Twitter Drama ESCALATES Into Insanely HEATED Debate

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yeah you know what i would like to say explicitly go targeted at a raspberry oh my god jack i'm targeting i put the target on his head for for targeted oh my god what the [ __ ] dude chill who the f even are these people i i know that i've been saying this a lot guys please do not get an impression of like this is what real-life left-leaning people are like okay i engage in a very particular type of discourse online and i think i bring out like the worst kinds of people that are involved in it or maybe it's only the worst kinds that do this type of [ __ ] um please don't get like a generalized view of all left-leaning people as a result of like my conversations i mean like you pedantic [ __ ] [ __ ] who gives this [ __ ] you [ __ ] one thing that i noticed i have to pause donations hold on i didn't realize how much infighting there is even the smaller lefty communities mike's discord hates everybody they talk about how like every person mike is associated with is like trying to have personal relations with them and they hate them all and they're talking about all these like i guess k swiftly and ayeko and all these people like had this huge feeling oh my god reading to the discord is like crazy it's like what is happening i didn't know there was so much other drama that existed what the [ __ ] hold on i'm using restaurant quick and we're gonna talk this guy one sec hi there destiny how you doing oh my god you're so loud what's up good to talk to you again you know it's been such a long time since you came on the show and we uh i'm getting echo from you by the way oh sorry your mic was a little loud but hopefully it's better now sorry about that no there we go uh uh uh i'm all good i had your stream still up uh uh it's been a while how are you doing uh you know pretty good just playing video games shout out people on twitter you know same old same good you know people were pretty upset today about uh you know you being you know disinvited from your your political person sort of reaching out to dsa and seeing if you could be involved with the canvassing event oh yeah to be clear so they initially kind of reached out to me and then we responded and then they didn't and you know what based on my history with the dsa and my political stuff in general that honest to god is not a problem i don't mind that i was actually super surprised when they initially showed interest um yeah i i don't believe that they really did initially show interest in you you know i know that you're kind of like controlling the terms the debate here because it's your channel and everything like that but i actually just don't believe you uh that they initially sort of reached out to you you know given the you know the the the discord chats and everything like that from the dsa people that they released today crazy would you be willing to put money on that or is this just no no i really i really wouldn't put money on it because um you know i'm just not really uh uh i'm just i don't really give a [ __ ] to be honest with you you know i honestly think it's like a little bit ridiculous of shoe on head and vouch and all these [ __ ] you know grifter you know former alt-right people really libertarians who came up in your chat room and who frankly you know vaush is a guy who you did a whole stream about how he's a sexual abuser uh and a sexual harasser and so it's really strange you know that uh uh you know he's like sort of like uh you know putting his neck out for you and everything like that i know that everyone in your chat is like being like oh he doesn't pronounce vows correctly it's because i don't give a [ __ ] it's because i actually think this youtube debate thing that you guys all do is just like for show you know it's actually like a silly stupid [ __ ] thing that actually doesn't affect anything it's not you know actually like you know uh you know possible in any way i actually do think youtube debate is some really stupid [ __ ] it's just like you know you you're kind of like not that smart of a guy really you're like not actually that smart of a guy you just have a lot of like fans because you were an early starcraft streamer and so like you can talk in sort of a paternal patronizing way to a bunch of teenagers and make them think that you're smart a smart guy you know uh um but like you're not really that smart of a guy like you just have a lot of people watching this channel who are teenagers uh um and and really not that politically educated but you're just like kind of a bog standard libertarian guy you know and like you know and that's it and vaush is a guy who came up in your chat room um who actually was like a creep in your very chat room um who now is like a libertarian socialist who cares about like the uh uh the age of consent so much gotcha okay do i get the talk now go ahead okay so i would firstly like to say that um i'm honored that you think i would be so incredibly naive that i would just totally make something up on the internet um i understand that maybe as having a significantly smaller platform you're not used to people looking at every single thing you do under a magnifying glass but the chances of me trying to just blatantly lie about who contacted who first would be hilariously stupid that you did well then i would love to see the proof that you have because like you're so sure about it with like you want to have a bet and all this kind of [ __ ] so i'm sure you have an email from like the person that works for you saying like they've reached out to you or whatever the [ __ ] uh but i actually don't believe that metro dsa atlanta was trying to reach out to you in any capacity so whatever screenshot that you're about to bust out is really not all that interesting but please go ahead that's great okay so i'm just i i wrote down your points and i'm just trying to respond to them i know that you're very energized i'm just trying to get through these so um it's entertaining to me that you think i would i would just blatantly lie about that that's funny um it's okay if you don't believe me i don't really need you that's not really like a debate point by the way like i know that you're a debate guy but like to respond to something being like i find that funny it's not like really anything like that's just like you know trying to talk calmly because all the teenagers that watch you will kind of find that like feel that that's like more intelligent because of the way you know like the sort of manner in which you speak instead of what you say yeah so i agree it's not a debate thing because this isn't a debate we're not debating just having a conversation with you right now um actually no you've never done a debate just so you know you've never actually done a debate even on all the sort of like promoted debates and stuff you've done like that what you do is kind of like you know like wrestling it's like a stupid [ __ ] thing where you like you know actually kind of like talk to like all right guys that you pal around with you know you never you've never done a debate really um that's an interesting way to describe my uh people that i talk to that are all right as pals but okay um so we've got the who reached out first thing out of the way shoe on head had nothing to do with my stream um i don't i don't care oh okay well i just you initially said that she came up in my stream all right well i don't care okay that's great i just want to set the record straight on that um you said i did a stream on vosh being a sexual harasser yeah he said that in his reddit post that he was like you did a whole thing showing his like sexual harassing you know discord uh uh messages and everything like that and you know because he's such a big fan of you and really his whole thing is just trying to impress you you know because he's like a loser who like came up in some starcraft guys discord chat room like a starcraft guy who said that like you know rape was a good way to describe how to attack with zergs or whatever the [ __ ] you know uh um that kind of [ __ ] and also now is saying that like kyle rittenhouse is innocent and that you know we should mow down protesters you know and stuff like that so the reason why i'm trying to try to run through these because you're seeing just so much stuff that's not true um so first of all wash completely disagreed with me on the written house take nobody said that we should just mow down protesters um and just because i know but you you did say we should mow down protesters directly you said no they should i found these [ __ ] protesters though they said you should mow down [ __ ] protesters yeah what was the last part of that but you said you you said protesters who burned down buildings yeah there you go what would you call protesters to be honest yeah what i would tell you this is that i actually don't think i don't think gunning down people in the streets of america for any reason is a good idea yeah and i don't think so whether or not whether or not they set a wendy's on whether or not they set a wendy's on fire i actually honestly i actually find human life to be more important uh than inanimate objects and property so you know so as i know that you're i don't know if you're a socialist or not but like i think material conditions i am oh okay so then you must appreciate that the material conditions of people are very important and when you talk about yeah [ __ ] material conditions of the wendy's being burned down oh my god there's one less wendy's around so i mean like somebody's business somebody's business how many did you get somebody should get mowed down with an ak because of the wendy's is getting burned i'm just can i just ask you a question i'm really curious how can you justify the proletariat overcoming the bourgeoisie and taking over all the capital if lives aren't worth property how can i uh justify the bourgeoisie taking over if lives are not worth property how can you justify the proletariats overthrowing the capitalist class and taking all of their capital probably through violent means if probably because they're the ones because they're because they're the ones that own all the property and they're the ones that are our property worthless they're the ones that are expending life over the property either way oh wait so you think that it's a little bit more complicated than just saying that like it's just property that like maybe there's like a little bit more to it no i literally don't i literally said that i think that you okay so then you agree that there's absolutely no justification for the proletariat to overthrow the capital ruling class because you should never trade lives for property no i think that there is no justification for kyle rittenhouse gunning people down because they like came at him with a skateboard well that's not what we were talking about you said that you were saying that lives are never with property so i was just super curious because you would identify as a socialist i actually don't give a [ __ ] about the logic lord reddit [ __ ] i truly don't care i truly don't care about the logic lord reddit [ __ ] from a guy who's a kyle rittenhouse defender who was all pissed off that dsa disinvited him it's kind of weird to not care about logic lords when when marx was literally a philosopher more than an economist but um you can lead with that one chief hey let me ask you a question did you win i didn't get to someone did you share nudes with somebody on a chat room with people no no there are logs out there logs out there there's a lot of logs of a lot of things like somebody shared me somebody shared me nudes and then someone's like send them to me then they're like you sent me you sent them to this person then like how come you didn't send them to me so did that happen and do you think that that's like an okay thing to do um i don't think that ever happened i'm actually not entirely because there is a there's a chat log here let me look at it really quickly oh no wait let's see let's continue because you've been saying so many things you just want to kind of like it's even the second kind of saying that like right now are you okay my dude oh no i just people sent me this stuff that like you said i feel like i feel like you googled 2010 and tried to find like every old piece of drama that i've been in i just want to have a conversation but i mean like if you're really obsessed with you i know you were really heated off of twitter now something that's strange is i said you were big mad on twitter and then you said you weren't mad but now right here you kind of look like you're big mad now are you bad no i i sound like i'm a little bit angry because i'm talking to a [ __ ] who wants to justify what kyle rittenhouse did to people because you're a libertarian [ __ ] who thinks the property is more important than human lives okay well right now you're breathing heavier than matthew bellamy between your statements okay so let's take a deep breath let's calm down i wrote down all the things you said because i just want to talk about each one i'm just kind of curious okay so okay please yeah so i'm curious about this statement you made right here okay i think youtube debate is just for show it's a silly stupid [ __ ] thing that doesn't affect anything do you really believe that about like youtube and stuff yeah i really do i really believe that you debating with count [ __ ] dankula or whatever the [ __ ] actually doesn't mean anything and the vouch and his quarter profile looking directly at the monitor i actually think that this is all like wrestling yeah wait so i'm just curious and it actually doesn't change anyone's opinions yeah and then get all pissed off when you're like they don't want to win they don't want my people everybody understands that you're big mad okay you don't just show it anyway everybody understands that your whole thing is like acting the most calm and you think that that's what makes the woods wins an argument uh but like you know that doesn't really like win an argument okay well right now i'm just trying to set the record straight i'm just curious in your opinion things do you believe in something called stochastic terrorism and i could explain that if it's a because it's kind of an esoteric term uh please explain yeah that's fantastic i don't mean that i don't mean in any kind of way i literally only know about this because i i saw it in there i saw it in a lefty sure i saw it in a lefty youtube video the only reason i know anything about this right so the way that this was explained to me my understanding of it is that basically um through uh through kind of these like smaller actions you can slowly radicalize people over time utilizing platforms like youtube or 4chan do you think that the existence of these platforms might lead to some people being radicalized so for instance in christchurch that new zealand shooter um was like quoting things verbatim that looked like they read out of like fortunes you might radicalize people by saying that what kyle rittenhouse did is okay to do things kind of like the uh christchurch shooter well maybe but it seems like you can't really make it but you've got to make a deal if i encourage people to go out and you kind of just kill people because that's what's right so then you agree then that i do have an effect on people can we can we agree on that yeah i agree that you do have an effect on people what you're doing that's great so then we can walk back this comment that you think the youtube debate is just for show because clearly you think i do have an effect on people so that's good i actually won't want i won't walk it back at all i think that it is from so and i think what you guys do is actually not about ideology and it's actually just about like you know getting a bunch of hits from people so do you think that i can impact people or not do you think i can change the way people think about things or do you think i have no impact i i think that you can impact starcraft players to think of zerg rushes as rape okay so then i don't radicalize people so then in that case all my comments about written house should be harmless right well i mean i definitely think that you can like stake out a position for whatever someone is arguing where you're like oh i'm actually in the right so you either believe that you're impactful and in which case you know what you're saying about written house could influence someone to do a shooting as you're arguing which you said that you know you do influence people and that youtube debate is not pointless and what you do is not like a pointless waste of time and you're just kind of a pathetic guy who does something that like doesn't really matter and doesn't really impact people and all the people that watch you are like kind of pathetic losers or whatever you know it's like the kind of thing where it's like you know you can either say that you do impact people and that you're talking about kyle rittenhouse could cause people to shoot them or you can say that you don't impact people and that you know your in you your support of kyle rittenhouse the murderer teen uh uh wouldn't influence anyone okay so you're trying to like work like seven steps ahead of where the conversation is going right now i'm just trying to figure out if you think that what people say online can impact or influence others right because it sounded like initially you said it it was all meaningless and it didn't now it sounds like you're saying you can radicalize people do totally different things i think that like you absolutely can radicalize people through ideology on the internet i think that what you do with youtube debates and the entire thing that you do with youtube debates is really just for show it's not about ideology when you say that a public debate is just for show i mean well of course i'm broadcasting it on the internet a lot of it is like a show of sorts of course when you say just for show and not about ideology do you think i like don't have an ideology or what do you mean by that i mean like those are i mean i think you have an ideology and i think your ideology is that you think people should get shot for destroying property um and i think you think that that's like do you think that's like the totality of my like content is just talking about kyle rittenhouse and obsessing over like oh sorry i gotta go get my weed real quick i'll be right back okay i feel like maybe if this guy smokes a little bit maybe he'll chill out maybe we can get to the meat of this conversation guys this feels like the tonka saw youtube videos please remember i i know that i've been saying this a lot guys please do not get an impression of like this is what real-life left-leaning people are like okay i engage in a very particular type of discourse online and i think i bring out like the worst kinds of people that are involved in it or maybe it's only the worst kinds that do this type of [ __ ] um please don't get like a generalized view of all left-leaning people as a result of like my conversations i'm generally confused if left-leaning people know if fires kill people or not dustin actually infuriates me i think that like the the way to understand the rittenhouse stuff is that like it's like a very big like post hoc like you basically have a guy that's right leaning that ended up killing some people that's left leaning like all the logic is kind of just like thrown out the window on that one it really doesn't matter what the circumstances are so like trying to like parse this is like uh like okay well how do these are gonna take so this is just a total [ __ ] waste of time don't don't waste your time running down that road it's just way easier to understand it as people trying to like backwards reason out whatever they're saying because as soon as somebody starts like screaming at you like is property worth more than life is well like yeah we can probably think of a few cases where property is worth more than life right if some like serial rapist is like coming to your house to like kill you and your like family or is coming to your house even to like destroy all of your [ __ ] and blow everything up or whatever i mean like this is like the house that you use to like how is medical equipment for people or something like yeah we can probably think of some cases like property is worth more than that's like pretty easy to do this is like a this is like an eighth grade an eighth grader could probably think of some cases where like oh yeah like but the funny the really funny thing that i find about those types of conversations was that socialists are usually the people that harp the most on the material conditions so it's really funny to say to somebody or to have somebody that believes that like material conditions are some of the most important things we can talk about when those people are saying that like well i don't think property is more important than life it's like half your ideology is literally built on overthrowing capitalists to secure better material conditions so that's a very strange argument to make because it kind of seems to betray like your entire movement but yeah i don't know doesn't actually move me on the call thing but the apps are so bad i won't ever admit in the public to be honestly and i've said it a million times with the kind of thing i don't think kyle is smart and i don't think that going to another place like that to defend probably the gun or whatever i don't think that's intelligent either you're you're asking for trouble it's so [ __ ] dumb like on a personal level like a friend asked me that would be like listen man if you've got some crazy [ __ ] american values or whatever and you feel like your principles are more important than like your life or some [ __ ] i have [ __ ] good luck but like you're being dumb as [ __ ] like but i'm i was pretty consistent on that with the whole kyle thing i would never encourage you to go to another [ __ ] town and defend [ __ ] um but also like a lot of it i think comes too and i'll drop this one until the day i die like i think a lot of it comes too especially when you hear that like is property worth more than life um i think a lot of this comes from people that have just been like relatively well off for their entire lives like for a lot of people um you could never imagine the idea like what do you mean property for life like i could never imagine killing somebody over my [ __ ] well yeah of course because mom and dad bought you everything you own right or like you've been middle class your whole life and like replacing most of your possessions aren't a big deal there was that uh i remember there's that story in that chapel skit that we listened to when chappelle was trying to expose like the the uh the people gambling or whatever like hey these guys are fake or whatever and the guy grabbed him is like don't ever come between a man and his livelihood um but like i think most people that have been like working class understand that of course i i think it's like intuitively understood at least i feel like it's intuitively understood by most working-class people um and i don't even think i don't think a lot of working-class people would even think twice about that like i'm trying to imagine like being outside like my casino job or carpet cleaner job and somebody's trying to like steal some guy's car and another guy ends up killing him over whatever not that i think it was good but i can't imagine co-workers being like what you killed the guy it's just your car dude that's not worth the human life like what the [ __ ] no of course not oh my god bro okay so let me ask you a question do you think you're do you think you're influential um yeah of course okay and so then do you think it's like a good idea to be out there telling all your like young teenage fans who are you know real quick so wait wait real quick do you think i just okay do you think that it's do you think that it's good to be telling your like libertarian nazi fans then who are the average age of 22 to 28 years old thank you okay kyle written now what kyle rittenhouse did was like good i've never said that what kyle house did was good i've never said that but but but let me ask you a question what you said what you said earlier tonight was like you know that he was like acting in self-defense and so you know like how many how many how many uh hits can you take from a skateboard and also really embarrassingly you responded to someone who was being sarcastic um and you were like are you gonna act like some skateboard warrior just cause like you know you kind of like aren't that good at understanding sarcasm well i mean like i was being sarcastic too so it sounds like maybe you were the one missing yeah but not really though dude yeah really super serious i was being super sarcastic but you were but you were kind of being like hey dude like why why don't you go back on twitter and like are you gonna act like you're a skateboard warrior that's like you being sarcastic about something that you think is serious you know what yeah but that's part of my sarcasm because you would never know about somebody to be sarcastic about something that's serious so that's what makes me sound sarcastic gotcha okay so so you're a dumbass who doesn't understand what sarcasm is i gotcha well no i understand but i intentionally break the rules of sarcasm to be even more sarcastic it's like another layer i gotcha i got to you can like kind of talk in a way that sounds paternal and so these teenagers will all but you're think like a super dumbass who like doesn't really know what irony is and everything like that but go ahead oh [ __ ] well if you ever want to explain irony i mean you're the one with the podcast so you sound like you probably know better than i would it's all good dude it's all good um you want to pull up your notepad again so i can see what other points you want to like uh refer to oh yeah so i'm still not sure where we're at on the if you think that you can be influential as a youtuber or if nothing you do matters i don't know if we've ever seen it so just let me let me ask you a question if what you i i personally don't think what you do matters i don't i don't think what you do matters you explain what you mean by doesn't matter like you don't think i i think that i think no i think that i think that these streams that you do and everything like that i think that you're kind of like popular with like young people who are going to get over it as they get older um and like you know you have a lot of viewers on this channel and everything like that but you know i think that it's kind of like you know how people like watch like disney channel when they're a little kid and then they're like oh i don't like you know like like the disney channel anymore because i'm an adult i kind of feel like that's like kind of the deal with you okay then why are you so upset about me about my written house takes well because i'm not actually upset about your written house takes what i'm upset about is guys like vous well i mean like you know you're a libertarian so it like comes to reason that you would have don't know why you think i'm a libertarian at all but okay well because of like your beliefs and stuff like what beliefs do i have that i am a super sock them what beliefs do you think i have i'm going to be a libertarian what makes you a sock damn about thinking that like people should get gunned down for these [ __ ] protests when you said when you actually said the stock [ __ ] protesters mowed down [ __ ] protests i think they can set fire to buildings [ __ ] protesters who set fire did you also say that if someone stole a cello they should be killed i said that if you were did you say that on a stream after that that like if you're defending like property i think you can defend your property with lethal force assuming the other perspective well you're not really a soccer but anyway go ahead wait i'm sorry what do you think could you just tell me what it means to be a sock then i think that i personally i don't think i i don't think that you are a sock then but maybe no i understand well you don't have to die i actually do believe i don't actually know what a stock them is i actually do believe that you're a liberal i actually do believe you know that stockdams are generally liberals right do you know that or yes i do know that okay and you know that part of being a liberal is like private property rights i know that i know that yes of course that i'm actually like anti-liberals to be honest with you i know great i'm just saying that like tend to be liberal and kind of a core tenet of liberalism is like private property rights and stuff but i was just curious if you if you were aware of that because it seems like you think that i'm not assaulting you because you're one of these guys that like believes in classical liberalism which is not really what anyone thinks about like when they talk about modern liberalism or anything like that no i'm not i i mean like in some ways but you can tell me very solidly sell your like i'm very subtly yeah i think most people listen to my stuff so where does it fit into sock dem where does it can you tell me like which popular which popular sock dems out there are saying that like people should get gunned down uh uh over uh protesters i think that even sock dems acknowledge that there are times when you when we need to use firearms to defend our rights um really so you don't think anybody celebrate celebrates when like black panthers are showing up with guns to protest to defend themselves from police officers did they shut down police officers um i don't know if i don't think any recently altercations have shown up but they did show up with firearms if they would they shoot did they shoot any of them um well a few people have been killed do you think that it would be appropriate to uh to kill the police over over what they've been doing in this country um well i guess it depends on your perspective huh that sounds good no but do you but do you think that it would be appropriate do you think that it would be acceptable in the same way that kyle rittenhouse gunned people down over being like you know rowdy outside of a ross or something like that do you think that it would be appropriate for them to gun down the police to gun down all police officers no but in circumstances any police officers i don't think that you should just gun down random people ever but say like in the circumstance of brianna whatever is the yeah what about police police officer who was like you know on someone's neck or something like that um potentially if you're being assaulted by somebody and they're trying to kill you or if they're trying to kill a friend yeah potentially sure i don't think that's a very controversial thing to say can you go back to your notepad thing because i'd really like to see what you'd like do you really think i'm gonna sit here and say that like cops are some like unassailable class of people that have the right to like exercise lethal force against citizens with no retributive action well i mean but you're saying that about 15 year olds who are like coming to coming from out of state to uh uh protect the ross wasn't written house 17 didn't he drive like 15 minutes away to a city that he worked in i mean you pedantic [ __ ] [ __ ] who gives this [ __ ] you [ __ ] pedantic idiot i mean you're the one that keeps throwing all the qualifiers i just want to make sure we have like the story straight you know yeah well let's look at the story straight here that you're like a libertarian guy who's on there like what do you think makes me libertarian i'm just super curious about this besides like the written house thing is there anything your fans your fans do you think my fans are libertarians i do when we talk about libertarians in my chat it's usually to make fun of the fact that they argue about wanting to be pedophiles all the time that's what we talk about when it comes to delivery are you talking about vaush when you say that i don't think vaush has done anything that is remotely pedophilia ever but that's really weird because he's talked about how uh the age of consent would be lower in a socialist society he's talked a lot about the age of 10 i read an article today that said his opinions on the age of consent have changed a lot since 2019 so i i do think it's maybe like a little bit disingenuous to say he's never said i think that if you go and listen to any of the arguments that vosh has ever given when talking about the age or consent they are far more nuanced than i think we should be able to [ __ ] little kids i don't think vosh has ever said anything in a socialist society things would be better to the degree that we wouldn't like need to have age of consent because people would be happier so i actually like do think that i actually i would encourage you i would say that i don't i wouldn't that's such a brave thing i would encourage you i would encourage you to go find his original video watch it and you know what if you have an issue with it i know that he'd love to chat with you about it and i know that it's nowhere near as hyperbolic as you're making it sound i'm positive but if you want to talk to him about i'm not here to defend vasha's views social reviews or anything but i'm pretty confident that vash has never said we should get rid of the age of consent or any weird like [ __ ] children take maybe you might not have nothing i know that you guys can like talk very fast and be like they've never said that they've never said that they've never said that but there are the discord logs and everything like that of him like saying that and everything like that you know i know so that you like came up in your chat room and [ __ ] and like i know that you did a whole stream about how he was a sexual harasser you know and like so i did one stream i did one stream where i thought he acted in a an inappropriate way somebody my discord that was a one-time thing happened like that was that was uh that was the time with poppy where he like had a lot where he like over the course of months uh uh like gaslighted her and told her that she should go to therapy if she didn't find it i wouldn't say that no one has ever not found him attractive i read those those logs today that's and that's spending it it's vital i'm not defending i'm not defending anything 2017. no yes you are you said that he has never done anything wrong and he had a little problem with someone in your chapter i literally never said he didn't do anything wrong listen to me it does not win an argument to be the most calm i don't give any i don't give a [ __ ] about being the most calm i know or whatever the [ __ ] matters or whatever but if you read the chat that he posted because i've read through the interview i had to it was in like a young woman well that's why you're a libertarian because you think this kind of thing i'm a libertarian and i don't think i'm well okay tell me what's tell me why it's okay what vows did with poppy in your chat i never said it was okay ever i banned him for one month i banned him for one month for my discord oh for one whole month how nice so but you say that there was no gas lighting and he never did anything wrong like that i never said he was guessing i just said that it felt like a little bit predatory listen listen in the chat he he he tells her hey i know you want to see my dick and then in a later conversation he says when you asked to see my dick here's why it made me upset so let me ask you a question is that gaslighting so i don't remember the specifics of you're like i've read the whole thing i've read the whole thing i know the whole [ __ ] thing but i also don't listen i read the entire thing and i would remember specifically there's gaslighting unlike you i didn't brush up on like irrelevant drama from years ago i i literally no one is defending his behavior here yes you did you said homeland gaslight anyone you said that he didn't gaslight anyone so please pull up the logs right now no one is i never said that he was without that he didn't cast anyone i don't i don't i don't know if he gasled anywhere i don't my recollection no no but you're saying he didn't gaslight anyone so go to says vaush and let's look through it let's just look through the entire thing if you are so con [Music] are you it was only worth a one month banned from how many months should he have been banned for don't you guys believe in recidivism do you think that when people go to jail wait i'm curious how long do you think he should have been banned for tell me let's pull up pull up the chats and let's have a look at it why would i go up over chats and read stuff that everybody assumes was wrong but you say but you say that you know everything in it and that you know everything that i went over it the entire time look at it then and let's talk about whether he was gaslighting he's so obsessed over something vosh did three years ago why why are we so obsessed with something like three years ago okay i'm not nervous at all why do you care so much about that i don't really care i don't defend vosh me and vash are literally at war right now i haven't defended a long time sexual assault i need never defended wash as a sexual let me ask a question did she ask to see his dick he said she did he said she did i didn't brush up on logs from 2017 before coming into this chat my dad you're the expert on them i'm not the expert i never said i was the expert i said i read them all you said it was your case you understand that you understand that i banned him for this right you have to be you know that that happened right for a month for a month over like months and months of gaslighting a girl uh uh and telling her that she wanted to see you're generally like a happy person do you do you feel like in life you're like generally like a decently happy person or do you think that you're like severely upset most of the time oh i'm actually i'm a happily married man i never talked about being married or anything i'm just curious in general you're happy i am happy i'm a happily married man and you're like a guy who's like streaming you know like minecraft and like a starcraft guy who talked about like how like starcraft is like rape and everything like that and sort of like harbors like groomers and abusers and [ __ ] like vouchers i mean like i actually do think it's really weird that val shares like nudes on his channel with like underage kids and [ __ ] like that that's never been proven ever but man if you drop that that'd probably be a really big story let me ask you a question did she ask to see his dick i don't know why you are so obsessed with debating wash's history i don't really care dude i don't really care i don't really care what varsity is the best it's not something i'm like intimately like caring about this is not a thing i don't i don't just don't you said but you said that you know a lot about it and you read the whole thing because yeah i did read the whole thing and i didn't think that the gaslighting part was like the worst part of it i don't remember him guessing so you don't think it was the worst part of it but you also don't remember him doing it not really there were worse parts that's why he got banned is that really hard wait you do you do remember the gas lighting but you don't think that was the worst part i don't really remember the gas lighting i just you just said that wasn't the worst part though because you're right why are you so concerned about this particular thing well i mean simply because i read those chat logs this morning and it happened why did you read those chat logs this morning why are you reading chat logs of wash from like three years because vows posted about your scumbag as being disincited from it so instead of like talking about anything related to what vash is saying your number one goal is to dig up something from like three years ago what does that have to do with anything said well because he's a scumbag who currently runs a discord and you say that he's a scumbag do you mean that like if somebody makes a mistake in the past you can use that to discredit every single thing they say going forward what do you think about prison reform uh i actually think prison reform will be really great i also don't think that you know do you think that somebody that goes to prison for something should never be hired or work in another place again if they've made one mistake that should be held no no i'm here i'm legitimately curious what your position is for weed no i don't do you think the people that are in prison right now deserve to have gone there for weed no i don't do okay so so when we talk about prison reform we're talking about people who like don't deserve to be in prison and we're talking about prison abolition and we're talking about like other ways to you know uh to do you know resort of justice and everything like that uh vaush doing a post on reddit you know where he sort of says like i actually am still right about all this stuff that's not really restorative justice and in fact actually i'm pretty sure that if you talk to vosh right now i'm pretty sure it said like yeah i made some mistakes back then and hopefully i'm a better person i sure i'm sure that he would say that he made some mistakes back then he also said that he never uh uh sexually harassed do you think that if somebody makes a mistake like that do you think that you should hold that against them for the rest of their lives nothing they say is going to be wait why can't you answer the question on this wait why can't you why can't you ask me i don't understand why you can't just answer that one question let me ask you a question do you not actually care about like any of the social justice [ __ ] you talk about is it all performative for you do you not actually care about like any of these issues at the end of the day exactly it's 100 performative for me because i don't believe in restorative justice for vows the uh uh destiny chat room sex creep yeah wait why do you not believe in restorative even if that was the case why would you not believe that somebody like that could be like restored uh because he's actually hasn't done the work to do restorative justice really what kind of work would he need to do because tell me what kind of work he would need to do can you tell me what kind of work he would need to do apologize to all the people and like have them accept his apology you don't think he's apologized to any of the people involved in that i think his capitalist apology all of them poppy i'm not sure have they i i haven't followed up so excessively like you have this community you're the one who's like i run this [ __ ] is not in my community you understand that after that happened he got kicked out when i asked you a question like what about what about poppy who was in your community when all this stuff happened what does poppy feel okay about it like that she was sexually about this guy over months and months and months i banned him from my community it's not my job to follow up on everything it's not like my responsibility to take care of you don't care about like someone being sexually harassed in your chat over months and months a month well i care enough that i'll ban the harasser but i'm not going to like follow up with that's not really that's not really inappropriate but then you won't follow up on it no wait do you think it's mine do you think that do you think that i could even responsibly follow up on something like that do you think i'm qualified to do that no i really think you're not qualified for anything then what then why would you expect me to follow up on that i think that's like a gross overreach of my boundaries to to reach into somebody's personal life and then bring up some triggering event that happened in the past and then demand that they fill me in on how they're doing with it that seems like a huge overstep of my boundary i feel like the only responsibility i have is if i feel like somebody's being inappropriate my community i'll remove them from my community and that's what i did for a month i mean it's not like i knew the entire time i did something when it was brought to my attention do you think that i monitor every single do you think that i'm monitoring do you think that i monitor every single dm between every single person what and he came back no he didn't come back after a month he was permanently banned from my community after that but you said he banned him for a month but well initially it was going to be but he never got he never got unbanned but the initial ban you're sexually harassing someone over the course of months and months and months and like gaslighting them and telling them they should go to therapy because they don't want you and because any woman every woman has wanted you and if you don't want him you should go to therapy that's what said in the in the chat wait like denied you a conversation before is this like your way of like like debating vosh through me is that what's happening right now i just realized this you have like huge issues with vosh is that why you're like here no i'm just joining your chat because i think that you are like yeah i thought we were having a conversation related to my content you seemed super like interested in digging into stuff that bosh was a part of your community my responsibility starts and ends when i find out the behavior that's going on and then i ban somebody for it and that's all that's done you get about them for a month even though they've like been harassing someone for many months how long do you think they should have been banned for i truly don't give a [ __ ] it sounds to me like you care quite a bit because you've been obsessing over this point for like 30 minutes you're telling me that you're upset about my band length all this time but you don't even have like a hypothetical band length in mind that would be appropriate for the punishment permanent so you think that everybody that does anything at any discord ever should be permanently banned for it like or everything related to like anything in any discord ever should be permanently banned for it is that what you think i just said i don't know i'm just curious if somebody like wait wait do you think that like sexual assault is the same as like posting like [ __ ] you or something like that i i'm i'm only asking you i can give you my opinion if you want but i'm asking you because you're the one that's credit what yeah my opinion is that if somebody is being oh you don't want to hear my opinion you want to talk more i would like to hear the opinion of someone who thinks of the moderation opinions of something someone who thinks that like people should be gunned down over a ross but go ahead okay so do you actually want my opinion on it or you just i really would i would love to hear okay some weird starcraft libertarian guy's opinion on it gotcha okay so i'm a fan of rehabilitative justice that's generally the only thing i'm concerned with i don't usually ban people because i'm just like being punitive or i'm just trying to like punish somebody blah blah blah usually just want to make sure that like the one the most important thing is that the harmful behavior is being removed from the person in the environment and then two once the other person i feel is taking corrective measures to stop their behavior then i i don't mind letting them back um i don't believe that somebody needs to be punished for some arbitrary length of time what do you do what do you do for um to uh to to sort of correct it because you said you don't care at all about it well it didn't seem like you don't care at all so you don't feel like you don't care at all and you don't think it's your responsibility if poppy feels like it was like all addressed you just think no i i no i don't really think that it's my discord server at the end of the day so i'm the one that makes those decisions not anybody else in the server so it should be allowed on your discord server no that's why i ban people if i notice that's going on that seems to be pretty obvious yeah well i didn't notice for months when i noticed immediately that was brought up for corrective action and you but then you banned him for one month initially he was banned for a month at minimum but if he didn't take any corrective actions then he would have remained banned um i'm not sure he remained banned it seemed like he fought against it for a while but then he went off and he made his own community so we never really had to address the question i'm pretty sure he's still banned on my server to this day but that's more just because we haven't looked into it more so than like i think he's like the rest of your notepad notepad poems that you'd like to make because i really do have to go to bed i do a show at 7am every day and i i can't be up talking to some guy toggling the engine off on uh minecraft all night oh well maybe it'll be another episode you guys never post huh well i removed that episode today because you know a bunch of your fans are probably gonna report me because you know that's the kind of pathetic [ __ ] that you and vows do that that we're the ones that spam report people you think that i mean i definitely know that vouch does it to you and i'm sure that you'll do it to me i think vox does it but i mean like you know that lefty communities in general are the ones that are known for this type of behavior right like yeah but you actually know that also like right-wingers are known for it too and everybody [ __ ] cancels everybody these days left-wingers so as somebody that's been more attacked by anybody in the internet than ninety-nine oh wait you've been more attacked by than anyone on the internet perhaps it's because you like do starcraft tutorials about rape and like have a chat i'm not trying to i'm not trying to you know i'm not trying to i'm not trying to brag about it i'm just saying that like from my perspective as somebody that has been harassed people started so we all reported him so that is your community here it is your community doing exactly the thing that you were doing yeah my community does now of course i think i think it's really funny but that's because people have been doing it with me it's funny because your bitch-ass little community does that kind of [ __ ] because they're like it's because you guys are like pretty like hardcore utilizing this kind of stuff all the time like so it's like you guys are so you're like oh the left does this all the time so that's why we're gonna do it all the time yeah might as well right if i'm gonna be getting like band and d platform people you better believe i'll do it back of course why wouldn't why would i come out like that would you qualify what happened with you and dca as being just de-platformed no i really don't have much of a problem with them it's not surprising at all to them not working with me i wouldn't expect them to i think i said that at the beginning of this conversation well that's that's why it's odd that your guy reached out to them and they've never reached out to you and you don't have any proof of that or you would have shown it by now i do i was just curious there might be reasons why i don't want to show it i would love to see it i would love to see it if you want to if you want you're very i know i do talk a big game so if you're so confident don't have it why wouldn't you bet show it then show it then why won't you bend me on it if you're so comfortable show your stupid [ __ ] assistant sending you an email saying like they asked you to do this yeah dumb [ __ ] if you have it show it dumbass okay are you okay show it i don't want to do it you're very you're in so and you're homeless guy and that's what it means to win when when you're a libertarian youtuber guy to be calm is to win so please show the evidence if you have it otherwise you can just keep talking [ __ ] about how do a bet do a bet do a bed but you don't have the evidence you don't have the evidence so confident i just i'm just so curious if you'll put money up to back your opinion up that's all i want to say here's here's why i'm not going to put money up on it well because i frankly don't have that much money i'm not going to go [ __ ] bet against you dude i don't have that much money i'm not going to bet against you my my wife get mad would get mad at me but please show us your evidence let's see it mr logic mr logic lord guy i would love to see the email so unfortunately since i've um unfortunately since i've gotten um deep platforms so much i can't pass up opportunities to make money when they like present themselves to me like this so oh you're saying dsa tried to pay you liar no no no i'm saying i'm not saying that i never said that i'm saying that if you're going to make a very strong claim like this it's obvious that there's easy money to be made here so i don't want to reveal this unless you actually know me i know i know it's such a shame you've been de-platformed and you can't do [ __ ] bounty boards and all the kind of [ __ ] that you need to do how about this i will just straight up give you twenty dollars if you show us the proof i mean i need we need more than that i'm thinking like i don't have much money yeah you guys have a big patreon don't you guys have five thousand your platform dude but you know you're de-platformed man so it's like you know i'm the platform too i'm on the left they don't pay us that much i'll give you 20 bucks to show us no man a lot of you guys have a lot of you guys have a lot of uh a lot of patreon here's the thing you're lying you're lying and you're telling a lie to all your followers and even when you show the proof it's just going to be an email from your assistant being like they asked you to do it you're not going to have an email from maria's fart or whoever the [ __ ] like you're pretending to do they did not ask you to do a [ __ ] smash brothers tournament outdoors a week before finals you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] now show the proof please why i don't know why you're being so rude to me i would love to see the proof liar you keep calling me a liar it's something you don't want to see the proof at all no but no i would like to see the proof i believe that you're a liar i don't believe that i will see the proof because you're lying uh-huh have you ever tried it have you ever tried to reach out to wash before i honestly think i could get the stench through the skype and so i'm not interested in doing it so stop lying and please show the evidence if you have it liar are you okay i'm i'm perfectly fine but i would just love to see if the evidence if you have it you liar what if when you're lying and i think that you're lying and i think that you're gonna maybe show an email from someone that works with you doing outreach saying they want you to do it but i think that you're a liar okay well one day when you want to pony up i'll say like 150 when you want to do it then i'll link you the proof and then we can go from there okay but you sound like really confident so if you ever want to take me up on that bet it'd be a lot of fun to do it all right uh no thank you i'll give you twenty dollars to to to show whatever email you got from your assistant saying that i think twenty dollars is worth it i need more than that come on you're real confident you got it you gotta pony up a bit more than that you got all that all that patreon money you should be pretty comfortable i really don't have all that patreon money you know i mean i do get you know bits and tips and bounties and stuff like that here on twitch because like i didn't say that protesters should be run over by a car yeah i never said that so i didn't get my partnership revoked and i didn't have all my money taken away from me because i'm not a [ __ ] [ __ ] like you who said some [ __ ] like protesters should be run over by cars and have my partnership taken away you're just a stupid [ __ ] idiot and you know the reason why you've been de-platformed is your own fault because of you being stupid and having a bad ideology and so like the reason you're not making as much ideology again libertarianism like like sort of like a like a sort of right-leaning libertarianism and you know when you say stuff like protesters should be run over that's not getting the platform that's saying vile [ __ ] [ __ ] uh-huh and then you know getting reported for it you know when i said like go targeted harassed i really don't give a [ __ ] i don't care if i get banned for it i'll go to youtube i'll go to vaush's territory and we'll have a lot of fun over there it's all good but you got d-platform because because you're a fascist and you believe fascist [ __ ] fascists wait you're a fat if you believe that people should get gunned down okay what do you think what do you think of fascism no no no no no you called me the political ideology that came from like facizo italy that was like a mussolini came together with it what are you [ __ ] winning no no no i want you to tell me what are some of the tenets of fascism that make like self-defense you're defending property fascists i'm so curious about a bunch one of the things that one of the tenets of fascism yeah uh uh is like you know a bunch of dumbasses being in charge uh um and you know uh uh like leading with force and leading with eating with four you're describing every single government ever what do you mean you gotta be a little bit more is that what fascism means to just people that lead with force no i think that's something that's really crazy to me is i noticed that a lot on twitter today i saw a lot of people throwing around the world what do you think what do you think fascism means it's like a form of like ultra-nationalistic authoritarianism it usually is racialized not all the time usually relies on some sort of single party rule doesn't have to be and can take different economic forms as well so for instance a leader coming out and saying like we need to stop all the black people and i'm the only one that can do this we need to protect our race of people would be an example of like a fascist thing to say what are you doing showing up somewhere with a gun me a single example and now that i've defined it for you now you're going to try to reach for anything you have not defined it for me and i don't actually fully agree with your definition i've read the rise of fascism wow oh really defines it in a different way i actually don't which medium post have you read talk to us about it yeah which cliff notes yeah which twitter threads are you getting your ideology from your ideology what what's your ideology taren or zerg um honestly i'm actually a zerg man to be honest oh yeah because you like rape so much and you wish you could rape someone in real life like you said on that video oh my god are you okay what did you say what does zerg have to do with rape no but you are the one who said that zerg have to do with rape that was a joke that i made ten years ago my dude are you the same person that you were 10 years ago at the end of the video you said i could wish i could rape someone in real life that's called a joke my dude notice how it's been 10 years and i haven't actually raped anybody that's because it was a joke consider the rise of fascism uh uh are you the same person that you were 10 years ago i'm so curious consider the rise of fascism by robert opera i don't need you reading me off your amazon wishlist okay that's great you asked me you asked me which books i'd read the cliff notes on i know the problem the problem is that i asked you to define fascism for me and your mind went blank somebody that reads books on these things wouldn't blank out when asked to define what fascism is so nothing that you tell me at this point can save you in this conversation with you like oh yeah so dumbass rule is that chapter one or does he wait to get into that until the second half of the box let me let me pull it up actually because like there really is stuff in the book about how like you know it has to do with like the rule of like you know sort of like silliness and idiots and [ __ ] like make sure to get like a paper towel to cover your nose you don't want to get all that dust you sound like the kind of guy that might be a little bit prone to like asthma issues or something intellectual intellectual cultural and emotional roots that is in chapter two creating fascist movements uh uh understanding fascism by its uh mussolini and the march on rome i mean like this is real deal stuff that like you're reading you're reading words off that page so can you tell me in your own words remember in fifth grade when you're not allowed to like just quote whole paragraphs what do you think fascism is and how is what kyle rittenhouse did related to fascism fascism is about being afraid of the other and using violence uh and like the power of the state uh to enforce that order because of so can you tell me how kyle rittenhouse is a private citizen is utilizing the power of the state to attack the other when the other people that he shot were white as well all right i'm gonna uh uh leave your chat here yeah i don't give a [ __ ] about talking with anyone who's a kyle written house defender and you're a [ __ ] scumbag and the reason you lost your your your money is because you're a scumbag it's because you're a scumbag and i hope that all the teenagers or 22 to 28 year olds as the metrics say that you copy pasted to your little uh notepad right there i hope that they i really really hope that they i'm watching you type to your chat oh i'm just i'm working on minecraft so i'm getting really triggered i'm watching you type to your shot your wonderful chat there uh i'm gonna leave you later on uh uh it's really really really telling that that guy vaush is such a big fan of yours you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and so are all your fans have a good one i found my white friend if you want an answer for how what rittenhouse did might be akin to fascism what you could say is that the people they're protesting were protesting on behalf of like black lives and you could argue that the white people showing up might be like white nationalist affiliated and kyle written house showing up as a white person with a gun to counteract those protests might be a show of support for a fascist regime that's trying to stir up like racial tensions in order to um like get people on his side that's like a fashion thing to do that trump does a lot you wanted like an actual argument like well how was kyle right now's passion i personally would fight against that i don't think that that's like a good argument but that would be like one argument that you could provide um if you wanted to i do think it's funny that that guy like ripped out a book and started just reading random words off of a page that he flipped to though but um holy [ __ ] how long did it take you to come up with that written house defense you mean the fascist the one that i just told you you just have to know the definitions you can kind of this seems a little extreme vaush belongs i'm going to start calling him about which belongs in prison the fact that he isn't pointing to our capitals on china coming this caleb maupin guy is literally like an ml tanky dude like defend modern-day north korea like we'll say that the um if you corner him in a conversation he will tell you that um like the tiananmen square massacre never happened like on ironically that guy will say that he is insane that dude is actually crazy like unironically not in the way that like i'll say like a lot of people are crazy like that guy is actually [ __ ] insane i had to debate with him once before he was pretty crazy he works for rt and everything yeah show the email for the youtube video um so i don't even like to say this publicly unfortunately um i'll actually take the l on who reaches out to who for the dsa stuff first the thing is is that unfortunately like the people that originally contacted me i feel like are feeling so bad right now and i don't really want to like bring them into the spotlight on this so i'm never ever going to showcase anybody like that um because obviously it turned into a way bigger [ __ ] show than they imagined um so i'm not going to like blow that person's twitter up or blow that person's like youtube up and like oh this is the person who was like blame them because then they would be an incredibly shitty thing to do um unless like i would have offered me enough money than i could have but ask me in two years yeah for sure but i mean for people that were there i mean you know but um i feel really really really bad for that person because um that person was like super ultra like well-intentioned and i even kept a little bit of email contact with them up through this morning but i haven't emailed them back yet because obviously things turn into a [ __ ] show so i feel really bad that yeah um what's the [ __ ] show um just everybody on twitter just is oh [ __ ] it's just a big big big big big big mad but but hey it's just one of those days we're gonna wake up tomorrow everything's gonna be a-okay i honestly oh let me play donuts i just wanted to come on and play minecraft why are you even entertaining this [ __ ] how you how do you hold back laughter during talks like this honest to god my strategy is i just try to think of how is that [ __ ] [ __ ] book smarts gonna [ __ ] with me when he does this debate review so i try to think okay well he would get mad at me if i shout so i'm gonna try to stay relatively calm i'm not gonna laugh i'm gonna try to respond calmly to his points because i know that if i do that that book [ __ ] can't call me out on anything so that my strategy is just like okay imagine that piece of [ __ ] is trying to watch my [ __ ] i'm just gonna [ __ ] chill okay that's what that's the strategy okay we're not gonna let him we're not gonna let him take us down all right do you hate books my god no i'm just fine just me man okay destiny why are you debating peter coffin's angry brother you can [ __ ] also it's very hard to strike a balance between like being calm and being energized and not like losing i think that generally i think that when you're even if you're giving correct points i think that if you are calm i think you always have the appearance of like being on the winning side so i'm trying to i vary my strategies every now and then so right now we're on the calm arc fascism is when your stupid socialism is when you're smart so i feel like if i let somebody just sit there and scream and scream and scream at me i think i end up looking good i think hey i'm big mad too can i come embarrass myself live on national twitch [Music] i have a tv question was that no [ __ ] did he just start grifting for the left you're so dumb something special okay white tucker z that guy literally oh yeah oh i noticed that when i was arguing with a few people he was very white oh i think a lot of people legitimately just have no idea what fascism is i noticed that because i think i asked a couple people on twitter today i was like what do you think fascism means and they just like are completely lost which is that which is unironically the uh what's the one thing everyone i don't like is it's all just buzzwords yeah i guess so which is kind of sad because like i legitimately do think that trump exhibits like a lot of fascist tendencies but um i guess now when i say that i don't know when people agree with me if they just think like yeah he's a fascist because i don't like him [ __ ] or what so did that guy believe victims should decide punishment so if a victim wants the death penalty to feel better the state has to do it oh yeah i don't know i was there was a whole he should demand a refund from his weed guy because the shiite definitely didn't work there was a whole road we could have ran down there with an interesting conversation but i don't think he was it's kind of weird that a lot of the emails i get now are people being as an eradicated now because they can't use ableist slurs anymore lame true wait don't say that word if lefties get so tilted from simple debates i wonder what types of words they'd be throwing out after three minutes in bot lane [ __ ] true oh i saw that tweet earlier too um people are like if you get this triggered by like destiny saying something how the [ __ ] are you gonna talk to like any conservatives whatever but i don't know it's all he was like the unholy trinity of tonka no [ __ ] and coach red pill he was talking over you the whole time saying liar 50 times lie staying cool oh my god he was so mad he was big mad he was big man pulling the next twitter dumbf we're supposed to be de-escalating okay de-escalating right now oh bring back my music [Music] jack am got kicked off jimmy kimmel for a mental breakdown wait really i had a mental breakdown at jimmy kimmel live and took one single down for mental health then i was ostracized for nearly here before i quit later jimmy told me an email that my boss says including his wife pushes me out because i didn't believe in my mom uh yeah see ah see this is exactly what i'm talking about is that most of the time when you like dig into these people um like it's actually usually really sad and it actually sucks for me because usually i want it like when it comes somebody like this i usually get like incredibly mad because these people regardless of their mental health they harm me right they cause me like material harm and immaterial harm okay it's genuinely [ __ ] frustrating to deal with like lunatics like this and i mean that in every sense of the word uh but then like when you start to dig into their life it's like okay well [ __ ] like these people are actually like [ __ ] pathetic like i don't even feel like i have a right to be mad at someone like i understand like why you would lash out at somebody like me over and over and over again but then they caused me like real harm so i don't know it's very frustrating um i wish that they were more like mentally stable people that i could fight with relentlessly online because um because it feels bad when i feel like i should be fully justified and like [ __ ] [ __ ] on these people relentlessly but then when i like read up more like how a lot of these people live their lives stuff like ah [ __ ] now i just kind of feel bad the sad thing is what you're saying is right but this will be clipped and taken in the least positive oh i don't but i don't really care i think like i think most of the people that are like super ultra [ __ ] like evil clipping me and getting ultra [ __ ] ass mad like these people are like when i say terminally online um i think that these are people that like a lot of their like well-being or self-worth or self-confidence like literally comes from like the time that they spend on twitter like i think for a lot of these people like retweets are like a form of like emotional currency for these people like that validation is honest to god like the only thing that a lot of these people have and it's unfortunate but the way that we're kind of tribal if that validation comes to the expense of like [ __ ] other people like i think most people are fine with it so then i kind of like i guess in some ways it's good because i'm helping a lot of people but i guess i'm a job creator and uh i guess i help people uh i guess i don't know feel better at the end of the day i guess when they have somebody to attack i don't know destiny they don't have a nazi or right winger they don't even believe half the [ __ ] yeah i don't know about that one that's really weird i have no idea that's a really weird one i'm sure some people probably think i'm a nazi if they depending on the clips that they've seen of me yeah damn [ __ ] so now i feel bad for bullying this guy which i shouldn't because this guy is like part okay but you have to understand so now i'm going to ask for sympathy you have to understand how [ __ ] up a position that this puts me in when i'm like being like relentlessly attacked by these insane people that are also like unhappy and unwell i'm trying to think of there's got to be like a movie example of this i can't think of one right now but remember to hit that like and subscribe and don't forget the notification bell so that my videos show up right in your feed what the [ __ ] what are you doing don't worry about what i'm doing ever okay
Channel: Destiny
Views: 460,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, destiny debate, destiny vaush, destiny argues, destiny defends vaush, destiny lefty arc, lefty arc, vaush, destiny vs, DSA, destiny drama, dsa drama, twitter drama, georgia, destiny vs vaush, destiny georgia, destiny atlanta
Id: 0XNzB8r3A5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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