stuff in your past and obviously the fact you're like unhinged on a day-to-day basis um this is why i'm talking to you i think you're like a very interesting person but okay you want to ask more would you like to talk would you like to let me talk because yeah go ahead go for it yeah yeah ask me ask me more questions about my son please i just i love talking about like really old pedophilia men on the internet so go ahead and ask me do you want to know like his clothing size or where he goes to school so what so let me ask you a question what was the deal with you sending a picture of a 15 year old to your mlg partners and saying i'm going to get i never have any mlg partners and i never thought i was gonna get arrested for anything if you wanna if you wanna revisit this you wanna if you wanna revisit this there's videos on this this stuff is nine years old you can go and uh you can go back if you want there's so many youtube videos covering this if you want first of all it's really funny that jdb invited you to the podcast in the first place the one that we never released because of how [ __ ] your takes are and how boring of a guest you were and now it's crazy that you say that but you'll never release the episode huh crazy it's almost like it's almost like that episode was probably just like you guys being pretty boring and me answering the same standard questions i always answer whenever people want to talk to me about de-radicalizing people from the alt-right let's answer some more questions right let's answer some more questions how did it happen last week that your fans started attacking the dsa uh when they rejected uh your outreach to put together an event with them well i think they started saying they do say because yes they call me a nazi you know no no but the dsa called you a nazi and they were quoting someone who was saying oh dsa they weren't quoting anybody they just said they don't work with nazis no they quote tweeted someone saying we don't work with nazis and so what was with the person saying you won't work with gays within how did they find out about wait so why why would they call me a nazi that's probably people are fighting with them but i'm asking well i'll answer that question actually oh yeah because um because the first page of your google results are quit a podcast because he wouldn't stop saying the n-word and said to mow down protesters in support of kyle rittenhouse you're a toxic brand so i'm really curious what is saying let's say that this is true what is saying the n-word or defending property rights have to do with being a nazi um well here's what it is wait actually i'm super curious what is a nazi wait do you know what do you know what a nazi is you just say what did you say what is let me ask you a question you're asking me if i know what a nazi is let me ask you a question jason enters six braces biking canoeing horseback riding again i'm gonna meet you until you're done with this one okay i'll be back okay i'll let him run on his thing for a little bit this dude is super big man holy [ __ ] well muting me are you okay did you mute me like bill o'reilly uh yeah when you start like reading off like random things to show everybody that you actually can read um so the reason why people thought you just said what does saying the n-word have to do with being a nazi yeah so i just want to say is that a typical thing that normal neoliberals think or are you kind of more of a right-leaning liberal in your own description so you really think that any position on the internet has anything to do sorry oh wait let me ask you real quick do you know what a nazi is answer questions we actually don't know what a nazi is oh no he didn't know what fascist was and now he doesn't even know what nazi means calling everybody out of fascists and a nazi i don't know what a message is and you know why the dsa called you with nazis your [ __ ] results are nazi [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh my god nazi [ __ ] property rights and and private jokes are dude is dave chappelle and nazi wait do you think george carlin was a nazi do you know that dave chappelle quit his show and famously had a nervous breakdown because of white people quoting n-word jokes to him oh my god do you think george carlin was a nazi no but do you know that that's actually not at all why dave chappelle quit his show but it's cute that you that's that's not at all why chappelle by the way oh when you reference chappelle uh um let me ask you a question are you a sociopath do you think um i don't really know i don't i don't really think about it that sounds pretty ableist video i watch the video no i don't think it's a ablest i watched the video of you talking uh uh to try hex um about using the n-word and i think that maybe it's the most charitable to say that you're maybe a sociopath because the other option is that you are just outright a racist do you think that uh george carlin who was a nazi i'm just curious would you ever answer a question instead of just asking a question what what was your question you just started reading me a bunch of stuff that happened in the past i don't know your question well i mean do i think george carlin was a a nazi um because he he's not only he didn't just defend the n word privately he said the public about mow down protesters uh uh george carlin talked about killing a lot of people i'm just curious do you think that george carlin defending the n-word and saying it publicly do you think that makes him a nazi no oh cool okay so then we can drop that do you think that's saying that um do you think that somebody do you think that somebody's sleeping 40 minutes face to face with your black friend asking you to stop telling children that you say the n word in private the hard r n word and you sit there unemotional i don't think that's what i said at all but that's close i mean i did i did watch the whole thing and you said that you refused to stop telling children that you say the hard r and words i don't know who's talking to children i think you're projecting a little bit do you fantasize a lot about your audience being full of children is that why you're so interested about the specific age of my girlfriend oh my god you're actually a pedophile you actually are i don't think i've ever had anybody this obsessed about the age of my kid or my girlfriend over my life wait how old are you again are you 45 46. i'm 31. i'm 32. you're you're i'm pretty sure you're in your mid your mid late 40s and you're like obviously million a year on an a-list show you know when i was like 27 years old um i think that's holy [ __ ] that's almost half as much as i was making when i was 27 with no a-list support like nice job dude you know that's so weird i've never seen someone who i've never seen someone who claims to have as much money as you setting up a [ __ ] ikea furniture in a barren living room i've never i've never actually seen someone who claims to have as much money as you oh you're one of those people probably because you spend time in hollywood you think that like rich people just waste all their [ __ ] money on ultra expensive furniture at rolex is that what you want to see you you hey you want another fun fact i drive a 40 000 car too like do you think i drive like a [ __ ] r8 or like a gt all right what do you think do you think that like rich people waste their money on [ __ ] everything so that they look rich to people like you um no but i also think rich people aren't living in like a one-bedroom apartment in north hollywood why would i live in anything bigger isn't that what you moved to after you wasted all your money on bitcoin when you lost it all didn't you move out of your business money on bitcoin i actually made a lot of money on bitcoin and that kept me floated for like another year before i like did anything did you pay taxes on that money i know that you're talking to someone hey did you pay taxes on the money that i made because you want to say the n word i know that you that you're talking to someone who also quit a podcast because he loves saying the did n word did you pay taxes on the money that you made on bitcoin uh yes i did really do you remember how you paid those taxes uh through the corporation you were you were making money through the corporation do you remember the uh what corporation were you making money through i don't feel like i have to go that end of that with you you know you don't know the answers to any of these because i have a corporation i know how those taxes are falling i know that you're lying that's really [ __ ] awkward but uh what do you want to talk about next what corporation do you have um i have an llc and i have an s corp election okay well i have an s corp so you know it's actually kind of a different filing than llc you you know that you can actually file a form 25 53 to have your llc taxes on s corp so it's pretty similar in terms of like the filing what kind of fund you file what kind of form are you filing there buddy because my business taxes i file on 1120s yeah what do you follow okay yeah i file an eleven twenty i'm sure you do i'm sure you do you know that 1120s isn't really just made that up right no literally i have my [ __ ] documents here is the 11 20. is it really okay all right just have you fall for it all right how does a flow through income work for money that you make on bitcoin don't care you're a clown i have a guy that takes care of that for me the real the real the real answer is that you don't know how to pay taxes on bitcoin income because you've never made money trading bitcoin in your life you would too if you made money you would too if you made money okay so how old was your girlfriend when you met her fourteen and so is that like the sensation of when you were like in the mlg thing texting about like this girl's 15 like they make it so hard yep do you want me to you do you need are you looking for pictures ever when she was 13 14 is that what you want no i'm just trying to determine like like exactly when you started grooming this girl you know that the girl that i'm dating right now is 32 right that's not what i read online d you sounds like you read a lot of stuff online well i don't believe that uh oh but you only believe the stuff that you read that's bad about me yeah i do actually i mostly only read this i only uh it sounds like you honestly don't know anything about what you're talking about but that's cool i want to tell you i want to tell you that honestly the reason why i'm here the reason why i'm here uh is because it's really good content to farm your dumbass fans for their bad takes i had like a full hour of them calling in to defend the n-word and incest one truly truly uh uh and i'll say it in terms that your uh that your chat can understand one truly cringe 48 year old called in to defend using the n-word and it really made me quite people sad um so i would really just i'm just here to get people to continue to be mad at me because it's fun to be a heel in a community where i can come in and be like incest is bad oh wow incest is bad yeah keep booing me keep booing me you weird [ __ ] teenagers i have someone from uh uh i believe it's called the debate bro show coming coming on thursday to defend more incest um and so i'm really just here to say that um you were rejected by dsa because you're a toxic brand you are also rejected by the georgia voter project which is a far more centrist organization and it's because your brand is toxic and your fans are toxic um who do you associate with professionally i'm sorry yeah brown game la dsla you know how much work have you done for those guys recently ground game la and uh yeah well first of all i actually will commend you ah there it is ah so by association you guys have like tweeted back and forth a couple times you haven't actually done [ __ ] with any of these orgs but that's cool um what else no i do work i do work no you don't you don't it's 150 000 for bernie sanders this year uh with like different domain names and stuff like that you raised 150 000 with different domain how does a domain name raise money uh well i i registered uh hey look there's this child uh um i uh uh i registered to gross my dude although you seem really obsessed with that but go ahead i uh uh i um i registered domains for people that for names of people that don't like online like the horse whisperer and stuff like that near a tandem and it ended up raising yeah 150 thousand dollars for how did you raise money through a domain name uh because i was the one registering the domain name and made the act blue page and like kept pushing it and uh you know promoted it and everything like that and you know used my uh uh used my you know platform to get people you know that like you have no idea like what you're talking about right you like what you're saying it doesn't make sense like i used a domain name to make money like what does that even mean let me ask you a question what you made was a google form to get people sign up to go canvassing and actually typically canvassing uh canvassing plans have their plan to get voter data more than one week out before the event yeah we actually don't know what you were doing no i did we actually had plenty voter dinner we were running around on minivan we were knocking doors we were doing all sorts of cool stuff on background i spoke to someone on background who told me everything that happened with your event you were rejected by the georgia voter project which you didn't tell your fans because i didn't know about that i don't handle all the communications going on out of my uh stuff you won't work with anybody and the period that you think that i would read every single email having to do with anything of mine because you've probably never worked in a professional capacity organizations also won't work with you because you're vile and so it's really crazy that we worked with like a left-leaning organization where we were down and joined you know this past weekend humanity which one humanity forward it's an offshoot of uh yang stuff okay cool well i'm gonna keep an eye on that i mean when i spoke to people on background about the canvassing event they didn't even want to tell which is actually really really odd for canvassing events they didn't want to say where they were getting their voter data but you were rejected by the georgia voter project what do you mean didn't want to say where they were getting their voted data what do you mean by that well i spoke to people on background involved with your event to try to get to the bottom of everything that went on with dsa and whether the bottom of everything the bottom of everything is like four messages dude you're not like an investigator right i mean i spoke i did speak for an hour and i recorded the call uh uh with the person with people that are and they spoke to me on background and asked not to be named but i did speak to the people behind your entire canvassing event and so also california is a two-party consent state so i hope that you got that person's consent when you did that request and i have it i'll check with them later to make sure that's true otherwise that would be pretty amazing please make sure you do because i said at the top of the call i'm recording this call and you're not gonna find anything on that clown that's great i'm glad that you follow all the legal challenges just like you did filing taxes for the hundreds of thousands of dollars you made on bitcoin someone i did speak to someone on background about your event about your event buddy um and uh it turns out that you were rejected by the georgia voter project really hung up on that man that's really important to you are you like personally affiliated with them no no it is really important because then you went and told your fans oh dsa won't work with me lefties do purity tests and everything like that and then they started attacking dsa which is why dsa called you a nazi why do you tell people not to vote for john ossoff wait wait why is that can you tell me that because i don't believe in harm reduction the same way you don't believe in harm reduction would you be comfortable saying that to like poor people that like are dying or they don't have access to health care or like money for the growing virus would you be comfortable telling your family your feelings about incest yeah sure all of my arguments are public they're on youtube what do you mean okay um yeah i actually would swing in a mission i would be happy talking to poor people about my feelings about harm reduction so if you have like somebody that can't afford health insurance and the only chance that they have is like an ac expansion you'd be like sorry dude you're just gonna have to suffer for like x amount of more years until yeah let me tell you something if if somebody can't afford insurance the aca expansion is not going to do it for them well accepted can you spa expansion no it it really wouldn't it would actually like cause more people to like have like a more of an albatross in their life with insurance really that's so crazy why is it that over like 20 million people right now are are covered by the aca you know that like it might be aca bro i'm covered by the aca it costs too much [ __ ] money and the coverage is dog [ __ ] that's great but i thought you were rich how does it cost too much money for you i never said i was rich i said that i was rich at the kimmel show then i made money on bitcoin and now here i am [ __ ] four years later oh so you think that making a quarter million a year makes you rich this is why you're so confused why i put together ikea furniture in my living room that's interesting to note um however what do you say to the 20 plus million people right now that are insured under the aca that wouldn't have had insurance otherwise i'm one of them okay one of them okay that's great that you master a bitcoin trader that has his own escort i would say i would say things can be better if it weren't for radical centrists out there uh advising us to uh to concede ahead of time so you would just tell them to suffer basically we can't help you right now just wait in the future maybe we can deliver something better you would say the same to them because you don't know no i would say i would try to help deliver like real change right now like an aca expansion a more coronavirus relief or something to strengthen unions like whatever uh 15 an hour minimum wage nationally like these are the things that i think a biden administration could deliver with a uh senate majority but apparently you just don't care about anything i'm glad i'm glad that we're going to get a senate majority i do think that nana's boy democrats well yeah we might but it's not going to be because of people like you it's going to be despite it it's going to be despite people like you right democrat will actually be an impediment to that since he said that he would vote against medicare for all and obviously he didn't say anything about voting against a public option or an expansion of the aca no he didn't what about joe manchin what about joe manchin then i mean you just don't have the votes there but anyways it really doesn't matter you know that there's more ways than just medicare for all to get health care to people right like that's it's not like the only thing that you can do right you do know that right i understand that i understand that so then why are you talking about somebody's support for medicare for all like it's indicative of whether or not they would support like more healthcare availability in the united states uh because i don't actually think that the aca expansion will will get people effective so what do you say to the what do you say to the 10 million plus people that were insured only because of the aca did you just say your health insurance now is fake or the people with pre-existing conditions aren't slaves i am one of them you are not the typical use case okay listen your only pre-existing condition right now is obesity all right i'm talking about people that are like diabetics or people that have medications that they need in a long time yeah unfortunately i do have asthma and you know you kind of went like ad hominem there just so you know i wanted to point out oh i went ad hominem do you want to ask me more about how old my son is you creepy pedophilia [ __ ] no see the thing is i don't care about the you obviously care quite a bit you're absolutely obsessing over the age of my girlfriend and the age of my son it is incredibly [ __ ] weird people in your discord are saying your girlfriend's 22 yeah she is you said she was 34 bro i'm just saying random [ __ ] because you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're talking about you're finally catching up congratulations you're just like kind of like lying and stuff and like gaslighting like well no you've been coming out here lying about a ton of [ __ ] so yeah i've said and actually the people in my discord that said she's 22. that's actually the meme she's actually 25. that's the meme hey i want to talk to you about like uh uh the the clockwork oranging of language and what the word meme means on your channel and whether it means joke or topic of conversation uh uh can you just tell me all the different meme uh meanings for the word meme on your channel i'm not here to play hello fellow kids with you um i know that once you hit like 45 it probably gets a little bit harder to keep up with all the internet lingo thankfully i'm not there yet but i'm sure that your chat would love to give you a rundown it makes me absolutely people sad and i think it's so cringe uh and it's like i'm so i'm too old i'm too old to understand why incest isn't cringe uh-huh isn't that kind of backwards didn't weren't people more likely to [ __ ] their siblings like in the 50s and 60s wasn't that pretty common in the south and [ __ ] i don't know where you're from but um you sound like you're super interested in it your son's still there right yeah he is why'd you move so far away from your son for work-related reasons do you think i should have upgraded his life and brought him with me to california i'm sorry what what work-related reasons are you getting like representation or something in los angeles what's happening um well there's real life appearances here that are pretty relevant to my career that are important for me like i mean you know i'm actually really glad that you asked that so if you go to my youtube channel and you look under destiny you start my videos you can find a lot of stuff that i've done down here live in l.a it was pretty important in my career okay yeah no problem if there's any other content on mine you want to introduce you do you want to ask me any more questions about my kid when's the last time you saw your kid um i don't know when do you want like the age he was when i saw him last you want me to tell you what he was wearing you pedophile [ __ ] or no i mean just like relation to today how how long ago from today do you want to know like when his birthday is or do you want to know like i just want to know how long it's been since you've seen your child that you abandoned and he's interested in abandoned wow you know you know the type of people that make that comment towards me are usually nazis do you think that you're a nazi if i'm using like the way that you define the word right because when i google things and like you know like i actually i actually think that you're a conservative who argues with white nationalists and calls himself a liberal because he knows it's not socially acceptable so really just because just because i asked you uh when's the last time you saw the child that you abandoned gotcha are you sure that doesn't make you a nazi because a lot of nazis say a lot of similar things usually people get pretty flustered um whether it's because they're overweight and they can't catch their breath or because they feel like really frustrated in conversation because all they've done is out home the entire time or because they're like getting called out for being obsessed about like my very adolescent child um usually all those people are nazis and i'm noticing there's a lot of like overlap between your behavior and a lot of the nazis that i've talked to in the past so i was just curious if that made you a nazi because you know it's gone by the definition you gave me at the start of the conversation no i'm not a nazi uh when was the last time you saw your kid um i don't know when was the last time you called somebody a nazi oh wait when was the last time you opened that book the one that you were so eager to post screen shots on twitter right now i'll show you yeah if you people click over to my stream you'll see i have a physical oh my god do you have it on your desk so you can show people look i'm not owned i'm not owned i really do have the book that has the definition of nazi that i didn't remember when i was having that conversation so what's in the jennifer today for your uh little uh twitch show huh yeah here's the physical copy of the book i was reading when's the last time you saw your child that you moved away from to uh to um to pursue your career really you know boy how's the career going with your partnership revoked because you said mow down protesters really great actually i've been doing [ __ ] amazing on youtube i guess it was kind of an opportunity i'm thinking about doing a try stream to um a try stream to uh facebook as well i'm actually doing really well i have like almost 10 times as many viewers on youtube right now that you do on your stream which is kind of funny considering half of your viewers are just hate watchers from my community huh isn't that cool i know and part of the fun too is also that like you have this thing where like your views never go below a certain number of thousands of numbers it's almost like you have like few bots or something to keep it at my god hey your one partner told me that you do a lot of botting of your social medias it's really cute that you would project that onto me and assume that i would bot as well i'm sorry it's kind of crazy how it must be like all of my social media platforms i must be botting my youtube my twitch my twitter i must be i must be buying the ads as well because i make money too that's crazy how like extensive my operation is you don't make money on twitch anymore you don't make money on twitch anymore because your your partnership was revoked for saying yeah i know but usually like those people come over to my website and then they subscribe to me there where technically i make 50 more money on those subs anyway well actually 100 more money i guess but so yeah i guess it kind of works out on the end huh yeah yeah oh and then i also got a lot of money from like uh youtube super chat stuff as well those people are super cool too so yeah really cool really cool you know thank you so much for watching are you excited to lose your partnership for saying uh mow down protesters like a [ __ ] idiot um protesters are [ __ ] idiots i don't think i said that exactly um you know actually it was kind of exciting i got to move forward like in a whole different direction for my career which is kind of cool like i got to expand over to youtube a lot more um i was able to yeah i'm kind of thinking about like try streaming on facebook now which opens up a lot more opportunities to me um i'm not quite as restricted on my content because i don't have to worry about like partnership related things on twitter your new more right-wing followers that you got for saying mow down [ __ ] protesters um you know and also by the way i just want to say the only people left in your community are the ones that stayed with you past the written house comments and passed the n-word thing with trihex and so really it is only the vile and most right-leaning people that are still in your chat you know what's really crazy is that if you actually look up like a video from a week before i had that conversation with trx you realized that he was giving the exact same argument that i was giving to him right um i don't think that he was giving the argument oh it sounds like you actually haven't read anything about what was going on oh do you want to know hey dude you know what you know what destiny it's not some big own that people haven't watched your three hours of scholarship on the n-word you know that when somebody like you comes at me and they're quoting yeah so when somebody comes out and they start quoting at me things that i've been involved in nine years ago i would kind of expect you to be a little bit more read up you know no no i'm just not gonna watch the three hours of a scholarship on the n word that you posted uh because basically you're here here's the real deal with the n-word thing in you and this is me being my most real deal yeah okay here's me being my most charitable to you is that you said the n-word when you were young and you're a starcraft streamer and you like to say the enemy no i didn't never crazy there's like hundreds of thousands of hours of recorded footage and i just i didn't but go ahead well there is that one weird one where you did say the n word on on camera and then you're like oh my god i accidentally said it you guys i gotta delete that one holy [ __ ] you mean where i was making like oh nine years and then nine years of me streaming you think that i've always wanted to say the n-word i just decided to sneak it in there at the end of like me being like more liberal than i ever have in my entire life you think that was like the plan nice damn it's so weird because you seem to know so many like random little things about me but when i ask you for a little bit more information you have no [ __ ] idea it's almost like you're literally googling like the best of destiny hates volume one or whatever and it's like oh destiny's a pedophile oh jesse abandoned his kid oh what you and the destiny fans all do is you're like you haven't watched like 15 000 hours of this [ __ ] guy playing minecraft and mumbling into his microphone you have no way to talk about this you haven't watched the asmr colt indoctrination videos that we have um i just i don't know why you would feel confident talking to me about my history it seems like you'd have something more relevant to talk about rather than just like snipe quoting me i'm here to clown on you and dunk on you uh because you think that's what's happening right now wait do you think that's what's happening right now yeah i'm here to clown on you and insult you to your face and say that like you dated to my face is that is that what internet conversations sound like to you is that like to your face do you think this is a face-to-face conversation right now um do you think that's maybe a little bit pedantic and that maybe you like like to nitpick little well as the king of pedantry over here i mean we can go more abroad the problem is like i can either get i can either get really pedantic about terms or i could ask you really generalized questions like what is a fascist what is a nazi you don't seem to know those terms either so i don't know if i i can't be fat i can't i actually did describe in kind of like you not so uh uh not memorized from so i i believe that what you said for fascism was it's when dummies abused their power i think that was the actually when dumbasses are in charge and they go by oh dumbass is in charge and then rule by four that's fascism okay cool all right it's an element of fascism it's like you know um when the people are human beings and they have a government those are elements of fascism as well are you really [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hold on i just read that i'm really sorry are you are you actually 5-1 uh no i'm 5'4 oh [ __ ] okay starting to make more sense um is that more ad palm is that more ad home down you're right you're right hold on that was at home let's go back to asking me questions about my uh very adolescence when was the last time you saw your son that you abandoned do you want like pictures of us to get oh you know actually if you follow my instagram you know you can actually see stories that i post if you really want to know you can go to my instagram you can check out my stories any time i visit them and hang out with them uh usually we uh yeah post stories and stuff like that the last time it was if you can say two months ago three months ago uh since the coronavirus pandemic started you know a week ago when when was it was five years ago maybe the last time i saw it was in one of those like little uh ultrasound machines maybe i saw that i was like i gotta get the [ __ ] out of here you know maybe i just like pissed out maybe i bounce about it because you don't want to like you're not answering the question you know like which is the question is when was the last time you saw the sun that you abandoned you know if you asked me to we were going to disney world for five days so maybe you could oh maybe you want pictures of that too do you want like what what kind you look like so are you gonna or are you gonna see it so you're seeing him in a week but what was the last time you saw uh your son that you you know i would have to go through my uh personal book and decide if i want to tell a pedophile the types of interactions i have with my kid and i'm not really sure right now how i feel about that because it's really [ __ ] weird i think it's a little bit of a and i'm gonna have to unfortunately call you out for this yeah i do think it's a bit of an ad hominem to call me a pedophile uh when the only person in here who's like sent pictures of a 15 year old and said i'm gonna get arrested over this uh is you um hold on sorry um it's really crazy that like my life has been so public for 10 years 11 years now that people have detected so much stuff um and the most that they have is like saying that i'm a pedophile because of a chat log from nine or 10 years ago isn't that kind of sorry no no i'm just saying that like no do you think that if somebody were to evaluate so let's say that if somebody were to evaluate the performance of both of us in this conversation well you're asking me several questions about like how old is your girlfriend how old is your son what's the difference in atria who do you think sounds more like a pedophile in this conversation well there's also the question of two months ago you saying mow down [ __ ] protesters does that make me a pedophile as well wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what do you think a pedophile is no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no wait i just realized you might not actually even know what that means oh you're really funny um i just wanted to say that um well you were a writer for jimmy kimmel so you know funny right but before you got fired for your mental health day right no i didn't uh get [ __ ] health day and that would obviously be a disgusting thing for any liberal to even joke about in the first place oh but talking about the age of my son that's that's not funny okay go ahead no i'm i mean no i mean i quit because i had a mental health day and i quit nearly a year later a job that i was making a quarter million dollars a year uh uh doing um thank god you found bitcoin and you were a massively successful trader that's why you moved in that little apartment right i mean my apartment is like pretty big and i like i'm over i'm overlooking it bigger than the place that you had in the hollywood hills before that why would you downgrade if you were making so much money trading bitcoin isn't that kind of weird i went from a four thousand dollar a month place to a three thousand dollar a month place it's like yeah it's called downsizing that's what you do when your income is like massively hit so i'm really curious why uh yeah i guess when you're 5'4 i guess every apartment is really big to you so let me ask you a question um you said the only things people can come up with are like nine-year-old stuff what about two months ago when you said mow down [ __ ] protesters or a year ago when you quit a podcast because you were too childish to stop using the n-word um well i didn't quit that podcast uh we mutually decided to end it because we don't want to do another episode because you didn't because you weren't because you wouldn't stop using the n-word no actually it's because my partner on that thing was going professional super smash brothers and he didn't have time anymore to dedicate to it yeah but i watched the 40-minute video and he's talking about how he was willing to quit the podcast because you won't stop saying the n-word so i know that you're like dodging you know it's really crazy because if you look up tweets of him recently like he's reached out to me we might do another podcast it's not kind of weird i know but i still watched a 40-minute video of your daughter i thought you just said that i couldn't expect you to watch hours and hours of my content but here you were watching 40-minute videos of me from like a year ago or two years ago do you think people don't notice that like you just are like a pedant and you like pick out nitpick little small details and that's not really i'm not gonna lie at the end of the day you know i'd rather be a parent than a pedophile but here we are huh no uh-huh yeah here we are here we are me the pettit and you the pedophile huh that's kind of strange here we are um so anyway so you just uh earlier we were talking about how you're not gonna watch my content and then now you said that you watched a 40 minute video i'm not gonna lie i'm impressed that's more than i've ever watched of anything having to do with you ever which is crazy you're a racist and i'd like to also i'd like to start with your racist and number two i'd like what's your evidence for me being a pedophile because i'd like to lay out my evidence for you being a pedophile oh i think that where you said a 15 year old uh is going to uh make you get arrested uh and then also you leaving your wife and child uh to come uh uh damn i was married now dude you have so many random it's like i'm listening to fiction being written in real time but i guess it's like a joke writer that's kind of what you are okay groomer okay groomer okay groomer i mean it seems like you could use a little bit of grooming do you think okay groomer i just think that you're a groomer and i think that that's why um groomer vouch came up in your chat room and also became a groomer yeah groomer yeah i do okay pedo well what's your evidence for me being a pedo because i laid out mine for you being a pedo typically anytime somebody asks me a lot of personal questions regarding my very adolescent son or obsesses over the age of my girlfriend or is like very much interested in like talking about the ages of people uh i find that more often than not they're either a libertarian or a pedophile and then half the people are libertarians can you pass along the evidence of that because i we have chat logs of you saying you know i'm going to get arrested over a 15 year old we have chat live is that like your organization or i'm just like asking you like you know uh what's your evidence for me being a pedo because it kind of sounds like you're just saying it you know whereas i actually am like saying it for a reason and it's because you're a pedophile groomer did you know that 85 of all pedophiles begin their pedophile career online by questioning the ages of very adolescent young boys did you know that no uh i haven't looked into it oh yeah it's actually super crazy so that's part of my evidence why i think that you might be beautiful okay groomer um i don't think that you have any evidence for me in being a pedophile i think i have like a couple pieces of evidence which is that you know uh it's so crazy how i've survived in this industry for so long despite like i guess i've just never gotten caught nobody's ever like done the reading or the research like you actually think when you're bringing this stuff up that you're like the first person you like uncovered this thing no no no no i what i'm doing uh is trying to like rope a dope a bunch of your fans into coming to my channel and like saying stupid [ __ ] like incest is okay by insulting a scumbag who i think is a piece of [ __ ] directly to his face and uh um saying things that get him really really as you and your channel channel would say big mad by saying stuff like okay groomer and then you being silent for like five seconds you know we're just we're right here enjoying the ride right now okay you're a very entertaining figure yeah oh i'm loving it i mean listen we all know that like this whole youtube debate thing is just like stupid fake wwe [ __ ] anyway for like children that are in algebra class so it's like yeah back on that children oh [ __ ] and earlier oh my god it's all making sense now so earlier you said that i have a bunch of high schoolers and children in my audience and now you're really excited that people from my audience are going to your chat meaning you think they're children and now you're talking about only children what you really are it in the child thing aren't you and that's why you wanted to attack me with the the 15 year old thing or whatever are you looking for like tips and tricks for like finding teenagers online or what well do you have any they saying that chief i mean you're the guy to ask groomer are you there yeah just it's very rare that somebody will like be so openly pedophilia i guess like in public you're great i mean i mean i mean like you know uh you allowed someone like vows to be in your chat room and like gaslight a young woman for months and months and months oh i'm actually really grateful you brought him up i totally forgot about it i i did still have him banned we brought up and i unbanned him so now he's welcome to come back to my community again yeah oh well you so you allow groomers back into your community i mean i'm talking to you aren't i well i mean i'm not a pedophile or a groomer i actually i'm 100 sure about that are you 100 percent sure that you're an audience what do you think a pedophile is uh what do you think a groomer is oh my god you don't actually know you might be a pedophile but you just don't know the actual definition of it no idea oh my god you have no idea what a groomer is the funny thing is tomorrow you're gonna have some random book from 1947 be like well actually i've got a book here that says a pedophile is defined and by the way the anatomy of fascism uh came out in 2004 it's one of the most recent books about fashion show what am i going to read that before a conversation huh so you wouldn't have to like scram [ __ ] pages later for twitter to put up maybe maybe if you had read anything more than the wikipedia page of it uh then you would know uh you know because i know that you've just like read the sort of like first sentences of a couple wikipedia pages and even at that if somebody asked me to define fascism i was still able to do it but you just floundered no i don't i don't think it's an appropriate word given i don't feel the need to memorize wikipedia definitions of things but can you don't feel the need to like you don't feel are you okay do you know what a groomer is you actually say i'm curious when you turn the camera off at the end of the day how do you feel about life man i feel [ __ ] good dude really uh yeah i do you know i got a beautiful wife i'm living here in echo park overlooking the uh the lake can you define what a groomer is i'm just wondering what it's like in the mind of a man that's so fixated on like wealth and [ __ ] to go from 250 000 a year to 250 concurrent viewers on twitch and to think that you're somehow killing it and crushing me uh by making fun of like me losing partnership i'm just curious what goes on in the moment i'm making fun of you for being a groomer so i want to know if you can define what groomer is what is it um you know i'm really not comfortable talking with you so much about like these types of topics i legitimately feel you're trying to mind me for information related to like i i literally want you to define it i mean you can't can you not define it oh my god you literally can't define it wait a second how old is your wife wait a second you literally can't define it wait wait wait wait how old is your wife you literally can't define it oh god 30 wait how old are you 45 34 bro when you were 15 she wasn't even born yet what though when i was [ __ ] when i was 15 she was 11. holy sh wait so you think that a 15 year old an 11 year old is okay wait what do you think what do you think about an 18 year old and a 13 year old do you think that's fine destiny i want to know what you think wait wait wait wait wait wait i want to know i want to know why you think that age gap is acceptable wait no can you just tell me you think that an 18 year old and a 13 year old is okay wait wait no no wait wait wait wait no no no no he can't even define it he can't even define it do you think an 18 year old and a 13 year old is okay no so why do you think it's okay why do you think it's okay for the age gap between you and your wife um because i wasn't um 14 when i started dating her wait so if me and my girlfriend were both over age when we started dating does that make that okay uh i was just asking you i was just asking how old she was when you met her because then it could be a grooming thing if she was underage oh no she was 20 when i met her she was she was 20 years old did you define grooming though no i actually don't want to talk about like stuff related to pedophile stuff around you i feel like i don't know what it is he literally doesn't know what it is he can't even define grooming right now you all see it folks in his chat he can't even literally define okay i've got a definition hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this guy can't even define grooming wait wait no no no no hold on i can't define it okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hold on no no no no no wait wait i have a definition for you okay hold on i've got a definition i'm sorry i'm sorry hold on no no i'm not repeating this is what i've memorized dude he's memorized no everybody this is what i've memorized dude please please stop no please i memorized this okay let me just tell you okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait let's wait let's wait let's wait oh destiny destiny has his memorized groomer definition okay so the definition is it should be pointed out however that the initial attempt to deny japan the oil in the east indies was only an initial setback within a short period japan was able to restore balan oil fields with astonishing results that fire exceeded their goals um was that okay um that was from a book that i have about um that stuff grooming mm-hmm was that did that satisfy you what's the book on grooming that you've read um it's called lesson six oil strategy in world war ii introduction but it doesn't have anything to do with grooming does it well i don't know i just i quoted you out of the i quoted you out of the book that i was quoting actually had to do with fascism and you know i'm asking you to define groomer which you know it seems like you can't describe it okay hold on hold on i'm so sorry i [ __ ] up you're right okay i looked up grooming now okay okay here i'm sorry i'm sorry okay groomer is i'm sorry i'm sorry for some the term barbershop conjures up a classic picture of a red and white barber pole where a classic looking man with a mustache to die for surely lathers up the necks of well-dressed suited gentlemen while they recline in an oiled leather chair that are you quoting lolita the book lolita what the [ __ ] is that what are you talking are you about are you quoting nabakov's lolita what are you are you okay i'm perfectly fine uh can you define grooming i think you're actually a pedophile i think that there's so much more evidence for you being a pedophile uh there's no there's no chat logs of me talking about 15 year olds and getting myself arrested and i literally think that you're actually projecting by by shrieking about how i'm a pedophile because i mentioned the times uh um that you were a pedophile um i think it's a bit of projection to be honest with you anyway i gotta run buddy it's good to talk to you i'm gonna have some of your fans on on thursday can i just put out a quick shout out like if you're under 18 please be very very very careful around jack okay if you are under 18 it sounds like he's taken a very special interest to these types of people i would heavily recommend being very careful in your association with them okay wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa have fun seal everybody is that fun for you like was that last conversation like i know you like going in the dirt i know but like that fun to have someone just come in that way instead of actually engaging you in something a little more cerebral than that kind of stupid [ __ ] um [Music] i don't know it's hard i i think that like the the [ __ ] posting can be fun i guess it's not as fun when the other person is there's like certain levels of derangement where it starts to become a little boring so like when he like wants to talk over me like a million times and i can't go like back and forth making fun of him but he just wants to like talk and talk and talk that gets a little bit boring but okay so like did you feel kind of disappointed that he came right off the bat with that [ __ ] instead of like an actual claim that you could discuss no i don't ever expect have a real discussion that that guy is legitimately like mentally unwell like that guy has problems somebody in my chat just pointed he's like over 800 messages on my discord already and he's like obsessed with me right like this guy came in with drama from [ __ ] 2011. like this guy is like super [ __ ] obsessed he dug deep in the lore but didn't dig deep enough you know inch deep mile wide as they say yeah maybe because it's a as a viewer obviously i'm not who you're catering to but like as a viewer listening to it i would have much preferred if like he had dove into the trihex conversation and then you could have fleshed out like that no one cares about like the actual like material or no one cares about the actual content of anything being discussed it's just people are just looking for surface surface level owns right yeah well it felt it just felt like such a dumb thing again i know the lore right so i'm a little like i have the the missing pieces but like for him to say like i'm not going to watch every [ __ ] thing it's like you don't have to but that's like a key critical point is tri-x's previous opinion until that conversation like yeah sure i mean i understand what you're saying but i mean like that's just all part of the meme right yeah most of these people don't care about anything now how do you feel about the fact that like obviously he benefits much more from this than you do um i mean like i try to think of that to some extent but it's kind of a weird argument i notice rtba was making this argument earlier too where it's like oh like the thing is that if i take that approach then basically what you're saying is like i can never [ __ ] post with or interact with a smaller content creator yeah into the drain remove the faucet huh because then basically we're saying that like oh well technically anybody could um like grow from me so like i should just never interact with anybody but some of the dumbest people that interact with are like smaller content creators like [Laughter] well and that's not necessarily a bad thing like from even like the good faith ones or the bad faith ones it's just like when he comes in that bad faith like is it worth it to you i guess like did you enjoy that conversation enough that if he grows 50 viewers because of that are you like yeah whatever well i mean if he does it's whatever i'm not going to stop interacting with every lunatic like that like i don't know i think so all right and i don't think that that's like a principle you should have to abide by it's more just um i wonder like you're about i guess the feelings you evaluate when engaging with someone like that like do you do you wait like a spiteful kind of oh well i know they're going to benefit from this so as much as i want to dunk from them i'd rather deprive them of the attention they're seeking it's not really that complicated for me for me it's funny it's good content i'll make a lot of money off the youtube video i get to show people how crazy and stupid all of these people on the left are like that's it there's not like some deeper like what is the long-term benefit and gain that this person's career might like i don't i don't think about that much okay remember to hit that like and subscribe and don't forget the notification bell so that my videos show up right in your feed
Channel: Destiny
Views: 472,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, Twitter Drama ESCALATES Into Insanely HEATED Debate, destiny argues, destiny lefty arc, lefty arc, big mad, destiny debate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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