Killstream ft. Nick Fuentes, Dick Masterson, and Ethan Ralph

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Destiny really impressed me on this podcast.

There’s times on his stream where he debates people and I feel like his personality really gets in the way of his potential — where I just can’t picture him being on something like Rogan’s podcast.

But he was calm, cool and collected. Came off as very rational, thoughtful and charismatic. Being able to immediately reference the material and people Fuentes was discussing was a huge W — If he was unprepared Fuentes would have gotten away with a lot of slippery bullshit.

And as a side note I found it hilarious how many people in that alt-right circle shit on Nick.

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/tom_HS 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

This video and the PKA podcast with Dick have honestly been some of the best content I've watched. They vibe so we'll together

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/MiiTCHGG 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dick Masterson was surprisingly reasonable in this debate

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Blarg1889 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Geee, I wonder why one would think that a guy who advocates for ethnostates, openly admits to use "tactical language" and memes to hide his views and then makes a (((joke))) about six million cookies in ovens would be pro-genocide.

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/marcusmoscoso 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Has Destiny ever had a PSA at the beginning of his video ever before?

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/GlenDice 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Low key really enjoying Dick Masterson the conversationalist

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/AntiSpiritual 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know if I just forget what a fucking weasel Ethan Ralph is but he always seems like a shittier person every time destiny talks to him. It's crazy how he's frothing at the mouth to defend Nick from Destiny because the guy can't do it himself. His "dominant racial class" rant that starts at 2:58:50 is fucking disgusting and braindead. I know no one around here is gonna defend him but man I feel like he does not get called out enough because he's always near someone awful like Fuentes who seems to draw everyone's attention. But I really didn't see much difference between the two of them here.

Meanwhile it's crazy how friendly and reasonable Dick Masterson seems throughout. Destiny and him were a funny duo.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Recourse404 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

When Dick breaks character to go "hes not answering the question" over Nick's slipperiness, like holy fuck you made DICK MASTERSON break character over your bullshit, good job buddy

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Lyresgon 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

The fat guy is really dumb. He literally cannot put together why anyone could not like Fuentes or his rhetoric

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome to the kill stream I am your host ethan ralph the owner and the editor-in-chief of the ralph retort calm i guess i can take the image off the screen back on camera once again with destiny in studio here at Casa de Masterson for the fifth show I believe this week with another show tomorrow Jesus Christ feels like a Wednesday oh I think Jesse Lee Peterson exorcised all the evil in me so there's nothing left last night a sermon no we won a show he came in here last night and he spent three hours guilting me for not marrying my girlfriend yeah I'm sure he talked about other things too it was exhausting listening to him talk about race relations and not not at all because I would rather be dead than somebody catch me going oh yeah totally after last night also destiny welcome here in person first time I'm meeting you personally been on the show many times though introduce yourself damn that's and play video games I'm most known on the internet for my wonderful League of Legends gameplay and then I do a little bit of politics on the side something very good very good all right now let me also bring in Gator I think he's here let's see Gator are you here sir yeah what's up buddy oh nothing much man just getting everybody here set up I think we're good wearing my Hawaiian shirt went out and saw her in today I don't know if you saw I did see that she made an offer to hate and II wore ski I guess we could play that uh you know what I'll just I'll just play this that's gonna be the hate [ __ ] of champions I'll just play the sound because I don't feel like bringing you know [ __ ] with the scene but you'll just have to listen to Corinne I want to Oh a cut-off god damn it [ __ ] I hate Twitter I want to hate you dude so come to LA I won't invite you like I invited you to Aspen and you just didn't show up [ __ ] her and dare you to come with me baby because we never did all we did was fight but I wanna make all right there's Corinne with the offer of hate [ __ ] too and II wore ski would you would you take that up what is this person gonna be a special guest later she's been on the show many times she actually wants to come tomorrow during the Baked Alaska thing and I said I had to ask and then I didn't feel appropriate just bringing my need to reschedule my father's day plans for tomorrow happening she definitely wants to do it I don't know it's up the year I don't know how do you guys know her what's the relation he's an IRL streamer how would you describe her dick LA by the way Corinne dare you is that I what's the pun I never heard that one or I don't know what the play is or the word play Corinne dare you but yes I went out to see her today and she she was wired as she always is did you consider just walking into the ocean and you know she was nice we got along nicely in person actually but she never there's never a lull in the conversation I mean we try not to have lulls here on air but that's because you know it's an entertainment program in real life sometimes usually people stop talking for a minute Corinthos what a drink you're like coke or whatever don't want to like yeah or just let me think about what you said for a [ __ ] minute that's what they knew but anyway she wants to go back on the road kill stream correspondent she wants to go to Seattle and interview Raz she said I think that's his name right yeah yeah yeah she said she might have to you know become a part of a communist something or whatever it is up there I don't know she wants to go she wants to go to Seattle so and she did do some riot coverage I don't know we showed her the other night her phone getting knocked out apparently she was trying to get me to watch some more of her ride coverage also she said this that only fans was the future of live-streaming for her for everyone she was trying to sell me on that she had just set up her only fans ten days ago which I hadn't seen obviously I didn't know that news but yeah she said they let you go I'm gonna leave and start shutting down people that weren't explicitly doing new stuff I don't no way there's no way that's no way why would they lose so much money it was people that were selling they were like escorting explicitly on there yeah like explicitly escorting tell me I'm sure maybe not most but you know a certain number are escorting I'm sure but like blatantly escorting and getting caught out on it I think that's what that was because they definitely might get immunity I guess people that were doing like parity things like people that were taking pictures of fans yeah yeah [ __ ] Shaunie see on her had only family he's actually doing hardcore pornography on his only fans now though I saw some on his TV showing off his [ __ ] gutters on Twitter to try to entice him over there that that's the guy that hits on 14-year olds all the time I don't know about all the time alleged alleged sold his story to information discovery also we're taking calls tonight Gator flood the [ __ ] chat with the call link because we didn't do any show prep so hopefully the caller is calling and argue with you but I mean there's topics to talk about anyway like the riots and like that what were your thoughts on all that some serious [ __ ] what are your thoughts on I mean I think it's like historically unprecedented for this many cities to have this many protests and then countries around the world are protesting I guess is well in solidarity some cities in other countries too so what do you think about it do you support that do you support the First Amendment or not I'm not the protest so I I think that's great if people want to write against like public institutions you want to blow up cop cars or cop precincts or public buildings River that's cool personally not a fan of the looting stores and blowing up businesses and stuff like it's a little harder the cop cars but just not the businesses yeah yeah attacking public institutions is kind of a cornerstone of like American the use of government right so all those Second Amendment guys might have forgot but that was part of the big reasons why they defended that Second Amendment fighting is here any of the government yeah I mean police wield exclusive you know kill power behalf of the state so pretty worthy not really on violence yeah that's pretty much the whole I think most people actually kind of agreed with the protest at first because like not people are people are rightly suspicious of the way the cops have become militarized but then once the political she can really started and then they started you know going into businesses and burning down shops and things like it completely polarized and there was a partisan divide I mean I'd say there was a partisan divide before even for just the protest there's always gonna be a partisan divide on when you're looking at things like cops it's always gonna be that way what do you think about a problem like a crack in the earth and then like you know the CNN draya's fall yeah what yeah what do you think about the police don't love the cop I'm white I have problems I call the cops we need directions I can walk up to the cop and ask him because I get pulled over you might offer to inflate a tire if it's a little flat I'm cool with the cops in LA no actually everybody said the California Highway Patrol is really brutal but like I'm driving around my expired Nebraska plates for like a year and a half that's why as soon as you get the California plates I'll go this [ __ ] yeah pull them over and [ __ ] with them Oh God I I guess I've gotten lucky I haven't gotten pulled over for anything else yeah Kuipers says a good thing there isn't shitty audio that rapes ears yeah did that really happen or was that just proved it happened cuz I deleted that part already a Tuesday with the diamond here on Friday shot to her hearing Freaky Friday with dusty in studio I almost let off with that song two little dickie song I think I'll finish with it instead I know how much Chat loves hip hop narek says I'm too drunk to taste this chicken we've all been there so Cooper says you can tell there are Destiny's baguettes here crying look at crying they're taking over the country one city at a time what does he mean crying Granger says rouse fingers smell like colloidal silver that is not true at all disgusting subculture says I'll do it let's go that's Andy wore ski saying that he will smash we gotta put money on who comes first I like Thunderdome I want to bet on those two banging like a horse race he was not gonna go for nipples who's gonna tap out first she was dead serious who ejaculates for quantity she did that as a joke you know she was playing it up but she was dead serious about [ __ ] him like that was not that part was not a joke the first time I ever talked to her on this show you might have been out of commission you might have been doing some charity work during that part but I was she was in a recording studio in Malibu and we talked to the guy he was with some like old beach cruiser guy telling him there talking about his chances of getting laid that night he took us aside because I think the chances are pretty good back to her now yeah so yeah I mean I talked to morskie earlier he was speculating I shouldn't spoil this but he said Road took her in I kind of like alliteration so countdown to Corinne might be what I would pick but Road through growth to Corinne we were joking funny being a well-traveled road but 300 that open highway oh my god all right that's just like what the [ __ ] are they talking about all right let's keep going here for the right I think you can piece it together thumbs Fester's love you all that's all thanks destiny another visit that's right another parent Skyler yes Kyler SC says Andy and Corrine would be a hate crime [ __ ] actually color sasanian Corrine would be I said that twice okay arcade outpost says destiny is not white yeah I thought you were Cuban uh half Cuban and even full Cubans look pretty wise oh yeah you look what nobody would say Ark a dog based nipa says I need a Hawaiian shirt you need one like this while with the dart pattern mmm I scooped out as soon as I saw ya Tut [ __ ] excuse me thud butters I got me what the guy got you with it got you with it jack dapper says what's Destiny's thoughts on Boogaloo boys bugaloo boys look I don't know what they are now I really don't know there was a vice article that said there were a bunch of guys in Hawaiian shirts going around trying to encourage more destruction I guess during the riots or something like that yeah they're like Second Amendment LARPers like Doomsday Preppers but they're waiting for to take over the government the three percenters right isn't that that's I don't related crew they want to take over the government they want mass chaos and anarchy but if they wanted their way they don't want the liberal version they want the right one destiny Trio alright let's see narek says why does destiny look like Neil druckmann okay you know what I'm glad that you mentioned mill Druckman though because the Last of Us - I'm gonna call it a controversy or what but have you seen any of that yeah quite a bit of it yes be hard to miss that what are your thoughts on it I mean are we doing spoilers here yeah spoiler alert we should say that and I love the first game by the way it's one of the best games I've ever played I'll say that on air it I haven't played through it yet so I'm just going by like things I've read I've watched a lot of video whatever yeah it seems like you had a whole game of building relationship between two characters you really like both of them and to start the second one off killing one and then making you play the person that killed them it seemed like there's so much ground you'd have to cover to make that character likable and it doesn't seem like they did a good job of doing it it doesn't seem like a good idea I mean it could be but from an emotion like getting invested in feeling like playing that through you know I mean like you say it could it's very controversial to do something like that right like almost like um I mean games that do that kind of bait switch a little like Metal Gear Solid food and I was like what the [ __ ] are you kidding me no no no where's snake but it grew on me like after I kept playing it for a little bit they grew on me some by the way we're pulling it up here this is like a normal Hawaiian shirt this is some African tribe that's a secret full of pedophile symbols I got it from the Epstein collection surprise okay now we're all three here let's talk Boogaloo now now we were talking last of us too and I actually didn't realize so I kind of I don't like spoilers even if it's something like this usually but these are so in-your-face and I was actually really excited to play the second game but after after I saw some of the spoilers not really that excited anymore I might still play through just because I loved the first one so much that everything might get the better of me but everything about the game save the story is supposed to be really good like the sound it's really tough and again spoiler alert you know Joel's head and getting brains busted on the ground by some by a golf club by gum talking about this last night that's not that's unbelievable I can't believe the zombies write the beginning the game to buy it now there's another controversy about controversy about the character a B I guess being a transgender number I actually not transgender are quote-unquote I think they're like just a super masculine or something like Sarah pretty like like a pretty strong woman yeah I would say I don't know if she looked like roided-up or anything well I think that's part of the story I don't know if that's shoe I don't know I'm not sure I saw that on Twitter so I read some trans complain entire characters that she's ashamed of the tray of her transness and they were pissed Lilly never showed her being relieved about her identity like I guess and when the zombies are eating her she's not like at least they're a man i mean yeah i don't know i haven't played through so i don't know like the intricacies of how also is this really the way i think i was talking to him about this like that's why we want zombies so we can escape all this [ __ ] is just like survive survive that's all I got to do survive I don't gotta have I don't got to navigate the [ __ ] needle of knowing how to respond to these issues but this is really the way to promote you know transgender acceptance to have them beat the brains out of one of the most beloved characters in history it's more of a waluigi move with leg non zombie stuff do they start with a Walking Dead where that I don't know but isn't that like usually not about zombies isn't a bunch of other [ __ ] that goes right I didn't watch this I didn't I didn't watch it but I that's my understanding yeah but it's really I keep looking at you because I hear this other [ __ ] talk it's getting really confused sorry so I think someone is talking over there we have a puppet we can put over there we need a zombie show that's just some B's and no regular uninfected people just like going a word let's see here Rob Mac seven seven three three says sweet short oh it's a short URL I don't know what that is either try to look at that look at okay well let me scoot up all right dictator says Boogaloo boys just want to have fun with something that I won't read Thank You pinky culture says Destiny's post your pinky finger on social media now he actually collects pinky fingers I did it I thought it was a dick thing - it finally did it I don't know he cut catalogs didn't post and he's been asking me to post mine so there it is I posted it to him before and he lost it I mean he asked me for it again and I said no [ __ ] you weirdo he's a nice guy even though he's a nice guy I like him but I was like mouths [ __ ] off but there you go there's the pink you'll have to clip it from the show what do you think about the sounds kind of weird but it does I've got people that have made compilations of most amazing so I don't know par for the course for Internet weirdos like Jack dapper says Chad [ __ ] greater than virgin Joel Mordechai Stewart says Hawaiian Fridays equals Union made Hawaiian safety vests all right let me check some of these other ways that you can support the show Auggie RFC over on entropy streamed live slash the RAF retort says the Destiny episodes are always great Bo Black's still one though you did talk to Bobo [Music] that was some conversations are very painful I only remember the name okay okay there's nothing on Street moments so we're caught up let's take some college what do you think Gator I also think Gorski and they might be coming in later for skis doing [ __ ] push-ups to provide he's ready isn't it by the way this I'm gonna put this in suggest stories just because that's what I had pulled up oh yes George Washington said she couldn't get into the statue thing I think we will actually since that's a hot topic but let's take some college first King Oscar you're on the kill stream sir go ahead oh great things I want to say that Lauren southern is a radical centrist now and that's disgusting now well no no wait let me say this so Lauren southern put out a 17 minute YouTube video today I also I think something on Instagram basically announcing her return to the scene here she also sent me a message like five minutes before we were on air and it contained an email and it's kind of a long email and we have a guest here in studio but is it a 17 minute read um maybe for Ralph I'm actually very good at public reading it's kind of half the job here alright now I'm gonna read it I wasn't going to actually at first your ability said that the whole [ __ ] email your ability to parse around n words on super check like it's like I've said this before you're like a sign language interpreter for someone who is invariant articulate like alright this is Lauren southern she said she okay me you reading her email is it she gave it to me to read yeah yeah I mean she knows gossip mongers public response to past the shows had trouble with like dealing with emails and like losing potential conversations now he said he wanted to debate destiny on Twitter he's like yeah let's do it set it up out that and he said no to know who I was when he initially good because she blocked me like two years ago and so I just copy and pasted what destiny said I said here here's this [ __ ] topics I don't know I just pick something whatever and he's just like this guy doesn't sound like a very serious individual what did you do before podcasting I marketing okay okay if you're interfacing between like a worker and like a customer and you asked the worker like hey what should I tell this customer and the worker says like I don't know tell them some [ __ ] about how like this is whatever would you would you ever expect the middleman to copy-paste the engineers I don't know white nationalism or some [ __ ] and he just taught me mr. fun and my audience is a bunch of sixteen year olds I'm like well why would you say that there's a professional I don't know he's gonna [ __ ] copy/paste my did you learn something from it number wait okay sardian you know any reason he doesn't but then he ended up making a video because he was catching so much [ __ ] because it suggested to him [ __ ] probably for a few turns in the kisser what's going on here I don't think anything's coming did we bring in a caller yes King Austin [ __ ] now we have the Warren southern Oscar you're still here why don't you do your car drive then it's already taking you 17 minutes to read this email by the way go ahead sir um I just want to say the Boogaloo thing started on the 4chan K board as like a joke it was a it was a like government comes to take my guns and I shoot federal agents thing it was it was all in like it was all it was all in jest right I don't you know I just want to say it got it got co-opted and it's pretty it's like glowing right now [Music] on the TV and it's like urban Waco you know mean that you know you know it's a government thing now um and I have a question for destiny do you love black people I love like ya gonna get to because they're finally taking bottle returns in Michigan but then I decided not to when I saw the [ __ ] getting [ __ ] in the ass so that's it son sent me thank you wait is it actually confirmed she's a transgender and that's what I don't my understanding is I thought it was just a butch woman to see the trans people that they have some say that she deals with it specifically she talks about it specifically the lore is that the character Abby is based on a female bodybuilder the Neil druckmann follows on Instagram and that he was the one that did the Moke motion capture for the guy that has sex with the character Abby oh that is a complicated add a little bit of like fantasy on there living out in the game something like so is he just gonna like watch that and beat off for the rest of his life like Citizen Kane kind of customer is porn for himself the Citizen Kane of personalized jackoff materials oh sure I don't know by the way I looked up the windows here that reminds me of there was a game I don't know what the game was it was a so game-2 spirits are something that had Ellen Page apparently I guess crackers broke into like the game files and got some of the assets I guess they'd like fully animated like her nipples and everything even though they've never show up in the game beautiful and kind of secrets like that something yeah shall we say but they make sure not to show her nude body in the shower scene but apparently like the people that developed the game had actually created a nude model uh-huh jet cowboy I just saw this randomly scroll bot in the chat what the [ __ ] am i watching that's a good question let's see there is a trans character but it's not at a B is what color I don't think Abby is supposed to be trans she's supposed to like a buff post-apocalyptic female character you know subculture it says it's a trash truck I guess I'm in strength means trans trust me I would know he says it's a trans trust me with no Mordecai Stewart says never thought I'd like destiny but glad he's here you winning them over so slowly embrace their Boogaloo culture Red Baron you're on the kills from go ahead thanks dude I try by yep yeah can I proceed with my question yes you may yeah thank you very much so uh four years ago distant you to bid a god but name of Ryan Dawson do you remember this yeah a guy he's on some crazy [ __ ] now [ __ ] I don't even remember what I remember recently reading about him what about him yeah he will be very interested in having a debate with you about Zionists and its really influence on American foreign policy you know actually I just got out of debating communist and socialist cuz I don't want to talk about irrelevant fringe stupid [ __ ] anymore so I'm gonna have to give a hard pass on Mia on the Zionism Jewish conspiracy [ __ ] it sounds fascinating though I'm sure a lot of fun oh it's not a conspiracy if I might push back a little because as you know Stephen a Walton mere comedy wrote a very publicized and talked about slotter topic yeah would you say that they are conspiracy theorists holy [ __ ] oh wait wait what else do they write about you're getting sucked back in now I'm kind of wondering what who in the juice that I should be the most worried about right now is really awesome you could find it out right well I'm what if he said like a Jewish opposition or something and I won't know it you seem to be married till it makes me wonder might be like every word to be too serious he's actually a libertarian and he's also very interested in debating the American Civil War with you too if you would like all right thank you Red Baron we'll see thank you for the schedule does he think that there's not enough influence on the first five collars wanted to set up interviews with him on their show they're all the same responds well I already sent you an email to that address that's like the guy and the girl like I texted you five times so I thought I'd show what your geeky go ahead sir hello hello yeah doing great all right so I got a couple stories tonight um so I actually write by like my own time we kind of drove by it Ralph they shot a 18 year old security guard and some Hispanic so right now like we might have South Bay Boogaloo part three uh now wait explain that again what happened with the police what's the what's the facts of the case also I was reading my phone that can they shot some Hispanic that was this guy's this white guys named some Hispanic yeah a guy named Andres fortunado I know they he was the security guard supposedly he was walking to girls that her cars and the cop shot him nice oral sonically Gardena PD no wait security guard walking to girls to their car cops just shot him like why would he hit because the coz when the cops approached it the kid he started running away because he claims he was he scared the cop oh I'm thinking there's something more to this because the body cam footage hasn't been released yet man I don't know I wonder sometimes who was the who was the black I get they got shot in the Wendy's parking lot did you watch that video that was Ray chard Brooks I think the guy just starts running away and the cops like nope and just [ __ ] unloads holy [ __ ] I had no I don't know about that one very sharp Brutus didn't he try to shoot him with his cops taser had to tase you I would shoot them district I mean they're two cops wasn't the guys like [ __ ] drunk out of his mind this guy could probably run 20 steps where he falls on his ass like he blew over he blew pretty well over the legal limit I don't know what it was exactly it was pretty well over like well so like I mean I know I understand hindsight's 20/20 like oh you didn't have to shoot him you didn't have to kill him but like this guy took a taser from the cops turn around [ __ ] all the Taser at the cops yeah the Taser was discharged the guy miss you had nothing I had plenty of time to realities ER with a lethal weapon in Georgia though it is leave even if it will come on you can die from getting tased you can die from tripping and falling on the stairs it doesn't shoot a staircase at you I can shoot it too let me ask you this I'm sure there's some episode of Jackass worship kill somebody with some stairs or try to have a Taser right here somewhere if you want to put that to the test okay if you try hard enough anything can be lethal alright okay tasers are supposed to be a less lethal non-lethal is supposed to be this can be deadly No yeah I have step away real quick Gator take the emcee duties I'll be right back you would hope that you would hope he let him run away but that's a lot of things that's a hard decision to make my life is being hard in some cases but this to give some background this guy was so wasted the cops showed up this guy was asleep in a Wendy's drive-through yeah like ten people but you don't have to explain that one to me I've been there waking up in my car with puke all over okay I'm glad you pulled over kind of this Broadway attack the Cobb so wait keep going the guy was pretty drugged I I think they probably could have gotten away with not killing the dude but yeah the reason yeah that would be I mean maybe that on that day in particular that's wise shooting him in the back I might not have done it but you know the cops can't afford me so they get somebody who's making this decision decision all day every day uh seems like a lot to expect them to just let him run him tire himself out they're cops right so they negotiate their union contracts forward so they get paid for it yeah what do you pay cops for would you pay him are you paying them to let guys like that run away Ralph no get the cops oh the drunk guys like Ralph yeah now that he's gone I've got takes a swing at a cop what's the move you probably let him run it right over so bad I mean like Shirley would start shooting people in an open parking lot I mean if you're in the wrong City you cops will get shot do it actually what if it was a woman what if the what if it was just a regular woman moving a Taser at both a woman cop he's blasting a Taser off and then running away do you feel differently about it then cuz I kind of do might so yeah so when I first heard about this my my first instant cuz I actually so one thing that a lot of people understand is non-compliance is always gonna be hard yeah there's no easy way to subdue somebody whether the Taser body slamming so it's always gonna be hard so when I heard that you shot a Taser I was like oh okay like guys probably reaching for the guns cops shot him I can understand that the problem is in it like this had just gone so far like the guy was running away he turns around and like desperately fires off like a tase I think wildness turns around and keeps running and the other cops like [ __ ] no and just like right into the dudes back like if it happened earlier when they were all struggling and the guys like trying to grab the two cuz anyway okay I think that was confusing is like the two cops are fighting the guy grabs it is like aiming it at the cop and he starts like shooting I thought they would have shot him there and I would have been more sympathetic because heels revenge II yeah and another cop is on the ground I mean [ __ ] could get really [ __ ] at that point right but like if you tase you miss you're running away like you shoot him in the back he's going for a gun though what if he's going back to his car to get a gun and get a big shotgun it's just start blasting that's valid he was running away from his car that plus he's black you can't see him at night yeah well not smile there were a lot of cars in the drive-thru I mean so you let him go somebody in the windes drive-through then you're like oh where were you on that one officer thanks [ __ ] live that was my wife I mean that's like a very very low percentage chance as opposed to now we have another black guy getting shot in the back what if I shot with a Miss and hit someone in a car what if it were so micromanage II but would they charge the cop with a game like 11 charges and he's facing I think these are like standard policies of like other states do so for instance if somebody is like fleeing the cops and they're speeding unless you got him for like illegal possession you should just let him go because it's not worth it like what you got a drunk ass dude that was just asleep for five minutes it's current you probably saw them [ __ ] run away I doubt he's about to start I would like him to do that but I can't fault him for shooting him is that so that's like well I mean I wouldn't have done it but you know there's probably a lot we get today that I wouldn't do I'm pretty provocative to take weapons off the police and shoot the weapon you know I mean like Eric garner for instance I don't think that that there's no way to justify something like that right there are apps out there Faline okay actually as well yeah no justification probably quiet the Second Amendment people on that could still want very strange well you know we talks not every case is [ __ ] though that's the thing some people him [ __ ] up and got shot by the police I mean if my [ __ ] had gone one way the other well some drunk got shot by the [ __ ] cops I mean well you know what happened do you realize the the parallels between the this guy's story and yours he fell asleep drunk in his car you fell asleep drunk on the hotel couch the police came you know you had an altercation he's dead yeah I was like I guess it's a good thing I didn't go for the Taser I don't say all right collar finish it up you had a really long yeah you want a second question is that okay bringing them in five three questions like a genie you take over nah I'm just kidding go ahead real bad second question everyone's gaining on sexual assault allegations right now I don't know even seen that on Twitter I'm so far out like I'm so of course I'm a big wrestling fan I grew up watching wrestling but I'm about like six to seven months behind on everything concerning wrestling I still kind of keep an eye on it but no I haven't seen that actually oh I saw people saying that in the chat last night I'm actually gonna have to look into that because I haven't I don't know the whole story on Jim Cornette being a cook not yet I know he's a huge liberal he always he's always mad raging at Trump and stuff on Twitter like in a really weird way Tom Arnold weird yeah that kind of yeah like he said he wasn't gonna eat Wendy's anymore I forget what he said about Wendy's the other day or something like that yeah I mean I just don't Jim Cornette is still awesome I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care about his politics I have to go to the wrestling history but yeah he has been spurting out for a while Thank You Kiki I saw a lot of chicks on Twitter that obviously shop only at farmers markets talking about never buying Aunt Jemima syrup again think you even know weird about what do you think I literally [ __ ] used an Jemima syrup for like my whole life pretty much it's good [ __ ] I mean what are you derelict there are definitely some things that I feel like needs to go I still feel like like the Redskins actually like supporting racial unity [ __ ] races she's a little bit weird I'm on the fence about the enzyme and stuff like obviously like it harkens back to some weird stereotypes that I didn't even know existed to be honest but I mean that's educational kind of this June teens yeah I mean like they tried to reform it I think they got rid of like another black I kind of wonder like sometimes I get I try not to do that because I know you guys all you crazy [ __ ] names yesterday used a slippery slope [ __ ] but I but now like I think they got rid of like master/slave terminology and Python a couple years ago they are the master branches and github I think we're trying to do it with black lists and white lists like at what point did we get rid of the Lucky Charms mascot soon like I don't know I kinda yeah I don't wonder what's gonna happen next way what about you teeth as well why would anyone be opposed to that this year you need another one can i one for one second how absolutely [ __ ] [ __ ] it is these [ __ ] kids got like six months to play [ __ ] computer games right now in a row I would have I would have been fully pro in Starcraft 2 instead of semi if I had this much [ __ ] time to train as a kid un-fuckin'-believable how lucky these [ __ ] are I can but they had to go on conference calls for three hours a day which are a conference called time moves at like ten ten percent of regular time true that's brutal and they missed they'll miss degrom they all miss time school time is also very [ __ ] slide you everybody remembers the last 15 minutes of [ __ ] math or history where you're watching that [ __ ] clock and it you're on like a mushroom trip it's like thirty minutes go by and you look at the clock and it's only one minute you think losing your [ __ ] mind yeah there's no way restarts play [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] all those poor guys were saving it up to ask that hacker aloud to the last day typing big ass novels you know you don't know me but let's see well took a pickle with the diamond jack dapper says kylo Ren hates the Hebrews I wasn't aware of wait is that something that's breaking can we look that up as Adam driver involved in something here can we oh it was a marine wasn't he Adam driver I think the guy with the two cane Sam now the you know Carlo room fella yeah but the big pants yeah I don't know I haven't I'm not aware again i disavow completely if color ins representatives are watching adam drivers representatives whatever the [ __ ] name greg anderson tkf says destiny running away from ryan Dawson coward what okay well I'll say that's the has been pretty good about debating this about anybody that I've ever asked to including South just about which I didn't expect yeah man her brother coming into the end holy [ __ ] I get really big like her like Billy Eilish vibes from there I'm not too sure what's going on brother came in at the another I don't think snow I don't think hard to separate like meme from reality but I couldn't say for sure I remember his name I knocked the top of my head something boy it was the one she said that worked on scripts with her I think he's in Brazil I want to say that I don't know again don't hold me to me of this but yeah he came on and dropped the inlaw let's see Destiny's cool but vouch is a [ __ ] avoiding Ryan Mordechai Stewart yeah I mean you did talk to him too before I have that doodoos there's like there are certain like brands of like conspiracy theory that to engage with it as just in pot like I would always lose a debate against the world's best flat earther I just don't have the physics knowledge to do it and like Ryan Dawson is on like that level of like super ultra conspiracy words like well the UN you know says this was like well those are all fake because of this guy and saying I don't know [ __ ] time to do all this [ __ ] [ __ ] Mordechai sir it says also Boogaloo boys glow-in-the-dark how can it [ __ ] you we're wearing them anyway but thank you for the super chat much appreciate Pires 777 with the ninja Guinea says snarky passive-aggressiveness it makes a great argument destiny I must have missed the Jack does though that's why we vilify it that's why everybody says violence is not the answer it's always like these results very quickly Jack Deibert says where can I apply for a staircase license Pyrus 7 7 7 says dodged a Taser shot at full sprint you [ __ ] cheeseburger 6 says him having the Taser was a danger to others chroma Tron says this is absolutely amazing cheers boys Thank You chroma Tron I appreciate that amazing Brian Rex says excellent shirt choices tonight Ralph rules I agree thank you sir on both counts Pyrus 777 says cops want to avoid revenge what revenge eNOS from you destiny what if he'd run an intersection Wilde quote so wasted nothing I've ever had I'm just saying we're coming off probably the most historic protests in history of the world probably not a probably wanna like if there was any time not to shoot a drunk black guy in the back probably be the next couple of weeks maybe a maybe in like two months you get away with it a couple of articles on CNN but yeah for sure well tickle pickle with the Minji Guinea says I have a few questions for destiny Eiffel I asked over Colin will definitely have lieutenant binary so scholarly yeah posted again lieutenant binary says destiny is a fig but a fig who knows banter cool pretty good pretty good common here on the killer stream all right let's try fishing soil good as a complement as you're gonna get yeah mission so go ahead sir you're on the show uh yeah destiny I was just kind of wondering if there are any firearms regulations you would be willing to repeal considering you've had at least some degree of second amendment support in the past like would you be willing to get rid of the short-barrel rifle and any other weapons categorizations under the NFA in so I would have to look into it more but my personal feeling is that most most things involving rifles are done just to make people feel better that's like 90% of homicides or something in society is are caused by handguns so the idea of all the weird restrictions we have around short-barrel rifles Jesus Christ in California for the ar-15 do you got to do weird [ __ ] with the handles to its button best button oh my god this is saving lives in America like yeah we does n't feel like those types of gun restrictions are very positive I'm way more in favor of things like your if your private selling from one person oh you should probably have to file there's that a federal background form or whatever remember the number like you should probably have to like keep track of stuff like that but most of the things are rubbing on rifles seem pretty silly to me like feel-good legislation basically welfare call thanks for your honesty thank you so much fish and soul you have a good weekend sir all right let's keep going here like I said well tickle pickle okay he's in the green room morskie you're here what up hi more ski here sorry for being late I've been purchasing leaders of Claudius overall are you actually gonna war ski are you actually gonna [ __ ] is I mean come on how much would it tell I think you should on Kickstarter look I know it's funny because I called my subscribers on deal I've liked the clap crew right but after I [ __ ] I'll be part of the real clap crew both sides we're gonna have to verify we're gonna get a ring there's gonna be rules we're gonna have a rev well I've had I've had so much unprotected sex that so I feel like this is the final boss it's all smooth sailing from here on out but yeah I know she was playing it up for the video but she was dead serious I don't think lol we'll see we'll see what happens I'm gonna take calls on my show later and we'll try to do a you know a vote so far Twitter everyone think now Destiny's here of course we've been speaking above course yeah man how you been buddy pretty good how you doing the last time I saw a video of you I think you were like sitting your belly button on fire oh nipples on fire gotcha oh yes yes and then after that the whole Florida thing you know I've had some ups and downs you know everything's good now you didn't see that well we don't have to bring up the Florida thing oh [ __ ] no now you got to bring it up when the gun you know okay magnum opus if you ask me baby was in charge of a one-man army let me see if I can find it not everybody I just want like that one little part if it's the full thing I'm not gonna waste on two but yeah I don't know I guess just google it basically a war ski was two years ago had a little bit of a breakdown hanging out with some people some people kind of went at us and one of my buddies had it done and I may have told him to aim a gun aim aim aim misread what I found men not that men everyone's around vanished off the internet for two years and I got my [ __ ] together I started working on myself and I'm back and I'm doing well and I'm happy he's doing well I needed he's been coasting the show for the last month been doing great he's hosting the after-show here the twisted mind of Andy where he right after the kill stream deal I've got TV slash subculture doing great saw him up around 1,000 viewers again less know crazy firearm-related will see during the current thing that might be the time well took up well GOP doesn't have to know about so can you hear me I've never done this before yeah you sound crystal perfect Thanks lifesaver Michael and thanks for coming on destiny and I'm just really curious appearances aside do you think that Chinese people and Africans are the same um I don't think any two people are the same are you gonna be doing the race realist thing you guys get these colors just because I'm obviously there are wonderful Africans and terrible Chinese people but like on average are the two groups they asked me the same question yeah it's so strange that the best genetic stock we have on the planet is so involved in these online arguments and it seems like that amazed the grand achievements of their life or some forum post give all this good genetic material to work with and done so little with it because of the Jews I think that people are roughly equivalent to each other yeah I think I would say so probably yeah okay so Chinese people they dominate University enrollment and black you will dominate crime stats because what man that if you don't know that immersed in the history of Chinese people the United States versus black people I don't know to say man I only have enough time on the show to cover that much ground other white countries Europe Canada oh you're the histories are all the same which African country has the same history as China again so these people the people born and raised Chinese people in Africa born and raised in say Canada or France or Britain they they tend to have different outcomes this is we really immigrants in other countries first second third generation of different outcomes and natives dandy you're just crushing it tonight how many other big bombshells you have to drop on me okay so your answer is you don't want to address that well no the answer is obvious of course like like children of immigrants kind of different outcomes than native people it's obvious and any person that does any sociology or economics or criminology or anything will tell you that of course okay so Africans are Chinese people who come to white countries we have different outcomes because white people treat them differently first of all work Africans that come to United States have have generally fairly positive outcomes I'm pretty sure Nigerian so hold like the most like postgraduate degrees any group with you in the United States Chinese people to come to United States are probably pretty wealthy when they come here like somebody that comes to the United States from China because the parents want them to study the best University of the world probably gonna be like selected from a higher echelon of society than random people that you know were the descendants of slaves in the United States or came over from from other immune so okay so it is true that you can cherry-pick like Nigerian to say they do very well in the States but I'm pretty sure that's true of the most individual like African countries the people that come here usually do better than native native whites even but but I mean that makes sense is because they're already very wealthy when they travel over here yeah so say say in Canada which doesn't really it doesn't have a history of slavery we have a history of actually welcoming Africa changing our society to suit them they come to Canada and they form ghettos and shoot people at a much higher rate than Chinese people because that's great I never thought of that is a good thing there's no such thing as Chinese organized crime anywhere huh okay yeah but Chinese neighborhood high crime is terrible yeah what do you think about it or what do you think we should do about it I think we should knowledge the Chinese people and Africans are different that's very cool and then what do we do from there I'm curious what do you think well we we have a realistic conversation about race and all this because I know we're having now what do you think we should do about it our ideas predicated on the notion that Africans the Chinese people are the same and we need to discuss this sure so what do you think we should do is we should have I'm curious we should have we should have a realistic conversation we're having a conversation right now so what I'm curious is what would you do differently what we're doing right now would you pull funding from the schools cuz you don't think black people can learn or would you would I'm curious what you would do differently it's all I want to know what I would say you don't have anything I'm not afraid of the I'll come at all I just find it strange that white people of superior genetic stock spent all their time with no accomplishments on the internet arguing with other losers on the internet about whose genes are better it seems like such a pointless argument for an idea of core I know it's a different way I want to interrupt this little dialogue here to let you know that Nick Fuentes might be calling in here what do you think what do you think a good and honest conversation would would result in would it sound like what's the belly he said that on his show but he didn't say that to me I just want to point that out so nobody get mad at me if he doesn't call in I said what kind of emails did you send him I did him a DM earlier because but it wasn't before tonight because I guess destiny and him had had some talking back and forth going on and apparently he had said he was willing to debate destiny again and so I didn't hear it because you know I was working on my own [ __ ] but people cuz Corrine was yeah but yeah enough people finally tell me about it though that I figured arias in a message so we'll see okay go ahead caller sure yeah result would be it's crazy things and white people pretend oh that's our fault sorry that we step one but what I mean what so you want white people to not say it's their fault when stuff like you they're doing that because they like doing it like they're doing it because it's fun for them they're washing black people's feet and they're jerking off when they get home it's like fantasy camp for them but they're you know like what do you understand that yeah there's a lot of big problems in a white society there's a lot of brainwashed losers watching African speeds and all I understand all that but you know we they're having a good time they seem to be but you know like should be should be be really should we let them destroy society because they're having a good time no well is it really their fault or is it the Jewish people controlling [Music] you blaming people okay when Jews are the ones running the show my dude calm down there no so I ask you specific question I'll give you a good answer since you have none because you guys never think about this right so somebody asks here well what would you do differently right maybe an answer could be well I think that black people and Chinese people white people all learn differently so we should have different types of education for different people or maybe they excel a girl now I don't believe that but that could be an actual answer but you guys have never think of it you're just like so obsessed with like declaring like whose genes are better who is the warrior general you don't actually give a [ __ ] about making any prescriptive names only well how do we make society better so everybody here you go back I asked you I asked you like five times what would you do differently and all you're saying is have a conversation or race we're having that right now right now right now no right now you and I we're having a conversation race but he's going to say one thing everybody could hear you like here I'll go back to the Vaadin watch like ten minutes okay okay okay so number one we can stop importing Africans and saying well have to import these people and then watch them do crazy things Africans that are coming here that have the money to immigrate to the United States are dragging society down I well first of all I live in Canada and I can see it yes like we live in a very different society now that we did what countries in Africa do these people have enough money to emigrate all halfway across the world to Canada and then they just commit crimes I'm super curious okay so how come in all the major Canadian cities there's now a lot of shootings which did not happen 20 years ago now there can be a million different reasons who the [ __ ] knows what unit wait you do know that all black people don't just come right from Africa right there's like different ways that people get to different parts of the planet right really don't know generally people that have money to fly across the world and move there usually are like pretty good like I want to do it if you guys do you live in Africa do you gonna have money to move your whole [ __ ] family right country you're probably doing pretty good [Music] I can't help noticing that a walk around Canadian cities now and I see people who they look like they aspire to be in a rat and these white kids on the street or the black kid I don't even know which ones you're talking about from Memphis Tennessee you really fitted me now back when all the kids wanted to be like Mozart when they grew up now these damn Kanye West man God dearly unbelievable thank you well typical yeah anything else real quick sir no that's about it no I appreciate it man you have a good one sir stay safe all right good all right so apparently they're saying Nick is gonna call in he hasn't told me that directly though so we'll see prompt to blood what did she say about Nick exactly somebody said you said something about him I say all sorts of things determinate Nick I don't know anything about exterminating or something I don't know I didn't see it yeah you don't even remember I've said a ton of things about I'm an same again if you ask me enough questions I don't know it was something about I guess I don't have to ask because I honestly forgot I haven't watched just of recently the main stuff I got him on in the past is the kind of thing you usually like the Nazi stuff the weird whatnot like the you know not that many people died in the Holocaust those numbers are [ __ ] or the weird Jewish oh my god I think the numbers are pretty accurate I think the numbers are pretty accurate do you think you should get in trouble for questioning the numbers um I mean it depends on your banner and your motivation I guess like I don't think is anything wrong with like researching history but like if you're a little layman with no engagement with the literature and you walk around with no desire to actually know what's going on you're like well I think this is fake it's like oh that well I'm glad that you that convene little narrative numbers and everything about the Holocaust you say doesn't affect me at all about Israel or any of these [ __ ] [ __ ] trying to affect my life with their [ __ ] Holocaust that happened 70 [ __ ] years ago what if you feel that we want to [ __ ] it yeah yeah a lot of people feel that a lot of people your day-to-day life when you're so Christ we need 15 [ __ ] Holocaust Remembrance days for instance you know I was joking around earlier and I said well I guess if we can have 15 [ __ ] Holocaust White's gonna have another [ __ ] day to a whole month don't they yes wait how many I'm genuinely agree how many Holocaust were world days we have we actually have more than like one or two we have days that aren't I've been remembering it every day I don't know about you guys okay all right by the way speak of the devil and he will send you a friend as an old saying Nick Quintus welcome back to the kill stream sir hey what's up nothing much man good to have you here of course we're on-camera in-studio with mr. bottle here better yes yes how you thank you for having me it's a pretty cool pretty cool stream to see the whole crew IR out live and in person yeah and now you do that every night of course you're used to being on camera but yeah it's a little new experience for me it's been fun though you called in of course testing here I think there was some things to address I don't even know the full story to be honest with you sir what is the full story Nick yeah I don't know I don't know I Ethan Ralph technics to me today while I was sleeping in the afternoon fast asleep and he was telling me that people want to see me debate you and I said that I'd be open to debating you people put in a super chat but I guess what I've been hearing all over the past you know min or two that I've been in the green room and this reminded me you said I think you said on a stream that I'm in favor of like Jenna citing all like non-white people you said that - Bryce and grey is that true uh I might have I don't know I sell out a random hyperbolic [ __ ] about yourself did you or did you not yeah I don't know you've seen the vote I might have I have no idea I really don't remember I say I say I don't really think about you that much I to be dismissive you know here's what 20 about you dude yes I go on my show every night and I say things that are gonna get me like banned platforms like obviously banned off PayPal YouTube whatever things that people don't like me for Bato brave whatever I've said I stand by it you know if somebody says did you say such million cookies I'm like yeah I did say that you say the safe knowing in the works about whether you accused me of like he's you're a racist and you earn favor of Jena citing people and you can't even own up to your accusation can't even admit and just say yeah I accused you of that you know right out of the gate it's gotta be my - I'll have your I say a lot of things like as part of the conversation I have the bryson that guy was making arguments that I think rocks were alive I don't remember a lot of that conversation NIC we talked about a lot of random [ __ ] I might have said you you're a genocide old dude or whatever that's possible yeah I'll own it I guess well okay well do you think that do you think that I'm in favor of genocide of all non-white people do you think that's true I think giving a perfect conditions in a perfect world you might be but realistically probably not only guy that's stupid though how do you define perfect conditions for of a condition if he was the leader of the US I'm Christian how that makes sense that I'm in favor of what do they even mean what does that mean there's you're asking me to explain your own rhetoric on street how many obviously you have pragmatic positions where I'm sure your position be like oh I would like to curb the amount of non-white immigrants the United States to respect or a traditional European breeding stock or some [ __ ] and then you have like your more idealistic positions in the background you're kind of like Hillary Clinton right you have a public position of a private position my private position is not genocide not the private when we talk about it publicly see the difference is I'm hot Catholic I actually have morality on like you we don't believe in holy [ __ ] you should contact all that we clear all of ethics and philosophy you've solved it all Nick the Bible has all the answers thank you sure it does yeah I don't know I think you think like data does science science leads the way read it has the answers now I I'm gonna doesn't say anything about morality but I mean if you think that I mean that's great I guess what are your thoughts on des I've been interested so I'm glad we have that settled I hope you don't go around telling people Oh Lucas would favor of I think people are quoting I think I think you would be well any [ __ ] is not very christ-like a lot more hardcore than you are then you people like to say he is oh yeah that's not very peace and love Jesus Christ wasn't Ringo Starr he wasn't John Lennon wait wait what what secret gospel that didn't make the [ __ ] Council of whatever they are you reading from where Jesus was not this heavy you read the gospel yeah all four of them unfortunately with the Catholic school for 12 years it's been a while but as I read the Gospel where he said I didn't come to bring peace I came to bring a sword I heard the one where he said next event of this socialist that we usually write he was a socialist that well you he would be you know marrying gay people and he would be a Democrat and I think vouch says that a lot right I don't know if he'd be democratic marrying gay people but I mean like to walk it around and the hill and the poor people and the rich man have trouble passing more of trouble passing you know getting to heaven feels like he probably had a certain political band that wouldn't have been a fiscal conservatism would be my guess it would be nas ball yeah he would be a Stalinist got you know he wouldn't be a stylist he'd be something else but yeah I I heard though that you got in a fight with now is that true I fight with commies all the time of course that was a very interesting foil to me my favorite because I was watching like a stream where you were like going at him because he said like then he say like Israel should be destroyed and he was like concern trolling you because you said like [ __ ] the poor and you were like oh yeah remember the time you said we should destroy yeah we I mean we go back and forth on this on it I'm pretty sure I would agree nine times out of ten more with wash than with you though so yeah what's your issue why do you hate Flint as some of you guys went crazy like huh I mean I'm sure he'd be like funded chat with but like there's a lot of other things I think is a really hateful person yeah of course you think he's hateful in private no I think it he's like genuinely has something really hateful views in public I'm you know what are my hateful I mean understands like the meme game as well as anybody else I mean like obviously spawning I do you want to know what's hateful like why why make up his private hateful thoughts so I would say the thing that bothers me the most about him is probably like the Nazi history revisionism [ __ ] it's a little Holocaust yeah when you say like I think only a few hundred thousand Jews - how many juice do you think actually died in the Holocaust Nick six million really that's a million-dollar dump I think there's six million and one died actually it's cool uniformly denied the Holocaust you know I made that clear in the Washington Post and a number you know a number of people I'm that's not a flex but know what no one's asking if you formal it formally tonight they're saying do you think that the numbers are grossly exaggerated that's the real question the well the reason I said that is because I got interviewed during groper Wars when everybody was complaining about that and the guy went through the hole he's like do you believe you know he went through the hole Holocaust Museum like checklist do you believe this do you believe that blah blah blah and you know but I will say that here's what I will say and maybe this is where you're gonna say aha you know there it is is like you know if you've actually go through some of the documents from the Nuremberg trials like a lot of the sources are dubious I mean they say things for example like that people were killed with electric floors that people were put in a room where the floor was electrified and then the people got electrocuted like that that I don't believe that happened you know they say things like they were turning lampshades they say that so would you have razors hair was cut officers to make mattress hello coach what you get when you get like widespread when you get widespread academic consensus on these topics across multiple countries how do you explain the grand conspiracy that people seem to think that these documents are trustworthy or these stories are generally true it's an industry and I think if you do your due diligence because the information is all out there you know and I I think that it's nine actually it's fine if out of convenience you say to yourself I'll trust the experts I'll trust consensus you know I'll just put my faith in like you know this process it's fine if you do that if you're not like a researcher you don't really care you're not an investigator but I mean you can actually look at the primary sources for all this stuff and it's pretty easy and that's what I did you know because I was getting beat over the head in college about you know you're you're you're not down with Israel that's how this inquiry kind of started is I was a Zionist I was a hardcore Zionist I was a hardcore like libertarian conservative and I started to really get the [ __ ] kicked out of me by a lot of these like Zionist types to my circles because I started to say well what's the deal of foreign aid to Israel why are we supporting them and that's all was at the time was a very innocent inquiry about you know looking for America first how do you justify as a fiscal conservative or a nationalist this like insane indefensible support of this country and you know you could say well we're in favor of it whatever but it wasn't so much an argument it was like shut up you can't ask that that's hateful and I got back to kind of the root of it was you know it all kind of came back to World War two and this like historic wrongdoing that's why you know being far-right is evil why is white identity when dealing the only reason we support you Israel in the Middle East right now is because of World War two what's that getting the only reason that America has an interest in Israel's well-being in the Middle East is because of World War two cuz of the high I didn't say that that's not what I said okay so you're saying here's what here's what I'm saying and it makes sense when I'm saying is that the reason why certain views are you know seen as hateful are wrong it always goes back to the Holocaust when I'm talking about an inquiry about Israel is anti-semitism because you know and ben shapiro says this he says that questioning a Jewish person's allegiance is that's dual loyalty and that's an anti-semitic smear and anti-semitic smears are dangerous because of the Holocaust and like that is always like the logical progression and so I went back and I you know collect I did just like look into the primary sources and I'm not even rain German hey I know you can't question the no mater did to you if you actually boil even do you even read German no so you're not reading primary sources firstly you're reading translated versions of those primary sources so that's that's a first time to go okay so the problem is German wait wait wait do you read you know but I trust people to do so but when somebody's saying they're reading primary sources of German diagnose like no you're not [ __ ] you're you're probably not reading primary source interpretations of those sources as well and when you when Nick says things especially when you say things like all the documents are out there the fact that you say that means that no you haven't done the research because the documents aren't out there cuz when historians want to do this work they have to go open them up the the actual archives in Moscow in Paris I'm in London like they have to actually go to these cities they have to go into these museums actually dictated it's not all available there on some PDF called WWN as welcome or some dumb [ __ ] no I mean I I would trust like a historian that is well-read in a particular area to read a document to vet it and contextualize it more than some [ __ ] with a narrative on the Internet one document is saying like well Hitler never gave a direct order to kill the Jews we must not have done it like that kind of like direct reading a primary sources is stupid it's done what people do in history like when you read Suetonius you don't mean maybe some people do read the actual latin but i mean there are different you know I agree with what you're saying so the problem when you say like oh well of course you're reading a translated version the problem is is that the way that a lot of these provisions do these translations they miss translate them and they'll get like one or two different types of words wrong and it completely changes the message so for instance there's like a telegram that uh that I don't remember it exactly but like Hitler was responding to something about how we need to stop or not like exterminate like a certain group of Jews and in one translation it looks like he's saying like oh I just found out about this we need to stop all of it but when you look at the actual trains that he's referring to like a very specific single car that's like one example of like a multitude of like mistranslation areas where you can stack up this really [ __ ] weird narrative where at the end of the day Hitler is this poor innocent guy that had no idea the Holocaust was going on versus know it was pretty consistent with the case I'm talking about in general you know primary sources you know but yeah I understand what you're saying go ahead yes may you may sir go ahead yes yeah so the thing about this this entire thing is that I mean we actually do have really good documentation it's amazing to me how I don't know how people can be so ignorant especially on your side Destin your own supporters when your whole thing is like you have a source for that you have a source you have data that people see what I don't actually or do it I don't ever do that well I I do hear a lot of that what no you know well let's let's let's research let's look at the data and then when it comes down to something like this where I'm saying well we can look at the Nuremberg trials we can look at the notes we can look at there's so much documentation about this the thing is though a lot of the primary sources sort of the claims that they make in the Nuremberg trials a lot of the fat is very shady a lot of the health earnest yeah she some of their names that they make and you seem instead of like being inquisitive about that and saying like Oh like what are you looking at what what are those sources I want to investigate you're like well you know I I don't speak German so I'm just gonna trust historians and why would historians live oh wait not that a story and not David Irving no not that is David Irving is not a historian that's your problem the fact is your finish even though you were strong Manning me and saying I'm saying like Hitler did nothing wrong whatever I'll let you finish even though you were straw Manning me so she's got to be patient you can respond strim ending you I'm saying well we can never know the truth or I can never know the truth but the historians do and you know I'm not even gonna look at what they're saying I'm just gonna trust that you know they're not gonna lie but I don't think you can really do that on something important like this at least if you care about the truth the thing is though my show isn't about that you know fundamentally though it would be offensive I think really it's neither here nor there we're kind of getting into the weeds the question to me is not really like what happened in World War two the question to me is why is it relevant and moreover why is it like such a moral quandary that we may disagree about that like let's say hypothetically I said that the casualty count in this event was lower than they said which I'm not but you know hypothetically this is why everybody has roundly condemned me he's a denier he doesn't wait so what was your question well I believe the numbers that were exaggerated and just tell him you know I'll wrap up here do you think the numbers are why would that be why would that be such why would that be morally a question though I think it's silly but I think it's interesting yeah I get it though but I'll answer you want to say about it I won't weasel around and say I'm just curious if Nick do you think the numbers of the Hogs exaggerated of course of course not I mean if they're exaggerated no I don't they they're exactly what they say it is I trust wait which way are they not exaggerated up or down anyway but but now that I've answered your question you tell me why isn't it why is that why would it be morally wrong if I said that they were yeah yeah that's not morally wrong to question things the problem is that when you use a method of questioning things and you selectively choose sources you selectively choose non historians that are selectively picking different narratives to try to put together a story it makes it seem like you're less interested in what actually happened versus trying to get a little thing together to push a certain narrative a political nerd I mean you're okay with rewriting history in order to push said political narrative the fact that you would bring up Irving and think that that guy is some great defender of truth in history when his trial was a [ __ ] joke it was hilarious how much he got absolutely lambasted by the people that were brought in to analyze the horrendous mistranslations that he used in his book the horrible and shoddy citing where he would recite it like like like a 72 page manuscript in his book and say well that's where the sources or the fact that he held on to documents that had been explicitly proven to be not true for decades before coming understand like okay yeah I guess maybe I messed up on that the fact that that's the name that you would cite it's just so funny and it makes it so obvious like what your goal is and these types of innocent questions you know like you're likely ultimate and I know you know this and you want to say probably of course like I know this right we both know you're the ultimate like I'm just asking questions guy you know where your goal is to just show it was like man I'm just saying you know like what what if that was Phegley why does everybody care about this thing and it's like pretty clear that you're trying to like point in a particular direction but I think the saddest thing about like you and your show and everything related to you know the ryan dawson stuff in the jewish stuff did you guys ever have any solutions like well you know what should we do you know one solution almsgiving trial right yeah the david irving trying it was a defense right no he was the he was actually the plaintiff what was he suing for I'm not familiar with all so basically some woman made a claim about Irving that he was a Holocaust denier or something I think she made that claim in his book and Irving specifically waited for her book to get released in the UK because in the UK it's very easy to see somebody on defamation in the u.s. is very [ __ ] hard right sued yep and he sued over it and they brought in so many expert witnesses and they had this trial by judge and they went over so much and the some of the excerpts from that trial are just comical where it is on the stand and they're asking like so how do you know how many Jews could fit in that ditch and he's like well you know I renovated my house last year and they're like really and it's like yeah and he was like well so I want a jelly bean contest really like by the end of it it was pretty obvious like that the initial skepticism about Irving was like okay I'm like Irving you know he was notorious for like I go into the archives and I dig out the information but when you actually go through when you look at the stuff that he's citing it's pretty clear he's relying on you're not reading any of it because it's a pretty shoddy job that he does trying oh we're talking about Irving again like the boy was to say that if you just blindly trust historians that I could give you a counter blindly trust the point was simply to say that you know if we are gonna do this we're okay well the experts say one thing okay well here's my expert I'm more interested in let's let's battle it out for ourselves and fundamentally like I said I'm a lot less interested in how many people died in the Holocaust or the Holocaust itself or world war two that I am interested in why it is that people who question it people that minimize it people don't go along with the status quo are persecuted and that's what it is and you're literally put in jail it's literally a crime if you quote unquote deny it in the United States jail and no not in the United States but in Germany and in a number of countries in the European Union you know why would that I'm interested in that question so to me it's fundamentally less about the history itself where you know you want to stay wait wait wait wait and I'm we're interested in the moral question and you say well your problem and it sucks so funny how you know here you are sitting I'm the hateful one and I come on here and I'm just saying like you know well here-here's was my thinking I was designing us that I became not a Zionist here's my thought process which i think is totally like I think that's totally fine but you come in at it with well because you're trying to fit a narrative and your intentions are bad and you're this bad guy and you are the king of pretending like you're not just asking questions and it's like yeah I am just asking questions and I'm wondering why I like if you write books that don't totally believe the Holocaust narrative your warehouse gets burned down like I'm wondering why does that happen I'm wondering why you go to jail if you question a certain thing I'm wondering why you're talking about well somebody's not really interested in the facts well who's not interested in the facts the people that are burning down warehouses and throwing you in jail and putting you on a blacklist and putting you on an ADL hit list for questioning something for offering up even just playing devil's advocate or you know the people that are there questioning these things and you may disagree you might say oh well I don't like your sources you might say I don't like your historians but then you move right from that to impugning my character it's not just I don't like your sources I don't like your narrative but it's well you deliberately are making bad sources you're a bad faith actor and you're using that to push I don't know something which you probably think is reprehensible and you know to me that's that's just obvious at this point that's what I see here is a defender of the status quo you're a defender of the system of the establishment and you're just a vicious nasty mean-spirited little guy and you know I don't have that sweet in my heart that you do how tired are you that hatred for you that you have to me I can see how short is love you know and say why do you believe why do you believe that it's a moral question you're gonna throw it back at me it said well that's because you're a bad faith actor you know if I said for example that like the American Revolution didn't happen the way they say it did if I said you know any number of historical events didn't happen the way they say they did I doubt anybody would care but that but what you're upset about is not bad sources what's that I mean what do you terribly said about the fact that you perceived that these that you know if we get away with historical narrative in your mind that then we can push this horrible agenda and this goes back to you think that I want to genocide people and that's that's fundamentally what it comes down to you don't like me you don't have a civil conversation with me because you've decided that deep down in my heart of hearts I want genocide and that's why I question the numbers and that's why I don't want immigration because privately and secretly when we have our secret evil meetings we're planning you know something and I I just don't know what to say to that I don't have any response to that other then that's [ __ ] so the fundamental question comes down to this okay we have processes we trust to deliver us correct answers on things I don't give a [ __ ] what a layman's opinion is on how to build an engine okay I trust the engineers that put my car together that when I turn the key car's not going to explode okay I don't question the the the school of architecture that's down the street from me or whatever when I go to move into my apartment there are tons of things in life that we just don't have the time to dig into when it comes to primary sources because if anybody's studied any area they would tell you that a layman looking at a primary source sometimes worse than not looking at anything at all because you don't have the necessary background to actually content could contextualize the information you're getting and anybody that's honest will admit that I could read right now any medical paper in the world and have no [ __ ] idea like how to contextualize information in fact there was something you brought up reddit earlier there was a big article that got posted today that was like super front-page are all about how Tsarskoe be two antibodies go away in the bloodstream after a while and some people are worried that they'll bit reinfected in like two or three months and you have to actually click through you can read the abstract to studying the title you have to actually go through and listen to the people that actually know what they're talking about to tell you well actually this doesn't necessarily you're infected and here's why the reality is is that primary sources are hard and history especially historical events could be pretty hard to piece together everything and just reading one document and pretending like one document from one person in one error from one organization especially when half the source is gonna bring up our literal propaganda arms of the Nazi Party it's going to give you a holistic view of what happened at any point of time is absurd and there's only two possibilities one is that you're so incredibly stupid and negligent that you don't realize that in which case you should be rightfully ignored anyway or two what is more likely is I didn't say me I'm up in jail I like Americans for no speech laws if you have problems with other countries speak Japanese didn't yeah I mean you can get you can go complain you can go complain to their countries you know as much as you want about their hate speech laws I'm here to talk about I'm not here to defend other countries hate speech laws I don't know every hate speech but Sophie black so like they got the content EULA guy that told his dog like the Nazi said was alert - these [ __ ] things I've ever seen I think it was stupid anything she had fine for them but I think it's worth it was funny because he almost sure so there's two things so either one you're incredibly stupid in which case you should be rightfully mine anyway or two which is more likely you're ideologically driven you're cherry-picking sources you're looking for certain things that agree with you when it comes to getting into historical archives especially for things like wars you can piece together almost any narrative that you want depending on whose side you're picking documents from and depending on if you're choosing party documents you're choosing intelligence documents if you're choosing like you know journalist documents it gets super depends what you're doing so when it comes to contextualizing a document in any given like historical event the number one thing that I would do is I would say hey here's a historian that specializes in this area what do you think about it and then what's the academic consists in the field these people are super ideologically motivated to fight with one another all the time and if you do any real digging in history you find out that they do fight with one another all the time there's plenty of debate over things that happen on specifically in world war two specifically with Nazi Germany specifically were the way that Hitler communicated with this party members those debates are not I think that the number of people killed is 100,000 they might quibble over certain issues but the debate is very much alive and well in these historical communities and you would have to be completely on the outside and divorce from all these arguments to think that it's all just a settled matter that nobody's digging into but to sit here and pretend that a layman with no background in any of these areas at all can come through and just read a couple primary documents that are by the way translated by who knows who because that can be very important sometimes and think that you have a more complete picture of somebody that's dedicated the better part of their academic career reading and researching these areas is just [ __ ] laughable it's about as stupid as the people that read through one or two things and go oh look diethyl mercury or whatever is in vaccines so I know it's gonna make my kid [ __ ] if I tried the headline totally missing the point I mean of course what did you just say it is something that people I know it is and if you'll hear me out you'll see why the point that you're making is something that people learn in grade school which is you know sources are hard right or sources are difficult they need context yeah hey thank you for taking 20 minutes of my life however long now well I was probably not 20 minutes but thank you for taking so long I mean moving months to learn that one of course oh yeah I agree with you that I'm glad we agree Emmett yeah I agree we're we're totally honest Elias right [Laughter] thank you primary you know Galaxy brain but the point I'm trying to make which you know maybe you can grapple with this one is why is there the persecution and then of these people and I don't think I don't think there's a good answer from that from the other side there never has been and yes I am but the person who has an honest inquiry about these things and I did in college you know like I said when I was in high school my views were completely different you know I was a libertarian and you could have caught me from saying a lot of the things that you find a lot of libertarians today saying from Cato and Justin Amash and Benjy backer and all this stuff about the free mark you know whatever and I had a big change of why I changed my opinion I changed my mind changed my worldview because I was investigating these things and one of the things that I found when I was looking into these different questions or contradictions or double standards is that there was always this there was never an answer for these things there's never a great answer for a lot of these questions that I had for alliteration greatest story and there was never you know somebody that would dissuade me instead is I was told by the so-called experts or the journalists or the media that I was just a bad person even for asking like that's why you're lying about that there's no way you talk to her story and I would tell you that that anyway wait yeah you don't think so if you ask a professor if you well maybe like in a classroom or something but if you would have set up an interview with like a story and you were to ask questions related to like do you think they write like these people will get these people are actually so thirsty for interviews they love can you imagine you spent your entire life working on some boring [ __ ] the point being is you know even on something like foreign aid to Israel which is so simple and it's something that anybody can understand you know you could read about the numbers and you can read about what we're getting in return for that and whatever and every time I asked about that I was told oh well you know you just can't ask about it in that way you're just asking about it in a very anti-semitic way breaks down so they just like get mad at me I'm sorry I'm sorry just go ahead but the point the point that I'm trying to make here is that we have to question the institutions that's what people are missing out on is all the Academy the people that are producing these things horse makers the so-called experts we have to question them as an institution we have to question the culture that prevails because it's not it's obviously not a culture of open inquiry on college campuses I don't need to say that people been saying for five years about free speech on college campuses or social media it's obviously not it's clear that if you have a certain opinion and there's a gradient here depending on what the opinion is there's gonna be consequences for you for asking there's gonna be consequences for you for saying the wrong thing and if what you're saying is true destiny about you know all these academics you know they just want to tell everybody prove ever be wrong and they're experts and they know everything then I would believe that if I came to somebody with such a stupid wrong opinion ooh you're just the genius and I'm just coming to people talking about you know Jewish power and this is the wrongest opinion in the world I would think that an academic would say oh well hey that's a common mistake you know you're the victim propaganda here's here's X Y & Z here's the sources but that doesn't happen they don't say oh well you know here's the sources here's the facts here's the you know let me explain to you is the master the expert in some countries and you think that because this isn't in America that it's not relevant in some countries they say you're going to jail in our country you know I let's not forget by the way how my Holocaust cookie thing came about it was because that clip was a year old I asked Charlie Kirk why he you know isn't against legal immigration and then somebody dug up that clip and published it and then to the COA said I should be banned off Twitter and banned off Facebook you're an anti-semite you're a Holocaust denier Republicans use that as a weapon against you as a weapon against yeah right that's right yeah and the point is we have to question these experts in these standards you know why is it that these like these words like racist anti-semite these Holocaust denier it's used as a bludgeon politically it is a political tool and so you know honestly at this point in time I've talked to a lot of people about the Holocaust since that thing came out I had like the actual Holocaust deniers email me and like one guy emailed me and he literally said he was from like the Institute for historical review and he emailed me and he said nananana if you're gonna deny the Holocaust the red number things [ __ ] you need to deny it this dude that was a bit right let me go cookie thing we talked about this before but it was a bit like in this [ __ ] hilarious I don't know I thought it why I've talked to a lot of people and at this point you know I've heard arguments on both sides where it's like [Laughter] when I made a joke I made a joke about it was clearly a job even if it was it was edgy I mean you know destiny can say oh no it's part of the secret Nazi plot but you know somebody said oh well if Cookie Monster was making six men and I said aha - kind of like insinuate other ideas and what somebody's comes well sure Silverman used to get on the air and I will just say the [ __ ] word like she did but don't everything [ __ ] away from me I think [ __ ] was funny but like he doesn't have like or at least not until recently does now but he doesn't have like a huge political agenda like Nick the paleo conservative does so you think the people make the difference on how you receive the joke yeah some guy wouldn't make a joke about black people to me and it was like a friend of mine versus like Tucker Carlson I would read that way differently even if it was the exact same joke of course just based on like what you know about that's tough to swallow there's a lot of mind-reading it's like well you generally have a feel for like the people that are around you you generally have a feel for like what their beliefs are what their stances are I think you wouldn't even know if people have an idea of what their own my girlfriend sometime man I hope that I didn't mean that Jo sure I apologize anyway because I might have meant it there's like knocking somebody's out so in terms like why do people care about like certain types of rhetoric or certain jokes or certain historical revisionism or nazi questions when you've got people in New Zealand like shooting up places and killing you know 4050 people and they're referencing like the great replacement and their manifestos I mean it kind of makes you wonder like when you hear that same rhetoric coming out of certain people see I mean you kind of have to wonder you can draw a straight line from questioning narratives about the world war two to maybe the Jews are running [ __ ] - they're bringing all the immigrants here to the great replacement of white people and then you see a guy go on shoot places up you kinda have to wonder well okay I wonder if maybe this could plan on the left as well if we looked at the riots this past week there was a guy who shot of dyed eyelashes they shot up a [ __ ] Congressional baseball game riots in every single major city in the United States events are good okay no but how many people died so if you're trying to draw 40 or 50 or however many died in the in the New Zealand shooting guy whatever either right so yeah I mean like it's bad saying the same rhetoric came out of the guy who shut up the baseball game you know I mean he was repeating the same anti go go shoot some [ __ ] people in New Zealand or a synagogue I'm not responsible for that because it's a [ __ ] joke in there on the kill stream [ __ ] - there are mainstream left-wing figures that are out there saying you need to go shoot up Congressional baseball games because these guys are whatever then I could understand that there are mainstream people on the right that are saying things like immigrants that come to our countries and have children that's basically the sendings invading a country that's like a violent they're not saying shoot up - if we lay this out right definitely didn't get to talk [Music] immigrants are coming over they're having children violently replacing you raping your white women with the rape definitely I raping your white man round and if Jewish people are orchestrating all of this and there's just nothing you can do there's no way you can push back and like of course the only out here seems to be violence that's a pretty logical next step I would even argue that you might say that there are some people on the left that might say similar things that lead people so when you get like mass shooters that are literally quoting you know like the gray plays when you look at their Twitter accounts they're following you know like avenge your parenting there's all these people that makes you wonder right the second thing I have a question if I could set you up with an actual historian that does study this stuff professionally would you what a Jewish person do they are they not allowed to be Jewish usually when I meet a person the first question that pops in my head isn't are they Jewish or not okay that's awesome okay I'll try to take you up on that okay when you talk about questioning institutions institutions ought to be questioned and I agree that sometimes there are institutions that maybe are a bit more resistant to change than others but the way to question an institution isn't a layman grabbing a bunch of primary source documents going oh what's going on you know people always act like that these institutions are unquestionable and nobody does anything to they'll suppress all of the counter-argument everything Irving before that trial was a best-selling author I'm considered by a lot of people to have published some of the best books on World War two Germany in the history books wait a second what I thought he was a bad historian because a lot of people apparently had him dug into his books that well so it's kind of funny that moving Schatzi like them are being shot himself in the foot by demanding to go to trial people act like Irving being deep platformed was you know a big blow to free speech he was the he was the plaintiff in that case he was the one trying to shut down free speech is really interesting that works out sometimes he was a best-selling author before then so this idea that these institutions are unquestionable or that other people don't have the ability to push back against them either from within or without I remember that intellectual dark web [ __ ] was going on there were plenty of academics that came out and we're laughing at the idea that like oh my god like you can't question anybody academic people in academia fighting is you're all the time it's literally all they [ __ ] do these are the most boring jobs on the face if all they can do is publish research against each other and argue amongst each other in their [ __ ] classrooms and in their [ __ ] lives of a cadet academic arguing even in fields like quantum mechanics Heisenberg specifically was targeted by the Nazi regime because they considered quantum mechanics Jewish science yeah and Holland did it as well to geneticists they thought that genes weren't real when it got to plants but my point is that macadamia exists on an ideological curve over time like it's ways one way there and I think I I mean people say Hitler did nothing wrong but the way quantum mechanics specifically was vilified by the regime probably caused them to lose the [ __ ] war Heisenberg had to try to cobble together a nuclear reactor in a cave escaping the Allies what is that but it means specifically that academia is not some kind of a pure math only like a science only field it's heavily it's heavily influenced ideology ideologically across the entire globe because it is a global community can be it can fall into those what you were just talking about there that was a layman that was a political figure attacking no no no his contemporaries the because quantum mechanics is has only been recognized recently the classical McCann in Stein was a classical McClaskey mechanics physicist who fought against quantum cancer and at that point when you're when you're basically arguing a religion like these people are heavily influenced by philosophy scientists as well they get to a point where the math runs out and their egos take over and it is I mean I could take time and find it but it was an ideological um was a massive paradigm shift for physics so of course I agree with you I think that so are you drink by the way destiny we've been trying to give him drinks all night [Laughter] longer than Chris Farley one diet coke a day respond no no destiny didn't get to respond I don't think you believe this guy talk so much okay go ahead if you want if you want a question academia you do it in a responsible way it has to be done like with people that know what they're talking about not just some random [ __ ] on the street trying to challenge the [ __ ] man was anybody listening to anything what everybody's just talking about the issues right you don't have to be in the experts well that's part of the problem with our system today is when it comes to certain things yeah I'd say that's a good idea is to listen to the experts yeah this coronavirus should is a really good example of it which side are you for virus or you for no virus I'm starting we have nothing to talk alright go ahead and Nick yeah I just think that like you know we're just missing the point it's just context denial you know I mean everything that destiny is saying I mean I don't know I mean this stuff about primary sources and experts but it's just denying the context of what's going on which is that we know the way it goes if you say certain things you can't get published if you say certain things you can't have a website if you say certain things you can't have a TV show it's like if and he says he's like you know does had a very good process I think he describes yourself sometimes as a neoliberal or in favor of free speech and it's like even if you are a libertarian even if you disagree with me are you are in favor of free speech you knowledge that there is this great silencing happening and we know that we can't say certain things even like just this week Zero Hedge and Federalists they have like comments on their websites or I think some of their posts were questioning black lives matter I'm saying like oh maybe some of these maybe some of these riders weren't exactly who they said they were maybe there was like a conspiracy and Google Adsense ban them from running advertisements on their website at least from Google and it's like - and that's just one example but to ignore that that's happening and to say oh there's this rich debate Oh academics argue all the time we're just totally ignoring the context is ignoring any of that in academia or anywhere else in babies we gonna do badly viii happening between two sides that are you know equally opposed and that you know ones playing devil's advocate it's clearly not I mean what you go to any college I know I was in college for like ten minutes I was here and you know that's not happening so you you don't have [ __ ] edgy questions to his professors not the type of academic debate that I'm talking about Nick I don't know if you know that there is like but in any case and even when talking about things like the shooting in New Zealand last year and this argument about well you know right-wing people lead to violence again it just all goes back to you know the people on the left and destiny in particular I mean he thinks that we want to commit genocide that that is the bottom line you know you could you could beat around the bush I don't remember saying that whatever but it's like wait he doesn't you know problem that you had your biggest problem with me you know get his audience like the right I don't think the right wants to car gonna said of course not said okay okay maybe like me the gray purse you're probably that big Masterson said you know why why do you not like Nick and you said well probably the thing that I think is hateful about him is that he is you know the revision weird Nazi revisionism and we went over that and it turns out that it's not really so much that you don't like that I have that sources or that you know I'm or whatever because I just told you I'm not really committed one way or the other you said that it's because it's irresponsible and and there's bad intentions that you're misusing history to promote a bad outcome to promote a bad idea oh gee which is ultimately genocide you're saying that the reason the right-wing rhetoric is dangerous or our rhetoric sorry Groppi rhetoric is dangerous is because when things like Christchurch happen and and fundamentally that I think destiny believes that we want things like that to happen he thinks that we want genocide we want terrorism and you actually can't have a good faith conversation with someone like that because he believes that we're not arguing a good faith he believes that are our ultimate attention our ultimate endgame is something sick and something that is so horrible something is so immoral gravely immoral I mean how do you even get along with somebody like that I look at destiny as somebody who you know well I'm not trying to say you know really but I disagree but we're gonna have a debate and I assume generally that we know what he says survey says I mean he thinks that I'm this like Bond supervillain like he said if I were you know everybody else but you guys don't get along and really we get along now [Laughter] we're all like I don't think you talk about politics 24/7 but the thing is the thing is I do I don't like how you assume you know what people's private thoughts are and then you vilify one of the problems that I have is that like because part of the way that online rhetoric works is you ask questions getting like right to the very [ __ ] edge and then you never say it and then you don't feel like that money and then you feel like it and then that person is immune to all criticism so like for the caller earlier like so he might come on and you might say blacks commit more crime in Canada and all over the world and in other places in the whole world and then compared to whites blacks also have less IQ than whites genetically speaking blacks are also you know the warrior gene and the country would probably have less crime of blacks right here I mean I say like well do you think that we should like deport all blacks it's like whoa I would never make that mistake okay well late but like that's where like all of the audience is going naturally Jordan Peterson does this [ __ ] all the time and it's like [ __ ] like how do you argue with a person like that that isn't actually telling you to do anything they're just leading you like right to the put the collar the collar that you're talking about with so seems like an [ __ ] like you asked every fan of guys is gonna sound like that like I'm a fan of Nick points design like I think he's funny and I like I like most of his points like I like wait what is them putting America first that America has a weird harm mutually harmful relationship with Israel foreign policy is hard though and these guys usually only present like one point of it like that's the problem but destiny this is a conversation I want to have I don't wanna have a conversation about what someone's secretly thinking and how that makes them Hitler like that's my that's my point I would like to play to get the ball I want to play ball on the fail I'm you know on for sale this is why I don't like [ __ ] talking commies anymore right if you want to tell you like what's the best way to help the American economy you're saying well we need to socialize all the means and production well why the [ __ ] of my talk to do is a waste of time when those are the loudest people in the conversation you can have a reasonable conversation somebody else like well [ __ ] so like if I want to have a reasonable come essentially what's your the foreign policy direction be in the Middle East for the United States it's a very complicated question and someone like Ryan Dawson or Nick Fuentes minor well you know the Israelis are coming out and eight the Jewish people here with me I don't know in person well I just hate his point of view I don't mean I don't know personally you do you did say it was like a genocide Albania an artist in his early years maybe we could have played some piano together I don't know have you ever looked at his art it seems a little genocide yeah it's a little off it's a little off music not like might is Lincoln if Nick is Nick played League of Legends maybe we would play games together but in terms of like my association you likes you either I mean like if my only association with somebody is political like a son on Twitch I don't like him because it's all public I don't but if we did like other stuff I'm sure I don't like politics and they play a champion I don't like them well I don't remember I just enjoy the debate I enjoy the sparring I enjoy the debate I mean destiny makes it from a straight interrupts me three parts but I mean yeah I don't hate people because I disagree with them or dislike them because I disagree with them I mean I think that you know I like Destiny's vouch everything that these people are about I'm obviously against but I'm just fundamentally not that way even like when we go to these con Inc things when we go to conservative gatherings like CPAC or whatever like I encounter all kinds of people that dislike me or people that disagree with me sure but it's only ever or the people it's only the other side usually they'd start [ __ ] with me I'm never somebody unless somebody's cringed but generally I'm never something that says like oh I don't like this person and I hate you and I'm just I'm yeah but we think's under under that veil is like Hitler - right we're not threatened in the United States I don't give a [ __ ] if somebody what like you know it's easy for us to say that right but let's say that you're somebody that uh let's say that you're here because of daca right and you've got to deal with like a trump supporter do you think it's okay to hate that person because he's essentially okay with you getting kicked out of the only country who ever like been born and raised I think it's okay to hate someone who thinks you should be removed from the country because you weren't legally it was kind of a [ __ ] reason that you got put in the country I don't think that's okay necessarily wait so it's okay to hate everyone right i advocating for you to be removed from the only country you've ever been breeding Nick come on Nick now do they advocate for the person to be killed or they just said hey this person doesn't belong in my country they didn't feel different they don't have a right to be in the [ __ ] country if you don't have borders and you don't have a light common language you don't have a common culture you don't have a [ __ ] country but deporting that person could kill them yes immigrants and I like them and I wish the best for them but they can't be here they just have to know it's not personal I don't want them out because I hate them I might feel bad for them but we have a country we have a process and I think that's a difference is like you know I'm I'm perfectly able to separate out what has to happen for the country with like my personal feelings with people I don't think it's that's you can separate those two things out you can hold those two things to be true at the same time at once you know maybe have a friend who didn't play by the rules and you like them you think they're good at the same time I know my allegiance to my country and and what goes on in my neighborhood and stability and you know there's a there's a bigger picture I don't hate that person I even like the immigrants that come here I don't hate the people to come here I don't hate most of the people I talk about on my show that are the problem you know people that create problems in the country a lot of them it's their nature you know a lot of them or they're brought here by somebody so when I see immigrants pouring over the border and they're like replacing white people and they're not learning English and blah blah blah it's not like oh hey hey you're terrible like that doesn't make them a terrible person I think that that that these are just like the nature's of people if you're in a poor country and it's contiguous with a rich country it's in your interest to get your ass over here and you know it's just really about how the incentives lined up I can't fault somebody because they follow the incentive I can fault our leaders and representatives for not doing their job and being responsible of their people which is to protect our borders but I mean fundamentally the way I see it is kind of like at least between US and immigrants you know it's it's one of these needless clashes and you know even when destiny was talking earlier about the caller who said well you know blacks commit crime and blacks have lower IQ and blah blah blah like all those things are true and the thing I think maybe where we disagree is that on my show I'm going to acknowledge that and it's not coming up to the line of advocating for genocide it's just acknowledging what's happening in the country and saying well these are the facts this is what's happening what's the best way to go forward and if you've been watching my show even for the past like two months or really for the past two years I don't know destiny hasn't maybe that's why he has a bad opinion of me but that's what I say I say yes you know there are these these inequities are these you know disparate outcomes wondering what is the cause of these difference so what are three big policies that you advocate for now what I'm curious what are three big policies that you advocate with it that are politically realistic right so that's nice so we're on the win so we already fell on one so two more so like let's say like one is outside the current paradigm this way so you have known you look at what's happening in Congress right now it's not even politically realistic to keep the names of Confederate generals on bases what's something realistic that you actually have that's so politically realistic is a pretty low bar to set well that's the only thing you have to work with in a political system Nick I know that I know that we can change a political system so you're advocating for a revolution like all the white ntfs revolution how do you change this or change in the current dynamic how which is to say that many times many times in American history you have a little realignment so well actually you're the revolutionary bullshitter never I think you guys would love each other holy [ __ ] I'm not a revolution would you an axis changing what do you tell your people to go out and do how do you how do you get this started what were you're telling people is to go out there and and honestly at this point it's to prepare for bad times so it is a revolution that's all these guy it's okay you have no you have no policy you've no prescriptions you have no ideas for what you're just like well the whole system you're like every white n Tifa suburb can I've ever talked to say destiny we have this multiracial country 60 million people in 60 years and we're supposed to say no well I'm gonna go to Housing and Urban Development and I'm gonna get a study from Cato and it doesn't work like that are you that is who policy works actually all of the extremists online so whether it's great burgers in America first whether it's Kaiser and asking them to figure it out on a [ __ ] piece of paper wait no this is why when I talk to you you try to grab me I want to talk to people I want to talk to people that know how the electoral system works and how you can push when I ask you like what are your policies or what it's like talking to a social is like I don't know I just think all the company should be owned by the people when I talk to me like well I don't know I tell my audience to go buy a Glock and lock themselves in their [ __ ] basement away for the [ __ ] taco trucks to roll down the street to invade their houses good I didn't have any reasonable policies Trump has reasonable pockets of as much as I [ __ ] hate Trump at least he's like wants to build the [ __ ] wall or whatever like at least he has something Jesus Christ go ahead [ __ ] I've talked to many supporting string is the thing is that these people don't understand I don't think they realize the gravity of the situation that we're in right now and that's not and maybe that comes across as like you know you don't have a policy or something but I don't think people realize that in the past thirty years the world has transformed with the Cold War the new world or no one realizes hey only one are the only one that realized this time oh my god you're very dynamic situation and to say that within the narrow confines and I'm in a paradigm and we're gonna come up with ready-made policies to fix things I mean if you want me to give you a gradual policy I'll tell you a graduate you know wonderful you've been advocating for us to shut down the h-1b visa program to shut down the opt progre great you want policies there you go another policy yeah we should you agree with that policy something I'll work with hear me out though a lot of these things if you're talking about in the narrow confines of what would pass this Congress think about this Congress even when the president Donald [ __ ] Trump was in the White House and we had a majority in the House and the Senate we could not allocate more than three and a half billion dollars for a boarder barrier that was the omnibus spending bill it was April 2018 I think and if you remember when Paul Ryan was a Speaker of the House Trump could not get more than three and a half billion dollars for a boarder barrier and I'm not calling it a wall because Paul Ryan put in restrictions had said that well it couldn't be more than 18-feet why was that so when you say that why was that Nick hey that's a totally unrealistic standard it's not unrealistic now let's examine the reason why you can't but these things are not really why is it that Obama was able to deport so more immigrants that that a lot of people still today aren't aware ever why he was called the DePorter in chief from a lot of people in Hispanic communities because he had the political capital the political know how to do it if Trump is an ineffective leader if truck just doesn't know how the wrong anything works if he sends to Congress and then backstabbing him or legislation I mean what are you gonna do I mean all of that day it's all alive order and Chiefs totally wrong Gray's usually you should let all the Hispanic people in the US know that have huge problems with them that all that did hold on I just wanted you to explain what what you meant about the data there because I actually think that's an interesting point that people don't pay attention to but yeah this is one of the biggest miss people even Democrats say that you know Barack Obama deported more people than Donald Trump but what they count is a deportation is that they actually turn people I I just told you it's when they turn people away at the border and turning people away is different than a deportation because many times people will be turned away and they come back people get to for it and they come back and moreover you know turning someone away is not removing people that are already in so the number of illegal immigrants in the country doesn't go down by you know not increasing it from more people getting in right so so that's totally wrong but in any case if you're gonna say that like Barack Obama can deport more people than to Trump regardless I mean this is such a non-starter for a million reasons maybe the first is that deporting more people in a day than come in in a day I mean that already basically can't happen Donald Trump was getting a hundred and thirty thousand illegal immigrants or crossings in the month of May alone last year and the biggest ice raid that he ever did in one day I think he had like 15 people remove 1500 and one day versus 130,000 coming in in one month so to say hey that like oh well you know Barack Obama could get deportations it's like the numbers that we're talking about are not even on the same scale to say that like a major immigration restriction would be political vital Italy viable today Ted Cruz who's one of the most conservative senators in in the Senate he said that he would be in favor of a temporary shutdown of work temporary work visas in the country while we wait for coronavirus to die out meaning that the only reason that they're supporting incremental restrictions on immigration is because there's 30 million people unemployed or however however many it is this week where the point is even the most conservative Republicans are saying that they will only support incremental restrictions on immigration because of this the worst recession in American history next to the Great Depression and you're telling me that actually it's politically viable because Obama deported people or no type of immigration was politically viable under Obama your problem is that somebody like Trump has made a lot of these conversations politically unviable because he's a [ __ ] idiot in the way that he approaches all these immigration issues a really good point to bring up here a really good topic that was just a total buzzkill for Republicans was [ __ ] daca why the [ __ ] would you want to export people why why would you want to keep people out of the country that are registered under the federal government that are paying taxes that have no criminal records that are required to re register like every [ __ ] two years that have gone to school you already pay for their [ __ ] education with public tax dollars why would you make a big part of your campaign getting these people out of the country at some point and combined with all the other stupid things that he said about immigrants it makes it really [ __ ] hard to look at anything that he does it's being anything more than just a slight against Hispanic people or slight against Mexican people but that Trump only has himself to blame for that like when you set your sights on those types of people and then you come out swinging with that type of rhetoric when you start saying things like that judge gave me an unfavorable ruling because his parents we're [ __ ] Hispanic like when you come out swing with that yeah of course people are gonna look at you sideways like what the [ __ ] this guy wants to build a border wall like I don't know that's kind of [ __ ] weird man whereas Obama how is it ridiculous it's absolutely fair it's absolutely fair with the with the [ __ ] heat he made the [ __ ] holes country comment he made the [ __ ] Mexicans are rapists thieves and murderers comment like Trump has made so many horrible [ __ ] comments related other you really think what you're saying right everything I'm saying is well there you go watch videos on it I know that you love your soliloquies Jesus but yeah I mean like Trump has made this very politically difficult we have no one but yourself to blame for that I mean when you support this guy and you put 110% you're way behind him and then he says some crazy stupid [ __ ] like this yeah it's gonna hurt your ability to [ __ ] get anything done that's just how it works of course this is why electoral ISM is important it's why looking at our political systems work it is really important because it's the only way you're gonna get anything done and you even seem to acknowledge that that holy [ __ ] we have nothing in [ __ ] Congress like we can't pass any [ __ ] even the conservatives in Congress can't get [ __ ] done then it sounds like you need to change the way that you approach things or you can go and buy a [ __ ] ar-15 with your ten round magazine and hiding your [ __ ] basement and you know scream when the the [ __ ] Taco Bell Chihuahua comes running down the street looking for you I guess are you a because we're talking yeah I I just think that the the argument is ridiculous the idea that Republicans cannot achieve you know far-right or hard conservative maybe authentic conservative policies because they're not nice enough and they're a presentation the idea that Donald Trump would be able to build a border wall with Mexico or a border barrier you know shut down legal immigration because he said they're bringing drugs they're crime and I dad that's why it is Nick you don't you don't think they can't do that is because who wants immigration what is the purpose of immigration the firm's flaw neighbors what do you mean anybody that works or buys a product in the United States ones immigration we need to put up the money for the campaigns they want the cheap labor that's number one in number two it's the Democrats because they know that they're importing voters so the idea that like I mean I don't even know do you know how the political system works that like if Donald Trump was just I sure about a Democrats would be like you know you're right we should shut down immigration to prevent Texas from going blue and like the Koch brothers and the giant industries would be like no you're right we don't need cheap labor anymore I don't need all those profits like of course there are bigger forces at work besides like Donald Trump's fears you know Alex rhetoric you know they find ways to look over rhetoric that is offensive from other politicians all the time because it suits their interests you know the things that Donald Trump was saying on immigration were disruptive it was disrupting the status quo that both Barack Obama and George W Bush were a part of George W Bush brought in 8 million immigrants his first 5 years in office and he was Republican and he was you know compassionate conservative you know so well Bush and Obama were in favor of the immigration consensus Trump was disruptive to it and this is why the corporate media this is why all the institutions are against him and I'll admit that that was during the campaign now they've largely co-opted the administration which is why we've got nothing on immigration which is why big agriculture and heritage and all the lobbies are in the white house talking to Kushner when he's drafting the legal immigration proposal and that was last year we saw the proposal in January and surprise surprise they don't actually decrease the amount of immigration by a single immigrant in Trump's immigration reform now is that because of rhetoric or is that because of the financial employers together to create that policy look I mean look at the popularity right now between Biden and Trump we you're starting to see Trump losing or coming even in unimaginable states in southern states or in Rust Belt states that Trump had won handily against Hillary Clinton like Trump has made a lot of these issues politically unfeasible I know that we want to look at like grander solutions of like oh it's the Koch brothers are buying out all the media and blah blah blah blah blah but the reality is is it Trump is just [ __ ] a lot of this up he's not very politically effective he runs through cabinet members like crazy he attacks it comes out attacking his own [ __ ] cabinet members we've got how many new [ __ ] books are gonna be written about people who are in his administration we've got this Bolton book coming out now that's like calling out Trump on all this crazy [ __ ] I just want to say what the Trump is very a rat he's just political yeah I'm not me that's part of his appeal too but that's his appeal to some people but he can't get anything start to respond hold on I'm saying people people like this idea of the end you know what I have hard for it I feel it because we were all 17 18 eyes open I'm gonna go ahead and change the [ __ ] world and that first corporate job that you get when you realize why why are all these other [ __ ] engineers like piece of [ __ ] hammering the table to the real world you realize okay there are way bigger systems at play here I can't just come and shake everything up from the ground as a low-level no-name employee or a no-name person at a school or a no-name person to Pluto system Bernie Sanders ran into the same problem why we're say no political revolution with Bernie Sanders because he doesn't do anything the political system he didn't get any endorsements from any people we didn't talk to [ __ ] Kleiber and even when it waited for his like big primary days he didn't talk there were so many missteps where they thought and we're watching Trump do it just as bad as Bernie did listen Trump's accomplishment okay it's not that impressive he beat Hillary Clinton in the general election okay any election ever is [ __ ] Hillary Clinton let's be real Trump has fundamentally changed the way every American views politics I think I think he has moved us into a post fact post truth world where everybody can see a little bit deeper into the abstraction that's blood put down in front of us all like I think he's playing it perfectly into a second term where it's just words Trump walk trump wall is running against the deep state Biden is a puppet is it is it is a lich that is just kind of there showing up III don't think it's possible to beat him but he has fundamentally changed the way we view politics forever it's possible we'll see though so like the thing that if he wins again absolutely but if he loses in a landslide to Biden like well that won't show then the way oh yeah what's pinky I just talked to him and I mean come morning it was a poll look at the rally of the name is fifty thirty I can't tell if you're [ __ ] with me Bernie Sanders have some really good riddled around I support Bernie a hundred percent however do you really think it's fifty thirty eight I mean it's probably more extreme right now because of the Koba 19th I'm sure I don't think the election is gonna look like sixty forty by shrunken runs the Federal Reserve now he's gonna be printing ships on the show you know absolutely yeah I think it's gonna be a dogfight we've got Republicans are [ __ ] it all up that's why we have nothing at immigration Trump behind the scenes that still pissed off that nothing is going on that's because Republicans have just made it an issue also why can't Hispanic people be Republican voters is that really impossible is it actually absolutely impact because on social issues I don't know if you guys know any Hispanic or black people they tend to be a little bit more in the military movie they tend to be a little bit more socially conservative when you look at the kids that are marching for the LGBT rallies and the [ __ ] crazy blue hairand shit's not usually black and we have little little mess usually it's usually white kids this idea that like Republicans could never ever entertain the votes of groups of Hispanic people is so smugly directly pointed out you're arguing the changing URI graphics it's gonna lose election especially when the you said earlier wise tell me Apollo shoot stop interrupting Fuentes Ralph you're ruining a sign now I'm sorry please go on it's not immigration restriction there's not really in the Overton Window at this point like hardcore immigration restriction I said the reason for that is because of the people that want immigration and you pivot to say well no we're not getting immigration because Donald Trump is incompetent all right you know Donald Trump is incompetent but I don't think that Donald Trump being incompetent is the reason why immigration is not something that would be quote unquote politically viable right now I don't think there's anything why isn't I think that I told you the reason why the reason why is because the people who run this country the elites they want the immigration so it has where the elite with Donald Trump a cop in or you know whatever because ii like i SAS times when Donald Trump had two majorities when he had a majority in the house and in the Senate fair you don't he tried to get the wall built and he couldn't do it and that was maybe the time that he could have done it you could argue that you need didn't try hard enough but ultimately it was the congressional GOP that obstructed it it was Paul Ryan none of the congressional Republicans are in favor of cutting a legal limit this set the Senate Democrats I would stop the single-payer going through under Obama was Lieberman or whatever in the Senate health care State of the Union last year he said that we want more legal immigrants than ever before and you know during the campaign it was a little wishy-washy they didn't like totally commit to cutting legal immigration but I mean Donald Trump even the most the farthest that he can go on immigration is he wants to stop illegal from getting in get illegals that are here out and what all he said about legal immigration is he wants it to be merit-based rather than family based or through the diversity Visa Lottery and so that just goes to show that even Donald Trump who many would consider like an immigration hardliner the most that he can muster he can't even muster nativism immigration restriction ISM what he's talking about is merely enforcing the law not saying let's take a look at the 2 million or million people who come here every year so so whether he's incompetent not has something to do with the fact that immigration restriction is not something I think the across the board that would be popular with people in states to enforce the law but trying to repeal which was okay number one remember if you want to talk about misusing your executive powers doesn't Trump literally say that like I need to go down and build the border wall as a matter of like [ __ ] national security and then he said tariffs are a matter of [ __ ] national security why don't we probably has ever called Trump out on this kind of [ __ ] like Supreme Court there's a court didn't say the daca recipients were permanent legal permanent residents the Supreme Court said that Trump's rescission of daca was not according to the proper procedure the Supreme Court didn't say they're legal they are illegal everyone acknowledges they are illegal they're they're undocumented say well they are documented undocumented they are by definition documented about the legality of their residency in the country sure he talked about the legality of Trump's rescission of the program which they really got no time left in his presidency no no these next few months are gonna be a tight suit it was about that's a tight suit problem I saw him tweet I well the angle of the ramp was actually quite steep I think it was a Jewish architect that put together the stage that you spoke on but it was gozer the gozerian I'm just a layman I haven't seen any primary yeah [ __ ] your name is go ahead are we doing this all night I don't know [ __ ] it why not cause you're gonna be mad as [ __ ] they want to book you on their show doesn't they are you down to take some collars I mean we can have you both on and take some collars your whole show Bhama was born in Kenya right we all Nick wouldn't say that he wasn't born in Kenya he would just say maybe was American take president hey mi can you guys hear me yeah destiny you're my one of my favorite kill stream guests by far especially you being on the left you're you're one of the best Nick you're awesome - dude you do a lot of good work as well I know destiny would disagree with that but I think you both do really good work in you know both your political spectrums right there's actually a lot more that all of us agree with I want to say how much similar Graham Nick do you believe Nick do you believe dinosaurs were real yeah but they lived with humans really yeah okay there is some neutral respect come on come on you're better there we ate you too but go ahead yeah you know I listen to both sides man and you know we we all have depends on where you're from but we all have people on the left and people on the right and our families and it's hard to talk to the other side when you you know believe you know one way or the other and like I said there was a lot of overlap man like when I talked to my dad he's really far not far left but he's on the left on a lot of things but as far as like crime and you know prisons and [ __ ] like that like he's like for the death penalty all that type of [ __ ] where's most people on the left aren't for the death penalty but he is wait he sounds like an old Mormon old-school type of love yeah yeah oh yeah well like he hates you know the gay people and all that type of [ __ ] no too much yeah it was too much she's you know was actually gonna ask but but there's some maybe some some agreement at least as far as internet oh no I don't think dinosaurs and people lived on the earth at the same time [Music] dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time yeah it's biblical bro yeah isn't one of the lost it was in the DLC all right you know what you don't believe the Holocaust we think the Bible is right about dinosaurs and humans [ __ ] it all up Ryan Dawson you're here on the kill stream go ahead sir stepped away all right well which way would say he stepped away see you know what you're not as [ __ ] sharp as you think all right go ahead Cooper you're on the kill stream oh yeah it's funny yeah I was just recently babysitting a four year old with my girlfriend last weekend it's funny how the kid knew more about dinosaurs than anything else you know oh uh that's pretty nuts dinosaurs a [ __ ] oh really makes it is this a war on dinosaurs cause if it is [ __ ] you do you think goddamn care if they were real I just care that because if it was a science world you'd expect four year old to be talking about like thermodynamics or demux didn't know they had feathers until recently dead for analogy we should treat it academics tonight that they've been wrong about things Megan Squire and she was on my podcast called I don't speak German yes and she talked about all these shows that she was plotting the data points on and then she mentioned the kills room and she said wow the killer seems kind of a special case they're a little bit more mainstream than the other shows they have about dinosaurs they have a guest list that's so extensive that I had to [ __ ] change my XY axis here the hockey stick hockey stick we have to change our XY axis because they're so mainstream and they have so many guests and I asked her on the show and I don't give a [ __ ] I asked her on the show and I said normally you know I'd do it quotes we can call you I wouldn't [ __ ] with you but I'd actually like you to come on the show so I'll ask you gentlemanly like Southern gentleman we like and she refused of course so that's that's the deal there and we'll go through that more next week we should rebrand you should get a secondary like you have the kill stream you should make another brand of spent over call of the chase the chill stream we actually that's what the rebroadcast caused us on YouTube so I can't take that one just curious because she literally just starts talking about oh that's a special case there they're a little more mainstream you have a little bit bigger audience they have a little bit more guests I don't know I thought it was funny shot - Megan Squire I want to make sure I get her name right in you I are ye able Eve is how you spell her name day no fancy spelling at all I don't speak German to the very last podcast they just they just put out I want to make sure I give it the publicity it deserves I don't speak German check that [ __ ] out really the first like 30 seconds they call themselves the ante faux pas yeah the official ante for podcasts check that out that's a recommendation from the host of the kill stream here I mean five to seven million people why does it matter I mean 13.8 billion years old that's how I'll be universes that's more specific than the amount of Jews that died Wow I didn't hear that southern bingo go ahead you're on the kilcher I don't know I didn't hear that I was looking on screen I didn't even hear it he's saying we supposed shift to find out how many Jews died I don't challenge him destiny they might find that someday are you know what bingo I personally told you I was gonna take collars on this segment and then they both said let's take cars and then I changed my mind so go ahead well thanks I appreciate that Ralph but don't think that I'll be forgetting anytime soon who you brought on fur oh yeah crime war go ahead for a throw you I'm just kidding I'm just kidding of course there's the only straight white male on the podcast you are my favorite I had a question destiny mutters I'll just [ __ ] around I just wanted to say I had a question for destiny and first I wanted to kind of point out the Nick just like how insane it is to me that you spent all this time and put in all this effort talking to destiny a literal but [ __ ] about how not evil you are whenever people you consider wig nets you spent so much time sitting and talking [ __ ] on my destiny thinking you're just you're not I'm a real player I'm not evil I'm not Hitler look how cool I am but whatever comes to people who are supposed to be on your own side you've got nothing but little [ __ ] insults and quips like that your granddad so you'd understand the difference I didn't spend the night telling him I'm not evil I told him that everybody says scat the reason that we can't have a good faith argument is because he thinks that my secret intention is genocide big difference we're getting down to the bottom of you know why it is that we've had three debates and constantly we can't get to the bottom of it destiny can't even to talk to me like a human being because underlying off that is an assumption not throw up all night if I'm a good person and you know I promise he wasn't and I think Nick flenders is like the Ben Shapiro of the left no thank you before us door the reason and you always be making these debates it's because you were right about the fact that he is a [ __ ] and won't say his you know what he said I'm gonna come in and brag on both kick him out of the channel what the D platforming we just saw happen in real time [ __ ] these Antipa tactics trying to drag this wonderful wig mouse out of the [ __ ] room that's why you kill them every time and you always will but most most men I'm sorry all men who engage in anal sex uh-huh have to wear diapers by the age of like 40 or 45 at what age do you think you'll have to start strapping those bad boys on well considering I don't partake in anal sex giving or receiving this decades in the oven showing back oh yeah I've been bid good are you been I've been excellent man thank you he's doing good deed live dot slash kill stream the twisted mind of Andy worse you don't step on my brow morskie I'm trying to IBEW on about the Lord southern a beef with you know she sent me an email you're gonna read the whole thirteen [ __ ] years ago but yeah she actually did send me an email reach out to me personally fortunately wasn't Jes southern then reached out to me personally but Lauren's pretty pretty good actually Lauren southern is awesome and she's always been cool to me so I don't know if anybody here who doesn't like her that's fine but she's always been really cool to me and I actually like her I hadn't talked to her though in a long time when she kind of retired from the scene but she messaged me during the whole David shipwrecked arc that we had she wouldn't come on I wanted I got I tried so hard to get her on I would have been epic she wouldn't come on which I understood but she did say that she was laughing her ass off about it on the air so that's fine we'll see [Music] nobody wants to be in that [ __ ] if we could go closer no mercy [ __ ] up they were trapped up there with our corn on the middle they lookin we don't [ __ ] that cool grass and corn my house dark on the kill strip go ahead how's it going Ralph let's go on this is a fun night you good to see you Nick good to see ya destiny thanks for coming on we appreciate getting some people from the other side I've always said my opinion on the Holocaust is the same as been Shapiro's opinion on the USS liberty look guys it happened over 50 years ago stop stop worrying about it okay so agree well that's that's my opinion - and what's upsetting the shouts I mean there have been many Holocaust they don't have a grievance or something to you know complain about but it's also this is not some specialized event like I hear Nazis talking about maybe I just miss it I don't know I don't hear about the Holocaust that much I don't yeah it's only people on the internet but yeah that's true but it's people that are you know trying to propagandize basically and you can say that on both sides it's not necessarily it's just left or right and norm in real life most people never talk about the foot Holocaust yeah I think that's true I can't imagine a real [ __ ] person talk to me about the Holocaust I mean that's not something that usually comes up that's fair to say so I just walk up to your on the streets you go eat with a Jewish friend and somebody walks up you thank you for your sacrifice I haven't seen that before don't to the restaurants I bring it up all the time alright dark brothers thank you man you guys real quick at a real question sorry to derail the conversation back there I just want to hear what what's the panel's position on defunding the police I'm just curious what everyone thinks about that movement where they are and if they concerning the police single dumbest thing they could possibly do because they're gonna want to call the police when people see that the police would be funded and all of the narrative wells go around busting up [ __ ] stealing [ __ ] they're like oh my god Who am I gonna call well he's gotta call the Ghostbusters now I think the slogan of defund the police is really [ __ ] stupid but I think that we definitely would need to do like a series reallocation of resources to other the idea that we call the cops for [ __ ] everything is really weird like if I got a homeless guy that's just being weird on the side of the street he's like shot okay I don't know why the [ __ ] I need to call the police for that or if I've got like a dog that's you know loose in my neighborhood white people call the police for everything that's really what about a pit ball I'm for it 100% if you defund the police and then you get the County Sheriff's [ __ ] upside the head yeah get the county sheriffs in and then ruin the police unions the police unions just like teachers unions are there to keep the bad cops around so defund the police [ __ ] up the Union make the police again people talk about have you heard Camden you ever heard that brother yeah he talked about Kenneth that's what they did there they got rid of the local police but he doubled the size of the County police and now they do a lot more policing but they saw their state troopers they come call for near Highway Patrol I think here state trooper is like a state police force in Arkansas and in other they call them LAPD's but but the state troopers are almost without fail more competent not you know nicer just easier to deal with in the regular city police force it's almost just without fail and I was thinking beat off in the middle of the day or the training or maybe they get more respect because they're trooper I really don't know what it is but they just almost without fail more professional I will say that police unions I love them because I think they show some really funny [ __ ] [ __ ] where people on the right will come out and champion the [ __ ] out of the are say our brave [ __ ] men and women and then all of these traditional lefties and tell me unions will save the [ __ ] world who every problem like these police unions a gotta [ __ ] go it's the worst [ __ ] all they care about other goddamn workers and it sounds like every [ __ ] Union to me I think you policemen's are really funny but they do do a lot of man did I back when I was in Omaha there was so much [ __ ] related to special services that determine the election like have you ever heard of like pension spiking like [ __ ] like that where you work and overtime your last two years and that's you pad that's our entire subway system yeah defined by that and you retire making more in retirement you did your entire [ __ ] [Music] because I was just trying to get clarification how many questions are going out I need to mentally prepare myself all right wolf pup go ahead what's your question so I got a question for both of you Nick and destiny do you think it'd be a good idea for Trump to come out and say he is for white interests for these elections as much as I wish you would be for that I think that this is something I thought a lot about during the 2016 election not all of the racial pandering is necessarily bad I think it's unproductive insofar as trying to get the black vote cuz they'll never get that but a lot of white people care if the president is racist or not you know blacks will never vote for Trump but a lot of white people care about if he's racist or not I feel like ironically you know even though them you know you can't really dismal a quarters and he already has quiet I think you would dissuade a lot of white voters who you know see themselves as beyond race or above race so I think that being bad explicit at this time I think would just be counterproductive honestly it would be incredibly electoral II unpopular he shouldn't do it you know he'll maybe he'll invigorate some very fundamental base of voters but it's gonna be really low percentage he's gonna turn off a hell of a lot more that lean more center or left totally agree yes common ground just like that other guy said hey Gator can you take on the next caller Ralph went to the bathroom yes sure God is filled with people uh you know what I see crippled Jesus in there let's bring in let's bring him in hey [ __ ] Jesus you're on the kill strain what's going on buddy got a question can you hear me oh [ __ ] am I on yeah yeah you're on I just gotta give it up to destiny because I went to school on a throw bus for four years and he's the most [ __ ] we win early had kids shed their time shed their diapers shitty diapers on the bus and they would scream and make [ __ ] noises just walk back in on the people describing I'm more [ __ ] than those start over so Ralph [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I did make an attempt to reconnect with my father we talked to you about that last night but yeah I'm going out to dinner with them this weekend leave your watch at home was he reconnecting with his dad a bunch of he blames dad for wrecking his family because he stole from yeah gotta forgive you yeah my way that's a pretty sound strategy though actually what stealing from your family huh yeah forgiving the thief after is it pretty sad I mean if you keep that in your heart the hatred in your heart it's about you oh there's a saying cold again somebody is like drinking a vial of poison and expecting them to die exactly I mean it's not saying forgive them or like let them take advantage of you more but say hey I'll let you give the other side of this debate you get D platforms so from four questions or three restless South Africa I had a question for destiny so you brought up earlier and you were like you weren't really dismissive you didn't really talk about it so I'm curious you brought up on people had told about how there were like differences in IQ and behavior between races and I was curious if you come around to that at all and that's what I didn't mention or you didn't like the research and this is so [ __ ] messy and it's so hard to disentangle IQ from like a myriad of other environmental factors and it's just not really worth thinking about the thing is the reason why I asked like what would you do about it it's because even if there was some genetic basis for some slight variation and how people's minds work or or IQ if we want to say or the Q number or whatever or yeah even if there was some difference I don't know if it would change much like policy suggestion like we still need to fund inner-city schools we still probably need to end the war on drugs we still probably need to do something about homeless crazy people running like I don't know if it changes too many of my policy positions even if there was some slight difference in IQ between race if you want some biological foundation like I get what you're saying but it's it's not really I'm not asking you about like policy I'm asking about your like personal opinion like do you think that we've evolved humans have evolved such that we have differences in racial groups that are pronounceable no notice that my personal opinion is that business is very personal an all tell us anybody talk to my personal opinion is that any single person on the planet can become 99th percentile it's something if they put like one hour a day into it for like two or three years I think that most people will be shocked at how much they can accomplish they put like a little bit of free time into something that's my position I don't think that there's like people have like different fundamentally different brain shapes or skull shapes or things that keep them from doing I think some people lack motivation I think some people grow up with shitty households some people start working too early they don't do enough in school I don't know there's like a million reasons why but like personally I think that most people can do most things that they just like if they can put a little bit of time to it people don't realize how much time an hour a day is it's a lot of time you can put into something that you could like get way better than you ever believed like even over six months with something I mean I agree even if the way you said it is kind of like when they're done asking the question that's where you cut them off you don't even say it [Music] that's right you hit the [ __ ] double Daily Double go ahead of daily first but whatever go ahead none of your goddamn business go ahead and Ashford that's your question get out of here questions [ __ ] you mr. world clean go ahead you're on the kill stream a real question okay so why is the gap like a normal person not a [ __ ] pedophile why isn't a segregation unnatural solution to these problems because black people are saying white cops to killing black people and white white people are saying black people hoon in their store so why can't we have actual segregation where white people volunteer to have a town of their own and black people have volunteered to have the town at their own why is that not a realistic solution you don't want to segregate aside because it would just be it would be it would be detrimental in so many different ways one the more that you start splitting people up the more they're probably gonna have negative views of each other so for instance one of the easiest ways to make somebody like like another ethnic group or it's just to be raised around them like we can see that like there's like a myriad of studies that look at like if you grew up around people that look Hispanic or black you're more favorable towards them - it's not a very economically efficient way to organize things I don't know if like all the capital would flow differently in different parts of cities having parts of cities that are poor or broken or [ __ ] up kind of hurt everybody it means less customers to sell things to it means more money going towards special services it's a whole bunch it's a less of an employment base where people from 3 like your education is gonna be [ __ ] you can have like all black teachers all black people all white teachers all white people all Chinese get like that the organization is gonna like there it would like organizing it would be really difficult what do you do with mixed people like you got a black and white parent like where do these people go do they live in the divide and like it's just there are so many better solutions yeah alright go ahead and if you wait wait caller yeah I don't know if it's I don't know if it's necessarily a problem of efficacy honestly I think it's more a problem of practicality you know like I don't know if I'd necessarily agree with destiny that it would be detrimental to us but I think that logistically they would be almost impossible at this point I mean it's an integrated country and you know you look across the country and it's it's not like it was back in the day when it was a little bit simpler in terms of the distribution of these people across the country so I think that we are gonna have to get creative you know and destiny I talked about this earlier I don't think there's a ton of good options I mean we live in a multiracial country now it's going to get more multiracial and it's a very complex society and there are really no easy solutions to managing that I think that if you look at a lot of cities there facto segregated like Chicago and goggles not great in almost every major segregated I mean in ways there are I mean you had redlining the sixties every well I mean you can blame it on whatever I'm just saying almost every major yeah there are definitely groups of people Congress minority majority a go-ahead for doesn't mean a cause y'all know I that was about it so yeah I just think there you know to the complicated class I I mean um this casting just create out of thin air it happened like in like what a week and we can't I mean why can't we just have volunteers just segregating themselves like if a small town wanted to let's say closed off themselves all right that's two questions go to the good Walmart also was gonna ask testing this do you know of a historical throughout the entire recorded history of the world a country that existed and thrived long term without a dominant racial class do you know the country that so this is one of those cheap think that's gonna be like a really weird question I'm just me and Nick went over this a lot in our second debate he probably forgot it but like the concept today of who you would would call like whites is like really weird like people don't see that the same and like all of European history or and all of like a world history whatever like our classification of races has changed like a lot so I don't know like if the Romans or the Greeks would have seen like dominant ethnic groups or dominant obviously I'm here you talk a lot but I'm not hearing any country now it's not even about the racial class being unfair to the other racial classes that's not what it's about it's about if there is no consensus in the country if there's all these warring groups competing with each other you don't have a [ __ ] country and that's I mean place would have said the same you can't name a [ __ ] country entire recorded history you can name one we everyone we have never had the ability to travel like we do today I'm trying to make you understand how [ __ ] [ __ ] your question is in the year [ __ ] 1000 BC why didn't try these people and Native Americans realism works because people tend to stay with the people that they're around when they when they grow up when you don't have planes to fight no because historically I saw how it works we just in have the ability to travel as much we today let's allows you to change [ __ ] gonna die more than they did give a [ __ ] I think we're doing pretty good today I think we're doing okay like we're at like record low conflicts around the world even though it seems United States is people that have collapsed way before this this country sucks the past three weeks well you got me Nick yeah yeah there are definitely problems would have to live in the same country I'm no longer in favor segregation it would be even Ralph on one side I mean I don't know if we would be on the same side I don't know Nick I don't know if they would put the bun l's on the same side as the Fuentes is I'm not sure you're coming at the camp too big what color your eyes my eyes are green I don't know three or four more milky milk go ahead hello hello go ahead yeah I got a question for destiny destiny you're in an open relationship primary sources open for your children well fine you're one step away from calling Nick and Nazi then you gotta admit that jacked your whole [ __ ] stick basically I mean I'm not trying to be mean about it my political opinions are my political things I try not to keen I think I made a hard attack on conservatives for a long time I didn't realize I have so many commies my [ __ ] fan base oh I'll lose those when I make that clear but I mean I haven't fair enough yeah someone's gonna ya I mean he still is I mean we're like you're right exactly we're supposed to unless Mike and uh what is it Mikey unless they back out me and Vash are supposed to do a duo debate against them on Monday or some [ __ ] um so yeah we're cool I mean no like a lot of people kind of like pick up on some of my mannerisms but I would expect anybody that watches my [ __ ] for 10 [ __ ] years to do it I'm sure dicks got a lot of fans that copy slang or I'm sure what about his sexual harassment Alec did a bunch of soul math on stream to prove that our blood was actually really similar I thought he's like oh and then the other 50% is Europeans I'm like 92% like soul because cuz only surface so let's go together my point is you would never forgive me or dick even and you get along with me you definitely would not forgive Nick Fuentes if he'd come on to somebody and try to push horse penis onto them against their will you may not forgive that the reason why I'm lying is cuz I do all the time I don't I don't I think there are so many good reasons to [ __ ] on people I don't dig up [ __ ] for my two years ago I never do it if you wouldn't do that I would be gone and interested there's so much [ __ ] that I've been involved in like I couldn't how can I ever hold that position against somebody like you do invent positions that they don't have I try to figure out what their positions are because they won't come out say it I think is a little on the Nazi side I'm feeling it even more after this conversation I say wait you're saying yes the exact same facts yeah and it was food des instead of ouch and you would tree the same way you know you wouldn't write and I wouldn't either I do so for instance there's something that I could have a technic with earlier I think got leaked where he said that like a black person [ __ ] or [ __ ] the black bears like [ __ ] a dog I didn't bring that I said it wasn't like [ __ ] a dog but they both be degenerate there you go whatever that was however I don't know if it's a joke or not I know I was gonna like I don't bring up like personal [ __ ] from a long time ago I try not to edge it you never bring up personals I don't know what cuz I don't know they still believe it I think like I don't like people for reason now I don't care like five years like that cancel [ __ ] of like James Gunn said something on Twitter ten years go to ever like no I don't I actually really hate it I don't like it yeah um no not even there that's not even about defend the N word okay it's not the N word yeah it is my position is so close to say [Music] right now my position initially in my position my position is just saying there are jokes I'll say in private that I wouldn't say it all about joke between house on the door it stretched my [ __ ] section of my body out so my entire body's much talk I see you soon as you start wearing a diaper let me turn 45 I'll clue you in on those bolus men sometimes on guys it's true in porn to the balls go on the body weird bisexual yep yeah all sorts of well I watch so many of your videos just could help myself we have more in common than you might think Kelly is willing to run cat-boy for 24 hours [ __ ] maybe I'm missing oh I'll have you know that I was not gay neither am i oh you guys really [ __ ] weird actually more extreme than me so much they don't even bring up that he's like an extreme more extreme than anyone I've ever met before and they like the like literally left this will downplay that for once in their lives just so they could be like super dude if you ever talk to this guy for more than ten minutes I don't know if they're not by the way you're like we're bisexual just like you like that was an own like you cellphone yourself well I didn't think it was her big I don't think it's that big of a deal you're the one that's uh what about the no balls thing most men know I'm seeing that body weird that's [ __ ] weird that's on you man if I mean if you a woman if you're a woman I would be saying [ __ ] get those balls out [ __ ] let's go reach in there buck and reach in there and pull those nuts out show just rig lot I don't understand why more people don't bring up Yugoslavia because it was relatively successful yeah they did great you can sloppy asteroid yeah that was good oh you mean a negative example yeah then we're like that's a fair point I'm a Mario World War two like 1998 two generations yeah I'm longer than like people are accusing the idea it's not gonna work anywhere I mean I'm not saying well T it doesn't work period I'm saying this flat up to the camera let's take said that I like mugging to now yeah you are into it do it I'm getting into it now the whole know cuz she's gonna survive long time without a dominant race where are you going after the u.s. I think Lawrence I'm gonna go to the grave I don't give a [ __ ] like a cuz I'll be dead whatever like Patito was immortal I think Yugoslavia would still be together but you know he wasn't so they had fucked-up leaders who couldn't hold it together most of it was not able to hold together in the NATO in the u.s. destroyed it so I think with the more authoritarian government you could make it work with multi-ethnic but it would just there would there would have to be three there are ways to make it work I'm just saying there terror no it would you suck yeah let's say that's the point but are there any examples that you can think of where we're a multi you know our pluralistic racial racial society thrives I don't know many I would say possibly Mesoamerica likes all of South America that's not just one race but also isn't any free trade center a magnet for all races like won't they necessarily be consumed by a tragedy of the Commons like eventually you mean that worldwide events will affect them as well like going all the way back to Babylon like as soon as it as soon as the center is right you build cities any big tree it seems like and it seems like its own life form on its own like this city and the evolution of it is such that they get better every time like this they're able to thrive longer at North Korea we'll see are you gonna bet against north coast but yeah go ahead yeah I yeah I said I do think that it could work I don't think it's likely to work I mean I think that's probably the are just never there's no example and for human history of this working not that it's impossible I think a thousand years of good run the Greeks ruled they stretched out to the Gauls yeah but the Greeks were the only ones in power though it wasn't they didn't let the gallery I don't know the specifics of it you know more than me yeah we got a limited time frame with Industrial Revolution from Norway thank you ask question six or so no no okay we'll never get out of here yeah we will gromer go this is purgatory gromer go muted too bad water city go oh [ __ ] one [ __ ] question go yeah destiny I wanted to ask you about your water City position on a board Oh God oh there's the one question go abortion argument what do you think about aborting babies i if you don't even have a conscious experience yet it seems like it's I've never been involved in an abortion have you um no all right well then what are you saying thank you it's probably okay to abort things that don't have a conscious experience yet okay all right uh Kyle Frank lightning round one question go hey one question go all right so destiny um what we were saying what we were talking about earlier with the sort of having to do all politics and all legislation and make these super realistic ways where we can only use to Congress and [ __ ] like that an example I want to bring up to you I'm not gonna adopt my friend but when my friends who is very much involved in one of the political parties in Mike state he me and him we were when we were driving down the city pack earlier this year before Co it happened we were talking about all the stuff to ethnic and all the supporters talked about and he told me straight up that we are not that if he started talking about these things with the people that respect him and love him and want him to rise up more in the party that he would be kicked out immediately so what would you tell him to do if he can't do like if you literally just can't talk about it and political system as we've described it how what would be your advice to him I mean that's the political system working as intended if your ideas are so electorally unpopular that you've been talking about them and cause people to turn heads you're probably not going anywhere politically anyway all right do you normally take calls on your show sometimes yeah that's on board am I just how much I hate myself I hate myself every day so maybe that's why I take to college go ahead question give me a question for no no a question for now what am I not an argument you're on the kill stream go ahead oh they just laugh Jesus Noble ISM go well oh yes go and a question for ED Nick then things really work thank you your white brother and I guess the question is how you know people like destiny herb osh will conflate you as being a Nazi like in the same realm as like Eric Stryker Richard Spencer and James old subkey like you know actually you know make a distinction among you and paleo conservatives that's a great question yeah yeah well I think you mean the distinction between paleo conservators and them right yeah the yeah I get asked this all the time and there is a distinction that's a thing people like destiny and you know ben shapiro like a lot of people say i don't know if i don't want to for words as much but many people say that i'm all right even that wig nat earlier he was like you know you're just too afraid to say we really think but it's not true i mean there are real differences between us and the other site I mean for starters the America first my show the brand that I've created is is explicitly Christian which is a big difference and this was one of the earlier riffs even in the dissonant right like three years ago I remember shortly after Charlottesville I put out a tweet something to the effect of like we can't save America like the American right we'll never save the country if it's not Christian and all of a sudden Richard Spencer and he like Mosley and James all sup and everybody calls me up on the phone and they're tweeting at me saying we have to be inclusive to pagans you're wrong Christians bottle blah that's a huge difference that's number one you know beyond that these people a lot of them aren't even really conservative they don't identify as conservative they don't say they're conservatives they don't actually have like a right wing disposition they call themselves progressives and maybe they're not progressive in exactly the same way the left wing people are but I mean they believe in like human progress they believe in essentially liberalism you know people like Spencer for example a said that they're in favor of gun control they're in favor of regulations on free speech you know they made fun of conservatives for opposing the lockdown I'm actually conservative I came from a conservative disposition I do consider myself right-wing those are just a couple of examples but I think Christianity is honestly the big one you know sometimes I tell people that and they're like yeah but tell me a bigger difference and it's like what could be a bigger difference than your metaphysical disposition you know we believe in the spirit we believe in heaven if you're a Christian you understand what a big deal that is compared to people that are materialists you know they're they're atheist they don't believe in the soul in that way they don't even have really a concrete or a morality that they adhere to or that they're bound to so those are a couple of the big differences you know being ideology and religion I'm Christian I'm conservative they're atheist and progressive so that's that's a quick summary did you want to say anything you just want to he's asking him to describe a restrain himself I mean I know they were asking him but you know people get mad at me and I'm brow if you're not doing her job and I understand that because I've been on you know in your spot - so okay flow euphoria go lightning round one questions one question dick can I get a get aa go first question that I'm not an argument I think I brought you in all right actually but go ahead one question what destiny you like science second can you describe the type of studies or meta-analysis you would need to see to be convinced that racial behavior mostly the it's so hard to answer that question I don't know weird possible to do like studies like that don't involve like actual like experimentation like actual things we've set up the difference one either like for instance like a couple things that are difficult to measure is that um so like a lot of people bring up adoption studies or whatever but they failed to account for the fact that sometimes even the womb is an environment right so somebody that adopts a kid wait never mind I just sorry I just makes up two completely everything's for the twin adoption studies that like raising kids in different environments different schools or whatever could have drastically different outcomes versus like another twin that wasn't adopted or for people that get pregnant obviously that the womb counts as an environment so how do you disentangle like genes or IQ from from different environments that said the mom you know based on how the mom's diet goes determines how much nutrients the child gets can determine like early life education and whatnot as well which also has like big outcomes on later stage life there's like like I don't even know I don't even know enough to know all the problems that exist with trying to separate IQ from environment but there's a ton of researches to talk about the difficulty of doing this it's just such a hard [ __ ] thing to study yeah III don't know I don't even know like I could start to say some things but I don't know what what all would have to be demonstrated to clearly say oh look we can determine 100% that there is an IQ there between this group and this group or whatever yeah I don't know alright let's let's keep going you can determine skin color though yeah pretty easily well just look by looking at the problem is that like so like IQ which is like a polygenetic traders like I think there's been over 200 plus genes that have been identified with all having small contributions to IQ and the problem too is that like okay big mech get your on the kill show CO and you said nothing kick I made my egg Mountain completely worthless and I hate you are they still joining no I mean they'll jump back in oh yeah they were big there's a couple of jump back dick tolls I guess I'll propose it to both destiny and Nick maybe just a different ID on something is what if we started to push a racial group being their own tax pool in America I mean you're essentially talking about segregation at that point I don't think it would when he sings at white communities who pay white taxes to white tax schools that we pay for white schools is what do you say that they are a part of yeah what is that Tommy I'll click Next roll though for how would you control that though because I mean that would actually be no taxes every community would tax itself right well no he's saying that like all the taxes that you pay should just go to your racial group and no one else should be able to take well that's rhetorical tags I love the color exactly wasted every community hey you know what rod doesn't understand got to turn the new [ __ ] radio when you come I'll be a Nike subsidy Hallowed husky go ahead one question hi I have a question and just one statement destiny is the lefty arc finally over hopefully okay and uh yes help me to tell your fans yeah what is that what's the left New York just now he said the left what does I understood what he meant with the lefty art you know yeah anything fellow lefties but I actually didn't understand what he meant with the N and Nick mentioned himself what what did he mean there's a meme in my community there I was playing csgo a long time ago and this guy hadn't said a word all [ __ ] game and I was at like a car and he shot and I backed up and he ended up getting killed I didn't know where on the microphone the guy screams oh hey so I just wanted to say although destiny doesn't hate like blacks and blacks and Jews and gays like the rest of us I think he seems like a pretty nice guy my questions for Nick Nick is the mere mention of a cat boy enough for your pencil dick to get real excited and like what's the deal with that by the way like is that like wait you say what's the deal with the pencil dick or the cat he's [ __ ] it's married guys you know [ __ ] Cowboys is pretty much white genocide right yeah that all you got are you got something Homer on that's more right it's just sorry sorry by the way I was turning you up wait go to right click on Nick's name and just go yeah that's what I meant and then turn him up oh is that what you actually like he went to [ __ ] pretty funny it's funny but what I'm saying is it's dumb because I do this guy he was on D live he was being a ridiculous [ __ ] for months and months he was you know just goofing around and he was a troll and he you know he's part of this sector the internet yeah it's funny like it's not about me it's nothing really more than that maybe heavy bow should notorious degenerate like literally open with his shin Se oh wow there's something I [ __ ] off you take dick up the ass and you [ __ ] praise yourself they ask you can I hear a real question right now yes you know the guy in YouTube that is the fast crew reviews the report of the week guy this is completely off-topic you know the review bra review bra review yeah the gather yeah yeah do you think Fuentes kind of looks like him a little bit a little bit like the suit and everything is going [Music] just curious that's it it wasn't an insult the guy gets a lot of I mean I don't get that boys on my show and you can't make assumptions like it was actually Sam wanna say I love you guys and Destiny's jontron is twice the man you'll ever be Wow yeah we had a comer say here weird [ __ ] [ __ ] but does he want to genocide to count Ron is based he was getting lost in some weird [ __ ] who knows the relevant facts on what's going what do you think about yeah I don't know I don't think I have one conversation with like two years ago I don't know he doesn't like do he doesn't he's not in my corner the Internet at all he like that's true but like I mean he seems to be it I guess since gamergate I mean that's when I really started paying attention he seemed to be a target like this guy's why he got he started talking to people like Sargon he's sort of getting a lot is that robbing Oh what you're talking to me right now I'm not to fall for your tricks talking about Mexicans are like not genetically pure like jontron a lot of people would say I could do whatever I want talk to anyone it's a slippery slope to the n-word and these dialogue at home you know I do love that you will come in here to talk to all of us you know why it's right here where are you I know he's been on your show [ __ ] you you just got a way about him just slid right in the kill streams not illustrious enough for him and his Bob [ __ ] head Harold you just gotta learn you got to learn the game bald people closer to hell that's why okay go ahead hetero alpha God hey can you guys hear me no no yes we can go ahead all right good good good I just had one question for destiny I think you were part of my god and I'm just wondering how that affected your future if at all I don't I was never on my god that's like a really old like 1.6 Klan or something for like 15 years ago yeah no I I watched videos but I was I was never in that I didn't play 1.6 at all okay I appreciate the time thanks a lot guys yeah I have no idea was that a Starcraft called counter-strike okay I like that he got in you know the kill stream Alucard's [Laughter] responsible one of the first mean videos on the internet actually oh really did you ever go to the website um [ __ ] what was it like pone NL p WN e d NL there's a guy oh you're the man now dog is the one of the first main sights I remember later but that was an early one too yeah but let's keep going yeah one question I put you on every time and it's because your [ __ ] name okay spurts Birds amazes me that's why I bring you on give me one [ __ ] good question can you do that that's a good question SCT you know what your meter Australian Patriot you're muted as well and I don't understand why okay now you're not all right are you there Australian Patriot go ahead a question silent I'm nice a riveting alright no wait I heard him go hello yes you go ahead with it with a question a question hey I just wanted to say Denis that I've been watching his show since his interview with Youssef and he really brings it out he's one of the main nationalist perspectives on YouTube at the time I always look forward to watching his shows every day and I just wanted to say God bless you and keep up the good work thank you hey thanks man I appreciate that nice white bra other moment anyone who wants to thank Samantha now speak get you back in so charity donation goal for Nick it is and destiny to play a co-op game together I'm so into that awesome yeah yeah I do it okay what about you destiny say it you say you'll do it I'll do it if I can pick the charity oh wait it's a charity I think that's fine on the heal stream you you're dipping into you you dipping your toe into bad mojo do not do not doesn't want either of you guys associating with [ __ ] money do the video games get the money keep the money that's it you're not helping I like that idea but you know what it was [Laughter] you know well you know their ways may be good charity you know what really actually frustrates me is long but you and next you don't think he wants to kill all what race do you think he wants to kill you the black move them all away first why not button to better neighborhoods maybe moving on up like The Jeffersons I [ __ ] love the blacks were they trying to move into wealth what's the difference destiny they were trying to move into the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's house you don't think he's you don't think Nick has some kind of a seat no good they started a burr hood to kill any kind of race if he wants to keep the country like majority white is like I said we whites are Protoss and blacks and Hispanics are like xored and the rival clans and they're gonna fight if we put their bases next to each other what is it we're gonna run out of vespene gas the Protoss on ironically wanted to genocide the Zerg and star grab so he's actually hurting himself a lot right now what is wait one at a time oh yeah can you put this in terms of command & Conquer to red alert who wins Mexicans are wax yeah I finished i I just wanted to yeah okay how long does this re ya Barsky we know do you live TV subculture no I'm gonna go I'm gonna go fire it up and I'll fire that up or I will promote I know the deal thank you guys I'm talking about Corrine Lauren southern and laughs - and some other things all right guys you later write an email by the way I know and I'm fully aware that I'm going to have to read them email before destiny do you think you had so much you would have so much fun tonight here funny Tungus go one [ __ ] question good Greg on each youngest's that was those riveting a great question mr. Lennon go yeah go next great that's great I almost pull myself up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you think you're funny get him out of here I burbs that's that's a nice camera I'm just bitch-slapped the camera like this garb looks a lot more racially insensitive on it it's I'm not this isn't right that's a racist that's a racist Hawaiian it's a it's cursed actually I warned that at my friend's wedding and his wife cheated on him so that's a cursed garment [Music] are you still here yeah I was being a gentleman and waiting see there we go caller loves game my question was for war ski how does it feel to live in the biggest [ __ ] in the in the world basically Canada you brought me back on your drunk insulting me [ __ ] suck on the exhaust pipe you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] now let's say another word watch yourself on I was so close to let me go but I didn't write BC last caller last caller go last caller you [ __ ] Phantom beastie are you there can you [ __ ] ban him dude he's trolling you man you [ __ ] trolling you you know he's actually some [ __ ] what's the difference some point you got I you know what I would really like the last caller though that's the only thing [ __ ] it I can't bring okay Benny you're like five times yeah yes you know what [ __ ] it you know wait is there anyone new in there I don't think so oh this guy did this to you didn't work this guy didn't work earlier okay lishus your last chance please God I'm time trying oh we hear you [ __ ] fantastic okay I got six questions mother when IBS is around and jf kicked you what were you guys fighting about oh I wanted to I wanted to show I want to show them and I told him it was not his show which it was not and when she found out very brutally because he went to making you know tens of thousand dollars per month to making like you know one so okay well think thanks for clarifying that cuz the first time I heard you and you got kicked I thought yeah Jeff's right and this Ethan guy's a piece of [ __ ] now years later I have been listing you ever since and uh yeah you've changed my mind well you know what dick are you going to the show for like 40 more years one more year what's your timeline here what do you think I'll probably do it until somebody breaks into my house during a show and execute me live on air I assume that's the end of me prepared for like Bitcoin hits you know 1 million or something and you can call it a day know if Bitcoin hits a million I'll be doing the show forever floating island I'll talk about how [ __ ] dumb everyone up was for not listening to me the whole time I go hope you got room on the island destiny why'd you stop playing Starcraft 2 and what do you feel about that community kind of died people who've done other games and I yeah I've played a lately it [ __ ] sucks I mean the proteins still there but I mean got a [ __ ] game sucks now yeah it's not what it what is an NIC trust the plan hell yeah that's the plan the plan is destined for completion alright thanks guys since I mean thank you what a great last call and then like 15 [ __ ] people this is like our fourth last call yeah no that was way over budget Nick want a supporting show you know it's actually it's only 10:40 it's almost 10:00 but here we do we still get arrested here if we're driving out too late is it drunk yeah no I think we have to wear a mask on our faces and our [ __ ] as long as we do that we're ok mr. Nick Fuentes thank you for coming back to the kill stream it's been since February late February about a week before I saw you in person and Washington DC at the mega successful AF PAC conference that's right I thank you for that and thank you for having me there and I thank you for coming on the show tonight as well yeah thank you so much for having me was a lot of fun all right Desna you're still here of course yeah I am I'm gonna do after the show I'm gonna go get some [ __ ] food I'm hungry hell yeah you want to go downtown or anything are we gonna party by the way you know the one thing I've written on mushy here did I stole from dick go what is on the other side of this is these both both these [ __ ] play the piano and I was talking about this with Destin before the show but I know I'm not a piano but I had the house in some kind of way like Matt Foley motivate okay here's you I think just see AFG I probably kill myself before playing on white supremacy that maybe next time neither one of you [ __ ] you're gonna play it that would require some talent that's not gonna happen all right let's uh that's it what else can I say really no that's yeah it's been a wild one it's up to you though why don't you say something what time is your show man no but I mean like tell people where they can find you and destiny for extreme leftist politics yeah I hope we were fair together we were I mean we always are I feel like I had fun I should have had a chess block talking and fun that's all that matters I feel like there's a lot of debates that we're fair that I don't remember but I remember all my fun ones there's a lot of weird ways to read into that one what about fair ball say we're done with it now though we're done we're done the rights are done the protests are done there's no more talking now this was the most that happened
Channel: Destiny
Views: 693,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, destiny rajj, killstream, nick, fuentes
Id: brlvVrI3dKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 17sec (13937 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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