Destiny debates nazbol Eric Striker

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I'm excited I've got a specific question I want to ask destiny all right all right hold on let me let me read these Jack says the uncertain Tantra viewer unz review I don't know always said odds odds it is ons okay that's raw tons runs it yeah okay the UNH's review is featuring eric strikers columns FYI white Iverson just subscribed for a month and every time I see his name I start hearing the song from post Malone but thank you pistol cowboy says I am a serial noticer I note many coincidences oh here we go King Keith Ortiz here we go TRS gang gang rise up the right stuff the right stuff dot biz baby King porgy also subscribed for a month alright we'll get two super chats again a little quicker than we did last night's and some of them like to just disappear here on D lie which I don't understand but I don't run this website unfortunately as we found out last weekend anyway so both Eric Stryker and destiny have been on this dream within the last what I don't know five six months destiny was back on in January to speak with Mike Enoch but as is tradition here on the kill stream obviously always let the guests introduce themselves I'll start with you destiny why don't you introduce yourself to the kill stream audience hey I'm destiny I might do politics on Twitch I'm a huge sjw /lib cook I also do politics on YouTube can i play video games sounds better I think that's pretty good [Laughter] mister stryker run let's introduce yourself hello I'm striker I do I'm a journalist a cultural critic I have a page called National - justice and I do a radio show with mr. Mike Enoch every Tuesday called strike and Mike on the right stuff dot biz there we go now we usually have some type of opening statements here now most of this is gonna be you guys questioning each other we do have a few questions here there but you know how we do it on the kill stream I'll guess I will you start off striker with your opening points here okay so my opening point is that you know nationalism is the solution and what I mean by nationalism is third position ISM inspired indeed by the European populism zuv the 1930s and 20s I also believe that America has many problems ranging from economic to social I think that the basic premise of what I'm saying is that people of European descent in America a nation that is an extension of Europe and has always been considered an extension of Europe and not just America but also all the new world European homelands whether it's Canada whether it's Australia with its anglo-celtic culture Canada with its franco-british culture Argentina and Uruguay with their Italian and Iberian cultures these are unique nations all being attacked by mass immigration and neoliberalism my intent in this debate is to D radicalize destiny from his neoliberal rope view which has killed tens of millions of people today neoliberal Zionists are basically planning to kill 3 million Iranians so I want destiny to be able to rationalize why in the Second World War when Britain and France declared war on Germany 50 million people had to die why in in Iraq 500,000 children at under the age of 5 had to die because of sanctions were Madeleine Albright the biggest neoliberal of the 90s and the Clinton administration said it was worth it I want to know how all of this can be justified just so just so people can have their illusion of liberal individualist maximalism and of course so Wall Street can dictate the terms of the world down to where you live down to what your community looks like down to how your legend has practice everything so that's just my opening statement alright destiny go ahead sir I don't think liberalism wants to dictate any of those things to you the idea that American is seen as an extension of Europe and always has been is pretty comical to me considering that American exceptionalism is defined like the idea of America over the past like 200 plus years and the idea that would be speaking right now the idea that we're gonna fix like any of the major problems that are facing anybody in the world today by pretending that we just need to put more European ethnic people in one area is comically [ __ ] stupid and I guess we can talk about economic policy or foreign policy if you want as a part of that and your hilariously misinformed if you think I'm gonna come on here and defend every single foreign policy blunder that the United States has ever committed like the Iraq war or pretend that that was a result of immigration or some Jewish conspiracy I guess you've pretty much cover don't like the last 100 year time span so I don't know which part you going to talk about in particular I guess I'm generally more concerned with like current day affairs but we could talk a little bit of history if you want yeah I don't know we want to start all right yes I go ahead striker now go ahead yeah okay port me for interrupting that's okay first of all let me let me question your premise that America is not an extension of Europe when you go to an opera house where do the operas come from they come from Italy in Germany when you go see a symphony whether you're in New York City or Pittsburgh or Los Angeles where does the music come from who are the composer's they're Italians and Germans and Russians what are the most popular forms of music that America is known to export to the world yes and that's not culture rock-and-roll hip hop rap where did these come from primarily so this is this is a Latino culture I have to go to another subject besides music cuz it is the worst example you could have picked like jazz is one of the most important contributions that America is made on the world stage jazz is a bastardization of the waltz that's what jazz music would you say that every single form of art is a bastardization of the art that it was derived from you realize that every single like would you say that romanticism was a bastardization of classical music where the classical ISM was a bastardization of Baroque music or that baroque was a bastardization of the saying this is ridiculous you're saying rap music is an is is is an evolution of classical music I mean is that what you're saying it's an update of it is it better I mean objectively I don't mind rap music sit here whole mind you think about what you just said no Alaska music I've literally music major like dog like this is the worst doesn't mean that one thing is true well no it's the worst timing because all all music is derivative based on prior music the most important musical contributions in America has made to the world like the origins of like rock and roll and rapping Blue is like a lot of these things were inspired by African Americans which are not European these is literally some of America's most important contributions to the world musically if you want to take some weird ben shapiro argument which seems strange for you to do about how rap isn't music i mean we can debate objectively like what you consider music we can talk about that or we can talk about whether or not like music that comes after other music is like an update of it i don't know if anybody would argue that romantic music is superior to classical music or that impressionist music or serialism is superior to what came before it those are just ridiculous like you're loading though you're begging the question when you say things like is rap better than classical music doesn't make sense how you can always work what did you what would you put a moby dick in the same category as harry potter and wouldn't that there were literature literature you think people are gonna be reading harry potter a hundred years from now like we read Moby Dick nobody listen up right now dawg literally nobody cares about you know what you mean what wait no wait you're telling me like it's important to see what people are currently listening to you do you think people are walking into opera houses ironically enough the only people that do are probably the Jewish people that I'm sure you're gonna spend the majority of this podcast attacking like come on dude who's Syria who seriously is a blast in classical music and their [ __ ] Ford Focuses like driving down the street in their Honda Civics like come on you're not seriously gonna make this argument to me is jazz a derivative a lower derivative of the waltz we need a lower derivative it's a simplification and a Judy eyes version of the waltz no it's without the order no no what waltzes are incredibly simplistic harmonically speaking compared to the rich textures that you can find in in jazz I mean like hold on I'm gonna be fair to you I think there's no order there's no order to jazz music what do you mean by order define order jazz music is not ordered like music what do you mean by order define order it it does it's made up on the go no it's not jazz music is made up on the go that's what jazz music is Albert it's not first of all it's not a total it's not it's not a total either there's a tunnel center to the majority of jazz music and it's not made up on the go it jazz music is highly structured maybe your mistake lingly referring to the idea that there are improvisation sections to a lot of jazz music but guess what to a lot yes a lot right well no no having improvisational sections doesn't mean it's made up on the go and also a lot of classical music had improvisational sections as well but people that listen to it like you they don't actually understand the origins of it don't know that a lot of the repeated passages that you hear in classical music in the past piano players would have actually been expected to improvise new passages there but it doesn't happen anymore because classical music is seen is more of a museum than an actual modern day like evolution of music so if you where where does where does what are the foundations of American culture whether it's music whether it's crappy fully I mean I I don't like the leroy wasley but the philosophy of the united states was not created by african philosophers who's created by European philosophers during the Enlightenment now let me before you have to wait before yes I just want to say this my dad said the real JQ is the jazz question strikers American right yes okay that I'm just saying cuz I don't know what your health insurance is like we don't have Medicare for all here that pivot was actually so extreme I'm worried you're gonna injure yourself so slow down okay if you want to talk about the foundation it's like why are you at attacking me personally I'm trying to have an adult conversation with you you would not be talking to me like this in person so I appreciate it if you just talk to me and we can exchange ideas like two [ __ ] adults so I live in LA Ralph has menu if you want to set up a real life debate I'll do it any day of the week okay bigger and scarier than you okay that's fine but don't don't you sit here and pretend like I wouldn't talk to you in person like you're some big scary you wouldn't be you wouldn't be you would be snarking and and and insulting me intimately say to me like in a straight face to imply to me that jazz has no order I would be just a stupid [ __ ] point so yes I'm just asking you to be an adult calm down maybe get your girlfriend a change your nappy calm down maybe maybe smoke some weed to take the edge off all the adderall you just took and then I don't need all fired up when a musically illiterate guy tries to lecture me about jazz has no order okay okay the guy that makes rap is high cultures called me musically I never said that rappers high culture do you think that oh you realize that musician I'm talking about it you realize that musicians in the 18th and 19th centuries and the center they were seen as not high culture right like these people were treated like dirt that were seen as fruit it absolutely is true a lot of these guys even people like Mozart struggle to make ends meet these guys were not oh that's true but that's that's a crutch that's a problem with the capitalist system that does not subsidize culture all that is it just ain't happening if you see cultural anarchy hold on hold on if you see countries that did subsidize culture whether it's Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union whatever their flaws maybe you know they had vogner playing outside of factories because it was paid for by the state in in in the Third Reich in the Soviet Union the the famous composer Prokofiev one of the most beautiful music that the world has ever seen he came to America to try and make it and because the clubs were all playing jazz because it's for profit and there's no money for culture he had to return to the Soviet Union he was subsidized and the only reason we know the name for cofee F is because the Soviets subsidized their culture whatever their I'm not pro-soviet I'm just saying that that is a problem of you know good culture is not always going to be highly profitable in the short term so that is that is a systemic problem but regardless of that you know this is like a good focal point okay let me let's let's back off a little bit okay so this is a good kind of like testing ground I guess for our ideas for the rest of this conversation when you you say a lot of things where you you're loading a lot of conclusions and into just like simple question like what is good culture or is this better than that just because something was good a long time ago doesn't mean it will be forever good no culture and no form of art whether it's painting or music or plays or literature has ever worked like that we do not spend all of our time in the 1900s they didn't exclusively play music from the 1800s the 2000s they didn't play me in the 20th century they played things from the 19th century and then the 2000s we're not gonna play things from the 20th century that's just how culture and everything works you know if you want to talk to anime fans they wouldn't tell you to just watch neon gently on like a million times because that used to or Acura the movie over and over again we watched newer stuff if you're a fan of music you're not gonna listen to operas exclusively from the 1800s it doesn't make sense we don't have an ear for that anymore I'm not saying you have to listen to it exclusively what I'm saying is that there's a reason why you know if you go to your local Philharmonic the tickets are still 60 or 70 dollars for a seat in most places and if you want to go see good Charlotte they can't even sell out the back room of a Denny's there's a reason for that the reason is because rich middle class [ __ ] like to virtue signal to other rich middle class [ __ ] that they're cultured because people like you think that listening to music that was written over 200 years ago somehow makes you a more informed consumer of music which it doesn't like I mean I'm not I'm not asking for the relativistic answer like why where you're trying to present an idea can I finish okay I'm not asking listen listen again let's calm down let's just talk like two civilized adults here okay the thing is whatever that I I agree that there's some pretentious people that that maybe go to the Opera or they go to see classical music because it's it's a stat a symbol but why is that a status symbol and and going to see good Charlotte or lip biscuit isn't a status symbol why is it is it was for people that were teenagers or people today why is it H is good Charlotte is 15 years old I mean no one cares anymore yes and and Beethoven is much much older but if someone wouldn't nobody cares about Beethoven either people don't go to clearly clearly clearly people are willing to pay a lot of money to go see a Beethoven concerto if you this is this comparison is absurd when you say a lot of money do you think that more money has been moved in the in the last decade by Beethoven related stuff or by Kanye West like blink rate and that that's that's a problem of capitalism and it's also a problem of repetition because radio station don't play Beethoven they play Kanye West and they just repeat that you go to the supermarket you're hearing Kanye West you go to you know you go to the gym you're here in Kanye West we know you know it doesn't even make any sense because if you really want to walk run faster on the treadmill how about you play a Prussian military March right so you think it is like that that is all that is all by design because culture is product of people and cultures also product of elites the elites have decided to turn the people of America into culturally bankrupt people because the people with no culture are people who are susceptible to become slaves to become exploited they can't fight back because they don't have the tools or the enlightenment to do it that's why America is so chaotic I mean you look at what's happening in this country right now and you see just how problematic our system already here but I guess you know up here I don't need like the whole cultural spill so everybody's talking what the hell's with the freaking we talk about Gish galloping I'm talking about going off on this whole culture I'm talking about origins of culture culture culture we're not talking about the origins of Colt rifles cycles and civil I we are talking because you said America is not a European except we were talking about nice and wise Mary lifeform - i america in 1960 why the average American in 1960s America considered himself a European in the new world and why an American in 2020 does not do so as much the reason is because the top 200 percent of people the gatekeepers of coca-cola we responded god this isn't what are you HOT Casa dog so let's blitz back way the [ __ ] up like fifty two sentences ago okay I don't know if you think you're like writing a blog post or no dog for bro I mean come on what do you weave okay mister stryker okay my bad I'm sorry thank you sir okay so you can't have it both ways and say well people actually prefer like a lot of social isn't levees into this we're trying to like well actually people really prefer these classical concerts that's why they pay so much for the tickets and then when I go well actually that's not true at all okay well you're right but that's just because of capitalism you see how you're trying to have it like every which way like you're trying to simultaneously say that people have this preference for an arbitrary by the way a totally arbitrary selection of dates for music right because we can go back over a thousand years if you wanna talk about different types of music but but you're saying that there's some 200 years span or 100 year span where people actually have a selection for but for some reason capitalism is is keeping them from having that selection even though they really do but let me explain myself let me explain myself I'll clarify this in the 1920s Germany the most popular music was kind of jazzy ear and stuff like that in nineteen nineteen thirties Germany the most popular music was vogner the reason for this the reason tickets are so expensive to see a vogner to see a Beethoven concert to see Prokofiev even is because of capitalism it's not available the average person in America can't afford necessarily to go see one of these concerts like you said it's only upper-class people you said this upper-class people tend to go to this because it's so expensive to see them so what I would recommend is you subsidize a real culture and people will go and see it and enjoy it okay working people deserve to have culture and transcendence just like rich people do and the fact that we don't make that available to working people is something I disagree with from an ethical perspective this has to be there is a incredibly small subset of people that are listening that are seriously considering these ideas like they're not but we can go tweak everybody is exposed to classical music everybody knows what we're like or Radio tunes you heard it in school like everybody no you sure yeah yeah believe it or not cartoons oh maybe sure yeah very old car chance I mean how many people are watching freaking cartoons from the 60s still not that many compared to you watch we can see the types of music that people torrent on classical websites well the types of music that people downloaded on Kazaa and Napster there's not this massive thirst for classic and Romantic era compositions like you seem to think there are among the normal ordinary people the reality is is that people's musical tastes update over time like your taste for all art whether it's film whether it's literature whether it's music it just changes over time this idea that you want to fetishize some arbitrary selection of dates doesn't make it energized so so if you if you consider if you consider high culture in a different category and culture I mean Thea why is that music high culture you don't know what great literature is what is the great the Canon of great literature great let's talk about music what do you what do you think some music is the high culture I had other music I'm curious it said what is high culture then I then I give you an example you say no let's talk about me well because we're talking about how you're thinking you are bringing it up in relation to music so I want to talk about music so tell me what does high culture music mean to you I'm curious my culture my culture is classical music it's stuff like that why what makes it high culture what do you mean what makes it high you realize that every argument there now they tend like the romance and usek that if you if you train your ear to listen to it and it you're if you're it's almost like eating food right if you spend your whole life eating SpaghettiOs you probably can't enjoy a better meal right because your palate argument pray wanna make you so you have to train a man's palate for classical music in some you know you don't most oh I don't know that this is true I encourage anybody right now listening to go and download any number of Mozart or even hiding pieces you can understand these and listen to these immediately they're just boring like they're great no they're boring your father boring okay of course compared to the music that we have probably the selection of instruments or our heart or harmonic vocabulary is massively expanded compared to what they had in the 1800s and in the 1900s you have corn a civilian did so like some some black guy talking fast over a four over four beat is considered massive every beat just how what do you think are the rhythms of the most liked classical songs you talk about waltzes do you think the rhythms there in a waltz is complicated like what you're making I'm saying I'll be like wow you've got 3/4 and 6/8 like what it's so much more complicated what I'm saying is that what you say is an expansion it's true that 4 / 4 beats were common in classical music but there's also different other other types other types of tempo the point I'm making is that class within the classical realm there are many different types of doing classical music you know how many times I mean why do you think rock music is like basically played out now like people don't listen to rock music anymore what do you argue about progressive rock had like a pretty massive Upson listen stop being pedantic you know what I mean potato right you turn on the radio we could talk about music all show and I actually didn't stop it because I'm entertained by this other people well sure I just don't like finish up this segment yeah I understand I'm happy to be open with this topic so that I kind of have like an understanding of how absolutely disingenuous like every other cultural arguments gonna be like this like for anybody that's listening that has any musical background at all everything you said is laughable like you talk about the necessity to train an ear to hear something the amount of ear training required to follow like coal trains later pieces versus like [ __ ] Mozart pieces is hilarious like you need so much more ear training to follow any complicated jazz composition like the harmonies and that are almost impossible to follow versus classical music like that's hilarious alright now let me read these because they paid me to read them and then I'll let destiny since he opened I did not expect a you know 15 minute discussion on jazz when I well I mean like they literally claimed Mozart to babies and this guy's telling you need to develop your short I thought it was interesting that's why some people I oh what are we talking about jazz I mean honestly both you guys are fired up so why would I stop that finally I did have to stop it though all right let's keep going gourds illa 37 says striker why not watch the rest for laughs Patrice O'Neal groper says my rock came from blacks pensive cowboy says bets on where the random freak out all use will start King Porgy says in before excessive use of wait wait wait dudes professor eric says this is awful I disagree I thought those excellent actually Terry J says hi guess would you rather admit I'll get to that later we'll work that in later I know what your question is Nicholas Diorio says what the [ __ ] this is so good I mean that was my view United's the goat says destiny is actually kicking his ass lol racist says jazz music sounds like cats in the car wreck Dave the Impaler says metal is modern classic music all that matters racist try for a month the real tension the real tips he says striker is making me embarrassed to be right wing professor Eric says change the subject Ralph this is so stupid I don't really think that's a stupid argument that they had there to be honest a pensive cowboy says reject Beethoven embrace Gregorian Templar chants pensive cowboy says hello I'm your host wreath and Alf welcome to in peak was more of an NPR type discussion there I guess United's the goats subscribe for a month thank you sir professor eric says the FBI isn't sending sending its best tonight Jon Jon says Hayden's rhythms are logical Destiny's a [ __ ] Jon Jon then says his classical music is pure [ __ ] logic destiny Tyrone 88 says Mozart - 2016 best-selling CD all right now destiny unless you you are interested I just want to point out that the ultimate irony of this entire last section about how elites are dictating what we want to listen to on the radio when you're citing classical composers that literally these operas that you're talking about were commissioned by literal elites literal royalty and noblemen for them to be written and played and you're talking like if anybody here is pushing a message from the elites it would be somebody telling us to listen to an opera that a [ __ ] king or baron like literally commissioned from somebody to write for them sure but the point is making and I do want it we can move on please like but I will I will finish this what I meant by elites is that elites are the ones that control the radio stations and they decide what what the people here and then those very elites go and they listen that they can go to the Philharmonic to go listen abate okay I will agree we concede that in the 1800's the elites had less control of the radio stations I will concede to that all right go ahead go ahead destiny now it's your turn to offer a query hopefully not about jazz music but I enjoyed that section so I mean we can talk about that what are your what are your economic positions it sounds like you're you fought socialism a little or what do we got here yeah I'm well I I can I'm an anti-capitalist an anti capitalist yes so nationalist nationalism and socialism are interchangeable and cannot exist without one another so that's absolutely not true but um well for the sake of the argument well we can talk about socialism if you want so are you like a favor of like completely abolishing the profit motive do you want like the government to be in charge of central planning or like what I guess like what is your try to corny always carries like what is your ideal economy look like I mean I think that small businesses are okay but I do think command economies or in retrospect now starting to look more appealing especially now we see how China is able was able to weather the 2008 recession compared to America which struggled to get out of it you know and even now with the coronavirus you see how decisive and the central banks in China are which are run by the government in having banks loan at zero interest to small businesses prioritizing struggling families and so on you know then we look at what's happening America you get one point five trillion dollar zero interest loan to Goldman Sachs and other come and other banks private banks like that who actually it's no strings attached they get this this funny money and they can loan that money at whatever price they want if it's a bear market they are basically they can retrench on credit like they did in 2008 which is why the recession lasted so long basically you didn't see any basically what I'm in private the private banking system is the US Federal Reserve which is privately owned also giving zero interest money to these banks and hoping a couple dollars trickled down or the rest of us and I don't think that's a that's a fair system or a functional system and we see now with the problems with the supply chain and things like the businessmen who are very unpatriotic in this country you know whose lots of problems with capitalism you know ok ok so in terms of command economies looking more appealing I don't think any command economy played out very successfully in the history of the world that I'm aware of I think there were a couple there's like I don't know people don't like Tony or some ship it'll last for like a couple years but commanding China is definitely not a command economy like they have a market a mixed market that responds private incentives the government is the owner of a lot of these businesses but it's still very much not a command economy the government does not dictate which goods and services are produced they respond to market incentives which is a capitalist idea so China no we never know if the Chinese government oh if if these couple actually I'm sorry you said like seven things I got to respond to them and so instead of letting you get away with every ridiculous you said the idea that central banks in China are ran by the government so they make loans at zero percent Interest I mean the US Federal Reserve has kept interest at historically low rates for like the panel I didn't say that Chinese Bank the People's Bank doesn't is it loaning at 0% interest okay so you know what was what is the point bringing that up the point of bringing that up is that the money the money they give out to underlings has strings attached that they have to use it to help people rather than then use it to for whatever whatever they want oh sure we do that in the United States it's what our government budget goes towards we don't dictate obviously what private companies do with their money but that's because we run a capitalist economy I guess but I mean we have Congress to dictate spending from the federal government you're talking about a 1.5 trillion dollar no interests are you talking about the recent repo market thing in the United States well what I'm talking about is partially that but what I'm talking okay so real general I can't even go because you said like seven things and I let you go off then I've got like 20 more things I do so the reason 1.5 trillion dollar thing that wasn't funny money or random whatever loan that was the Treasury providing cash liquid cash to financial institutions in exchange for Treasury notes like if they're not just giving them money they're exchanging like you can stock yeah but they're trading it it's a securities collateralized that it's a secured debt that's not just nothing right that so that would be like the federal government giving me a hundred dollars and then me giving them back like a Treasury note four hundred dollars and like zero zero percent Interest it's a secure every debt that even consumer debt is very very low interest if it's secure that's why our carbon higher than 0% it can be sure I mean you can get it is well you can get a 0% interest car loan everybody in the audience knows that those exist um you know you can get your pre-exists but they're not you know you know what's funny if if I was Goldman Sachs if I behaved financially like oldman Sachs does I would not get a 0% loan from anyone in my personal life if I use money like they that's because you're an individual you're not a company like you have a fundamentally different operation rank one like Jews it's nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with your total lack of honor it doesn't matter who runs Goldman Sachs we're not talking about the no doesn't matter it doesn't matter you're pivoting so hard you're about to tear your ACL okay calm down all right it has nothing to do with who's running the bank's we've even gotten to the Jews yet don't worry I'm sure we'll get there okay the idea of providing liquidity to banks okay by exchanging their Treasury notes with actual cash so that they can continue doing this I'm not I don't really have funny money it's a fundamental understanding of this economic transaction what I what I'm disputing what the problem I have with the current system is that the Federal Reserve gives zero percent Interest cash to Goldman Sachs but does not do it to average families that's my problem okay why does Goldman set why do we have to have Goldman Sachs as a middleman to loan to small businesses and to working families when we can just open up Federal Reserve banks and loan it to people directly why don't we do that because our current understanding of the economy is that you can't just print and lend infinite money at 0% interest rate now obviously or again to the goldman sachs okay yeah you can't use of yourself because these people have different jobs in like it's not like goldman sachs is going out and buying and running car companies why i haven't argument you're saying you can't give 0% loan cash to ordinary people but you can give it to investment banks to loan to ordinary people with usury why why is that if you want to smack you if you want we can for up have you well I don't know you run a blog on this have you ever talked to an actual economist that studies finance it can give you a reason on why these loans do you think it's just some giant conspiracy and then normally they I do pairs I think it should care if you're gonna say you're reading a painting here's what these phony-baloney economists often in the pay they work for foundations that take donations from Goldman Sachs say to rationalize a [ __ ] intuitively [ __ ] system so so I'm sold on home just so I can understand so all the educated people around the world anybody that studies central Maine your finest all of these people mysterious Jews there are many educated people that criticize this and it's the exact same way I do there's a lot of different opinions when it comes to this practice there are some people that get lost in the in the web of semantics and oftentimes it's not just you can't just hand wave every explanation as semantics because it doesn't fit your weird conspiracy that Jews are running the [ __ ] herbal tea I didn't say that alone are you literally and in a conversation about finance you decided to bring up who owns Goldman Sachs when it's not relevant to the operation of the financial system you're trying to pivot so hard because you want to talk about Jews do you want even sit here and think for two seconds of your understanding of the financial system works the way that it's like you're you're attacking me I'm not I'm not attacking you and you're not and you're not actually you're not actually addressing you're not at why ask literally bringing out what you just said hold on let me ask you let me repeat my question can you repeat my question very slowly repeat slowly you know grab your stress ball here why is it again give me an answer why is it at the Federal Reserve you provide cash liquidity at 0% interest to Goldman Sachs but can't provide it to ordinary people because ordinary people do not have the collateral to back up that debt and cannot pay back those massive sums of money in a shorter time period as massive financial institutions like Goldman Sachs can a person can't hand over their car like get a car and then pay back that loan in two three months if you look at this 1.5 trillion dollar repo thing you just recently brought up the timelines on these loans are incredibly [ __ ] short it's done for liquidity now so that they can just take it in invest in banks they have to pay these back these massive trillion dollars or it more if for individual institutions hundreds of billions or tens of billions they have to pay back these loans in a matter of months an average person who could probably I guess if you wanted to get along that you could but you would default on it every time an average person can take a loan out for $250,000 and pay it back in 3 months like goldman sachs can like collect if if goldman sachs is so great with their money and so responsible why do they need a 1.5 trillion dollar cash injection from the government because why is if we can have a government that helps us weather great financial difficulties while you're not answering the question is that complicated because we wouldn't expect every single business because a detriment to the economy nobody wants to just hold on to cash we want that money to be lent the whole reason why the Fed is injecting liquidity into these institutions is because we don't want them to hold on to cash we want that money to be it's called the velocity of money right we want it to be circulating in the economy I don't want Goldman Sachs to have ten trillion [ __ ] dollars in its reserves I want that lent out to American businesses and to American people to buy [ __ ] if you if you want money circulating in the economy because the point I'm making you're saying that people don't have collateral they're not gonna pay it back what I'm saying is instead of using Goldman Sachs as a middleman that charges interest they charge interest on their loans if you look at credit card interest it could range wildly depending on your credit history they charge interest on their loans right so what I'm saying is why doesn't the federal reserve for people that want to that debt that are that can take them take that money and people that need it especially to get back on their feet why does it the Federal Reserve give it to people directly at 0% interest you know a lot of people that earn consumer debt are actually fighting every month just to pay the interest yeah okay the fact that's taken it out of the equation and let's actually have a credit system that is fair because it's not fair that Goldman Sachs when if your point is that we need money circulating in the system what better way to do it than to loan it to small businesses than to loan it to people directly zero percentages what better way than to do that if that is real so I've already answered this question if you don't understand the difference between trading liquid cash for a Treasury note versus credit card interest that is totally unsecured if you don't understand maybe from people in the audience are that are wondering why is my credit card interest rate 24% but my car note is 6% or 5% why is my home mortgage three and a half percent the reason is because of those debts are secured by underlying assets when Goldman Sachs is trading money the Federal Reserve all of that debt is collateralized and it's backed up by underlying assets they pay this debt back sometimes in a matter of days sometimes in 12 hours a human that buys something a normal consumer to buy something on a credit card at 24% interest is doing so because if they default on that debt then you're [ __ ] out of luck I can't go to a person that owes me 10,000 a credit card debt and and what go to go into their house and steal their what they're my little pony collection or like a computer desk or or or a monitor they bought like no that debt is unsecured the types of loaning that are done to financial institutions is fundamentally different than the types of loans that are done to individuals this is basic finance like I can't like this is not worth talking about it we should move on to the next topic if you don't understand that you wanted a credit card loan in a white ball market these are fundamental Sachs and Morgan Stanley you know because because the the kind of kind of red herring you're using is that herring it's finance 101 but go ahead sorry like the kind of the kind of logic you're using is it yes people you know you might not get paid back so on problem is why did Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in the 2008 crisis especially why did they need the government to stabilize them clearly they're not so stable in terms of their obligations either so why is it that they can they can do you know goldman sachs is notorious around the world for its quote exotic financial instruments it's basically a bunch of [ __ ] really dirty scheming stuff going on and that's not just my opinion this is something the rivet of markets of course sure yeah so why is it that knowing all this the government look again gives them liquidity at zero percent interest knowing how irresponsible they are with this money and not ordinary people who maybe in some cases just as irresponsible but in other cases will actually pay their stuff back you know there there are studies on for example microfinance loans which I find repulsive on an ethical level but they're studies that poor people in it you know working-class people tend to be better at paying these small loans off then Goldman Sachs is what Goldman Sachs is with its with its obligations this is a natural exam given that you brought up the 2008 bailouts those were made back to the federal government with interest so you're just wrong on that first but why can they get bailed out said a brochure behind their mortgages who's unemployed get a special loan at 0% interest to pay their mortgage until they get back on their feet sure and transact so that held yes that was called the Home Affordable Refinance Program harp it was done under Obama I think it ended a few years ago many people owe foreclosure many people were because there was a huge house well of course sure oh my god no you can't say ah would you just like you happen to stumble into a point that was monetarily correct after [ __ ] drunkenly hey and like every incorrect point you cut on the store on your way to the bathroom okay so okay so there's two things going on here okay you've got two separate questions that you're like you're confusing with the other so one is should massive financial institutions that are the backbone of our economy be allowed to partake in speculative markets that might be damaging to the overall economy this is an amazing question and in my opinion the answer is probably not seems really [ __ ] unhealthy then the second question you're asking is is why you large businesses need a cash injection in the government to ensure liquidity in times of crisis well this is actually not what I'm saying I'm saying why not large businesses okay because Goldman Sachs actually is even with the listen I'm no fan of corporations but the corporations got to go through Goldman Sachs to get the cash at interests and and if you know anything about how these heavily indebted corporations operate they are usually just paying off the interest every month so this is a this is just part no no no no what are you talking about this is not how the well at least work the the burden of the interests on their debt is what a lot of it causes more problems it just gets them to the hole so no we would have to like we would have to like I don't wanna like put you on the spot but like corporate debt it feels like you're doing this really common thing I see a lot of lefties do we you're conflating corporate debt with personal debt corporations use that in large not to become you absolutely are corporations can hold debt on their books sometimes corporations even even take on debt know like like stock buybacks or something like a corporation can leverage that to make money in far different ways than an individual can if an individual tells you I've got 20,000 in debt and you know my annual income is sixty thousand a year whatever like that's really [ __ ] bad sometimes corporations that have taken on a lot of debt are actually seen as more favorable because they're using that debt to finance like larger capital expansion this comparison is like actually not true absolutely is true losing their most corporations are actually using their debt to like you said stock buybacks that's the big one which is good yeah yeah it's great look at the stock market and look at Boeing shaking their coffee cup outside what is the what is the current pandemic rate is what is the current Pan damn it have to do with Sakai backs uh about the diving stock market so that was because I'm stock buyback I thought that stock buybacks are supposed to artificially inflate stock value why are they going down dude why are you being facetious I'm not being facetious you just have no idea how finance works you thought you could have his conversations higher yes telling what I'm telling you what I'm telling you about the operations these corporate these corporations these corporations have like Boeing have been and have been using the their their debt powered machinery their debt powered finances ok unbalanced books to buy their own stock so that it's more it's of higher value on the stock market artificially bubbles up how is that art efficient that because if you're buying your own stock and you're engaging in that kind of speculative activity you're not doing anything productive that's literally you're not building anything that's because there are no good investments to make that's pretty common of large companies sometimes there's no good if there's no good invest how why if there's no good investments to make why are they getting in debt from tomato your ease and well right now it's because airline travel has been slashed by like [ __ ] eighty percent do you think there's any other industry that could revive that but they were there they were making record profits they were ghetto they're no more jet no no airline industry not various various industries got the Trump tax cut they got more money than before they had more money than before and they still were getting into massive debt you see this also with the oil shale and all that getting into massive debt and doing what with the debt mergers buybacks it's a parasitical activity that benefits the shareholders but doesn't produce anything for definition what you just said and then second and the second and the second and the second there's a little bump in the financial markets like we're having now there's a huge know there's trillions of dollars being wiped out do you think this right a little bump in the market right now well you think this pinned and all I just want to hear you say that again you think this is a little bump in the market when it's a are you you know exactly what I bet no I know what you mean can you stop saying every time I call you out on some [ __ ] [ __ ] you say that I'm being facetious you're very you know what you're [ __ ] if you want a [ __ ] engaging name-calling like I said I didn't call you in any name I think you're saying really dumb [ __ ] you're gonna have your cookie and your glass of milk and get girlfriend a changing nappy and we can have an adult conversation I'm trying to talk to you like a like a civilized human being and you're acting out like you know what why do you call everything you know that's [ __ ] no listen well I'm asking you questions and instead of just giving you some answers you have to go off into all these like massive like conspiracy theories how about a massive conspiracy theory what I would I meant if you want me to be extra clear an extra yeah defendant I do it so can you tell me how is stalked by one there's not there's that's what I want to hear that's what I want to hear well there's a problem in the stock market all that yet you got into to buy your own stock so that you can give your shareholders and various finance capitalist speculators bigger profits without doing any work or taking any risks in the short term when you do that when there's a problem with the stock market these companies like Boeing is doing now they go to the taxpayer to bail them out so first that okay so let me go all the way back as holy [ __ ] there was so much said here that was just so [ __ ] wrong all right so officially what what all right just one second just one second hold on okay I'm going back and kill myself holy [ __ ] this is like economically uninformed socials I've ever talked to you we spend a [ __ ] jump off a cliff oh my god I'm just the friendly host I don't know we'll see I know yes agreed agreed okay let me read these and you guys can have a final word on you know each side there and then you know let me back all the way up so when you say why do major institutions need financial injections or cash injections a liquidity injection from the Fed or whatever in order to stay afloat the reason is because we want to keep our economy moving we don't want every single business hoarding money or not loaning or sitting on piles of money in anticipation of a massive worldwide pandemic that would be catastrophic to the entire economy we want to keep the economy moving we want to keep workers employed we want to keep hopefully wages going up hopefully cost of goods down this is why we want companies to generally operate on on a on an understandable margin which doesn't mean preparing for a worldwide pandemic constantly that's why if a worldwide pandemic does happen we look to the federal government to say hey can you give our businesses a little bit of a hand to keep them afloat this is like one of the most no-brainer policy decisions in the world this is literally a win-win-win-win policy decision if the government gives a cash injection to these companies it helps the companies not go underwater it helps the workers not get fired or laid off it helps to the federal government or the taxpayer because those loans are often paid back with interest and it helps consumers that can continue to buy products for cheaper costs than they would if all of these companies were to go under and the cost of goods either increases or these Goods disappear completely so the idea that the law whoa hold on you said so much oil okay so the idea that it's bad for the government to ensure liquidity like what are you gonna argue it's like FDIC insurance next or whatever like the idea that it's bad that the government is going to provide liquidity in times of crises for businesses and the businesses should somehow just be ready to take a 50% cut in business on a whim would be so catastrophic ly destructive to our finance mugs and our entire economy that is laughable to even suggest that firstly you said so stock buybacks are pref okay oh Jesus hold on firstly airlines are not these massively profitable industries I went ahead and I shot the the the the last light couple decades of profits or whatever or the last 15 years of American Airlines they were literally just profitable I think like five or six years ago and yeah they were posting decent profits but the profit of like seven billion when your revenues are 40 plus billion those margins are generally pretty thin the margins for airlines are very thin in the United States and they always have been the quickest way to become a millionaire in the United States is to have a billion dollars and buy an airline there's a reason why these things go out of business all the time and the idea that there's some massively profitable company is just not true it's not supported by any data whatsoever nobody ever seriously makes this all right axe cuts look go ahead you can go back into Jesus Christ okay also this idea that stock buybacks are some parasitic activity when by definition a stock buyback is returning money to the shareholders that invested in your company is literally the exact opposite of a parasitic activity a parasitic activity would be a company making a lot of money and sitting on that money and it can't do anything else with it in the economy being a parasite with that money that's just sitting there a better idea would probably be to buy back stocks return money to shareholders and let those shareholders take those dollars and invest them in other companies that can invest those in profitable projects now if you want to talk about something like well when Trump gave those big tax cuts the only thing companies did with it was do buybacks instead of investing in their companies I agree those tax cuts were [ __ ] stupid but that's a criticism of the tax cuts themselves not stock buybacks in general any company that reaches a sufficient size or economy of scale is either going to be paying back a lot of its profits and stock buybacks or if we make those illegal in the form of dividends to their shareholders if you invest in a company you want to make money on it obviously this is true of every single investment you could ever possibly make okay okay let me just say quick a quick thing Ralph and then we can move on yeah here's here's my response so this is this is a fundamental difference in our values destiny you you have you believe the shareholders as long as they're getting dividends then that's functional that's fine I don't believe that I think Ross the country you said hey they're doing what they have to do to deliver promise explaining basic finance T right now destiny destiny admitted before that there's nothing he said it his words these companies have nothing to invest in your words so if they have nothing to invest in how does giving them more money raise wages or improve the [Music] implement that is the fundamental difference in what you and I think sure it does help the shareholders it does help the Boeing CEO whose planes are literally [ __ ] dropping from the sky get a massive bonus in a year where he's retired from the from the position so the point I'm making is that I don't agree with this system and I think it should be changed that's the fundamental disagreement that's all I know let me wait just one quick thing I'm so sorry ruff I love you I literally good here I don't know if you didn't hear me you didn't understand it but I literally said if companies have nothing to invest in giving the massive tax cuts is a really dumb idea very critical of Trump for doing that if you're giving tax cuts to these companies and all they're doing is returning value to shareholders of course you wouldn't expect a tax cut to raise wages wages it like labor that's a cost of doing business giving more money to a company to raise wages makes absolutely no [ __ ] sense whatsoever that's trickle-down economics the Republicans push it at some weird supply-side mean it's dumbest [ __ ] if you want to ways way to yeah sure I never disagreed on that but there's a big difference between needing to provide liquidity to companies some times of crisis versus giving them tax cuts in order for them to just like some money back to share sure my solution to that would be to nationalize Boeing if the government is willing to if this company continues repeatedly to be begging for bailouts for liquidity then perhaps it shouldn't be owned by people that give themselves massive bonuses when their planes are flying at dropping down that's awesome so why don't we just have that conversation about nationalize the companies rather than making these weird horrible finance arguments that make teaching critiquing capitals you're not going to learn it you're just making a bunch of wrong State that's like being critical of qyn biology because we have 17 fingers now we ran our end so let me read these and then I'll let striker bring up his topic here there's several topics I don't know we'll see what comes next it'll be up the newest record let me read these though it has been a fiery conversation so far I think that's an understatement Terry Jay mentioned for me to ask the question y'all ask that question later sands wine subscribed monthly thank you sir paramedic says Parabellum let's see Unruh with the diamond didn't say anything when mom 87 says I'm gonna watch it Tommy replay alright enjoy that bae sangil says his destiny willing to debate Patrick Casey aye yeah-eh I would say yes because we were trying to set it up at one point maybe we'll try to set it up again pinky culture says some kind of money from the Middle East money goes Brewer saved Western civilization says round one was destiny round two clearly going to striker digital pimp says [ __ ] striker for making me agree with destiny King Porgy or poor he says round want destiny round two striker with destiny spurring when Robert 32 says Kelly Miller is trash bruni strong bear says why would a personal loan from the federal government have to be the same amount as to goldman sachs porsche person since testes on switch i'll be careful there destiny is a big meanie quote eric striker the real Tinchy says adderall invented by germans super pill wig Nats mad robert 32 says destiny sent a ninja to Ralph's Oh bet you won't not but he won't either King for she says how to logic with destiny redbull and adderall Robert 32 says olive oil economy is through the roof arcade outpost says that those people in the least power being taboo is testament to it I'm sure we'll get to those people middle east here in a moment now let me refresh these because there are some on stream elements talking about peaceful sunsets I won't read that one Erica map says why does Eric trekkers still refer to himself as Eric striker obvious I'm not gonna read the name that you're putting out there and then I'll leave that there but thank you for the contribution Sancho 13 says definitely argues and bad faith is a proponent of incest and twincest argues on the side of eating [ __ ] and drinking piss doesn't bathe with his crazy hair and love of dirty tricks why give him a Titian well I mean I like it what is it Eston twincest wouldn't wanna be a subset of the other this congressman says so vouch was just scared to debate a real socialist so he said someone else that said look let's not bring voucher to this we have a whole subset of Bausch I'm sure everybody knows what happened last weekend so we'll leave that there but thank you let's see this one says can we please pass through the phase when the Muslim would mats on wheelchairs get to Occupy Wall Street also I found a Brazilian nationalist is willing to come over to talk about the situation now Mary yeah email me I'll talk to Brazilian that let's see all you guys should take a modern-art score shall learn about why and how some arts and media like music has changed you would understand why certain things are considered high art why we don't go out and ways to listen to 1600s folk music actually I didn't know that your major was music that's niet those that was knowledge to me I do now though cakes for Cavanaugh says can't force a man who can't tell the difference between blacks black calm and vogner to appreciate art strike hitting his stride forcing destiny to shill for bankers most Americans want to I won't read that but don't like what's more productive loaning to new families or golden and speculation blue division says strikers stop being civil with this person destiny keeps cutting you off its obnoxious now striker it's your time sir go ahead okay so what's up let's talk about I know destiny has been reading a lot of historical stuff we'll get to that later but let's talk about nuts of bolts here so what you know I I'm a proponent of total immigration restriction to all Western countries all right from I'm guessing from from the series of opinions you have that you're you're for mass immigration am I right about that mr. destiny generally I'm like I'm for immigration as long as it makes economic sense I guess as long as like yeah I mean within reasonable restrictions I mean I'm not gonna have any race quotas or whatever if I don't know where you're going with it but well what what what there is no economic sense to immigration there's no need for immigration in the United States right now that's really new three our unemployment is literally the lowest it's ever been in the history of the United States is at 3.5% like businesses are hiring and believe that number you believe that number you think you think only 3% of people in this country are out of work you really think that that's that's not what the u3 unemployment stands for I'm sorry you're gonna cite that u6 like I've never heard of it before we can pretend that like there's why do you use that why do you use a fake statistic around the world because that's a really good question you know and if we would have wanted well ya know that's a really great reason I'm not being disingenuous it's a very difficult question for economists to ask there's a lot of different ways to keep track on employment for instance do we count young people that are under the age of 18 but could still technically work have to do it at restricted hours do we count older people that have willingly left the workforce do we count people that are collecting Social Security but are still working it's a really hard do we count people that are not really working for looking for work do we count people that are discouraged from looking forward that's a really complicated question it's funny you're gonna sit here pretend like it's got such an obvious answer when it's one of the most hotly debated things in economics and it's one of the reasons why the federal government keeps like seven different numbers on unemployment my point my point is the point was incorrect is it simple the answer isn't immigration that's why okay that's fine but the the u3 unemployment which is widely regarded as one of the better metrics for how we should figure unemployment is three point five percent it's lower than it ever has been the history of all of unemployment and the u6 unemployment which is maybe another one in twenties which includes discouraged workers is seven percent which is also lower than what we would consider most original it says it's archaic people that are going on disability people it does that's that's literally why these other forms of unemployment tracking exist you can look at labor force participation right you can look at the III u4 u5 r u6 you can look at any measure you want Stryker and it's more proven why is it that the unemployment rate 0 and and if the unemployment rates not zero why do we need more immigration okay so the unemployment rate is at zero because some level of frictional unemployment is considered necessary for an economy to function you want businesses to be able to hire people and you want people to be able to apply to businesses for jobs economists consider ideal unemployment to be about five and a half percent anywhere from five to six percent depending on what ideal for the people out of work that's ideal for the people and the businesses yeah they're big people in business and that's not who we should be prioritizing we should be prioritizing the the average people in this country prioritizing the average people in the country doesn't mean zero percent I don't care if I don't care if a business needs a hundred million Mexicans to [ __ ] work for cheap I don't care about that well but you do get rich poor people can't afford to buy all their food from Trader Joe's or from some seventeen dollars for a gallon of milk store you know lower cost of goods is actually important to a lot of people that can't afford to buy you know the most expensive should they can in United States not only a lower cost how come how come food is affordable in Japan where there's no immigration Japan has it has a totally different style of government it has a whole bunch of real if the liberal democracy would capitalist economy what are you talking about the same economy it's literally a country that was occupied and founded by the United States so it why is it this is no I've never heard in my entire life Japan literally has a one-party system and at some of the highest cost of living in the entire world that's really thinking of the United States of America so do many so do many cities in America that have the most immigrants la New York these places have some of the highest cost of living in the world and they're full of immigrants so what are you talking about why would I compare LA to Japan because it has a high cost of living and there's many millions of people living like it moving how we're out of LA I can move one hour edit out of LA and rent like a four-bedroom house for twenty to do what with what I'm saying because I don't know why you're comparing the literal most expensive places to live in reality are other countries it's a mind-numbing account stupids the the state of California cities in the state of California or some of the most expensive on the planet and some of the Qin there are very cheap cities to live in in California as well have you ever been to central California Northern California like oh yeah those those are lovely places you're saying the only non viewer you're saying the most lovely places are the ones with all the immigration I don't know if that's the road to the cold but what part of Central California are you talking about what would place in particular there are places in central California not for San Diego or up north and San Francisco or San Jose like the point I'm making here is that a lot of those very very cheap places are full or full of like basically illegal Mexicans in parts of Central California wait I thought the I thought you said the most expensive places were the ones that had high immigration what are you saying the cheap places are the ones with high immigration what about Texas in Arizona where the cost of your big your being let let me let me explain this very slowly so you can't everything you said contradicts itself go for it slowly okay go for it I'm ready oh so countries that have very low rates of immigration have affordable food Poland Japan Hungary people there don't starve people there can afford food they have no immigrants okay America this the the places with some of the most densely dense concentration of immigration have the highest rates of poverty and yet also the most high the high prices of virtually everything everything is more expensive in LA everything is more expensive in New York City if you move out - I don't know Pennsylvania where there are very few immigrants everything is half the price so why is that if what you're saying is true so America has affordable food I don't know if you'd know that or if you think that all food in America is unaffordable I don't know what comparing the affordability of food is in other countries is relevant to the affordability of food in America and all that if you're saying immigration means cheap food and I show you a country that has no immigration it also has cheap food that's not an example of that though when you used as an example Japan uh some of the high Japan's cost of living in economy are so much trouble they're actually begging for immigrants now Japan is and it's cheaper than Tokyo you're talking about the big cities there I can go to beauties in text I can go to Austin I can go to Dallas these are places with a lot of immigrants that also have really low cost it is insanely expensive analysis compared to a place like LA absolutely not well not compared to LA but it's definitely Austin is amongst the most expensive parts to live in in Texas is because of many reasons not just and maybe in Texas but compared to the rest of the US Austin is fairly cheap okay well you made a point you said that having an entire class of basically of serfs illegal immigrant serfs working for wages below no what I've never seen local immigrants we're talking about immigrants illegal immigrants bro you think you think it's it's people with citizenship we're pivoting that you know the I you want to talk about well they're hideously exploited agricultural labor in this country is some of the most exploited in in the of all the sectors and it's because people doing it or illegal immigrants from Mexico that don't have rights and also that they work for very cheap so okay I agree with you on that point I'll concede we should have amnesty for all the illegals okay yeah gotcha I agree with that but also illegals and legally send them over they can quite they're they can fight their their their banks that and their country and have a better society so that slave labor then should be white people in the US or do we let the other know about how about this how about this uh-huh one you use machines and two you pay you pay agricultural labor what it's actually worth well it's actually worth you know it's so interesting I saw an article about the Mississippi chicken plants they had but the meatpacking and all that remember there was an ice raid there and in the 1960s people in those plants made more like almost like when adjusted for inflation significantly more money an hour I can't think of the exact number at the moment I can pull it up significantly more money an hour in fact there the guy who wrote Fast Food Nation wrote about this Wow we looked at something easy I mean you could say wow but talking about chicken machines in Mississippi so go ahead yeah so this guy he's a he's a journalist who studies these things Eric Schlosser he wrote that not Jewish isn't I don't know I mean is that relevant to you I don't know I hope not I'm not sure if he's trustworthy I'm just going to be Jewish now I just want to make sure we're being consistent on when we talk about you a lot I'm not I know you have like this caricature in your mind but I'm not some like reflexive bigot I give somebody that like anybody that brings up Jews in an unprovoked manner a lot of red flags for me dude well let me get back to the chicken factory Scott so people P Americans that work there made more money significantly more money were out for the for the the very tough work then illegal aliens that were raided by ice we're making last year and so my point with that is that you know maybe pounder chicken is is worth a little more honey what is something worth how do you determine that I'm super curious when you say what it's actually worth is this like one of those open-ended are you like a Jesus guy or something I don't know how you did it so earlier I don't I didn't forget you did this with high cultures while you you drop these really loaded terms for your begging the question I think your audience does you maybe you don't really have well they go no no no it's between a black man and a white man how am I going to expect you to differentiate between Mozart and Kanye West look I can differentiate it because I have the educational background secondly I have seen a black man and a white man they look different if you have no learning point that would reason about I talk to you in a manner that that requires lodge's this is nice you can release it's been logic you can order just try and win a tie in an argument so you can't you can't use words like logic when you're literally begging the question at every point you never you never define what high culture meant earlier I'll let you get away because I don't care but now but now you're telling me maybe you're giving me a prescription you're telling me something that ought to be you're telling me that maybe we should pay agricultural labor what it's actually worth implying that right now we're paying it water what is it worth it to you what is it why can't you get what how do you how do you decide okay yeah let me give you some some very you know you know mister mister finance 101 we give you a governor economy 101 okay the price of Labor is good people what what people will take to do a job okay and Americans because Americans have families here illegal aliens usually not always and I'm just gonna make me very very specific and clear here so you don't get a way out thank you illegal aliens not always but many times are single men who live for example the agricultural industry they live in these kind of barracks that these these companies agribusiness puts up for them they live together they have a much lower standard of living because they're saving up dollars to send back to their country again that's money that the our economy loses by the way many men we don't lose that money it comes back to the United States this also has to do with like finance but now in it later if you want so when we buy products or when we ship USD to other countries USD has to make its way back to the United States in the forms of purchase and good or services or in the forms of capital investment so for instance we talked about like the trade deficit with China or we talked about it's not reparations its repartition so there's a name for the repatriation repatriation yeah the money that you sent overseas when that USD exists in other countries especially cuz it's like the Federal Reserve or the global reserve currency that USD generally makes its way back to the United States in the forms of purchasing goods and services any other economy that's holding a lot of USD because of the way that government's work can't pay taxes in that currency so it has to bring that USD back to the US to invest or buy things so French's are giant trade deficit with China oftentimes when we buy things from China that money makes its way back to the US in the form of investment or in the form of purchase of goods Cicero's profit so you're asking if you're asking so I understand that you just got an answer you totally weren't ready for it now we can run down to try to find where the judge however I just I don't I don't need to answer your extended trying to figure out like how you could possibly be right here I'm just telling you that when USD goes overseas or goes to other countries that isn't lost it doesn't hurt our economy that's just not true now if you want to talk about what's an appropriate way to distribute income in the United States to different class of people I'm all for that I love tax policy I want to stress the point about immigration when I'm making an point I'm making you can have all these you got a lot of tricks in your bag I'll give you that you know you can say oh no one's equal then and dollars and and you don't take into consideration that when if when some Mexican spends a hundred thousand dollars in Mexico with Mexican labor to build a house in Mexico that that is all economic activity lost to the average workers in the United States that USD go in Mexico what do they do they do they just marry it and it gets translated into the national currency usually had an added a translate goes into paying for goods that's why countries see it almost as a subsidy from America to have illegal alien senate remittances it's not how it works it's just it's not a magic money there's not like a magic money photocopier will you take your USD into a Mexican eggy just magically turn that into a peso that USD has to make its way back to the US in the form of the purchasing of a good or service or in some form of capital investment like that's it that's the like it has a lot of the capital and invest okay listen let's get back to the core okay the core question so you were telling me that illegal immigrants don't really make money because they don't have the families then you told me that they actually make money and then they send them on my point my point say you keep assuming that I'm going to care that I speak on behalf of the white working people of America you just said you wanted to automate their [ __ ] agricultural jobs how are you telling me you literally said and I quote I said you know white people were actively discriminated from Agra cool it early said quote you said quote many many immigrants art are selected for you you literally said dated war use machines for agricultural labor like you literally said that do you for do you remember saying that or look it let me let me let me rewind the tape for you okay okay what I said what I said so I said that immigration is a problem in many ways you said but we need mass immigration we need these be I never said we need an oh we need immigration to do agricultural work so that food export this is your claim go ahead ok well people can rewind video later and see what they can find you need engrave a claim that it necessary to keep food cheap I on the other hand showed you many many industrialized countries with the exact same system America has where they do not have any immigration and they have affordable food as well so the the point I'm getting at here is that that is not an argument for immigration the fact that it keeps food cheap let's stick to the [ __ ] core stick to the Coromant so you're gonna compare the US ok to places like Japan that have an insanely high cost of living for food or higher cost of food than the u.s. food prices have been going up in America too so I mean what what is it not as much a pan higher higher costs of food in Japan is compensated by higher wages that's just how it works ok and the reason they have higher wages is less competition for jobs from immigrants I mean its market 101 buddy this is something that people have always taken to account always acknowledge until very recently we're like that both the Communists and the capitalists like yourself and you know liberals like yourself you guys agree with Cato Institute [ __ ] but that doesn't make it true ok the reason why I is a nice economics 101 all [ __ ] or a are you designing it because I don't know comics 101 says that if there's more people competing for a job wages are going to be lower that's that's not controverted than that right higher than we're saying well you said economics 101 I'm telling you what economics 101 says competing for a job you're gonna get paid a lot yes you're assuming they're assuming that putting more people in a certain market competing for a job will only have the impact of those people competing for a certain job you're not taking into account the other types of economic activity that can bolster native wages as well for instance more labor being available in a given area might allow you to open up other businesses in those businesses that open up complementary positions for like management or supervisors will open that generally natives are more qualified for than immigrants this is why when people have studied massive immigrations of different areas and they've tried to find all these horrible impacts on native wages it's generally not found there is a certain subclass of people generally people without a high school education that'll take like a 2 to 4 percent loss and income overlook what we remember to do the neat to the number one guy who studied the economic impact of immigration on wages guys George Borja yes I'm very familiar with bore houses research and his responses to David card on his big Mariel boatlift study and Bohr Haas himself will tell you that it's about two to four percent earnings in just high school graduates with no college education that's 19 1995 study found that 500 billion dollars have been redistributed away from natives and to profits for capitalists that is the actual sum so that's so 500 billion dollars taken from from America it's it's it's really interesting I know I know exactly what you're talking about so that 500 billion what he said is there has probably been a negative fiscal impact of immigrants by about five hundred billion dollars but there's probably been a positive economic impact of about five hundred billion dollars he said that at the end of the day what we need is a better tax policy that can allocate money away from the winners of that immigration policy back towards natives that's his contention he's not saying that we need no immigration he's just saying that a form of wealth trans I'm not saying what his opinions are today I'm talking about this one study this one statistic so you're misquoting making it sound like he's an tiem no you're going that misquoting you say i say 500 billion dollars in profits for capitals which is what he says big business it's concentrated in the hands of a few yeah okay and that money is taken that's the five hundred billion dollars taken from the many okay that's the point I'm making that American workers lost five hundred billion dollars and lo and behold it's in the pocket of the big capitalists in this country and guess what these people use it too they don't use it in productive ways that's the first thing you can say progressive tax policy I say let's end immigration and put that money back in the pockets of the people in this car and the way you do that is with tax policy no you don't you do it by ending immigration to pouring or illegals that's how you [ __ ] do it sure come up against the wall Lenny Lenny wait wait real quick quick Oh cuz I'm gonna I'm just gonna read the articles I'm very familiar with this bar has article where he talks about us forming a billion figure so I'm literally quoting Bor harem sub which is the guy that you decided to cite by the way but we're worried about the wrong things with policy fights focused on how many and which immigrants to accept and not enough on how to mitigate the harm that they create along the way to use the label recently coined by Larry Summers a quote unquote responsible nationalist policy cannon cannot ignore the reality that immigration has made some natives poorer a policy that keeps them in mind might tax the agricultural and service companies that benefit so much from low-skilled immigrants and use the money to compensate low-skilled Americans for their losses and to help them transition to new jobs and occupations similarly Bill Gates claims at Microsoft creates four new jobs every h-1b visa granted if true firms like Microsoft should be willing to pay many thousands of dollars for each of these coveted visas those funds could be used compensated retrain the affected natives in the high-tech industry if you're gonna cite somebody like Bohr Hass know that Bohr houses prescriptions for these problems is with tax policy it's not gonna say I'm concerned because I have different he's listen there's a difference between diagnosis and and the the the solution right so he's diagnosing the problem he has a different solution than me I agree with you why would you not say I I am or highest who is going to follow every single thing he believes on everything that why would you take the diagnosis of somebody that is so much more training and background in this and then give your own prescription that's like saying I went to the doctor and they diagnosed with cancer but I ignore it as chemo suggestions I'm gonna go do homeopathy or some [ __ ] because if you're a critical thinker you can take information other people are data other people come up with and you can create different types of solutions that's why Donald Trump got elected in 2016 got elected because statistics like Boris were concerning to Americans and they did the the obvious thing which is vote for less immigration okay because that obviously would help redistribute some of that money I mean you know forget forget immigration you know that there's no political will to raise taxes on the wealthy either but that's another question I wanna I wanna I also want to look at over raising taxes on the wealthy is one of the few things that all Americans units do it good luck getting Congress to do it just give mr. destiny over here you know I I would like you know for all your socialists listen oh you people have followed boss who's a phony socialist he you know what one thing I'll say aside from every I don't want to talk bad about the guy he's not here but I saw the baby when I'll resist debate with him and Sargon about immigration and I saw that Vash was quoting the Cato Institute four reasons why immigration is great for the country and I'm like bro do you know what the Cato Institute is you know for all you vash fans listening all you angry vash fans Cato Institute also has has studies that show that 10 year olds in China working in and not China in India working in sweatshops is good for the economy so this is an example of the most rapacious evil globalist capitalism on the planet they are there to rationalize this kind of horrible this is horrible inhumane system and the Cato Institute is quoted by these phony socials no socialists who supports immigration is a true social season neoliberal wearing red that's all it is he's no different than destiny in many ways so so anyway let me just let me just get back out around Khanna and Morales 2017 study in 2001 the number of American workers displaced by foreign labor this is again by the way this is about the h-1b program not about because this is [ __ ] talking point that it's only low-skilled workers these are high-skilled workers many Americans want to work in tech because it's one of the highest paying industries in this country and it's suffering because of immigration in 2001 they found and this is before h-1b has really exploded they found that the number of American workers qualified for jobs were displaced by h-1b foreign labor approached 11 percent 11 percent of Americans with stem degrees very expensive and ended up their ass they can't get jobs in stem because foreigners are being imported to do the job in the same year they calculated that their wages would have been 5 percent higher that year if the h-1b visa program did not exist this is a 2017 study ok now you can say well 5 percent it's not a big deal but if you're making 80 grand a year or 5% is a lot of money ok so that that's and this is probably an underestimation let's talk about construction you know that in 1973 destiny a construction worker in California made 3184 an hour today a construction worker makes 25 97 an hour that's almost six dollars less hole this is a lot of money this is not taking into account how much the median cost of living in California has risen since 1973 how about care workers health workers says the the demand for home care workers has risen 20% and yet their wages don't go up male care worker wages have decreased by 16 percent from 2005 to 2015 and this correlates perfectly with an influx of immigrant labor in the field which is estimated to be 20% this is one of the lowest paying industries in the country even though there's a massive demand for American workers could be doing these jobs this is this is my point destiny is that so this is not every moving point-by-point because like you miss quote somewhat oh it makes me weak to like not be able to respond to it so it like for this 2017 paper that you cited right like so in just reading and reading the abstract at the end here right in the absence of immigration wages for us computer scientists would have been 2.6 percent to 5.1 percent higher and employment in computer science for US workers would have been six point one percent to ten point eight percent higher 2001 this is a pretty old data set the tech industry's changed quite a bit since I'm but sure in 2001 there was on the other hand well tech is also grown monumentally in the past 20 years I'm not sure if you've been here and I don't know how old you are have h-1b visas grown compared to the growth actually why don't know now do you think do you have those numbers on hand are you they're a little down now but the tech industry is constantly fighting you have you have situations like 80 where they're using the this it there they're bringing people in and getting the American workers this is thousands of American workers they have to train their replacements okay I mean this is not a joke this is not something I'm just making up this is happening okay so I I would need to see the numbers because like stem degrees including Comp Sci degrees pay like a significantly like higher sum of money than other forms other comparable forms of degrees like that okay the conversation for these degrees is astronomical so the idea that these workers are being hurt maybe in some marginal sense they are in the in the very in the one paper the you quoted that I was able to find and I'd have to go through fine I'm willing to bet you're probably misquoting or missus citing every single thing you're bringing up on based on what you said well but every single thing I've looked into it has been true so for instance I think over the abstract and it gives me the truth there's so wasn't done reading you started cutting me off so the ending part of this is on the other hand complements in production benefited substantially from immigration and immigration also lowered prices and raised the output of IT goods by between 1.9 and 2.5% thus mana fitting consumers finally firms in the IT sector also earned substantially higher profits due to immigration so it sounds to me if these workers are coming in and making these these part of these firms like so far more profitable and if consumers are saving money sounds like we just need to tax people that use h-1bs a little bit more like bore house himself even suggest him and that would fix all of these problems we would power dafuk how would it fix problems how is taxing a corporation alone going to fix the problem of someone who can't get it who's passed up for a job this this person doesn't exist all of these aren't right that wasn't a big campaign issue in 2016 for Trump that went out there wasn't no no no no no it wasn't no it wasn't no no it wasn't no it wasn't it was no it was a big issue then why would hashtag learn to code have been so controversial the issue was that one strong our workers and people that worked in manufacturing in the Rust Belt we're losing jobs not people losing jobs to h-1b visas that is absolutely not true workers Trump rally and you will see them they are speaking at Trump events this is a problem and it's one of the problems that should display always pause just you just we can all right now look up median wages paid and people to these tech degrees they're [ __ ] massive the way that's pre higher and they should be they are already paid a higher than most equivalent workers around the world what do you mean higher than every other globally degree economy go ahead let's just ran it in 1.2 you striker 1.2 you destiny I will read the super chest and then we'll move to make sure my only point is that as of 2018 this the tech sector is literally begging for jobs if anybody in this like in this [ __ ] chat right now works for on-site goes to university and is working a comp size companies are constantly advertising trying to bring people in from the schools into places to work this idea that h-1b visas have flooded out the entire economy and that no one is hiring these workers is laughable maybe with a data set from 2000 and [ __ ] one when people were still using Ask Jeeves and Yahoo maybe back then it had a more detrimental ordeal let you finish and then we'll move on most in-demand [ __ ] jobs in the world there is like a literal like a half million job deficit right now of tech workers which is why companies are begging for h-1b because we don't even have enough tech workers in the United States to fill these [ __ ] jobs all right now striker don't interrupt them just let him finish and then I'll read these and then we'll go to the next go ahead oh here's the thing okay the product the profits that the the so called consumer savings first of all I would even if that were true I would say maybe tech stuff should be a little more expensive if it means American workers get the job and they're compensated for what their their work is worth that's the first thing I would say the second thing I would say is that the the the the companies that go out there and say oh we have a labor shortage we can't find people to work the way you can if significant numbers of stem workers are not working in stem ok I can find you the statistic it's actually pretty pretty big number would you like me to find it for you I'm super curious how are all these stem degrees oh I can't look it up but here's the thing yes the point is that the companies pretend that they have a labor shortage so that they can pressure the government to expand the h-1b system okay and so this is this is the story for everything you see also like other industries they're like we can't find people to work ok well why haven't they tried increasing benefits of pay because if you increase benefits and pay for a job you're gonna get people that are willing to move around the country you're gonna get people you know these are these are essentially created by the companies themselves they're not really suffering from this it's not another thing too is that you know what the work quality of work just anecdotally the quality of work I mean the reason why Windows is garbage and every year gets worse is because it's a bunch of Indians [ __ ] making it and they work for cheap and they're not as good you know the reason why you basically you know all these tech companies are just sitting on properties that they just keep remaking over and over and over like the iPhone this is their the [ __ ] out of ideas why are they out of ideas well they don't hire white workers they hire all these Indians to do it that's just anecdotal listen I'm not saying that that I have hard facts and numbers to support that but anecdotally that's what I mean and and and when it comes to the hard so the hard numbers I'll just finish with this do to deny that the h-1b system was being used to not fill in gaps but to replace Americans anyone anyone can go on YouTube look one look up h-1b or Google h-1b Trump rally or whatever you will see the people that were working for Disney AT&T all these cut big major companies in America they were working in tech or stem or whatever and they were being replaced and they were taught to they're they're forced to train their replacements which is the most undignified and humiliating thing and it's all done to save on labor costs okay and most of those profits my friend do not go back to the consumer those profits go to the [ __ ] shareholders and you might think that's morally right but I don't think it is I think that workers white workers in this country should benefit from our companies we created the infrastructure in this country the we're the ones you know what if India is full of so many geniuses why is their country a [ __ ] [ __ ] ok that's what I would say so you know what that's that's just yeah that's this I'm finishing there's like there are so many weird stories away ok yeah ok the fact that my response core workers are [ __ ] Indians because you see like commercials with IT guys like answering [ __ ] calls or scamming people Jesus [ __ ] sorry alright yeah now you're gonna the opportunity opportunity to raise the next point so it's up to you and also I mean I had this slated for two hours there's like you know 30 minutes left so if you guys want to go longer I'm fine with that but I just wanted to put that out there more than fine with it actually but the real 10 she says destiny versus ricotta when Nick isn't dumb like striker Robert 32 says if destiny can talk faster I might believe him chroma Tron says five hours dream come on press 1 for 5 hours dream King Porgy says nobody wants to go to the west coast gross well I was trying to give up West Coast actually on Thursday but they're not gonna let me so King Porgy says destiny drag striker into the weeds and strikers too high ight high T excuse me I T almost said that's conversation too high T to avoid the trap quote the stream BG Weitz's can the guest agree to [ __ ] on Kelly law Kelly Lafleur whatever the [ __ ] her name is and I did intended to bring that up the Senators insider-trading and I've made my feelings known on Twitter about that not a fan but maybe we'll get to that Ober gropin that furor to subscribe for six months Thank You Beth ik is 73 says destiny Kang a fast-talking [ __ ] wowsers a helpful friend says is the is the sperg out for adderall addict at 3 now pizza the cowboy says haha money printer Gober pug dog says talk about dog keep the eyes on the ball striker a mega meme says money printer brewer arcade outpost says who remembers AOL Moviefone I actually do I'm that old pensive cowboy says money comes back when we send it don't tell don't tell Israel arcade outpost says destiny machine Gober pensive cowboy says I am The Lorax I speak for the trees robber 32 says destiny talks fast some poops are fast sometimes Harewood simple tichi says destinies the shapiro sounded like I just got here Robert 32 says Trump was elected because white people are fed up arcade outpost says stop debating st. GDP culture is more important arcade outpost says never drink and destiny King Porgy says unmute Ozzie mozzie he's a good boy Ralph no he's a piece of [ __ ] and he will never be unmuted but I'll take I'll take that as of this anon Semper says Michelle Malkin pinned Twitter thread about h-1b now it's your turn destiny go ahead it sounds like you're called an apple tech support on your [ __ ] iPhone and you heard an Indian of the phone and you think it like everybody in these [ __ ] boardroom meetings or everybody like working on like the core software is like some [ __ ] guy they [ __ ] like imported from [ __ ] Indians or yeah I mean I'm sure that they do in some positions but the idea that core software is being developed by like random [ __ ] immigrants is just so hilarious it's always funny because the only people that make these claims are people that have no [ __ ] first-hand experience in this industry at all like if you caught like any idea that the people should offer the idea that these are all put you stack all these what I mean we gotta hit the JQ buddy get there I'm sure okay now the idea that like companies can just increase benefits like the upper end of the wage is starting out for like just comp sign Agers these literally upwards of 100 150 sau like there are so many [ __ ] startups and tech firms you can hide out what do you think they're gonna do just like like if they just offer no benefits like randomly [ __ ] cops tonight people are just gonna like puff out of [ __ ] thin airs I'm sure like it takes time to get these degrees that's why schools are like dramatically trying to up how many people they can train for these [ __ ] jobs the idea that like hiring more white workers at like a [ __ ] Apple Store to be like an iPhone genius is gonna make like more iPhones or something like all of these like anecdotal these weird things they're like so [ __ ] clearly comment from somebody there's like no in industry experience and isn't even familiar with like the broad statistics related to it like anybody that works in any of these industries or anybody that like goes to school for any of these industries knows how hilariously [ __ ] wrong you are they know that these companies are dramatically advertising to polling workers where they know that the wages paid to these people is dramatically [ __ ] I like yeah yeah yeah that's fine I'm gonna walk back sure okay go ahead what about what our next topics Jesus okay oh no what Ralph I'm sorry okay since we're running out of time can we hit the JQ real quick I don't know yeah you go ahead you don't wanna cook destiny but let's say so my contention destiny is that the the Jewish community has enormous amounts of power over the United States of America and this is seen in the finance industry it's seen in the media but it's very very interesting how our foreign policy is particularly in the pocket of the Jews and before you dismiss that as a mindless conspiracy theory I can name you a number of foreign policy and geopolitical academics that agree with me John Mearsheimer Lawrence Wilkerson Paul Pilar Chas Freeman Ella Eli Clifton all these just or rapping a bunch of names as suppose these are these because I know that credentialism is very important to you so that's why I'm saying it doesn't all young where you literally just that sinus just just to try to sound like you're making sure so you just invented that claim I haven't like made any big deal about people being credentialed or ever you are really excited to throw out five names you've memorized for the Jewish Question so just to be clear I have a [ __ ] about like all this okay okay go ahead we can talk about there actually I'm just saying that the because the reason is that what what turns a conspiracy theory and you know in a for a neoliberal kind of person that doesn't think for themselves like you what turns a conspiracy theory into a fact is if the the people in the Academy are intellectuals agree so well some penis here these are a number of people that study this stuff for a living and in their careers they have said and this is despite all the major institutional backlash that they've risked and gotten for academics institutional backlash is a Jewish the Jewish lobby in America essentially dictates American foreign policy I I would like to hear your thoughts on that well let's talk about it like what kind of foreign policy you're talking out like let's be a little bit more specific so first when you talk about when you talk about Mearsheimer right like so I'm assuming you're talking about I know that he wrote some stuff about a pack but like that doesn't even talk to the public right that does a lobby that literally only talked to policymakers so I do want to specifically talk about like decisions that Congress makes insofar as like doing foreign policy or what like let's be a little bit more so I want I want to ask you if the fact that the the to the donors the biggest donors to both parties Jewish if that has any role on whether Jew or whether politicians listen to AIPAC do you think there's there might be anything to that might know because the numbers just don't really pan out so like I kind of looked into this because I was curious cuz I figured we would talk about this right so the top 10 donors Jewish and non-jewish gave fifty million dollars okay in the last presidential election cycle and the total amount of Jewish donors gave between one hundred two hundred sixty million right the total spending in those campaigns was 2.5 billion dollars in 2012 Jewish donors comprised about 6% of spending to all presidential campaigns compared to their 2% representation in the population like yeah where they were represented were they so Jews make up about 2 percent of the population they comprise about 6 percent of spending on the presidential election spending show me show me show me your numbers in the 2012 election yeah okay uh I'm gonna have to look in for that but we I am more familiar with the 2016 election okay we're the two biggest donors for Hillary Clinton it was one of them is Haim Saban he's an Israeli he gave Hillary Clinton a lot of money was a lot about donor what is a lot of money man I can look up the exact number well that could mean like 10 million dollars and that could mean like 1 billion dollars I could eat or if you're the number one donor if you're if you if you're the number one donor to a candidate is that person gonna because if you look at the Hillary Clinton's WikiLeaks you'll see that Haim Saban is constantly emailing her on what to say about Israel that's in her WikiLeaks so you know maybe that money does because I remember you said something very stupid which is that lobbyists don't have influence on policy yeah it doesn't say any the case yeah yeah we still haven't established anything like I'm curious how much money do you think that he's cuz if this guy's donated like 5 million I'm curious if you think that's enough to like dictate like American foreign policy ignore anything I might change your mind on on certain policies regarding Israel not really as you probably the overwhelming support but probably the overwhelming spot that Americans in general have for Israel was probably more determining of the preneur our foreign policy related to Israel then like some individual lobbyists on the Secretary of State somebody running yeah what would you say about the overwhelming support that Americans have for Israel it's probably more relevant to our foreign policy decisions well some donor of Hillary Clinton yeah well Americans overwhelmingly support many things they support you know I know you might dispute the immigration thing I mean I think there's overall support for that but you're gonna dispute that yeah because they never stop yeah sure yeah you're gonna you're gonna have like they say would you deport the Mexican children the numbers are how important do you think immigration is or like the racial makeup of the United here for all like Medicare for all is very popular with poor no no he's not okay it's not very popular with both parties the Democrat exit polls and increasingly look at Republican polls that say people like it if you look at hold on if you because you made a wrong claim if you look at kff polls or people that poll like related to health care policy you find that one the majority people don't even know what Medicare for all means and two you find that the people's perception to Medicare for all differs dramatically based on how you posed the question so for instance of Iraq Americans how do you feel about a government program that gets rid of all private insurance that's like 22% popular if I say how do you feel about a government Oh Graham that covers all Americans that's like 74 percent popular so the idea that Americans yeah I'll meet you halfway okay sure meet you halfway let's say the one that all Americans are covered by government program okay well that's not that's not being turned into policy right you know taxing billionaires is popular it's not turned into policy regulating banks is popular not turn into policy Americans Republicans more actually are souring on America's foreign wars and yet we keep having them and Trump is antagonizing Rand is probably gonna be a war in a second term I can't say for sure but that stuff's not popular so the point I'm making is that why is it that suddenly is real quote the overwhelming popular is the explanation for why it's a bipartisan consensus like I really doubt that the people that vote for Bernie Sanders or pro-israel like all of this works changes building [ __ ] claim everybody like the tax cuts that Trump did were overwhelmingly popular this idea that people were against them Republicans is just not true on this idea that foreign policy doesn't have buckle to pressure at home I mean we literally just left Afghanistan in [ __ ] shambles okay and we are like basically complete warning earrings we basically completely threw away like everything that we had any rack pulling it up at country as well now I'm not now I know a lot of people might misconstrue this as in Pro Afghan or Iraq or whatever however there is massive domestic pressure to get us out of these countries and our leaders actually did like we stopped supporting like [ __ ] rebels and [ __ ] in Syria due to the effects of that was happening in Europe and because a foreign policy at home like we absolutely have to deal with pressure at home related to our foreign policy the idea that we don't is laughable like it's a huge part of our foreign policy Oh in in in 2016 Haim Saban let me let me let me name you the the two biggest contributors to the Democrats and Republicans in that ran in 2016 okay wha okay Pritzker's gave 16 million the Hillary the Pritzker Zionist Jews Saban Capital Group that's I'm savings group 12 million dollars paloma partners is run by a Jew 21 million dollars news web core I'm not sure if that's a Jew but that's 11 million dollars Soros Fund Management 10 million these are the top donors a Hillary Clinton if you look at Donald Trump yet Sheldon Adelson now what do you shell mail sending haim saban I'm saving a big Democrat donor shell in the atoll sent a big GOP donor what do they have a kind by the way this is just a Hillary Clinton this is not just about the two candidates but also like design is let me just give you some numbers here Oh an oil can we make you haven't made an argument you're not making a but go ahead let me finish my point so the top donors these are the names of the donors that gave 1 billion 1 billion dollars together to Hillary Clinton Dustin Moskovitz the Pritzker's George Soros the law FERS Donald's system has runs paloma partners gave 21 million Hyman Charles Sabin Daniel Abraham James Simon's ok you see a pattern here buddy you see a pattern they're all [ __ ] Jews and they collected a billion dollars together they're old Zionist Jews maybe some would argue George Soros isn't one so you're telling me that Hillary Clinton's campaign raised over a billion dollars from Jews yes okay so I'm just looking because basically every single thing every single Hillary Clinton's campaign on its own raised 623 million dollars in 2016 the party and joint fundraising committees raised another 600 million and a super execute so of the 1.4 billion that Hillary raised here's how many 1 billion of that came from Jews you really realize accurate largely from Zionist Jews okay I'm I would I would considering every single source you've given me so far has either disagreed with you or just been about right the next part of this the next part of this is that the Donald Trump he got his money from Bernie Marcus Sheldon Adelson these were some of the biggest contributors to Trump in fact they were the biggest contributors to Trump in the Republican Party which together got hundreds of millions of dollars from from shell Nielsen in particular shell Nielsen is is a hard-line Israel hawk my question to you destiny is if you raise this kind of money from Jews who openly say Haim Saban says I am A one policy guy Israel that's what he says and he's a Democrat donor and then you have Sheldon Adelson no the guy was literally sitting in on Benjamin Netanyahu's trial so these people are basically agents of the state of Israel they give money in the hundreds of millions to our presidential candidates and you're gonna sit here and tell me that this has nothing to do with America's Israel policy no I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that because most Americans support Israel the politicians do as well it's possible you're don't get a woman what you're just gonna lie I'm not lying I mean we can point at tons of rain don't actions believe them can you can you show me like it can you draw a link like tell me a policy that's not popular with the American people that these politicians have pushed for that like show that there's some clearly like conspiratorial effort behind the scenes do I start what where do I start okay the h-1b program is so unpopular even the Democrats were forced to vote against it and yet there's still talk about expanding it let's talk about the Iraq war which was started by we basically started by a bunch of Jews at Pea neck who again and then in the Bush era were also you know I don't have the statistics on hand because they're older but look how Juiz push the h-1b program well not well actually they do because guess who runs Facebook guess who runs Google what does a mark yes we won't have to do with the h-1b program so you're telling me show you something fw d dot u.s. you ever heard of that thing what about it's a one-issue lobby for more h-1b visas funded by Mark Zuckerberg you ever heard of this how much money do they spend on lobbying see you're just doing what does it matter you said because at least five third house and they spent five hundred thousand a year in lobbying it doesn't really what does Mark Zuckerberg have to do an h-1b program I'm showing you one of the h-1b lobbies in Capitol Hill is literally funded by him and on top of that he also funds politicians politicians funded by Google and Facebook also like Mike Lee also push for h-1b it's like what's exactly ur you were like you were so happy to rattle off a ton of names and numbers cuz you got like your little dialogue to the if you don't and then when I just and then when I just push you for a couple more I know that you like a really excited JQ [ __ ] cuz it's like you got it all memorized or whatever but like you're telling me man it's no I'm not mad at I just I think it's funny that you're implying there needs to be a conspiracy for the largest tech company owner to push for more h-1b visas what season spirits not a conspiracy it sounds to me like the gun rights to be late if I you tell me why don't you just talking thirty minutes on like Jewish conspiracy [ __ ] all this time you spent recently you spent citizen and I give Hillary Clinton or the Republican Party a hundred million dollars you could say that's a conspiracy all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's a fact you spent all this time throwing numbers and names me to tell me that tech companies are trying to push to get more tech later I'm not changing what it brought h-1b citizen our h-1b visas like no you said why are unpopular policies no you are you can't stand one point let's look at the h-1b visas do you really think it's not surprising that because I could tell you don't have an answer for this like you know what girls and I want you to stay on the record that you can be laughed off the [ __ ] face of the earth that if a bunch of Zionist Jews give the DNC in the Hillary Clinton campaign a billion dollars in 26 2016 that this will have no impact on their view of Israel I want you to say this on the [ __ ] record so that we can all sit here and laugh assure okay so yeah well run completely away from the h-1b topics and you realize how stupid that is I don't think that Jewish citizens or Israeli people or whatever donating money to American campaigns that are running for president I don't they are having these massive change in certain foreign policy that's running contrary to American opinion on Israel no of course not there's no evidence for that whatsoever Israel is massively a popular with both the Democratic and the Republican Party the voters themselves not just policy makers we pull up some symptoms remember the Democrats vote as a bloc for Israel right they greenlight so it's a bipartisan they they're all clapping together so let's uh let's look at some statistics you are you familiar with the statistics for Democrats but would you agree that there's a very strong streak of anti-israel sentiment in the Democratic Party of anti-israeli sentiment of a Democrat friend is real sentiment what do you mean by anti-israel like older people it says here in 2017 this is a poll that's been published on Newsweek Democratic support for Israel has dropped from 42 percent to 27 percent so 27 percent of registered Democrats support Israel meanwhile every Democrat maybe with some exceptions maybe Allah no more or something will vote for more aid to Israel okay so how the [ __ ] do you explain that other than Heim savings money other than the money of these scientists use how do you explain that they're not they're not fulfilling the wish of their constituents how why are they doing it what what do you what do you don't even know the [ __ ] you're asking me right now so can you phrase that and like a question I don't I have no idea what the [ __ ] you just watch kids I just cited since a 27% this isn't 2017 this is a poll taken it's on Newsweek I can link it to you if you'd like yeah the link in the chat you see what you're talking about ah 27% this Newsweek is just an annoying sight cuz it's just blares music when you get on it but 27% of Democratic voters do not support Israel I mean support Israel 27% support Israel amongst Democratic voters so that means that the majority do not okay so what you just said what you just said was a lie so Democrats are divided on the Mideast situation is 27 percent say the sympathies lie more with the Israelis and 26 percent say the sympathies lie more with the Palestinians with 46 percent undecided so what you just said was a lie it's not that the majority of them are against it is that most are a plurality is undecided this is why I can't trust anything you bring up this might ask my resources what let's let's meet halfway there I'm not meeting you halfway what you just said was a bold-faced [ __ ] lie because you hope don't walk up you're the majority of Democrats were again yeah that's not one but here's the twenty seven percent say the simple war with Israelis twenty six percent say their sympathies lie more with the Palestinian also this is over one a very specific instance not like the support for Israel in general and with your I do others maybe you should hey maybe we should have a conversation maybe you should have found those for this conversation and not thrown me on that you miss quoted you know the idea that Demma that democratic voters are not fond of Israel is not even controversial you're just being tactical about this but here's the thing so if forty set let's say forty six percent you know or undecided in twenty six percent or pro-palestinian means a majority of Democrats either don't care about Israel or don't either person I'm just saying I know that you're mad here's a Gallup poll here's a polling report this idea that Americans don't support Israel is [ __ ] hilariously uninformed you being a [ __ ] Nazi you should know this right like it's the very least you could hit me with arguments about how like well maybe the media is controlling Americans to be Pro racer like we could go into that is a good diner or a bar and ask people about what they care about Israel is not even the top hundred issues you're [ __ ] we're not if it's in the top four the Junos you wanna live your life playing video I'm double-booked not see that wanted to go but I'm in conversation about music so you know give me a break on almost every single source you give him you're gonna Street you know what no willing to look into those numbers they're not even true because literally everything you've given me that I've looked up has been false like holy [ __ ] dude like the imager [ __ ] albums and stuff porch and people argue this [ __ ] better than you like you're an embarrassment to [ __ ] Nazis do you realize it realize how low the bar is I could probably find a random dude I get you if I were to go to check the [ __ ] poll threats right now there are people out there saying striker suck a dick and arguing you for third position ISM the [ __ ] Imam is giving better arguments and letting strike right now do a guy's video games professionally holy [ __ ] do you realize how much you're falling abyss conversation it's absolutely un-fuckin'-believable you got it we got it maybe I don't know it's hard or be someone tripping balls on animal like I could maybe we should trade sources before I can help you put together a better argument cuz [ __ ] this has been an embarrassment okay that's understood what you meant let me read these maybe we can do another segment or two if you guys have the time maybe we can just again I love people talking [ __ ] and and screaming and all that but it's just a certain point where you're screaming over each other it's I understand it's fiery I I'm the last one to talk you know just this past weekend I had my own thing so I understand completely but let's just just one at a time if you can that's the only thing not a criticism of either one you're both doing it to be quite honest but let's just let me just read these and we'll try to do another segment or two if that's okay okay Harewood civil TG says UK trades from EU came in lived in a four room I guess apartment or flat pound sent home Brits with families to support can't can Pete cheeseburgers six says destiny will you publicly deny using adderall I don't even know look I'm being the last one to talk about some of these habits I love psychedelics I [ __ ] love em but I don't do like adderall or Ritalin or any of that [ __ ] Harewood civil titi says I can't afford to compete at these lower wage rates then he says UK family with mortgage he's the pound symbol pounds greater than EU living in four room it's hard to decipher some of these but I'm trying then he says why does chat say Eric is drunk he doesn't sound drunk it doesn't sound drunk to me either rate is for every donation that 23andme that'll be the new standard to donate here Ted Wang says striker wanted head of course you know this he says why I have to read it why did head of TRS TRS security say he became an informant when he got caught selling heroin I don't if I told you I'd have to kill you all right there we go arcade outpost says Israel is popular because of subversion Scofield Bible King Porgy says okay you don't know 100% about X therefore a relevant quote some gay internet stripper Wow bagger says thanks for the great week from the podcast gang gang shout to the podcast course we're available on Apple and Spotify and cashbox and everywhere else Jean Jean says destiny our deaths I love a certain thing and my certain thing tiny I won't read that Tyrone 88 says destiny is bisexual you know what that means not not really but Pinochet's roll [ __ ] copter says I'm a fascist and destiny won this debate Jean Jean says I think destiny has a pretty small brain Herbert civil TT says sorry difficult so fit questions and 50 or 100 characters n is I wish they would up the a little bit especially when you put in a [ __ ] $10 you know but whatever proud and Frank denier says this is disgusting I think it's actually been pretty fun but that's just my opinion let's see inspector blower says tell destiny it looks like adult puberty hit him like a ton of simps big time 47 says destiny doesn't know what hard work it wait what hard work is he has this by the way I'm reading this verbatim destiny doesn't know what hard work is he has a degree in music and plays video games strikers 100% right about h-1b visas they are destroying job prospects for white Americans stem students Spergel AMA says the autism of the capitalist has no room for nuance or human empathy screw these pigs who only care about GDP I don't actually have a music degree I had to drop out of school because I was working too much clothes there but you weren't a music major yeah I was right it's kind of funny that I'm like so privileged but I had to drop out because mom and dad scold me like the donors mom and dad probably did I actually did get my degree but it was not easy because I was having a fun time they're in college big time 47 since Destiny's really good at regurgitating my economics 101 class very lame arguing in bad faith obviously on in feta means artists and hones tanks for Cavanaugh says question destiny you say our dollars have to come back in the form of capital investments so destiny you can see that when we run trade deficits foreigners will take those dollars and use them to buy up our real estate and corporations how is that good foreign investment is good it causes other countries to have like a higher interest in what goes on the United States and that foreign investment doesn't always mean they get controlling shares of set companies as well just because that foreigner just because money comes back in the form of foreign investment does mean there all of a sudden getting majority majority shares in every large company that they invest them and it can also be used to buy goods and services why why should Americans control those why do we what what kind of country is this that we sell our vital infrastructure to foreigners even if it's just some shares because by virtue of comparative advantage we get more goods and services by trading with other countries in we're not talking about things that are dressed GDP we're talking about being able to afford [ __ ] like food or being able to afford a [ __ ] car or being able to afford a computer never worry Devore we didn't have computers at Shore we didn't have cell phones before what do you mean how did a country that was always protectionist like the United States of America where it was illegal believe it or not in the 19th century for foreigners to own shares and American companies how did that country feed its population I don't care what if you want to go back to the beginning of the 19th century those stock buybacks that you hated so much those weren't just legal those were literally required by the American government so that companies were so the companies no I know but like if you want to go back to honey and talking about econ policy like America didn't always have things right I mean like you hate stock buybacks that used to be [ __ ] lawn so I'm not saying that I'm saying yeah I'm not see I'm not saying if it's right or wrong I'm saying how did the country feed its population when foreigners when when the Chinese or whatever weren't shareholders and all these companies how did they because you said oh these things they help you buy food and they help you help again because there's everything so what I would say is how did it feed its people back then if foreigners were not allowed to buy shares and American companies a year sure make the claim the year is 2020 and our goal for success is not really yeah the current year in the our bar for success is not just feeding our [ __ ] people that's the dumbest [ __ ] bar can possibly think of you know it's not just about feeding people it's the idea that lower cost of goods like for food allows even poor people to buy things like cell phones or computers trinkets are cheaper sure cheap trinkets access to the Internet that's just a cheap trinket to you alright dude let's go okay all right Ted Wang says fed strikers here to make Nazis look stupid King Porgy says reminder that destiny claimed that lobbyists don't affect policy by the way that was one uh that was a point that I've seen repeated so I want to give you a chance to address that so when you actually get into the research for like how much lobbying impacts policy if you look at how much is at stake with the US economy this is a 20 trillion dollar economy the amount of money actually spent lobbying is like hilariously small like I think in 2018 exxon mobil posted profits in excess of like 40 billion dollars they spent like 10 million dollars lobbying this idea that lobbying this highly is this highly profitable venture that a lot of these companies can involved in it's just not borne out by anybody oh i'm sorry they not owned by Jews I'm sorry I mean we could we get by the amount of money on Facebook it is spending and I know that the energy industry was owned by Jews I never said that okay I mean well whatever company you're talking about is owned by Jews the amount of money they spend on lobbying is hilariously special this idea that you get these massive returns on your money for lobbying is just not true there have like like like Wall Street investment banks yeah sure bro they don't focus but which ones are we talking about that we think spent all this money a lot of it okay we can look it up yeah go ahead and look it up I'm not talking about Lobby I'm talking about political donations you're gonna sit here and say investment bankers don't donate to our politicians go look at [ __ ] how much money Hillary Clinton got from Wall Street bro you [ __ ] out of your mind and let me I just want to give you a chance to respond destiny because I've seen this repeated and it is I mean it's it's something that you said oh my god can I guess real quick so lobbyists affect things I guess would do it wait I don't I don't want to interpret I'm just saying that that's a talking point that has come out from your last appearance on the show that oh destiny said lobbyists don't matter they don't affect policy I just want to give you a chance yes oh yeah so real quick the net earnings of Goldman Sachs was ten point four six billion dollars in 2018 they spent three million lobbying like these companies don't spend all that much money like yeah the numbers sound big to us oh my god millions of dollars but when you talk about the overall size of the US economy twenty trillion dollars in GDP when you talking about the total revenues of these companies that are you know in excess of hundreds of billions or or tens of billions they don't really spend that much money lobbying I wonder why maybe it's because the returns on that lobbying aren't as super hyped up as a lot of people say that they are now the alternative argument it's really cheap to buy our politicians I mean this is the case that was the case then you would expect every new startup that pops up to just dump a ton of money into this like rent-seeking like lobbying behavior just doesn't happen like for it for every one lobbyists working Street or Clinton systems yeah BC they gave her twenty seven million dollars in twenty sixteen twenty seven million dollars and what did their total prop wall street profits are probably in the excess of what liked it like over five hundred million but well it's like ralph said Hillary Clinton will sell her sell her political push me yeah so what I'm saying is that uh Hillary Clinton will just sell out for twenty seven million dollars I mean I mean like Bernie Sanders himself weighs like twenty million dollars like in a single [ __ ] month like the idea that this is enough money to you know an election is just stupid it just isn't borne out in any date it doesn't you know right so why do they do it why do they give them money then the reason why you give the money is because you're providing epistemic resources to your politicians in order to show them like hey this is how like these types of impacts or this is how this type of legislation impact us and these are the arguments you should or shouldn't make your constituents the idea is you're great no no no no they're no you you pay them because you think that they'll probably already agree with your position and you're just providing effect so for instance let's say that like let's say that what season are the terrible Hill to die on man anybody so real quick I won't know this argument if anybody's interested you should just go in Google like how much money do these companies make how much you spent on lobbying what's the size of the US economy the answers will shock you it's like you know if you know if your ping it's like saying I have a million dollars but it only costs $10,000 to do this you know that means I you know if it's a bribe Apollo can say like I want to bribe someone right and I pay them ten thousand dollars in a manila envelope and then you say but that bribe doesn't mean anything because you have ten million dollars like it the the reasoning there is is is ridiculous like why we need Hillary Clinton why would anyone give Hillary Clinton 27 million dollars why wouldn't publish a diary water why wouldn't politicians like fish for much higher bribes with so much at stake with so much of the US economy at stake you think these people are going to settle for you know a couple million dollars it doesn't make any sense I mean how our price is set I mean it's just they this is what they charge I mean I you you you asked why don't you ask Hillary Clinton about why she charges so cheap well it's probably not a matter of what they charge is probably does that's how much it costs to develop the relationships that you need with these Congress people to provide resources for them when they go to make their that's exactly what I'm saying and so you're just admitting okay go ahead I'm saying that lobbies probably support politicians that are already mostly in line with their opinions anyway right what's the next thing we're gonna do find people that already agree with it and they give them a lot of money so they get elected that's what they do and that's exactly what a political donation is supposed to do and the only difference between America and some third world hellhole will they give money under the table is that we actually make them the bribes public that's really the only distinction here bro okay because if you were to give Hillary Clinton 27 million dollars off the record in a third world country you would call that a bribe right but if it's in America and it's on you know on open secrets then no no it's actually this actual long-winded explanation that generally goes around the block yes and I think all of these were legal I am do you think all lobbying should be illegal yes so let's say all corporate and banking lobbying and Zionists lobbying now I'm not saying that people advocacy groups organic advocacy community run advocacy actually you know what I think campaign should just be publicly financed you know just like they do in other countries like why is it in this country middle how politically financed campaign hasn't nothing to do with lobbying lobbying and campaign contributions are two political donations here why are you being wait you're conflating two total lobbying and like campaign contributions are two totally different job in lobbying and contributions are two different I don't wait so why are you complaining that I'm conflating them and you just conflated hey there there are two different types of things but they're interconnected Wall Street Wall Street gives you 27 million dollars and then the Wall Street think-tank or The Wall Street Lobby comes up and asks you for a favor you're more willing to do that favor so I mean it's all it's symbiotic okay why why because you can buy or you can ask you're saying we should publicly fund elections that has nothing to do with lobbying you can still have lobbying when elections are donations all right let me read these and we'll do another segment and then I'll let you guys go if you want I mean we can say however long you want but cherry [ __ ] alright so cherry phosphate says Ted Wang should debate destiny I mean hey you know I like entertainment so I'm not with him Harewood Silva TT says how did Ethan Ralph know it's repatriations a concerning money impress well actually contrary to popular belief I'm not an idiot so subtle subtle energy over 9,000 says 26 percent for 27 percent against 46 percent undecided hashtag media biased Justin kg says 46 percent undecided but both parties support Israel 100 percent arcade outpost says there's not a lot most people wouldn't do for 27 million Harrod Silva TV says donations are to quote provide resources for them question then he says to Eric how do you stop astroturf campaigns yeah well that's a big problem in a plutocracy like America you just can't I mean the only the one advantage that we've had in the 2016 election is that small donations blew up because of more campaigning done over the internet because you see the jewish-run media will block candidates they don't like they'll they'll attack them will smear them and so people can used to be able to campaign directly bring the message to the people on the Internet South Ahnold Trump was able to win by a narrow margin but yeah astroturf campaigns or just it's just how how America works right now and that's why we have such a crisis of democracy where we keep voting for things we voted for Donald Trump you won the election to stop immigration and it simply hasn't happened and that is a problem okay that's unresponsive governmental Trump wanted to confirm Kris Kobach or the other guy Cuccinelli and he couldn't confirm them because the Senate Republican won't confirm the Senate Republicans won't confirm because they're their donors don't want an immigration hardliner in the government so this is a big problem okay all right wait why didn't lid I'm just curious why didn't the juice Bernie Sanders I mean you know the look before I answer that we just say one thing destiny the the problem people like you have the reason why you will always lose a debate with an anti-semite is because you don't you know accurately you don't accurately actually fight what we like it's not to say every single Jew all over the place is involved in the conspiracy no one select lately that fit your conspiracy the best I know bro no it's just about it's just about people using money in a way that is a clear pattern okay like if I see two billionaires that are the top donors the Republicans and the Democrats who are Israel Hawks both Lamar and I see the Republicans and the Democrats become Israel Hawks that's a pattern right I said Bernie more oh so orders than Biden why wouldn't they throw much money at Britain well they that's true but the problem is Biden is almost he has a pretty shitty immigration policy actually with people at Bernie's is just insane but and actually probably helped so much journey if like money is so easy like it's actually quite interesting the relationship they have the Bernie so the media doesn't hate Bernie personally they don't like some of his policies like Medicare for all they don't like the Jews I'm saying they don't like the wealth tax idea because of course if you tax Wall Street you know how all these Jewish donors gonna be able to have the money to buy politicians how are they going to be able to influence various things that with their think tanks how are they going to be able to use their money in the various ways which they do so that's true about burning immigration and but the thing is if you look at Jewish statistics Jewish voters they didn't like Bernie because they don't like his supporters they see Bernie as a destabilizing force because his supporters represented a form of white populism okay his at least in 2016 20 20 years he lost the election because he walked the white Bernie literally led with support with Hispanics what do you mean by this sure that's because he raised a lot of money he outspent every other candidate in Nevada for example in spanish-language ads by a lot actually figures like ATM is where he outspent he lost hard with Hispanics against Biden so you're saying so you're saying that okay here's the thing the point is so which one or which point are you making are you making that he won the Hispanic vote or you what making the point that he didn't win the Hispanic point that he had won or all of the before all of the election started to roll right had massive support among Hispanics but you're telling me that he was bright popular with Jews because he was like had white populism whatever didn't seem like his populism is very racialized or where did that idea come from well that's not what the Jews in 2016 thought that's where the term Bernie bro if you look at the origins of the term Bernie bro it was created by a Jew named Robinson Mayer in 2015 where he saw all these kind of like very very white audiences coming out for Bernie's kind of socialist revolutionary anti-establishment message now if you look at if you pay attention on how the media covers Bernie Sanders you'll see that they don't usually attack him personally like they do with Trump what they do instead is they attack his followers remember the big controversy before Bernie was throat was beaten in the in the primary was look at the toxic Bernie bros or look at how these sexist misogynistic and even racist Bernie bros are operating and talking about people and Bernie actually came out and he condemned his own supporters so you know I thought that term for any bro was inspired by determine Obama blaze that didn't just originate with Bernie I thought that was a Hillary campaign thing that oh it was it was invented by a guy named Robinson Meyer in a 2015 article in the Atlantic where he specifically describes Bernie bro as white and male in a negative way he personifies him as that okay he says there's like this guy that's doing well this is kind of [ __ ] and this guy that's doing it as a Jew is like representing Jewish interest when he does it here I'm saying the pattern okay there's a pattern that Jewish people tend to dislike white peope okay that way okay I'm so I'm curious how do you reconcile the fact that like Jews have been out marrying more and more and more if that's the case oh they don't like that like Jewish way out there is there's there's a difference let me let's let me explain that very carefully to you so Jews have a hive it's called Israel okay the birthrate in Israel is the highest in the industrialized world is three with atheist couples not secular atheist Jews and like six or seven with religious Jews so there they're pumping Jew the Jewish population has actually grown significantly in the last twenty years so the whole idea of out marriage who are they out marrying Jared Kushner out marrying the trumps guess what a Jew is going to take all of that Trump fortune one day how about a Jew marrying into the Clintons wait so how many times can you marry out before you're not considered a Jew anymore like let's say that like you're Jewish and then they have a kid and a person marries a non Jew like it do you so they marry they marry wealthy and elite Gentiles and they use their power fortune and name to later for their own interests because a person who's half Jewish is more likely to be pro-israel to be anti white and to be a member of the Jewish community or loyal to the Jewish muse zero percent Jewish that's not even up for debate yeah I'm just curious like the Jew gene is that like dominant or recessive or ha I'm just well the way they typically do it is they out marry for one or two generations and then they reap yura fie their blood and there's no hard science on this yeah well I'm care what does that mean purify your blood like genetically modify your baby to only carry the Jewish genes it's like some like what snake er we I'm admittedly when it comes to like some of this stuff I'm admittedly out of my depth and so are you what I'm saying though is that when Jews out marry they out marry usually elite Gentiles I don't know and of course it's not a hundred percent of time do you think it's just more reasonable to say that like wealthy people tend to marry other wealthy people like don't you think it's a little bit easier to say that it right other weird conspiratorial Jewish very rich people recapture the rotation and one later what I don't want a member of the Habad Lubavitch like Jericho sure I don't know if you know the philosophy of the Habad Lubavitch they don't even consider [ __ ] to be human so if Jared Kushner a loyal member of the Habad Lubavitch will make an exception for Donald Trump's daughter and potentially inherit Donald Trump's billions even though he's a billionaire already you can't possibly dismiss that because usually when rich people when rich families marry one another it's seen almost like a royal wedding right what really what is this conversation like with your dad when he's like I'm sorry son it's time to reap Yura Phi the Jewish bloodline like you have to find a Jewish wife and she can't be like the actual internal dynamic a barb is saying that Jewish population in the world is growing so you know it's growing energy from Israel Harry it's grown for like five million to like 8 million but ok but it's still growing so the out marriage thing is not a existential problem for them ok that's so weird for people that are like obsessed with like the purity of their [ __ ] Jewish genes or everybody ok interesting you bring nuanced thinkers like they they they understand as a minority that they have to make some sacrifices and and and and some some exceptions in many cases but you know if you are our destiny try to go to a synagogue and say I want to convert to Judaism I want you to try that someday yestiny yeah the rabbi will say no but if a trump says I want to convert to Judaism to marry into a body Lubavitch then suddenly the rabbi says yes so you got to ask your local rabbi why that is destiny ok that's not something I can answer I don't know what the exact I'm willing a burial is it may it's in your it's in your interest to marry into elite you know look at for example the Spanish Royals the Spanish royal is actually intermarried even though they they they didn't they discouraged Spaniards from marrying Indians which is true the caste the system they did the Royals actually have the same distant ancestry from the the Aztec emperor okay so this is kind of what elites do and it's true that all elites do it to some extent but with Jews it's especially interesting because they still retain their ethnocentrism the Trump's do not that's the distinction Jews retained well they may retain it in like your weird definition of whatever-the-fuck Reap yura find your bloodline means I don't know how you even possibly I don't know like I said I'm I'm not an expert in how Jews do this or I mean it sounds like of all the things you've brought up this is the thing you know the most about so it's kind of surprising that you wouldn't know like how you go about Reap yura fiying the jewish bloodline after you like you've been married a pasty it is how that you know if the way they would see it is that after several generations they're there they have minuscule amounts of Gentile blood but the Habad Lubavitch is a highly racialist organization they do not consider Jews to be just a religion they are highly racial and they do not accept Gentiles as converts go call your local about Lubavitch and say I'm a [ __ ] and I want to convert to your sect they will tell you to [ __ ] off okay okay sure anyway um so let's do one more segment even though that was basically the segment I thought anyway let me read these one more topic I'll let both you guys go let's see John John says why the striker makes stupid [ __ ] with smart [ __ ] static says it was only twenty it's only twenty seven million dollars bro studio I can says will we ever get another destiny versus Medicare I don't know Tyron 88 says Jimmy Chang plans on streaming again King Porgy says what's an Obama boy excuse me that's new to me Harrods OTT says Ethan Ralph is a serious political slash economic analyst masquerading as a good old gamer boy prove me wrong arcade outpost says 5 million to 8 million you say hmm Ted Wang says neo-nazis are drunken low IQ nerds bring in Nick all right now let's do the final segment whatever topic you guys want to do it let's finish this off with a topic I know Desi's been reading a lot about can someone someone actually sent me a clip destiny of you you said you were talking about Richard Evans lying about Hitler and the Holocaust and uh Hitler and then World War two and things like that you were brushing up on that I'm sure you very studious not I just learned like through that trial that there's no reason to ever talk about people that like continually try to lie about what's in the archives because people go to great lengths to misrepresent what exists there that's a book that I recommend that everybody to read by the way it's called by John Evans he's the expert witness it's really yeah yeah yeah he's the expert witness a story that was brought in to testify basically against David Irving or whatever about all of his misrepresentations of stuff related to Hitler in the book so there's a part in that book because of course you know Richard uh David Irving was a lot to talk about David but I'm not on when I get too into it but I will say this many historians when that trial was happening was saying that their work would not be able to survive that kind of scrutiny remember they paid millions of dollars for top-tier researchers to look through every single thing he's ever written and find little little things like oh you didn't interpret this right so but the problem is though is that the judge in that there in David Irving case actually said that there are still significant questions about the Holocaust and in retrospect Richard Richard Evans's book hasn't aged that well so there's a part of Richard Evans as blubbery declares that my donek is a homicide gas chamber camp remember this this this camp my donek is uh are you familiar with this no okay so tonight you've made thus far though and I know that both of them are false but what my garlic was actually the first it was the first Holocaust concentration camp what I mean by that is that it was the first one that the Soviets liberated quote liberated and they found a bunch of empty cans as I call B and a bunch of showers and stuff and they said we believe that Jews were gassed here in mass the the numbers are actually quite astonishing they said originally that at my Ghana 1.5 million people were gassed billed by right by Nazi extermination chambers so now to 2020 destiny do you think that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a is a good source like a like a source you can believe from regards to what it regards a Holocaust history sure probably reasonably so yeah yeah they've declared they have a little footnote on their page about the death camps where they say that actually not only did 1.5 million people not die there 1.3 million I'm sorry this is a number by the way invented by a Jew named Lucy Davidowitz who took it from Soviet propaganda but not only did is this number [ __ ] that the real number is actually according to the mitotic museum now 78,000 but there were no homicidal gas chambers at my donek so doesn't that kind of let's say beg the question as to whether you know if for decades they held that my donek was an extermination camp who's the first one the Soviets used for in their propaganda does that beg does that bring up questions about the other camps where there's no evidence of any killings or with gas chambers for like two hours so let's let's go through some of the clues you said so Richard Evans specifically addresses that quote that you use were a lot of people said that researchers were afraid that their own research couldn't survive the scrutiny that Irving's research went under now there are a lot of general historians that read some of the footnotes of the trial they did to follow the trials specifically that made statements like that but Evans very carefully dissect every single one of these statements and absolutely blows at the [ __ ] out of the water the problem wasn't that Irving accidentally mistranslated or accidentally misrepresented something once or twice the problem was that he consistently overestimated in areas where it benefitted Hitler and underestimated in areas where it benefitted Hitler and that was a pattern that went through cots gently there was an undercurrent of all of his work he would consistently recognize documents like the it's like TV 84 or whatever that everybody knew was a fraud that he even initially said was a fraud and then you know 20 years later was still citing it as being true he consistently mistranslated things that were favorable to Hitler he consistently ignored some documents that were inconvenient he overestimates things like the amount of people killed in The Dresden bombings to an atrocious manner using very vague documents and like all of this stuff was a consistent pattern in his work that showed a clear I know it's interesting that he [ __ ] Mary did you [ __ ] has like a daughter that's a Jew or some [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] okay but it is very clearly all later court's transcripts well because you're you're interrupting you after you just talked like some random conspiracy shape like ten [ __ ] million or ten [ __ ] minutes okay so he very consistently goes through and points out in all of the parts were Irving deliberately and with clear malice mistranslates passages to be favorable towards Hitler or cites things from the archives that are very clearly not very reliable in order to try to make claims that nobody agrees with so this idea that all researchers is is just as easy to scrutinize as Irving's Evans very clearly specifically denies it in a book and gives a compelling reason to believe so the idea that the judge said that there are major issues that are unresolved it with respect to the Holocaust that is just not true now if we want to say that there are things that historians could quibble about not only are there things that they can quibble about they do to this day there are plenty of historians that do a lot of work in regards to debating about what goes on exactly related to the Holocaust those debates are not related over whether six million Jews were killed or 150 thousand Jews were killed no serious historian has ever made or defended any of those extreme claims made by revisionists that one don't engage with any of the current literature and to a lot of I can't even [ __ ] read German when they pretend that they go through the archives to cite things related to this stuff all of this work in revisionist history relies on citing these documents that they hope people never check out half the time these footnotes lead to nowhere or they're just footnote in citing like an entire [ __ ] book or something and then most of the time the translations are either wrong or taken out of context so no the idea that the judge said that there were unresolved issues that is a mischaracterization of what the judge said which is why oving lost that trial and the idea that people's research wouldn't send back scrutiny that's something that Evans himself specifically rejects as well which is not true so this idea the idea that 1.3 million Jews like may have died and so I don't know specifically the death camp that you're talking about but I know that people have constantly tried to attack that the millions of Jews that were killed in these places and it's just laughable like we have records and Archives of these people these these we're not like your [ __ ] countries from like [ __ ] 12,000 BC where we have no records of any of these people the idea that like magically any orders for the yeah there may be not a written one but the idea that all of this was happening under Hitler's nose when Hitler himself specifically ordered one order Hitler himself because I was a very clear policy demand and I give those specific orders but commanders that met recently we're now who's a conspiracy theorist now it's not denying that a country that had a very racialized policy that literally invaded other countries like Austria Hungary and literally told them to kill all of their [ __ ] Jews what do you think that this trees are happening Hitler had no [ __ ] idea like how naive do you think he was like all of these people who were close to Hitler like very clearly where relaying orders that they were given from him directly you know then there's no there's no Pitt you say oh we have all the documents and there's not a single [ __ ] document to say that Hitler gave any orders like that even though they have they have documents the Nazi archives if you're familiar with them or extremely meticulous Germans are very meticulous meticulous enough to also every everything you're saying is just completely not true you know I I'm not someone who has been paid for - for a year millions of dollars just to pour over mr. Evans's book attacking David Irving do you think yeah hey wait wait are you I don't do what you finished you just claim that I'm being paid to go - no I'm not sitting that shut up wait what was the implication there the implication is this when we finish the the in in his book he says that hundreds of thousands of people were killed and homicidal gas chambers in a Polish concentration camp called pull a cold my donek now yad vashem the US Holocaust Museum say that actually no one was killed with gas at my Donegan so if you want to talk about oversight historical oversight if you assert that all these people unfathomable amounts of people were killed with poison gas in a camp and then 20 years later people say actually this never happened and you're telling me that Richard Richard Evans is like this [ __ ] you know absolute truth of history he got a question that that's the first thing the second thing is that a lot of the the David Irving David Irving being an unreliable historian only happened after he wrote his book said that his publishing company it was war said you got it attacked something on about the Holocaust David Irving said well I've pored through the archives David Irving speaks like four or five languages by the way and by the way I understand he's he's claims to change his opinion here there that that's besides the point talking about this specific instance David Irving pored through the archives while writing the book and said I found no archive proof that there was a plan for the systematic extermination with poison gas of six million Jews there's no proof of that there's no orders I mean if you were to put this up in a fair court not Nuremberg but a fair court you'd get thrown out for lack of evidence it's like accusing someone of murder you you realize that he literally tried to sue for libel in the most favorable court he could there's a reason why he waited for it to happen for that book to be published oh can I can I finish sure I mean what you said something's wrong let's be fair let's be fair to David Irving in his trial David Irving represented himself he was he didn't have the money to actually hire solicitors and and people like that Deborah Lipstadt got millions I'm talking millions of dollars to hire the best lawyers the best researchers in Britain whose fault is that okay whose fault is that no no who has today I I understand I'm not saying he's not but what I'm saying is the point of the trial wasn't even to win the libel lawsuit the point of the trial was to put the Holocaust on trial because remember this the the only thing the judge I believe his name is judge gray the only thing he found was that the the the thing they definitively proved proved in the eyes of the judge was that David Irving did have some prejudice against Jews that's what they claim they definitively proved and they did they did attack but the problem is I'm just in terms of what you said what so the point of this trial was to put the Holocaust on trial whose point was that yes that was David Irving he he didn't he'd use the libel because you can't you can't start a lawsuit against someone to fight the Holocaust why would he cry why would you have why would you use the excuse that he couldn't afford a lawyer when he finds that one hey I'm not that you're not saying I'm not destined I'm not saying it's an excuse I'm saying that if you have millions of dollars a hire the best legal team in the country and someone is defending themselves in court no no he's gonna win that Slough I mean you could be the most lessened if you mean he wasn't either man no you could be the most in the world and if you're in a court and you don't have a lawyer you're [ __ ] if he's only crazy if how many people just miss this it's funny the reason why you don't understand this because he got crushed so hard he was the plaintiff in that case he wasn't there so so you can't say well they had so much money if it was he's the one that brought the suit like do you know why do you understand why yeah because he thought he could win because he thought the UK courts would be more favorable to him than America yeah exactly that's the stated reason oh yes oh reason he did it the reason he did it let me explain this very careful the reason he did it was because Deborah Lipstadt was publishing books calling him an anti-semite and a Holocaust denier wrong she had that as a passage of a book that's sold less than like ten thousand cars because this is what you guys do in such such a pathetic lose me I don't come here I don't I don't have a good or bad opinion about Irving personally he's not he's not my best buddy or anything I'm just telling you what happens this is let me just finish and then you can say what you want point of at the point of the case again you're making this about David Irving I want to talk about the the the the actual facts and the Holocaust I don't care about David Irving or who he married or who he has kids with that's for [ __ ] women okay you can [ __ ] debate that with other women if you want what I'm saying is that the point of the lawsuit was Deborah Lipstadt was calling him names and was saying that he's a liar and that he's an anti-semite available anti-semitism but he would refuse to have a discussion with him where he would put his facts against hers she had a specific no platform policy for Holocaust revisionists which you can agree or disagree with so he saw it as clever probably a bad idea in retrospect I agree view he thought it'd be clever to say I'm gonna force Deborah Lipstadt to debate me and she can bring all of her Halle hoaxers to the [ __ ] court and I will destroy their points which he actually did the very famous there's a very famous quote that came out of that no holes no Holocaust when he questioned the mechanism questioned the top Holocaust historian on the mechanism of how these didn't cording to the blueprints that he found the original blueprints of Auschwitz gas chambers how it was possible for them to feed the gas pellets and how they were able to do this when the blueprints did not support the assertion of Holocaust of firmers of Holocaust conspiracy theorists how did this work that was engineering involved in that that is physically impossible which is why today destiny today increasingly you can say revisionist don't matter but the only reason they gave up on McDonough is because revisionist kept pushing it the dual ranch is a really reasonable education that the whole cost gas chamber that can show you an ounce which one in every animal today's a phony or torus is because Robert Farris --an exposed this in L'Express in 1970s okay so you can dismiss Holocaust sure they're personally attack Holocaust revisionists when they were in their heyday in the 1970s and 80s were beaten they're there their offices were firebombed they were there's assassination attempts the Mossad put a car bomb outside of someone's house clearly there was something they didn't want people to hear not just every single time in this trial we had to walk from every single time when he brought up the idea that nobody was actually driven out in a van and gassed when Evans push pushed him on it every single time he was pushing on one of these issues he had to walk back from it and can see that he was absolutely full of [ __ ] when you try to bring up these little weird facts about the blueprints not fitting about the idea that the holes couldn't actually fit enough people in it all of this was [ __ ] and aftermath but neither he had Evans done he walked back from when he was pushed consistently and in terms of what the judge found the judge literally said that Irving had his own ideological reasons for persistently and deliberately misrepresenting and manipulating historical evidence related to he's we just talked for 20 minutes calm down buddy the judge also said that he found that Irving was an active Holocaust denier that he was anti-semitic and racist and that he associated associated with right-wing extremists this was doled out over hundreds and hundreds of hours of in court testimony all of it is available you can read the book you can go over the testimony perving [ __ ] in there serious questions about the Holocaust that remain open doesn't mean that they're willing to say oh yeah maybe only 150,000 Jews died not six million of course they're a serious question not only they're serious questions still open it actual historians the real historians not hacks like Irving actually have active debates about this blog losing why was David Irving why was David Irving or a highly respected historian before he wasn't he was only a highly respected historian by peoples that did a general overview of his work and never actually followed the footnotes it's one of the things that Evans did that he had so much praise for their own even nude when you actually when you actually follow the footnotes and you actually look at where his sources read to what you find out is that Evans is a massive [ __ ] fraud so if you look and it's funny because at the end of the book all right so excited to cite actually do come and I said well Evans does good work you know is the military history or whatever of German he did good work here but when you actually find people that specialize in that area people that actually speak German and visited the archives in Moscow in Washington in Paris in Berlin and actually did the research will all come out and unanimously say Irving is a [ __ ] hack and never anyone who holds up to any type of critical analysis whatsoever you can always find generalists that will praise the work of other generalists how many generals have come out in favor of say Guns Germs and Steel but when you look at people that actually have like specific education and an area come out in are critical of it like the fact that you would even pull to pretend that you could spend any part of Urban's history in work or any part of that trial in a favorable light shows that you were either completely unwilling to engage will it actually happen or you're being intentionally dishonest about it everything had to retreat from every single major crimes look you probably watch the movie I don't think you actually let me just say this okay yes I did I've read the books apart you feel like I'm misrepresenting it's interesting they already told you I will do that make you know what I didn't say that you're misrepresenting it I'm saying that there are things there gaping problems with Evans's assertions in that book that kind of lesson already no no no tell me that tell me what kind of gaping problems our being had what do you think are his problems Irving or Evans everything I even think I'd even think I mean Irving I'm not gonna talk about personally but I'm saying that the the what the judge found which judge gray found in the Irving trial was that David Irving was not libeled it's not that the Holocaust like the whole idea like this wasn't in the trial but the whole idea that David Irving has personal political motives and he may but somehow Deborah Lipstadt who is a hardline Zionist very active in the Jewish community has connections with all the big Jews in Hollywood like Steven Spielberg who helped finance her lawsuit somehow Deborah lives not the Holocaust a firmer has no personal political motive that people that write things affirming lies about the horse had nothing dude no no you can't know heaven you try to cry about Jewishness here you always try to appeal to Jews and special things that was saying that evaluate it at Irving himself brought suit - you don't get to run and hide and cry about the conspiracy theories because you don't like how I'm being destroyed he got in court dude but whatever her associations were he got relevant to the court case it is end of discussion you can bring up her associations to try to save earnings disasters [ __ ] history in writing or his disastrous [ __ ] case in court Dave what I'm saying is that David Irving is a highly highly highly respected historian no matter what your pains are what the merit is not true and this is why I know you didn't read the book because ability goes through at the end million copies of his books playing Sam Harris a highly respected [ __ ] philosopher now because he sold millions of copies on the war landscape like what do you mean dude come on you got to tell me the story oh just say people look out Robert Harrison if you're listening look up the very first say you know go ahead and read the book trying to say the judge didn't give like an actual [ __ ] opinion on this when the judge literally said and I quote it is my conclusion that no objective fair-minded historian would have serious cause to doubt that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz and that they were operated on a substantial scale to kill hundreds of thousands of Jews like the idea that you're gonna sit here and pretend that's the okay last thing just really we're gonna do final statements but yeah go ahead okay if you want to wire look up Deborah Lipstadt okay go on our website there's a after after Holocaust revisionists exposed that the the gas chamber they show to tourists at Auschwitz is a fake after this was exposed and they admitted to it they admitted to it many many years in the 80s they admitted that it was faked Deborah Lipstadt said it's not fake it's symbolic so the point is that this was Creek constructed after the war so employer making here just to end it is that the the Holocaust affirms the Holocaust conspiracy fears they they they support putting so-called Holocaust deniers in prison they support ruining their lives they support physical violence against them in many cases they support all this but it doesn't stop them from constantly giving ground at this point there there's increasing pressure to start letting go of the idea of gas chambers in general in mainstream history the numbers of six million are being reduced by mainstream Jewish historians as we speak there's a book in 2016 that did this by a Jewish historian in fact now they're quickly and rapidly and David Irving actually is doing this too by the way which is kind of shady they're now they're retrenching they're pulling back the frontline now the main claim they're making is that people were gassed in vans in the so-called Reinhardt camps this is like basically their last bastion of Holocaust stuff this is happening while we debate this they're losing ground like crazy people aren't believing it anymore and this is why they have to give ground mean they were holding that people were being turned into lampshades and soap until the Yad Vashem very recently admitted they weren't so you know this is the point and the people that expose that first by the way those were revisionist that expose that it was fake so I'm sorry just doesn't do I have to just brother I be I didn't know that that was the I mean this is everything you said is just not true the idea that there are serious debates and academic communities were like dramatically revising down the number of Jews that were killing gas chambers it's just not true like can you find a pop history book every now and then like written by a guy that has zero engagement with any of the actual historical literature or a guy that has no idea how to actually engage with history yeah I'm sure we can find pop books written about [ __ ] literally anything about history about wars about philosophy you know like tons of people do this all the time in the actual academic communities where these debates happen yeah people quibble over what are the exact numbers of people killed in certain areas how are these orders issued how are they carry out but there are no mainstream contentions about the idea that six million Jews were killed or that hundreds of thousands of people were killed across different death camps and different types of gas chambers and even this very specific idea that you bring up about people being gassed in vans that was something that earthing had originally written about that he completely and totally retreated from in trial and the text him actually doing that is included in the in the final chapter of the book where he's being questioned about it and eventually concedes entirely to that point and then concedes that he lied about it and continued to lie about it in his book past for the point of knowing that it wasn't true so pretty much every single thing you just said about how there a widespread historian consensus saying that like oh well they're actually grammatically revising the numbers in guestrooms it's all complete [ __ ] there are history books written by people if they aren't seriously master local communities that have no formal historical training and the only age critic laughs any whatsoever man recently into 2016 revised the number down from 6 million to 3 to 4 million is a which is still a big number I'm not saying but I'm just saying that this is a slow process that's how history against time and against the the grain works you know I'm actually trained I'm actually a relatively trained historian what his hellions why I went to school for it so what you're like an undergrad in history or what yeah I'm not saying I'm a historian per se but I have I did briefly work in the industry and so on but the Poynting way I'm not gonna say too much about you're lying 100% but go ahead so anyway David David Caesar reading the ABCs are reading who's a British a British historian who specializes in Jewish history especially the Holocaust that's in his biography that is the man who in 2016 released the book revising the numbers down okay significantly because you know going down from 6 million it's at 3 or 4 million it's significant doesn't say the number but that's what he adds it up to so this man and by the way he passed away but you can look him up David see Zuri if this is his magazine he's won national Jewish Book Awards for history so if you're not gonna take this man's word for it no one's words good enough for you destiny anyway all right let me read these who started off just does anybody remember because I don't who had the first opening statement I don't know just let me read these and then we'll give each person the finale by the way thank you guys for staying so long campers and by the way I completely usually it's a trademark for me to be mostly hands off but I just almost completely went pants off for this and just let you guys go at it I think it was pretty good actually camper 12 he says bring on Ted Wang I don't actually see Wang and we're not gonna get to any college to be quite real with you guys scrublord man says why is rich Evans writing about the Holocaust hampered camper 1260 says Wang and then he says this is now a Wang stream Ted Wang himself says talk about rich Evans view on Star Trek Picard camper 1260 says Ted Wang is winning this debate any broth 12 says David Coles David Cole Stein's his research refutes holocaust numbers RK dal PO says there are names of suppose it killed that we're alive Harewood Silva TT says a certain I don't know chemical compound there's a fumigant never put through pipes Ted Wang says why rich Evans doesn't like the card it's exciting then Ted Wang says David Irving's view on Star Trek Picard please Herbert somewhat easy says certain chambers would you co2 much more efficient Ted Wang says which is better the Holocaust or Star Trek Picard camber 1260 says we want to hear what Ted Wang has to say let's see camper 1260 didn't says where's Wang camper 1260 says where's Jim object Herbert Silva TT says world war ii world war two historians relied / rely on Irving's archive ISM or archive ISM RK dal PO says curator of Auschwitz claims recreations on camera camper 1260 says historian equals fed ad user says imagine losing to a beta cook west the great says they need to mass-produce masks and sanitizer let me look through here on the stream elements let's see real quick what was this book by sea serene II that where he massively revised down the numbers I can't find anything cool Final Solution the fate of the Jews 1933 to 1949 twig says in this book he says that far fewer than 6 million Jews were killed yes I literally couldn't find that anywhere sorry go ahead twigs has asked destiny about his penchant for I don't know incest but if you I don't know that's up to you we've talked about I don't want to know why don't we had this and was it December maybe just a real quick remark so I'm looking this up this guy never said that you just completely fabricated David Cicilline never down how many Jews were killed like there's nothing on the internet about this at all oh that's okay by the book huh we're gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] read it right now for you like if he was dramatically downgrading an [ __ ] if he would dramatically downgrade final look are you told if book I read isn't true because it doesn't excite me in it this number doesn't exist you're lying you're just like you have about almost every single source you've brought up this debate like people like I see multiple people reviewing the book that mentioned the Six Million number none of them seem to bring up that apparently he's got this dramatic revision downwards this is like I wish that I know every fact he was brilliant okay which page each page let me I actually have notes on this if you'd like to see I'm sure yeah well coach yeah tell me 1.5 million Jews were shot on the Eastern Front according to Nene about 900 to 960 thousand were killed at Auschwitz presumably you know implies gas chambers 1.7 were killed in the action Reinhart camps and then another about hundred thousand Chelmno okay significant West then deal went through the book and you did your own napkin math to figure out what you what you think he would say was the total number of Jews that's okay just making that's what you do so he didn't actually do it the revised Nazi napkin math gotcha okay I'm not gonna read I'm thinking book to deal with some dumbass assertion that's very clearly not true because nobody on anywhere is [ __ ] well you know even even if I convince you fully destiny that that what I'm saying is true you're still not gonna admit it because you're a [ __ ] coward and you haven't you make a living from lying to people about neoliberalism and all these crap because that's what that's why Jews let you let you do your thing man yeah that's the way that you always let me do it's my business himself is give me a pat on the back for all my hard work I think if anybody if anybody isn't it isn't like you're too scared to take a hard look in the mirror to say all we need to do to fix aside and instead it's easier to just blow the Jewish [ __ ] boogeyman dude every one of you conspiracy theorist is the same way you're too lazy to do any of the actual hard work into figuring out how can we make a better society how can I improve my life instead you just want to find one [ __ ] boogeyman to blame everything on because you're too much of a [ __ ] coward look in the mirror and figure out what you can do to fix yourself like exactly like this is 100% what it is like this idea that if I can wake people together every [ __ ] naive dude asking how the Nazis killed six million Jews in a systematic fashion and not a single actual written order exists to do this in a [ __ ] very well when the idea spears listen to you listen to you but you're telling me that this conspiracy theory exists where Jews around the world have all come together to control corporate media control shadow banking and all of us but you think it's unfathomable that Hitler might have had like a personal decree not to literally write on a piece of paper I won't enjoy props of a gasps Jew show me was there in any autopsy proving that show me how the math works with the crematoriums we're seeing I know you can read about yes it's all out there like they've even tried remember I don't know how to pronounce this the the Lukey report that they tried to make in the end yeah yeah the one they tried to make in the 60s saying that Jews weren't actually gasps but then when they went back and revisited it it turns out that all of that was actually even stronger evidence that those gas chambers existed like always really well Watson to right he was part of the Nazi conspiracy no he wasn't he was just an uninformed businessman that made some like bad conclusion oh he's actually doesn't favor specialists in North America for your information he wasn't he was a specialist in using in using chemicals to delouse [ __ ] material and he was under the ocean so the real way that report we can talk about the reason why this report was debunked his problem was that he assumed that the amount of this chemical that you would need to kill humans is the same amount you need to kill Weiss that's just not true so when they were taking apart parts of the wall and they were doing the measurements on these walls and they were like oh wow look there's far too few chemical residue on here to actually kill Jews none of them could have been killed in here it turns out later that when they revisited that analysis they were like oh I needed actually far less like Nike zyklon-b was used in the 1920s to allow Mexicans on the US border when they came to work on four okay and bleach a million Mexican and bleach is used to clean floors you don't think you can commit suicide with bleach what a stupid [ __ ] point it's not at this point not at all because no no you're right it's not the same thing just because I can use certain chemicals to do that in progress I'm sure your [ __ ] tire this is taking 120 percent of that [ __ ] brain of yours crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what nothing I will concede one point to you okay all you [ __ ] white nationalists always say some [ __ ] about how like even if white people don't have a higher IQ than Asians we have a higher creative IQ and after listening to the crazy [ __ ] tales and why's that you spun in this debate I'm starting to [ __ ] believe it cuz holy [ __ ] you are making up some crazy [ __ ] stories my did do being being a jerk about it doesn't change the fact that you [ __ ] losing like I mean this is the facts okay so you can just keep saying that stuff all you want but the problem is that you understand that you have to say these things if not like you're gonna you're gonna suffer the same thing political distance in this country so say whatever the [ __ ] I want to say no I can't so stupid why can't I use YouTube why can't I use twitch why can't I use PayPal why can't why can't people to have my opinions sell books on Amazon cuz we like what why is that first of all you probably could self publish on Amazon literally anybody [ __ ] doesn't but here you are and here you are what people reading them if they were as stupid as you think they would let people read them and let them just right here you here you are talking to [ __ ] over 10,000 people you've managed to find yes congratulations you've done it there but yeah I mean if customers don't want a particular thing it's not really that surprising that they would drive that well actually they ban my car when it was becoming a best-seller that's the weird part isn't it they banned it and then they rereleased it but only the ADL version not the Murphy translation this is on you can look this up it's not a conspiracy theory so they that I'm very senior not if you have all the system's opinions you just push them in the direction we talk about incest [ __ ] like that you just pushing the direction that the system wants us to go you think incentive is a popular topic that everybody wants to talk about that's like one of my more popular no [ __ ] it's not it's not it's not but it's but it is something that the elites all this sexual liberation liberal maximalism that is an elite opinion just like [ __ ] and homosexuality and all that stuff earning referendum is shot down gay marriage doesn't mean we have to we don't have to live with it we absolutely do so here's the thing man you have the elite opinions you don't have the popular opinions and the reason why they don't want people to be able to hear or read or see what I'm saying is because they know I'm right and if people were to see it I would change their minds and we would actually actually do something some change in this country that we desperately need so that's why you don't get censored and I do you get Pat's on the back of the system hey well definitely yeah I've never been banned by twitch before or had anything like that at any sponsors threat or anything like that you're very very very familiar with my history of saying I don't remember who started if one of you guys do remember if not I'll just let striker get the first final word even though that was basically the final word but whatever yeah what the fight the final word is this okay you know if you're a political dissident in this country we have to suffer quite a bit okay there's a lot of personal cost perhaps even you have to deal with the main the main premise I would have about why we need to do this is and what we should do is basically just start by expanding the 1964 Civil Rights Act and protecting white people with it because today white people are a stateless people they don't have the same rights as other groups do in fact that's almost by design and when you go to conservatives there their response is to try and take everyone's rights the answer is to give White's rights to protect free speech in this country to protect free debate and we simply don't have that so you know I think this is something that needs to change and I hope people will keep fighting even if it's you know demoralizing or whatever in the short term because in the end we will win we also shamelessly plug national - justice dot-com and tiara so yeah that's nice there you go destiny go ahead sir um I just I have a lot of people like trying to find the passage in this book I just want to read a bit of from this book that he just cited saying that that six million number didn't exist in here whatever front from this book the Nazis for historical reasons developed an ideology that led them in 1941 to decide on the annihilation of every Jew man woman or child they could lay their hands on the only significance in that is that it is what they wanted and had they been more successful it would not be here to talk about it in these thoughts I may be influenced I readily admit by a revulsion from the very idea that the mass murder of nearly six million Jews should have any significance at all in and by itself but of course there is the very valid emotional objection to this namely that it means to the death of all these people to me my fellow Jews with whom most Jews feel and emotional identification just as I do was in itself meaningless in other words their suffering had no meaning in itself I think it's in almost every single topic this guy's brought up where he sees these grand conspiracies he does even know the fundamentals of how the system works he doesn't know how art or culture works which is surprising and funny he doesn't know basic like finance he doesn't know basic economics it isn't how campaign finance works he's literally illiterate in almost all of these areas yet is so [ __ ] smart that he can point out these grand conspiracies that exist in all of these different places I submit to you that there are a lot of problems that exist in America today but these problems can be fixed largely within the system that we can do things like more tax redistribution that we can have programs like Medicare for all that we can look at things like the of impact technology in our lives without feeling like we have to kick out all the [ __ ] brown people or black people or like we have to blame the [ __ ] Jews on some weird grand conspiracies that people have claimed for [ __ ] millennia have existed that never pan out to seemingly actually exist like this idea that all of us should band together as white people when we don't even identify that way which in and of itself is laughable because we don't and if you go to [ __ ] Europe we did you fetishize so much you find that people there don't do it as well you've got Swedes you've got [ __ ] Germans you've got British people they don't all see themselves as some collective white people that's a uniquely American concept which if anything demonstrates the idea that whiteness or any of these racial groups are as fluid as you [ __ ] want them to be if we all became a white people today then tomorrow we'd become blue eyed and brown-eyed people we killed all the brown-eyed people the next day we become blondes and [ __ ] brunettes I think we should focus on the real problems that exist in America today the alienation we have from our work the alien ization that's caused by technology and the alien ization that might be caused by our horrible [ __ ] economic policies and focus on that rather than spreading all these baseless [ __ ] conspiracy theories that have zero [ __ ] foundation in reality because we're too scared to take a look at the actual problems that impact us very quickly because respond as well you realize that right the point of the Caesar any book was not that he doesn't at the beginning yes he does say six million point is to look at the specific instances retracts it number doesn't add up it added up to four four point two million okay that's the point where did the other ones go it's just like saying oh yeah the the ostrich museum says six million Jews died but then they keep changing the plaque and reducing the number of people that died there okay so yes they're gonna stick to the six million number I'm just saying what the point I was making is that revisionists are having an impact and they're incrementally giving ground that's the point I'm making I'm not saying that this book says it that it's still affirmed six million but the math go look at the estimates of all the killings of Jews in the book okay 1.5 million on Easter front nine hundred sixty thousand hush wits 1.7 million in action action Reinhart camps in 97 thousand at chelmno so again look it up do the math yourself yes somehow 4.2 million adds up to six million in his mind satis how work all right testy really quickly I have to give you a chance if you want to say something quick rebuttal all right man it's Nazi napkin math like the guy in the book says six million like if he wants to go through his selectively edit out like the things that he wants like Irving himself literally did this so it's no surprise that he would defend herbing and then like engage in the same a historical practices that he does despite claiming that he has some mysterious history training there we go destiny Eric Stryker thank both of you gentlemen for joining me here on the kill stream I hope you guys have a good weekend and stay safe out there with the corona [ __ ] going around alright good stuff so not like apex or I think in the other call of day where people are like murdering you from the [ __ ] like from the from the gas like ten minutes out
Channel: Destiny
Views: 1,242,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny debates, destiny discusses, destiny reacts, destiny reviews, destiny, destiny debates mike enoch, mike enoch, eric striker, destiny debates eric striker, destiny conservative, destiny jontron
Id: B4KYTUNg8lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 12sec (11352 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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